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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file TrackFindingAlgorithm.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
15 #include <stdexcept>
18  Config cfg, Acts::Logging::Level level)
19  : ActsExamples::BareAlgorithm("TrackFindingAlgorithm", level),
20  m_cfg(std::move(cfg)) {
21  if (m_cfg.inputSourceLinks.empty()) {
22  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing input source links collection");
23  }
24  if (m_cfg.inputInitialTrackParameters.empty()) {
25  throw std::invalid_argument(
26  "Missing input initial track parameters collection");
27  }
28  if (m_cfg.outputTrajectories.empty()) {
29  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing output trajectories collection");
30  }
31 }
34  const ActsExamples::AlgorithmContext& ctx) const {
35  // Read input data
36  const auto sourceLinks =
37  ctx.eventStore.get<SimSourceLinkContainer>(m_cfg.inputSourceLinks);
38  const auto initialParameters = ctx.eventStore.get<TrackParametersContainer>(
39  m_cfg.inputInitialTrackParameters);
41  // Prepare the output data with MultiTrajectory
42  TrajectoryContainer trajectories;
43  trajectories.reserve(initialParameters.size());
45  // Construct a perigee surface as the target surface
46  auto pSurface = Acts::Surface::makeShared<Acts::PerigeeSurface>(
47  Acts::Vector3D{0., 0., 0.});
50  pOptions.maxSteps = 10000;
52  // Set the CombinatorialKalmanFilter options
55  m_cfg.sourcelinkSelectorCfg, Acts::LoggerWrapper{logger()}, pOptions,
56  &(*pSurface));
58  // Perform the track finding for each starting parameter
59  // @TODO: use seeds from track seeding algorithm as starting parameter
60  for (std::size_t iseed = 0; iseed < initialParameters.size(); ++iseed) {
61  const auto& initialParams = initialParameters[iseed];
63  ACTS_DEBUG("Invoke track finding seeded by truth particle " << iseed);
64  auto result = m_cfg.findTracks(sourceLinks, initialParams, ckfOptions);
65  if (result.ok()) {
66  // Get the track finding output object
67  const auto& trackFindingOutput = result.value();
68  // Create a SimMultiTrajectory
69  trajectories.emplace_back(std::move(trackFindingOutput.fittedStates),
70  std::move(trackFindingOutput.trackTips),
71  std::move(trackFindingOutput.fittedParameters));
72  } else {
73  ACTS_WARNING("Track finding failed for truth seed "
74  << iseed << " with error" << result.error());
75  // Track finding failed, but still create an empty SimMultiTrajectory
76  trajectories.push_back(SimMultiTrajectory());
77  }
78  }
80  ctx.eventStore.add(m_cfg.outputTrajectories, std::move(trajectories));
82 }