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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file JsonGeometryConverter.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017-2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
33 #include <cstdio>
34 #include <fstream>
35 #include <iostream>
36 #include <map>
37 #include <sstream>
38 #include <stdexcept>
39 #include <string>
41 #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
42 #include <boost/algorithm/string/finder.hpp>
43 #include <boost/algorithm/string/iter_find.hpp>
45 namespace {
47 using json = nlohmann::json;
49 // helper functions to encode/decode indefinite material
50 //
51 // encoded either as `null` for vacuum or to an array of material parameters
53 json encodeMaterial(const Acts::Material& material) {
54  if (!material) {
55  return nullptr;
56  }
57  json encoded = json::array();
58  for (unsigned i = 0; i < material.parameters().size(); ++i) {
59  encoded.push_back(material.parameters()[i]);
60  }
61  return encoded;
62 }
64 Acts::Material decodeMaterial(const json& encoded) {
65  if (encoded.is_null()) {
66  return {};
67  }
69  Acts::Material::ParametersVector::Zero();
70  for (auto i = params.size(); 0 < i--;) {
71  // .at(...) ensures bound checks
72  params[i] = encoded.at(i);
73  }
74  return Acts::Material(params);
75 }
77 // helper functions to encode/decode concrete material slabs
78 //
79 // encoded as an object w/ two entries: `material` and `thickness`
81 json encodeMaterialSlab(const Acts::MaterialSlab& slab) {
82  return {
83  {"material", encodeMaterial(slab.material())},
84  {"thickness", slab.thickness()},
85  };
86 }
88 Acts::MaterialSlab decodeMaterialSlab(const json& encoded) {
89  return Acts::MaterialSlab(decodeMaterial(encoded.at("material")),
90  encoded.at("thickness").get<float>());
91 }
93 } // namespace
97  : m_cfg(std::move(cfg)) {
98  // Validate the configuration
99  if (!m_cfg.logger) {
100  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing logger");
101  }
102 }
104 std::pair<std::map<Acts::GeometryIdentifier,
105  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial>>,
106  std::map<Acts::GeometryIdentifier,
107  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::IVolumeMaterial>>>
109  auto& j = materialmaps;
110  // The return maps
111  std::pair<SurfaceMaterialMap, VolumeMaterialMap> maps;
112  ACTS_VERBOSE("j2a: Reading material maps from json file.");
113  ACTS_VERBOSE("j2a: Found entries for " << j.count(m_cfg.volkey)
114  << " volume(s).");
115  // Structured binding
116  for (auto& [key, value] : j.items()) {
117  // Check if this the volume key
118  if (key == m_cfg.volkey) {
119  // Get the volume json
120  auto volj = value;
121  for (auto& [vkey, vvalue] : volj.items()) {
122  // Create the volume id
123  int vid = std::stoi(vkey);
124  Acts::GeometryIdentifier volumeID;
125  volumeID.setVolume(vid);
126  ACTS_VERBOSE("j2a: -> Found Volume " << vid);
127  // Loop through the information in the volume
128  for (auto& [vckey, vcvalue] : vvalue.items()) {
129  if (vckey == m_cfg.boukey and m_cfg.processBoundaries and
130  not vcvalue.empty()) {
131  ACTS_VERBOSE("j2a: --> BoundarySurface(s) to be parsed");
132  for (auto& [bkey, bvalue] : vcvalue.items()) {
133  // Create the boundary id
134  int bid = std::stoi(bkey);
135  Acts::GeometryIdentifier boundaryID(volumeID);
136  boundaryID.setBoundary(bid);
137  ACTS_VERBOSE("j2a: ---> Found boundary surface " << bid);
138  if (bvalue[m_cfg.mapkey] == true) {
139  auto boumat = jsonToSurfaceMaterial(bvalue);
140  maps.first[boundaryID] =
141  std::shared_ptr<const ISurfaceMaterial>(boumat);
142  }
143  }
144  } else if (vckey == m_cfg.laykey) {
145  ACTS_VERBOSE("j2a: --> Layer(s) to be parsed");
146  // Loop over layers and repeat
147  auto layj = vcvalue;
148  for (auto& [lkey, lvalue] : layj.items()) {
149  // Create the layer id
150  int lid = std::stoi(lkey);
151  Acts::GeometryIdentifier layerID(volumeID);
152  layerID.setLayer(lid);
153  ACTS_VERBOSE("j2a: ---> Found Layer " << lid);
154  // Finally loop over layer components
155  for (auto& [lckey, lcvalue] : lvalue.items()) {
156  if (lckey == m_cfg.repkey and m_cfg.processRepresenting and
157  not lcvalue.empty()) {
158  ACTS_VERBOSE("j2a: ----> Found representing surface");
159  if (lcvalue[m_cfg.mapkey] == true) {
160  auto repmat = jsonToSurfaceMaterial(lcvalue);
161  maps.first[layerID] =
162  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial>(repmat);
163  }
