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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file QAG4SimulationTracking.cc
2 #include "QAHistManagerDef.h"
4 #include <g4eval/SvtxEvalStack.h>
5 #include <g4eval/SvtxTrackEval.h> // for SvtxTrackEval
6 #include <g4eval/SvtxTruthEval.h> // for SvtxTruthEval
8 #include <g4main/PHG4Hit.h>
10 #include <g4main/PHG4Particle.h>
15 #include <trackbase/TrkrDefs.h> // for cluskey, getLayer
23 #include <fun4all/SubsysReco.h>
25 #include <phool/getClass.h>
26 #include <phool/phool.h> // for PHWHERE
28 #include <TAxis.h>
29 #include <TDatabasePDG.h>
30 #include <TH1.h>
31 #include <TH2.h>
32 #include <TNamed.h>
33 #include <TParticlePDG.h> // for TParticlePDG
34 #include <TString.h>
35 #include <TVector3.h>
37 #include <array>
38 #include <cassert>
39 #include <cmath>
40 #include <iostream>
41 #include <map> // for map
42 #include <utility> // for pair
45  : SubsysReco(name)
46 {
47 }
50 {
51  if (!m_svtxEvalStack)
52  {
53  m_svtxEvalStack.reset(new SvtxEvalStack(topNode));
54  m_svtxEvalStack->set_strict(false);
55  m_svtxEvalStack->set_verbosity(Verbosity());
56  }
58  m_trackMap = findNode::getClass<SvtxTrackMap>(topNode, "SvtxTrackMap");
61 }
64 {
66  assert(hm);
68  // reco pT / gen pT histogram
69  TH1 *h(nullptr);
71  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "pTRecoGenRatio",
72  ";Reco p_{T}/Truth p_{T}", 500, 0, 2);
73  hm->registerHisto(h);
75  h = new TH2F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "pTRecoGenRatio_pTGen",
76  ";Truth p_{T} [GeV/c];Reco p_{T}/Truth p_{T}", 200, 0, 50, 500, 0, 2);
77  // QAHistManagerDef::useLogBins(h->GetXaxis());
78  hm->registerHisto(h);
80  // reco track w/ truth-track matched vs reco pT histograms
81  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "nGen_pTReco",
82  "Gen tracks at reco p_{T}; Reco p_{T} [GeV/c]", 200, 0.1, 50.5);
83  QAHistManagerDef::useLogBins(h->GetXaxis());
84  hm->registerHisto(h);
85  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "nReco_pTReco",
86  ";Gen p_{T} [GeV/c];Track count / bin", 200, 0.1, 50.5);
87  QAHistManagerDef::useLogBins(h->GetXaxis());
88  hm->registerHisto(h);
89  h = new TH2F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "pTRecoTruthMatchedRatio_pTReco",
90  ";Reco p_{T} [GeV/c];Matched p_{T}/Reco p_{T}", 200, 0, 50, 500, 0, 2);
91  hm->registerHisto(h);
93  // reco track w/ truth-track matched vs reco pT histograms with quality cuts
94  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "nGen_pTReco_cuts",
95  "Gen tracks at reco p_{T} (#geq 2 MVTX, #geq 1 INTT, #geq 20 TPC); Reco p_{T} [GeV/c]", 200, 0.1, 50.5);
96  QAHistManagerDef::useLogBins(h->GetXaxis());
97  hm->registerHisto(h);
98  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "nReco_pTReco_cuts",
99  ";Gen p_{T} [GeV/c];Track count / bin", 200, 0.1, 50.5);
100  QAHistManagerDef::useLogBins(h->GetXaxis());
101  hm->registerHisto(h);
102  h = new TH2F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "pTRecoTruthMatchedRatio_pTReco_cuts",
103  ";Reco p_{T} [GeV/c];Matched p_{T}/Reco p_{T}", 200, 0, 50, 500, 0, 2);
104  hm->registerHisto(h);
106  // reco pT histogram
107  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "nReco_pTGen",
108  "Reco tracks at truth p_{T};Truth p_{T} [GeV/c]", 200, 0.1, 50.5);
109  QAHistManagerDef::useLogBins(h->GetXaxis());
110  hm->registerHisto(h);
112  // reco pT histogram vs tracker clusters
113  h = new TH2F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "nMVTX_nReco_pTGen",
114  "Reco tracks at truth p_{T};Truth p_{T} [GeV/c];nCluster_{MVTX}", 200, 0.1, 50.5, 6, -.5, 5.5);
115  QAHistManagerDef::useLogBins(h->GetXaxis());
116  hm->registerHisto(h);
