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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file PHG4MicromegasDetector.cc
9 #include <phparameter/PHParameters.h>
13 #include <g4main/PHG4Detector.h>
17 #include <phool/getClass.h>
18 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
19 #include <phool/PHIODataNode.h>
20 #include <phool/PHNode.h> // for PHNode
21 #include <phool/PHNodeIterator.h> // for PHNodeIterator
22 #include <phool/PHObject.h> // for PHObject
23 #include <phool/recoConsts.h>
25 #include <Geant4/G4Tubs.hh>
26 #include <Geant4/G4Color.hh>
27 #include <Geant4/G4LogicalVolume.hh>
28 #include <Geant4/G4Material.hh>
29 #include <Geant4/G4PVPlacement.hh>
30 #include <Geant4/G4SystemOfUnits.hh>
31 #include <Geant4/G4VisAttributes.hh>
32 #include <Geant4/G4String.hh> // for G4String
33 #include <Geant4/G4ThreeVector.hh> // for G4ThreeVector
34 #include <Geant4/G4Types.hh> // for G4double
35 #include <Geant4/G4VPhysicalVolume.hh> // for G4VPhysicalVolume
36 #include <Geant4/G4VSolid.hh> // for G4VSolid
38 #include <cmath>
39 #include <iostream>
40 #include <numeric>
41 #include <tuple> // for make_tuple, tuple
42 #include <utility> // for pair, make_pair
43 #include <vector> // for vector
45 //____________________________________________________________________________..
47  : PHG4Detector(subsys, Node, dnam)
48  , m_Params(parameters)
49 {}
51 //_______________________________________________________________
52 bool PHG4MicromegasDetector::IsInDetector(G4VPhysicalVolume *volume) const
53 { return m_activeVolumes.find( volume ) != m_activeVolumes.end(); }
55 //_______________________________________________________________
56 int PHG4MicromegasDetector::get_layer(G4VPhysicalVolume *volume) const
57 {
58  const auto iter = m_activeVolumes.find( volume );
59  return iter == m_activeVolumes.end() ? -1:iter->second;
60 }
62 //_______________________________________________________________
63 void PHG4MicromegasDetector::ConstructMe(G4LogicalVolume* logicWorld)
64 {
66  construct_micromegas(logicWorld);
68 }
70 //_______________________________________________________________
71 void PHG4MicromegasDetector::Print(const std::string &what) const
72 {
73  std::cout << "PHG4Micromegas Detector:" << std::endl;
74  if (what == "ALL" || what == "VOLUME")
75  {
76  std::cout << "Version 0.1" << std::endl;
77  std::cout << "Parameters:" << std::endl;
78  m_Params->Print();
79  }
80  return;
81 }
83 //_______________________________________________________________
85 {
86  // get the list of NIST materials
87  // ---------------------------------
88  auto G4_N = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_N");
89  auto G4_O = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_O");
90  auto G4_C = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_C");
91  auto G4_H = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_H");
92  auto G4_Si = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Si");
93  auto G4_Ar = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Ar");
94  auto G4_Cr = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Cr");
95  auto G4_Fe = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Fe");
96  auto G4_Mn = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Mn");
97  auto G4_Ni = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Ni");
98  auto G4_Cu = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Cu");
100  // combine elements
101  // ----------------
102  static const G4double temperature = 298.15*kelvin;
103  static const G4double pressure = 1.*atmosphere;
105  // FR4
