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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file AtlasStepper.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2016-2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 #pragma once
11 // Workaround for building on clang+libstdc++
24 #include "Acts/Utilities/Units.hpp"
26 #include <cmath>
27 #include <functional>
29 // This is based original stepper code from the ATLAS RungeKuttePropagagor
30 namespace Acts {
32 using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
35 template <typename bfield_t>
36 class AtlasStepper {
37  public:
40  using BoundState = std::tuple<BoundTrackParameters, Jacobian, double>;
41  using CurvilinearState =
42  std::tuple<CurvilinearTrackParameters, Jacobian, double>;
44  using BField = bfield_t;
47  struct State {
49  State() = delete;
61  template <typename Parameters>
62  State(std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> gctx,
63  std::reference_wrapper<const MagneticFieldContext> mctx,
64  const Parameters& pars, NavigationDirection ndir = forward,
65  double ssize = std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),
66  double stolerance = s_onSurfaceTolerance)
67  : navDir(ndir),
68  useJacobian(false),
69  step(0.),
70  maxPathLength(0.),
71  mcondition(false),
72  needgradient(false),
73  newfield(true),
74  field(0., 0., 0.),
75  covariance(nullptr),
76  stepSize(ndir * std::abs(ssize)),
77  tolerance(stolerance),
78  fieldCache(mctx),
79  geoContext(gctx) {
80  // The rest of this constructor is copy&paste of AtlasStepper::update() -
81  // this is a nasty but working solution for the stepper state without
82  // functions
84  const auto pos = pars.position(gctx);
85  const auto Vp = pars.parameters();
87  double Sf, Cf, Ce, Se;
88  Sf = sin(Vp[eBoundPhi]);
89  Cf = cos(Vp[eBoundPhi]);
90  Se = sin(Vp[eBoundTheta]);
91  Ce = cos(Vp[eBoundTheta]);
93  pVector[0] = pos[ePos0];
94  pVector[1] = pos[ePos1];
95  pVector[2] = pos[ePos2];
96  pVector[3] = pars.time();
97  pVector[4] = Cf * Se;
98  pVector[5] = Sf * Se;
99  pVector[6] = Ce;
100  pVector[7] = Vp[eBoundQOverP];
102  // @todo: remove magic numbers - is that the charge ?
103  if (std::abs(pVector[7]) < .000000000000001) {
104  pVector[7] < 0. ? pVector[7] = -.000000000000001
105  : pVector[7] = .000000000000001;
106  }
108  // prepare the jacobian if we have a covariance
109  if (pars.covariance()) {
110  // copy the covariance matrix
111  covariance = new ActsSymMatrixD<eBoundSize>(*pars.covariance());
112  covTransport = true;
113  useJacobian = true;
114  const auto transform = pars.referenceSurface().referenceFrame(
115  geoContext, pos, pars.unitDirection());
117  pVector[8] = transform(0, eBoundLoc0);
118  pVector[16] = transform(0, eBoundLoc1);
119  pVector[24] = 0.;
120  pVector[32] = 0.;
121  pVector[40] = 0.;
122  pVector[48] = 0.; // dX /
124  pVector[9] = transform(1, eBoundLoc0);
125  pVector[17] = transform(1, eBoundLoc1);
126  pVector[25] = 0.;
127  pVector[33] = 0.;
128  pVector[41] = 0.;
129  pVector[49] = 0.; // dY /
131  pVector[10] = transform(2, eBoundLoc0);
132  pVector[18] = transform(2, eBoundLoc1);
133  pVector[26] = 0.;
134  pVector[34] = 0.;
135  pVector[42] = 0.;
136  pVector[50] = 0.; // dZ /
138  pVector[11] = 0.;
139  pVector[19] = 0.;
140  pVector[27] = 0.;
141  pVector[35] = 0.;
142  pVector[43] = 0.;
143  pVector[51] = 1.; // dT/
145  pVector[12] = 0.;
146  pVector[20] = 0.;
147  pVector[28] = -Sf * Se; // - sin(phi) * cos(theta)
148  pVector[36] = Cf * Ce; // cos(phi) * cos(theta)
149  pVector[44] = 0.;
150  pVector[52] = 0.; // dAx/
152  pVector[13] = 0.;
153  pVector[21] = 0.;
154  pVector[29] = Cf * Se; // cos(phi) * sin(theta)
155  pVector[37] = Sf * Ce; // sin(phi) * cos(theta)
156  pVector[45] = 0.;
157  pVector[53] = 0.; // dAy/
159  pVector[14] = 0.;
160  pVector[22] = 0.;
161  pVector[30] = 0.;
162  pVector[38] = -Se; // - sin(theta)
163  pVector[46] = 0.;
164  pVector[54] = 0.; // dAz/
166  pVector[15] = 0.;
167  pVector[23] = 0.;
168  pVector[31] = 0.;
169  pVector[39] = 0.;
170  pVector[47] = 1.;
171  pVector[55] = 0.; // dCM/
173  pVector[56] = 0.;
174  pVector[57] = 0.;
175  pVector[58] = 0.;
176  pVector[59] = 0.;
178  // special treatment for surface types
179  const auto& surface = pars.referenceSurface();
180  // the disc needs polar coordinate adaptations
181  if (surface.type() == Surface::Disc) {
182  double lCf = cos(Vp[1]);
183  double lSf = sin(Vp[1]);
184  double Ax[3] = {transform(0, 0), transform(1, 0), transform(2, 0)};
185  double Ay[3] = {transform(0, 1), transform(1, 1), transform(2, 1)};
186  double d0 = lCf * Ax[0] + lSf * Ay[0];
187  double d1 = lCf * Ax[1] + lSf * Ay[1];
188  double d2 = lCf * Ax[2] + lSf * Ay[2];
189  pVector[8] = d0;
190  pVector[9] = d1;
191  pVector[10] = d2;
192  pVector[16] = Vp[0] * (lCf * Ay[0] - lSf * Ax[0]);
193  pVector[17] = Vp[0] * (lCf * Ay[1] - lSf * Ax[1]);
194  pVector[18] = Vp[0] * (lCf * Ay[2] - lSf * Ax[2]);
195  }
196  // the line needs components that relate direction change
197  // with global frame change
198  if (surface.type() == Surface::Perigee ||
199  surface.type() == Surface::Straw) {
200  // sticking to the nomenclature of the original RkPropagator
201  // - axis pointing along the drift/transverse direction
202  double B[3] = {transform(0, 0), transform(1, 0), transform(2, 0)};
203  // - axis along the straw
204  double A[3] = {transform(0, 1), transform(1, 1), transform(2, 1)};
205  // - normal vector of the reference frame
206  double C[3] = {transform(0, 2), transform(1, 2), transform(2, 2)};
208  // projection of direction onto normal vector of reference frame