117  h = new TH2F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "nINTT_nReco_pTGen",
118  "Reco tracks at truth p_{T};Truth p_{T} [GeV/c];nCluster_{INTT}", 200, 0.1, 50.5, 6, -.5, 5.5);
119  QAHistManagerDef::useLogBins(h->GetXaxis());
120  hm->registerHisto(h);
121  h = new TH2F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "nTPC_nReco_pTGen",
122  "Reco tracks at truth p_{T};Truth p_{T} [GeV/c];nCluster_{TPC}", 200, 0.1, 50.5, 60, -.5, 59.5);
123  QAHistManagerDef::useLogBins(h->GetXaxis());
124  hm->registerHisto(h);
126  // DCA histograms
127  h = new TH2F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "DCArPhi_pT",
128  "DCA resolution at truth p_{T};Truth p_{T} [GeV/c];DCA(r#phi) resolution [cm]", 200, 0.1, 50.5, 500, -0.05, 0.05);
129  QAHistManagerDef::useLogBins(h->GetXaxis());
130  hm->registerHisto(h);
131  h = new TH2F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "DCAZ_pT",
132  "DCA resolution at truth p_{T};Truth p_{T} [GeV/c];DCA(Z) resolution [cm]", 200, 0.1, 50.5, 500, -0.05, 0.05);
133  QAHistManagerDef::useLogBins(h->GetXaxis());
134  hm->registerHisto(h);
136  // DCA histograms with cuts
137  h = new TH2F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "DCArPhi_pT_cuts",
138  "DCA Resolution (#geq 2 MVTX, #geq 1 INTT, #geq 20 TPC);Truth p_{T} [GeV/c];DCA(r#phi) resolution [cm]", 200, 0.1, 50.5, 500, -0.05, 0.05);
139  QAHistManagerDef::useLogBins(h->GetXaxis());
140  hm->registerHisto(h);
141  h = new TH2F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "DCAZ_pT_cuts",
142  "DCA Resolution (#geq 2 MVTX, #geq 1 INTT, #geq 20 TPC);Truth p_{T} [GeV/c];DCA(Z) resolution [cm]", 200, 0.1, 50.5, 500, -0.05, 0.05);
143  QAHistManagerDef::useLogBins(h->GetXaxis());
144  hm->registerHisto(h);
145  h = new TH2F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "SigmalizedDCArPhi_pT",
146  "Sigmalized DCA (#geq 2 MVTX, #geq 1 INTT, #geq 20 TPC);Truth p_{T} [GeV/c];Sigmalized DCA(r#phi) [cm]", 200, 0.1, 50.5, 500, -5., 5.);
147  QAHistManagerDef::useLogBins(h->GetXaxis());
148  hm->registerHisto(h);
149  h = new TH2F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "SigmalizedDCAZ_pT",
150  "Sigmalized DCA (#geq 2 MVTX, #geq 1 INTT, #geq 20 TPC);Truth p_{T} [GeV/c];Sigmalized DCA(Z) [cm]", 200, 0.1, 50.5, 500, -5., 5.);
151  QAHistManagerDef::useLogBins(h->GetXaxis());
152  hm->registerHisto(h);
154  // reco pT histogram
155  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "nGen_pTGen",
156  ";Truth p_{T} [GeV/c];Track count / bin", 200, 0.1, 50.5);
157  QAHistManagerDef::useLogBins(h->GetXaxis());
158  hm->registerHisto(h);
160  // reco pT histogram
161  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "nReco_etaGen",
162  "Reco tracks at truth #eta;Truth #eta", 200, -2, 2);
163  // QAHistManagerDef::useLogBins(h->GetXaxis());
164  hm->registerHisto(h);
165  // reco pT histogram
166  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "nGen_etaGen",
167  ";Truth #eta;Track count / bin", 200, -2, 2);
168  // QAHistManagerDef::useLogBins(h->GetXaxis());
169  hm->registerHisto(h);
171  // clusters per layer and per track histogram
172  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "nClus_layer", "Reco Clusters per layer per track;Layer;nCluster", 64, 0, 64);
173  hm->registerHisto(h);
175  // clusters per layer and per generated track histogram
176  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "nClus_layerGen", "Reco Clusters per layer per truth track;Layer;nCluster", 64, 0, 64);
177  hm->registerHisto(h);
179  // n events and n tracks histogram
180  h = new TH1F(TString(get_histo_prefix()) + "Normalization",
181  TString(get_histo_prefix()) + " Normalization;Items;Count", 10, .5, 10.5);
182  int i = 1;