106  if (!GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_FR4", false))
107  {
108  auto mmg_FR4 = new G4Material( "mmg_FR4", 1.860*g/cm3, 4, kStateSolid);
109  mmg_FR4->AddMaterial( G4_C, 0.43550 );
110  mmg_FR4->AddMaterial( G4_H, 0.03650 );
111  mmg_FR4->AddMaterial( G4_O, 0.28120 );
112  mmg_FR4->AddMaterial( G4_Si, 0.24680 );
113  }
115  // Kapton
116  if (!GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_Kapton", false))
117  {
118  auto mmg_Kapton = new G4Material( "mmg_Kapton", 1.420*g/cm3, 4, kStateSolid);
119  mmg_Kapton->AddMaterial( G4_C, 0.6911330 );
120  mmg_Kapton->AddMaterial( G4_H, 0.0263620 );
121  mmg_Kapton->AddMaterial( G4_N, 0.0732700 );
122  mmg_Kapton->AddMaterial( G4_O, 0.2092350);
123  }
125  // MMgas
126  if (!GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_Gas", false))
127  {
128  auto mmg_Gas = new G4Material( "mmg_Gas", 0.00170335*g/cm3, 3, kStateGas, temperature, pressure);
129  mmg_Gas->AddMaterial( G4_Ar, 0.900 );
130  mmg_Gas->AddMaterial( G4_C, 0.0826586 );
131  mmg_Gas->AddMaterial( G4_H, 0.0173414 );
132  }
134  // MMMesh
135  if (!GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_Mesh", false))
136  {
137  auto mmg_Mesh = new G4Material( "mmg_Mesh", 2.8548*g/cm3, 5, kStateSolid);
138  mmg_Mesh->AddMaterial( G4_Cr, 0.1900 );
139  mmg_Mesh->AddMaterial( G4_Fe, 0.6800 );
140  mmg_Mesh->AddMaterial( G4_Mn, 0.0200 );
141  mmg_Mesh->AddMaterial( G4_Ni, 0.1000 );
142  mmg_Mesh->AddMaterial( G4_Si, 0.0100 );
143  }
145  // MMStrips
146  if (!GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_Strips", false))
147  { new G4Material( "mmg_Strips", 5.248414*g/cm3, G4_Cu, kStateSolid); }
149  // MMResistivePaste
150  if (!GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_ResistPaste", false))
151  { new G4Material( "mmg_ResistPaste", 0.77906*g/cm3, G4_C, kStateSolid); }
153 }
155 //_______________________________________________________________
156 void PHG4MicromegasDetector::construct_micromegas(G4LogicalVolume* logicWorld)
157 {
158  // components enumeration
159  /*
160  this describes all the detector onion layers for a single side
161  note that the detector is two sided
162  */
163  enum class Component
164  {
165  PCB,
166  CuStrips,
167  KaptonStrips,
168  ResistiveStrips,
169  Gas1,
170  Mesh,
171  Gas2,
172  DriftCuElectrode,
173  DriftKapton,
174  DriftCarbon
175  };
177  // layer thickness
178  // numbers from M. Vandenbroucke <maxence.vandenbroucke@cea.fr>
179  const std::map<Component,float> layer_thickness =
180  {
181  { Component::PCB, 1.*mm },
182  { Component::CuStrips, 12.*micrometer },
183  { Component::KaptonStrips, 50.*micrometer },
184  { Component::ResistiveStrips, 20.*micrometer },
185  { Component::Gas1, 120.*micrometer },
186  { Component::Mesh, 18.*0.8*micrometer }, // 0.8 correction factor is to account for the mesh denstity@18/45
187  { Component::Gas2, 3.*mm },
188  { Component::DriftCuElectrode, 15.*micrometer },
189  { Component::DriftKapton, 50.*micrometer },
190  { Component::DriftCarbon, 1.*mm }
191  };
193  // materials
194  const std::map<Component,G4Material*> layer_material =
195  {
196  { Component::PCB, GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_FR4") },
197  { Component::CuStrips, GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_Strips") },
198  { Component::KaptonStrips, GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_Kapton") },
199  { Component::ResistiveStrips, GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_ResistPaste" ) },
200  { Component::Gas1, GetDetectorMaterial( "mmg_Gas" ) },