164  } else if (lckey == m_cfg.appkey and m_cfg.processApproaches and
165  not lcvalue.empty()) {
166  ACTS_VERBOSE("j2a: ----> Found approach surface(s)");
167  // Loop over approach surfaces
168  for (auto& [askey, asvalue] : lcvalue.items()) {
169  // Create the layer id, todo set to max value
170  int aid = (askey == "*") ? 0 : std::stoi(askey);
171  Acts::GeometryIdentifier approachID(layerID);
172  approachID.setApproach(aid);
173  ACTS_VERBOSE("j2a: -----> Approach surface " << askey);
174  if (asvalue[m_cfg.mapkey] == true) {
175  auto appmat = jsonToSurfaceMaterial(asvalue);
176  maps.first[approachID] =
177  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial>(appmat);
178  }
179  }
180  } else if (lckey == m_cfg.senkey and m_cfg.processSensitives and
181  not lcvalue.empty()) {
182  ACTS_VERBOSE("j2a: ----> Found sensitive surface(s)");
183  // Loop over sensitive surfaces
184  for (auto& [sskey, ssvalue] : lcvalue.items()) {
185  // Create the layer id, todo set to max value
186  int sid = (sskey == "*") ? 0 : std::stoi(sskey);
187  Acts::GeometryIdentifier senisitiveID(layerID);
188  senisitiveID.setSensitive(sid);
189  ACTS_VERBOSE("j2a: -----> Sensitive surface " << sskey);
190  if (ssvalue[m_cfg.mapkey] == true) {
191  auto senmat = jsonToSurfaceMaterial(ssvalue);
192  maps.first[senisitiveID] =
193  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial>(senmat);
194  }
195  }
196  }
197  }
198  }
200  } else if (m_cfg.processVolumes and vckey == m_cfg.matkey and
201  not vcvalue.empty()) {
202  ACTS_VERBOSE("--> VolumeMaterial to be parsed");
203  if (vcvalue[m_cfg.mapkey] == true) {
204  auto intermat = jsonToVolumeMaterial(vcvalue);
205  maps.second[volumeID] =
206  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::IVolumeMaterial>(intermat);
207  }
208  }
209  }
210  }
211  } else if (key == m_cfg.geoversion) {
212  ACTS_VERBOSE("Detector version: " << m_cfg.geoversion);
213  }
214  }
216  // Return the filled maps
217  return maps;
218 }
223  const DetectorMaterialMaps& maps) {
224  DetectorRep detRep;
225  // Collect all GeometryIdentifiers per VolumeID for the formatted output
226  for (auto& [key, value] : maps.first) {
227  geo_id_value vid = key.volume();
228  auto volRep = detRep.volumes.find(vid);
229  if (volRep == detRep.volumes.end()) {
230  detRep.volumes.insert({vid, VolumeRep()});
231  volRep = detRep.volumes.find(vid);
232  volRep->second.volumeID = key;
233  }
234  geo_id_value lid = key.layer();
235  if (lid != 0) {
236  // we are on a layer, get the layer rep
237  auto layRep = volRep->second.layers.find(lid);
238  if (layRep == volRep->second.layers.end()) {
239  volRep->second.layers.insert({lid, LayerRep()});
240  layRep = volRep->second.layers.find(lid);
241  layRep->second.layerID = key;
242  }
243  // now insert appropriately
244  geo_id_value sid = key.sensitive();
245  geo_id_value aid = key.approach();
246  if (sid != 0) {
247  layRep->second.sensitives.insert({sid, value.get()});
248  } else if (aid != 0) {
249  layRep->second.approaches.insert({aid, value.get()});
250  } else {
251  layRep->second.representing = value.get();
252  }
254  } else {
255  // not on a layer can only be a boundary surface
256  geo_id_value bid = key.boundary();
257  volRep->second.boundaries.insert({bid, value.get()});
258  }
259  }
260  for (auto& [key, value] : maps.second) {
261  // find the volume representation
262  geo_id_value vid = key.volume();
263  auto volRep = detRep.volumes.find(vid);
264  if (volRep == detRep.volumes.end()) {
265  detRep.volumes.insert({vid, VolumeRep()});
266  volRep = detRep.volumes.find(vid);
267  volRep->second.volumeID = key;
268  }
269  volRep->second.material = value.get();
270  }
271  // convert the detector representation to json format
272  return detectorRepToJson(detRep);
273 }
277  json detectorj;
278  ACTS_VERBOSE("a2j: Writing json from detector representation");
279  ACTS_VERBOSE("a2j: Found entries for " << detRep.volumes.size()
280  << " volume(s).");
282  json volumesj;
283  for (auto& [key, value] : detRep.volumes) {
284  json volj;
285  ACTS_VERBOSE("a2j: -> Writing Volume: " << key);
286  volj[m_cfg.namekey] = value.volumeName;
287  std::ostringstream svolumeID;
288  svolumeID << value.volumeID;
289  volj[m_cfg.geometryidkey] = svolumeID.str();
290  if (m_cfg.processVolumes && value.material) {
291  volj[m_cfg.matkey] = volumeMaterialToJson(*value.material);
292  }
293  // Write the layers
294  if (not value.layers.empty()) {