183  h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i++, "Event");
184  h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i++, "Truth Track");
185  h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i++, "Truth Track+");
186  h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i++, "Truth Track-");
187  h->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i++, "Reco Track");
188  h->GetXaxis()->LabelsOption("v");
189  hm->registerHisto(h);
192 }
195 {
196  m_embeddingIDs.insert(embeddingID);
197 }
200 {
201  if (Verbosity() > 2)
202  std::cout << "QAG4SimulationTracking::process_event() entered" << std::endl;
204  // load relevant nodes from NodeTree
205  load_nodes(topNode);
207  // histogram manager
209  assert(hm);
211  if (m_svtxEvalStack)
212  m_svtxEvalStack->next_event(topNode);
214  SvtxTrackEval *trackeval = m_svtxEvalStack->get_track_eval();
215  assert(trackeval);
216  SvtxTruthEval *trutheval = m_svtxEvalStack->get_truth_eval();
217  assert(trutheval);
219  // reco pT / gen pT histogram
220  TH1 *h_pTRecoGenRatio = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "pTRecoGenRatio"));
221  assert(h_pTRecoGenRatio);
223  // reco pT / gen pT histogram
224  TH2 *h_pTRecoGenRatio_pTGen = dynamic_cast<TH2 *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "pTRecoGenRatio_pTGen"));
225  assert(h_pTRecoGenRatio);
227  // reco track, truth track matched histogram at reco pT
228  TH1 *h_nGen_pTReco = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "nGen_pTReco"));
229  assert(h_nGen_pTReco);
230  // Normalization histogram for reco track truth track matched
231  TH1 *h_nReco_pTReco = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "nReco_pTReco"));
232  assert(h_nReco_pTReco);
233  // Truth matched ratio histogram
234  TH2 *h_pTRecoTruthMatchedRatio_pTReco = dynamic_cast<TH2 *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "pTRecoTruthMatchedRatio_pTReco"));
235  assert(h_pTRecoTruthMatchedRatio_pTReco);
237  // reco track, truth track matched histogram at reco pT with cuts
238  TH1 *h_nGen_pTReco_cuts = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "nGen_pTReco_cuts"));
239  assert(h_nGen_pTReco_cuts);
240  // Normalization histogram for reco track truth track matched with cuts
241  TH1 *h_nReco_pTReco_cuts = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "nReco_pTReco_cuts"));
242  assert(h_nReco_pTReco_cuts);
243  // Truth matched ratio histogram with cuts
244  TH2 *h_pTRecoTruthMatchedRatio_pTReco_cuts = dynamic_cast<TH2 *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "pTRecoTruthMatchedRatio_pTReco_cuts"));
245  assert(h_pTRecoTruthMatchedRatio_pTReco_cuts);
247  // reco histogram plotted at gen pT
248  TH1 *h_nReco_pTGen = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "nReco_pTGen"));
249  assert(h_nReco_pTGen);
251  // reco histogram plotted at gen pT
252  TH1 *h_nMVTX_nReco_pTGen = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "nMVTX_nReco_pTGen"));
253  assert(h_nMVTX_nReco_pTGen);
254  // reco histogram plotted at gen pT
255  TH1 *h_nINTT_nReco_pTGen = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "nINTT_nReco_pTGen"));
256  assert(h_nINTT_nReco_pTGen);
257  // reco histogram plotted at gen pT
258  TH1 *h_nTPC_nReco_pTGen = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "nTPC_nReco_pTGen"));
259  assert(h_nTPC_nReco_pTGen);
261  // DCA resolution histogram
262  TH2 *h_DCArPhi_pT = dynamic_cast<TH2 *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "DCArPhi_pT"));
263  assert(h_DCArPhi_pT);
264  // DCA resolution histogram
265  TH2 *h_DCAZ_pT = dynamic_cast<TH2 *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "DCAZ_pT"));
266  assert(h_DCAZ_pT);
