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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file PHG4MvtxHitReco.cc
1 // this is the new trackbase version
3 #include "PHG4MvtxHitReco.h"
6 #include <mvtx/MvtxDefs.h>
8 #include <trackbase/TrkrDefs.h>
9 #include <trackbase/TrkrHitv2.h> // for TrkrHit
10 #include <trackbase/TrkrHitSet.h>
14 #include <g4detectors/PHG4CylinderGeom.h> // for PHG4CylinderGeom
17 #include <phparameter/PHParameterContainerInterface.h>
19 #include <g4main/PHG4Hit.h>
21 #include <g4main/PHG4Utils.h>
24 #include <fun4all/SubsysReco.h> // for SubsysReco
26 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
27 #include <phool/PHIODataNode.h>
28 #include <phool/PHNode.h> // for PHNode
29 #include <phool/PHNodeIterator.h>
30 #include <phool/PHObject.h> // for PHObject
31 #include <phool/getClass.h>
32 #include <phool/phool.h> // for PHWHERE
34 #include <TVector3.h> // for TVector3, ope...
36 #include <cmath>
37 #include <cstdlib>
38 #include <iostream>
39 #include <memory> // for allocator_tra...
40 #include <vector> // for vector
42 using namespace std;
45  : SubsysReco(name)
47  , detector(name)
48 {
49  SetDefaultParameters(); // sets default timing window
50  if (Verbosity() > 0)
51  cout << "Creating PHG4MvtxHitReco for name = " << name << endl;
52 }
55 {
56  PHNodeIterator iter(topNode);
58  // Looking for the DST node
59  PHCompositeNode *dstNode;
60  dstNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST"));
61  if (!dstNode)
62  {
63  std::cout << PHWHERE << "DST Node missing, doing nothing." << std::endl;
64  exit(1);
65  }
66  hitnodename = "G4HIT_" + detector;
67  PHG4HitContainer *g4hit = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, hitnodename.c_str());
68  if (!g4hit)
69  {
70  cout << "Could not locate g4 hit node " << hitnodename << endl;
71  exit(1);
72  }
74  geonodename = "CYLINDERGEOM_" + detector;
75  PHG4CylinderGeomContainer *geo = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderGeomContainer>(topNode, geonodename.c_str());
76  if (!geo)
77  {
78  cout << "Could not locate geometry node " << geonodename << endl;
79  exit(1);
80  }
81  if (Verbosity() > 0)
82  {
83  geo->identify();
84  }
86  auto hitsetcontainer = findNode::getClass<TrkrHitSetContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_HITSET");
87  if (!hitsetcontainer)
88  {
89  PHNodeIterator dstiter(dstNode);
90  PHCompositeNode *DetNode =
91  dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(dstiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "TRKR"));
92  if (!DetNode)
93  {
94  DetNode = new PHCompositeNode("TRKR");
95  dstNode->addNode(DetNode);
96  }
98  hitsetcontainer = new TrkrHitSetContainerv1;
99  PHIODataNode<PHObject> *newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(hitsetcontainer, "TRKR_HITSET", "PHObject");
100  DetNode->addNode(newNode);
101  }
103  auto hittruthassoc = findNode::getClass<TrkrHitTruthAssoc>(topNode, "TRKR_HITTRUTHASSOC");
104  if (!hittruthassoc)
105  {
106  PHNodeIterator dstiter(dstNode);
107  PHCompositeNode *DetNode =
108  dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(dstiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "TRKR"));
109  if (!DetNode)
110  {
111  DetNode = new PHCompositeNode("TRKR");
112  dstNode->addNode(DetNode);
113  }
115  hittruthassoc = new TrkrHitTruthAssocv1;
116  PHIODataNode<PHObject> *newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(hittruthassoc, "TRKR_HITTRUTHASSOC", "PHObject");
117  DetNode->addNode(newNode);
118  }
121 }
124 {
125  //cout << PHWHERE << "Entering process_event for PHG4MvtxHitReco" << endl;
127  PHG4HitContainer *g4hit = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, hitnodename.c_str());
128  if (!g4hit)
129  {
130  cout << "Could not locate g4 hit node " << hitnodename << endl;
131  exit(1);
132  }