295  ACTS_VERBOSE("a2j: ---> Found " << value.layers.size() << " layer(s) ");
296  json layersj;
297  for (auto& [lkey, lvalue] : value.layers) {
298  ACTS_VERBOSE("a2j: ----> Convert layer " << lkey);
299  json layj;
300  std::ostringstream slayerID;
301  slayerID << lvalue.layerID;
302  layj[m_cfg.geometryidkey] = slayerID.str();
303  // First check for approaches
304  if (not lvalue.approaches.empty() and m_cfg.processApproaches) {
305  ACTS_VERBOSE("a2j: -----> Found " << lvalue.approaches.size()
306  << " approach surface(s)");
307  json approachesj;
308  for (auto& [akey, avalue] : lvalue.approaches) {
309  ACTS_VERBOSE("a2j: ------> Convert approach surface " << akey);
310  approachesj[std::to_string(akey)] = surfaceMaterialToJson(*avalue);
311  if (lvalue.approacheSurfaces.find(akey) !=
312  lvalue.approacheSurfaces.end())
313  addSurfaceToJson(approachesj[std::to_string(akey)],
314  lvalue.approacheSurfaces.at(akey));
315  }
316  // Add to the layer json
317  layj[m_cfg.appkey] = approachesj;
318  }
319  // Then check for sensitive
320  if (not lvalue.sensitives.empty() and m_cfg.processSensitives) {
321  ACTS_VERBOSE("a2j: -----> Found " << lvalue.sensitives.size()
322  << " sensitive surface(s)");
323  json sensitivesj;
324  for (auto& [skey, svalue] : lvalue.sensitives) {
325  ACTS_VERBOSE("a2j: ------> Convert sensitive surface " << skey);
326  sensitivesj[std::to_string(skey)] = surfaceMaterialToJson(*svalue);
327  if (lvalue.sensitiveSurfaces.find(skey) !=
328  lvalue.sensitiveSurfaces.end())
329  addSurfaceToJson(sensitivesj[std::to_string(skey)],
330  lvalue.sensitiveSurfaces.at(skey));
331  }
332  // Add to the layer json
333  layj[m_cfg.senkey] = sensitivesj;
334  }
335  // Finally check for representing
336  if (lvalue.representing != nullptr and m_cfg.processRepresenting) {
337  ACTS_VERBOSE("a2j: ------> Convert representing surface ");
338  layj[m_cfg.repkey] = surfaceMaterialToJson(*lvalue.representing);
339  if (lvalue.representingSurface != nullptr)
340  addSurfaceToJson(layj[m_cfg.repkey], lvalue.representingSurface);
341  }
342  layersj[std::to_string(lkey)] = layj;
343  }
344  volj[m_cfg.laykey] = layersj;
345  }
346  // Write the boundary surfaces
347  if (not value.boundaries.empty()) {
348  ACTS_VERBOSE("a2j: ---> Found " << value.boundaries.size()
349  << " boundary/ies ");
350  json boundariesj;
351  for (auto& [bkey, bvalue] : value.boundaries) {
352  ACTS_VERBOSE("a2j: ----> Convert boundary " << bkey);
353  boundariesj[std::to_string(bkey)] = surfaceMaterialToJson(*bvalue);
354  if (value.boundarySurfaces.find(bkey) != value.boundarySurfaces.end())
355  addSurfaceToJson(boundariesj[std::to_string(bkey)],
356  value.boundarySurfaces.at(bkey));
357  }
358  volj[m_cfg.boukey] = boundariesj;
359  }
361  volumesj[std::to_string(key)] = volj;
362  }
363  // Assign the volume json to the detector json
364  detectorj[m_cfg.volkey] = volumesj;
366  return detectorj;
367 }
372  Acts::ISurfaceMaterial* sMaterial = nullptr;
373  // The bin utility for deescribing the data
374  Acts::BinUtility bUtility;
375  for (auto& [key, value] : material.items()) {
376  if (key == m_cfg.transfokeys and not value.empty()) {
377  bUtility = Acts::BinUtility(jsonToTransform(value));
378  break;
379  }
380  }
381  // Convert the material
382  Acts::MaterialSlabMatrix mpMatrix;
383  // Structured binding
384  for (auto& [key, value] : material.items()) {
385  // Check json keys
386  if (key == m_cfg.bin0key and not value.empty()) {
387  bUtility += jsonToBinUtility(value);
388  } else if (key == m_cfg.bin1key and not value.empty()) {
389  bUtility += jsonToBinUtility(value);
390  }
391  if (key == m_cfg.datakey and not value.empty()) {
392  mpMatrix = jsonToMaterialMatrix(value);
393  }
394  }
396  // We have protoMaterial
397  if (mpMatrix.empty()) {
398  sMaterial = new Acts::ProtoSurfaceMaterial(bUtility);
399  } else if (bUtility.bins() == 1) {
400  sMaterial = new Acts::HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial(mpMatrix[0][0]);
401  } else {
402  sMaterial = new Acts::BinnedSurfaceMaterial(bUtility, mpMatrix);
403  }
404  // return what you have
405  return sMaterial;
406 }
410  const json& material) {
411  Acts::IVolumeMaterial* vMaterial = nullptr;
412  // The bin utility for deescribing the data
413  Acts::BinUtility bUtility;
414  for (auto& [key, value] : material.items()) {
415  if (key == m_cfg.transfokeys and not value.empty()) {
416  bUtility = Acts::BinUtility(jsonToTransform(value));
417  break;
418  }
419  }
420  // Convert the material
