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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file CuboidVolumeBuilderTests.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
12 #include "Acts/Geometry/Layer.hpp"
28 #include "Acts/Utilities/Units.hpp"
30 #include <vector>
32 using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
34 namespace Acts {
35 namespace Test {
41  struct this_result {
42  // Position of the propagator after each step
43  std::vector<Vector3D> position;
44  // Volume of the propagator after each step
45  std::vector<TrackingVolume const*> volume;
46  };
50  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
51  void operator()(propagator_state_t& state, const stepper_t& stepper,
52  result_type& result) const {
53  result.position.push_back(stepper.position(state.stepping));
54  result.volume.push_back(state.navigation.currentVolume);
55  }
56 };
58 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CuboidVolumeBuilderTest) {
59  // Construct builder
62  // Create a test context
65  // Create configurations for surfaces
66  std::vector<CuboidVolumeBuilder::SurfaceConfig> surfaceConfig;
67  for (unsigned int i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
68  // Position of the surfaces
70  cfg.position = {i * UnitConstants::m, 0., 0.};
72  // Rotation of the surfaces
73  double rotationAngle = M_PI * 0.5;
74  Vector3D xPos(cos(rotationAngle), 0., sin(rotationAngle));
75  Vector3D yPos(0., 1., 0.);
76  Vector3D zPos(-sin(rotationAngle), 0., cos(rotationAngle));
77  cfg.rotation.col(0) = xPos;
78  cfg.rotation.col(1) = yPos;
79  cfg.rotation.col(2) = zPos;
81  // Boundaries of the surfaces
82  cfg.rBounds =
83  std::make_shared<const RectangleBounds>(RectangleBounds(0.5_m, 0.5_m));
85  // Material of the surfaces
86  MaterialSlab matProp(makeBeryllium(), 0.5_mm);
87  cfg.surMat = std::make_shared<HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial>(matProp);
89  // Thickness of the detector element
90  cfg.thickness = 1_um;
93  [](const Transform3D& trans,
94  std::shared_ptr<const RectangleBounds> bounds, double thickness) {
95  return new DetectorElementStub(trans, bounds, thickness);
96  };
97  surfaceConfig.push_back(cfg);
98  }
100  // Test that there are actually 4 surface configurations
101  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(surfaceConfig.size(), 4u);
103  // Test that 4 surfaces can be built
104  for (const auto& cfg : surfaceConfig) {
105  std::shared_ptr<const PlaneSurface> pSur = cvb.buildSurface(tgContext, cfg);
106  BOOST_CHECK_NE(pSur, nullptr);
107  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(pSur->center(tgContext), cfg.position, 1e-9);
108  BOOST_CHECK_NE(pSur->surfaceMaterial(), nullptr);
109  BOOST_CHECK_NE(pSur->associatedDetectorElement(), nullptr);
110  }
113  // Build layer configurations
114  std::vector<CuboidVolumeBuilder::LayerConfig> layerConfig;
115  for (auto& sCfg : surfaceConfig) {
117  cfg.surfaceCfg = sCfg;
118  layerConfig.push_back(cfg);
119  }
121  // Test that there are actually 4 layer configurations
122  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(layerConfig.size(), 4u);
124  // Test that 4 layers with surfaces can be built
125  for (auto& cfg : layerConfig) {
126  LayerPtr layer = cvb.buildLayer(tgContext, cfg);
127  BOOST_CHECK_NE(layer, nullptr);
128  BOOST_CHECK_NE(cfg.surface, nullptr);
129  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(layer->surfaceArray()->surfaces().size(), 1u);
130  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(layer->layerType(), LayerType::active);
131  }
133  for (auto& cfg : layerConfig) {
134  cfg.surface = nullptr;
135  }
137  // Build volume configuration
139  volumeConfig.position = {2.5_m, 0., 0.};
140  volumeConfig.length = {5_m, 1_m, 1_m};
141  volumeConfig.layerCfg = layerConfig;
142  volumeConfig.name = "Test volume";
143  volumeConfig.volumeMaterial =
144  std::make_shared<HomogeneousVolumeMaterial>(makeBeryllium());
146  // Test the building
