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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file G4EicDircDetector.cc
1 #include "G4EicDircDetector.h"
5 #include <phparameter/PHParameters.h>
7 #include <g4main/PHG4Detector.h> // for PHG4Detector
8 #include <g4main/PHG4DisplayAction.h> // for PHG4DisplayAction
9 #include <g4main/PHG4Subsystem.h>
11 #include <Geant4/G4AssemblyVolume.hh>
12 #include <Geant4/G4Box.hh>
13 #include <Geant4/G4Colour.hh>
14 #include <Geant4/G4Cons.hh>
15 #include <Geant4/G4Element.hh>
16 #include <Geant4/G4IntersectionSolid.hh>
17 #include <Geant4/G4LogicalBorderSurface.hh>
18 #include <Geant4/G4LogicalSkinSurface.hh>
19 #include <Geant4/G4LogicalVolume.hh>
20 #include <Geant4/G4Material.hh>
21 #include <Geant4/G4OpticalSurface.hh>
22 #include <Geant4/G4PVPlacement.hh>
23 #include <Geant4/G4ProcessManager.hh>
24 #include <Geant4/G4RotationMatrix.hh>
25 #include <Geant4/G4RunManager.hh>
26 #include <Geant4/G4Sphere.hh>
27 #include <Geant4/G4SubtractionSolid.hh>
28 #include <Geant4/G4SystemOfUnits.hh>
29 #include <Geant4/G4ThreeVector.hh>
30 #include <Geant4/G4Transform3D.hh>
31 #include <Geant4/G4Trap.hh>
32 #include <Geant4/G4Trd.hh>
33 #include <Geant4/G4Tubs.hh>
34 #include <Geant4/G4UImanager.hh>
35 #include <Geant4/G4UnionSolid.hh>
36 #include <Geant4/G4VUserDetectorConstruction.hh>
37 #include <Geant4/G4VisAttributes.hh>
39 #include <cmath>
40 #include <iostream> // for operator<<, endl, bas...
42 class G4VSolid;
43 class PHCompositeNode;
46  PHCompositeNode* Node,
48  const std::string& dnam)
49  : PHG4Detector(subsys, Node, dnam)
50  , m_Params(parameters)
51  , m_DisplayAction(dynamic_cast<G4EicDircDisplayAction*>(subsys->GetDisplayAction()))
52 {
53 }
55 //_______________________________________________________________
57 int G4EicDircDetector::IsInDetector(G4VPhysicalVolume* volume) const
58 {
59  /*std::map<G4VPhysicalVolume *, int>::const_iterator iter = m_PhysicalVolumes_active.find(volume);
60  if(iter != m_PhysicalVolumes_active.end())
61  {
62  return iter->second;
63  }*/
64  if (!volume) return 0;
65  std::map<G4LogicalVolume*, int>::const_iterator iter = m_LogicalVolumes_active.find(volume->GetLogicalVolume());
67  if (iter != m_LogicalVolumes_active.end())
68  {
69  return iter->second;
70  }
72  return 0;
73 }
75 void G4EicDircDetector::ConstructMe(G4LogicalVolume* logicWorld)
76 {
77  // ---------- DIRC supoort stucture ---------------
79  //G4Material *Air = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_AIR");
81  // positions
82  /*G4double rMin = m_Params->get_double_param("rMin"); // center location of Al support plate
83  G4double det_height = 2.1 * cm;
84  G4double place_z = m_Params->get_double_param("place_z");
85  G4double detlength = m_Params->get_double_param("length");
87  G4VSolid *dirc_envelope_solid = new G4Cons("dirc_envelope_solid",
88  rMin - det_height / 2 - 2 * cm, rMin + det_height / 2 + 2 * cm,
89  rMin - det_height / 2 - 2 * cm, rMin + det_height / 2 + 2 * cm,
90  detlength / 2.0,
91  0, 2 * M_PI);
93  DetectorLog_Det = new G4LogicalVolume(dirc_envelope_solid, Air, name_base + "_Log");
95  G4VPhysicalVolume* wDetectorLog_Det = new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, place_z), DetectorLog_Det, name_base + "_Physical", logicWorld, false, 0, overlapcheck_sector); // FullEnvelope
96  m_PhysicalVolumes_active[wDetectorLog_Det] = 20;
98  // Single module with length based on readout (contains 14 LGADs [counting across both sides] in x-direction and 6 in z-direction)
99  G4double baseplate_length = 43.1 * mm;
100  //G4double baseplate_width = 56.5 * mm / 2;
101  G4double segmentlength = 6 * baseplate_length; //(detlength - 10 * cm) / 6;//m_Params->get_double_param("length");
103  G4VSolid *sol_module_envelope = new G4Trd("sol_module_envelope",
104  sin(M_PI / 12.) * rMin, sin(M_PI / 12.) * (rMin + det_height),
105  segmentlength / 2, segmentlength / 2,
106  det_height / 2);
108  log_module_envelope = new G4LogicalVolume(sol_module_envelope, Air, "log_module_envelope");
110  G4double cooling_plate_height = 6.35 * mm;
111  G4double support_height = 7 * cm;
113  // G4Material* mat_carbonfiber = new G4Material("CarbonFiberSupport", 1.44 * g / cm3, 1);
114  // mat_carbonfiber->AddElement(G4Element::GetElement("C"), 1);
115  // G4double density; //z=mean number of protons;
116  // G4int ncomponents;
117  // carbon+epoxy material
118  // G4Material *cfrp_intt = new G4Material("CFRP_INTT", density = 1.69 * g / cm3, ncomponents = 3);
119  // cfrp_intt->AddElement(G4Element::GetElement("C"), 10);
120  // cfrp_intt->AddElement(G4Element::GetElement("H"), 6);
121  // cfrp_intt->AddElement(G4Element::GetElement("O"), 1);
124  G4double support_width = 1 * mm;
125  // build components of single segment here
126  G4VSolid *Sol_End_Support = new G4Trd("Sol_End_Support",
127  sin(M_PI / 12.) * (rMin - support_height * 0.9) - 2 * mm, sin(M_PI / 12.) * (rMin) -4 * mm, // x1, x2
128  support_width / 2, support_width / 2, // length
129  support_height * 0.73 / 2); // height
131  Log_End_Support = new G4LogicalVolume(Sol_End_Support, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Fe"), "Log_End_Support_Raw");
133  // place End side and back side support structure for the segment
134  // RegisterPhysicalVolume( new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, segmentlength/2-support_width/2, -support_height/2), Log_End_Support,
135  // "Front_Support_Physical", log_module_envelope, false, 0, overlapcheck_sector), false);
136  // RegisterPhysicalVolume( new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, -segmentlength/2+support_width/2, -support_height/2), Log_End_Support,
137  // "Back_Support_Physical", log_module_envelope, false, 0, overlapcheck_sector), false);
140  // place longitudinal supports left, middle and right side of sector
141  G4VSolid *Sol_Longitudinal_Support = new G4Trd("Sol_Longitudinal_Support",
142  support_width / 2, support_width / 2, // x1, x2
143  segmentlength / 2 - 1 * mm, segmentlength / 2 - 1 * mm, // length
144  support_height * 0.73 / 2); // height
146  Log_Longitudinal_Support = new G4LogicalVolume(Sol_Longitudinal_Support, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Fe"), "Log_Longitudinal_Support_Raw");
148  G4RotationMatrix *supportrot = new G4RotationMatrix();
149  supportrot->rotateY(-M_PI / 12.);
150  if (rMin < 85 * cm)
151  {
152  G4VPhysicalVolume* wMother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Left = new G4PVPlacement(supportrot, G4ThreeVector(sin(M_PI / 12.) * (rMin - support_height / 2) - support_width / 2, 0, -support_height / 2), Log_Longitudinal_Support, "Mother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Left", log_module_envelope, false, 0, overlapcheck_sector); // Support
153  m_PhysicalVolumes_active[wMother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Left] = 21;
155  G4RotationMatrix *supportrot2 = new G4RotationMatrix();
156  supportrot2->rotateY(M_PI / 12.);
158  G4VPhysicalVolume* wMother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Right = new G4PVPlacement(supportrot2, G4ThreeVector(-sin(M_PI / 12.) * (rMin - support_height / 2) + support_width / 2, 0, -support_height / 2), Log_Longitudinal_Support, "Mother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Right", log_module_envelope, false, 0, overlapcheck_sector);