421  std::vector<Material> mmat;
422  // Structured binding
423  for (auto& [key, value] : material.items()) {
424  // Check json keys
425  if (key == m_cfg.bin0key and not value.empty()) {
426  bUtility += jsonToBinUtility(value);
427  } else if (key == m_cfg.bin1key and not value.empty()) {
428  bUtility += jsonToBinUtility(value);
429  } else if (key == m_cfg.bin2key and not value.empty()) {
430  bUtility += jsonToBinUtility(value);
431  }
432  if (key == m_cfg.datakey and not value.empty()) {
433  for (const auto& bin : value) {
434  mmat.push_back(decodeMaterial(bin));
435  }
436  }
437  }
439  // We have protoMaterial
440  if (mmat.empty()) {
441  vMaterial = new Acts::ProtoVolumeMaterial(bUtility);
442  } else if (mmat.size() == 1) {
443  vMaterial = new Acts::HomogeneousVolumeMaterial(mmat[0]);
444  } else {
445  if (bUtility.dimensions() == 2) {
446  std::function<Acts::Vector2D(Acts::Vector3D)> transfoGlobalToLocal;
447  Acts::Grid2D grid = createGrid2D(bUtility, transfoGlobalToLocal);
451  Acts::Grid2D::index_t nBins = grid.numLocalBins();
453  Acts::EAxis axis1(min[0], max[0], nBins[0]);
454  Acts::EAxis axis2(min[1], max[1], nBins[1]);
456  // Build the grid and fill it with data
457  MaterialGrid2D mGrid(std::make_tuple(axis1, axis2));
459  for (size_t bin = 0; bin < mmat.size(); bin++) {
460  mGrid.at(bin) = mmat[bin].parameters();
461  }
462  MaterialMapper<MaterialGrid2D> matMap(transfoGlobalToLocal, mGrid);
463  vMaterial =
465  std::move(matMap), bUtility);
466  } else if (bUtility.dimensions() == 3) {
467  std::function<Acts::Vector3D(Acts::Vector3D)> transfoGlobalToLocal;
468  Acts::Grid3D grid = createGrid3D(bUtility, transfoGlobalToLocal);
472  Acts::Grid3D::index_t nBins = grid.numLocalBins();
474  Acts::EAxis axis1(min[0], max[0], nBins[0]);
475  Acts::EAxis axis2(min[1], max[1], nBins[1]);
476  Acts::EAxis axis3(min[2], max[2], nBins[2]);
478  // Build the grid and fill it with data
479  MaterialGrid3D mGrid(std::make_tuple(axis1, axis2, axis3));
481  for (size_t bin = 0; bin < mmat.size(); bin++) {
482  mGrid.at(bin) = mmat[bin].parameters();
483  }
484  MaterialMapper<MaterialGrid3D> matMap(transfoGlobalToLocal, mGrid);
485  vMaterial =
487  std::move(matMap), bUtility);
488  }
489  }
490  // return what you have
491  return vMaterial;
492 }
496  DetectorRep detRep;
497  convertToRep(detRep, *tGeometry.highestTrackingVolume());
498  return detectorRepToJson(detRep);
499 }
502  DetectorRep& detRep, const Acts::TrackingVolume& tVolume) {
503  // The writer reader volume representation
504  VolumeRep volRep;
505  volRep.volumeName = tVolume.volumeName();
506  // there are confined volumes
507  if (tVolume.confinedVolumes() != nullptr) {
508  // get through the volumes
509  auto& volumes = tVolume.confinedVolumes()->arrayObjects();
510  // loop over the volumes
511  for (auto& vol : volumes) {
512  // recursive call
513  convertToRep(detRep, *vol);
514  }
515  }
516  // there are dense volumes
517  if (m_cfg.processDenseVolumes && !tVolume.denseVolumes().empty()) {
518  // loop over the volumes
519  for (auto& vol : tVolume.denseVolumes()) {
520  // recursive call
521  convertToRep(detRep, *vol);
522  }
523  }
524  // Get the volume Id
525  Acts::GeometryIdentifier volumeID = tVolume.geometryId();
526  geo_id_value vid = volumeID.volume();
528  // Write the material if there's one
529  if (tVolume.volumeMaterial() != nullptr) {
530  volRep.material = tVolume.volumeMaterial();
531  } else if (m_cfg.processnonmaterial == true) {
532  Acts::BinUtility bUtility = DefaultBin(tVolume);
533  Acts::IVolumeMaterial* bMaterial = new Acts::ProtoVolumeMaterial(bUtility);
534  volRep.material = bMaterial;
535  }
536  // there are confied layers
537  if (tVolume.confinedLayers() != nullptr) {
538  // get the layers
539  auto& layers = tVolume.confinedLayers()->arrayObjects();
540  // loop of the volumes
541  for (auto& lay : layers) {
542  auto layRep = convertToRep(*lay);
543  if (layRep) {
544  // it's a valid representation so let's go with it
545  Acts::GeometryIdentifier layerID = lay->geometryId();
546  geo_id_value lid = layerID.layer();
547  volRep.layers.insert({lid, std::move(layRep)});
548  }
549  }
550  }
551  // Let's finally check the boundaries
552  for (auto& bsurf : tVolume.boundarySurfaces()) {
553  // the surface representation
554  auto& bssfRep = bsurf->surfaceRepresentation();
555  if (bssfRep.surfaceMaterial() != nullptr) {
556  Acts::GeometryIdentifier boundaryID = bssfRep.geometryId();