268  // DCA resolution histogram with cuts
269  TH2 *h_DCArPhi_pT_cuts = dynamic_cast<TH2 *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "DCArPhi_pT_cuts"));
270  assert(h_DCArPhi_pT_cuts);
271  // DCA resolution histogram with cuts
272  TH2 *h_DCAZ_pT_cuts = dynamic_cast<TH2 *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "DCAZ_pT_cuts"));
273  assert(h_DCAZ_pT_cuts);
274  // Sigmalized DCA histograms with cuts
275  TH2 *h_SigmalizedDCArPhi_pT = dynamic_cast<TH2 *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "SigmalizedDCArPhi_pT"));
276  assert(h_SigmalizedDCArPhi_pT);
277  // Sigmalized DCA histograms with cuts
278  TH2 *h_SigmalizedDCAZ_pT = dynamic_cast<TH2 *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "SigmalizedDCAZ_pT"));
279  assert(h_SigmalizedDCAZ_pT);
281  // gen pT histogram
282  TH1 *h_nGen_pTGen = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "nGen_pTGen"));
283  assert(h_nGen_pTGen);
285  // reco histogram plotted at gen eta
286  TH1 *h_nReco_etaGen = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "nReco_etaGen"));
287  assert(h_nReco_etaGen);
289  // gen eta histogram
290  TH1 *h_nGen_etaGen = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "nGen_etaGen"));
291  assert(h_nGen_etaGen);
293  // clusters per layer and per track
294  auto h_nClus_layer = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "nClus_layer"));
295  assert(h_nClus_layer);
297  // clusters per layer and per generated track
298  auto h_nClus_layerGen = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "nClus_layerGen"));
299  assert(h_nClus_layer);
301  // n events and n tracks histogram
302  TH1 *h_norm = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(hm->getHisto(get_histo_prefix() + "Normalization"));
303  assert(h_norm);
304  h_norm->Fill("Event", 1);
306  // fill histograms that need truth information
307  if (!m_truthContainer)
308  {
309  std::cout << "QAG4SimulationTracking::process_event - fatal error - missing m_truthContainer! ";
311  }
313  // build map of clusters associated to G4Particles
314  /* inspired from PHTruthTrackSeeding code */
315  using KeySet = std::set<TrkrDefs::cluskey>;
316  using ParticleMap = std::map<int, KeySet>;
317  ParticleMap g4particle_map;
319  {
320  // loop over clusters
321  auto hitsetrange = m_hitsets->getHitSets();
322  for (auto hitsetitr = hitsetrange.first;
323  hitsetitr != hitsetrange.second;
324  ++hitsetitr)
325  {
326  auto range = m_cluster_map->getClusters(hitsetitr->first);
327  for (auto clusterIter = range.first; clusterIter != range.second; ++clusterIter)
328  {
329  // store cluster key
330  const auto &key = clusterIter->first;
332  // loop over associated g4hits
333  for (const auto &g4hit : find_g4hits(key))
334  {
335  const int trkid = g4hit->get_trkid();
336  auto iter = g4particle_map.lower_bound(trkid);
337  if (iter != g4particle_map.end() && iter->first == trkid)
338  {
339  iter->second.insert(key);
340  }
341  else
342  {
343  g4particle_map.insert(iter, std::make_pair(trkid, KeySet({key})));
344  }
345  }
346  }
347  }
348  }
350  // loop over reco tracks to fill norm histogram for track matching
351  if (m_trackMap)
352  {
353  for (SvtxTrackMap::Iter iter = m_trackMap->begin();
354  iter != m_trackMap->end();
355  ++iter)
356  {
357  SvtxTrack *track = iter->second;
358  assert(track);
360  const double px = track->get_px();
361  const double py = track->get_py();
362  const double pz = track->get_pz();
363  const TVector3 v(px, py, pz);
364  const double pt = v.Pt();
365  h_nReco_pTReco->Fill(pt); // normalization histogram fill
367  int MVTX_hits = 0;
368  int INTT_hits = 0;
369  int TPC_hits = 0;
370  for (auto cluster_iter = track->begin_cluster_keys(); cluster_iter != track->end_cluster_keys(); ++cluster_iter)
