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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file PHG4BarrelEcalSubsystem.cc
6 #include <phparameter/PHParameters.h>
8 #include <g4main/PHG4DisplayAction.h> // for PHG4DisplayAction
10 #include <g4main/PHG4SteppingAction.h> // for PHG4SteppingAction
11 #include <g4main/PHG4Utils.h>
13 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
14 #include <phool/PHIODataNode.h> // for PHIODataNode
15 #include <phool/PHNode.h> // for PHNode
16 #include <phool/PHNodeIterator.h> // for PHNodeIterator
17 #include <phool/PHObject.h> // for PHObject
18 #include <phool/getClass.h>
20 #include <TSystem.h>
22 #include <cstdlib> // for getenv
23 #include <set> // for set
24 #include <sstream>
26 class PHG4Detector;
28 //_______________________________________________________________________
29 PHG4BarrelEcalSubsystem::PHG4BarrelEcalSubsystem(const std::string& name, const int lyr)
30  : PHG4DetectorSubsystem(name, lyr)
31 {
33 }
35 //_______________________________________________________________________
37 {
38  delete m_DisplayAction;
39 }
41 //_______________________________________________________________________
43 {
44  PHNodeIterator iter(topNode);
45  PHCompositeNode* dstNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST"));
47  // create display settings before detector
49  // create detector
50  m_Detector = new PHG4BarrelEcalDetector(this, topNode, GetParams(), Name());
55  std::set<std::string> nodes;
57  if (GetParams()->get_int_param("active"))
58  {
59  PHNodeIterator dstIter(dstNode);
60  PHCompositeNode* DetNode = dstNode;
61  if (SuperDetector() != "NONE")
62  {
63  DetNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(dstIter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", SuperDetector()));
64  if (!DetNode)
65  {
66  DetNode = new PHCompositeNode(SuperDetector());
67  dstNode->addNode(DetNode);
68  }
69  }
70  // create hit output nodes
71  std::string detector_suffix = SuperDetector();
72  if (detector_suffix == "NONE")
73  {
74  detector_suffix = Name();
75  }
76  m_HitNodeName = "G4HIT_" + detector_suffix;
77  nodes.insert(m_HitNodeName);
78  m_AbsorberNodeName = "G4HIT_ABSORBER_" + detector_suffix;
79  if (GetParams()->get_int_param("absorberactive"))
80  {
81  nodes.insert(m_AbsorberNodeName);
82  }
83  m_SupportNodeName = "G4HIT_SUPPORT_" + detector_suffix;
84  if (GetParams()->get_int_param("supportactive"))
85  {
86  nodes.insert(m_SupportNodeName);
87  }
88  for (auto thisnode : nodes)
89  {
90  PHG4HitContainer* g4_hits = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, thisnode);
91  if (!g4_hits)
92  {
93  g4_hits = new PHG4HitContainer(thisnode);
94  DetNode->addNode(new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(g4_hits, thisnode, "PHObject"));
95  }
96  }
97  // create stepping action
102  m_SteppingAction = tmp;
103  }
104  return 0;
105 }
107 //_______________________________________________________________________
109 {
110  // pass top node to stepping action so that it gets
111  // relevant nodes needed internally
112  if (m_SteppingAction)
113  {
115  }
116  return 0;
117 }
119 //_______________________________________________________________________
121 {
122  return m_Detector;
123 }
126 {
127  std::ostringstream mappingfilename;
128  const char* calibroot = getenv("CALIBRATIONROOT");
129  if (calibroot)
130  {
131  mappingfilename << calibroot;
132  }
133  else
134  {
135  std::cout << "no CALIBRATIONROOT environment variable" << std::endl;
136  gSystem->Exit(1);
137  }
138  mappingfilename << "BarrelEcal/mapping/towerMap_BEMC_v001.txt";
139  set_default_string_param("mapping_file", mappingfilename.str());
140  set_default_double_param("radius", 85.);
141  set_default_double_param("max_radius", 138.);
142  set_default_double_param("CenterZ_Shift", -41.);
143  set_default_double_param("tower_length", 45.5);
144  set_default_double_param("cone1_h", 30.);
145  set_default_double_param("cone1_dz", 24.);
146  set_default_double_param("cone2_h", 20.5);
147  set_default_double_param("cone2_dz", 25.5);
148  set_default_double_param("thickness_wall", 0.1);
149  set_default_double_param("silicon_width_half", 0.05);
150  set_default_double_param("kapton_width_half", 0.05);
151  set_default_double_param("SIO2_width_half", 0.05);
152  set_default_double_param("Carbon_width_half", 1.);
153  set_default_double_param("support_length", 1.5);
155  return;
156 }
159 {
160  set_string_param("mapping_file", filename);
161 }
163 void PHG4BarrelEcalSubsystem::Print(const std::string& what) const
164 {
165  std::cout << Name() << " Parameters: " << std::endl;
166  if (!BeginRunExecuted())
167  {
168  std::cout << "Need to execute BeginRun() before parameter printout is meaningful" << std::endl;
169  std::cout << "To do so either run one or more events or on the command line execute: " << std::endl;
170  std::cout << "Fun4AllServer *se = Fun4AllServer::instance();" << std::endl;
171  std::cout << "PHG4Reco *g4 = (PHG4Reco *) se->getSubsysReco(\"PHG4RECO\");" << std::endl;
172  std::cout << "g4->InitRun(se->topNode());" << std::endl;
173  std::cout << "PHG4BarrelEcalSubsystem *fhcal = (PHG4BarrelEcalSubsystem *) g4->getSubsystem(\"" << Name() << "\");" << std::endl;
174  std::cout << "fhcal->Print()" << std::endl;
175  return;
176  }
177  GetParams()->Print();
178  if (m_SteppingAction)
179  {
180  m_SteppingAction->Print(what);
181  }
182  return;
183 }