557  geo_id_value bid = boundaryID.boundary();
558  // Ignore if the volumeID is not correct (i.e. shared boundary)
559  // if (boundaryID.value(Acts::GeometryIdentifier::volume_mask) == vid){
560  volRep.boundaries[bid] = bssfRep.surfaceMaterial();
561  volRep.boundarySurfaces[bid] = &bssfRep;
562  // }
563  } else if (m_cfg.processnonmaterial == true) {
564  // if no material suface exist add a default one for the mapping
565  // configuration
566  Acts::GeometryIdentifier boundaryID = bssfRep.geometryId();
567  geo_id_value bid = boundaryID.boundary();
568  Acts::BinUtility bUtility = DefaultBin(bssfRep);
569  Acts::ISurfaceMaterial* bMaterial =
570  new Acts::ProtoSurfaceMaterial(bUtility);
571  volRep.boundaries[bid] = bMaterial;
572  volRep.boundarySurfaces[bid] = &bssfRep;
573  }
574  }
575  // Write if it's good
576  if (volRep) {
577  volRep.volumeName = tVolume.volumeName();
578  volRep.volumeID = volumeID;
579  detRep.volumes.insert({vid, std::move(volRep)});
580  }
581  return;
582 }
585  const Acts::Layer& tLayer) {
586  LayerRep layRep;
587  // fill layer ID information
588  layRep.layerID = tLayer.geometryId();
589  if (m_cfg.processSensitives and tLayer.surfaceArray() != nullptr) {
590  for (auto& ssf : tLayer.surfaceArray()->surfaces()) {
591  if (ssf != nullptr && ssf->surfaceMaterial() != nullptr) {
592  Acts::GeometryIdentifier sensitiveID = ssf->geometryId();
593  geo_id_value sid = sensitiveID.sensitive();
594  layRep.sensitives.insert({sid, ssf->surfaceMaterial()});
595  layRep.sensitiveSurfaces.insert({sid, ssf});
596  } else if (m_cfg.processnonmaterial == true) {
597  // if no material suface exist add a default one for the mapping
598  // configuration
599  Acts::GeometryIdentifier sensitiveID = ssf->geometryId();
600  geo_id_value sid = sensitiveID.sensitive();
601  Acts::BinUtility sUtility = DefaultBin(*ssf);
602  Acts::ISurfaceMaterial* sMaterial =
603  new Acts::ProtoSurfaceMaterial(sUtility);
604  layRep.sensitives.insert({sid, sMaterial});
605  layRep.sensitiveSurfaces.insert({sid, ssf});
606  }
607  }
608  }
609  // the representing
610  if (!(tLayer.surfaceRepresentation().geometryId() == GeometryIdentifier())) {
611  if (tLayer.surfaceRepresentation().surfaceMaterial() != nullptr) {
613  layRep.representingSurface = &tLayer.surfaceRepresentation();
614  } else if (m_cfg.processnonmaterial == true) {
615  // if no material suface exist add a default one for the mapping
616  // configuration
617  Acts::BinUtility rUtility = DefaultBin(tLayer.surfaceRepresentation());
618  Acts::ISurfaceMaterial* rMaterial =
619  new Acts::ProtoSurfaceMaterial(rUtility);
620  layRep.representing = rMaterial;
621  layRep.representingSurface = &tLayer.surfaceRepresentation();
622  }
623  }
624  // the approach
625  if (tLayer.approachDescriptor() != nullptr) {
626  for (auto& asf : tLayer.approachDescriptor()->containedSurfaces()) {
627  // get the surface and check for material
628  if (asf->surfaceMaterial() != nullptr) {
629  Acts::GeometryIdentifier approachID = asf->geometryId();
630  geo_id_value aid = approachID.approach();
631  layRep.approaches.insert({aid, asf->surfaceMaterial()});
632  layRep.approacheSurfaces.insert({aid, asf});
633  } else if (m_cfg.processnonmaterial == true) {
634  // if no material suface exist add a default one for the mapping
635  // configuration
636  Acts::GeometryIdentifier approachID = asf->geometryId();
637  geo_id_value aid = approachID.approach();
638  Acts::BinUtility aUtility = DefaultBin(*asf);
639  Acts::ISurfaceMaterial* aMaterial =
640  new Acts::ProtoSurfaceMaterial(aUtility);
641  layRep.approaches.insert({aid, aMaterial});
642  layRep.approacheSurfaces.insert({aid, asf});
643  }
644  }
645  }
646  // return the layer representation
647  return layRep;
648 }
651  const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial& sMaterial) {
652  json smj;
653  // A bin utility needs to be written
654  const Acts::BinUtility* bUtility = nullptr;
655  // Check if we have a proto material
656  auto psMaterial = dynamic_cast<const Acts::ProtoSurfaceMaterial*>(&sMaterial);
657  if (psMaterial != nullptr) {
658  // Type is proto material
659  smj[m_cfg.typekey] = "proto";
660  // by default the protoMaterial is not used for mapping
661  smj[m_cfg.mapkey] = false;
662  bUtility = &(psMaterial->binUtility());
663  } else {
664  // Now check if we have a homogeneous material
665  auto hsMaterial =
666  dynamic_cast<const Acts::HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial*>(&sMaterial);