371  {
372  const auto &cluster_key = *cluster_iter;
373  const auto trackerID = TrkrDefs::getTrkrId(cluster_key);
375  if (trackerID == TrkrDefs::mvtxId)
376  ++MVTX_hits;
377  else if (trackerID == TrkrDefs::inttId)
378  ++INTT_hits;
379  else if (trackerID == TrkrDefs::tpcId)
380  ++TPC_hits;
381  else
382  {
383  if (Verbosity())
384  std::cout << "QAG4SimulationTracking::process_event - unkown tracker ID = " << trackerID << " from cluster " << cluster_key << std::endl;
385  }
386  }
387  if (MVTX_hits >= 2 && INTT_hits >= 1 && TPC_hits >= 20)
388  {
389  h_nReco_pTReco_cuts->Fill(pt); // normalization histogram fill with cuts
390  }
391  PHG4Particle *g4particle_match = trackeval->max_truth_particle_by_nclusters(track);
392  if (g4particle_match)
393  {
394  SvtxTrack *matched_track = trackeval->best_track_from(g4particle_match);
396  if (matched_track)
397  {
398  if (matched_track->get_id() == track->get_id())
399  {
400  h_nGen_pTReco->Fill(pt); // fill if matching truth track
402  const double gpx = g4particle_match->get_px();
403  const double gpy = g4particle_match->get_py();
404  TVector3 gv(gpx, gpy, 0);
405  const double gpt = gv.Pt();
407  const double pt_ratio = (pt != 0) ? gpt / pt : 0;
408  h_pTRecoTruthMatchedRatio_pTReco->Fill(pt, pt_ratio);
410  if (MVTX_hits >= 2 && INTT_hits >= 1 && TPC_hits >= 20)
411  {
412  h_nGen_pTReco_cuts->Fill(pt);
413  h_pTRecoTruthMatchedRatio_pTReco_cuts->Fill(pt, pt_ratio);
414  }
415  }
416  }
417  }
418  }
419  }
420  else
421  {
422  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " : Fatal error: missing SvtxTrackMap" << std::endl;
424  } // reco track loop
427  for (PHG4TruthInfoContainer::ConstIterator iter = range.first; iter != range.second; ++iter)
428  {
429  // get the truth particle information
430  PHG4Particle *g4particle = iter->second;
432  if (Verbosity())
433  {
434  std::cout << "QAG4SimulationTracking::process_event - processing ";
435  g4particle->identify();
436  }
438  if (!m_embeddingIDs.empty())
439  {
440  //only analyze subset of particle with proper embedding IDs
441  int candidate_embedding_id = trutheval->get_embed(g4particle);
442  if (candidate_embedding_id < 0) candidate_embedding_id = -1;
444  // skip if no match
445  if (m_embeddingIDs.find(candidate_embedding_id) == m_embeddingIDs.end()) continue;
446  }
448  double gpx = g4particle->get_px();
449  double gpy = g4particle->get_py();
450  double gpz = g4particle->get_pz();
451  double gpt = 0;
452  double geta = NAN;
454  if (gpx != 0 && gpy != 0)
455  {
456  TVector3 gv(gpx, gpy, gpz);
457  gpt = gv.Pt();
458  geta = gv.Eta();
459  // gphi = gv.Phi();
460  }
461  if (m_etaRange.first < geta and geta < m_etaRange.second)
462  {
463  if (Verbosity())
464  {
465  std::cout << "QAG4SimulationTracking::process_event - accept particle eta = " << geta << std::endl;
466  }
467  }
468  else
469  {
470  if (Verbosity())
471  std::cout << "QAG4SimulationTracking::process_event - ignore particle eta = " << geta << std::endl;
472  continue;
473  }
475  const int pid = g4particle->get_pid();
476  TParticlePDG *pdg_p = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(pid);
477  if (!pdg_p)
478  {
479  std::cout << "QAG4SimulationTracking::process_event - Error - invalid particle ID = " << pid << std::endl;
480  continue;
481  }
483  const double gcharge = pdg_p->Charge() / 3;
484  if (gcharge > 0)
485  {
486  h_norm->Fill("Truth Track+", 1);
487  }
488  else if (gcharge < 0)
489  {
490  h_norm->Fill("Truth Track-", 1);
491  }
492  else
493  {
494  if (Verbosity())
495  std::cout << "QAG4SimulationTracking::process_event - invalid particle ID = " << pid << std::endl;