201  { Component::Mesh, GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_Mesh") },
202  { Component::Gas2, GetDetectorMaterial( "mmg_Gas" ) },
203  { Component::DriftCuElectrode, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Cu") },
204  { Component::DriftKapton, GetDetectorMaterial("mmg_Kapton") },
205  { Component::DriftCarbon, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_C") }
206  };
208  // color
209  const std::map<Component, G4Colour> layer_color =
210  {
211  { Component::PCB, G4Colour::Green()},
212  { Component::CuStrips, G4Colour::Brown()},
213  { Component::KaptonStrips, G4Colour::Brown()},
214  { Component::ResistiveStrips, G4Colour::Black()},
215  { Component::Gas1, G4Colour::Grey()},
216  { Component::Mesh, G4Colour::White()},
217  { Component::Gas2, G4Colour::Grey()},
218  { Component::DriftCuElectrode, G4Colour::Brown()},
219  { Component::DriftKapton, G4Colour::Brown()},
220  { Component::DriftCarbon, G4Colour(150/255., 75/255., 0)}
221  };
223  // setup layers in the correct order, going outwards from beam axis
224  /* same compoment can appear multiple times. Layer names must be unique */
225  using LayerDefinition = std::tuple<Component,std::string>;
226  const std::vector<LayerDefinition> layer_definitions =
227  {
228  // inner side
229  std::make_tuple( Component::DriftCarbon, "DriftCarbon_inner" ),
230  std::make_tuple( Component::DriftKapton, "DriftKapton_inner" ),
231  std::make_tuple( Component::DriftCuElectrode, "DriftCuElectrode_inner" ),
232  std::make_tuple( Component::Gas2, "Gas2_inner" ),
233  std::make_tuple( Component::Mesh, "Mesh_inner" ),
234  std::make_tuple( Component::Gas1, "Gas1_inner" ),
235  std::make_tuple( Component::ResistiveStrips, "ResistiveStrips_inner" ),
236  std::make_tuple( Component::KaptonStrips, "KaptonStrips_inner" ),
237  std::make_tuple( Component::CuStrips, "CuStrips_inner" ),
239  // PCB
240  std::make_tuple( Component::PCB, "PCB" ),
242  // outer side (= inner side, mirrored)
243  std::make_tuple( Component::CuStrips, "CuStrips_outer" ),
244  std::make_tuple( Component::KaptonStrips, "KaptonStrips_outer" ),
245  std::make_tuple( Component::ResistiveStrips, "ResistiveStrips_outer" ),
246  std::make_tuple( Component::Gas1, "Gas1_outer" ),
247  std::make_tuple( Component::Mesh, "Mesh_outer" ),
248  std::make_tuple( Component::Gas2, "Gas2_outer" ),
249  std::make_tuple( Component::DriftCuElectrode, "DriftCuElectrode_outer" ),
250  std::make_tuple( Component::DriftKapton, "DriftKapton_outer" ),
251  std::make_tuple( Component::DriftCarbon, "DriftCarbon_outer" )
252  };
254  // start seting up volumes
255  // get initial radius
256  const double radius = m_Params->get_double_param("mm_radius")*cm;
257  const double length = m_Params->get_double_param("mm_length")*cm;
259  // get total thickness
260  const double thickness = std::accumulate(
261  layer_definitions.begin(), layer_definitions.end(), 0.,
262  [layer_thickness](double value, LayerDefinition layer )
263  { return value + layer_thickness.at(std::get<0>(layer)); } );
265  std::cout << "PHG4MicromegasDetector::ConstructMe - detector thickness is " << thickness/cm << " cm" << std::endl;
267  // create mother volume
268  auto cylinder_solid = new G4Tubs( G4String(GetName()), radius - 0.001*mm, radius + thickness + 0.001*mm, length / 2., 0, M_PI*2);
271  auto cylinder_logic = new G4LogicalVolume( cylinder_solid, GetDetectorMaterial(rc->get_StringFlag("WorldMaterial")), G4String(GetName()) );
272  auto vis = new G4VisAttributes(G4Color(G4Colour::Grey()));
273  vis->SetForceSolid(true);
274  vis->SetVisibility(false);