667  if (hsMaterial != nullptr) {
668  // type is homogeneous
669  smj[m_cfg.typekey] = "homogeneous";
670  smj[m_cfg.mapkey] = true;
671  if (m_cfg.writeData) {
672  smj[m_cfg.datakey] = json::array({
673  json::array({
674  encodeMaterialSlab(hsMaterial->materialSlab(0, 0)),
675  }),
676  });
677  }
678  } else {
679  // Only option remaining: BinnedSurface material
680  auto bsMaterial =
681  dynamic_cast<const Acts::BinnedSurfaceMaterial*>(&sMaterial);
682  if (bsMaterial != nullptr) {
683  // type is binned
684  smj[m_cfg.typekey] = "binned";
685  smj[m_cfg.mapkey] = true;
686  bUtility = &(bsMaterial->binUtility());
687  // convert the data
688  // get the material matrix
689  if (m_cfg.writeData) {
690  json mmat = json::array();
691  for (const auto& mpVector : bsMaterial->fullMaterial()) {
692  json mvec = json::array();
693  for (const auto& mp : mpVector) {
694  mvec.push_back(encodeMaterialSlab(mp));
695  }
696  mmat.push_back(std::move(mvec));
697  }
698  smj[m_cfg.datakey] = std::move(mmat);
699  }
700  }
701  }
702  }
703  // add the bin utility
704  if (bUtility != nullptr && !bUtility->binningData().empty()) {
705  std::vector<std::string> binkeys = {m_cfg.bin0key, m_cfg.bin1key};
706  // loop over dimensions and write
707  auto& binningData = bUtility->binningData();
708  // loop over the dimensions
709  for (size_t ibin = 0; ibin < binningData.size(); ++ibin) {
710  json binj;
711  auto cbData = binningData[ibin];
712  binj.push_back(Acts::binningValueNames[cbData.binvalue]);
713  if (cbData.option == Acts::closed) {
714  binj.push_back("closed");
715  } else {
716  binj.push_back("open");
717  }
718  binj.push_back(cbData.bins());
719  // If protoMaterial has a non uniform binning (non default) then it is
720  // used by default in the mapping
721  if (smj[m_cfg.typekey] == "proto" && cbData.bins() > 1)
722  smj[m_cfg.mapkey] = true;
723  // If it's not a proto map, write min / max
724  if (smj[m_cfg.typekey] != "proto") {
725  std::pair<double, double> minMax = {cbData.min, cbData.max};
726  binj.push_back(minMax);
727  }
728  smj[binkeys[ibin]] = binj;
729  }
730  std::vector<double> transfo;
731  Acts::Transform3D transfo_matrix = bUtility->transform();
732  if (not transfo_matrix.isApprox(Acts::Transform3D::Identity())) {
733  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
734  for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
735  transfo.push_back(transfo_matrix(j, i));
736  }
737  }
738  smj[m_cfg.transfokeys] = transfo;
739  }
740  }
741  return smj;
742 }
745  const Acts::IVolumeMaterial& vMaterial) {
746  json smj;
747  // A bin utility needs to be written
748  const Acts::BinUtility* bUtility = nullptr;
749  // Check if we have a proto material
750  auto pvMaterial = dynamic_cast<const Acts::ProtoVolumeMaterial*>(&vMaterial);
751  if (pvMaterial != nullptr) {
752  // Type is proto material
753  smj[m_cfg.typekey] = "proto";
754  // by default the protoMaterial is not used for mapping
755  smj[m_cfg.mapkey] = false;
756  bUtility = &(pvMaterial->binUtility());
757  } else {
758  // Now check if we have a homogeneous material
759  auto hvMaterial =
760  dynamic_cast<const Acts::HomogeneousVolumeMaterial*>(&vMaterial);
761  if (hvMaterial != nullptr) {
762  // type is homogeneous
763  smj[m_cfg.typekey] = "homogeneous";
764  smj[m_cfg.mapkey] = true;
765  if (m_cfg.writeData) {
766  // array of encoded materials w/ one entry
767  smj[m_cfg.datakey] = json::array({
768  encodeMaterial(hvMaterial->material({0, 0, 0})),
769  });
770  }
771  } else {
772  // Only option remaining: material map
773  auto bvMaterial2D = dynamic_cast<
775  &vMaterial);
776  // Now check if we have a 2D map
777  if (bvMaterial2D != nullptr) {
778  // type is binned
779  smj[m_cfg.typekey] = "interpolated2D";
780  smj[m_cfg.mapkey] = true;
781  bUtility = &(bvMaterial2D->binUtility());
782  // convert the data
783  if (m_cfg.writeData) {
784  json mmat = json::array();
785  MaterialGrid2D grid = bvMaterial2D->getMapper().getGrid();
786  for (size_t bin = 0; bin < grid.size(); bin++) {
787  mmat.push_back(encodeMaterial(grid.at(bin)));
788  }
789  smj[m_cfg.datakey] = std::move(mmat);
790  }
791  } else {
792  // Only option remaining: material map
793  auto bvMaterial3D = dynamic_cast<const Acts::InterpolatedMaterialMap<
794  MaterialMapper<MaterialGrid3D>>*>(&vMaterial);
795  // Now check if we have a 3D map
796  if (bvMaterial3D != nullptr) {
797  // type is binned
798  smj[m_cfg.typekey] = "interpolated3D";
