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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file FairGeoMedium.cxx
1 //*-- รถ : Ilse Koenig
2 //*-- Modified : 10/11/2003 by Ilse Koenig
5 //
6 // Class for tracking medium ( includes also material )
7 //
9 #include "FairGeoMedium.h"
11 #include <iostream>
12 #include <cmath>
13 #include "stdlib.h"
14 using std::cout;
15 using std::log;
16 using std::pow;
20 FairGeoMedium::FairGeoMedium(const char* name)
21  : TNamed(name,""),
22  medId(0),
23  autoflag(1),
24  nComponents(0),
25  weightFac(0),
26  ca(NULL),
27  cz(NULL),
28  cw(NULL),
29  density(0),
30  radLen(0),
31  sensFlag(0),
32  fldFlag(0),
33  fld(0),
34  epsil(0),
35  madfld(-1),
36  maxstep(-1),
37  maxde(-1),
38  minstep(-1),
39  npckov(0),
40  ppckov(NULL),
41  absco(NULL),
42  effic(NULL),
43  rindex(NULL)
44 {
45  // Constructor for a medium with name and index id
46 // SetName(name);
47 };
50 {
51  // Destructor
52  if (nComponents>0) {
53  delete [] ca;
54  ca=0;
55  delete [] cz;
56  cz=0;
57  delete [] cw;
58  cw=0;
59  nComponents=0;
60  }
61  if (npckov>0) {
62  delete [] ppckov;
63  ppckov=0;
64  delete [] absco;
65  absco=0;
66  delete [] effic;
67  effic=0;
68  delete [] rindex;
69  rindex=0;
70  npckov=0;
71  }
72 }
75 {
76  // Sets the number of components in the material
77  if (n==0) { return; }
78  Int_t k=abs(n);
79  if (nComponents!=0 && k!=nComponents) {
80  delete [] ca;
81  delete [] cz;
82  delete [] cw;
83  nComponents=0;
84  }
85  if (nComponents==0) {
86  nComponents=k;
87  ca=new Double_t[k];
88  cz=new Double_t[k];
89  cw=new Double_t[k];
90  }
91  weightFac=(Int_t)(n/nComponents);
92 }
94 Bool_t FairGeoMedium::setComponent (Int_t i,Double_t a,Double_t z,Double_t weight)
95 {
96  // Defines the ith material component
97  if (i<0||i>=nComponents) {
98  Error("setNComponents","Wrong index");
99  return kFALSE;
100  }
101  ca[i]=a;
102  cz[i]=z;
103  cw[i]=weight;
104  return kTRUE;
105 }
107 void FairGeoMedium::getComponent(Int_t i,Double_t* p)
108 {
109  // Returns the ith material component
110  if (i>=0&&i<nComponents) {
111  p[0]=ca[i];
112  p[1]=cz[i];
113  p[2]=cw[i];
114 // cout << " -I p: " << p[0] << p[1] << p[2] << endl;
115  } else { p[0]=p[1]=p[2]=0.; }
116 }
119 {
120  // Sets the number of optical parameters for the tracking of Cerenkov light
121  if (n!=npckov && npckov>0) {
122  delete [] ppckov;
123  delete [] absco;
124  delete [] effic;
125  delete [] rindex;
126  }
127  npckov=n;
128  if (n>0) {
129  ppckov=new Double_t[npckov];
130  absco=new Double_t[npckov];
131  effic=new Double_t[npckov];
132  rindex=new Double_t[npckov];
133  }
134 }
136 Bool_t FairGeoMedium::setCerenkovPar(Int_t i,Double_t p,Double_t a,Double_t e ,Double_t r)
137 {
138  // Defines the ith parameter set of the optical parameters
139  if (i<0 || i>=npckov) {
140  Error("setNpckov","Wrong index");
141  return kFALSE;
142  }
143  ppckov[i]=p;
144  absco[i]=a;
145  effic[i]=e;
146  rindex[i]=r;
147  return kTRUE;
148 }
150 void FairGeoMedium::getCerenkovPar(Int_t i,Double_t* p)
151 {
152  // returns the ith parameter set of the optical parameters
153  if (i>=0&&i<npckov) {
154  p[0]=ppckov[i];
155  p[1]=absco[i];
156  p[2]=effic[i];
157  p[3]=rindex[i];
158  } else { p[0]=p[1]=p[2]=p[3]=0.; }
159 }
161 void FairGeoMedium::setMediumPar(Int_t sensitivityFlag,Int_t fieldFlag,
162  Double_t maxField,Double_t precision,Double_t maxDeviation,
163  Double_t maxStep,Double_t maxDE,Double_t minStep )
164 {
165  // Sets the medium parameters
166  sensFlag=sensitivityFlag;
167  fldFlag=fieldFlag;
168  fld=maxField;
170  madfld=maxDeviation;
171  maxstep=maxStep;
172  maxde=maxDE;
173  minstep=minStep;
174 }
176 void FairGeoMedium::getMediumPar(Double_t* params)
177 {
178  // Returns the medium parameters
179  params[0]=sensFlag;
180  params[1]=fldFlag;
181  params[2]=fld;
182  params[3]=madfld;
