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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file LineSurfaceTests.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 #include <boost/test/data/test_case.hpp>
10 #include <boost/test/tools/output_test_stream.hpp>
11 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
21 #include <limits>
23 namespace utf = boost::unit_test;
25 namespace Acts {
27 namespace Test {
29 // Create a test context
32 // using boost::test_tools::output_test_stream;
36 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(LineSurface_Constructors_test) {
37  // Default ctor is deleted
38  // LineSurfaceStub l;
39  // ctor with translation, radius, halfz
40  Translation3D translation{0., 1., 2.};
41  Transform3D transform(translation);
42  auto pTransform = Transform3D(translation);
43  const double radius{2.0}, halfz{20.};
44  BOOST_CHECK(LineSurfaceStub(pTransform, radius, halfz).constructedOk());
45  // ctor with nullptr for LineBounds
46  BOOST_CHECK(LineSurfaceStub(pTransform).constructedOk());
47  // ctor with LineBounds
48  auto pLineBounds = std::make_shared<const LineBounds>(2., 10.0);
49  BOOST_CHECK(LineSurfaceStub(pTransform, pLineBounds).constructedOk());
50  // ctor with LineBounds, detector element, Identifier
51  auto pMaterial =
52  std::make_shared<const HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial>(makePercentSlab());
53  DetectorElementStub detElement{pTransform, pLineBounds, 0.2, pMaterial};
54  BOOST_CHECK(LineSurfaceStub(pLineBounds, detElement).constructedOk());
55  LineSurfaceStub lineToCopy(pTransform, 2.0, 20.);
56  // Copy ctor
57  BOOST_CHECK(LineSurfaceStub(lineToCopy).constructedOk());
58  // Copied and transformed ctor
60  LineSurfaceStub(tgContext, lineToCopy, transform).constructedOk());
63  DetectorElementStub detElem;
64  BOOST_CHECK_THROW(LineSurfaceStub nullBounds(nullptr, detElem),
68  "All LineSurface constructors are callable without problem");
69 }
71 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(LineSurface_allNamedMethods_test) {
72  // binningPosition()
73  Translation3D translation{0., 1., 2.};
74  Transform3D transform(translation);
75  LineSurfaceStub line(transform, 2.0, 20.);
76  Vector3D referencePosition{0., 1., 2.};
77  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(referencePosition, line.binningPosition(tgContext, binX),
78  1e-6);
79  //
80  // bounds()
81  auto pLineBounds = std::make_shared<const LineBounds>(2., 10.0);
82  LineSurfaceStub boundedLine(transform, pLineBounds);
83  const LineBounds& bounds =
84  dynamic_cast<const LineBounds&>(boundedLine.bounds());
85  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(bounds, LineBounds(2., 10.0));
86  //
87  // globalToLocal()
88  Vector3D gpos{0., 1., 0.};
89  const Vector3D mom{20., 0., 0.}; // needs more realistic parameters
90  Vector2D localPosition = line.globalToLocal(tgContext, gpos, mom).value();
91  const Vector2D expectedResult{0, -2};
92  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(expectedResult, localPosition, 1e-6);
93  //
94  // intersection
95  const Vector3D direction{0., 1., 2.};
96  BoundaryCheck bcheck(false);
97  auto sfIntersection =
98  line.intersect(tgContext, {0., 0., 0.}, direction.normalized(), bcheck);
99  BOOST_CHECK(bool(sfIntersection));
100  Vector3D expectedIntersection(0, 1., 2.);
101  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(sfIntersection.intersection.position, expectedIntersection,
102  1e-6); // need more tests..
103  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(sfIntersection.object, &line);
104  //
105  // isOnSurface
106  const Vector3D insidePosition{0., 2.5, 0.};
107  BOOST_CHECK(line.isOnSurface(tgContext, insidePosition, mom,
108  false)); // need better test here
109  const Vector3D outsidePosition{100., 100., 200.};
110  BOOST_CHECK(!line.isOnSurface(tgContext, outsidePosition, mom, true));
111  //
112  // localToGlobal
113  Vector3D returnedGlobalPosition{0., 0., 0.};
114  // Vector2D localPosition{0., 0.};
115  const Vector3D momentum{300., 200., 0.}; // find better values!
