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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file eASTHepMC3Interface.cc
1 // ********************************************************************
2 //
3 // eASTHepMC3Interface.cc
4 // HepMC3 interface
5 //
6 // History
7 // June 23rd, 2021 : first empty class definition - Makoto Asai (SLAC)
8 //
9 // ********************************************************************
11 #include "eASTHepMC3Interface.hh"
13 #include "G4Event.hh"
14 #include "G4PrimaryParticle.hh"
15 #include "G4PrimaryVertex.hh"
16 #include "G4GenericMessenger.hh"
17 #include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
19 // The newer ReaderFactory is header-only and can be used for older versions
20 // This file is copied verbatim from https://gitlab.cern.ch/hepmc/HepMC3
21 // Copyright (C) 2014-2020 The HepMC collaboration, licensed under GPL3
22 #include <HepMC3/Version.h>
23 #if HEPMC3_VERSION_CODE < 3002004
24 #include <HepMC_3_2_4_ReaderFactory.h>
25 #else
26 #include <HepMC3/ReaderFactory.h>
27 #endif
29 #include <HepMC3/GenEvent.h>
30 #include <HepMC3/GenVertex.h>
31 #include <HepMC3/GenParticle.h>
34 #include "G4AutoLock.hh"
35 namespace { G4Mutex myHepMC3Mutex = G4MUTEX_INITIALIZER; }
40 {
41  G4AutoLock mlock(&myHepMC3Mutex);
42  if(instance==nullptr && !instantiated)
43  { instance = new eASTHepMC3Interface(); }
44  return instance;
45 }
48 {
49  messenger = new G4GenericMessenger(this,"/eAST/generator/HepMC3/",
50  "HepMC3 interface commands");
52  auto& fileCmd = messenger->DeclareMethod("openFile",
53  &eASTHepMC3Interface::OpenFile, "Open the HepMC3 input file");
54  fileCmd.SetParameterName("fileName",false);
55  fileCmd.SetToBeBroadcasted(false);
57  auto& vtxCmd = messenger->DeclareMethodWithUnit("vertex","mm",
59  "Set vertex position");
60  vtxCmd.SetParameterName("position",false);
61  vtxCmd.SetToBeBroadcasted(false);
63  auto& timeCmd = messenger->DeclareMethodWithUnit("time0","s",
65  "Set t0 (start time at the primary vertex)");
66  timeCmd.SetParameterName("t0",false);
67  timeCmd.SetToBeBroadcasted(false);
69  auto& verCmd = messenger->DeclareMethod("verbose",
70  &eASTHepMC3Interface::SetVerbose,"Verbose level");
71  verCmd.SetParameterName("verboseLevel",true);
72  verCmd.SetDefaultValue("0");
73  verCmd.SetToBeBroadcasted(false);
75  instantiated = true;
76 }
79 {
80  G4AutoLock mlock(&myHepMC3Mutex);
81  delete messenger;
82  instance = nullptr;
83 }
85 G4bool eASTHepMC3Interface::OpenFile(G4String fName)
86 {
87  fileName = fName;
88  if(verboseLevel>0){
89  G4cout << "eASTHepMC3Interface - opening " << fileName << G4endl;
90  }
92  // Make a new reader for every file.
93  // Note: This supports a variety of formats (versions 1, 2, 3, HepEct, Root)
94  // and sources (files, streams, urls, ...)
97  if ( !HepMC3Reader || HepMC3Reader->failed() ) {
98  G4Exception("eASTHepMC3Interface::GeneratePrimaryVertex","Event0201",
99  FatalException, "eASTHepMC3Interface:: cannot open input.");
100  }
101  // if ( !HepMC3Reader || HepMC3Reader->failed() ) return false;
103  if(verboseLevel>0){
104  G4cout << "eASTHepMC3Interface - " << fileName << " is open." << G4endl;
105  }
107  return true;
108 }
111 {
112  G4AutoLock mlock(&myHepMC3Mutex);
114  //read the event
115  HepMC3::GenEvent hepevt(HepMC3::Units::GEV,HepMC3::Units::MM);
117  if (HepMC3Reader->failed()){
118  // Todo: Don't know if there's a correct exceptionCode
119  G4Exception("eASTHepMC3Interface::GeneratePrimaryVertex","Event0201",
120  FatalException, "eASTHepMC3Interface:: cannot open input.");
121  }
122  if ( !HepMC3Reader->read_event(hepevt) ) return; // reached eof
124  // The root vertex is the default primary vertex
125  // There can be multiple, unconnected graphs in the event.
