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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file TreeToHepMC.cxx
10 #include <string>
11 #include <iostream>
13 #include <TString.h>
14 #include <TSystem.h>
15 #include <TBranch.h>
16 #include <TLeaf.h>
17 #include <TDatabasePDG.h>
20 #include "eicsmear/erhic/File.h"
22 #include "HepMC3/GenEvent.h"
23 #include "HepMC3/GenVertex.h"
24 #include "HepMC3/GenParticle.h"
25 #include "HepMC3/GenCrossSection.h"
26 #include "HepMC3/Attribute.h"
27 #include "HepMC3/Version.h"
28 #include "HepMC3/WriterAscii.h"
29 #include "HepMC3/WriterAsciiHepMC2.h"
30 #include "HepMC3/WriterRoot.h"
31 #include "HepMC3/WriterRootTree.h"
33 #include <map>
35 using std::cout;
36 using std::cerr;
37 using std::endl;
39 using HepMC3::FourVector;
40 using HepMC3::GenRunInfo;
41 using HepMC3::GenEvent;
42 using HepMC3::GenParticle;
43 using HepMC3::GenParticlePtr;
44 using HepMC3::GenVertex;
45 using HepMC3::GenVertexPtr;
46 using HepMC3::GenCrossSection;
47 using HepMC3::GenCrossSectionPtr;
49 // see include/eicsmear/functions.h for declaration and default values
56 Long64_t TreeToHepMC(const std::string& inputFileName,
57  const std::string& outputDirName,
58  Long64_t maxEvent,
59  const erhic::HepMC_outtype outtype) {
61  // Make sure this is a root file,
62  if ( !TString(inputFileName).EndsWith(".root", TString::kIgnoreCase) ){
63  cerr << "Warning: " << inputFileName << " does not end with .root" << endl;
64  }
66  // Open the input file and get the Monte Carlo tree from it.
67  // Complain and quit if we don't find the file or the tree.
68  TFile inFile(inputFileName.c_str(), "READ");
69  if (!inFile.IsOpen()) {
70  std::cerr << "Unable to open " << inputFileName << std::endl;
71  } // if
72  TTree* mcTree(NULL);
73  // TODO: Extend to smeared trees
74  inFile.GetObject("EICTree", mcTree);
75  if (!mcTree) {
76  std::cerr << "Unable to find EICTree in " << inputFileName << std::endl;
77  return 1;
78  }
79  erhic::EventMC* inEvent(NULL);
80  mcTree->SetBranchAddress("event",&inEvent);
82  // Get generator name
83  TClass* branchClass = TClass::GetClass(mcTree->GetBranch("event")->GetClassName());
84  TString generatorname = branchClass->GetName();
85  if (branchClass->InheritsFrom("erhic::EventDis")) {
86  generatorname.ReplaceAll("erhic::Event","");
87  } else {
88  cerr << branchClass->GetName() << " is not supported." << endl;
89  return -1;
90  } // if
92  // BeAGLE is currently unfixable; using a kludge to salvage what we can
93  bool beaglemode=false;
94  if (branchClass->InheritsFrom("erhic::EventBeagle")) {
95  cout << "Warning: BeAGLE support is rudimentary. Can't fix mother-daughter structure." << endl;
96  cout << endl;
97  beaglemode=true;
98  }
100  // Older Milou files need special treatment
101  bool legacymilou=false;
102  bool milouwarn=false; // Need to enter event loop to determine, but warn only once
103  if (branchClass->InheritsFrom("erhic::EventMilou")) {
104  legacymilou=true;
105  }
107  // Run info
108  std::shared_ptr<GenRunInfo> run = std::make_shared<GenRunInfo>();
109  struct GenRunInfo::ToolInfo generator={
110  std::string(generatorname),
111  std::string("unknown version"),
112  std::string("Used generator")
113  };
114  run->tools().push_back(generator);
115  // Can be used to save the name of the control card if known (not usually the case)
116  // struct HepMC3::GenRunInfo::ToolInfo config={cardname,"1.0",std::string("Control cards")};
118  // can be used for customized weight names
119  // currently only DEMP uses weights, named "weight"
120  // We'll need to catch that later but for here just use the default
121  std::vector<std::string> wnames;
122  if (!wnames.size()) wnames.push_back("default");
123  run->set_weight_names(wnames);
125  // cross-section et al are stored as special strings
126  // We don't have incremental information, so attach the full info to the header.