209  double PC = pVector[4] * C[0] + pVector[5] * C[1] + pVector[6] * C[2];
210  double Bn = 1. / PC;
212  double Bx2 = -A[2] * pVector[29];
213  double Bx3 = A[1] * pVector[38] - A[2] * pVector[37];
215  double By2 = A[2] * pVector[28];
216  double By3 = A[2] * pVector[36] - A[0] * pVector[38];
218  double Bz2 = A[0] * pVector[29] - A[1] * pVector[28];
219  double Bz3 = A[0] * pVector[37] - A[1] * pVector[36];
221  double B2 = B[0] * Bx2 + B[1] * By2 + B[2] * Bz2;
222  double B3 = B[0] * Bx3 + B[1] * By3 + B[2] * Bz3;
224  Bx2 = (Bx2 - B[0] * B2) * Bn;
225  Bx3 = (Bx3 - B[0] * B3) * Bn;
226  By2 = (By2 - B[1] * B2) * Bn;
227  By3 = (By3 - B[1] * B3) * Bn;
228  Bz2 = (Bz2 - B[2] * B2) * Bn;
229  Bz3 = (Bz3 - B[2] * B3) * Bn;
231  // /dPhi | /dThe |
232  pVector[24] = Bx2 * Vp[0];
233  pVector[32] = Bx3 * Vp[0]; // dX/
234  pVector[25] = By2 * Vp[0];
235  pVector[33] = By3 * Vp[0]; // dY/
236  pVector[26] = Bz2 * Vp[0];
237  pVector[34] = Bz3 * Vp[0]; // dZ/
238  }
239  }
240  // now declare the state as ready
241  state_ready = true;
242  }
244  // optimisation that init is not called twice
245  bool state_ready = false;
246  // configuration
249  double step;
253  bool newfield;
254  // internal parameters to be used
256  std::array<double, 60> pVector;
270  // result
271  double parameters[eBoundSize] = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
273  Covariance cov = Covariance::Zero();
274  bool covTransport = false;
275  double jacobian[eBoundSize * eBoundSize];
277  // accummulated path length cache
278  double pathAccumulated = 0.;
280  // Adaptive step size of the runge-kutta integration
283  // Previous step size for overstep estimation
284  double previousStepSize = 0.;
291  typename bfield_t::Cache fieldCache;
294  std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> geoContext;
298  bool debug = false;
299  std::string debugString = "";
301  size_t debugPfxWidth = 30;
302  size_t debugMsgWidth = 50;
303  };
305  AtlasStepper(bfield_t bField) : m_bField(std::move(bField)){};
315  void resetState(
316  State& state, const BoundVector& boundParams, const BoundSymMatrix& cov,
318  const double stepSize = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()) const {
319  // Update the stepping state
320  update(state,
322  boundParams),
323  cov);
324  state.navDir = navDir;
326  state.pathAccumulated = 0.;
328  // Reinitialize the stepping jacobian
329  // copy the covariance matrix
330  const auto transform = surface.referenceFrame(
331  state.geoContext, position(state), momentum(state) * direction(state));
333  double Sf, Cf, Ce, Se;
334  Sf = sin(boundParams[eBoundPhi]);
335  Cf = cos(boundParams[eBoundPhi]);
336  Se = sin(boundParams[eBoundTheta]);
337  Ce = cos(boundParams[eBoundTheta]);
339  state.pVector[8] = transform(0, eBoundLoc0);
340  state.pVector[16] = transform(0, eBoundLoc1);
341  state.pVector[24] = 0.;
342  state.pVector[32] = 0.;
343  state.pVector[40] = 0.;
344  state.pVector[48] = 0.; // dX /
346  state.pVector[9] = transform(1, eBoundLoc0);
347  state.pVector[17] = transform(1, eBoundLoc1);
348  state.pVector[25] = 0.;
349  state.pVector[33] = 0.;
350  state.pVector[41] = 0.;
351  state.pVector[49] = 0.; // dY /
353  state.pVector[10] = transform(2, eBoundLoc0);
354  state.pVector[18] = transform(2, eBoundLoc1);
355  state.pVector[26] = 0.;
356  state.pVector[34] = 0.;
357  state.pVector[42] = 0.;
358  state.pVector[50] = 0.; // dZ /
360  state.pVector[11] = 0.;
361  state.pVector[19] = 0.;
362  state.pVector[27] = 0.;
363  state.pVector[35] = 0.;
364  state.pVector[43] = 0.;
365  state.pVector[51] = 1.; // dT/
367  state.pVector[12] = 0.;
368  state.pVector[20] = 0.;
369  state.pVector[28] = -Sf * Se; // - sin(phi) * cos(theta)
370  state.pVector[36] = Cf * Ce; // cos(phi) * cos(theta)
371  state.pVector[44] = 0.;
372  state.pVector[52] = 0.; // dAx/
374  state.pVector[13] = 0.;
375  state.pVector[21] = 0.;
376  state.pVector[29] = Cf * Se; // cos(phi) * sin(theta)
377  state.pVector[37] = Sf * Ce; // sin(phi) * cos(theta)
378  state.pVector[45] = 0.;
379  state.pVector[53] = 0.; // dAy/
381  state.pVector[14] = 0.;
382  state.pVector[22] = 0.;
383  state.pVector[30] = 0.;
384  state.pVector[38] = -Se; // - sin(theta)
385  state.pVector[46] = 0.;
386  state.pVector[54] = 0.; // dAz/
388  state.pVector[15] = 0.;
389  state.pVector[23] = 0.;
390  state.pVector[31] = 0.;
391  state.pVector[39] = 0.;
392  state.pVector[47] = 1.;
393  state.pVector[55] = 0.; // dCM/
395  state.pVector[56] = 0.;
396  state.pVector[57] = 0.;
397  state.pVector[58] = 0.;
398  state.pVector[59] = 0.;
400  // special treatment for surface types
401  // the disc needs polar coordinate adaptations
402  if (surface.type() == Surface::Disc) {
403  double lCf = cos(boundParams[eBoundLoc1]);
404  double lSf = sin(boundParams[eBoundLoc1]);
405  double Ax[3] = {transform(0, 0), transform(1, 0), transform(2, 0)};
406  double Ay[3] = {transform(0, 1), transform(1, 1), transform(2, 1)};
407  double d0 = lCf * Ax[0] + lSf * Ay[0];
408  double d1 = lCf * Ax[1] + lSf * Ay[1];
409  double d2 = lCf * Ax[2] + lSf * Ay[2];
410  state.pVector[8] = d0;
411  state.pVector[9] = d1;
412  state.pVector[10] = d2;
413  state.pVector[16] = boundParams[eBoundLoc0] * (lCf * Ay[0] - lSf * Ax[0]);
414  state.pVector[17] = boundParams[eBoundLoc0] * (lCf * Ay[1] - lSf * Ax[1]);
415  state.pVector[18] = boundParams[eBoundLoc0] * (lCf * Ay[2] - lSf * Ax[2]);
416  }
417  // the line needs components that relate direction change
418  // with global frame change
419  if (surface.type() == Surface::Perigee ||
420  surface.type() == Surface::Straw) {