496  continue;
497  }
498  h_norm->Fill("Truth Track", 1);
500  h_nGen_pTGen->Fill(gpt);
501  h_nGen_etaGen->Fill(geta);
503  // loop over clusters associated to this G4Particle
504  {
505  const auto mapIter = g4particle_map.find(iter->first);
506  if (mapIter != g4particle_map.cend())
507  {
508  for (const auto &cluster_key : mapIter->second)
509  {
510  h_nClus_layerGen->Fill(TrkrDefs::getLayer(cluster_key));
511  }
512  }
513  else if (Verbosity())
514  {
515  std::cout << "QAG4SimulationTracking::process_event - could nof find clusters associated to G4Particle " << iter->first << std::endl;
516  }
517  }
519  // look for best matching track in reco data & get its information
520  SvtxTrack *track = trackeval->best_track_from(g4particle);
521  if (track)
522  {
523  bool match_found(false);
526  {
527  PHG4Particle *g4particle_matched = trackeval->max_truth_particle_by_nclusters(track);
529  if (g4particle_matched)
530  {
531  if (g4particle_matched->get_track_id() == g4particle->get_track_id())
532  {
533  match_found = true;
534  if (Verbosity())
535  std::cout << "QAG4SimulationTracking::process_event - found unique match for g4 particle " << g4particle->get_track_id() << std::endl;
536  }
537  else
538  {
539  if (Verbosity())
540  std::cout << "QAG4SimulationTracking::process_event - none unique match for g4 particle " << g4particle->get_track_id()
541  << ". The track belong to g4 particle " << g4particle_matched->get_track_id() << std::endl;
542  }
543  } // if (g4particle_matched)
544  else
545  {
546  if (Verbosity())
547  std::cout << "QAG4SimulationTracking::process_event - none unique match for g4 particle " << g4particle->get_track_id()
548  << ". The track belong to no g4 particle!" << std::endl;
549  }
550  }
552  if ((match_found and m_uniqueTrackingMatch) or (not m_uniqueTrackingMatch))
553  {
554  h_nReco_etaGen->Fill(geta);
555  h_nReco_pTGen->Fill(gpt);
557  // double dca2d = track->get_dca2d();
558  // double dca2dsigma = track->get_dca2d_error();
559  double dca3dxy = track->get_dca3d_xy();
560  double dca3dxysigma = track->get_dca3d_xy_error();
561  double dca3dz = track->get_dca3d_z();
562  double dca3dzsigma = track->get_dca3d_z_error();
563  double px = track->get_px();
564  double py = track->get_py();
565  double pz = track->get_pz();
566  double pt;
567  TVector3 v(px, py, pz);
568  pt = v.Pt();
569  // eta = v.Pt();
570  // phi = v.Pt();
572  float pt_ratio = (gpt != 0) ? pt / gpt : 0;
573  h_pTRecoGenRatio->Fill(pt_ratio);
574  h_pTRecoGenRatio_pTGen->Fill(gpt, pt_ratio);
575  h_DCArPhi_pT->Fill(pt, dca3dxy);
576  h_DCAZ_pT->Fill(pt, dca3dz);
577  h_norm->Fill("Reco Track", 1);
579  int MVTX_hits = 0;
580  int INTT_hits = 0;
581  int TPC_hits = 0;
582  for (auto cluster_iter = track->begin_cluster_keys(); cluster_iter != track->end_cluster_keys(); ++cluster_iter)
583  {
584  const auto &cluster_key = *cluster_iter;
585  const auto trackerID = TrkrDefs::getTrkrId(cluster_key);
587  if (trackerID == TrkrDefs::mvtxId)
588  ++MVTX_hits;
589  else if (trackerID == TrkrDefs::inttId)
590  ++INTT_hits;
591  else if (trackerID == TrkrDefs::tpcId)
592  ++TPC_hits;
593  else
594  {
595  if (Verbosity())
596  std::cout << "QAG4SimulationTracking::process_event - unkown tracker ID = " << trackerID << " from cluster " << cluster_key << std::endl;
597  }
598  }
599  if (MVTX_hits >= 2 && INTT_hits >= 1 && TPC_hits >= 20)
600  {
601  h_DCArPhi_pT_cuts->Fill(pt, dca3dxy);
602  h_DCAZ_pT_cuts->Fill(pt, dca3dz);
603  h_SigmalizedDCArPhi_pT->Fill(pt, dca3dxy / dca3dxysigma);
604  h_SigmalizedDCAZ_pT->Fill(pt, dca3dz / dca3dzsigma);
605  }
607  // tracker cluster stat.
608  std::array<unsigned int, 3> nclusters = {{0, 0, 0}};
610  // cluster stat.
