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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file Forester.cxx
12 #include <iomanip>
13 #include <memory>
14 #include <stdexcept>
15 #include <string>
17 #include <TRefArray.h>
18 #include <TString.h>
21 #include "eicsmear/erhic/File.h"
24 #include "eicsmear/gzstream.h"
26 namespace erhic {
29 : mQuit(false)
30 , mVerbose(false)
31 , mTree(NULL)
32 , mEvent(NULL)
33 , mFile(NULL)
34 , mRootFile(NULL)
35 , mMaxNEvents(0)
36 , mInterval(1)
37 , mTextFile(NULL)
38 , mInputName("default.txt")
39 , mOutputName("default.root")
40 , mTreeName("EICTree")
41 , mBranchName("event")
42 , mFactory(NULL) {
43 }
46  if (mFile) {
47  delete mFile;
48  mFile = NULL;
49  } // if
50  if (mEvent) {
51  delete mEvent;
52  mEvent = NULL;
53  } // if
54  if (mFactory) {
55  delete mFactory;
56  mFactory = NULL;
57  } // if
58  if (mRootFile) {
59  delete mRootFile;
60  mRootFile = NULL;
61  } // if
62  // if (mTextFile) {
63  // delete mTextFile;
64  // mTextFile = NULL;
65  // } // if
66  // We don't delete the mTree pointer because mRootFile
67  // has ownership of it.
68 }
70 Long64_t Forester::Plant() {
71  try {
72  // Initialisation of the input and output files.
73  OpenInput();
74  SetupOutput();
75  if (BeVerbose()) {
76  std::cout << "\nProcessing " << GetInputFileName() << std::endl;
77  } // if
82  static int i(0);
83  while (!MustQuit()) {
84  ++i;
85  if (BeVerbose() && i % mInterval == 0) {
86  // Make the field just wide enough for the maximum
87  // number of events.
88  int width = static_cast<int>(::log10(GetMaxNEvents()) + 1);
89  std::cout << "Processing event "<< std::setw(width) << i;
90  if (GetMaxNEvents() > 0) {
91  std::cout << "/" << std::setw(width) << GetMaxNEvents();
92  } // if
93  std::cout << std::endl;
94  } // if
95  // Build the next event
96  if (mEvent) {
97  delete mEvent;
98  mEvent = NULL;
99  } // if
100  // Catch exceptions from event builder here so we don't break
101  // out of the whole tree building loop for a single bad event.
102  try {
103  mEvent = mFactory->Create();
104  // Fill the tree
105  if (mEvent) {
106  mTree->Fill();
107  if (GetMaxNEvents() > 0 && i >= GetMaxNEvents()) {
108  SetMustQuit(true); // Hit max number of events, so quit
109  } // if
112  // We must ResetBranchAddress before deleting the event.
113  } else {
114  break;
115  } // if
116  } // try
117  catch(std::exception& e) {
118  std::cerr << "Caught exception in Forester::Plant(): "
119  << e.what() << std::endl;
120  std::cerr << "Event will be skipped..." << std::endl;
121  } // catch
122  } // while
123  Finish();
124  return 0;
125  } // try
126  catch(std::exception& e) {
127  std::cerr << "Caught exception in Forester::Plant(): "
128  << e.what() << std::endl;
129  return -1;
130  } // catch
131 }
134  try {
135  // Open the input file for reading.
136  if ( TString(GetInputFileName()).EndsWith("gz", TString::kIgnoreCase) ||
137  TString(GetInputFileName()).EndsWith("zip", TString::kIgnoreCase)){
138  auto tmp = std::make_shared<igzstream>();
139  tmp->open(GetInputFileName().c_str());
140  // Throw a runtime_error if the file could not be opened.
141  if (!tmp->good()) {
142  std::string message("Unable to open file ");
143  throw std::runtime_error(message.append(GetInputFileName()));
144  } // if
145  mTextFile = tmp;
146  } else {
147  auto tmp = std::make_shared<std::ifstream>();
148  tmp->open(GetInputFileName().c_str());
149  // Throw a runtime_error if the file could not be opened.
150  if (!tmp->good()) {
151  std::string message("Unable to open file ");
152  throw std::runtime_error(message.append(GetInputFileName()));
153  } // if
154  mTextFile = tmp;
155  }
157  // Determine which Monte Carlo generator produced the file.