421  // sticking to the nomenclature of the original RkPropagator
422  // - axis pointing along the drift/transverse direction
423  double B[3] = {transform(0, 0), transform(1, 0), transform(2, 0)};
424  // - axis along the straw
425  double A[3] = {transform(0, 1), transform(1, 1), transform(2, 1)};
426  // - normal vector of the reference frame
427  double C[3] = {transform(0, 2), transform(1, 2), transform(2, 2)};
429  // projection of direction onto normal vector of reference frame
430  double PC = state.pVector[4] * C[0] + state.pVector[5] * C[1] +
431  state.pVector[6] * C[2];
432  double Bn = 1. / PC;
434  double Bx2 = -A[2] * state.pVector[29];
435  double Bx3 = A[1] * state.pVector[38] - A[2] * state.pVector[37];
437  double By2 = A[2] * state.pVector[28];
438  double By3 = A[2] * state.pVector[36] - A[0] * state.pVector[38];
440  double Bz2 = A[0] * state.pVector[29] - A[1] * state.pVector[28];
441  double Bz3 = A[0] * state.pVector[37] - A[1] * state.pVector[36];
443  double B2 = B[0] * Bx2 + B[1] * By2 + B[2] * Bz2;
444  double B3 = B[0] * Bx3 + B[1] * By3 + B[2] * Bz3;
446  Bx2 = (Bx2 - B[0] * B2) * Bn;
447  Bx3 = (Bx3 - B[0] * B3) * Bn;
448  By2 = (By2 - B[1] * B2) * Bn;
449  By3 = (By3 - B[1] * B3) * Bn;
450  Bz2 = (Bz2 - B[2] * B2) * Bn;
451  Bz3 = (Bz3 - B[2] * B3) * Bn;
453  // /dPhi | /dThe |
454  state.pVector[24] = Bx2 * boundParams[eBoundLoc0];
455  state.pVector[32] = Bx3 * boundParams[eBoundLoc0]; // dX/
456  state.pVector[25] = By2 * boundParams[eBoundLoc0];
457  state.pVector[33] = By3 * boundParams[eBoundLoc0]; // dY/
458  state.pVector[26] = Bz2 * boundParams[eBoundLoc0];
459  state.pVector[34] = Bz3 * boundParams[eBoundLoc0]; // dZ/
460  }
461  }
470  Vector3D getField(State& state, const Vector3D& pos) const {
471  // get the field from the cell
472  state.field = m_bField.getField(pos, state.fieldCache);
473  return state.field;
474  }
476  Vector3D position(const State& state) const {
477  return Vector3D(state.pVector[0], state.pVector[1], state.pVector[2]);
478  }
480  Vector3D direction(const State& state) const {
481  return Vector3D(state.pVector[4], state.pVector[5], state.pVector[6]);
482  }
484  double momentum(const State& state) const {
485  return 1. / std::abs(state.pVector[7]);
486  }
489  double charge(const State& state) const {
490  return state.pVector[7] > 0. ? 1. : -1.;
491  }
496  double overstepLimit(const State& /*state*/) const { return m_overstepLimit; }
499  double time(const State& state) const { return state.pVector[3]; }
511  Intersection3D::Status updateSurfaceStatus(
512  State& state, const Surface& surface, const BoundaryCheck& bcheck) const {
513  return detail::updateSingleSurfaceStatus<AtlasStepper>(*this, state,
514  surface, bcheck);
515  }
525  template <typename object_intersection_t>
526  void updateStepSize(State& state, const object_intersection_t& oIntersection,
527  bool release = true) const {
528  detail::updateSingleStepSize<AtlasStepper>(state, oIntersection, release);
529  }
536  void setStepSize(State& state, double stepSize,
538  state.previousStepSize = state.stepSize;
539  state.stepSize.update(stepSize, stype, true);
540  }
545  void releaseStepSize(State& state) const {
547  }
552  std::string outputStepSize(const State& state) const {
553  return state.stepSize.toString();
554  }
566  BoundState boundState(State& state, const Surface& surface) const {
567  // the convert method invalidates the state (in case it's reused)
568  state.state_ready = false;
569  // extract state information
571  pos4[ePos0] = state.pVector[0];
572  pos4[ePos1] = state.pVector[1];
573  pos4[ePos2] = state.pVector[2];
574  pos4[eTime] = state.pVector[3];
575  Acts::Vector3D dir;
576  dir[eMom0] = state.pVector[4];
577  dir[eMom1] = state.pVector[5];
578  dir[eMom2] = state.pVector[6];
579  const auto qOverP = state.pVector[7];
581  // The transport of the covariance
582  std::optional<Covariance> covOpt = std::nullopt;
583  if (state.covTransport) {
584  covarianceTransport(state, surface);
585  covOpt = state.cov;
586  }
588  // Fill the end parameters
590  pos4, dir, qOverP, std::move(covOpt));
592  return BoundState(std::move(parameters), state.jacobian,
593  state.pathAccumulated);
594  }
606  // the convert method invalidates the state (in case it's reused)
607  state.state_ready = false;
608  // extract state information
610  pos4[ePos0] = state.pVector[0];
611  pos4[ePos1] = state.pVector[1];
612  pos4[ePos2] = state.pVector[2];
613  pos4[eTime] = state.pVector[3];
614  Acts::Vector3D dir;
615  dir[eMom0] = state.pVector[4];
616  dir[eMom1] = state.pVector[5];
617  dir[eMom2] = state.pVector[6];
618  const auto qOverP = state.pVector[7];
620  std::optional<Covariance> covOpt = std::nullopt;
621  if (state.covTransport) {
622  covarianceTransport(state);
623  covOpt = state.cov;
624  }
626  CurvilinearTrackParameters parameters(pos4, dir, qOverP, std::move(covOpt));
628  return CurvilinearState(std::move(parameters), state.jacobian,
629  state.pathAccumulated);
630  }
636  void update(State& state, const FreeVector& parameters,
637  const Covariance& covariance) const {
638  Vector3D direction = parameters.template segment<3>(eFreeDir0).normalized();
639  state.pVector[0] = parameters[eFreePos0];
640  state.pVector[1] = parameters[eFreePos1];
641  state.pVector[2] = parameters[eFreePos2];
642  state.pVector[3] = parameters[eFreeTime];
643  state.pVector[4] = direction.x();
644  state.pVector[5] = direction.y();
645  state.pVector[6] = direction.z();
646  state.pVector[7] = std::copysign(parameters[eFreeQOverP], state.pVector[7]);
648  // @todo: remove magic numbers - is that the charge ?
