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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file MaterialMapUtils.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2019-2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
15 #include <iostream>
16 #include <limits>
22  const std::function<size_t(std::array<size_t, 2> binsRZ,
23  std::array<size_t, 2> nBinsRZ)>&
24  materialVectorToGridMapper,
25  std::vector<double> rPos, std::vector<double> zPos,
26  std::vector<Acts::Material> material, double lengthUnit)
28  detail::EquidistantAxis>> {
29  // [1] Decompose material
30  std::vector<ActsVectorF<5>> materialVector;
31  materialVector.reserve(material.size());
33  for (Material& mat : material) {
34  materialVector.push_back(mat.parameters());
35  }
37  // [2] Create Grid
38  // sort the values
39  std::sort(rPos.begin(), rPos.end());
40  std::sort(zPos.begin(), zPos.end());
41  // Get unique values
42  rPos.erase(std::unique(rPos.begin(), rPos.end()), rPos.end());
43  zPos.erase(std::unique(zPos.begin(), zPos.end()), zPos.end());
44  rPos.shrink_to_fit();
45  zPos.shrink_to_fit();
46  // get the number of bins
47  size_t nBinsR = rPos.size();
48  size_t nBinsZ = zPos.size();
50  // get the minimum and maximum
51  auto minMaxR = std::minmax_element(rPos.begin(), rPos.end());
52  auto minMaxZ = std::minmax_element(zPos.begin(), zPos.end());
53  double rMin = *minMaxR.first;
54  double zMin = *minMaxZ.first;
55  double rMax = *minMaxR.second;
56  double zMax = *minMaxZ.second;
57  // calculate maxima (add one last bin, because bin value always corresponds to
58  // left boundary)
59  double stepZ = std::fabs(zMax - zMin) / (nBinsZ - 1);
60  double stepR = std::fabs(rMax - rMin) / (nBinsR - 1);
61  rMax += stepR;
62  zMax += stepZ;
64  // Create the axis for the grid
65  detail::EquidistantAxis rAxis(rMin * lengthUnit, rMax * lengthUnit, nBinsR);
66  detail::EquidistantAxis zAxis(zMin * lengthUnit, zMax * lengthUnit, nBinsZ);
68  // Create the grid
70  detail::EquidistantAxis>;
71  Grid_t grid(std::make_tuple(std::move(rAxis), std::move(zAxis)));
73  // [3] Set the material values
74  for (size_t i = 1; i <= nBinsR; ++i) {
75  for (size_t j = 1; j <= nBinsZ; ++j) {
76  std::array<size_t, 2> nIndices = {{rPos.size(), zPos.size()}};
77  Grid_t::index_t indices = {{i, j}};
78  // std::vectors begin with 0 and we do not want the user needing to
79  // take underflow or overflow bins in account this is why we need to
80  // subtract by one
81  grid.atLocalBins(indices) = materialVector.at(
82  materialVectorToGridMapper({{i - 1, j - 1}}, nIndices));
83  }
84  }
85  ActsVectorF<5> vec;
87  0., 0., 0.;
88  grid.setExteriorBins(vec);
90  // [4] Create the transformation for the position
91  // map (x,y,z) -> (r,z)
92  auto transformPos = [](const Vector3D& pos) {
93  return Vector2D(perp(pos), pos.z());
94  };
96  // [5] Create the mapper & BField Service
97  // create material mapping
99  detail::EquidistantAxis>>(transformPos,
100  std::move(grid));
101 }
104  const std::function<size_t(std::array<size_t, 3> binsXYZ,
105  std::array<size_t, 3> nBinsXYZ)>&
106  materialVectorToGridMapper,
107  std::vector<double> xPos, std::vector<double> yPos,
108  std::vector<double> zPos, std::vector<Material> material, double lengthUnit)
109  -> MaterialMapper<