275  cylinder_logic->SetVisAttributes(vis);
277  // add placement
278  new G4PVPlacement( nullptr, G4ThreeVector(0,0,0), cylinder_logic, G4String(GetName()), logicWorld, false, 0, OverlapCheck() );
280  // keep track of current layer
281  int layer_index = m_FirstLayer;
283  // create detector
284  /* we loop over registered layers and create volumes for each */
285  auto current_radius = radius;
286  for( const auto& layer:layer_definitions )
287  {
288  const Component& type = std::get<0>(layer);
289  const std::string& name = std::get<1>(layer);
291  // layer name
292  G4String cname = G4String(GetName()) + "_" + name;
294  // get thickness, material and name
295  const auto thickness = layer_thickness.at(type);
296  const auto material = layer_material.at(type);
297  const auto color = layer_color.at(type);
299  auto component_solid = new G4Tubs(cname+"_solid", current_radius, current_radius+thickness, length/2, 0, M_PI*2);
300  auto component_logic = new G4LogicalVolume( component_solid, material, cname+"_logic");
301  auto vis = new G4VisAttributes( color );
302  vis->SetForceSolid(true);
303  vis->SetVisibility(true);
304  component_logic->SetVisAttributes(vis);
306  auto component_phys = new G4PVPlacement( nullptr, G4ThreeVector(0,0,0), component_logic, cname+"_phys", cylinder_logic, false, 0, OverlapCheck() );
308  // store active volume
309  if( type == Component::Gas2 ) m_activeVolumes.insert( std::make_pair( component_phys, layer_index++ ) );
310  else m_passiveVolumes.insert( component_phys );
312  // update radius
313  current_radius += thickness;
314  }
316  // print physical layers
317  std::cout << "PHG4MicromegasDetector::ConstructMe - first layer: " << m_FirstLayer << std::endl;
318  for( const auto& pair:m_activeVolumes )
319  { std::cout << "PHG4MicromegasDetector::ConstructMe - layer: " << pair.second << " volume: " << pair.first->GetName() << std::endl; }
321  return;
322 }
324 //_______________________________________________________________
326 {
327  // do nothing if detector is inactive
328  if( !m_Params->get_int_param("active")) return;
330  // find or create geometry node
331  std::string geonode_name = std::string( "CYLINDERGEOM_" ) + m_SuperDetector;
332  auto geonode = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderGeomContainer>(topNode(), geonode_name);
333  if (!geonode)
334  {
335  geonode = new PHG4CylinderGeomContainer();
336  PHNodeIterator iter(topNode());
337  auto runNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "RUN"));
338  auto newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(geonode, geonode_name, "PHObject");
339  runNode->addNode(newNode);
340  }
342  // add cylinder objects
343  /* one cylinder is added per physical volume. The dimention correspond to the drift volume */
344  for( const auto& pair:m_activeVolumes )
345  {
346  // store layer and volume
347  const int layer = pair.second;
348  const G4VPhysicalVolume* volume_phys = pair.first;
350  // get solid volume, cast to a tube
351  const auto tub = dynamic_cast<const G4Tubs*>( volume_phys->GetLogicalVolume()->GetSolid() );
353  // create cylinder and match geometry
354  /* note: cylinder segmentation type and pitch is set in PHG4MicromegasHitReco */
355  auto cylinder = new CylinderGeomMicromegas(layer);
356  cylinder->set_radius( (tub->GetInnerRadius()/cm + tub->GetOuterRadius()/cm)/2 );
357  cylinder->set_thickness( tub->GetOuterRadius()/cm - tub->GetInnerRadius()/cm );
358  cylinder->set_zmin( -tub->GetZHalfLength()/cm );
359  cylinder->set_zmax( tub->GetZHalfLength()/cm );
360  geonode->AddLayerGeom(layer, cylinder);
361  }
363 }