159  m_PhysicalVolumes_active[wMother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Right] = 22;
160  }
162  G4double modulesep = 1 * mm;
163  G4double moduleShift = -8 * mm;
164  if (rMin < 85 * cm) moduleShift = -3 * mm;
165  if (rMin < 66 * cm) moduleShift = -1 * mm;
166  if (rMin < 55 * cm) moduleShift = 4 * mm;
168  for (int isec = 0; isec < 12; isec++)
169  {
170  // if(isec!=3 && isec!=4)continue; // NOTE REMOVE
171  // if(isec!=3)continue; // NOTE REMOVE
172  G4RotationMatrix *motherrot = new G4RotationMatrix();
173  motherrot->rotateX(M_PI / 2);
174  motherrot->rotateY((isec - 3) * 2 * M_PI / 12.);
175  // // central segments
176  G4VPhysicalVolume* wlog_module_envelope = new G4PVPlacement(motherrot, G4ThreeVector((rMin - det_height / 2 + moduleShift) * cos(isec * 2 * M_PI / 12.), (rMin - det_height / 2 + moduleShift) * sin(isec * 2 * M_PI / 12.), 0 * modulesep), log_module_envelope, "Mother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Center_" + std::to_string(isec), DetectorLog_Det, false, 0, overlapcheck_sector); // ModuleEnvelope
178  m_PhysicalVolumes_active[wlog_module_envelope] = 23;
180  for (int ilen = 1; ilen < ((detlength / 2 - segmentlength / 2) / segmentlength); ilen++)
181  {
182  G4RotationMatrix *supfinalrot = new G4RotationMatrix();
183  // supfinalrot->rotateX(M_PI/2);
184  supfinalrot->rotateX(M_PI / 2);
185  supfinalrot->rotateY((isec - 3) * 2 * M_PI / 12.);
186  if (ilen == 2 || (ilen == 7))
187  {
188  if (rMin < 85 * cm)
189  {
190  G4VPhysicalVolume* wFront_Support_Physical_1 = new G4PVPlacement(supfinalrot, G4ThreeVector((rMin - support_height / 2 - det_height / 2 - cooling_plate_height / 2 + moduleShift) * cos(isec * 2 * M_PI / 12.), (rMin - support_height / 2 - det_height / 2 - cooling_plate_height / 2 + moduleShift) * sin(isec* 2 * M_PI / 12.), ilen * segmentlength + segmentlength / 2 + ilen * modulesep), Log_End_Support, "Front_Support_Physical_1_" + std::to_string(isec) + "_" + std::to_string(ilen), DetectorLog_Det, false, 0, overlapcheck_sector);
191  m_PhysicalVolumes_active[wFront_Support_Physical_1] = 24;
193  G4VPhysicalVolume* wFront_Support_Physical_2 = new G4PVPlacement(supfinalrot, G4ThreeVector((rMin - support_height / 2 - det_height / 2 - cooling_plate_height / 2 + moduleShift) * cos(isec * 2 * M_PI / 12.), (rMin - support_height / 2 - det_height / 2 - cooling_plate_height / 2 + moduleShift) * sin(isec* 2 * M_PI / 12.), -(ilen * segmentlength + segmentlength / 2 + ilen * modulesep)), Log_End_Support, "Front_Support_Physical_2_" + std::to_string(isec) + "_" + std::to_string(ilen), DetectorLog_Det, false, 0, overlapcheck_sector);
195  m_PhysicalVolumes_active[wFront_Support_Physical_2] = 25;
197  }
198  }
200  // forward segments
201  G4VPhysicalVolume* wMother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Fwd = new G4PVPlacement(motherrot, G4ThreeVector((rMin - det_height / 2 + moduleShift) * cos(isec * 2 * M_PI / 12.), (rMin - det_height / 2 + moduleShift) * sin(isec * 2 * M_PI / 12.), ilen * segmentlength + ilen * modulesep), log_module_envelope, "Mother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Fwd_" + std::to_string(isec) + "_" + std::to_string(ilen), DetectorLog_Det, false, 0, overlapcheck_sector);
203  m_PhysicalVolumes_active[wMother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Fwd] = 26;
206  // backward segments
207  G4VPhysicalVolume* wMother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Bwd = new G4PVPlacement(motherrot, G4ThreeVector((rMin - det_height / 2 + moduleShift) * cos(isec * 2 * M_PI / 12.), (rMin - det_height / 2 + moduleShift) * sin(isec * 2 * M_PI / 12.), -ilen * segmentlength - ilen * modulesep), log_module_envelope, "Mother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Bwd_" + std::to_string(isec) + "_" + std::to_string(ilen), DetectorLog_Det, false, 0, overlapcheck_sector);
209  m_PhysicalVolumes_active[wMother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Bwd] = 27;
211  }
212  }
214  // -------- INNER FRAME -----------------
216  G4double rMin_inner = m_Params->get_double_param("rMin_inner"); // center location of Al support plate
218  G4VSolid *sol_module_envelope_inner = new G4Trd("sol_module_envelope_inner", sin(M_PI / 12.) * rMin_inner, sin(M_PI / 12.) * (rMin_inner + det_height), segmentlength / 2, segmentlength / 2, det_height / 2);
220  log_module_envelope_inner = new G4LogicalVolume(sol_module_envelope_inner, Air, "log_module_envelope_inner");
224  // build components of single segment here
225  G4VSolid *Sol_End_Support_inner = new G4Trd("Sol_End_Support_inner", sin(M_PI / 12.) * (rMin_inner - support_height * 0.9) - 2 * mm, sin(M_PI / 12.) * (rMin_inner) -4 * mm, support_width / 2, support_width / 2, support_height * 0.73 / 2);
227  Log_End_Support_inner = new G4LogicalVolume(Sol_End_Support_inner, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Fe"), "Log_End_Support_Raw_inner");
229  if (rMin_inner < 85 * cm)
230  {
231  G4VPhysicalVolume* wMother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Left_inner = new G4PVPlacement(supportrot, G4ThreeVector(sin(M_PI / 12.) * (rMin_inner - support_height / 2) - support_width / 2, 0, -support_height / 2), Log_Longitudinal_Support, "Mother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Left_inner", log_module_envelope_inner, false, 0, overlapcheck_sector); // Support
232  m_PhysicalVolumes_active[wMother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Left_inner] = 28;
234  G4RotationMatrix *supportrot2 = new G4RotationMatrix();
235  supportrot2->rotateY(M_PI / 12.);
237  G4VPhysicalVolume* wMother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Right_inner = new G4PVPlacement(supportrot2, G4ThreeVector(-sin(M_PI / 12.) * (rMin_inner - support_height / 2) + support_width / 2, 0, -support_height / 2), Log_Longitudinal_Support, "Mother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Right_inner", log_module_envelope_inner, false, 0, overlapcheck_sector);
238  m_PhysicalVolumes_active[wMother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Right_inner] = 29;
239  }
241  //G4double modulesep = 1 * mm;
242  //G4double moduleShift = -8 * mm;
243  if (rMin_inner < 85 * cm) moduleShift = -3 * mm;
244  //if (rMin < 66 * cm) moduleShift = -1 * mm;
245  //if (rMin < 55 * cm) moduleShift = 4 * mm;
247  for (int isec = 0; isec < 12; isec++)
248  {
249  // if(isec!=3 && isec!=4)continue; // NOTE REMOVE
250  // if(isec!=3)continue; // NOTE REMOVE
251  G4RotationMatrix *motherrot = new G4RotationMatrix();
252  motherrot->rotateX(M_PI / 2);
253  motherrot->rotateY((isec - 3) * 2 * M_PI / 12.);
254  // // central segments
255  G4VPhysicalVolume* wlog_module_envelope_inner = new G4PVPlacement(motherrot, G4ThreeVector((rMin_inner - det_height / 2 + moduleShift) * cos(isec * 2 * M_PI / 12.), (rMin_inner - det_height / 2 + moduleShift) * sin(isec * 2 * M_PI / 12.), 0 * modulesep), log_module_envelope_inner, "Mother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Center_inner_" + std::to_string(isec), DetectorLog_Det, false, 0, overlapcheck_sector); // ModuleEnvelope
257  m_PhysicalVolumes_active[wlog_module_envelope_inner] = 30;
259  for (int ilen = 1; ilen < ((detlength / 2 - segmentlength / 2) / segmentlength); ilen++)
260  {
261  G4RotationMatrix *supfinalrot = new G4RotationMatrix();
