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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file analysis.C
2 #define _NDF_MAX_ 1000
4 void analysis()
5 {
6  // Load basic libraries;
7  gROOT->Macro("$VMCWORKDIR/gconfig/rootlogon.C");
9  // Input simulated & reconstructed files;
10  TFile *ff = new TFile("simulation.root");
11  TTree *cbmsim = ff->Get("cbmsim");
12  cbmsim->AddFriend("cbmsim", "reconstruction.root");
14  // Figure out max and most popular ndf value;
15  TClonesArray *rctrk = new TClonesArray("PndPidCandidate");
16  cbmsim->SetBranchAddress("PidChargedCand",&rctrk);
17  unsigned nEvt = cbmsim->GetEntries(), ndfMax = 0;
18  unsigned arr[1000]; memset(arr, 0x00, sizeof(arr));
19  for (unsigned evt = 0; evt<nEvt; evt++) {
20  cbmsim->GetEntry(evt);
22  if (rctrk->GetEntriesFast()) {
23  PndPidCandidate *rctrack = rctrk->At(0);
25  int ndf = rctrack->GetDegreesOfFreedom();
26  if (ndf > ndfMax) ndfMax = ndf;
27  if (ndf < _NDF_MAX_) arr[ndf]++;
28  }
29  }
30  unsigned ndfMostPopular = 0, ndfMostPopularStat = 0;
31  for(unsigned iq=0; iq<_NDF_MAX_; iq++)
32  if (arr[iq] > ndfMostPopularStat) {
33  ndfMostPopular = iq;
34  ndfMostPopularStat = arr[iq];
35  }
37  // This assumes single-track events of course (a typical case for a particle gun);
38  char *expression = "100.*(PidChargedCand.GetMomentum().Mag()-MCTrack.GetMomentum().Mag())/MCTrack.GetMomentum().Mag()";
39  //char *expression = "10000.*(PidChargedCand.GetMomentum().Theta()-MCTrack.GetMomentum().Theta())";
40  //char *expression = "1000.*(PidChargedCand.GetMomentum().Phi()-MCTrack.GetMomentum().Phi())";
41  char cut[1024];
42  // Allow to lose a couple of degrees of freedom compared to the max (assume standard) case;
43  sprintf(cut, "EicIdealGenTrack.fNDF>=%d&&EicIdealGenTrack.fChiSquareCCDF>.001", ndfMostPopular-2);
45  double par[100]; memset(par, 0x00, sizeof(par));
47  // Fitting is performed in 3 iteration, the last one in a +/-5*sigma range;
48  TH1D *dp1 = new TH1D("dp1", "dp1", 100, -20.0, 20.0);
49  cbmsim->Project("dp1", expression, cut);
50  TF1 *fq1 = new TF1("fq1", "gaus(0)", -20.0, 20.0);
51  // Be aware, that par[2] (sigma) may require some tuning here;
52  par[0] = 100.0; par[1] = 0.0; par[2] = 1.0;
53  fq1->SetParameters(par);
54  dp1->Fit("fq1","R");
55  fq1->GetParameters(par);
57  double sigma2 = fabs(par[2]), min2 = -5*sigma2, max2 = 5*sigma2;
59  TH1D *dp2 = new TH1D("dp2", "dp2", 100, min2, max2);
60  cbmsim->Project("dp2", expression, cut);
61  TF1 *fq2 = new TF1("fq2", "gaus(0)", min2, max2);
62  fq2->SetParameters(par);
63  dp2->Fit("fq2","R");
64  fq2->GetParameters(par);
66  double sigma3 = fabs(par[2]), min3 = -5*sigma3, max3 = 5*sigma3;
68  TH1D *dp3 = new TH1D("dp3", "dp3", 100, min3, max3);
69  cbmsim->Project("dp3", expression, cut);
70  TF1 *fq3 = new TF1("fq3", "gaus(0)", min3, max3);
71  fq3->SetParameters(par);
72  dp3->Fit("fq3","R");
73 } // analysis()