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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file Axis.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 #pragma once
11 #include "Acts/Utilities/IAxis.hpp"
14 #include <algorithm>
15 #include <cmath>
16 #include <vector>
18 namespace Acts {
20 namespace detail {
22 // This object can be iterated to produce up to two sequences of integer
23 // indices, corresponding to the half-open integer ranges [begin1, end1[ and
24 // [begin2, end2[.
25 //
26 // The goal is to emulate the effect of enumerating a range of neighbor
27 // indices on an axis (which may go out of bounds and wrap around since we
28 // have AxisBoundaryType::Closed), inserting them into an std::vector, and
29 // discarding duplicates, without paying the price of duplicate removal
30 // and dynamic memory allocation in hot magnetic field interpolation code.
31 //
33  public:
34  NeighborHoodIndices() = default;
36  NeighborHoodIndices(size_t begin, size_t end)
37  : m_begin1(begin), m_end1(end), m_begin2(end), m_end2(end) {}
39  NeighborHoodIndices(size_t begin1, size_t end1, size_t begin2, size_t end2)
40  : m_begin1(begin1), m_end1(end1), m_begin2(begin2), m_end2(end2) {}
42  class iterator {
43  public:
44  iterator() = default;
46  // Specialized constructor for end() iterator
47  iterator(size_t current) : m_current(current), m_wrapped(true) {}
49  iterator(size_t begin1, size_t end1, size_t begin2)
50  : m_current(begin1),
51  m_end1(end1),
52  m_begin2(begin2),
53  m_wrapped(begin1 == begin2) {}
55  size_t operator*() const { return m_current; }
58  ++m_current;
59  if (m_current == m_end1) {
61  m_wrapped = true;
62  }
63  return *this;
64  }
66  bool operator==(const iterator& it) const {
67  return (m_current == it.m_current) && (m_wrapped == it.m_wrapped);
68  }
70  bool operator!=(const iterator& it) const { return !(*this == it); }
72  private:
74  bool m_wrapped;
75  };
77  iterator begin() const { return iterator(m_begin1, m_end1, m_begin2); }
79  iterator end() const { return iterator(m_end2); }
81  // Number of indices that will be produced if this sequence is iterated
82  size_t size() const { return (m_end1 - m_begin1) + (m_end2 - m_begin2); }
84  // Collect the sequence of indices into an std::vector
85  std::vector<size_t> collect() const {
86  std::vector<size_t> result;
87  result.reserve(this->size());
88  for (size_t idx : *this) {
89  result.push_back(idx);
90  }
91  return result;
92  }
94  private:
95  size_t m_begin1 = 0, m_end1 = 0, m_begin2 = 0, m_end2 = 0;
96 };
102 template <AxisBoundaryType bdt>
103 class Axis<AxisType::Equidistant, bdt> final : public IAxis {
104  public:
113  Axis(double xmin, double xmax, size_t nBins)
114  : m_min(xmin),
115  m_max(xmax),
116  m_width((xmax - xmin) / nBins),
117  m_bins(nBins) {}
122  bool isEquidistant() const override { return true; }
127  bool isVariable() const override { return false; }
132  AxisBoundaryType getBoundaryType() const override { return bdt; }
141  NeighborHoodIndices neighborHoodIndices(size_t idx, size_t size = 1) const {
142  return neighborHoodIndices(idx, std::make_pair(size, size));
143  }
155  template <AxisBoundaryType T = bdt,
156  std::enable_if_t<T == AxisBoundaryType::Open, int> = 0>
157  NeighborHoodIndices neighborHoodIndices(size_t idx,
158  std::pair<size_t, size_t> sizes = {
159  1, 1}) const {
160  constexpr int min = 0;
161  const int max = getNBins() + 1;
162  const int itmin = std::max(min, int(idx - sizes.first));
163  const int itmax = std::min(max, int(idx + sizes.second));
164  return NeighborHoodIndices(itmin, itmax + 1);
165  }
176  template <AxisBoundaryType T = bdt,
177  std::enable_if_t<T == AxisBoundaryType::Bound, int> = 0>
178  NeighborHoodIndices neighborHoodIndices(size_t idx,
179  std::pair<size_t, size_t> sizes = {
180  1, 1}) const {
181  if (idx <= 0 || idx >= (getNBins() + 1)) {
182  return NeighborHoodIndices();
183  }
184  constexpr int min = 1;
185  const int max = getNBins();
186  const int itmin = std::max(min, int(idx - sizes.first));
187  const int itmax = std::min(max, int(idx + sizes.second));
188  return NeighborHoodIndices(itmin, itmax + 1);
189  }
200  template <AxisBoundaryType T = bdt,
201  std::enable_if_t<T == AxisBoundaryType::Closed, int> = 0>
202  NeighborHoodIndices neighborHoodIndices(size_t idx,
203  std::pair<size_t, size_t> sizes = {
204  1, 1}) const {
205  // Handle invalid indices
206  if (idx <= 0 || idx >= (getNBins() + 1)) {
207  return NeighborHoodIndices();
208  }
210  // Handle corner case where user requests more neighbours than the number
211  // of bins on the axis. We do not want to double-count bins in that case.