799  smj[m_cfg.mapkey] = true;
800  bUtility = &(bvMaterial3D->binUtility());
801  // convert the data
802  if (m_cfg.writeData) {
803  json mmat = json::array();
804  MaterialGrid3D grid = bvMaterial3D->getMapper().getGrid();
805  for (size_t bin = 0; bin < grid.size(); bin++) {
806  mmat.push_back(encodeMaterial(grid.at(bin)));
807  }
808  smj[m_cfg.datakey] = std::move(mmat);
809  }
810  }
811  }
812  }
813  }
814  // add the bin utility
815  if (bUtility != nullptr && !bUtility->binningData().empty()) {
816  std::vector<std::string> binkeys = {m_cfg.bin0key, m_cfg.bin1key,
817  m_cfg.bin2key};
818  // loop over dimensions and write
819  auto& binningData = bUtility->binningData();
820  // loop over the dimensions
821  for (size_t ibin = 0; ibin < binningData.size(); ++ibin) {
822  json binj;
823  auto cbData = binningData[ibin];
824  binj.push_back(Acts::binningValueNames[cbData.binvalue]);
825  if (cbData.option == Acts::closed) {
826  binj.push_back("closed");
827  } else {
828  binj.push_back("open");
829  }
830  binj.push_back(cbData.bins());
831  // If protoMaterial has a non uniform binning (non default) then it is
832  // used by default in the mapping
833  if (smj[m_cfg.typekey] == "proto" && cbData.bins() > 1)
834  smj[m_cfg.mapkey] = true;
835  // If it's not a proto map, write min / max
836  if (smj[m_cfg.typekey] != "proto") {
837  std::pair<double, double> minMax = {cbData.min, cbData.max};
838  binj.push_back(minMax);
839  }
840  smj[binkeys[ibin]] = binj;
841  }
842  std::vector<double> transfo;
843  Acts::Transform3D transfo_matrix = bUtility->transform();
844  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
845  for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
846  transfo.push_back(transfo_matrix(j, i));
847  }
848  }
849  smj[m_cfg.transfokeys] = transfo;
850  }
851  return smj;
852 }
855  const Surface* surface) {
856  // Get the ID of the surface (redundant but help readability)
857  std::ostringstream SurfaceID;
858  SurfaceID << surface->geometryId();
859  sjson[m_cfg.surfacegeometryidkey] = SurfaceID.str();
861  // Cast the surface bound to both disk and cylinder
862  const Acts::SurfaceBounds& surfaceBounds = surface->bounds();
863  auto sTransform = surface->transform(GeometryContext());
865  const Acts::RadialBounds* radialBounds =
866  dynamic_cast<const Acts::RadialBounds*>(&surfaceBounds);
867  const Acts::CylinderBounds* cylinderBounds =
868  dynamic_cast<const Acts::CylinderBounds*>(&surfaceBounds);
869  const Acts::AnnulusBounds* annulusBounds =
870  dynamic_cast<const Acts::AnnulusBounds*>(&surfaceBounds);
872  if (radialBounds != nullptr) {
873  sjson[m_cfg.surfacetypekey] = "Disk";
874  sjson[m_cfg.surfacepositionkey] = sTransform.translation().z();
875  sjson[m_cfg.surfacerangekey] = {radialBounds->rMin(), radialBounds->rMax()};
876  }
877  if (cylinderBounds != nullptr) {
878  sjson[m_cfg.surfacetypekey] = "Cylinder";
879  sjson[m_cfg.surfacepositionkey] = cylinderBounds->get(CylinderBounds::eR);
880  sjson[m_cfg.surfacerangekey] = {
881  -1 * cylinderBounds->get(CylinderBounds::eHalfLengthZ),
882  cylinderBounds->get(CylinderBounds::eHalfLengthZ)};
883  }
884  if (annulusBounds != nullptr) {
885  sjson[m_cfg.surfacetypekey] = "Annulus";
886  sjson[m_cfg.surfacepositionkey] = sTransform.translation().z();
887  sjson[m_cfg.surfacerangekey] = {
888  {annulusBounds->rMin(), annulusBounds->rMax()},
889  {annulusBounds->phiMin(), annulusBounds->phiMax()}};
890  }
891 }
895  const json& data) {
896  Acts::MaterialSlabMatrix mpMatrix;
897  // the input data must be array[array[object]]
898  for (auto& outer : data) {
899  Acts::MaterialSlabVector mpVector;
900  for (auto& inner : outer) {
901  mpVector.emplace_back(decodeMaterialSlab(inner));
902  }
903  mpMatrix.push_back(std::move(mpVector));
904  }
905  return mpMatrix;
906 }
910  const json& bin) {
911  if (bin.size() >= 3) {
912  // finding the iterator position to determine the binning value
913  auto bit = std::find(Acts::binningValueNames.begin(),
914  Acts::binningValueNames.end(), bin[0]);
915  size_t indx = std::distance(Acts::binningValueNames.begin(), bit);
917  Acts::BinningOption bopt = bin[1] == "open" ? Acts::open : Acts::closed;
918  unsigned int bins = bin[2];
919  float min = 0;
920  float max = 0;
921  if (bin.size() >= 4 && bin[3].size() == 2) {
922  min = bin[3][0];
923  max = bin[3][1];
924  }
925  return Acts::BinUtility(bins, min, max, bopt, bval);
926  }
927  return Acts::BinUtility();
928 }
932  const json& transfo) {
