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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file BEmcCluster.cc
1 // Name: EmcCluster.cxx
2 // Author: A. Bazilevsky (RIKEN-BNL)
3 // Major modifications by M. Volkov (RRC KI) Jan 27 2000
5 #include "BEmcCluster.h"
6 #include "BEmcRec.h"
8 #include <iostream>
10 using namespace std;
12 // Define and initialize static members
14 // Max number of peaks in cluster; used in EmcCluster::GetSubClusters(...)
15 int const EmcCluster::fgMaxNofPeaks = 1000;
17 // Used in EmcCluster::GetSubClusters(...), it is the number of iterations
18 // when fitting photons to peak areas
19 int const EmcCluster::fgPeakIter = 6;
21 // Emin cuts cluster energy: Ecl >= Epk1+Epk2 +...+Epkn !!!!!!!!!!!!!
22 float const EmcCluster::fgEmin = 0.002;
25  : ich(0)
26  , amp(0)
27  , tof(0)
28 {
29 }
31 //_____________________________________________________________________________
32 EmcModule::EmcModule(int ich_, float amp_, float tof_)
33  : ich(ich_)
34  , amp(amp_)
35  , tof(tof_)
36 {
37 }
39 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
40 // EmcCluster member functions
42 void EmcCluster::GetCorrPos(float& xc, float& yc)
43 // Returns the cluster corrected position in tower units
44 // Corrected for S-oscilations, not for shower depth
45 // Shower depth (z-coord) is defined in fOwner->Tower2Global()
46 {
47  float e, x, y, xx, yy, xy;
49  fOwner->Momenta(&fHitList, e, x, y, xx, yy, xy);
50  fOwner->CorrectPosition(e, x, y, xc, yc);
51 }
53 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
55 void EmcCluster::GetGlobalPos(float& xA, float& yA, float& zA)
56 // Returns the cluster position in PHENIX global coord system
57 {
58  float xc, yc;
59  float e = GetTotalEnergy();
60  GetCorrPos(xc, yc);
61  fOwner->Tower2Global(e, xc, yc, xA, yA, zA);
62 }
64 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
67 // Returns the energy of the ich-tower (0 if ich not found in the fHitList)
68 {
69  vector<EmcModule>::iterator ph;
70  if (fHitList.empty()) return 0;
71  ph = fHitList.begin();
72  while (ph != fHitList.end())
73  {
74  if ((*ph).ich == ich) return (*ph).amp;
75  ++ph;
76  }
77  return 0;
78 }
80 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
82 float EmcCluster::GetTowerEnergy(int ix, int iy)
83 // Returns the energy of the tower ix,iy (0 if tower not found in the fHitList)
84 {
85  vector<EmcModule>::iterator ph;
87  if (fHitList.empty()) return 0;
88  ph = fHitList.begin();
89  int ich = iy * fOwner->GetNx() + ix;
90  return GetTowerEnergy(ich);
91 }
93 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
96 // Returns the ToF of the ich-tower (0 if ich not found in the fHitList)
97 {
98  vector<EmcModule>::iterator ph;
99  if (fHitList.empty()) return 0;
100  ph = fHitList.begin();
101  while (ph != fHitList.end())
102  {
103  if ((*ph).ich == ich) return (*ph).tof;
104  ++ph;
105  }
106  return 0;
107 }
109 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
112 // Returns the cluster total energy
113 {
114  vector<EmcModule>::iterator ph;
115  float et = 0;
116  if (fHitList.empty()) return 0;
117  ph = fHitList.begin();
118  while (ph != fHitList.end())
119  {
120  et += (*ph).amp;
121  ++ph;
122  }
123  return et;
124 }
126 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
129 // Returns the energy in core towers around the cluster Center of Gravity
130 // Corrected for energy leak sidewise from core towers
131 {
132  float e, x, y, xx, yy, xy;
133  float ecore, ecorecorr;
134  ecore = GetECore();
135  fOwner->Momenta(&fHitList, e, x, y, xx, yy, xy);
136  fOwner->CorrectECore(ecore, x, y, ecorecorr);
137  return ecorecorr;
138 }
141 // Returns the energy in core towers around the cluster Center of Gravity
142 {
143  const float thresh = 0.01;
145  vector<EmcModule>::iterator ph;
