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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file PHG4RICHSteppingAction.cc
11 #include "PHG4RICHDetector.h"
12 #include "ePHENIXRICHConstruction.h" // for ePHENIXRICHConstruction
14 #include <g4main/PHG4Hit.h>
16 #include <g4main/PHG4Hitv1.h>
17 #include <g4main/PHG4Shower.h>
20 #include <phool/getClass.h>
22 #include <Geant4/G4ExceptionSeverity.hh> // for FatalException
23 #include <Geant4/G4OpBoundaryProcess.hh> // for StepTooSmall, Undefined
24 #include <Geant4/G4OpticalPhoton.hh> // for G4OpticalPhoton
25 #include <Geant4/G4ParticleDefinition.hh> // for G4ParticleDefinition
26 #include <Geant4/G4ProcessManager.hh>
27 #include <Geant4/G4ProcessVector.hh> // for G4ProcessVector
28 #include <Geant4/G4Step.hh>
29 #include <Geant4/G4StepPoint.hh> // for G4StepPoint
30 #include <Geant4/G4StepStatus.hh> // for fGeomBoundary
31 #include <Geant4/G4String.hh> // for G4String
32 #include <Geant4/G4SystemOfUnits.hh> // for cm, nanosecond, GeV
33 #include <Geant4/G4ThreeVector.hh> // for G4ThreeVector
34 #include <Geant4/G4Track.hh> // for G4Track
35 #include <Geant4/G4Types.hh> // for G4int, G4double
36 #include <Geant4/G4VPhysicalVolume.hh> // for G4VPhysicalVolume
37 #include <Geant4/G4VProcess.hh> // for G4VProcess
38 #include <Geant4/G4VTouchable.hh> // for G4VTouchable
39 #include <Geant4/G4VUserTrackInformation.hh> // for G4VUserTrackInformation
40 #include <Geant4/globals.hh> // for G4Exception, G4Exceptio...
42 #include <cassert> // for assert
43 #include <iostream> // for operator<<, basic_ostream
45 using namespace std;
48  : detector_(detector)
49  , hits_(nullptr)
50  , hit(nullptr)
51  , fExpectedNextStatus(Undefined)
52 {
53 }
56 {
57  G4Track* theTrack = aStep->GetTrack();
59  G4StepPoint* thePostPoint = aStep->GetPostStepPoint();
60  G4VPhysicalVolume* thePostPV = thePostPoint->GetPhysicalVolume();
62  G4OpBoundaryProcessStatus boundaryStatus = Undefined;
63  static G4OpBoundaryProcess* boundary = nullptr;
65  /* find the boundary process only once */
66  if (!boundary)
67  {
68  G4ProcessManager* pm = aStep->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetProcessManager();
69  G4int nprocesses = pm->GetProcessListLength();
70  G4ProcessVector* pv = pm->GetProcessList();
71  G4int i;
72  for (i = 0; i < nprocesses; i++)
73  {
74  if ((*pv)[i]->GetProcessName() == "OpBoundary")
75  {
76  boundary = (G4OpBoundaryProcess*) (*pv)[i];
77  break;
78  }
79  }
80  }
82  if (!thePostPV)
83  { //out of world
84  return;
85  }
87  /* Optical photon only */
88  G4ParticleDefinition* particleType = theTrack->GetDefinition();
89  if (particleType == G4OpticalPhoton::OpticalPhotonDefinition())
90  {
91  /* Was the photon absorbed by the absorption process? */
92  if (thePostPoint->GetProcessDefinedStep()->GetProcessName() == "OpAbsorption")
93  {
94  }
95  assert(boundary != nullptr);
96  boundaryStatus = boundary->GetStatus();
98  /*Check to see if the partcile was actually at a boundary
99  Otherwise the boundary status may not be valid
100  Prior to Geant4.6.0-p1 this would not have been enough to check */
101  if (thePostPoint->GetStepStatus() == fGeomBoundary)
102  {
103  if (fExpectedNextStatus == StepTooSmall)
104  {
105  if (boundaryStatus != StepTooSmall)
106  {
107  G4ExceptionDescription ed;
108  ed << "EicRichGemTbSteppingAction::UserSteppingAction(): "
109  << "No reallocation step after reflection!"