649  if (std::abs(state.pVector[7]) < .000000000000001) {
650  state.pVector[7] < 0. ? state.pVector[7] = -.000000000000001
651  : state.pVector[7] = .000000000000001;
652  }
654  // prepare the jacobian if we have a covariance
655  // copy the covariance matrix
656  state.covariance = new ActsSymMatrixD<eBoundSize>(covariance);
657  state.covTransport = true;
658  state.useJacobian = true;
660  // declare the state as ready
661  state.state_ready = true;
662  }
669  void update(State& state, const Vector3D& uposition,
670  const Vector3D& udirection, double up, double time) const {
671  // update the vector
672  state.pVector[0] = uposition[0];
673  state.pVector[1] = uposition[1];
674  state.pVector[2] = uposition[2];
675  state.pVector[3] = time;
676  state.pVector[4] = udirection[0];
677  state.pVector[5] = udirection[1];
678  state.pVector[6] = udirection[2];
679  state.pVector[7] = charge(state) / up;
680  }
689  void covarianceTransport(State& state) const {
690  double P[60];
691  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 60; ++i) {
692  P[i] = state.pVector[i];
693  }
695  double p = 1. / P[7];
696  P[40] *= p;
697  P[41] *= p;
698  P[42] *= p;
699  P[44] *= p;
700  P[45] *= p;
701  P[46] *= p;
703  double An = sqrt(P[4] * P[4] + P[5] * P[5]);
704  double Ax[3];
705  if (An != 0.) {
706  Ax[0] = -P[5] / An;
707  Ax[1] = P[4] / An;
708  Ax[2] = 0.;
709  } else {
710  Ax[0] = 1.;
711  Ax[1] = 0.;
712  Ax[2] = 0.;
713  }
715  double Ay[3] = {-Ax[1] * P[6], Ax[0] * P[6], An};
716  double S[3] = {P[4], P[5], P[6]};
718  double A = P[4] * S[0] + P[5] * S[1] + P[6] * S[2];
719  if (A != 0.) {
720  A = 1. / A;
721  }
722  S[0] *= A;
723  S[1] *= A;
724  S[2] *= A;
726  double s0 = P[8] * S[0] + P[9] * S[1] + P[10] * S[2];
727  double s1 = P[16] * S[0] + P[17] * S[1] + P[18] * S[2];
728  double s2 = P[24] * S[0] + P[25] * S[1] + P[26] * S[2];
729  double s3 = P[32] * S[0] + P[33] * S[1] + P[34] * S[2];
730  double s4 = P[40] * S[0] + P[41] * S[1] + P[42] * S[2];
732  P[8] -= (s0 * P[4]);
733  P[9] -= (s0 * P[5]);
734  P[10] -= (s0 * P[6]);
735  P[11] -= (s0 * P[59]);
736  P[12] -= (s0 * P[56]);
737  P[13] -= (s0 * P[57]);
738  P[14] -= (s0 * P[58]);
739  P[16] -= (s1 * P[4]);
740  P[17] -= (s1 * P[5]);
741  P[18] -= (s1 * P[6]);
742  P[19] -= (s1 * P[59]);
743  P[20] -= (s1 * P[56]);
744  P[21] -= (s1 * P[57]);
745  P[22] -= (s1 * P[58]);
746  P[24] -= (s2 * P[4]);
747  P[25] -= (s2 * P[5]);
748  P[26] -= (s2 * P[6]);
749  P[27] -= (s2 * P[59]);
750  P[28] -= (s2 * P[56]);
751  P[29] -= (s2 * P[57]);
752  P[30] -= (s2 * P[58]);
753  P[32] -= (s3 * P[4]);
754  P[33] -= (s3 * P[5]);
755  P[34] -= (s3 * P[6]);
756  P[35] -= (s3 * P[59]);
757  P[36] -= (s3 * P[56]);
758  P[37] -= (s3 * P[57]);
759  P[38] -= (s3 * P[58]);
760  P[40] -= (s4 * P[4]);
761  P[41] -= (s4 * P[5]);
762  P[42] -= (s4 * P[6]);
763  P[43] -= (s4 * P[59]);
764  P[44] -= (s4 * P[56]);
765  P[45] -= (s4 * P[57]);
766  P[46] -= (s4 * P[58]);
768  double P3, P4, C = P[4] * P[4] + P[5] * P[5];
769  if (C > 1.e-20) {
770  C = 1. / C;
771  P3 = P[4] * C;
772  P4 = P[5] * C;
773  C = -sqrt(C);
774  } else {
775  C = -1.e10;
776  P3 = 1.;
777  P4 = 0.;
778  }
780  // Jacobian production
781  //
782  state.jacobian[0] = Ax[0] * P[8] + Ax[1] * P[9]; // dL0/dL0
783  state.jacobian[1] = Ax[0] * P[16] + Ax[1] * P[17]; // dL0/dL1
784  state.jacobian[2] = Ax[0] * P[24] + Ax[1] * P[25]; // dL0/dPhi
785  state.jacobian[3] = Ax[0] * P[32] + Ax[1] * P[33]; // dL0/dThe
786  state.jacobian[4] = Ax[0] * P[40] + Ax[1] * P[41]; // dL0/dCM
787  state.jacobian[5] = 0.; // dL0/dT
789  state.jacobian[6] = Ay[0] * P[8] + Ay[1] * P[9] + Ay[2] * P[10]; // dL1/dL0
790  state.jacobian[7] =
791  Ay[0] * P[16] + Ay[1] * P[17] + Ay[2] * P[18]; // dL1/dL1
792  state.jacobian[8] =
793  Ay[0] * P[24] + Ay[1] * P[25] + Ay[2] * P[26]; // dL1/dPhi
794  state.jacobian[9] =
795  Ay[0] * P[32] + Ay[1] * P[33] + Ay[2] * P[34]; // dL1/dThe
796  state.jacobian[10] =
797  Ay[0] * P[40] + Ay[1] * P[41] + Ay[2] * P[42]; // dL1/dCM
798  state.jacobian[11] = 0.; // dL1/dT
800  state.jacobian[12] = P3 * P[13] - P4 * P[12]; // dPhi/dL0
801  state.jacobian[13] = P3 * P[21] - P4 * P[20]; // dPhi/dL1
802  state.jacobian[14] = P3 * P[29] - P4 * P[28]; // dPhi/dPhi
803  state.jacobian[15] = P3 * P[37] - P4 * P[36]; // dPhi/dThe
804  state.jacobian[16] = P3 * P[45] - P4 * P[44]; // dPhi/dCM
805  state.jacobian[17] = 0.; // dPhi/dT
807  state.jacobian[18] = C * P[14]; // dThe/dL0
808  state.jacobian[19] = C * P[22]; // dThe/dL1
809  state.jacobian[20] = C * P[30]; // dThe/dPhi
810  state.jacobian[21] = C * P[38]; // dThe/dThe
811  state.jacobian[22] = C * P[46]; // dThe/dCM
812  state.jacobian[23] = 0.; // dThe/dT
814  state.jacobian[24] = 0.; // dCM /dL0
815  state.jacobian[25] = 0.; // dCM /dL1
816  state.jacobian[26] = 0.; // dCM /dPhi
817  state.jacobian[27] = 0.; // dCM /dTheta
818  state.jacobian[28] = P[47]; // dCM /dCM
819  state.jacobian[29] = 0.; // dCM/dT
821  state.jacobian[30] = P[11]; // dT/dL0
822  state.jacobian[31] = P[19]; // dT/dL1
823  state.jacobian[32] = P[27]; // dT/dPhi
824  state.jacobian[33] = P[35]; // dT/dThe
825  state.jacobian[34] = P[43]; // dT/dCM
826  state.jacobian[35] = P[51]; // dT/dT
828  Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<double, eBoundSize, eBoundSize, Eigen::RowMajor>>
829  J(state.jacobian);
830  state.cov = J * (*state.covariance) * J.transpose();