146  float xcg, ycg, xx, xy, yy;
147  float energy, es;
149  fOwner->Momenta(&fHitList, energy, xcg, ycg, xx, yy, xy);
150  // fOwner->SetProfileParameters(0, energy, xcg, ycg);
152  es = 0;
153  if (fHitList.empty()) return 0;
154  ph = fHitList.begin();
155  while (ph != fHitList.end())
156  {
157  int ixy = (*ph).ich;
158  int iy = ixy / fOwner->GetNx();
159  int ix = ixy - iy * fOwner->GetNx();
160  // dx = xcg - ix;
161  // float dx = fOwner->fTowerDist(float(ix), xcg);
162  // float dy = ycg - iy;
163  // float et = fOwner->PredictEnergy(dx, dy, energy);
164  float et = fOwner->PredictEnergy(energy, xcg, ycg, ix, iy);
165  if (et > thresh) es += (*ph).amp;
166  ++ph;
167  }
168  return es;
169 }
171 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
174 // Returns the energy in 2x2 towers around the cluster Center of Gravity
175 {
176  float et, xcg, ycg, xx, xy, yy;
177  float e1, e2, e3, e4;
178  int ix0, iy0, isx, isy;
180  fOwner->Momenta(&fHitList, et, xcg, ycg, xx, yy, xy);
181  ix0 = int(xcg + 0.5);
182  iy0 = int(ycg + 0.5);
184  isx = 1;
185  if (xcg - ix0 < 0) isx = -1;
186  isy = 1;
187  if (ycg - iy0 < 0) isy = -1;
189  e1 = GetTowerEnergy(ix0, iy0);
190  e2 = GetTowerEnergy(ix0 + isx, iy0);
191  e3 = GetTowerEnergy(ix0 + isx, iy0 + isy);
192  e4 = GetTowerEnergy(ix0, iy0 + isy);
194  return (e1 + e2 + e3 + e4);
195 }
196 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
199 // Returns the energy in 3x3 towers around the cluster Center of Gravity
200 {
201  float et, xcg, ycg, xx, xy, yy;
202  int ich, ix0, iy0, nhit;
204  nhit = fHitList.size();
206  if (nhit <= 0) return 0;
208  fOwner->Momenta(&fHitList, et, xcg, ycg, xx, yy, xy);
209  ix0 = int(xcg + 0.5);
210  iy0 = int(ycg + 0.5);
211  ich = iy0 * fOwner->GetNx() + ix0;
213  return GetE9(ich);
214 }
216 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
218 float EmcCluster::GetE9(int ich)
219 // Returns the energy in 3x3 towers around the tower ich
220 {
221  vector<EmcModule>::iterator ph;
223  int iy0 = ich / fOwner->GetNx();
224  int ix0 = ich - iy0 * fOwner->GetNx();
226  float es = 0;
227  if (fHitList.empty()) return 0;
228  ph = fHitList.begin();
229  while (ph != fHitList.end())
230  {
231  int ixy = (*ph).ich;
232  int iy = ixy / fOwner->GetNx();
233  int ix = ixy - iy * fOwner->GetNx();
234  int idx = fOwner->iTowerDist(ix0, ix);
235  int idy = iy - iy0;
236  if (abs(idx) <= 1 && abs(idy) <= 1) es += (*ph).amp;
237  ++ph;
238  }
239  return es;
240 }
242 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
245 // Returns the EmcModule with the maximum energy
246 {
247  vector<EmcModule>::iterator ph;
248  float emax = 0;
249  EmcModule ht;
251  ht.ich = -1;
252  ht.amp = 0;
253  ht.tof = 0;
254  if (fHitList.empty()) return ht;
256  ph = fHitList.begin();
257  while (ph != fHitList.end())
258  {
259  if ((*ph).amp > emax)
260  {
261  emax = (*ph).amp;
262  ht = *ph;
263  }
264  ++ph;
265  }
266  return ht;
267 }
269 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
271 void EmcCluster::GetMoments(float& x, float& y, float& xx, float& xy, float& yy)
272 // Returns cluster 1-st (px,py) and 2-d momenta (pxx,pxy,pyy) in cell unit
273 {
274  float e;
275  fOwner->Momenta(&fHitList, e, x, y, xx, yy, xy);
276 }
278 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
280 float EmcCluster::GetProb(float& chi2, int& ndf)
281 {
282  float e, xg, yg, zg;
283  e = GetTotalEnergy();
284  GetGlobalPos(xg, yg, zg);
285  return fOwner->GetProb(fHitList, e, xg, yg, zg, chi2, ndf);
286 }
288 // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
290 int EmcCluster::GetSubClusters(vector<EmcCluster>* PkList, vector<EmcModule>* ppeaks)
291 {
292  // Splits the cluster onto subclusters
293  // The number of subclusters is equal to the number of Local Maxima in a cluster.