611  for (auto cluster_iter = track->begin_cluster_keys(); cluster_iter != track->end_cluster_keys(); ++cluster_iter)
612  {
613  const auto &cluster_key = *cluster_iter;
614  const auto layer = TrkrDefs::getLayer(cluster_key);
615  const auto trackerID = TrkrDefs::getTrkrId(cluster_key);
617  h_nClus_layer->Fill(layer);
619  if (trackerID == TrkrDefs::mvtxId)
620  ++nclusters[0];
621  else if (trackerID == TrkrDefs::inttId)
622  ++nclusters[1];
623  else if (trackerID == TrkrDefs::tpcId)
624  ++nclusters[2];
625  else
626  {
627  if (Verbosity())
628  std::cout << "QAG4SimulationTracking::process_event - unkown tracker ID = " << trackerID << " from cluster " << cluster_key << std::endl;
629  }
630  } // for
631  h_nMVTX_nReco_pTGen->Fill(gpt, nclusters[0]);
632  h_nINTT_nReco_pTGen->Fill(gpt, nclusters[1]);
633  h_nTPC_nReco_pTGen->Fill(gpt, nclusters[2]);
634  } // if (match_found)
636  } // if (track)
637  }
640 }
643 {
644  m_hitsets = findNode::getClass<TrkrHitSetContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_HITSET");
645  if (!m_hitsets)
646  {
647  std::cout << PHWHERE << " ERROR: Can't find TrkrHitSetContainer." << std::endl;
649  }
651  m_truthContainer = findNode::getClass<PHG4TruthInfoContainer>(topNode, "G4TruthInfo");
652  if (!m_truthContainer)
653  {
654  std::cout << "QAG4SimulationTracking::load_nodes - Fatal Error - "
655  << "unable to find DST node "
656  << "G4TruthInfo" << std::endl;
657  assert(m_truthContainer);
658  }
660  // cluster map
661  m_cluster_map = findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_CLUSTER");
662  assert(m_cluster_map);
664  // cluster hit association map
665  m_cluster_hit_map = findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterHitAssoc>(topNode, "TRKR_CLUSTERHITASSOC");
666  assert(m_cluster_hit_map);
668  // cluster hit association map
669  m_hit_truth_map = findNode::getClass<TrkrHitTruthAssoc>(topNode, "TRKR_HITTRUTHASSOC");
670  assert(m_hit_truth_map);
672  // g4hits
673  m_g4hits_tpc = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, "G4HIT_TPC");
674  m_g4hits_intt = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, "G4HIT_INTT");
675  m_g4hits_mvtx = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, "G4HIT_MVTX");
676  m_g4hits_micromegas = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, "G4HIT_MICROMEGAS");
679 }
681 std::string
683 {
684  return std::string("h_") + Name() + std::string("_");
685 }
688 {
689  // find hitset associated to cluster
690  G4HitSet out;
691  const auto hitset_key = TrkrDefs::getHitSetKeyFromClusKey(cluster_key);
693  // loop over hits associated to clusters
694  const auto range = m_cluster_hit_map->getHits(cluster_key);
695  for (auto iter = range.first; iter != range.second; ++iter)
696  {
697  // hit key
698  const auto &hit_key = iter->second;
700  // store hits to g4hit associations
701  TrkrHitTruthAssoc::MMap g4hit_map;
702  m_hit_truth_map->getG4Hits(hitset_key, hit_key, g4hit_map);
704  // find corresponding g4 hist
705  for (auto truth_iter = g4hit_map.begin(); truth_iter != g4hit_map.end(); ++truth_iter)
706  {
707  const auto g4hit_key = truth_iter->second.second;
708  PHG4Hit *g4hit = nullptr;
710  switch (TrkrDefs::getTrkrId(hitset_key))
711  {
712  case TrkrDefs::mvtxId:
713  if (m_g4hits_mvtx) g4hit = m_g4hits_mvtx->findHit(g4hit_key);
714  break;
716  case TrkrDefs::inttId:
717  if (m_g4hits_intt) g4hit = m_g4hits_intt->findHit(g4hit_key);
718  break;
720  case TrkrDefs::tpcId:
721  if (m_g4hits_tpc) g4hit = m_g4hits_tpc->findHit(g4hit_key);
722  break;
725  if (m_g4hits_micromegas) g4hit = m_g4hits_micromegas->findHit(g4hit_key);
726  break;
728  default:
729  break;
730  }
732  if (g4hit) out.insert(g4hit);
733  }
734  }
736  return out;
737 }