262  // supfinalrot->rotateX(M_PI/2);
263  supfinalrot->rotateX(M_PI / 2);
264  supfinalrot->rotateY((isec - 3) * 2 * M_PI / 12.);
265  if (ilen == 2 || (ilen == 7))
266  {
267  if (rMin_inner < 85 * cm)
268  {
269  G4VPhysicalVolume* wFront_Support_Physical_inner_1 = new G4PVPlacement(supfinalrot, G4ThreeVector((rMin_inner - support_height / 2 - det_height / 2 - cooling_plate_height / 2 + moduleShift) * cos(isec * 2 * M_PI / 12.), (rMin_inner - support_height / 2 - det_height / 2 - cooling_plate_height / 2 + moduleShift) * sin(isec* 2 * M_PI / 12.), ilen * segmentlength + segmentlength / 2 + ilen * modulesep), Log_End_Support_inner, "Front_Support_Physical_inner_1_" + std::to_string(isec) + "_" + std::to_string(ilen), DetectorLog_Det, false, 0, overlapcheck_sector);
270  m_PhysicalVolumes_active[wFront_Support_Physical_inner_1] = 31;
272  G4VPhysicalVolume* wFront_Support_Physical_inner_2 = new G4PVPlacement(supfinalrot, G4ThreeVector((rMin_inner - support_height / 2 - det_height / 2 - cooling_plate_height / 2 + moduleShift) * cos(isec * 2 * M_PI / 12.), (rMin_inner - support_height / 2 - det_height / 2 - cooling_plate_height / 2 + moduleShift) * sin(isec* 2 * M_PI / 12.), -(ilen * segmentlength + segmentlength / 2 + ilen * modulesep)), Log_End_Support_inner, "Front_Support_Physical_inner_2_" + std::to_string(isec) + "_" + std::to_string(ilen), DetectorLog_Det, false, 0, overlapcheck_sector);
274  m_PhysicalVolumes_active[wFront_Support_Physical_inner_2] = 32;
276  }
277  }
279  // forward segments
280  G4VPhysicalVolume* wMother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Fwd_inner = new G4PVPlacement(motherrot, G4ThreeVector((rMin_inner - det_height / 2 + moduleShift) * cos(isec * 2 * M_PI / 12.), (rMin_inner - det_height / 2 + moduleShift) * sin(isec * 2 * M_PI / 12.), ilen * segmentlength + ilen * modulesep), log_module_envelope_inner, "Mother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Fwd_inner_" + std::to_string(isec) + "_" + std::to_string(ilen), DetectorLog_Det, false, 0, overlapcheck_sector);
282  m_PhysicalVolumes_active[wMother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Fwd_inner] = 33;
285  // backward segments
286  G4VPhysicalVolume* wMother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Bwd_inner = new G4PVPlacement(motherrot, G4ThreeVector((rMin_inner - det_height / 2 + moduleShift) * cos(isec * 2 * M_PI / 12.), (rMin_inner - det_height / 2 + moduleShift) * sin(isec * 2 * M_PI / 12.), -ilen * segmentlength - ilen * modulesep), log_module_envelope_inner, "Mother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Bwd_inner_" + std::to_string(isec) + "_" + std::to_string(ilen), DetectorLog_Det, false, 0, overlapcheck_sector);
288  m_PhysicalVolumes_active[wMother_Segment_Raw_Physical_Bwd_inner] = 34;
290  }
291  }*/
293  // -------------- DIRC ----------------------
295  fGeomType = m_Params->get_int_param("Geom_type");
296  fLensId = m_Params->get_int_param("Lens_id");
297  fNBar = m_Params->get_double_param("NBars");
299  if (Verbosity()) std::cout << "Nbars = " << fNBar << std::endl;
301  fNRow = m_Params->get_int_param("MCP_rows");
302  fNCol = m_Params->get_int_param("MCP_columns");
304  fPrizm[0] = m_Params->get_double_param("Prizm_width");
305  fPrizm[1] = m_Params->get_double_param("Prizm_length");
306  fPrizm[3] = m_Params->get_double_param("Prizm_height_at_lens");
307  fPrizm[2] = fPrizm[3] + (fPrizm[1] * tan(32 * deg));
309  fBar[0] = fBarL[0] = fBarS[0] = m_Params->get_double_param("Bar_thickness");
310  fBar[1] = fBarL[1] = fBarS[1] = m_Params->get_double_param("Bar_width");
311  fBarL[2] = m_Params->get_double_param("BarL_length");
312  fBarS[2] = m_Params->get_double_param("BarS_length");
314  fNBoxes = m_Params->get_int_param("NBoxes");
315  fRadius = m_Params->get_double_param("Radius");
316  zshift = m_Params->get_double_param("z_shift");
318  //-------------------
320  fBarsGap = 0.15;
322  if (Verbosity()) std::cout << "Nbarboxes = " << fNBoxes << std::endl;
323  if (Verbosity()) std::cout << "barrel radius = " << fRadius << " mm" << std::endl;
325  fMirror[0] = m_Params->get_double_param("Mirror_height");
326  fMirror[1] = fPrizm[0];
327  fMirror[2] = 1;
329  fMcpTotal[0] = fMcpTotal[1] = 53 + 4;
330  fMcpTotal[2] = 1;
331  fMcpActive[0] = fMcpActive[1] = 53;
332  fMcpActive[2] = 1;
333  fLens[0] = fLens[1] = 40;
334  fLens[2] = 10;
336  fBoxWidth = fPrizm[0];
338  if (fGeomType == 1) fNBoxes = 1;
340  fFd[0] = fBoxWidth;
341  fFd[1] = fPrizm[2];
342  fFd[2] = 1;
344  if (fLensId == 0 || fLensId == 10)
345  {
346  fLens[2] = 0;
347  }
348  if (fLensId == 2)
349  {
350  fLens[0] = fPrizm[3];
351  fLens[1] = 175;
352  fLens[2] = 14.4;
353  }
354  if (fLensId == 3)
355  {
356  fLens[0] = fPrizm[3];
357  fLens[1] = fPrizm[0] / fNBar;
358  fLens[2] = 15;
359  if (fNBar == 1) fLens[1] = fPrizm[0] / 11.;
360  }
362  if (fLensId == 6)
363  {
364  fLens[0] = fPrizm[3];
365  fLens[1] = fPrizm[0];
366  fLens[2] = 12;
367  }
369  fPrtRot = new G4RotationMatrix();
371  //-------------------------
372  DefineMaterials();
374  // ------------- Volumes --------------
376  double gluethickness = 0.05;
377  int nparts = m_Params->get_int_param("Bar_pieces");
379  double dirclength = fBarL[2] * (nparts - 1) + fBarS[2] + gluethickness * nparts;
381  // The DIRC
382  //G4Box* gDirc = new G4Box("gDirc",205.962, 193.251, 0.5*dirclength+314.565);
383  //lDirc = new G4LogicalVolume(gDirc,defaultMaterial,"lDirc",0,0,0);
385  G4Box* gFd = new G4Box("gFd", 0.5 * fFd[1], 0.5 * fFd[0], 0.5 * fFd[2]);
386  lFd = new G4LogicalVolume(gFd, defaultMaterial, "lFd", 0, 0, 0);
389  double dphi = 360 * deg / (double) fNBoxes;
390  //G4VPhysicalVolume* phy;
392  G4AssemblyVolume* assemblySector = new G4AssemblyVolume();
394  /*for(int i=0; i<fNBoxes; i++){
395  double tphi = dphi*i;
396  double dx = fRadius * cos(tphi);
397  double dy = fRadius * sin(tphi);
399  G4RotationMatrix *tRot = new G4RotationMatrix();
400  tRot->rotateZ(-tphi);
401  G4ThreeVector g4vec_sector_pos(dx, dy, zshift);
402  //phy = new G4PVPlacement(tRot,G4ThreeVector(dx,dy,zshift),lDirc,"wDirc",logicWorld,false,i,OverlapCheck());
403  assemblySector->MakeImprint(logicWorld, g4vec_sector_pos, tRot, i, OverlapCheck());
404  //m_PhysicalVolumes_active[phy] = 1;
405  }*/
407  // The Bar
408  G4Box* gBarL = new G4Box("gBarL", fBarL[0] / 2., fBarL[1] / 2., fBarL[2] / 2.);
409  lBarL = new G4LogicalVolume(gBarL, BarMaterial, "lBarL", 0, 0, 0);
412  G4Box* gBarS = new G4Box("gBarS", fBarS[0] / 2., fBarS[1] / 2., fBarS[2] / 2.);
413  lBarS = new G4LogicalVolume(gBarS, BarMaterial, "lBarS", 0, 0, 0);
416  // Glue
417  G4Box* gGlue = new G4Box("gGlue", fBar[0] / 2., fBar[1] / 2., 0.5 * gluethickness);
418  lGlue = new G4LogicalVolume(gGlue, epotekMaterial, "lGlue", 0, 0, 0);
421  int id = 0;
423  for (int i = 0; i < fNBar; i++)
424  {
425  double shifty = i * (fBar[1] + fBarsGap) - 0.5 * fBoxWidth + fBar[1] / 2.;
426  for (int j = 0; j < nparts; j++)
427  {
428  if (j < (nparts - 1))
429  {
430  double z = 0.5 * dirclength - 0.5 * fBarL[2] - (fBarL[2] + gluethickness) * j;
431  //pDirc[i] = new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(0,shifty,z),lBarL,"wBar",lDirc,false,id,OverlapCheck());
432  G4ThreeVector g4vec_lBarL_pos(0, shifty, z);
433  assemblySector->AddPlacedVolume(lBarL, g4vec_lBarL_pos, 0);