212  sizes.first %= getNBins();
213  sizes.second %= getNBins();
214  if (sizes.first + sizes.second + 1 > getNBins()) {
215  sizes.second -= (sizes.first + sizes.second + 1) - getNBins();
216  }
218  // If the entire index range is not covered, we must wrap the range of
219  // targeted neighbor indices into the range of valid bin indices. This may
220  // split the range of neighbor indices in two parts:
221  //
222  // Before wraparound - [ XXXXX]XXX
223  // After wraparound - [ XXXX XXXX ]
224  //
225  const int itmin = idx - sizes.first;
226  const int itmax = idx + sizes.second;
227  const size_t itfirst = wrapBin(itmin);
228  const size_t itlast = wrapBin(itmax);
229  if (itfirst <= itlast) {
230  return NeighborHoodIndices(itfirst, itlast + 1);
231  } else {
232  return NeighborHoodIndices(itfirst, getNBins() + 1, 1, itlast + 1);
233  }
234  }
242  template <AxisBoundaryType T = bdt,
243  std::enable_if_t<T == AxisBoundaryType::Open, int> = 0>
244  size_t wrapBin(int bin) const {
245  return std::max(std::min(bin, static_cast<int>(getNBins()) + 1), 0);
246  }
254  template <AxisBoundaryType T = bdt,
255  std::enable_if_t<T == AxisBoundaryType::Bound, int> = 0>
256  size_t wrapBin(int bin) const {
257  return std::max(std::min(bin, static_cast<int>(getNBins())), 1);
258  }
266  template <AxisBoundaryType T = bdt,
267  std::enable_if_t<T == AxisBoundaryType::Closed, int> = 0>
268  size_t wrapBin(int bin) const {
269  const int w = getNBins();
270  return 1 + (w + ((bin - 1) % w)) % w;
271  // return int(bin<1)*w - int(bin>w)*w + bin;
272  }
284  size_t getBin(double x) const {
285  return wrapBin(std::floor((x - getMin()) / getBinWidth()) + 1);
286  }
291  double getBinWidth(size_t /*bin*/ = 0) const { return m_width; }
303  double getBinLowerBound(size_t bin) const {
304  return getMin() + (bin - 1) * getBinWidth();
305  }
317  double getBinUpperBound(size_t bin) const {
318  return getMin() + bin * getBinWidth();
319  }
328  double getBinCenter(size_t bin) const {
329  return getMin() + (bin - 0.5) * getBinWidth();
330  }
335  double getMax() const override { return m_max; }
340  double getMin() const override { return m_min; }
345  size_t getNBins() const override { return m_bins; }
354  bool isInside(double x) const { return (m_min <= x) && (x < m_max); }
358  std::vector<double> getBinEdges() const override {
359  std::vector<double> binEdges;
360  for (size_t i = 1; i <= m_bins; i++) {
361  binEdges.push_back(getBinLowerBound(i));
362  }
363  binEdges.push_back(getBinUpperBound(m_bins));
364  return binEdges;
365  }
367  private:
369  double m_min;
371  double m_max;
373  double m_width;
375  size_t m_bins;
376 };
382 template <AxisBoundaryType bdt>
383 class Axis<AxisType::Variable, bdt> final : public IAxis {
384  public:
394  Axis(std::vector<double> binEdges) : m_binEdges(std::move(binEdges)) {}
399  bool isEquidistant() const override { return false; }
404  bool isVariable() const override { return true; }
409  AxisBoundaryType getBoundaryType() const override { return bdt; }
418  NeighborHoodIndices neighborHoodIndices(size_t idx, size_t size = 1) const {
419  return neighborHoodIndices(idx, std::make_pair(size, size));
420  }
432  template <AxisBoundaryType T = bdt,
433  std::enable_if_t<T == AxisBoundaryType::Open, int> = 0>
434  NeighborHoodIndices neighborHoodIndices(size_t idx,
435  std::pair<size_t, size_t> sizes = {
436  1, 1}) const {
437  constexpr int min = 0;
438  const int max = getNBins() + 1;
439  const int itmin = std::max(min, int(idx - sizes.first));
440  const int itmax = std::min(max, int(idx + sizes.second));
441  return NeighborHoodIndices(itmin, itmax + 1);
442  }
453  template <AxisBoundaryType T = bdt,