127  // Need to also use HepMC3::GenCrossSection for rivet
128  // Christian Bierlich recommends just using the same for each event
130  double crossSection = 1.0;
131  double crossSectionError = 0.0;
133  // The super set, not all generators supply all of these
134  // could also record accepted_events and attempted_events
135  std::vector <string> RunAttributes = {"crossSection", "crossSectionError", "nEvents", "nTrials" };
136  for ( auto att : RunAttributes ){
137  TObjString* ObjString(nullptr);
138  inFile.GetObject(att.c_str(), ObjString);
139  if (ObjString) {
140  double value = std::atof(ObjString->String());
141  if ( att == "crossSection" ) {
142  // crossSection is in microbarn! Converting to HepMC's pb standard
143  value *=1e6;
144  crossSection = value;
145  }
146  if ( att == "crossSectionError" ){
147  // crossSection is in microbarn! Converting to HepMC's pb standard
148  value *=1e6;
149  crossSectionError = value;
150  }
151  cout << " Adding to the header: " << att << " " << value << endl;
152  run->add_attribute( att, std::make_shared<HepMC3::DoubleAttribute>( value )) ;
153  }
154  }
156  // Construct the output from the input file name,
157  // stripping any leading directory path via
158  // use of the BaseName() method from TSystem.
159  TString outName = gSystem->BaseName(inputFileName.c_str());
160  // Replace the extension
161  outName.Replace(outName.Last('.'), outName.Length(), "");
162  outName.Append(".hepmc");
164  TString outDir(outputDirName);
165  if (!outDir.EndsWith("/")) outDir.Append('/');
166  outName.Prepend(outDir);
168  // Could also use a std::map<HepMC_outtype,std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::Writer> or somesuch
169  // Open the output file.
170  std::shared_ptr<HepMC3::Writer> file;
171  switch ( outtype ) {
173  file = std::make_shared<HepMC3::WriterAsciiHepMC2>(outName.Data(),run);
174  break;
176  file = std::make_shared<HepMC3::WriterAscii>(outName.Data(),run);
177  break;
179  // a tree of (serialized, rootified) GenEvents
180  outName.Append(".root");
181  file = std::make_shared<HepMC3::WriterRootTree>(outName.Data(),run);
182  // file = std::make_shared<HepMC3::WriterRootTree>(outName.Data(),"tree","event",run);
183  break;
185  // a flat collection of N (serialized, rootified) GenEvents
186  outName.Append(".root");
187  file = std::make_shared<HepMC3::WriterRoot>(outName.Data(),run);
188  break;
189  default :
190  cerr << "Unknown HepMC_outtype" << endl;
191  return -1;
192  break; // Unneeded, except sometimes cint gets confused
193  }
195  // Event Loop
196  if (mcTree->GetEntries() < maxEvent || maxEvent < 1) {
197  maxEvent = mcTree->GetEntries();
198  }
199  std::cout <<
200  "/-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-/"
201  << std::endl;
202  std::cout <<
203  "/ Commencing conversion of " << maxEvent << " events."
204  << std::endl;
205  std::cout <<
206  "/-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-/"
207  << std::endl;
209  for (Long64_t i(0); i < maxEvent; i++) {
210  if (i % 10000 == 0 && i != 0) {
211  std::cout << "Processing event " << i << std::endl;
212  }
213  mcTree->GetEntry(i);
215  // Construct new empty HepMC3 event and fill it.
216  // Using GeV and cm (!)