158  // hand over file name too, because the next function is destructive to the stream
159  // and gzipped hepmc files need to reopen the stream
161  if (!mFile) {
162  throw std::runtime_error(GetInputFileName() +
163  " is not from a supported generator");
164  } // for
167  return true;
168  } // Pass the exception on to be dealt with higher up the food chain.
169  catch(std::exception&) {
170  throw;
171  } // catch
172 }
175  try {
176  // Open the ROOT file and check it opened OK
177  mRootFile = new TFile(GetOutputFileName().c_str(), "RECREATE");
178  if (!mRootFile->IsOpen()) {
179  std::string message("Unable to open file ");
180  throw std::runtime_error(message.append(GetOutputFileName()));
181  } // if
182  // Create the tree and check for errors
183  mTree = new TTree(GetTreeName().c_str(), "my EIC tree");
184  if (!mTree) {
185  std::string message("Error allocating TTree ");
186  throw std::runtime_error(message.append(GetTreeName()));
187  } // if
188  // Allocate memory for the branch buffer and
189  // add the branch to the tree
190  AllocateEvent();
191  mTree->Branch(GetBranchName().c_str(), mEvent->ClassName(),
192  &mEvent, 32000, 99);
193  // Auto-save every 500 MB
194  mTree->SetAutoSave(500LL * 1024LL * 1024LL);
195  // Align the input file at the start of the first event (event generator dependent).
197  // Start timing after opening and creating files,
198  // before looping over events
200  return true;
201  } // try...
202  catch(std::exception&) {
203  throw;
204  } // catch
205 }
208  if (BeVerbose()) {
209  std::cout << "\nProcessed " << GetInputFileName() << std::endl;
210  } // if
211  // Write the TTree to the file.
212  mRootFile = mTree->GetCurrentFile();
213  mRootFile->cd();
214  mTree->Write();
215  for ( auto namedobject : mFactory->mObjectsToWriteAtTheEnd ){
216  namedobject.second->Write(namedobject.first);
217  }
218  mRootFile->ls();
219  // Write the Forester itself to make it easier to reproduce the file
220  // with the same settings.
221  Write("forester");
222  // Reset quit flag in case of further runs.
223  SetMustQuit(false);
224  // Stop timing the run.
225  mStatus.StopTimer();
226  if (BeVerbose()) {
227  GetGetStatus().Print(std::cout); // Messages for the user
228  } // if
229  mRootFile->Close();
230 }
233  try {
234  if (mEvent) {
235  delete mEvent;
236  mEvent = NULL;
237  } // if
239  return mEvent;
240  } // try...
241  // Catch exceptions and pass up the food chain
242  catch(std::exception&) {
243  throw;
244  } // catch
245 }
248  // Naughty kludge alert!
249  // The first line was already read to determine the generator.
250  // The header in the text files is six lines, so
251  // read the remaining five lines of header.
257  return true;
258 }
260 void Forester::Print(std::ostream& os) const {
261  os << "Input file: " << mInputName << std::endl;
262  os << "Output file: " << mOutputName << std::endl;
263  os << "Output tree: " << mTreeName << std::endl;
264  os << "Output branch: " << mBranchName << std::endl;
265  os << "Maximum number of events: " << mMaxNEvents << std::endl;
266  if (mEvent) {
267  os << "Event type: " << mEvent->ClassName() << std::endl;
268  } // if
269 }
271 void Forester::Print(Option_t* /* not used */) const {
272  Print(std::cout);
273 }
276  : mNEvents(0)
277  , mNParticles(0) {
278  // Initialise the start and end time to the creation time and reset
279  // the timer to ensure it is at zero.
282  mTimer.Reset();
283  }
285  Forester::Status::~Status() { /* noop */ }
287  std::ostream& Forester::Status::Print(std::ostream& os) const {
288  // Put start and end times in different os <<... otherwise I get
289  // the same time for each...
290  os << "Began on " << std::ctime(&mStartTime);
291  os << "Ended on " << std::ctime(&mEndTime);
292  os << "Processed " << mNEvents << " events containing "
293  << mNParticles << " particles in "
294  << mTimer.RealTime() << " seconds "
295  << '(' << mTimer.RealTime()/mNEvents <<" sec/event)" << std::endl;
296  return os;
297  }
300  std::time(&mStartTime);
301  mTimer.Start();
302  }
305  std::time(&mEndTime);
306  mTimer.Stop();
307  }
309  void Forester::Status::ModifyEventCount(Long64_t count) {
310  mNEvents += count;
311  }
314  mNParticles += count;
315  }
317  // ClassImp( ForesterStatus ); // throws error for some reason
321 } // namespace erhic