126  // In all cases I've seen, that is done for technical reasons,
127  // the record still only has one event, i.e. they all share the same primary vertex
128  auto pos = hepevt.event_pos();
129  auto* g4vtx = new G4PrimaryVertex(pos.x()*mm, pos.y()*mm, pos.z()*mm, 0);
131  // loop over particles
132  // allowed statuses: 1 - final, 2 - decayed hadron/lepton
133  // decay daughters will be enrolled by their mothers.
134  // topological ordering in HepMC guarantees that mothers are
135  // seen first, so only need to keep track of already created ones
136  // to either ignore or reuse
137  // using the std::map created_daughters;
138  created_daughters.clear();
140  // better safe than sorry, detect faulty double-counting
141  bool safetycheck=true;
142  std::set<int> used;
144  for(auto hep_p : hepevt.particles()) {
146  auto status = hep_p->status();
147  if ( status != 1 && status != 2 ) continue;
149  // already created?
150  auto id = hep_p->id();
151  auto finditer=created_daughters.find( id );
152  G4PrimaryParticle* g4prim;
153  if ( finditer != created_daughters.end() ){
154  g4prim = finditer->second;
155  } else {
156  // doesn't exist already -> need to create
157  // that also means it belongs to the primary vertex
158  g4prim = MakeParticle ( hep_p, safetycheck, used );
159  g4vtx->SetPrimary(g4prim);
160  }
162  if ( hep_p->status() == 1 ){ // final
163  // Nothing else to do, but should look for sanity
164  if ( hep_p->children().size() !=0 ){
165  // This should never happen
166  G4Exception("eASTHepMC3Interface::GeneratePrimaryVertex","HepmcStatus",
167  FatalException, "eASTHepMC3Interface:: status 1 but children.");
168  }
169  continue;
170  }
173  if ( hep_p->status() == 2 ){ // decayed, has daugthers
174  if ( hep_p->children().size() ==0 ){
175  // This should never happen
176  G4Exception("eASTHepMC3Interface::GeneratePrimaryVertex","HepmcStatus",
177  FatalException, "eASTHepMC3Interface:: status 2 but no children.");
178  }
179  // Now register daughters
180  for ( auto hep_d : hep_p->children()) {
181  auto id_d = hep_d->id();
182  auto finditer_d=created_daughters.find( id_d );
183  if ( finditer_d != created_daughters.end() ){
184  // This should never happen
185  G4cout << " PROBLEM: This primary with id = " << hep_d->id()
186  << ", mother id = " << hep_p->id()
187  << ", pid = " << hep_d->pid()
188  << ", status = " << hep_d->status()
189  << " and 4-momentum = " << hep_d->momentum().px() << " " << hep_d->momentum().py() << " , " << hep_d->momentum().pz() << " , " << hep_d->momentum().e()
190  << G4endl;
191  G4cout << " PROBLEM: already there with: " << G4endl;
192  finditer_d->second->Print();
194  G4Exception("eASTHepMC3Interface::GeneratePrimaryVertex","Daughter",
195  FatalException, "eASTHepMC3Interface:: found daughter out of order.");
196  }
197  if ( hep_p->status() == 2 || hep_p->status() == 1 ){
198  auto g4daughter = MakeParticle ( hep_d, safetycheck, used );
199  g4prim->SetDaughter(g4daughter);
200  // and register
201  created_daughters[id_d] = g4daughter;
202  }
203  }
204  } // end of status == 1
205  }//particle loop
207  // clean the HepMC objects
208  hepevt.clear();
210  // set the primary vertex to G4Event
211  g4event->AddPrimaryVertex(g4vtx);
212 }
214 G4PrimaryParticle* eASTHepMC3Interface::MakeParticle ( const HepMC3::ConstGenParticlePtr hep_p,
215  const bool safetycheck, std::set<int>& used){
216  // Shouldn't see a particle more than once
217  if ( safetycheck ){
218  auto id = hep_p->id();
219  if ( used.count ( id ) ){ // contains() is c++20...
220  G4Exception("eASTHepMC3Interface::MakeParticle","Particle",
221  FatalException, "eASTHepMC3Interface:: Double-counting particles.");
222  } else {
223  used.insert( id );
224  }
225  }
226  auto p = hep_p->momentum();
227  auto* g4prim = new G4PrimaryParticle(hep_p->pid(), p.x()*GeV, p.y()*GeV, p.z()*GeV);
228  g4prim->SetPolarization(0, 0, 0);
230  if ( verboseLevel > 1) {
231  G4cout << " Made primary with pid = " << hep_p->pid()
232  << ", status = " << hep_p->status()
233  << " and 4-momentum = " << p.px() << " " << p.py() << " , " << p.pz() << " , " << p.e()
234  << G4endl;
235  }
237  return g4prim;
238 }