294  // Local Maxima can have the energy not less then
295  // defined in fgMinPeakEnergy
296  //
297  // Output: PkList - vector of subclusters
298  // ppeaks - vector of peak EmcModules (one for each subcluster)
299  //
300  // Returns: >= 0 Number of Peaks;
301  // -1 The number of Peaks is greater then fgMaxNofPeaks;
302  // (just increase parameter fgMaxNofPeaks)
304  int npk, ipk, nhit;
305  int ixypk, ixpk, iypk, in, nh, ic;
306  int ixy, ix, iy, nn;
307  int idx, idy;
308  int ig, ng, igmpk1[fgMaxNofPeaks], igmpk2[fgMaxNofPeaks];
309  int PeakCh[fgMaxNofPeaks];
310  float epk[fgMaxNofPeaks * 2], xpk[fgMaxNofPeaks * 2], ypk[fgMaxNofPeaks * 2];
311  float ratio, eg, dx, dy, a;
312  float *Energy[fgMaxNofPeaks], *totEnergy, *tmpEnergy;
313  EmcModule *phit, *hlist, *vv;
314  EmcCluster peak(fOwner);
315  vector<EmcModule>::iterator ph;
316  vector<EmcModule> hl;
318  PkList->clear();
319  ppeaks->clear();
321  nhit = fHitList.size();
323  if (nhit <= 0) return 0;
325  hlist = new EmcModule[nhit];
327  ph = fHitList.begin();
328  vv = hlist;
329  while (ph != fHitList.end()) *vv++ = *ph++;
331  // sort by linear channel number
332  qsort(hlist, nhit, sizeof(EmcModule), fOwner->HitNCompare);
334  //
335  // Find peak (maximum) position (towers with local maximum amp)
336  //
337  npk = 0;
338  for (ic = 0; ic < nhit; ic++)
339  {
340  float amp = hlist[ic].amp;
341  if (amp > fOwner->GetPeakThreshold())
342  {
343  int ich = hlist[ic].ich;
344  //old int ichmax = ich + fOwner->GetNx() + 1;
345  //old int ichmin = ich - fOwner->GetNx() - 1;
346  // Look into three raws only
347  int ichmax = (ich / fOwner->GetNx() + 2) * fOwner->GetNx() - 1;
348  int ichmin = (ich / fOwner->GetNx() - 1) * fOwner->GetNx();
349  int ixc = ich - ich / fOwner->GetNx() * fOwner->GetNx();
350  int in = ic + 1;
351  // check right, and 3 towers above if there is another max
352  while ((in < nhit) && (hlist[in].ich <= ichmax))
353  {
354  int ix = hlist[in].ich - hlist[in].ich / fOwner->GetNx() * fOwner->GetNx();
355  //old if( (abs(ixc-ix) <= 1) && (hlist[in].amp >= amp) ) goto new_ic;
356  if ((abs(fOwner->iTowerDist(ix, ixc)) <= 1) && (hlist[in].amp >= amp)) goto new_ic;
357  in++;
358  }
359  in = ic - 1;
360  // check left, and 3 towers below if there is another max
361  while ((in >= 0) && (hlist[in].ich >= ichmin))
362  {
363  int ix = hlist[in].ich - hlist[in].ich / fOwner->GetNx() * fOwner->GetNx();
364  //old if( (abs(ixc-ix) <= 1) && (hlist[in].amp > amp) ) goto new_ic;
365  if ((abs(fOwner->iTowerDist(ix, ixc)) <= 1) && (hlist[in].amp > amp)) goto new_ic;
366  in--;
367  }
368  if (npk >= fgMaxNofPeaks)
369  {
370  delete[] hlist;
371  cout << "!!! Error in EmcCluster::GetSubClusters(): too many peaks in a cluster (>"
372  << fgMaxNofPeaks
373  << "). May need tower energy threshold increase for clustering." << endl;
374  return -1;
375  }
377  // ic is a maximum in a 3x3 tower group
378  PeakCh[npk] = ic;
379  npk++;
380  }
381  new_ic:
382  continue;
383  }
384  /*
385  for( ipk=0; ipk<npk; ipk++ ) {
386  ic = PeakCh[ipk];
387  cout << " " << ipk << ": E = " << hlist[ic].amp << endl;
388  }
389  */