183  params[4]=maxstep;
184  params[5]=maxde;
185  params[6]=epsil;
186  params[7]=minstep;
187  params[8]=0.;
188  params[9]=0.;
189 }
191 void FairGeoMedium::read(std::fstream& fin, Int_t aflag )
192 {
193  // Reads the parameters from file
194  autoflag=aflag;
195  Int_t n;
196  fin>>n;
197  setNComponents(n);
198  for(Int_t ik=0; ik<nComponents; ik++) {
199  fin>>ca[ik];
200  }
201  for(Int_t i=0; i<nComponents; i++) {
202  fin>>cz[i];
203  }
204  fin>>density;
205  if (nComponents==1) {
206  cw[0]=1.;
208  } else {
209  for(Int_t i=0; i<nComponents; i++) {
210  fin>>cw[i];
211  }
212  }
213  fin>>sensFlag>>fldFlag>>fld>>epsil ;
214  if (autoflag<1) { fin>>madfld>>maxstep>>maxde>>minstep; }
215  else {
216  //to use this feature one has to set TGeant3::SetAUTO(0), thus if the media does not
217  // defined these values one can force Geant3 to calculate them by given them a value
218  // of -1
219  madfld=-1;
220  maxstep=-1;
221  maxde=-1;
222  minstep=-1;
223  }
224  fin>>n;
225  setNpckov(n);
226  if (n>0) {
227  for(Int_t i=0; i<n; i++) {
228  fin>>ppckov[i]>>absco[i]>>effic[i]>>rindex[i];
229  }
230  }
232 }
235 {
236  // Prints the medium definition
237  const char* bl=" ";
238  cout<<GetName()<<'\n'<<nComponents* weightFac<<bl;
239  for(Int_t ii=0; ii<nComponents; ii++) { cout<<ca[ii]<<bl ;}
240  for(Int_t j=0; j<nComponents; j++) { cout<<cz[j]<<bl ;}
241  cout<<density<<bl;
242  if (nComponents<2) { cout<<radLen; }
243  else for(Int_t iik=0; iik<nComponents; iik++) { cout<<cw[iik]<<bl ;}
244  cout<<'\n'<<sensFlag<<bl<<fldFlag<<bl<<fld<<bl<<epsil<<'\n';
245  if (autoflag<1) {
246  cout<<madfld<<bl<<maxstep<<bl<<maxde<<bl<<minstep<<'\n';
247  }
248  cout<<npckov<<'\n';
249  if (npckov>0) {
250  for(Int_t i=0; i<npckov; i++) {
251  cout<<ppckov[i]<< bl<<absco[i]<<bl<<effic[i]<<bl<<rindex[i]<<'\n';
252  }
253  }
254  cout<<'\n';
255 }
257 void FairGeoMedium::write (std::fstream& fout)
258 {
259  // Writes the medium definition into stream
260  const char* bl=" ";
261  fout<<GetName()<<'\n'<<nComponents* weightFac<<bl;
262  for(Int_t i=0; i<nComponents; i++) { fout<<ca[i]<<bl ;}
263  for(Int_t j=0; j<nComponents; j++) { fout<<cz[j]<<bl ;}
264  fout<<density<<bl;
265  if (nComponents<2) { fout<<radLen; }
266  else for(Int_t i=0; i<nComponents; i++) { fout<<cw[i]<<bl ;}
267  fout<<'\n'<<sensFlag<<bl<<fldFlag<<bl<<fld<<bl<<epsil<<'\n';
268  if (autoflag<1) {
269  fout<<madfld<<bl<<maxstep<<bl<<maxde<<bl<<minstep<<'\n';
270  }
271  fout<<npckov<<'\n';
272  if (npckov>0) {
273  for(Int_t i=0; i<npckov; i++) {
274  fout<<ppckov[i]<< bl<<absco[i]<<bl<<effic[i]<<bl<<rindex[i]<<'\n';
275  }
276  }
277  fout<<'\n';
278 }
281 {
282  // calculates radiation length
283  // formula in GEANT manual CONS110
284  if (cz[0]<1.e-6) { // VAKUUM$
285  radLen=1.e+16;
286  return kTRUE;
287  }
288  Double_t alpha=1/137.; // fine structure constant
289  Double_t fac=.1912821; // 4*((electron radius)**2)*(avogadro's number)
290  Double_t z, a, w, az2, fc, y, xi, x0i, amol=0., x0itot=0.;
291  if (weightFac>0) { amol=1.; }
292  else {
293  for (int i=0; i<nComponents; i++) {
294  amol+=cw[i]*ca[i];
295  if (amol==0.) {
296  Error("calcRadiationLength()","amol==0 for medium %s",fName.Data());
297  return kFALSE;
298  }
299  }
300  }
301  for (int i=0; i<nComponents; i++) {
302  z=cz[i];
303  a=ca[i];
304  if(weightFac>0) {
305  w=cw[i]/amol;
306  } else {
307  w=a*cw[i]/amol;
308  }
309  az2=alpha*alpha*z*z;
310  fc=az2 * (1./(1.+az2) + 0.20206 - 0.0369*az2 + 0.0083*az2*az2
311  - .002F*az2*az2*az2);
312  y=log(183./pow(z,1./3.)) - fc;
313  xi=(float)(log(1440./pow(z,2./3.)) / y);
314  x0i=fac*alpha/a*z*(z+xi)*y;
315  x0itot+=(x0i*w);
316  }
317  if (x0itot==0. || density==0.) {
318  Error("calcRadiationLength()","x0itot=0 or density=0 for medium %s",fName.Data());
319  return kFALSE;
320  }
321  radLen=1/density/x0itot;
322  return kTRUE;
323 }