831  }
839  void covarianceTransport(State& state, const Surface& surface) const {
840  Acts::Vector3D gp(state.pVector[0], state.pVector[1], state.pVector[2]);
841  Acts::Vector3D mom(state.pVector[4], state.pVector[5], state.pVector[6]);
842  mom /= std::abs(state.pVector[7]);
844  double p = 1. / state.pVector[7];
845  state.pVector[40] *= p;
846  state.pVector[41] *= p;
847  state.pVector[42] *= p;
848  state.pVector[44] *= p;
849  state.pVector[45] *= p;
850  state.pVector[46] *= p;
852  const auto fFrame = surface.referenceFrame(state.geoContext, gp, mom);
854  double Ax[3] = {fFrame(0, 0), fFrame(1, 0), fFrame(2, 0)};
855  double Ay[3] = {fFrame(0, 1), fFrame(1, 1), fFrame(2, 1)};
856  double S[3] = {fFrame(0, 2), fFrame(1, 2), fFrame(2, 2)};
858  // this is the projection of direction onto the local normal vector
859  double A = state.pVector[4] * S[0] + state.pVector[5] * S[1] +
860  state.pVector[6] * S[2];
862  if (A != 0.) {
863  A = 1. / A;
864  }
866  S[0] *= A;
867  S[1] *= A;
868  S[2] *= A;
870  double s0 = state.pVector[8] * S[0] + state.pVector[9] * S[1] +
871  state.pVector[10] * S[2];
872  double s1 = state.pVector[16] * S[0] + state.pVector[17] * S[1] +
873  state.pVector[18] * S[2];
874  double s2 = state.pVector[24] * S[0] + state.pVector[25] * S[1] +
875  state.pVector[26] * S[2];
876  double s3 = state.pVector[32] * S[0] + state.pVector[33] * S[1] +
877  state.pVector[34] * S[2];
878  double s4 = state.pVector[40] * S[0] + state.pVector[41] * S[1] +
879  state.pVector[42] * S[2];
881  // in case of line-type surfaces - we need to take into account that
882  // the reference frame changes with variations of all local
883  // parameters
884  if (surface.type() == Surface::Straw ||
885  surface.type() == Surface::Perigee) {
886  // vector from position to center
887  double x = state.pVector[0] - surface.center(state.geoContext).x();
888  double y = state.pVector[1] - surface.center(state.geoContext).y();
889  double z = state.pVector[2] - surface.center(state.geoContext).z();
891  // this is the projection of the direction onto the local y axis
892  double d = state.pVector[4] * Ay[0] + state.pVector[5] * Ay[1] +
893  state.pVector[6] * Ay[2];
895  // this is cos(beta)
896  double a = (1. - d) * (1. + d);
897  if (a != 0.) {
898  a = 1. / a; // i.e. 1./(1-d^2)
899  }
901  // that's the modified norm vector
902  double X = d * Ay[0] - state.pVector[4]; //
903  double Y = d * Ay[1] - state.pVector[5]; //
904  double Z = d * Ay[2] - state.pVector[6]; //
906  // d0 to d1
907  double d0 = state.pVector[12] * Ay[0] + state.pVector[13] * Ay[1] +
908  state.pVector[14] * Ay[2];
909  double d1 = state.pVector[20] * Ay[0] + state.pVector[21] * Ay[1] +
910  state.pVector[22] * Ay[2];
911  double d2 = state.pVector[28] * Ay[0] + state.pVector[29] * Ay[1] +
912  state.pVector[30] * Ay[2];
913  double d3 = state.pVector[36] * Ay[0] + state.pVector[37] * Ay[1] +
914  state.pVector[38] * Ay[2];
915  double d4 = state.pVector[44] * Ay[0] + state.pVector[45] * Ay[1] +
916  state.pVector[46] * Ay[2];
918  s0 = (((state.pVector[8] * X + state.pVector[9] * Y +
919  state.pVector[10] * Z) +
920  x * (d0 * Ay[0] - state.pVector[12])) +
921  (y * (d0 * Ay[1] - state.pVector[13]) +
922  z * (d0 * Ay[2] - state.pVector[14]))) *
923  (-a);
925  s1 = (((state.pVector[16] * X + state.pVector[17] * Y +
926  state.pVector[18] * Z) +
927  x * (d1 * Ay[0] - state.pVector[20])) +
928  (y * (d1 * Ay[1] - state.pVector[21]) +
929  z * (d1 * Ay[2] - state.pVector[22]))) *
930  (-a);
931  s2 = (((state.pVector[24] * X + state.pVector[25] * Y +
932  state.pVector[26] * Z) +
933  x * (d2 * Ay[0] - state.pVector[28])) +
934  (y * (d2 * Ay[1] - state.pVector[29]) +
935  z * (d2 * Ay[2] - state.pVector[30]))) *
936  (-a);
937  s3 = (((state.pVector[32] * X + state.pVector[33] * Y +
938  state.pVector[34] * Z) +
939  x * (d3 * Ay[0] - state.pVector[36])) +
940  (y * (d3 * Ay[1] - state.pVector[37]) +
941  z * (d3 * Ay[2] - state.pVector[38]))) *
942  (-a);
943  s4 = (((state.pVector[40] * X + state.pVector[41] * Y +
944  state.pVector[42] * Z) +
945  x * (d4 * Ay[0] - state.pVector[44])) +
946  (y * (d4 * Ay[1] - state.pVector[45]) +
947  z * (d4 * Ay[2] - state.pVector[46]))) *
948  (-a);
949  }
951  state.pVector[8] -= (s0 * state.pVector[4]);
952  state.pVector[9] -= (s0 * state.pVector[5]);
953  state.pVector[10] -= (s0 * state.pVector[6]);
954  state.pVector[11] -= (s0 * state.pVector[59]);
955  state.pVector[12] -= (s0 * state.pVector[56]);
956  state.pVector[13] -= (s0 * state.pVector[57]);
957  state.pVector[14] -= (s0 * state.pVector[58]);
959  state.pVector[16] -= (s1 * state.pVector[4]);
960  state.pVector[17] -= (s1 * state.pVector[5]);
961  state.pVector[18] -= (s1 * state.pVector[6]);
962  state.pVector[19] -= (s1 * state.pVector[59]);
963  state.pVector[20] -= (s1 * state.pVector[56]);
964  state.pVector[21] -= (s1 * state.pVector[57]);
965  state.pVector[22] -= (s1 * state.pVector[58]);
967  state.pVector[24] -= (s2 * state.pVector[4]);
968  state.pVector[25] -= (s2 * state.pVector[5]);
969  state.pVector[26] -= (s2 * state.pVector[6]);
970  state.pVector[27] -= (s2 * state.pVector[59]);
971  state.pVector[28] -= (s2 * state.pVector[56]);
972  state.pVector[29] -= (s2 * state.pVector[57]);
973  state.pVector[30] -= (s2 * state.pVector[58]);
975  state.pVector[32] -= (s3 * state.pVector[4]);
976  state.pVector[33] -= (s3 * state.pVector[5]);
