![]() |
EIC Software
Reference for
simulation and reconstruction software on GitHub
Functions | |
def | setup |
Variables | |
tuple | on_readthedocs os.environ.get("READTHEDOCS", None) |
string | project "Acts" |
string | author "The Acts authors" |
string | copyright "2014–2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project" |
list | extensions |
dictionary | source_suffix |
string | master_doc "index" |
list | exclude_patterns |
string | primary_domain "cpp" |
string | highlight_language "cpp" |
smartquotes True | |
numfig True | |
string | html_theme "sphinx_rtd_theme" |
list | html_theme_path |
dictionary | html_theme_options |
string | html_logo "figures/acts_logo_white.svg" |
list | html_static_path |
list | html_css_files |
html_copy_source False | |
html_show_sourcelink False | |
html_show_sphinx False | |
dictionary | breathe_projects |
string | breathe_default_project "Acts" |
dictionary | breathe_domain_by_extension |
list | breathe_default_members |
dictionary | exhale_args |
string | version u'' |
string | release u'0.00.01' |
list | templates_path ['_templates'] |
language None | |
pygments_style None | |
string | htmlhelp_basename 'DelphesEicBuilder' |
dictionary | latex_elements |
list | latex_documents |
list | man_pages |
list | texinfo_documents |
epub_title project | |
list | epub_exclude_files ['search.html'] |
def conf.setup | ( | app | ) |
Definition at line 112 of file conf.py.
View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 112 of file conf.py
Referenced by rcdaqEventiterator.rcdaqEventiterator().
string conf.author "The Acts authors" |
list conf.breathe_default_members |
string conf.breathe_default_project "Acts" |
dictionary conf.breathe_domain_by_extension |
dictionary conf.breathe_projects |
list conf.epub_exclude_files ['search.html'] |
conf.epub_title project |
list conf.exclude_patterns |
dictionary conf.exhale_args |
list conf.extensions |
string conf.highlight_language "cpp" |
conf.html_copy_source False |
list conf.html_css_files |
string conf.html_logo "figures/acts_logo_white.svg" |
conf.html_show_sourcelink False |
conf.html_show_sphinx False |
list conf.html_static_path |
string conf.html_theme "sphinx_rtd_theme" |
dictionary conf.html_theme_options |
list conf.html_theme_path |
string conf.htmlhelp_basename 'DelphesEicBuilder' |
conf.language None |
list conf.latex_documents |
dictionary conf.latex_elements |
list conf.man_pages |
string conf.master_doc "index" |
conf.numfig True |
tuple conf.on_readthedocs os.environ.get("READTHEDOCS", None) |
string conf.primary_domain "cpp" |
string conf.project "Acts" |
conf.pygments_style None |
string conf.release u'0.00.01' |
Definition at line 29 of file conf.py.
View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 29 of file conf.py
Referenced by G4GDMLReadStructure.AssemblyRead(), Acts::detail.updateSingleStepSize(), Acts::Test::PropagatorState::Stepper.updateStepSize(), Acts::StraightLineStepper.updateStepSize(), Acts::EigenStepper< bfield_t, extensionlist_t, auctioneer_t >.updateStepSize(), Acts::AtlasStepper< bfield_t >.updateStepSize(), G4GDMLReadStructure.VolumeRead(), and PHG4GDMLWrite.Write().
conf.smartquotes True |
string conf.source_suffix |
list conf.templates_path ['_templates'] |
list conf.texinfo_documents |
string conf.version u'' |
Definition at line 27 of file conf.py.
View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 27 of file conf.py
Referenced by adjustFrameDataLength(), adjustFrameErrorLength(), adjustFrameHistoryLength(), adjustPacketDataLength(), adjustPacketDebugLength(), adjustPacketErrorLength(), checkFrameHdrVersion(), currentFrameHdr(), currentPacket(), emptyPacket(), findFrameAlignBlock(), findFrameErrorStart(), findFrameHistoryStart(), findNextError(), findPacketDataDescr(), findPacketDataEnd(), findPacketDebugStart(), findPacketErrorStart(), getAlignBlock(), getFrameAlignLength(), getFrameDataLength(), getFrameDataType(), getFrameErrorLength(), getFrameHdrVersion(), getFrameHistoryLength(), getFramePadding(), getFrameSourceId(), getFrameStatus(), getFrameType(), EicGeoParData.GetGeometryFileName(), getHistoryEntry(), getHistorySourceIndex(), getHistoryStage(), getHistoryStatus(), getPacketDataDescrLength(), getPacketDataLength(), getPacketDebugLength(), getPacketEndianism(), getPacketErrorLength(), getPacketId(), getPacketNumErrors(), getPacketPadding(), getPacketStatus(), getPacketStructure(), PHTimeServer.insert_new(), PHTimeServer.insert_new_single_shot(), Acts::Sycl.listPlatforms(), makePacketHdr(), Acts::Sycl::DeviceSelector.operator()(), orFrameStatus(), orPacketStatus(), FairDetParRootFileIo.read(), setAlignBlock(), setDataType(), setFrameAlignLength(), setFrameErrorLength(), setFrameHistoryLength(), setFramePadding(), setFrameStatus(), setFrameType(), setPacketDataDescrLength(), setPacketDebugLenth(), setPacketEndianism(), setPacketErrorLength(), setPacketId(), setPacketPadding(), setPacketStatus(), setPacketStructure(), setSourceId(), validFrameMark(), validPacketHdr(), and FairGenericParAsciiFileIo.writeGenericSet().