217  GenEvent hepmc3evt( HepMC3::Units::GEV, HepMC3::Units::CM );
218  hepmc3evt.set_event_number(i);
219  hepmc3evt.weights().clear();
220  hepmc3evt.weights().push_back(1.0);
222  // attach cross section in pb
223  GenCrossSectionPtr xsec = std::make_shared<GenCrossSection>();
224  xsec->set_cross_section( crossSection, crossSectionError);
225  hepmc3evt.set_cross_section(xsec);
227  // Go through event-wise variables
228  // Leaves -> particles but also generator-specific variables
229  auto leaves = mcTree->GetListOfLeaves();
230  for ( int l = 0 ; l < leaves->GetEntries(); ++l ){
231  TLeaf* leaf = (TLeaf*) leaves->At(l);
232  TString lname = leaf->GetName();
233  TString c = leaf->GetTypeName();
234  if ( lname.BeginsWith("particles") ) continue;
235  // cout << lname << " " << leaf->GetValue() << endl;
237  // Catch weight
238  if ( lname == "weight"){
239  hepmc3evt.weights().clear();
240  hepmc3evt.weights().push_back( leaf->GetValue() );
241  continue;
242  }
243  // Store generator variables - upconvert types
244  if ( lname.Contains( "char", TString::kIgnoreCase) ) {
245  // This can be a char type or a C string. I'm not aware
246  // of either use case, so don't waste time to differentiate, just ignore
247  continue;
248  }
249  if ( lname.Contains( "long", TString::kIgnoreCase) ) {
250  hepmc3evt.add_attribute(lname.Data(),std::make_shared<HepMC3::LongAttribute>( leaf->GetValue() )) ;
251  continue;
252  }
253  if ( lname.Contains( "int", TString::kIgnoreCase)
254  || lname.Contains( "short", TString::kIgnoreCase) ) {
255  hepmc3evt.add_attribute(lname.Data(),std::make_shared<HepMC3::IntAttribute>( leaf->GetValue() )) ;
256  continue;
257  }
258  if ( lname.Contains( "float", TString::kIgnoreCase)
259  || lname.Contains( "double", TString::kIgnoreCase) ) {
260  hepmc3evt.add_attribute(lname.Data(),std::make_shared<HepMC3::DoubleAttribute>( leaf->GetValue() )) ;
261  continue;
262  }
263  // ignore everything else, e.g. bool
264  } // leaf list
266  // Multiple parents seem to only be in BeAGLE
267  // and somewtimes there seem to be exactly 2 parents, sometimes a range like for daughters.
268  // I cannot differentiate between the two, and for the exact case, it erroneously gives the impression
269  // of a large range, like 17 -- 254 which will wreak havoc on the graph.
270  // "Remedy": pre-burner
271  // - All intermediate non-beam particles have the exchange boson as their mother.
272  // - hadrons and leptons with status 2:
273  // - if they have exactly one parent with status 2 (decay chain),
274  // maintain that parent
275  // - otherwise, they're the start of a decay, treat like a final particle
276  // - hadrons and leptons with status 1:
277  // - if they have exactly one parent with status 2 (decay product),
278  // maintain that parent
279  // - otherwise, they're final, attach to the single final particle vertex
280  // - When the graph gets created, we'll separate and add another dummy node to connect
281  // the boson to via all non-finals
282  // and the finals one as out-going edges
283  // --> Incorrect vertex information (but I don't see it correctly in the original anyway)
285  // Use a special index to refer to the dummy vertex
286  // Should be ushort_max, but keep it flexible
287  auto beagle_final_index = std::numeric_limits< decltype(inEvent->GetTrack(0)->GetParentIndex())>::max();
289  if ( beaglemode ){
290  auto bosonindex=inEvent->ExchangeBoson()->GetIndex();
291  // IMPORTANT! ScatteredLepton() will segfault after we change its lineage!
292  // Last time we can use it.
293  auto scatteredindex = inEvent->ScatteredLepton()->GetIndex();
295  for( unsigned int t=0; t<inEvent->GetNTracks(); ++t) {
296  Particle* inParticle = inEvent->GetTrack(t);
297  auto myindex = inParticle->GetIndex();
299  // special cases first
300  // beam
301  if ( myindex==inEvent->BeamLepton()->GetIndex()
302  || myindex==inEvent->BeamHadron()->GetIndex()
303  ) continue;
305  // Scattered lepton. It may well not be a direct descendant, but we'll stuff that
306  // intermediate history in with the rest. But the beam needs a final lepton daughter
307  if ( myindex==scatteredindex ){
308  inParticle->SetParentIndex( inEvent->BeamLepton()->GetIndex() );
309  inParticle->SetParentIndex1( 0 );
310  inParticle->SetChild1Index( 0 );
311  inParticle->SetChildNIndex( 0 );
312  continue;
313  }
315  // boson
316  if ( myindex==bosonindex ){
317  inParticle->SetChild1Index( 5 );
318  inParticle->SetChildNIndex( inEvent->GetNTracks() );
319  continue;
320  }
322  auto pdg = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle( inParticle->Id() );
323  // Note: ROOT's table is outdated and doesn't catch, e.g. Delta baryons
324  switch (inParticle->GetStatus() ){
325  case 2 :
326  // mis-labeled as 2?