134  PHG4CylinderGeomContainer *geo = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderGeomContainer>(topNode, geonodename.c_str());
135  if (!geo)
136  {
137  cout << "Could not locate geometry node " << geonodename << endl;
138  exit(1);
139  }
141  // Get the TrkrHitSetContainer node
142  auto trkrhitsetcontainer = findNode::getClass<TrkrHitSetContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_HITSET");
143  if (!trkrhitsetcontainer)
144  {
145  cout << "Could not locate TRKR_HITSET node, quit! " << endl;
146  exit(1);
147  }
149  // Get the TrkrHitTruthAssoc node
150  auto hittruthassoc = findNode::getClass<TrkrHitTruthAssoc>(topNode, "TRKR_HITTRUTHASSOC");
151  if (!hittruthassoc)
152  {
153  cout << "Could not locate TRKR_HITTRUTHASSOC node, quit! " << endl;
154  exit(1);
155  }
157  // loop over all of the layers in the g4hit container
159  pair<PHG4HitContainer::LayerIter, PHG4HitContainer::LayerIter> layer_begin_end = g4hit->getLayers();
160  for (layer = layer_begin_end.first; layer != layer_begin_end.second; ++layer)
161  {
162  //cout << "---------- PHG4MvtxHitReco: Looping over layers " << endl;
164  // loop over the hits in this layer
166  PHG4HitContainer::ConstRange hit_begin_end = g4hit->getHits(*layer);
168  // we need the geometry object for this layer
169  CylinderGeom_Mvtx *layergeom = dynamic_cast<CylinderGeom_Mvtx *>(geo->GetLayerGeom(*layer));
170  if (!layergeom)
171  exit(1);
173  if (Verbosity() > 2)
174  layergeom->identify();
176  // Get some layer parameters for later use
177  double xpixw = layergeom->get_pixel_x();
178  double xpixw_half = xpixw / 2.0;
179  double zpixw = layergeom->get_pixel_z();
180  double zpixw_half = zpixw / 2.0;
181  int maxNX = layergeom->get_NX();
182  int maxNZ = layergeom->get_NZ();
184  // Now loop over all g4 hits for this layer
185  for (hiter = hit_begin_end.first; hiter != hit_begin_end.second; ++hiter)
186  {
187  //cout << "From PHG4MvtxHitReco: Call hit print method: " << endl;
188  if (Verbosity() > 4)
189  hiter->second->print();
191  // checking ADC timing integration window cut
192  if (*layer > 2)
193  {
194  cout << PHWHERE << "Mvtx layers only go up to three! Quit." << endl;
195  exit(1);
196  }
197  if (Verbosity() > 1)
198  cout << " layer " << *layer << " t0 " << hiter->second->get_t(0) << " t1 " << hiter->second->get_t(1)
199  << " tmin " << tmin_max[*layer].first << " tmax " << tmin_max[*layer].second
200  << endl;
201  if (hiter->second->get_t(0) > tmin_max[*layer].second) continue;
202  if (hiter->second->get_t(1) < tmin_max[*layer].first) continue;
204  // get_property_int(const PROPERTY prop_id) const {return INT_MIN;}
205  int stave_number = hiter->second->get_property_int(PHG4Hit::prop_stave_index);
206  int half_stave_number = hiter->second->get_property_int(PHG4Hit::prop_half_stave_index);
207  int module_number = hiter->second->get_property_int(PHG4Hit::prop_module_index);
208  int chip_number = hiter->second->get_property_int(PHG4Hit::prop_chip_index);
210  TVector3 local_in(hiter->second->get_local_x(0), hiter->second->get_local_y(0), hiter->second->get_local_z(0));
211  TVector3 local_out(hiter->second->get_local_x(1), hiter->second->get_local_y(1), hiter->second->get_local_z(1));
212  TVector3 midpoint((local_in.X() + local_out.X()) / 2.0, (local_in.Y() + local_out.Y()) / 2.0, (local_in.Z() + local_out.Z()) / 2.0);
214  if (Verbosity() > 4)
215  {
216  cout << endl
217  << " world entry point position: " << hiter->second->get_x(0) << " " << hiter->second->get_y(0) << " " << hiter->second->get_z(0) << endl;
218  cout << " world exit point position: " << hiter->second->get_x(1) << " " << hiter->second->get_y(1) << " " << hiter->second->get_z(1) << endl;
219  cout << " local coords of entry point from G4 " << hiter->second->get_local_x(0) << " " << hiter->second->get_local_y(0) << " " << hiter->second->get_local_z(0) << endl;