434  //m_PhysicalVolumes_active[pDirc[i]] = 3;
435  //wGlue = new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(0,shifty,z-0.5*(fBarL[2]+gluethickness)),lGlue,"wGlue", lDirc,false,id,OverlapCheck());
436  G4ThreeVector g4vec_lGlue_pos(0, shifty, z - 0.5 * (fBarL[2] + gluethickness));
437  assemblySector->AddPlacedVolume(lGlue, g4vec_lGlue_pos, 0);
438  //m_PhysicalVolumes_active[wGlue] = 4;
439  }
440  else
441  {
442  double z = 0.5 * dirclength - (nparts - 1) * fBarL[2] - 0.5 * fBarS[2] - gluethickness * j;
443  //pDirc[i] = new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(0,shifty,z),lBarS,"wBar",lDirc,false,id,OverlapCheck());
444  G4ThreeVector g4vec_lBarS_pos(0, shifty, z);
445  assemblySector->AddPlacedVolume(lBarS, g4vec_lBarS_pos, 0);
446  //m_PhysicalVolumes_active[pDirc[i]] = 3;
447  //wGlue = new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(0,shifty,z-0.5*(fBarS[2]+gluethickness)),lGlue,"wGlue", lDirc,false,id,OverlapCheck());
448  G4ThreeVector g4vec_lGlue_pos(0, shifty, z - 0.5 * (fBarS[2] + gluethickness));
449  assemblySector->AddPlacedVolume(lGlue, g4vec_lGlue_pos, 0);
450  //m_PhysicalVolumes_active[wGlue] = 4;
451  }
452  id++;
453  }
454  }
456  // The Mirror
457  G4Box* gMirror = new G4Box("gMirror", fMirror[0] / 2., fMirror[1] / 2., fMirror[2] / 2.);
458  lMirror = new G4LogicalVolume(gMirror, MirrorMaterial, "lMirror", 0, 0, 0);
460  //wMirror =new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(0,0,0.5*dirclength+fMirror[2]/2.),lMirror,"wMirror", lDirc,false,0,OverlapCheck());
461  G4ThreeVector g4vec_lMirror_pos(0, 0, 0.5 * dirclength + fMirror[2] / 2.);
462  assemblySector->AddPlacedVolume(lMirror, g4vec_lMirror_pos, 0);
463  //m_PhysicalVolumes_active[wMirror] = 5;
465  // The Lenses
466  if (fLensId == 2)
467  { // 2-layer lens
468  double lensrad = 70;
469  double lensMinThikness = 2;
470  G4Box* gfbox = new G4Box("Fbox", fLens[0] / 2., fLens[1] / 2., fLens[2] / 2.);
471  G4ThreeVector zTrans(0, 0, -lensrad + fLens[2] / 2. - lensMinThikness);
473  G4Sphere* gsphere = new G4Sphere("Sphere", 0, 70, 0. * deg, 360. * deg, 0. * deg, 380. * deg);
474  G4IntersectionSolid* gLens1 = new G4IntersectionSolid("Fbox*Sphere", gfbox, gsphere, new G4RotationMatrix(), zTrans);
475  G4SubtractionSolid* gLens2 = new G4SubtractionSolid("Fbox-Sphere", gfbox, gsphere, new G4RotationMatrix(), zTrans);
477  lLens1 = new G4LogicalVolume(gLens1, Nlak33aMaterial, "lLens1", 0, 0, 0); //Nlak33aMaterial
479  lLens2 = new G4LogicalVolume(gLens2, BarMaterial, "lLens2", 0, 0, 0);
481  }
483  if (fLensId == 3)
484  { // 3-component spherical lens
485  double lensMinThikness = 2;
487  double r1 = 47.8; //0;
488  double r2 = 29.1; //0;
490  //r1 = (r1==0)? 47.8: r1;
491  //r2 = (r2==0)? 29.1: r2;
492  // r1=80;
493  // r2=35;
495  double cr2 = sqrt(fLens[1] * fLens[1] / 4. + fBar[0] * fBar[0] / 4.);
496  if (cr2 > r2)
497  {
498  if (Verbosity()) std::cout << "bad lens" << std::endl;
499  cr2 = r2;
500  }
501  fLens[2] = (2 * lensMinThikness + r2 - sqrt(r2 * r2 - cr2 * cr2) + lensMinThikness);
502  if (Verbosity()) std::cout << "lens thickness =" << fLens[2] << " mm" << std::endl;
504  G4ThreeVector zTrans1(0, 0, -r1 - fLens[2] / 2. + r1 - sqrt(r1 * r1 - cr2 * cr2) + lensMinThikness);
505  G4ThreeVector zTrans2(0, 0, -r2 - fLens[2] / 2. + r2 - sqrt(r2 * r2 - cr2 * cr2) + lensMinThikness * 2);
507  G4Box* gfbox = new G4Box("Fbox", fLens[0] / 2., fLens[1] / 2., fLens[2] / 2.);
508  G4Tubs* gfstube = new G4Tubs("ftube", 0, cr2, fLens[2] / 2., 0, 360 * deg);
510  G4Sphere* gsphere1 = new G4Sphere("Sphere1", 0, r1, 0, 360 * deg, 0, 360 * deg);
511  G4Sphere* gsphere2 = new G4Sphere("Sphere2", 0, r2, 0, 360 * deg, 0, 360 * deg);
513  G4IntersectionSolid* gbbox = new G4IntersectionSolid("bbox", gfbox, gfbox, new G4RotationMatrix(), G4ThreeVector(0, 0, -lensMinThikness * 2));
514  G4IntersectionSolid* gsbox = new G4IntersectionSolid("sbox", gfstube, gfbox, new G4RotationMatrix(), G4ThreeVector(0, 0, lensMinThikness * 2));
516  G4UnionSolid* gubox = new G4UnionSolid("unionbox", gbbox, gsbox, new G4RotationMatrix(), G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0));
518  G4IntersectionSolid* gLens1 = new G4IntersectionSolid("Lens1", gubox, gsphere1, new G4RotationMatrix(), -zTrans1);
519  G4SubtractionSolid* gLenst = new G4SubtractionSolid("temp", gubox, gsphere1, new G4RotationMatrix(), -zTrans1);
521  G4IntersectionSolid* gLens2 = new G4IntersectionSolid("Lens2", gLenst, gsphere2, new G4RotationMatrix(), -zTrans2);
522  G4SubtractionSolid* gLens3 = new G4SubtractionSolid("Lens3", gLenst, gsphere2, new G4RotationMatrix(), -zTrans2);
524  lLens1 = new G4LogicalVolume(gLens1, BarMaterial, "lLens1", 0, 0, 0);
526  lLens2 = new G4LogicalVolume(gLens2, Nlak33aMaterial, "lLens2", 0, 0, 0); //Nlak33aMaterial //PbF2Material //SapphireMaterial
528  lLens3 = new G4LogicalVolume(gLens3, BarMaterial, "lLens3", 0, 0, 0);
530  }
532  if (fLensId == 6)
533  { // 3-component cylindrical lens
534  double lensMinThikness = 2.0;
536  double r1 = 33; //0;
537  double r2 = 24; //0;
539  lensMinThikness = 2;
540  double layer12 = lensMinThikness * 2;
542  // r1 = (r1==0)? 27.45: r1;
543  // r2 = (r2==0)? 20.02: r2;
545  //r1 = (r1==0)? 33: r1;
546  //r2 = (r2==0)? 24: r2;
547  double shight = 25;
549  G4ThreeVector zTrans1(0, 0, -r1 - fLens[2] / 2. + r1 - sqrt(r1 * r1 - shight / 2. * shight / 2.) + lensMinThikness);
550  G4ThreeVector zTrans2(0, 0, -r2 - fLens[2] / 2. + r2 - sqrt(r2 * r2 - shight / 2. * shight / 2.) + layer12);
552  G4Box* gfbox = new G4Box("fbox", 0.5 * fLens[0], 0.5 * fLens[1], 0.5 * fLens[2]);
553  G4Box* gcbox = new G4Box("cbox", 0.5 * fLens[0], 0.5 * fLens[1] + 1, 0.5 * fLens[2]);
554  G4ThreeVector tTrans1(0.5 * (fLens[0] + shight), 0, -fLens[2] + layer12);
555  G4ThreeVector tTrans0(-0.5 * (fLens[0] + shight), 0, -fLens[2] + layer12);
556  G4SubtractionSolid* tubox = new G4SubtractionSolid("tubox", gfbox, gcbox, new G4RotationMatrix(), tTrans1);
557  G4SubtractionSolid* gubox = new G4SubtractionSolid("gubox", tubox, gcbox, new G4RotationMatrix(), tTrans0);
559  G4Tubs* gcylinder1 = new G4Tubs("Cylinder1", 0, r1, 0.5 * fLens[1], 0 * deg, 360 * deg);
560  G4Tubs* gcylinder2 = new G4Tubs("Cylinder2", 0, r2, 0.5 * fLens[1] - 0.5, 0 * deg, 360 * deg);
561  G4Tubs* gcylinder1c = new G4Tubs("Cylinder1c", 0, r1, 0.5 * fLens[1] + 0.5, 0 * deg, 360 * deg);
562  G4Tubs* gcylinder2c = new G4Tubs("Cylinder2c", 0, r2, 0.5 * fLens[1] + 0.5, 0 * deg, 360 * deg);
563  G4RotationMatrix* xRot = new G4RotationMatrix();
564  xRot->rotateX(M_PI / 2. * rad);
566  G4IntersectionSolid* gLens1 = new G4IntersectionSolid("Lens1", gubox, gcylinder1, xRot, zTrans1);
567  G4SubtractionSolid* gLenst = new G4SubtractionSolid("temp", gubox, gcylinder1c, xRot, zTrans1);
569  G4IntersectionSolid* gLens2 = new G4IntersectionSolid("Lens2", gLenst, gcylinder2, xRot, zTrans2);
570  G4SubtractionSolid* gLens3 = new G4SubtractionSolid("Lens3", gLenst, gcylinder2c, xRot, zTrans2);
572  lLens1 = new G4LogicalVolume(gLens1, BarMaterial, "lLens1", 0, 0, 0);
574  lLens2 = new G4LogicalVolume(gLens2, Nlak33aMaterial, "lLens2", 0, 0, 0);
576  lLens3 = new G4LogicalVolume(gLens3, BarMaterial, "lLens3", 0, 0, 0);
578  }
580  if (fLensId == 100)
581  {
582  fLens[2] = 200;