110  << std::endl;
111  G4Exception("EicRichGemTbSteppingAction::UserSteppingAction()", "EicRichGemTbExpl01",
112  FatalException, ed,
113  "Something is wrong with the surface normal or geometry");
114  }
115  }
117  switch (boundaryStatus)
118  {
119  case Absorption:
120  break;
121  case Detection: /*Note, this assumes that the volume causing detection
122  is the photocathode because it is the only one with
123  non-zero efficiency */
124  {
125  /* make sure the photon actually did hit the GEM stack */
126  if (thePostPV->GetName() == "RICHHBDGEMFrontCu1Physical")
127  {
128  MakeHit(aStep);
129  }
130  break;
131  }
132  case FresnelReflection:
133  case TotalInternalReflection:
134  case LambertianReflection:
135  case LobeReflection:
136  case SpikeReflection:
137  case BackScattering:
138  fExpectedNextStatus = StepTooSmall;
139  break;
140  default:
141  break;
142  }
143  }
144  }
146  return;
147 }
149 bool PHG4RICHSteppingAction::MakeHit(const G4Step* aStep)
150 {
151  // collect energy and track
152  G4double edep = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit() / GeV;
153  const G4Track* aTrack = aStep->GetTrack();
154  const G4VTouchable* aTouch = aTrack->GetTouchable();
155  G4StepPoint* postPoint = aStep->GetPostStepPoint();
157  // set sector number
158  int sector_id = -999;
159  bool sector_found = false;
161  // Check if volume(1) is in sector volume, if not check volume(0)
162  if (detector_->ePHENIXRICHConstruction::is_in_sector(aTouch->GetVolume(1)) > -1)
163  {
164  sector_id = aTouch->GetCopyNumber(1);
165  sector_found = true;
166  }
167  else if (detector_->ePHENIXRICHConstruction::is_in_sector(aTouch->GetVolume()) > -1)
168  {
169  sector_id = aTouch->GetCopyNumber();
170  sector_found = true;
171  }
173  if (!sector_found)
174  {
175  if (!aTouch->GetVolume(1) || !aTouch->GetVolume())
176  cout << "WARNING: Missing volumes for hit!" << endl;
177  else
178  cout << "WARNING: Photon hit volume is not the RICH readout plane volume!" << endl;
179  }
181  hit = new PHG4Hitv1();
183  //here we set the entrance values in cm
184  hit->set_x(0, postPoint->GetPosition().x() / cm);
185  hit->set_y(0, postPoint->GetPosition().y() / cm);
186  hit->set_z(0, postPoint->GetPosition().z() / cm);
188  // time in ns
189  hit->set_t(0, postPoint->GetGlobalTime() / nanosecond);
191  //same for exit values (photons absorbed/detected at boundary to post step volume)
192  hit->set_x(1, postPoint->GetPosition().x() / cm);
193  hit->set_y(1, postPoint->GetPosition().y() / cm);
194  hit->set_z(1, postPoint->GetPosition().z() / cm);
196  hit->set_t(1, postPoint->GetGlobalTime() / nanosecond);
198  //set the track ID
199  {
200  hit->set_trkid(aTrack->GetTrackID());
201  if (G4VUserTrackInformation* p = aTrack->GetUserInformation())
202  {
203  if (PHG4TrackUserInfoV1* pp = dynamic_cast<PHG4TrackUserInfoV1*>(p))
204  {
205  hit->set_trkid(pp->GetUserTrackId());
206  hit->set_shower_id(pp->GetShower()->get_id());
208  pp->SetKeep(true); // we want to keep the track
209  }
210  }
211  }
213  // set optical photon energy deposition
214  hit->set_edep(edep);
216  // Now add the hit
217  hits_->AddHit(sector_id, hit);
219  {
220  if (G4VUserTrackInformation* p = aTrack->GetUserInformation())
221  {
222  if (PHG4TrackUserInfoV1* pp = dynamic_cast<PHG4TrackUserInfoV1*>(p))
223  {
224  pp->GetShower()->add_g4hit_id(hits_->GetID(), hit->get_hit_id());
225  }
226  }
227  }
229  // return true to indicate the hit was used
230  return true;
231 }
234 {
235  //now look for the map and grab a pointer to it.
236  hits_ = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, "G4HIT_RICH");
238  // if we do not find the node we need to make it.
239  if (!hits_)
240  {
241  std::cout
242  << "PHG4RICHSteppingAction::SetTopNode - unable to find G4HIT_RICH"
243  << std::endl;
244  }
245 }