391  // there was only one peak
392  if (npk <= 1)
393  {
394  hl.clear();
395  for (int ich = 0; ich < nhit; ich++) hl.push_back(hlist[ich]);
396  peak.ReInitialize(hl);
397  PkList->push_back(peak);
399  if (npk == 1)
400  ppeaks->push_back(hlist[PeakCh[0]]);
401  else
402  ppeaks->push_back(GetMaxTower());
404  delete[] hlist;
405  return 1;
406  }
408  // there were more than one peak
410  for (ipk = 0; ipk < npk; ipk++)
411  {
412  Energy[ipk] = new float[nhit];
413  }
414  totEnergy = new float[nhit];
415  tmpEnergy = new float[nhit];
416  for (int i = 0; i < nhit; ++i)
417  {
418  totEnergy[i] = 0.0;
419  tmpEnergy[i] = 0.0;
420  }
421  //
422  // Divide energy in towers among photons positioned in every peak
423  //
424  ratio = 1.;
425  for (int iter = 0; iter < fgPeakIter; iter++)
426  {
427  fOwner->ZeroVector(tmpEnergy, nhit);
428  for (ipk = 0; ipk < npk; ipk++)
429  {
430  ic = PeakCh[ipk];
431  if (iter > 0) ratio = Energy[ipk][ic] / totEnergy[ic];
432  eg = hlist[ic].amp * ratio;
433  ixypk = hlist[ic].ich;
434  iypk = ixypk / fOwner->GetNx();
435  ixpk = ixypk - iypk * fOwner->GetNx();
436  epk[ipk] = eg;
437  xpk[ipk] = 0.; // CoG from the peak tower
438  ypk[ipk] = 0.; // CoG from the peak tower
440  int ichmax = (iypk + 2) * fOwner->GetNx() - 1;
441  int ichmin = (iypk - 1) * fOwner->GetNx();
443  // add up energies of tower to the right and up
444  if (ic < nhit - 1)
445  {
446  for (in = ic + 1; in < nhit; in++)
447  {
448  ixy = hlist[in].ich;
449  iy = ixy / fOwner->GetNx();
450  ix = ixy - iy * fOwner->GetNx();
452  //old if( (ixy-ixypk) > fOwner->GetNx()+1 ) break;
453  if (ixy > ichmax) break;
454  //old if( abs(ix-ixpk) <= 1 ) {
455  idx = fOwner->iTowerDist(ixpk, ix);
456  idy = iy - iypk;
457  if (abs(idx) <= 1)
458  {
459  if (iter > 0) ratio = Energy[ipk][in] / totEnergy[in];
460  eg = hlist[in].amp * ratio;
461  epk[ipk] += eg;
462  xpk[ipk] += eg * idx;
463  ypk[ipk] += eg * idy;
464  }
465  }
466  } // if ic
468  // add up energies of tower to the left and down
469  if (ic >= 1)
470  {
471  for (in = ic - 1; in >= 0; in--)
472  {
473  ixy = hlist[in].ich;
474  iy = ixy / fOwner->GetNx();
475  ix = ixy - iy * fOwner->GetNx();
477  //old if( (ixypk-ixy) > fOwner->GetNx()+1 ) break;
478  if (ixy < ichmin) break;
479  //old if( abs(ix-ixpk) <= 1 ) {
480  idx = fOwner->iTowerDist(ixpk, ix);
481  idy = iy - iypk;
482  if (abs(idx) <= 1)
483  {
484  if (iter > 0) ratio = Energy[ipk][in] / totEnergy[in];
485  eg = hlist[in].amp * ratio;
486  epk[ipk] += eg;
487  xpk[ipk] += eg * idx;
488  ypk[ipk] += eg * idy;
489  }
490  }
491  } // if ic
493  xpk[ipk] = xpk[ipk] / epk[ipk] + ixpk;
494  ypk[ipk] = ypk[ipk] / epk[ipk] + iypk;
495  // fOwner->SetProfileParameters(0, epk[ipk], xpk[ipk], ypk[ipk]);
497  for (in = 0; in < nhit; in++)
498  {
499  ixy = hlist[in].ich;
500  iy = ixy / fOwner->GetNx();
501  ix = ixy - iy * fOwner->GetNx();
502  dx = fOwner->fTowerDist(float(ix), xpk[ipk]);
503  dy = ypk[ipk] - iy;
504  a = 0;
506  // predict energy within 2.5 cell square around local peak
507  if (ABS(dx) < 2.5 && ABS(dy) < 2.5)
508  // a = epk[ipk] * fOwner->PredictEnergy(dx, dy, epk[ipk]);