220  TVector3 world_in(hiter->second->get_x(0), hiter->second->get_y(0), hiter->second->get_z(0));
221  TVector3 local_in_check = layergeom->get_local_from_world_coords(stave_number, half_stave_number, module_number, chip_number, world_in);
222  cout << " local coords of entry point from geom (a check) " << local_in_check.X() << " " << local_in_check.Y() << " " << local_in_check.Z() << endl;
223  cout << " local coords of exit point from G4 " << hiter->second->get_local_x(1) << " " << hiter->second->get_local_y(1) << " " << hiter->second->get_local_z(1) << endl;
224  cout << " local coords of exit point from geom (a check) " << local_out.X() << " " << local_out.Y() << " " << local_out.Z() << endl;
225  cout << endl;
226  }
228  if (Verbosity() > 2)
229  {
230  // As a check, get the positions of the hit pixels in world coordinates from the geo object
231  TVector3 location_in = layergeom->get_world_from_local_coords(stave_number, half_stave_number, module_number, chip_number, local_in);
232  TVector3 location_out = layergeom->get_world_from_local_coords(stave_number, half_stave_number, module_number, chip_number, local_out);
234  cout << endl
235  << " PHG4MvtxHitReco: Found world entry location from geometry for "
236  << " stave number " << stave_number
237  << " half stave number " << half_stave_number
238  << " module number " << module_number
239  << " chip number " << chip_number
240  << endl
241  << " x = " << location_in.X()
242  << " y = " << location_in.Y()
243  << " z = " << location_in.Z()
244  << " radius " << sqrt(pow(location_in.X(), 2) + pow(location_in.Y(), 2))
245  << " angle " << atan(location_in.Y() / location_in.X())
246  << endl;
247  cout << " PHG4MvtxHitReco: The world entry location from G4 was "
248  << endl
249  << " x = " << hiter->second->get_x(0)
250  << " y = " << hiter->second->get_y(0)
251  << " z = " << hiter->second->get_z(0)
252  << " radius " << sqrt(pow(hiter->second->get_x(0), 2) + pow(hiter->second->get_y(0), 2))
253  << " angle " << atan(hiter->second->get_y(0) / hiter->second->get_x(0))
254  << endl;
255  cout << " difference in x = " << hiter->second->get_x(0) - location_in.X()
256  << " difference in y = " << hiter->second->get_y(0) - location_in.Y()
257  << " difference in z = " << hiter->second->get_z(0) - location_in.Z()
258  << " difference in radius = " << sqrt(pow(hiter->second->get_x(0), 2) + pow(hiter->second->get_y(0), 2)) - sqrt(pow(location_in.X(), 2) + pow(location_in.Y(), 2))
259  << " in angle = " << atan(hiter->second->get_y(0) / hiter->second->get_x(0)) - atan(location_in.Y() / location_in.X())
260  << endl
261  << endl;
263  cout << " PHG4MvtxHitReco: Found world exit location from geometry for "
264  << " stave number " << stave_number
265  << " half stave number " << half_stave_number
266  << " module number" << module_number
267  << endl
268  << " x = " << location_out.X()
269  << " y = " << location_out.Y()
270  << " z = " << location_out.Z()
271  << " radius " << sqrt(pow(location_out.X(), 2) + pow(location_out.Y(), 2))
272  << " angle " << atan(location_out.Y() / location_out.X())
273  << endl;
274  cout << " PHG4MvtxHitReco: The world exit location from G4 was "
275  << endl
276  << " x = " << hiter->second->get_x(1)
277  << " y = " << hiter->second->get_y(1)
278  << " z = " << hiter->second->get_z(1)
279  << " radius " << sqrt(pow(hiter->second->get_x(1), 2) + pow(hiter->second->get_y(1), 2))
280  << " angle " << atan(hiter->second->get_y(1) / hiter->second->get_x(1))
281  << endl;
282  cout << " difference in radius = " << sqrt(pow(hiter->second->get_x(1), 2) + pow(hiter->second->get_y(1), 2)) - sqrt(pow(location_out.X(), 2) + pow(location_out.Y(), 2))
283  << " in angle = " << atan(hiter->second->get_y(1) / hiter->second->get_x(1)) - atan(location_out.Y() / location_out.X())
