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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file FairContFact.cxx
1 #//*-- AUTHOR : Ilse Koenig
2 //*-- Created : 21/10/2004
5 //
6 // FairContFact
7 //
8 // Base class of all factories for the parameter containers
9 //
12 #include "FairContFact.h"
13 #include "FairRuntimeDb.h"
15 #include "TObjString.h"
18 #include <iostream>
20 using std::cout;
26  :TNamed(),
27  contexts(NULL),
28  actualContext(""),
29  fLogger(FairLogger::GetLogger())
30 {
31 }
32 // Default constructor
34 FairContainer::FairContainer(const char* name, const char* title,
35  const char* defContext)
36  : TNamed(name, title),
37  contexts(new TList()),
38  actualContext(""),
39  fLogger(FairLogger::GetLogger())
40 {
41  // Constructor
42  // Arguments: name = name of the corresponding parameter container
43  // title = title of this parameter container
44  // defContext = default context of this parameter container
45  addContext(defContext);
46 }
49 {
50  // Destructor deletes the list of accepted contexts
51  if (contexts) {
52  contexts->Delete();
53  delete contexts;
54  }
55 }
58 {
59  // Adds a context to the list of accepted contexts
60  TObjString* c=new TObjString(name);
61  contexts->Add(c);
62 }
65 {
66  // The function sets the actual context for the container, if it is in the list of
67  // accepted contexts. When the actual context was already set before, it prints a warning
68  // and ignores the second setting.
69  // The function returns kFALSE, when the context is not in the list.
70  if (contexts->FindObject(c)) {
71  if (actualContext.IsNull()) { actualContext=c; }
72  else Warning("addContext",
73  "Actual context of parameter container %s already defined as %s",
74  GetName(),actualContext.Data());
75  return kTRUE;
76  }
77  return kFALSE;
78 }
81 {
82  // Returns the default context
83  return ((TObjString*)contexts->At(0))->String().Data();
84 }
87 {
88  // prints the name, title of the container together with the actual context set
89  // or all possible contexts, when the actual context was not set
90  cout<<fName<<"\t"<<fTitle<<"\n";
91  if (!actualContext.IsNull()) { cout<<" actual context: "<<actualContext<<"\n"; }
92  else {
93  TIter next(contexts);
94  Int_t i=0;
95  TObjString* c;
96  cout<<" all contexts:"<<"\n";
97  while ((c=(TObjString*)next())) {
98  if (c->String().IsNull()) { cout<<" \"\""; }
99  else { cout<<" "<<c->String(); }
100  if (i==0) { cout<<"\t default"; }
101  cout<<"\n";
102  i++;
103  }
104  }
105 }
108 {
109  // Returns the name of the parameter container used in the constructor and the
110  // runtime database.
111  // When the parameter container supportes different contexts (not only an empty string)
112  // and the actual context set is not the default context, the new name of the parameter
113  // container is concatinated as
114  // original container name + _ + actualcontext
115  TString cn=fName;
116  if (!actualContext.IsNull() && actualContext!=((TObjString*)contexts->At(0))->String()) {
117  cn+="_";
118  cn+=actualContext;
119  }
120  return cn;
121 }
124 {
125  // return the actual context, if set, or the default context
126  if (!actualContext.IsNull()) { return actualContext.Data(); }
127  else { return getDefaultContext(); }
128 }
130 //------------------------------------------------------------------
133  : TNamed(),
134  containers(new TList),
135  fLogger(FairLogger::GetLogger())
136 {
137  // Constructor creates a list to store objects of type FairContainer
138  // containers=new TList;
139 }
142 {
143  // Destructor deletes the container list and its elements
144  containers->Delete();
145  delete containers;
146 }
148 Bool_t FairContFact::addContext(const char* name)
149 {
150  // Set the actual context in all containers, which accept this context
151  FairContainer* c=0;
152  Bool_t found=kFALSE;
153  TIter next(containers);
154  while ((c=(FairContainer*)next())) {
155  if (c->setActualContext(name)) { found=kTRUE; }
156  }
157  return found;
158 }
161 {
162  // Returns the pointer to the parameter container in the runtime database
163  // If this parameter container does not yet exit, it calls the function
164  // createContainer(FairContainer*), which is implemented in the derived classes
165  // and calls the corresponding constructor. Then the pointer it added in the
166  // runtime database.
167  FairContainer* c=(FairContainer*)(containers->FindObject(name));
169  FairParSet* cont=0;
170  if (c) {
171  TString cn=c->getConcatName();
173  if (!(cont=rtdb->findContainer(c->getConcatName().Data()))) {
174  if (strlen(c->getActualContext())==0) { c->setActualContext(c->getDefaultContext()); }
175  cont=createContainer(c);
176  if (cont) { rtdb->addContainer(cont); }
177  }
178  }
179  return cont;
180 }
183 {
184  // Loops over all containers in the list and calls their print() function
185  cout<<"---------------------------------------------------------------------------"<<"\n";
186  cout<<GetName()<<": "<<GetTitle()<<"\n";
187  cout<<"---------------------------------------------------------------------------"<<"\n";
188  FairContainer* c;
189  TIter next(containers);
190  while ((c=(FairContainer*)next())) { c->print(); }
191 }