509  a = epk[ipk] * fOwner->PredictEnergy(epk[ipk], xpk[ipk], ypk[ipk], ix, iy);
511  Energy[ipk][in] = a;
512  tmpEnergy[in] += a;
513  }
515  } // for ipk
516  float flim = 0.000001;
517  for (in = 0; in < nhit; in++)
518  {
519  if (tmpEnergy[in] > flim)
520  {
521  totEnergy[in] = tmpEnergy[in];
522  }
523  else
524  {
525  totEnergy[in] = flim;
526  }
527  }
528  } // for iter
530  phit = new EmcModule[nhit];
532  ng = 0;
533  for (ipk = 0; ipk < npk; ipk++)
534  {
535  nh = 0;
537  // fill phit, the tower distribution for a peak
538  for (in = 0; in < nhit; in++)
539  {
540  if (tmpEnergy[in] > 0)
541  {
542  ixy = hlist[in].ich;
543  a = hlist[in].amp * Energy[ipk][in] / tmpEnergy[in];
544  if (a > fgEmin)
545  {
546  phit[nh].ich = ixy;
547  phit[nh].amp = a;
548  phit[nh].tof = hlist[in].tof; // Not necessary here
550  nh++;
551  }
552  }
553  }
555  // if number hits > 0
556  if (nh > 0)
557  {
558  // !!!!! Exclude Gamma() for now until it is proved working and useful
559  /*
560  chi=fOwner->Chi2Limit(nh)*10;
561  int ndf; // just a plug for changed Gamma parameter list MV 28.01.00
563  fOwner->Gamma(nh, phit,&chi, &chi0, &epk[ng], &xpk[ng], &ypk[ng],
564  &epk[ng+1], &xpk[ng+1], &ypk[ng+1], ndf);
566  igmpk1[ipk]=ng;
567  igmpk2[ipk]=ng;
568  if( epk[ng+1]>0 ) { ng++; igmpk2[ipk]=ng;}
569  */
570  igmpk1[ipk] = ng;
571  igmpk2[ipk] = ng;
573  ng++;
574  }
575  else
576  {
577  igmpk1[ipk] = -1;
578  igmpk2[ipk] = -1;
579  }
580  } // for( ipk=
582  fOwner->ZeroVector(tmpEnergy, nhit);
583  for (ipk = 0; ipk < npk; ipk++)
584  {
585  ig = igmpk1[ipk];
586  if (ig >= 0)
587  {
588  // cout << " " << ipk << ": X = " << xpk[ig]
589  // << " Y = " << ypk[ig] << endl;
590  // fOwner->SetProfileParameters(0, epk[ig], xpk[ig], ypk[ig]);
591  for (in = 0; in < nhit; in++)
592  {
593  Energy[ipk][in] = 0;
594  for (ig = igmpk1[ipk]; ig <= igmpk2[ipk]; ig++)
595  {
596  ixy = hlist[in].ich;
597  iy = ixy / fOwner->GetNx();
598  ix = ixy - iy * fOwner->GetNx();
599  dx = fOwner->fTowerDist(float(ix), xpk[ig]);
600  dy = ypk[ig] - iy;
601  // a = epk[ig] * fOwner->PredictEnergy(dx, dy, epk[ig]);
602  a = epk[ig] * fOwner->PredictEnergy(epk[ig], xpk[ig], ypk[ig], ix, iy);
603  Energy[ipk][in] += a;
604  tmpEnergy[in] += a;
605  }
606  } // for( in
607  } // if( ig >= 0
608  } // for( ipk
610  nn = 0;
611  for (ipk = 0; ipk < npk; ipk++)
612  {
613  nh = 0;
614  for (in = 0; in < nhit; in++)
615  {
616  if (tmpEnergy[in] > 0)
617  {
618  ixy = hlist[in].ich;
619  a = hlist[in].amp * Energy[ipk][in] / tmpEnergy[in];
620  if (a > fgEmin)
621  {
622  phit[nh].ich = ixy;
623  phit[nh].amp = a;
624  phit[nh].tof = hlist[in].tof;
626  nh++;
627  }
628  }
629  } // for( in
630  if (nh > 0)
631  {
632  // *ip++ = hlist[PeakCh[ipk]];
633  ppeaks->push_back(hlist[PeakCh[ipk]]);
634  hl.clear();
635  for (in = 0; in < nh; in++) hl.push_back(phit[in]);
636  peak.ReInitialize(hl);
637  PkList->push_back(peak);
638  nn++;
639  }
640  } // for( ipk
642  delete[] phit;
643  delete[] hlist;
644  for (ipk = 0; ipk < npk; ipk++) delete[] Energy[ipk];
645  delete[] totEnergy;
646  delete[] tmpEnergy;
648  return nn;
649 }