147  std::shared_ptr<TrackingVolume> trVol =
148  cvb.buildVolume(tgContext, volumeConfig);
149  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(volumeConfig.layers.size(), 4u);
150  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(trVol->confinedLayers()->arrayObjects().size(),
151  volumeConfig.layers.size() * 2 +
152  1u); // #layers = navigation + material layers
153  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(trVol->volumeName(), volumeConfig.name);
154  BOOST_CHECK_NE(trVol->volumeMaterial(), nullptr);
156  // Test the building
157  volumeConfig.layers.clear();
158  trVol = cvb.buildVolume(tgContext, volumeConfig);
159  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(volumeConfig.layers.size(), 4u);
160  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(trVol->confinedLayers()->arrayObjects().size(),
161  volumeConfig.layers.size() * 2 +
162  1u); // #layers = navigation + material layers
163  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(trVol->volumeName(), volumeConfig.name);
165  volumeConfig.layers.clear();
166  for (auto& lay : volumeConfig.layerCfg) {
167  lay.surface = nullptr;
168  lay.active = true;
169  }
170  trVol = cvb.buildVolume(tgContext, volumeConfig);
171  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(volumeConfig.layers.size(), 4u);
172  for (auto& lay : volumeConfig.layers) {
173  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lay->layerType(), LayerType::active);
174  }
176  volumeConfig.layers.clear();
177  for (auto& lay : volumeConfig.layerCfg) {
178  lay.active = true;
179  }
180  trVol = cvb.buildVolume(tgContext, volumeConfig);
181  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(volumeConfig.layers.size(), 4u);
182  for (auto& lay : volumeConfig.layers) {
183  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lay->layerType(), LayerType::active);
184  }
187  // Build TrackingGeometry configuration
189  // Build second volume
190  std::vector<CuboidVolumeBuilder::SurfaceConfig> surfaceConfig2;
191  for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
192  // Position of the surfaces
194  cfg.position = {-i * UnitConstants::m, 0., 0.};
196  // Rotation of the surfaces
197  double rotationAngle = M_PI * 0.5;
198  Vector3D xPos(cos(rotationAngle), 0., sin(rotationAngle));
199  Vector3D yPos(0., 1., 0.);
200  Vector3D zPos(-sin(rotationAngle), 0., cos(rotationAngle));
201  cfg.rotation.col(0) = xPos;
202  cfg.rotation.col(1) = yPos;
203  cfg.rotation.col(2) = zPos;
205  // Boundaries of the surfaces
206  cfg.rBounds =
207  std::make_shared<const RectangleBounds>(RectangleBounds(0.5_m, 0.5_m));
209  // Material of the surfaces
210  MaterialSlab matProp(makeBeryllium(), 0.5_mm);
211  cfg.surMat = std::make_shared<HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial>(matProp);
213  // Thickness of the detector element
214  cfg.thickness = 1_um;
215  surfaceConfig2.push_back(cfg);
216  }
218  std::vector<CuboidVolumeBuilder::LayerConfig> layerConfig2;
219  for (auto& sCfg : surfaceConfig2) {
221  cfg.surfaceCfg = sCfg;
222  layerConfig2.push_back(cfg);
223  }
224  CuboidVolumeBuilder::VolumeConfig volumeConfig2;
225  volumeConfig2.position = {-2.5_m, 0., 0.};
226  volumeConfig2.length = {5_m, 1_m, 1_m};
227  volumeConfig2.layerCfg = layerConfig2;
228  volumeConfig2.name = "Test volume2";
231  config.position = {0., 0., 0.};
232  config.length = {10_m, 1_m, 1_m};
233  config.volumeCfg = {volumeConfig2, volumeConfig};
235  cvb.setConfig(config);
237  tgbCfg.trackingVolumeBuilders.push_back(
238  [=](const auto& context, const auto& inner, const auto&) {
239  return cvb.trackingVolume(context, inner, nullptr);
240  });
241  TrackingGeometryBuilder tgb(tgbCfg);
243  std::unique_ptr<const TrackingGeometry> detector =
244  tgb.trackingGeometry(tgContext);
246  detector->lowestTrackingVolume(tgContext, Vector3D(1., 0., 0.))
247  ->volumeName(),
248  volumeConfig.name);
250  detector->lowestTrackingVolume(tgContext, Vector3D(-1., 0., 0.))
