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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file FairGeoOldAsciiIo.cxx
1 //*-- AUTHOR : Ilse Koenig
2 //*-- Created : 10/11/2003
5 // FairGeoOldAsciiIo
6 //
7 // Class for geometry I/O from ASCII file written in old FAIR input format
8 // This class is only used for conversion to the new format!
9 //
12 #include "FairGeoOldAsciiIo.h"
14 #include "FairGeoSet.h"
15 #include "FairGeoNode.h"
16 #include "FairGeoMedium.h"
17 #include "FairGeoMedia.h"
18 #include "FairGeoShapes.h"
20 using std::cout;
21 using std::cerr;
22 using std::endl;
23 using std::ios;
28  : FairGeoIo(),
29  filename(""),
30  filedir(""),
31  writable(kFALSE),
32  file(NULL)
33 {
34  // Constructor
35 }
38 {
39  // Destructor
40  close();
41  if (file) {
42  delete file;
43  file=0;
44  }
45 }
47 Bool_t FairGeoOldAsciiIo::open(const char* fname,const Text_t* status)
48 {
49  // Opens the file fname
50  close();
51  if (!file) { file=new std::fstream(); }
52  else { (file->clear()); }
53  if (!filedir.IsNull()) { filename=filedir+"/"+fname; }
54  else { filename=fname; }
55  filename=filename.Strip();
56  if (strcmp(status,"in")==0) {
57  file->open(filename,ios::in);
58  writable=kFALSE;
59  } else {
60  if (strcmp(status,"out")==0) {
61  file->open(filename,ios::in);
62  if (!isOpen()) {
63  file->close();
64  file->clear();
65  file->open(filename,ios::out);
66  writable=kTRUE;
67  } else {
68  file->close();
69  Error("open","Output file %s exists already and will not be recreated.",
70  filename.Data());
71  return kFALSE;
72  }
73  } else { Error("open","Invalid file option!"); }
74  }
75  if (file->rdbuf()->is_open()==0) {
76  Error("open","Failed to open file %s",filename.Data());
77  return kFALSE;
78  }
79  return kTRUE;
80 }
83 {
84  // Returns kTRUE, if the file is open
85  if (file && file->rdbuf()->is_open()==1) { return kTRUE; }
86  return kFALSE;
87 }
90 {
91  // Returns kTRUE, if the file is open and writable
92  if (isOpen() && writable) { return kTRUE; }
93  return kFALSE;
94 }
97 {
98  // Closes the file
99  if (isOpen()) {
100  file->close();
101  filename="";
102  }
103 }
106 {
107  // Prints file information
108  if (isOpen()) {
109  if (writable) { cout<<"Open output file: "<<filename<<endl; }
110  else { cout<<"Open input file: "<<filename<<endl; }
111  } else { cout<<"No file open."<<endl; }
112 }
115 {
116  // Reads the geometry from file and converts it to the new format
117  if (!isOpen() || writable || set==0) { return kFALSE; }
118  std::fstream& fin=*file;
119  fin.clear();
120  fin.seekg(0,ios::beg);
121  FairGeoNode* volu=0;
122  Int_t sensitivity=0, na=0;
123  Double_t par[20];
124  TList* volumes=set->getListOfVolumes();
125  FairGeoShapes* pShapes=set->getShapes();
126  while(!fin.eof()) {
127  // Read volumeName
128  TString volumeName = "";
129  fin >> volumeName;
130  if (fin.eof()) { break; }
131  volu=new FairGeoNode;
132  volu->SetName(volumeName);
133  // Read sensitivity
134  fin >> sensitivity;
135 // Why this additional integer only in trd file ????????????