583  G4Box* gLens3 = new G4Box("gLens1", fBar[0] / 2., 0.5 * fBoxWidth, 100);
584  lLens3 = new G4LogicalVolume(gLens3, BarMaterial, "lLens3", 0, 0, 0);
586  }
588  if (fLensId != 0 && fLensId != 10)
589  {
590  double shifth = -0.5 * (dirclength + fLens[2]);
591  if (fLensId == 100)
592  {
593  //phy = new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(0,0,shifth),lLens3,"wLens3", lDirc,false,0,OverlapCheck());
594  G4ThreeVector g4vec_lLens3_pos(0, 0, shifth);
595  assemblySector->AddPlacedVolume(lLens3, g4vec_lLens3_pos, 0);
596  }
597  else if (fNBar == 1 && fLensId == 3)
598  {
599  for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
600  {
601  double shifty = i * fLens[1] - 0.5 * (fBoxWidth - fLens[1]);
602  //phy = new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(0,shifty,shifth),lLens1,"wLens1", lDirc,false,i,OverlapCheck());
603  G4ThreeVector g4vec_lLens_pos(0, shifty, shifth);
604  assemblySector->AddPlacedVolume(lLens1, g4vec_lLens_pos, 0);
605  //phy = new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(0,shifty,shifth),lLens2,"wLens2", lDirc,false,i,OverlapCheck());
606  assemblySector->AddPlacedVolume(lLens2, g4vec_lLens_pos, 0);
607  //phy = new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(0,shifty,shifth),lLens3,"wLens3", lDirc,false,i,OverlapCheck());
608  assemblySector->AddPlacedVolume(lLens3, g4vec_lLens_pos, 0);
609  }
610  }
611  else
612  {
613  for (int i = 0; i < fNBar; i++)
614  {
615  double shifty = i * fLens[1] - 0.5 * (fBoxWidth - fLens[1]);
616  if (fLensId != 6)
617  {
618  //phy = new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(0,shifty,shifth),lLens1,"wLens1", lDirc,false,i,OverlapCheck());
619  G4ThreeVector g4vec_lLens_pos(0, shifty, shifth);
620  assemblySector->AddPlacedVolume(lLens1, g4vec_lLens_pos, 0);
621  //m_PhysicalVolumes_active[phy] = 6;
623  //phy = new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(0,shifty,shifth),lLens2,"wLens2", lDirc,false,i,OverlapCheck());
624  assemblySector->AddPlacedVolume(lLens2, g4vec_lLens_pos, 0);
625  //m_PhysicalVolumes_active[phy] = 7;
627  if (fLensId == 3)
628  {
629  //phy = new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(0,shifty,shifth),lLens3,"wLens3", lDirc,false,i,OverlapCheck());
630  assemblySector->AddPlacedVolume(lLens3, g4vec_lLens_pos, 0);
631  }
632  //m_PhysicalVolumes_active[phy] = 8;
633  }
634  }
635  if (fLensId == 6)
636  {
637  double sh = 0;
638  //phy = new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(0,0,shifth-sh),lLens1,"wLens1", lDirc,false,0,OverlapCheck());
639  G4ThreeVector g4vec_lLens_pos(0, 0, shifth - sh);
640  assemblySector->AddPlacedVolume(lLens1, g4vec_lLens_pos, 0);
641  //phy = new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(0,0,shifth-sh),lLens2,"wLens2", lDirc,false,0,OverlapCheck());
642  assemblySector->AddPlacedVolume(lLens2, g4vec_lLens_pos, 0);
643  //phy = new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(0,0,shifth-sh),lLens3,"wLens3", lDirc,false,0,OverlapCheck());
644  assemblySector->AddPlacedVolume(lLens3, g4vec_lLens_pos, 0);
645  }
646  }
647  }
649  // The Prizm
650  G4Trap* gPrizm = new G4Trap("gPrizm", fPrizm[0], fPrizm[1], fPrizm[2], fPrizm[3]);
651  lPrizm = new G4LogicalVolume(gPrizm, BarMaterial, "lPrizm", 0, 0, 0);
654  G4RotationMatrix* xRot = new G4RotationMatrix();
655  //xRot->rotateX(-M_PI/2.*rad); // for lDirc
656  xRot->rotateX(M_PI / 2. * rad);
658  G4RotationMatrix* fdrot = new G4RotationMatrix();
659  double evshiftz = 0.5 * dirclength + fPrizm[1] + fMcpActive[2] / 2. + fLens[2];
660  double evshiftx = 0;
662  fPrismShift = G4ThreeVector((fPrizm[2] + fPrizm[3]) / 4. - 0.5 * fPrizm[3], 0, -(0.5 * (dirclength + fPrizm[1]) + fLens[2]));
663  //phy = new G4PVPlacement(xRot,fPrismShift,lPrizm,"wPrizm", lDirc,false,0,OverlapCheck());
664  assemblySector->AddPlacedVolume(lPrizm, fPrismShift, xRot);
665  //m_PhysicalVolumes_active[phy] = 9;
667  //phy = new G4PVPlacement(fdrot,G4ThreeVector(0.5*fFd[1]-0.5*fPrizm[3]-evshiftx,0,-evshiftz),lFd,"wFd", lDirc,false,0,OverlapCheck());
668  G4ThreeVector g4vec_lFd_pos(0.5 * fFd[1] - 0.5 * fPrizm[3] - evshiftx, 0, -evshiftz);
669  assemblySector->AddPlacedVolume(lFd, g4vec_lFd_pos, fdrot);
670  //m_PhysicalVolumes_active[phy] = 2;
672  for (int i = 0; i < fNBoxes; i++)
673  {
674  double tphi = dphi * i;
675  double dx = fRadius * cos(tphi);
676  double dy = fRadius * sin(tphi);
678  G4RotationMatrix* tRot = new G4RotationMatrix();
679  tRot->rotateZ(tphi);
680  G4ThreeVector g4vec_sector_pos(dx, dy, zshift);
681  //phy = new G4PVPlacement(tRot,G4ThreeVector(dx,dy,zshift),lDirc,"wDirc",logicWorld,false,i,OverlapCheck());
682  assemblySector->MakeImprint(logicWorld, g4vec_sector_pos, tRot, i, OverlapCheck());
683  //m_PhysicalVolumes_active[phy] = 1;
684  }
686  // MCP --
688  G4Box* gMcp = new G4Box("gMcp", fMcpTotal[0] / 2., fMcpTotal[1] / 2., fMcpTotal[2] / 2.);
689  lMcp = new G4LogicalVolume(gMcp, BarMaterial, "lMcp", 0, 0, 0);
692  fNpix1 = 16;
693  fNpix2 = 16;
695  if (Verbosity()) std::cout << "fNpix1=" << fNpix1 << " fNpix2=" << fNpix2 << std::endl;
697  // The MCP Pixel
698  G4Box* gPixel = new G4Box("gPixel", 0.5 * fMcpActive[0] / fNpix1, 0.5 * fMcpActive[1] / fNpix2, fMcpActive[2] / 16.);
699  lPixel = new G4LogicalVolume(gPixel, BarMaterial, "lPixel", 0, 0, 0);
701 /*
702  for (int i = 0; i < fNpix2; i++)
703  {
704  for (int j = 0; j < fNpix1; j++)
705  {
706  double shiftx = i * (fMcpActive[0] / fNpix1) - fMcpActive[0] / 2. + 0.5 * fMcpActive[0] / fNpix1;
707  double shifty = j * (fMcpActive[1] / fNpix2) - fMcpActive[1] / 2. + 0.5 * fMcpActive[1] / fNpix2;
708  G4VPhysicalVolume* phy1 = new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(shiftx, shifty, 0), lPixel, "wPixel", lMcp, false, fNpix2 * i + j, OverlapCheck());
709  }
710  }
712  int mcpId = 0;
713  double gapx = (fPrizm[2] - fNCol * fMcpTotal[0]) / (double) (fNCol + 1);
714  double gapy = (fBoxWidth - fNRow * fMcpTotal[1]) / (double) (fNRow + 1);
715  for (int i = 0; i < fNCol; i++)
716  {
717  for (int j = 0; j < fNRow; j++)
718  {
719  double shiftx = i * (fMcpTotal[0] + gapx) - 0.5 * (fFd[1] - fMcpTotal[0]) + gapx;
720  double shifty = j * (fMcpTotal[1] + gapy) - 0.5 * (fBoxWidth - fMcpTotal[1]) + gapy;
721  //phy = new G4PVPlacement(0,G4ThreeVector(shiftx,shifty,0),lMcp,"wMcp", lFd,false,mcpId++);
722  G4VPhysicalVolume* phy2 = new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(shiftx, shifty, 0), lMcp, "wMcp", lFd, false, mcpId, OverlapCheck());
723  //m_PhysicalVolumes_active[phy] = 10;
724  mcpId++;
725  }
726  }
727 */
728  {
729  const int num = 36;
730  double WaveLength[num];
731  double PhotonEnergy[num];
732  double PMTReflectivity[num];
733  double EfficiencyMirrors[num];
734  const double LambdaE = 2.0 * 3.14159265358979323846 * 1.973269602e-16 * m * GeV;
735  for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
736  {
737  WaveLength[i] = (300 + i * 10) * nanometer;
738  PhotonEnergy[num - (i + 1)] = LambdaE / WaveLength[i];
739  PMTReflectivity[i] = 0.;
740  EfficiencyMirrors[i] = 0;
741  }
745  //ideal pmt quantum efficiency
746  double QuantumEfficiencyIdial[num] =
747  {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
748  1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
749  1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