284  << endl
285  << endl;
286  }
288  // Get the pixel number of the entry location
289  int pixel_number_in = layergeom->get_pixel_from_local_coords(local_in);
290  // Get the pixel number of the exit location
291  int pixel_number_out = layergeom->get_pixel_from_local_coords(local_out);
293  if (pixel_number_in < 0 || pixel_number_out < 0)
294  {
295  cout << "Oops! got negative pixel number in layer " << layergeom->get_layer()
296  << " pixel_number_in " << pixel_number_in
297  << " pixel_number_out " << pixel_number_out
298  << " local_in = " << local_in.X() << " " << local_in.Y() << " " << local_in.Z()
299  << " local_out = " << local_out.X() << " " << local_out.Y() << " " << local_out.Z()
300  << endl;
301  }
303  if (Verbosity() > 0)
304  cout << "entry pixel number " << pixel_number_in << " exit pixel number " << pixel_number_out << endl;
306  vector<int> vpixel;
307  vector<int> vxbin;
308  vector<int> vzbin;
309  vector<pair<double, double> > venergy;
310  //double trklen = 0.0;
312  //===================================================
313  // OK, now we have found which sensor the hit is in, extracted the hit
314  // position in local sensor coordinates, and found the pixel numbers of the
315  // entry point and exit point
317  //====================================================
318  // Beginning of charge sharing implementation
319  // Find tracklet line inside sensor
320  // Divide tracklet line into n segments (vary n until answer stabilizes)
321  // Find centroid of each segment
322  // Diffuse charge at each centroid
323  // Apportion charge between neighboring pixels
324  // Add the pixel energy contributions from different track segments together
325  //====================================================
327  TVector3 pathvec = local_in - local_out;
329  // See figure 7.3 of the thesis by Lucasz Maczewski (arXiv:10053.3710) for diffusion simulations in a MAPS epitaxial layer
330  // The diffusion widths below were inspired by those plots, corresponding to where the probability drops off to 1/3 of the peak value
331  // However note that we make the simplifying assumption that the probability distribution is flat within this diffusion width,
332  // while in the simulation it is not
333  //double diffusion_width_max = 35.0e-04; // maximum diffusion radius 35 microns, in cm
334  //double diffusion_width_min = 12.0e-04; // minimum diffusion radius 12 microns, in cm
335  double diffusion_width_max = 25.0e-04; // maximum diffusion radius 35 microns, in cm
336  double diffusion_width_min = 8.0e-04; // minimum diffusion radius 12 microns, in cm
338  double ydrift_max = pathvec.Y();
339  int nsegments = 4;
341  // we want to make a list of all pixels possibly affected by this hit
342  // we take the entry and exit locations in local coordinates, and build
343  // a rectangular array of pixels that encompasses both, with "nadd" pixels added all around
345  int xbin_in = layergeom->get_pixel_X_from_pixel_number(pixel_number_in);
346  int zbin_in = layergeom->get_pixel_Z_from_pixel_number(pixel_number_in);
347  int xbin_out = layergeom->get_pixel_X_from_pixel_number(pixel_number_out);
348  int zbin_out = layergeom->get_pixel_Z_from_pixel_number(pixel_number_out);
350  int xbin_max, xbin_min;
351  int nadd = 2;
352  if (xbin_in > xbin_out)
353  {
354  xbin_max = xbin_in + nadd;
355  xbin_min = xbin_out - nadd;
356  }
357  else
358  {
359  xbin_max = xbin_out + nadd;
360  xbin_min = xbin_in - nadd;
361  }
363  int zbin_max, zbin_min;
364  if (zbin_in > zbin_out)
365  {
366  zbin_max = zbin_in + nadd;
367  zbin_min = zbin_out - nadd;
368  }
369  else
370  {
371  zbin_max = zbin_out + nadd;
372  zbin_min = zbin_in - nadd;
373  }
375  // need to check that values of xbin and zbin are within the valid range
376  // YCM: Fix pixel range: Xbin (row) 0 to 511, Zbin (col) 0 to 1023