454  std::enable_if_t<T == AxisBoundaryType::Bound, int> = 0>
455  NeighborHoodIndices neighborHoodIndices(size_t idx,
456  std::pair<size_t, size_t> sizes = {
457  1, 1}) const {
458  if (idx <= 0 || idx >= (getNBins() + 1)) {
459  return NeighborHoodIndices();
460  }
461  constexpr int min = 1;
462  const int max = getNBins();
463  const int itmin = std::max(min, int(idx - sizes.first));
464  const int itmax = std::min(max, int(idx + sizes.second));
465  return NeighborHoodIndices(itmin, itmax + 1);
466  }
477  template <AxisBoundaryType T = bdt,
478  std::enable_if_t<T == AxisBoundaryType::Closed, int> = 0>
479  NeighborHoodIndices neighborHoodIndices(size_t idx,
480  std::pair<size_t, size_t> sizes = {
481  1, 1}) const {
482  // Handle invalid indices
483  if (idx <= 0 || idx >= (getNBins() + 1)) {
484  return NeighborHoodIndices();
485  }
487  // Handle corner case where user requests more neighbours than the number
488  // of bins on the axis. We do not want to double-count bins in that case.
489  sizes.first %= getNBins();
490  sizes.second %= getNBins();
491  if (sizes.first + sizes.second + 1 > getNBins()) {
492  sizes.second -= (sizes.first + sizes.second + 1) - getNBins();
493  }
495  // If the entire index range is not covered, we must wrap the range of
496  // targeted neighbor indices into the range of valid bin indices. This may
497  // split the range of neighbor indices in two parts:
498  //
499  // Before wraparound - [ XXXXX]XXX
500  // After wraparound - [ XXXX XXXX ]
501  //
502  const int itmin = idx - sizes.first;
503  const int itmax = idx + sizes.second;
504  const size_t itfirst = wrapBin(itmin);
505  const size_t itlast = wrapBin(itmax);
506  if (itfirst <= itlast) {
507  return NeighborHoodIndices(itfirst, itlast + 1);
508  } else {
509  return NeighborHoodIndices(itfirst, getNBins() + 1, 1, itlast + 1);
510  }
511  }
519  template <AxisBoundaryType T = bdt,
520  std::enable_if_t<T == AxisBoundaryType::Open, int> = 0>
521  size_t wrapBin(int bin) const {
522  return std::max(std::min(bin, static_cast<int>(getNBins()) + 1), 0);
523  }
531  template <AxisBoundaryType T = bdt,
532  std::enable_if_t<T == AxisBoundaryType::Bound, int> = 0>
533  size_t wrapBin(int bin) const {
534  return std::max(std::min(bin, static_cast<int>(getNBins())), 1);
535  }
543  template <AxisBoundaryType T = bdt,
544  std::enable_if_t<T == AxisBoundaryType::Closed, int> = 0>
545  size_t wrapBin(int bin) const {
546  const int w = getNBins();
547  return 1 + (w + ((bin - 1) % w)) % w;
548  // return int(bin<1)*w - int(bin>w)*w + bin;
549  }
561  size_t getBin(double x) const {
562  const auto it =
563  std::upper_bound(std::begin(m_binEdges), std::end(m_binEdges), x);
564  return wrapBin(std::distance(std::begin(m_binEdges), it));
565  }
574  double getBinWidth(size_t bin) const {
575  return m_binEdges.at(bin) - m_binEdges.at(bin - 1);
576  }
588  double getBinLowerBound(size_t bin) const { return m_binEdges.at(bin - 1); }
600  double getBinUpperBound(size_t bin) const { return m_binEdges.at(bin); }
609  double getBinCenter(size_t bin) const {
610  return 0.5 * (getBinLowerBound(bin) + getBinUpperBound(bin));
611  }
616  double getMax() const override { return m_binEdges.back(); }
621  double getMin() const override { return m_binEdges.front(); }
626  size_t getNBins() const override { return m_binEdges.size() - 1; }
635  bool isInside(double x) const {
636  return (m_binEdges.front() <= x) && (x < m_binEdges.back());
637  }
641  std::vector<double> getBinEdges() const override { return m_binEdges; }
643  private:
645  std::vector<double> m_binEdges;
646 };
647 } // namespace detail
649 } // namespace Acts