977  state.pVector[34] -= (s3 * state.pVector[6]);
978  state.pVector[35] -= (s3 * state.pVector[59]);
979  state.pVector[36] -= (s3 * state.pVector[56]);
980  state.pVector[37] -= (s3 * state.pVector[57]);
981  state.pVector[38] -= (s3 * state.pVector[58]);
983  state.pVector[40] -= (s4 * state.pVector[4]);
984  state.pVector[41] -= (s4 * state.pVector[5]);
985  state.pVector[42] -= (s4 * state.pVector[6]);
986  state.pVector[43] -= (s4 * state.pVector[59]);
987  state.pVector[44] -= (s4 * state.pVector[56]);
988  state.pVector[45] -= (s4 * state.pVector[57]);
989  state.pVector[46] -= (s4 * state.pVector[58]);
991  double P3, P4,
992  C = state.pVector[4] * state.pVector[4] +
993  state.pVector[5] * state.pVector[5];
994  if (C > 1.e-20) {
995  C = 1. / C;
996  P3 = state.pVector[4] * C;
997  P4 = state.pVector[5] * C;
998  C = -sqrt(C);
999  } else {
1000  C = -1.e10;
1001  P3 = 1.;
1002  P4 = 0.;
1003  }
1005  double MA[3] = {Ax[0], Ax[1], Ax[2]};
1006  double MB[3] = {Ay[0], Ay[1], Ay[2]};
1007  // Jacobian production of transport and to_local
1008  if (surface.type() == Surface::Disc) {
1009  // the vector from the disc surface to the p
1010  const auto& sfc = surface.center(state.geoContext);
1011  double d[3] = {state.pVector[0] - sfc(0), state.pVector[1] - sfc(1),
1012  state.pVector[2] - sfc(2)};
1013  // this needs the transformation to polar coordinates
1014  double RC = d[0] * Ax[0] + d[1] * Ax[1] + d[2] * Ax[2];
1015  double RS = d[0] * Ay[0] + d[1] * Ay[1] + d[2] * Ay[2];
1016  double R2 = RC * RC + RS * RS;
1018  // inverse radius
1019  double Ri = 1. / sqrt(R2);
1020  MA[0] = (RC * Ax[0] + RS * Ay[0]) * Ri;
1021  MA[1] = (RC * Ax[1] + RS * Ay[1]) * Ri;
1022  MA[2] = (RC * Ax[2] + RS * Ay[2]) * Ri;
1023  MB[0] = (RC * Ay[0] - RS * Ax[0]) * (Ri = 1. / R2);
1024  MB[1] = (RC * Ay[1] - RS * Ax[1]) * Ri;
1025  MB[2] = (RC * Ay[2] - RS * Ax[2]) * Ri;
1026  }
1028  state.jacobian[0] = MA[0] * state.pVector[8] + MA[1] * state.pVector[9] +
1029  MA[2] * state.pVector[10]; // dL0/dL0
1030  state.jacobian[1] = MA[0] * state.pVector[16] + MA[1] * state.pVector[17] +
1031  MA[2] * state.pVector[18]; // dL0/dL1
1032  state.jacobian[2] = MA[0] * state.pVector[24] + MA[1] * state.pVector[25] +
1033  MA[2] * state.pVector[26]; // dL0/dPhi
1034  state.jacobian[3] = MA[0] * state.pVector[32] + MA[1] * state.pVector[33] +
1035  MA[2] * state.pVector[34]; // dL0/dThe
1036  state.jacobian[4] = MA[0] * state.pVector[40] + MA[1] * state.pVector[41] +
1037  MA[2] * state.pVector[42]; // dL0/dCM
1038  state.jacobian[5] = 0.; // dL0/dT
1040  state.jacobian[6] = MB[0] * state.pVector[8] + MB[1] * state.pVector[9] +
1041  MB[2] * state.pVector[10]; // dL1/dL0
1042  state.jacobian[7] = MB[0] * state.pVector[16] + MB[1] * state.pVector[17] +
1043  MB[2] * state.pVector[18]; // dL1/dL1
1044  state.jacobian[8] = MB[0] * state.pVector[24] + MB[1] * state.pVector[25] +
1045  MB[2] * state.pVector[26]; // dL1/dPhi
1046  state.jacobian[9] = MB[0] * state.pVector[32] + MB[1] * state.pVector[33] +
1047  MB[2] * state.pVector[34]; // dL1/dThe
1048  state.jacobian[10] = MB[0] * state.pVector[40] + MB[1] * state.pVector[41] +
1049  MB[2] * state.pVector[42]; // dL1/dCM
1050  state.jacobian[11] = 0.; // dL1/dT
1052  state.jacobian[12] =
1053  P3 * state.pVector[13] - P4 * state.pVector[12]; // dPhi/dL0
1054  state.jacobian[13] =
1055  P3 * state.pVector[21] - P4 * state.pVector[20]; // dPhi/dL1
1056  state.jacobian[14] =
1057  P3 * state.pVector[29] - P4 * state.pVector[28]; // dPhi/dPhi
1058  state.jacobian[15] =
1059  P3 * state.pVector[37] - P4 * state.pVector[36]; // dPhi/dThe
1060  state.jacobian[16] =
1061  P3 * state.pVector[45] - P4 * state.pVector[44]; // dPhi/dCM
1062  state.jacobian[17] = 0.; // dPhi/dT
1064  state.jacobian[18] = C * state.pVector[14]; // dThe/dL0
1065  state.jacobian[19] = C * state.pVector[22]; // dThe/dL1
1066  state.jacobian[20] = C * state.pVector[30]; // dThe/dPhi
1067  state.jacobian[21] = C * state.pVector[38]; // dThe/dThe
1068  state.jacobian[22] = C * state.pVector[46]; // dThe/dCM
1069  state.jacobian[23] = 0.; // dThe/dT
1071  state.jacobian[24] = 0.; // dCM /dL0
1072  state.jacobian[25] = 0.; // dCM /dL1
1073  state.jacobian[26] = 0.; // dCM /dPhi
1074  state.jacobian[27] = 0.; // dCM /dTheta
1075  state.jacobian[28] = state.pVector[47]; // dCM /dCM
1076  state.jacobian[29] = 0.; // dCM/dT
1078  state.jacobian[30] = state.pVector[11]; // dT/dL0
1079  state.jacobian[31] = state.pVector[19]; // dT/dL1
1080  state.jacobian[32] = state.pVector[27]; // dT/dPhi
1081  state.jacobian[33] = state.pVector[35]; // dT/dThe
1082  state.jacobian[34] = state.pVector[43]; // dT/dCM
1083  state.jacobian[35] = state.pVector[51]; // dT/dT
1085  Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<double, eBoundSize, eBoundSize, Eigen::RowMajor>>
1086  J(state.jacobian);
1087  state.cov = J * (*state.covariance) * J.transpose();
1088  }
1093  template <typename propagator_state_t>
1094  Result<double> step(propagator_state_t& state) const {
1095  // we use h for keeping the nominclature with the original atlas code
1096  auto& h = state.stepping.stepSize;
1097  bool Jac = state.stepping.useJacobian;
1099  double* R = &(state.stepping.pVector[0]); // Coordinates
1100  double* A = &(state.stepping.pVector[4]); // Directions
1101  double* sA = &(state.stepping.pVector[56]);
1102  // Invert mometum/2.