251  ->volumeName(),
252  volumeConfig2.name);
253 }
255 /*
256 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(CuboidVolumeBuilderTest_confinedVolumes) {
257  // Production factory
258  CuboidVolumeBuilder cvb;
260  // Create a test context
261  GeometryContext tgContext = GeometryContext();
262  MagneticFieldContext mfContext = MagneticFieldContext();
264  // Build a volume that confines another volume
265  CuboidVolumeBuilder::VolumeConfig vCfg;
266  vCfg.position = {1. * UnitConstants::m, 0., 0.};
267  vCfg.length = {2. * UnitConstants::m, 1. * UnitConstants::m, 1. *
268 UnitConstants::m}; vCfg.name = "Test volume";
269  // Build and add 2 confined volumes
270  CuboidVolumeBuilder::VolumeConfig cvCfg1;
271  cvCfg1.position = {1.1 * UnitConstants::m, 0., 0.};
272  cvCfg1.length = {10. * UnitConstants::cm, 10. * UnitConstants::cm, 10. *
273 UnitConstants::cm}; cvCfg1.name = "Confined volume1"; cvCfg1.volumeMaterial =
274  std::shared_ptr<const IVolumeMaterial>(new HomogeneousVolumeMaterial(
275  Material(352.8, 407., 9.012, 4., 1.848e-3)));
276  CuboidVolumeBuilder::VolumeConfig cvCfg2;
277  cvCfg2.position = {0.9 * UnitConstants::m, 0., 0.};
278  cvCfg2.length = {10. * UnitConstants::cm, 10. * UnitConstants::cm, 10. *
279 UnitConstants::cm}; cvCfg2.name = "Confined volume2"; vCfg.volumeCfg = {cvCfg1,
280 cvCfg2};
282  // Build detector
283  CuboidVolumeBuilder::Config config;
284  config.position = {1. * UnitConstants::m, 0., 0.};
285  config.length = {2. * UnitConstants::m, 1. * UnitConstants::m, 1. *
286 UnitConstants::m}; config.volumeCfg = {vCfg};
288  cvb.setConfig(config);
289  TrackingGeometryBuilder::Config tgbCfg;
290  tgbCfg.trackingVolumeBuilders.push_back(
291  [=](const auto& context, const auto& inner, const auto& vb) {
292  return cvb.trackingVolume(context, inner, vb);
293  });
294  TrackingGeometryBuilder tgb(tgbCfg);
295  std::shared_ptr<const TrackingGeometry> detector =
296  tgb.trackingGeometry(tgContext);
298  // Test that the right volume is selected
299  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(detector->lowestTrackingVolume(tgContext, {1. *
300 UnitConstants::m, 0., 0.})
301  ->volumeName(), vCfg.name);
302  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(detector->lowestTrackingVolume(tgContext, {1.1 *
303 UnitConstants::m, 0., 0.})
304  ->volumeName(), cvCfg1.name);
305  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(detector->lowestTrackingVolume(tgContext, {0.9 *
306 UnitConstants::m, 0., 0.})
307  ->volumeName(), cvCfg2.name);
309  // Set propagator and navigator
310  PropagatorOptions<ActionList<StepVolumeCollector>> propOpts(tgContext,
311  mfContext);
312  propOpts.maxStepSize = 10. * UnitConstants::mm;
313  StraightLineStepper sls;
314  Navigator navi(detector);
315  navi.resolvePassive = true;
316  navi.resolveMaterial = true;
317  navi.resolveSensitive = true;
319  Propagator<StraightLineStepper, Navigator> prop(sls, navi);
321  // Set initial parameters for the particle track
322  Vector3D startParams(0., 0., 0.), startMom(1. * UnitConstants::GeV, 0., 0.);
323  CurvilinearTrackParameters sbtp(
324  std::nullopt, startParams, startMom, 1., 0.);
326  // Launch and collect results
327  const auto& result = prop.propagate(sbtp, propOpts).value();
328  const StepVolumeCollector::this_result& stepResult =
329  result.get<typename StepVolumeCollector::result_type>();
331  // Check the identified volumes
332  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < stepResult.position.size(); i++) {
333  if (i > 0) {
334  BOOST_CHECK_GT(stepResult.position[i].x(), 0.);
335  }
336  if (stepResult.position[i].x() >= 0.85 * UnitConstants::m &&
337  stepResult.position[i].x() < 0.95 * UnitConstants::m) {
338  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepResult.volume[i]->volumeName(), cvCfg2.name);
339  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepResult.volume[i]->volumeMaterial(), nullptr);
340  } else {
341  if (stepResult.position[i].x() >= 1.05 * UnitConstants::m &&
342  stepResult.position[i].x() < 1.15 * UnitConstants::m) {
343  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepResult.volume[i]->volumeName(), cvCfg1.name);
344  BOOST_CHECK_NE(stepResult.volume[i]->volumeMaterial(), nullptr);
345  } else {
346  if (stepResult.position[i].x() < 2. * UnitConstants::m) {
347  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepResult.volume[i]->volumeName(), vCfg.name);
348  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stepResult.volume[i]->volumeMaterial(), nullptr);
349  }
350  }
351  }
352  }
353 }
354 */
479 } // namespace Test
480 } // namespace Acts