750  1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
752  // Burle PMT's
753  double QuantumEfficiencyB[num] =
754  {0., 0.001, 0.002, 0.005, 0.01, 0.015, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06,
755  0.07, 0.09, 0.1, 0.13, 0.15, 0.17, 0.2, 0.24, 0.26, 0.28, 0.282, 0.284, 0.286,
756  0.288, 0.29, 0.28, 0.26, 0.24, 0.22, 0.20, 0.18, 0.15, 0.13, 0.12, 0.10};
758  //hamamatsu pmt quantum efficiency
759  double QuantumEfficiencyPMT[num] =
760  {0.001, 0.002, 0.004, 0.007, 0.011, 0.015, 0.020, 0.026, 0.033, 0.040, 0.045,
761  0.056, 0.067, 0.085, 0.109, 0.129, 0.138, 0.147, 0.158, 0.170,
762  0.181, 0.188, 0.196, 0.203, 0.206, 0.212, 0.218, 0.219, 0.225, 0.230,
763  0.228, 0.222, 0.217, 0.210, 0.199, 0.177};
765  // these quantum efficiencies have to be multiplied by geometry
766  // efficiency of given PMT's
767  // for Hamamatsu by factor 0.7
768  // for Burle by factor 0.45
769  for (int k = 0; k < 36; k++)
770  {
771  QuantumEfficiencyB[k] = QuantumEfficiencyB[k] * 0.45;
772  QuantumEfficiencyPMT[k] = QuantumEfficiencyPMT[k] * .7;
773  }
775  /* define quantum efficiency for burle PMT's - the same efficiency is
776  assigned to pads and also to slots !!!! */
778  //burle pmt - bigger slots => logicPad
779  G4MaterialPropertiesTable* PhotocatodBurleMPT = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable();
780  PhotocatodBurleMPT->AddProperty("EFFICIENCY", PhotonEnergy, QuantumEfficiencyB, num);
781  PhotocatodBurleMPT->AddProperty("REFLECTIVITY", PhotonEnergy, PMTReflectivity, num);
783  G4OpticalSurface* BurlePMTOpSurface =
784  new G4OpticalSurface("BurlePMTOpSurface", glisur, polished,
785  dielectric_metal);
786  BurlePMTOpSurface->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(PhotocatodBurleMPT);
788  /* hamamatsu pmt's - smaller slots => quantum efficiency again
789  assign to slot and pad */
791  fQuantumEfficiency = QuantumEfficiencyIdial;
792  G4MaterialPropertiesTable* PhotocatodHamamatsuMPT = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable();
793  PhotocatodHamamatsuMPT->AddProperty("EFFICIENCY", PhotonEnergy, fQuantumEfficiency, num);
794  PhotocatodHamamatsuMPT->AddProperty("REFLECTIVITY", PhotonEnergy, PMTReflectivity, num);
796  G4OpticalSurface* HamamatsuPMTOpSurface =
797  new G4OpticalSurface("HamamatsuPMTOpSurface", glisur, polished, dielectric_metal);
798  HamamatsuPMTOpSurface->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(PhotocatodHamamatsuMPT);
800  // // assignment to pad
801  // if(hamamatsu8500)
802  new G4LogicalSkinSurface("HamamatsuPMTSurface", lPixel, HamamatsuPMTOpSurface);
804  // Mirror
805  G4OpticalSurface* MirrorOpSurface =
806  new G4OpticalSurface("MirrorOpSurface", glisur, polished, dielectric_metal);
808  double ReflectivityMirrorBar[num] = {
809  0.8755, 0.882, 0.889, 0.895, 0.9, 0.9025, 0.91, 0.913, 0.9165, 0.92, 0.923,
810  0.9245, 0.9285, 0.932, 0.934, 0.935, 0.936, 0.9385, 0.9395, 0.94,
811  0.9405, 0.9405, 0.9405, 0.9405, 0.94, 0.9385, 0.936, 0.934,
812  0.931, 0.9295, 0.928, 0.928, 0.921, 0.92, 0.927, 0.9215};
814  G4MaterialPropertiesTable* MirrorMPT = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable();
815  MirrorMPT->AddProperty("REFLECTIVITY", PhotonEnergy, ReflectivityMirrorBar, num);
816  MirrorMPT->AddProperty("EFFICIENCY", PhotonEnergy, EfficiencyMirrors, num);
818  MirrorOpSurface->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(MirrorMPT);
819  new G4LogicalSkinSurface("MirrorSurface", lMirror, MirrorOpSurface);
820  }
824  /*PrtOpBoundaryProcess *fBoundaryProcess = new PrtOpBoundaryProcess();
825  G4ProcessManager *pmanager = G4OpticalPhoton::OpticalPhoton()->GetProcessManager();
826  pmanager->AddDiscreteProcess(fBoundaryProcess);
827  pmanager->SetProcessOrderingToFirst(fBoundaryProcess, idxPostStep);
828  */
829 }
832 {
833  G4String symbol; //a=mass of a mole;
834  double a, z, density; //z=mean number of protons;
836  int ncomponents, natoms;
837  double fractionmass;
839  // define Elements
840  G4Element* H = new G4Element("Hydrogen", symbol = "H", z = 1., a = 1.01 * g / mole);
841  G4Element* C = new G4Element("Carbon", symbol = "C", z = 6., a = 12.01 * g / mole);
842  G4Element* N = new G4Element("Nitrogen", symbol = "N", z = 7., a = 14.01 * g / mole);
843  G4Element* O = new G4Element("Oxygen", symbol = "O", z = 8., a = 16.00 * g / mole);
844  G4Element* Si = new G4Element("Silicon", symbol = "Si", z = 14., a = 28.09 * g / mole);
845  G4Element* Al = new G4Element("Aluminum", symbol = "Al", z = 13., a = 26.98 * g / mole);
847  // quartz material = SiO2
848  G4Material* SiO2 = new G4Material("quartz", density = 2.200 * g / cm3, ncomponents = 2);
849  SiO2->AddElement(Si, natoms = 1);
850  SiO2->AddElement(O, natoms = 2);
852  Nlak33aMaterial = new G4Material("Nlak33a", density = 4.220 * g / cm3, ncomponents = 2);
853  Nlak33aMaterial->AddElement(Si, natoms = 1);
854  Nlak33aMaterial->AddElement(O, natoms = 2);
856  PbF2Material = new G4Material("PbF2", density = 3.97 * g / cm3, ncomponents = 2);
857  PbF2Material->AddElement(Si, natoms = 1);
858  PbF2Material->AddElement(O, natoms = 2);
860  SapphireMaterial = new G4Material("Sapphire", density = 4.220 * g / cm3, ncomponents = 2);
861  SapphireMaterial->AddElement(Al, natoms = 2);
862  SapphireMaterial->AddElement(O, natoms = 3);
864  G4Material* Vacuum = new G4Material("interGalactic", 1., 1.008 * g / mole,
865  1.e-25 * g / cm3, kStateGas,
866  2.73 * kelvin, 3.e-18 * pascal);
867  G4Material* Air = new G4Material("Air", density = 1.290 * mg / cm3, ncomponents = 2);
868  Air->AddElement(N, fractionmass = 0.7);
869  Air->AddElement(O, fractionmass = 0.3);
871  G4Material* Aluminum = new G4Material("Aluminum", density = 2.7 * g / cm3, ncomponents = 1);
872  Aluminum->AddElement(Al, fractionmass = 1.0);
874  G4Material* KamLandOil = new G4Material("KamLandOil", density = 0.914 * g / cm3, ncomponents = 2);
875  KamLandOil->AddElement(C, natoms = 12);
876  KamLandOil->AddElement(H, natoms = 26);
878  G4Material* CarbonFiber = new G4Material("CarbonFiber", density = 0.145 * g / cm3, ncomponents = 1);
879  CarbonFiber->AddElement(C, natoms = 1);
881  /* as I don't know the exact material composition,
882  I will use Epoxyd material composition and add
883  the optical property of Epotek to this material */
885  G4Material* Epotek = new G4Material("Epotek", density = 1.2 * g / cm3, ncomponents = 3);
887  Epotek->AddElement(C, natoms = 3);
888  Epotek->AddElement(H, natoms = 5);
889  Epotek->AddElement(O, natoms = 2);
891  // assign main materials
892  if (fGeomType < 10)
893  defaultMaterial = Vacuum;
894  else
895  defaultMaterial = Air; //Vacuum // material of world
896  frontMaterial = CarbonFiber;
897  BarMaterial = SiO2; // material of all Bars, Quartz and Window
898  OilMaterial = KamLandOil; // material of volume 1,2,3,4
899  MirrorMaterial = Aluminum; // mirror material
900  epotekMaterial = Epotek; // Epotek material - glue between bars
902  // ------------ Generate & Add Material Properties Table ------------
904  static const double LambdaE = 2.0 * 3.14159265358979323846 * 1.973269602e-16 * m * GeV;
905  const int num = 36;
906  double WaveLength[num];
907  //double Absorption[num]; // default value for absorption
908  double AirAbsorption[num]; // absorption value for air
909  double AirRefractiveIndex[num]; // air refractive index