1103  double Pi = 0.5 * state.stepping.pVector[7];
1104  // double dltm = 0.0002 * .03;
1105  Vector3D f0, f;
1107  // if new field is required get it
1108  if (state.stepping.newfield) {
1109  const Vector3D pos(R[0], R[1], R[2]);
1110  // This is sd.B_first in EigenStepper
1111  f0 = getField(state.stepping, pos);
1112  } else {
1113  f0 = state.stepping.field;
1114  }
1116  bool Helix = false;
1117  // if (std::abs(S) < m_cfg.helixStep) Helix = true;
1119  while (h != 0.) {
1120  // PS2 is h/(2*momentum) in EigenStepper
1121  double S3 = (1. / 3.) * h, S4 = .25 * h, PS2 = Pi * h;
1123  // First point
1124  //
1125  // H0 is (h/(2*momentum) * sd.B_first) in EigenStepper
1126  double H0[3] = {f0[0] * PS2, f0[1] * PS2, f0[2] * PS2};
1127  // { A0, B0, C0 } is (h/2 * sd.k1) in EigenStepper
1128  double A0 = A[1] * H0[2] - A[2] * H0[1];
1129  double B0 = A[2] * H0[0] - A[0] * H0[2];
1130  double C0 = A[0] * H0[1] - A[1] * H0[0];
1131  // { A2, B2, C2 } is (h/2 * sd.k1 + direction) in EigenStepper
1132  double A2 = A0 + A[0];
1133  double B2 = B0 + A[1];
1134  double C2 = C0 + A[2];
1135  // { A1, B1, C1 } is (h/2 * sd.k1 + 2*direction) in EigenStepper
1136  double A1 = A2 + A[0];
1137  double B1 = B2 + A[1];
1138  double C1 = C2 + A[2];
1140  // Second point
1141  //
1142  if (!Helix) {
1143  // This is pos1 in EigenStepper
1144  const Vector3D pos(R[0] + A1 * S4, R[1] + B1 * S4, R[2] + C1 * S4);
1145  // This is sd.B_middle in EigenStepper
1146  f = getField(state.stepping, pos);
1147  } else {
1148  f = f0;
1149  }
1151  // H1 is (h/(2*momentum) * sd.B_middle) in EigenStepper
1152  double H1[3] = {f[0] * PS2, f[1] * PS2, f[2] * PS2};
1153  // { A3, B3, C3 } is (direction + h/2 * sd.k2) in EigenStepper
1154  double A3 = (A[0] + B2 * H1[2]) - C2 * H1[1];
1155  double B3 = (A[1] + C2 * H1[0]) - A2 * H1[2];
1156  double C3 = (A[2] + A2 * H1[1]) - B2 * H1[0];
1157  // { A4, B4, C4 } is (direction + h/2 * sd.k3) in EigenStepper
1158  double A4 = (A[0] + B3 * H1[2]) - C3 * H1[1];
1159  double B4 = (A[1] + C3 * H1[0]) - A3 * H1[2];
1160  double C4 = (A[2] + A3 * H1[1]) - B3 * H1[0];
1161  // { A5, B5, C5 } is (direction + h * sd.k3) in EigenStepper
1162  double A5 = 2. * A4 - A[0];
1163  double B5 = 2. * B4 - A[1];
1164  double C5 = 2. * C4 - A[2];
1166  // Last point
1167  //
1168  if (!Helix) {
1169  // This is pos2 in EigenStepper
1170  const Vector3D pos(R[0] + h * A4, R[1] + h * B4, R[2] + h * C4);
1171  // This is sd.B_last in Eigen stepper
1172  f = getField(state.stepping, pos);
1173  } else {
1174  f = f0;
1175  }
1177  // H2 is (h/(2*momentum) * sd.B_last) in EigenStepper
1178  double H2[3] = {f[0] * PS2, f[1] * PS2, f[2] * PS2};
1179  // { A6, B6, C6 } is (h/2 * sd.k4) in EigenStepper
1180  double A6 = B5 * H2[2] - C5 * H2[1];
1181  double B6 = C5 * H2[0] - A5 * H2[2];
1182  double C6 = A5 * H2[1] - B5 * H2[0];
1184  // Test approximation quality on give step and possible step reduction
1185  //
1186  // This is (h2 * (sd.k1 - sd.k2 - sd.k3 + sd.k4).template lpNorm<1>())
1187  // in EigenStepper
1188  double EST =
1189  2. * h *
1190  (std::abs((A1 + A6) - (A3 + A4)) + std::abs((B1 + B6) - (B3 + B4)) +
1191  std::abs((C1 + C6) - (C3 + C4)));
1192  if (EST > state.options.tolerance) {
1193  h = h * .5;
1194  // dltm = 0.;
1195  continue;
1196  }
1198  // if (EST < dltm) h *= 2.;
1200  // Parameters calculation
1201  //
1202  double A00 = A[0], A11 = A[1], A22 = A[2];
1204  A[0] = 2. * A3 + (A0 + A5 + A6);
1205  A[1] = 2. * B3 + (B0 + B5 + B6);
1206  A[2] = 2. * C3 + (C0 + C5 + C6);
1208  double D = (A[0] * A[0] + A[1] * A[1]) + (A[2] * A[2] - 9.);
1209  double Sl = 2. / h;
1210  D = (1. / 3.) - ((1. / 648.) * D) * (12. - D);
1212  R[0] += (A2 + A3 + A4) * S3;
1213  R[1] += (B2 + B3 + B4) * S3;
1214  R[2] += (C2 + C3 + C4) * S3;
1215  A[0] *= D;
1216  A[1] *= D;
1217  A[2] *= D;
1218  sA[0] = A6 * Sl;
1219  sA[1] = B6 * Sl;
1220  sA[2] = C6 * Sl;
1222  // Evaluate the time propagation
1223  state.stepping.pVector[3] +=
1224  h * std::hypot(1, state.options.mass / momentum(state.stepping));
1225  state.stepping.pVector[59] =
1226  std::hypot(1, state.options.mass / momentum(state.stepping));
1227  state.stepping.field = f;
1228  state.stepping.newfield = false;
1230  if (Jac) {
1231  double dtdl =
1232  h * state.options.mass * state.options.mass *
1233  charge(state.stepping) /
1234  (momentum(state.stepping) *
1235  std::hypot(1., state.options.mass / momentum(state.stepping)));