116  returnedGlobalPosition =
117  line.localToGlobal(tgContext, localPosition, momentum);
118  const Vector3D expectedGlobalPosition{0, 1, 0};
119  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(returnedGlobalPosition, expectedGlobalPosition, 1e-6);
120  //
121  // referenceFrame
122  Vector3D globalPosition{0., 0., 0.};
123  auto returnedRotationMatrix =
124  line.referenceFrame(tgContext, globalPosition, momentum);
125  double v0 = std::cos(std::atan(2. / 3.));
126  double v1 = std::sin(std::atan(2. / 3.));
127  RotationMatrix3D expectedRotationMatrix;
128  expectedRotationMatrix << -v1, 0., v0, v0, 0., v1, 0., 1., -0.;
129  // std::cout<<returnedRotationMatrix<<std::endl;
130  // std::cout<<expectedRotationMatrix<<std::endl;
131  CHECK_CLOSE_OR_SMALL(returnedRotationMatrix, expectedRotationMatrix, 1e-6,
132  1e-9);
133  //
134  // name()
135  boost::test_tools::output_test_stream output;
136  output << line.name();
137  BOOST_CHECK(output.is_equal("Acts::LineSurface"));
138  //
139  // normal
140  Vector3D normalVector{0., 0., 1.}; // line direction is same as normal????
141  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(line.normal(tgContext), normalVector, 1e-6);
142  //
143  // pathCorrection
144  auto any3DVector = normalVector;
145  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(line.pathCorrection(tgContext, any3DVector, any3DVector), 1.,
146  1e-6);
147 }
149 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(LineSurface_assignment_test) {
150  Translation3D translation{0., 1., 2.};
151  Transform3D transform(translation);
152  LineSurfaceStub originalLine(transform, 2.0, 20.);
153  LineSurfaceStub assignedLine(transform, 1.0, 1.0);
154  BOOST_CHECK(assignedLine != originalLine); // operator != from base
155  assignedLine = originalLine;
156  BOOST_CHECK(assignedLine == originalLine); // operator == from base
157 }
160 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(LineSurfaceAlignment) {
161  Translation3D translation{0., 1., 2.};
162  Transform3D transform(translation);
163  LineSurfaceStub line(transform, 2.0, 20.);
165  const auto& rotation = transform.rotation();
166  // The local frame z axis
167  const Vector3D localZAxis = rotation.col(2);
168  // Check the local z axis is aligned to global z axis
169  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(localZAxis, Vector3D(0., 0., 1.), 1e-15);
172  Vector3D globalPosition{1, 2, 4};
173  Vector3D momentum{-1, 1, 1};
174  Vector3D direction = momentum.normalized();
176  // Call the function to calculate the derivative of local frame axes w.r.t its
177  // rotation
178  const auto& [rotToLocalXAxis, rotToLocalYAxis, rotToLocalZAxis] =
181  // (a) Test the derivative of path length w.r.t. alignment parameters
182  const AlignmentRowVector& alignToPath = line.alignmentToPathDerivative(
183  tgContext, rotToLocalZAxis, globalPosition, direction);
184  // The expected results
185  AlignmentRowVector expAlignToPath = AlignmentRowVector::Zero();
186  const double value = std::sqrt(3) / 2;
187  expAlignToPath << -value, value, 0, -3 * value, -value, 0;
188  // Check if the calculated derivative is as expected
189  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(alignToPath, expAlignToPath, 1e-10);
191  // (b) Test the derivative of bound track parameters local position w.r.t.
192  // position in local 3D Cartesian coordinates
193  const auto& loc3DToLocBound =
194  line.localCartesianToBoundLocalDerivative(tgContext, globalPosition);
195  // Check if the result is as expected
196  LocalCartesianToBoundLocalMatrix expLoc3DToLocBound =
197  LocalCartesianToBoundLocalMatrix::Zero();
198  expLoc3DToLocBound << 1 / std::sqrt(2), 1 / std::sqrt(2), 0, 0, 0, 1;
199  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(loc3DToLocBound, expLoc3DToLocBound, 1e-10);
200 }
204 } // namespace Test
206 } // namespace Acts