111  detail::EquidistantAxis, detail::EquidistantAxis>> {
112  // [1] Decompose material
113  std::vector<ActsVectorF<5>> materialVector;
114  materialVector.reserve(material.size());
116  for (Material& mat : material) {
117  materialVector.push_back(mat.parameters());
118  }
120  // [2] Create Grid
121  // Sort the values
122  std::sort(xPos.begin(), xPos.end());
123  std::sort(yPos.begin(), yPos.end());
124  std::sort(zPos.begin(), zPos.end());
125  // Get unique values
126  xPos.erase(std::unique(xPos.begin(), xPos.end()), xPos.end());
127  yPos.erase(std::unique(yPos.begin(), yPos.end()), yPos.end());
128  zPos.erase(std::unique(zPos.begin(), zPos.end()), zPos.end());
129  xPos.shrink_to_fit();
130  yPos.shrink_to_fit();
131  zPos.shrink_to_fit();
132  // get the number of bins
133  size_t nBinsX = xPos.size();
134  size_t nBinsY = yPos.size();
135  size_t nBinsZ = zPos.size();
137  // get the minimum and maximum
138  auto minMaxX = std::minmax_element(xPos.begin(), xPos.end());
139  auto minMaxY = std::minmax_element(yPos.begin(), yPos.end());
140  auto minMaxZ = std::minmax_element(zPos.begin(), zPos.end());
141  // Create the axis for the grid
142  // get minima
143  double xMin = *minMaxX.first;
144  double yMin = *minMaxY.first;
145  double zMin = *minMaxZ.first;
146  // get maxima
147  double xMax = *minMaxX.second;
148  double yMax = *minMaxY.second;
149  double zMax = *minMaxZ.second;
150  // calculate maxima (add one last bin, because bin value always corresponds to
151  // left boundary)
152  double stepZ = std::fabs(zMax - zMin) / (nBinsZ - 1);
153  double stepY = std::fabs(yMax - yMin) / (nBinsY - 1);
154  double stepX = std::fabs(xMax - xMin) / (nBinsX - 1);
155  xMax += stepX;
156  yMax += stepY;
157  zMax += stepZ;
159  detail::EquidistantAxis xAxis(xMin * lengthUnit, xMax * lengthUnit, nBinsX);
160  detail::EquidistantAxis yAxis(yMin * lengthUnit, yMax * lengthUnit, nBinsY);
161  detail::EquidistantAxis zAxis(zMin * lengthUnit, zMax * lengthUnit, nBinsZ);
162  // Create the grid
163  using Grid_t = detail::Grid<ActsVectorF<5>, detail::EquidistantAxis,
164  detail::EquidistantAxis, detail::EquidistantAxis>;
165  Grid_t grid(
166  std::make_tuple(std::move(xAxis), std::move(yAxis), std::move(zAxis)));
168  // [3] Set the bField values
169  for (size_t i = 1; i <= nBinsX; ++i) {
170  for (size_t j = 1; j <= nBinsY; ++j) {
171  for (size_t k = 1; k <= nBinsZ; ++k) {
172  Grid_t::index_t indices = {{i, j, k}};
173  std::array<size_t, 3> nIndices = {
174  {xPos.size(), yPos.size(), zPos.size()}};
175  // std::vectors begin with 0 and we do not want the user needing to
176  // take underflow or overflow bins in account this is why we need to
177  // subtract by one
178  grid.atLocalBins(indices) = materialVector.at(
179  materialVectorToGridMapper({{i - 1, j - 1, k - 1}}, nIndices));
180  }
181  }
182  }
183  ActsVectorF<5> vec;
185  0., 0., 0.;
186  grid.setExteriorBins(vec);
188  // [4] Create the transformation for the position
189  // map (x,y,z) -> (r,z)
190  auto transformPos = [](const Vector3D& pos) { return pos; };
192  // [5] Create the mapper & BField Service
193  // create material mapping
194  return MaterialMapper<
195  detail::Grid<ActsVectorF<5>, detail::EquidistantAxis,
196  detail::EquidistantAxis, detail::EquidistantAxis>>(
197  transformPos, std::move(grid));
198 }