1236  state.stepping.pVector[43] += dtdl;
1238  // Jacobian calculation
1239  //
1240  double* d2A = &state.stepping.pVector[28];
1241  double* d3A = &state.stepping.pVector[36];
1242  double* d4A = &state.stepping.pVector[44];
1243  double d2A0 = H0[2] * d2A[1] - H0[1] * d2A[2];
1244  double d2B0 = H0[0] * d2A[2] - H0[2] * d2A[0];
1245  double d2C0 = H0[1] * d2A[0] - H0[0] * d2A[1];
1246  double d3A0 = H0[2] * d3A[1] - H0[1] * d3A[2];
1247  double d3B0 = H0[0] * d3A[2] - H0[2] * d3A[0];
1248  double d3C0 = H0[1] * d3A[0] - H0[0] * d3A[1];
1249  double d4A0 = (A0 + H0[2] * d4A[1]) - H0[1] * d4A[2];
1250  double d4B0 = (B0 + H0[0] * d4A[2]) - H0[2] * d4A[0];
1251  double d4C0 = (C0 + H0[1] * d4A[0]) - H0[0] * d4A[1];
1252  double d2A2 = d2A0 + d2A[0];
1253  double d2B2 = d2B0 + d2A[1];
1254  double d2C2 = d2C0 + d2A[2];
1255  double d3A2 = d3A0 + d3A[0];
1256  double d3B2 = d3B0 + d3A[1];
1257  double d3C2 = d3C0 + d3A[2];
1258  double d4A2 = d4A0 + d4A[0];
1259  double d4B2 = d4B0 + d4A[1];
1260  double d4C2 = d4C0 + d4A[2];
1261  double d0 = d4A[0] - A00;
1262  double d1 = d4A[1] - A11;
1263  double d2 = d4A[2] - A22;
1264  double d2A3 = (d2A[0] + d2B2 * H1[2]) - d2C2 * H1[1];
1265  double d2B3 = (d2A[1] + d2C2 * H1[0]) - d2A2 * H1[2];
1266  double d2C3 = (d2A[2] + d2A2 * H1[1]) - d2B2 * H1[0];
1267  double d3A3 = (d3A[0] + d3B2 * H1[2]) - d3C2 * H1[1];
1268  double d3B3 = (d3A[1] + d3C2 * H1[0]) - d3A2 * H1[2];
1269  double d3C3 = (d3A[2] + d3A2 * H1[1]) - d3B2 * H1[0];
1270  double d4A3 = ((A3 + d0) + d4B2 * H1[2]) - d4C2 * H1[1];
1271  double d4B3 = ((B3 + d1) + d4C2 * H1[0]) - d4A2 * H1[2];
1272  double d4C3 = ((C3 + d2) + d4A2 * H1[1]) - d4B2 * H1[0];
1273  double d2A4 = (d2A[0] + d2B3 * H1[2]) - d2C3 * H1[1];
1274  double d2B4 = (d2A[1] + d2C3 * H1[0]) - d2A3 * H1[2];
1275  double d2C4 = (d2A[2] + d2A3 * H1[1]) - d2B3 * H1[0];
1276  double d3A4 = (d3A[0] + d3B3 * H1[2]) - d3C3 * H1[1];
1277  double d3B4 = (d3A[1] + d3C3 * H1[0]) - d3A3 * H1[2];
1278  double d3C4 = (d3A[2] + d3A3 * H1[1]) - d3B3 * H1[0];
1279  double d4A4 = ((A4 + d0) + d4B3 * H1[2]) - d4C3 * H1[1];
1280  double d4B4 = ((B4 + d1) + d4C3 * H1[0]) - d4A3 * H1[2];
1281  double d4C4 = ((C4 + d2) + d4A3 * H1[1]) - d4B3 * H1[0];
1282  double d2A5 = 2. * d2A4 - d2A[0];
1283  double d2B5 = 2. * d2B4 - d2A[1];
1284  double d2C5 = 2. * d2C4 - d2A[2];
1285  double d3A5 = 2. * d3A4 - d3A[0];
1286  double d3B5 = 2. * d3B4 - d3A[1];
1287  double d3C5 = 2. * d3C4 - d3A[2];
1288  double d4A5 = 2. * d4A4 - d4A[0];
1289  double d4B5 = 2. * d4B4 - d4A[1];
1290  double d4C5 = 2. * d4C4 - d4A[2];
1291  double d2A6 = d2B5 * H2[2] - d2C5 * H2[1];
1292  double d2B6 = d2C5 * H2[0] - d2A5 * H2[2];
1293  double d2C6 = d2A5 * H2[1] - d2B5 * H2[0];
1294  double d3A6 = d3B5 * H2[2] - d3C5 * H2[1];
1295  double d3B6 = d3C5 * H2[0] - d3A5 * H2[2];
1296  double d3C6 = d3A5 * H2[1] - d3B5 * H2[0];
1297  double d4A6 = d4B5 * H2[2] - d4C5 * H2[1];
1298  double d4B6 = d4C5 * H2[0] - d4A5 * H2[2];
1299  double d4C6 = d4A5 * H2[1] - d4B5 * H2[0];
1301  double* dR = &state.stepping.pVector[24];
1302  dR[0] += (d2A2 + d2A3 + d2A4) * S3;
1303  dR[1] += (d2B2 + d2B3 + d2B4) * S3;
1304  dR[2] += (d2C2 + d2C3 + d2C4) * S3;
1305  d2A[0] = ((d2A0 + 2. * d2A3) + (d2A5 + d2A6)) * (1. / 3.);
1306  d2A[1] = ((d2B0 + 2. * d2B3) + (d2B5 + d2B6)) * (1. / 3.);
1307  d2A[2] = ((d2C0 + 2. * d2C3) + (d2C5 + d2C6)) * (1. / 3.);
1309  dR = &state.stepping.pVector[32];
1310  dR[0] += (d3A2 + d3A3 + d3A4) * S3;
1311  dR[1] += (d3B2 + d3B3 + d3B4) * S3;
1312  dR[2] += (d3C2 + d3C3 + d3C4) * S3;
1313  d3A[0] = ((d3A0 + 2. * d3A3) + (d3A5 + d3A6)) * (1. / 3.);
1314  d3A[1] = ((d3B0 + 2. * d3B3) + (d3B5 + d3B6)) * (1. / 3.);
1315  d3A[2] = ((d3C0 + 2. * d3C3) + (d3C5 + d3C6)) * (1. / 3.);
1317  dR = &state.stepping.pVector[40];
1318  dR[0] += (d4A2 + d4A3 + d4A4) * S3;
1319  dR[1] += (d4B2 + d4B3 + d4B4) * S3;
1320  dR[2] += (d4C2 + d4C3 + d4C4) * S3;
1321  d4A[0] = ((d4A0 + 2. * d4A3) + (d4A5 + d4A6 + A6)) * (1. / 3.);
1322  d4A[1] = ((d4B0 + 2. * d4B3) + (d4B5 + d4B6 + B6)) * (1. / 3.);
1323  d4A[2] = ((d4C0 + 2. * d4C3) + (d4C5 + d4C6 + C6)) * (1. / 3.);
1324  }
1326  state.stepping.pathAccumulated += h;
1327  return h;
1328  }
1330  // that exit path should actually not happen
1331  state.stepping.pathAccumulated += h;
1332  return h;
1333  }
1335  private:
1339  double m_overstepLimit = -50_um;
1340 };
1342 } // namespace Acts