910  double PhotonEnergy[num]; // energy of photons which correspond to the given
911  // refractive or absoprtion values
913  double PhotonEnergyNlak33a[76] = {1, 1.2511, 1.26386, 1.27687, 1.29016, 1.30372, 1.31758, 1.33173, 1.34619, 1.36097, 1.37607, 1.39152, 1.40731, 1.42347, 1.44, 1.45692, 1.47425, 1.49199, 1.51016, 1.52878, 1.54787, 1.56744, 1.58751, 1.6081, 1.62923, 1.65092, 1.6732, 1.69609, 1.71961, 1.7438, 1.76868, 1.79427, 1.82062, 1.84775, 1.87571, 1.90452, 1.93423, 1.96488, 1.99652, 2.0292, 2.06296, 2.09787, 2.13398, 2.17135, 2.21006, 2.25017, 2.29176, 2.33492, 2.37973, 2.42631, 2.47473, 2.52514, 2.57763, 2.63236, 2.68946, 2.7491, 2.81143, 2.87666, 2.94499, 3.01665, 3.09187, 3.17095, 3.25418, 3.34189, 3.43446, 3.53231, 3.6359, 3.74575, 3.86244, 3.98663, 4.11908, 4.26062, 4.41225, 4.57506, 4.75035, 4.93961};
915  int n_PbF2 = 56;
916  double en_PbF2[] = {1.55, 1.569, 1.59, 1.61, 1.631, 1.653, 1.675, 1.698, 1.722, 1.746, 1.771, 1.797, 1.823, 1.851, 1.879, 1.907, 1.937, 1.968, 2, 2.033, 2.066, 2.101, 2.138, 2.175, 2.214, 2.254, 2.296, 2.339, 2.384, 2.431, 2.48, 2.53, 2.583, 2.638, 2.695, 2.755, 2.818, 2.883, 2.952, 3.024, 3.1, 3.179, 3.263, 3.351, 3.444, 3.542, 3.647, 3.757, 3.875, 3.999, 4.133, 4.275, 4.428, 4.592, 4.769, 4.959};
917  double ab_PbF2[] = {407, 403.3, 379.1, 406.3, 409.7, 408.9, 406.7, 404.7, 391.7, 397.7, 409.6, 403.7, 403.8, 409.7, 404.9, 404.2, 407.1, 411.1, 403.1, 406.1, 415.4, 399.1, 405.8, 408.2, 385.7, 405.6, 405.2, 401.6, 402.6, 407.1, 417.7, 401.1, 389.9, 411.9, 400.9, 398.3, 402.1, 408.7, 384.8, 415.8, 413.1, 385.7, 353.7, 319.1, 293.6, 261.9, 233.6, 204.4, 178.3, 147.6, 118.2, 78.7, 51.6, 41.5, 24.3, 8.8};
918  double ref_PbF2[] = {1.749, 1.749, 1.75, 1.75, 1.751, 1.752, 1.752, 1.753, 1.754, 1.754, 1.755, 1.756, 1.757, 1.757, 1.758, 1.759, 1.76, 1.761, 1.762, 1.764, 1.765, 1.766, 1.768, 1.769, 1.771, 1.772, 1.774, 1.776, 1.778, 1.78, 1.782, 1.785, 1.787, 1.79, 1.793, 1.796, 1.8, 1.804, 1.808, 1.813, 1.818, 1.824, 1.83, 1.837, 1.845, 1.854, 1.865, 1.877, 1.892, 1.91, 1.937, 1.991, 1.38, 1.915, 1.971, 2.019};
920  const int n_Sapphire = 57;
921  double en_Sapphire[] = {1.02212, 1.05518, 1.09045, 1.12610, 1.16307, 1.20023, 1.23984, 1.28043, 1.32221, 1.36561, 1.41019, 1.45641, 1.50393, 1.55310, 1.60393, 1.65643, 1.71059, 1.76665, 1.82437, 1.88397, 1.94576, 2.00946, 2.07504, 2.14283, 2.21321, 2.28542, 2.36025, 2.43727, 2.51693, 2.59924, 2.68480, 2.77245, 2.86337, 2.95693, 3.05379, 3.15320, 3.25674, 3.36273, 3.47294, 3.58646, 3.70433, 3.82549, 3.94979, 4.07976, 4.21285, 4.35032, 4.49380, 4.64012, 4.79258, 4.94946, 5.11064, 5.27816, 5.44985, 5.62797, 5.81266, 6.00407, 6.19920};
922  double ref_Sapphire[] = {1.75188, 1.75253, 1.75319, 1.75382, 1.75444, 1.75505, 1.75567, 1.75629, 1.75691, 1.75754, 1.75818, 1.75883, 1.75949, 1.76017, 1.76088, 1.76160, 1.76235, 1.76314, 1.76395, 1.76480, 1.76570, 1.76664, 1.76763, 1.76867, 1.76978, 1.77095, 1.77219, 1.77350, 1.77490, 1.77639, 1.77799, 1.77968, 1.78150, 1.78343, 1.78551, 1.78772, 1.79011, 1.79265, 1.79540, 1.79835, 1.80154, 1.80497, 1.80864, 1.81266, 1.81696, 1.82163, 1.82674, 1.83223, 1.83825, 1.84480, 1.85191, 1.85975, 1.86829, 1.87774, 1.88822, 1.89988, 1.91270};
924  double ab_Sapphire[n_Sapphire];
925  //crystan standard grade 2mm
926  double transmitance_Sapphire[] = {0.845, 0.844, 0.843, 0.843, 0.843, 0.843, 0.843, 0.843, 0.843, 0.843, 0.843, 0.843, 0.843, 0.843, 0.843, 0.843, 0.843, 0.843, 0.843, 0.843, 0.842, 0.842, 0.842, 0.842, 0.838, 0.838, 0.838, 0.838, 0.838, 0.838, 0.836, 0.836, 0.836, 0.836, 0.834, 0.834, 0.833, 0.832, 0.832, 0.831, 0.831, 0.83, 0.828, 0.828, 0.828, 0.828, 0.828, 0.828, 0.828, 0.828, 0.828, 0.825, 0.80, 0.67, 0.47, 0.23, 0.22};
927  for (int i = 0; i < n_Sapphire; i++) ab_Sapphire[i] = (-1) / log(transmitance_Sapphire[i] + 2 * 0.077007) * 2 * mm;
929  /*************************** ABSORPTION COEFFICIENTS *****************************/
931  // absorption of KamLandOil per 50 cm - from jjv
932  double KamLandOilAbsorption[num] =
933  {0.97469022, 0.976603956, 0.978511548, 0.980400538, 0.982258449, 0.984072792,
934  0.985831062, 0.987520743, 0.989129303, 0.990644203, 0.992052894,
935  0.993342822, 0.994501428, 0.995516151, 0.996374433, 0.997063719,
936  0.997571464, 0.997885132, 0.997992205, 0.997880183, 0.997536591,
937  0.99, 0.98, 0.97, 0.96, 0.94, 0.93, 0.924507, 0.89982, 0.883299,
938  0.85657, 0.842637, 0.77020213, 0.65727, 0.324022, 0.019192};
940  // absorption of quartz per 1 m - from jjv
941  double QuartzAbsorption[num] =
942  {0.999572036, 0.999544661, 0.999515062, 0.999483019, 0.999448285,
943  0.999410586, 0.999369611, 0.999325013, 0.999276402, 0.999223336,
944  0.999165317, 0.999101778, 0.999032079, 0.998955488, 0.998871172,
945  0.998778177, 0.99867541, 0.998561611, 0.998435332, 0.998294892, 0.998138345,
946  0.997963425, 0.997767484, 0.997547418,
947  0.99729958, 0.99701966, 0.99670255, 0.996342167, 0.995931242, 0.995461041,
948  0.994921022, 0.994298396, 0.993577567, 0.992739402, 0.991760297, 0.990610945};
950  // absorption of epotek per one layer - thicknes 0.001'' - from jjv
951  double EpotekAbsorption[num] =
952  {0.99999999, 0.99999999, 0.99999999, 0.99999999, 0.99999999,
953  0.99999999, 0.99999999, 0.99999999, 0.99999999, 0.99999999,
954  0.99999999, 0.99999999, 0.99999999, 0.99999999, 0.99999999,
955  0.99999999, 0.99999999, 0.99999999, 0.99999999, 0.99999999,
956  0.99999999, 0.99999999, 0.99999999, 0.99999999, 0.99999999,
957  0.9999, 0.9998, 0.9995, 0.999, 0.998, 0.997, 0.996, 0.9955, 0.993,
958  0.9871, 0.9745};
960  //N-Lak 33a
961  double Nlak33aAbsorption[76] = {371813, 352095, 331021, 310814, 291458, 272937, 255238, 238342, 222234, 206897, 192313, 178463, 165331, 152896, 141140, 130043, 119585, 109747, 100507, 91846.3, 83743.1, 76176.7, 69126.1, 62570.2, 56488, 50858.3, 45660.1, 40872.4, 36474.6, 32445.8, 28765.9, 25414.6, 22372.2, 19619.3, 17136.9, 14906.5, 12910.2, 11130.3, 9550.13, 8153.3, 6924.25, 5848.04, 4910.46, 4098.04, 3398.06, 2798.54, 2288.32, 1856.99, 1494.92, 1193.28, 943.973, 739.657, 573.715, 440.228, 333.94, 250.229, 185.064, 134.967, 96.9664, 68.5529, 47.6343, 32.4882, 21.7174, 14.2056, 9.07612, 5.65267, 3.4241, 2.01226, 1.14403, 0.62722, 0.330414, 0.166558, 0.0799649, 0.0363677, 0.0155708, 0.00623089};
963  double EpotekThickness = 0.001 * 2.54 * cm;
964  for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
965  {
966  WaveLength[i] = (300 + i * 10) * nanometer;
967  //Absorption[i]= 100*m; // not true, just due to definiton -> not absorb any
968  AirAbsorption[i] = 4. * cm; // if photon in the air -> kill it immediately
969  AirRefractiveIndex[i] = 1.;
970  PhotonEnergy[num - (i + 1)] = LambdaE / WaveLength[i];
972  /* as the absorption is given per length and G4 needs
973  mean free path length, calculate it here
974  mean free path length - taken as probability equal 1/e
975  that the photon will be absorbed */
977  EpotekAbsorption[i] = (-1) / log(EpotekAbsorption[i]) * EpotekThickness;
978  QuartzAbsorption[i] = (-1) / log(QuartzAbsorption[i]) * 100 * cm;
979  KamLandOilAbsorption[i] = (-1) / log(KamLandOilAbsorption[i]) * 50 * cm;
980  }
982  /**************************** REFRACTIVE INDEXES ****************************/
984  // only phase refractive indexes are necessary -> g4 calculates group itself !!