934  int i = 0;
935  int j = 0;
936  for (auto& element : transfo) {
937  transform(j, i) = element;
938  j++;
939  if (j == 4) {
940  i++;
941  j = 0;
942  }
943  }
944  return transform;
945 }
948  const Acts::Surface& surface) {
949  Acts::BinUtility bUtility;
951  const Acts::SurfaceBounds& surfaceBounds = surface.bounds();
952  const Acts::RadialBounds* radialBounds =
953  dynamic_cast<const Acts::RadialBounds*>(&surfaceBounds);
954  const Acts::CylinderBounds* cylinderBounds =
955  dynamic_cast<const Acts::CylinderBounds*>(&surfaceBounds);
956  const Acts::AnnulusBounds* annulusBounds =
957  dynamic_cast<const Acts::AnnulusBounds*>(&surfaceBounds);
958  const Acts::RectangleBounds* rectangleBounds =
959  dynamic_cast<const Acts::RectangleBounds*>(&surfaceBounds);
961  if (radialBounds != nullptr) {
962  bUtility += BinUtility(
963  1,
964  radialBounds->get(RadialBounds::eAveragePhi) -
965  radialBounds->get(RadialBounds::eHalfPhiSector),
966  radialBounds->get(RadialBounds::eAveragePhi) +
967  radialBounds->get(RadialBounds::eHalfPhiSector),
968  (radialBounds->get(RadialBounds::eHalfPhiSector) - M_PI) < s_epsilon
969  ? Acts::closed
970  : Acts::open,
971  Acts::binPhi);
972  bUtility += BinUtility(1, radialBounds->rMin(), radialBounds->rMax(),
974  return bUtility;
975  }
976  if (cylinderBounds != nullptr) {
977  bUtility += BinUtility(
978  1,
979  cylinderBounds->get(CylinderBounds::eAveragePhi) -
980  cylinderBounds->get(CylinderBounds::eHalfPhiSector),
981  cylinderBounds->get(CylinderBounds::eAveragePhi) +
982  cylinderBounds->get(CylinderBounds::eHalfPhiSector),
983  (cylinderBounds->get(CylinderBounds::eHalfPhiSector) - M_PI) < s_epsilon
984  ? Acts::closed
985  : Acts::open,
986  Acts::binPhi);
987  bUtility +=
988  BinUtility(1, -1 * cylinderBounds->get(CylinderBounds::eHalfLengthZ),
989  cylinderBounds->get(CylinderBounds::eHalfLengthZ),
991  return bUtility;
992  }
993  if (annulusBounds != nullptr) {
994  bUtility += BinUtility(1, annulusBounds->get(AnnulusBounds::eMinPhiRel),
995  annulusBounds->get(AnnulusBounds::eMaxPhiRel),
997  bUtility += BinUtility(1, annulusBounds->rMin(), annulusBounds->rMax(),
999  return bUtility;
1000  }
1001  if (rectangleBounds != nullptr) {
1002  bUtility += BinUtility(1, rectangleBounds->get(RectangleBounds::eMinX),
1003  rectangleBounds->get(RectangleBounds::eMaxX),
1005  bUtility += BinUtility(1, rectangleBounds->get(RectangleBounds::eMinY),
1006  rectangleBounds->get(RectangleBounds::eMaxY),
1008  return bUtility;
1009  }
1010  ACTS_INFO(
1011  "No corresponding bound found for the surface : " << surface.name());
1012  return bUtility;
1013 }
1016  const Acts::TrackingVolume& volume) {
1017  Acts::BinUtility bUtility;
1019  auto cyBounds =
1020  dynamic_cast<const CylinderVolumeBounds*>(&(volume.volumeBounds()));
1021  auto cutcylBounds =
1022  dynamic_cast<const CutoutCylinderVolumeBounds*>(&(volume.volumeBounds()));
1023  auto cuBounds =
1024  dynamic_cast<const CuboidVolumeBounds*>(&(volume.volumeBounds()));
1026  if (cyBounds != nullptr) {
1027  bUtility += BinUtility(1, cyBounds->get(CylinderVolumeBounds::eMinR),
1028  cyBounds->get(CylinderVolumeBounds::eMaxR),
1030  bUtility += BinUtility(
1031  1, -cyBounds->get(CylinderVolumeBounds::eHalfPhiSector),
1032  cyBounds->get(CylinderVolumeBounds::eHalfPhiSector),
1034  ? Acts::closed
1035  : Acts::open,
1036  Acts::binPhi);
1037  bUtility +=
1039  cyBounds->get(CylinderVolumeBounds::eHalfLengthZ),
1041  return bUtility;
1042  }
1043  if (cutcylBounds != nullptr) {
1044  bUtility +=
1045  BinUtility(1, cutcylBounds->get(CutoutCylinderVolumeBounds::eMinR),
1046  cutcylBounds->get(CutoutCylinderVolumeBounds::eMaxR),
1048  bUtility += BinUtility(1, -M_PI, M_PI, Acts::closed, Acts::binPhi);
1049  bUtility += BinUtility(
1050  1, -cutcylBounds->get(CutoutCylinderVolumeBounds::eHalfLengthZ),
1052  Acts::binZ);
1053  return bUtility;
1054  } else if (cuBounds != nullptr) {
1055  bUtility += BinUtility(1, -cuBounds->get(CuboidVolumeBounds::eHalfLengthX),
1056  cuBounds->get(CuboidVolumeBounds::eHalfLengthX),
1058  bUtility += BinUtility(1, -cuBounds->get(CuboidVolumeBounds::eHalfLengthY),
1059  cuBounds->get(CuboidVolumeBounds::eHalfLengthY),
1061  bUtility += BinUtility(1, -cuBounds->get(CuboidVolumeBounds::eHalfLengthZ),
1062  cuBounds->get(CuboidVolumeBounds::eHalfLengthZ),
1064  return bUtility;
1065  }
1066  ACTS_INFO(
1067  "No corresponding bound found for the volume : " << volume.volumeName());
1068  return bUtility;
1069 }