377  if (xbin_min < 0) xbin_min = 0;
378  if (zbin_min < 0) zbin_min = 0;
379  if (xbin_max >= maxNX) xbin_max = maxNX-1;
380  if (zbin_max >= maxNZ) xbin_max = maxNZ-1;
382  if (Verbosity() > 1)
383  {
384  cout << " xbin_in " << xbin_in << " xbin_out " << xbin_out << " xbin_min " << xbin_min << " xbin_max " << xbin_max << endl;
385  cout << " zbin_in " << zbin_in << " zbin_out " << zbin_out << " zbin_min " << zbin_min << " zbin_max " << zbin_max << endl;
386  }
388  // skip this hit if it involves an unreasonable number of pixels
389  // this skips it if either the xbin or ybin range traversed is greater than 8 (for 8 adding two pixels at each end makes the range 12)
390  if (xbin_max - xbin_min > 12 || zbin_max - zbin_min > 12)
391  continue;
393  // this hit is skipped earlier if this dimensioning would be exceeded
394  double pixenergy[12][12] = {}; // init to 0
395  double pixeion[12][12] = {}; // init to 0
397  // Loop over track segments and diffuse charge at each segment location, collect energy in pixels
398  for (int i = 0; i < nsegments; i++)
399  {
400  // Find the tracklet segment location
401  // If there are n segments of equal length, we want 2*n intervals
402  // The 1st segment is centered at interval 1, the 2nd at interval 3, the nth at interval 2n -1
403  double interval = 2 * (double) i + 1;
404  double frac = interval / (double) (2 * nsegments);
405  TVector3 segvec(pathvec.X() * frac, pathvec.Y() * frac, pathvec.Z() * frac);
406  segvec = segvec + local_out;
408  // Find the distance to the back of the sensor from the segment location
409  // That projection changes only the value of y
410  double ydrift = segvec.Y() - local_out.Y();
412  // Caculate the charge diffusion over this drift distance
413  // increases from diffusion width_min to diffusion_width_max
414  double ydiffusion_radius = diffusion_width_min + (ydrift / ydrift_max) * (diffusion_width_max - diffusion_width_min);
416  if (Verbosity() > 5)
417  cout << " segment " << i
418  << " interval " << interval
419  << " frac " << frac
420  << " local_in.X " << local_in.X()
421  << " local_in.Z " << local_in.Z()
422  << " local_in.Y " << local_in.Y()
423  << " pathvec.X " << pathvec.X()
424  << " pathvec.Z " << pathvec.Z()
425  << " pathvec.Y " << pathvec.Y()
426  << " segvec.X " << segvec.X()
427  << " segvec.Z " << segvec.Z()
428  << " segvec.Y " << segvec.Y()
429  << " ydrift " << ydrift
430  << " ydrift_max " << ydrift_max
431  << " ydiffusion_radius " << ydiffusion_radius
432  << endl;
434  // Now find the area of overlap of the diffusion circle with each pixel and apportion the energy
435  for (int ix = xbin_min; ix <= xbin_max; ix++)
436  {
437  for (int iz = zbin_min; iz <= zbin_max; iz++)
438  {
439  // Find the pixel corners for this pixel number
440  int pixnum = layergeom->get_pixel_number_from_xbin_zbin(ix, iz);
442  if (pixnum < 0)
443  {
444  cout << " pixnum < 0 , pixnum = " << pixnum << endl;
445  cout << " ix " << ix << " iz " << iz << endl;
446  cout << " xbin_min " << xbin_min << " zbin_min " << zbin_min
447  << " xbin_max " << xbin_max << " zbin_max " << zbin_max
448  << endl;
449  cout << " maxNX " << maxNX << " maxNZ " << maxNZ
450  << endl;
451  }
453  TVector3 tmp = layergeom->get_local_coords_from_pixel(pixnum);
454  // note that (x1,z1) is the top left corner, (x2,z2) is the bottom right corner of the pixel - circle_rectangle_intersection expects this ordering
455  double x1 = tmp.X() - xpixw_half;
456  double z1 = tmp.Z() + zpixw_half;
457  double x2 = tmp.X() + xpixw_half;
458  double z2 = tmp.Z() - zpixw_half;
460  // here segvec.X and segvec.Z are the center of the circle, and diffusion_radius is the circle radius
461  // circle_rectangle_intersection returns the overlap area of the circle and the pixel. It is very fast if there is no overlap.