986  double QuartzRefractiveIndex[num] = {
987  1.456535, 1.456812, 1.4571, 1.457399, 1.457712, 1.458038, 1.458378,
988  1.458735, 1.459108, 1.4595, 1.459911, 1.460344, 1.460799, 1.46128,
989  1.461789, 1.462326, 1.462897, 1.463502, 1.464146, 1.464833,
990  1.465566, 1.46635, 1.46719, 1.468094, 1.469066, 1.470116, 1.471252, 1.472485,
991  1.473826, 1.475289, 1.476891, 1.478651, 1.480592, 1.482739, 1.485127, 1.487793};
993  double EpotekRefractiveIndex[num] = {
994  1.554034, 1.555575, 1.55698, 1.558266, 1.559454, 1.56056, 1.561604,
995  1.562604, 1.563579, 1.564547, 1.565526, 1.566536, 1.567595,
996  1.568721, 1.569933, 1.57125, 1.57269, 1.574271, 1.576012,
997  1.577932, 1.580049, 1.582381, 1.584948, 1.587768, 1.590859,
998  1.59424, 1.597929, 1.601946, 1.606307, 1.611033, 1.616141, 1.621651, 1.62758,
999  1.633947, 1.640771, 1.64807};
1001  double KamLandOilRefractiveIndex[num] = {
1002  1.433055, 1.433369, 1.433698, 1.434045, 1.434409, 1.434793, 1.435198,
1003  1.435626, 1.436077, 1.436555, 1.4371, 1.4376, 1.4382, 1.4388, 1.4395,
1004  1.4402, 1.4409, 1.4415, 1.4425, 1.4434, 1.4444, 1.4455, 1.4464, 1.4479, 1.4501,
1005  1.450428, 1.451976, 1.453666, 1.455513, 1.45754, 1.45977, 1.462231, 1.464958,
1006  1.467991, 1.471377, 1.475174};
1008  double Nlak33aRefractiveIndex[76] = {1.73816, 1.73836, 1.73858, 1.73881, 1.73904, 1.73928, 1.73952, 1.73976, 1.74001, 1.74026, 1.74052, 1.74078, 1.74105, 1.74132, 1.7416, 1.74189, 1.74218, 1.74249, 1.74279, 1.74311, 1.74344, 1.74378, 1.74412, 1.74448, 1.74485, 1.74522, 1.74562, 1.74602, 1.74644, 1.74687, 1.74732, 1.74779, 1.74827, 1.74878, 1.7493, 1.74985, 1.75042, 1.75101, 1.75163, 1.75228, 1.75296, 1.75368, 1.75443, 1.75521, 1.75604, 1.75692, 1.75784, 1.75882, 1.75985, 1.76095, 1.76211, 1.76335, 1.76467, 1.76608, 1.76758, 1.7692, 1.77093, 1.77279, 1.7748, 1.77698, 1.77934, 1.7819, 1.7847, 1.78775, 1.79111, 1.79481, 1.79889, 1.80343, 1.8085, 1.81419, 1.82061, 1.8279, 1.83625, 1.84589, 1.85713, 1.87039};
1012  if (m_Params->get_int_param("disable_photon_sim") == 0)
1013  {
1014  // option disable photon simulation if explicitly set via macro
1015  static bool once = true;
1016  if (once)
1017  {
1018  once = false;
1019  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " : warning parameter disable_photon_sim = " << m_Params->get_int_param("disable_photon_sim")
1020  << " and photon simulation is disabled in DIRC!" << std::endl;
1021  }
1023  // Quartz material => Si02
1024  G4MaterialPropertiesTable* QuartzMPT = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable();
1025  QuartzMPT->AddProperty("RINDEX", PhotonEnergy, QuartzRefractiveIndex, num);
1026  QuartzMPT->AddProperty("ABSLENGTH", PhotonEnergy, QuartzAbsorption, num);
1028  // assign this parameter table to BAR material
1029  BarMaterial->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(QuartzMPT);
1031  // Air
1032  G4MaterialPropertiesTable* AirMPT = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable();
1033  AirMPT->AddProperty("RINDEX", PhotonEnergy, AirRefractiveIndex, num);
1034  AirMPT->AddProperty("ABSLENGTH", PhotonEnergy, AirAbsorption, num);
1035  // assign this parameter table to the air
1036  defaultMaterial->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(AirMPT);
1038  // KamLandOil
1039  G4MaterialPropertiesTable* KamLandOilMPT = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable();
1040  KamLandOilMPT->AddProperty("RINDEX", PhotonEnergy, KamLandOilRefractiveIndex, num);
1041  KamLandOilMPT->AddProperty("ABSLENGTH", PhotonEnergy, KamLandOilAbsorption, num);
1042  // assing this parameter table to the KamLandOil
1043  OilMaterial->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(KamLandOilMPT);
1045  // N-Lak 33a
1046  G4MaterialPropertiesTable* Nlak33aMPT = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable();
1047  Nlak33aMPT->AddProperty("RINDEX", PhotonEnergyNlak33a, Nlak33aRefractiveIndex, 76);
1048  Nlak33aMPT->AddProperty("ABSLENGTH", PhotonEnergyNlak33a, Nlak33aAbsorption, 76);
1049  Nlak33aMaterial->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(Nlak33aMPT);
1051  // PbF2
1052  G4MaterialPropertiesTable* PbF2MPT = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable();
1053  PbF2MPT->AddProperty("RINDEX", en_PbF2, ref_PbF2, n_PbF2);
1054  PbF2MPT->AddProperty("ABSLENGTH", en_PbF2, ab_PbF2, n_PbF2);
1055  PbF2Material->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(PbF2MPT);
1057  // Sapphire
1058  G4MaterialPropertiesTable* SapphireMPT = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable();
1059  SapphireMPT->AddProperty("RINDEX", en_Sapphire, ref_Sapphire, n_Sapphire);
1060  SapphireMPT->AddProperty("ABSLENGTH", en_Sapphire, ab_Sapphire, n_Sapphire);
1061  SapphireMaterial->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(SapphireMPT);
1063  // Epotek Glue
1064  G4MaterialPropertiesTable* EpotekMPT = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable();
1065  EpotekMPT->AddProperty("RINDEX", PhotonEnergy, EpotekRefractiveIndex, num);
1066  EpotekMPT->AddProperty("ABSLENGTH", PhotonEnergy, EpotekAbsorption, num);
1067  // assign this parameter table to the epotek
1068  epotekMaterial->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(EpotekMPT);
1069  }
1070 }
1073 {
1074  /*G4VisAttributes *waModuleEnvelope = new G4VisAttributes();
1075  waModuleEnvelope->SetVisibility(false);
1076  waModuleEnvelope->SetColour(G4Colour::Red());
1077  waModuleEnvelope->SetForceWireframe(true);
1078  log_module_envelope->SetVisAttributes(waModuleEnvelope);
1079  log_module_envelope_inner->SetVisAttributes(waModuleEnvelope);
1081  G4VisAttributes *waFullEnvelope = new G4VisAttributes();
1082  waFullEnvelope->SetVisibility(false);
1083  waFullEnvelope->SetColour(G4Colour::Red());
1084  waFullEnvelope->SetForceWireframe(true);
1085  DetectorLog_Det->SetVisAttributes(waFullEnvelope);
1087  G4VisAttributes *waSupport = new G4VisAttributes();
1088  waSupport->SetColour(G4Colour::Gray());
1089  waSupport->SetVisibility(true);
1090  waSupport->SetForceSolid(true);
1091  Log_End_Support->SetVisAttributes(waSupport);
1092  Log_Longitudinal_Support->SetVisAttributes(waSupport);
1093  Log_End_Support_inner->SetVisAttributes(waSupport);
1094  */
1095  G4Colour DircColour = G4Colour(1., 1.0, 0., 1.);
1097  /*G4VisAttributes *waDirc = new G4VisAttributes(DircColour);
1098  waDirc->SetForceWireframe(true);
1099  waDirc->SetVisibility(false);
1100  lDirc->SetVisAttributes(waDirc);
1101  */
1102  G4VisAttributes* waFd = new G4VisAttributes(DircColour);
1103  waFd->SetForceWireframe(true);
1104  lFd->SetVisAttributes(waFd);
1106  G4VisAttributes* waBar = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0., 153./255, 0., 1)); //0.05
1107  waBar->SetVisibility(true);
1108  lBarL->SetVisAttributes(waBar);
1109  lBarS->SetVisAttributes(waBar);
1111  G4VisAttributes* waGlue = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0., 0.4, 0.9, 1));
1112  waGlue->SetVisibility(true);
1113  lGlue->SetVisAttributes(waGlue);
1115  G4VisAttributes* waMirror = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(1., 1., 0.9, 1));
1116  waMirror->SetVisibility(true);
1117  lMirror->SetVisAttributes(waMirror);
1119  double transp = 1;
1120  G4VisAttributes* vaLens = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0., 1., 1., transp));
1121  //vaLens->SetForceWireframe(true);
1122  // vaLens->SetForceAuxEdgeVisible(true);
1123  // vaLens->SetForceLineSegmentsPerCircle(10);
1124  // vaLens->SetLineWidth(4);
1126  if (fLensId == 100) lLens3->SetVisAttributes(vaLens);
1128  if (fLensId == 2 || fLensId == 3 || fLensId == 6)
1129  {
1130  lLens1->SetVisAttributes(vaLens);
1131  G4VisAttributes* vaLens2 = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0., 1., 1., transp));
1132  vaLens2->SetColour(G4Colour(0., 0.5, 1., transp));
1133  vaLens2->SetForceWireframe(true);
1134  lLens2->SetVisAttributes(vaLens2);
1135  if (fLensId == 3 || fLensId == 6) lLens3->SetVisAttributes(vaLens);
1136  }
1138  G4VisAttributes* waPrizm = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0., 0.9, 0.9, 1)); //0.4
1139  // waPrizm->SetForceAuxEdgeVisible(true);
1140  // waPrizm->SetForceSolid(true);
1141  lPrizm->SetVisAttributes(waPrizm);
1143  // G4VisAttributes *waMcp = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.1,0.1,0.9,0.3));
1144  G4VisAttributes* waMcp = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(1.0, 0., 0.1, 1));
1145  // waMcp->SetForceWireframe(true);
1146  waMcp->SetForceSolid(true);
1147  lMcp->SetVisAttributes(waMcp);
1149  G4VisAttributes* waPixel = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.7, 0.0, 0.1, 1));
1150  waPixel->SetForceWireframe(true);
1151  if (fMcpLayout == 3)
1152  waPixel->SetVisibility(true);
1153  else
1154  waPixel->SetVisibility(true);
1155  lPixel->SetVisAttributes(waPixel);
1156 }
1159 {
1160  const int num = 36;
1161  //ideal pmt quantum efficiency
1162  double QuantumEfficiencyIdial[num] =
1163  {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
1164  1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
1165  1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
1166  1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
1168  // Burle PMT's
1169  double QuantumEfficiencyB[num] =
1170  {0., 0.001, 0.002, 0.005, 0.01, 0.015, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04, 0.05, 0.06,
1171  0.07, 0.09, 0.1, 0.13, 0.15, 0.17, 0.2, 0.24, 0.26, 0.28, 0.282, 0.284, 0.286,
1172  0.288, 0.29, 0.28, 0.26, 0.24, 0.22, 0.20, 0.18, 0.15, 0.13, 0.12, 0.10};
1174  //hamamatsu pmt quantum efficiency
1175  double QuantumEfficiencyPMT[num] =
1176  {0.001, 0.002, 0.004, 0.007, 0.011, 0.015, 0.020, 0.026, 0.033, 0.040, 0.045,
1177  0.056, 0.067, 0.085, 0.109, 0.129, 0.138, 0.147, 0.158, 0.170,
1178  0.181, 0.188, 0.196, 0.203, 0.206, 0.212, 0.218, 0.219, 0.225, 0.230,
1179  0.228, 0.222, 0.217, 0.210, 0.199, 0.177};
1181  if (id == 0) fQuantumEfficiency = QuantumEfficiencyIdial;
1182  if (id == 1) fQuantumEfficiency = QuantumEfficiencyPMT;
1183  if (id == 2) fQuantumEfficiency = QuantumEfficiencyB;
1185  G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->GeometryHasBeenModified();
1186 }
1188 void G4EicDircDetector::Print(const std::string& what) const
1189 {
1190  std::cout << "EIC Dirc Detector:" << std::endl;
1191  if (what == "ALL" || what == "VOLUME")
1192  {
1193  std::cout << "Version 0.1" << std::endl;
1194  std::cout << "Parameters:" << std::endl;
1195  m_Params->Print();
1196  }
1197  return;
1198 }