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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file CsvPlanarClusterWriter.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
12 #include "Acts/Utilities/Units.hpp"
19 #include <stdexcept>
21 #include <dfe/dfe_io_dsv.hpp>
23 #include "TrackMlData.hpp"
28  : WriterT(cfg.inputClusters, "CsvPlanarClusterWriter", lvl), m_cfg(cfg) {
29  // inputClusters is already checked by base constructor
30  if (m_cfg.inputSimulatedHits.empty()) {
31  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing simulated hits input collection");
32  }
33 }
36  const AlgorithmContext& ctx,
38  clusters) {
39  // retrieve simulated hits
40  const auto& simHits =
41  ctx.eventStore.get<SimHitContainer>(m_cfg.inputSimulatedHits);
43  // open per-event file for all components
44  std::string pathHits =
45  perEventFilepath(m_cfg.outputDir, "hits.csv", ctx.eventNumber);
46  std::string pathCells =
47  perEventFilepath(m_cfg.outputDir, "cells.csv", ctx.eventNumber);
48  std::string pathTruth =
49  perEventFilepath(m_cfg.outputDir, "truth.csv", ctx.eventNumber);
51  dfe::NamedTupleCsvWriter<HitData> writerHits(pathHits, m_cfg.outputPrecision);
52  dfe::NamedTupleCsvWriter<CellData> writerCells(pathCells,
53  m_cfg.outputPrecision);
54  dfe::NamedTupleCsvWriter<TruthHitData> writerTruth(pathTruth,
55  m_cfg.outputPrecision);
57  HitData hit;
58  CellData cell;
59  TruthHitData truth;
60  // will be reused as hit counter
61  hit.hit_id = 0;
63  for (const auto& entry : clusters) {
64  Acts::GeometryIdentifier geoId = entry.first;
65  const Acts::PlanarModuleCluster& cluster = entry.second;
66  // local cluster information
67  const auto& parameters = cluster.parameters();
68  Acts::Vector2D localPos(parameters[0], parameters[1]);
69  Acts::Vector3D globalFakeMom(1, 1, 1);
70  Acts::Vector3D globalPos = cluster.referenceObject().localToGlobal(
71  ctx.geoContext, localPos, globalFakeMom);
73  // encoded geometry identifier
74  hit.geometry_id = geoId.value();
75  // (partially) decoded geometry identifier
76  hit.volume_id = geoId.volume();
77  hit.layer_id = geoId.layer();
78  hit.module_id = geoId.sensitive();
79  // write global hit information
80  hit.x = globalPos.x() / Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
81  hit.y = globalPos.y() / Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
82  hit.z = globalPos.z() / Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
84  writerHits.append(hit);
86  // write local cell information
87  cell.hit_id = hit.hit_id;
88  for (auto& c : cluster.digitizationCells()) {
89  cell.ch0 = c.channel0;
90  cell.ch1 = c.channel1;
91  // TODO store digitial timestamp once added to the cell definition
92  cell.timestamp = 0;
93  cell.value = c.data;
94  writerCells.append(cell);
95  }
97  // write hit-particle truth association
98  // each hit can have multiple particles, e.g. in a dense environment
99  truth.hit_id = hit.hit_id;
100  truth.geometry_id = hit.geometry_id;
101  for (auto idx : cluster.sourceLink().indices()) {
102  auto it = simHits.nth(idx);
103  if (it == simHits.end()) {
104  ACTS_FATAL("Simulation hit with index " << idx << " does not exist");
105  return ProcessCode::ABORT;
106  }
108  const auto& simHit = *it;
109  truth.particle_id = simHit.particleId().value();
110  // hit position
111  truth.tx = simHit.position().x() / Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
112  truth.ty = simHit.position().y() / Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
113  truth.tz = simHit.position().z() / Acts::UnitConstants::mm;
114  truth.tt = simHit.time() / Acts::UnitConstants::ns;
115  // particle four-momentum before interaction
116  truth.tpx = simHit.momentum4Before().x() / Acts::UnitConstants::GeV;
117  truth.tpy = simHit.momentum4Before().y() / Acts::UnitConstants::GeV;
118  truth.tpz = simHit.momentum4Before().z() / Acts::UnitConstants::GeV;
119  truth.te = simHit.momentum4Before().w() / Acts::UnitConstants::GeV;
120  // particle four-momentum change due to interaction
121  const auto delta4 = simHit.momentum4After() - simHit.momentum4Before();
122  truth.deltapx = delta4.x() / Acts::UnitConstants::GeV;
123  truth.deltapy = delta4.y() / Acts::UnitConstants::GeV;
124  truth.deltapz = delta4.z() / Acts::UnitConstants::GeV;
125  truth.deltae = delta4.w() / Acts::UnitConstants::GeV;
126  // TODO write hit index along the particle trajectory
127  truth.index = simHit.index();
128  writerTruth.append(truth);
129  }
131  // increase hit id for next iteration
132  hit.hit_id += 1;
133  }
136 }