462  double pixarea_frac = PHG4Utils::circle_rectangle_intersection(x1, z1, x2, z2, segvec.X(), segvec.Z(), ydiffusion_radius) / (M_PI * pow(ydiffusion_radius, 2));
463  // assume that the energy is deposited uniformly along the tracklet length, so that this segment gets the fraction 1/nsegments of the energy
464  pixenergy[ix - xbin_min][iz - zbin_min] += pixarea_frac * hiter->second->get_edep() / (float) nsegments;
465  if (hiter->second->has_property(PHG4Hit::prop_eion))
466  {
467  pixeion[ix - xbin_min][iz - zbin_min] += pixarea_frac * hiter->second->get_eion() / (float) nsegments;
468  }
469  if (Verbosity() > 5)
470  {
471  cout << " pixnum " << pixnum << " xbin " << ix << " zbin " << iz
472  << " pixel_area fraction of circle " << pixarea_frac << " accumulated pixel energy " << pixenergy[ix - xbin_min][iz - zbin_min]
473  << endl;
474  }
475  }
476  }
477  } // end loop over segments
479  // now we have the energy deposited in each pixel, summed over all tracklet segments. We make a vector of all pixels with non-zero energy deposited
480  for (int ix = xbin_min; ix <= xbin_max; ix++)
481  {
482  for (int iz = zbin_min; iz <= zbin_max; iz++)
483  {
484  if (pixenergy[ix - xbin_min][iz - zbin_min] > 0.0)
485  {
486  int pixnum = layergeom->get_pixel_number_from_xbin_zbin(ix, iz);
487  vpixel.push_back(pixnum);
488  vxbin.push_back(ix);
489  vzbin.push_back(iz);
490  pair<double, double> tmppair = make_pair(pixenergy[ix - xbin_min][iz - zbin_min], pixeion[ix - xbin_min][iz - zbin_min]);
491  venergy.push_back(tmppair);
492  if (Verbosity() > 1)
493  cout << " Added pixel number " << pixnum << " xbin " << ix << " zbin " << iz << " to vectors with energy " << pixenergy[ix - xbin_min][iz - zbin_min] << endl;
494  }
495  }
496  }
498  //===================================
499  // End of charge sharing implementation
500  //===================================
502  // loop over all fired cells for this g4hit and add them to the TrkrHitSet
503  for (unsigned int i1 = 0; i1 < vpixel.size(); i1++) // loop over all fired cells
504  {
505  // This is the new storage object version
506  //====================================
508  // We need to create the TrkrHitSet if not already made - each TrkrHitSet should correspond to a chip for the Mvtx
509  TrkrDefs::hitsetkey hitsetkey = MvtxDefs::genHitSetKey(*layer, stave_number, chip_number);
510  // Use existing hitset or add new one if needed
511  TrkrHitSetContainer::Iterator hitsetit = trkrhitsetcontainer->findOrAddHitSet(hitsetkey);
513  // generate the key for this hit
514  TrkrDefs::hitkey hitkey = MvtxDefs::genHitKey(vzbin[i1], vxbin[i1]);
515  // See if this hit already exists
516  TrkrHit *hit = nullptr;
517  hit = hitsetit->second->getHit(hitkey);
518  if (!hit)
519  {
520  // Otherwise, create a new one
521  hit = new TrkrHitv2();
522  hitsetit->second->addHitSpecificKey(hitkey, hit);
523  }
525  // Either way, add the energy to it
526  hit->addEnergy(venergy[i1].first * TrkrDefs::MvtxEnergyScaleup);
528  // now we update the TrkrHitTruthAssoc map - the map contains <hitsetkey, std::pair <hitkey, g4hitkey> >
529  // There is only one TrkrHit per pixel, but there may be multiple g4hits
530  // How do we know how much energy from PHG4Hit went into TrkrHit? We don't, have to sort it out in evaluator to save memory
532  // How do we check if this association already exists?
533  //cout << "PHG4MvtxHitReco: adding association entry for hitkey " << hitkey << " and g4hitkey " << hiter->first << endl;
534  hittruthassoc->addAssoc(hitsetkey, hitkey, hiter->first);
536  } // end loop over hit cells
537  } // end loop over g4hits for this layer
539  } // end loop over layers
541  // print the list of entries in the association table
542  if (Verbosity() > 2)
543  {
544  cout << "From PHG4MvtxHitReco: " << endl;
545  hittruthassoc->identify();
546  }
549 }
551 void PHG4MvtxHitReco::set_timing_window(const int detid, const double tmin, const double tmax)
552 {
553  // first have to erase the default value
554  std::map<int, std::pair<double, double> >::iterator it = tmin_max.find(detid);
555  tmin_max.erase(it);
556  // now replace it with the new value
557  tmin_max.insert(std::make_pair(detid, std::make_pair(tmin, tmax)));
559  cout << "PHG4MvtxHitReco: Set Mvtx timing window parameters from macro for layer = " << detid << " to tmin = " << tmin_max[detid].first << " tmax = " << tmin_max[detid].second << endl;
561  return;
562 }
565 {
566  cout << "PHG4MvtxHitReco: Setting Mvtx timing window defaults to tmin = -5000 and tmax = 5000 ns" << endl;
567  for (int ilayer = 0; ilayer < 3; ilayer++)
568  {
569  tmin_max.insert(std::make_pair(ilayer, std::make_pair(-5000, 5000)));
570  }
571  return;
572 }