136  if (sensitivity>0) { fin >> na; }
137  // Read motherName
138  TString motherName = "";
139  fin >> motherName;
140  FairGeoNode* mother=0;
141  if (motherName=="world") { mother=set->getMasterNode("cave"); }
142  else { mother=set->getVolume(motherName.Data()); }
143  volu->setMother(mother);
144  // Read position and rotation matrix
145  Double_t r[9], t[3];
146  fin>>t[0]>>t[1]>>t[2];
147  for(Int_t kk=0; kk<3; kk++) { t[kk]*=10.; }
148  for(Int_t i=0; i<9; i++) { fin>>r[i]; }
149  FairGeoTransform& tf=volu->getTransform();
150  tf.setRotMatrix(r);
151  tf.setTransVector(t);
152  // Read material
153  TString materialName = "";
154  fin >> materialName;
155  FairGeoMedium* medium=media->getMedium(materialName);
156  if (!medium) {
157  medium=new FairGeoMedium(materialName);
158  media->addMedium(medium);
159  }
160  volu->setMedium(medium);
161  // Read shape
162  TString type = "";
163  fin >> type;
164  FairGeoBasicShape* sh=pShapes->selectShape(type);
165  if (sh) { volu->setShape(sh); }
166  else {
167  cerr << "Shape "<<type<<" not supported."<<endl;
168  return kFALSE;
169  }
170  Int_t npar = sh->getNumParam();
171  for (Int_t ik=0; ik<npar; ik++) {
172  fin >> par[ik];
173  }
174  Bool_t rc=calculateShapePoints(par,volu);
175  if (!rc) {
176  cerr << "Conversion for shape "<<type<<" not implemented."<<endl;
177  return kFALSE;
178  }
179  // Check of volume end
180  TString control = "";
181  fin >> control;
182  if ( control != "#fi" && !fin.eof()) {
183  cerr << "End of File section is '" << control << "' instead of '#fi'." << endl;
184  return kFALSE;
185  }
186  volu->print();
187  volumes->Add(volu);
188  }
189  return kTRUE;
190 }
193 {
195  TString shName=sh->GetName();
196  Int_t n=sh->getNumPoints();
197  volu->createPoints(n);
198  Bool_t rc=kTRUE;
199  if (shName == "BOX ") {
200  Double_t x=par[0]*10.;
201  Double_t y=par[1]*10.;
202  Double_t z=par[2]*10.;
203  volu->setPoint(0, x,-y,-z);
204  volu->setPoint(1, x, y,-z);
205  volu->setPoint(2,-x, y,-z);
206  volu->setPoint(3,-x,-y,-z);
207  volu->setPoint(4, x,-y, z);
208  volu->setPoint(5, x, y, z);
209  volu->setPoint(6,-x, y, z);
210  volu->setPoint(7,-x,-y, z);
211  } else if (shName == "TUBE") {
212  Double_t z=par[2]*10.;
213  volu->setPoint(0,0.,0.,-z);
214  volu->setPoint(1,par[0]*10.,par[1]*10.,0.);
215  volu->setPoint(2,0.,0.,z);
216  } else if (shName == "TUBS") {
217  Double_t z=par[2]*10.;
218  Double_t a=par[3]/6.28318548*360;
219  volu->setPoint(0,0.,0.,-z);
220  volu->setPoint(1,par[0]*10.,par[1]*10.,0.);
221  volu->setPoint(2,0.,0.,z);
222  volu->setPoint(3,a,par[4]/6.28318548*360+a,0.);
223  } else if (shName == "CONE") {
224  Double_t z=par[4]*10.;
225  volu->setPoint(0,0.,0.,-z);
226  volu->setPoint(1,par[0]*10.,par[1]*10.,0.);
227  volu->setPoint(2,0.,0.,z);
228  volu->setPoint(3,par[2]*10.,par[3]*10.,0.);
229  } else if (shName == "CONS") {
230  Double_t z=par[4]*10.;
231  Double_t a=par[5]/6.28318548*360;
232  volu->setPoint(0,0.,0.,-z);
233  volu->setPoint(1,par[0]*10.,par[1]*10.,0.);
234  volu->setPoint(2,0.,0.,z);
235  volu->setPoint(3,par[2]*10.,par[3]*10.,0.);
236  volu->setPoint(4,a,par[6]/6.28318548*360+a,0.);
237  } else if (shName == "SPHE") {
238  Double_t a=par[4]/6.28318548*360;
239  volu->setPoint(0,par[0]*10.,par[1]*10.,0.);
240  volu->setPoint(1,par[1],par[2],0.);
241  volu->setPoint(2,a,par[5]/6.28318548*360+a,0.);
242  } else if (shName == "ELTU") {
243  Double_t z=par[2]*10.;
244  volu->setPoint(0,0.,0.,-z);
245  volu->setPoint(1,par[0]*10.,par[1]*10.,0.);
246  volu->setPoint(2,0.,0.,z);
247  } else { rc=kFALSE; }
248  return rc;
249 }