327  if ( !pdg ){ // ignore unknown particles (e.g. pomerons, ions)
328  inParticle->SetStatus(12);
329  } else if ( !TString(pdg->ParticleClass()).Contains("Lepton")
330  && !TString(pdg->ParticleClass()).Contains("Baryon")
331  && !TString(pdg->ParticleClass()).Contains("Meson")
332  ){
333  inParticle->SetStatus(12);
334  inParticle->SetParentIndex( bosonindex );
335  inParticle->SetParentIndex1( 0 );
337  inParticle->SetChild1Index( beagle_final_index ); // not needed but logically true
338  inParticle->SetChildNIndex( 0 );
339  } else{
340  // properly labeled as 2. We better have children
341  if ( inParticle->GetChild1Index() == 0 ){
342  std::cout << "Processing event " << i << std::endl;
343  std::cout << "Processing track " << t << " with index " << inParticle->GetIndex() << std::endl;
344  std::cout << "I am a hadron or lepton with status 2, but I do not have children. " << std::endl;
345  return -1;
346  }
347  // We better have exaxctly one parent
348  // Alas, this too does happen
349  if ( inParticle->GetParentIndex1()!=0 ){
350  std::cout << "Processing event " << i << std::endl;
351  std::cout << "Processing track " << t << " with index " << inParticle->GetIndex() << std::endl;
352  std::cout << "Warning: I am a hadron or lepton with status 2, but I have too many parents. " << std::endl;
353  std::cout << "Discarding the older one" << std::endl;
354  // std::cout << inParticle->GetParentIndex() << " " << inParticle->GetParentIndex1() << endl;
355  inParticle->SetParentIndex( std::max ( inParticle->GetParentIndex(), inParticle->GetParentIndex1() ) );
356  inParticle->SetParentIndex1( 0 );
357  }
358  auto mom = inParticle->GetParent();
359  if ( !mom ){
360  std::cout << "Processing event " << i << std::endl;
361  std::cout << "Processing track " << t << " with index " << inParticle->GetIndex() << std::endl;
362  std::cout << "I am a hadron or lepton with status 2, but I have no parents. " << std::endl;
363  return -1;
364  }
365  // status of mother?
366  if ( mom->GetStatus() == 1 ){
367  std::cout << "Processing event " << i << std::endl;
368  std::cout << "Processing track " << t << " with index " << inParticle->GetIndex() << std::endl;
369  std::cout << "I am a hadron or lepton with status 2, but my mother is final. " << std::endl;
370  return -1;
371  }
372  if ( mom->GetStatus() != 2 ){
373  // We're the beginning of a decay, attach to "final" vertex
374  inParticle->SetParentIndex( beagle_final_index );
375  inParticle->SetParentIndex1( 0 );
376  }
377  }
378  break;
379  case 1:
380  {
381  // final particles
382  auto mom = inParticle->GetParent();
383  if ( mom ){
384  // status of mother?
385  if ( mom->GetStatus() == 2 ){
386  // do nothing, we keep this mother as ours
387  inParticle->SetChild1Index( 0 );
388  inParticle->SetChildNIndex( 0 );
389  break;
390  }
391  }
392  // default behavior for finals
393  inParticle->SetParentIndex( beagle_final_index );
394  inParticle->SetParentIndex1( 0 );
396  inParticle->SetChild1Index( 0 );
397  inParticle->SetChildNIndex( 0 );
398  break;
399  }
400  default :
401  // everything else
402  inParticle->SetParentIndex( bosonindex );
403  inParticle->SetParentIndex1( 0 );
405  inParticle->SetChild1Index( beagle_final_index ); // not needed but logically true
406  inParticle->SetChildNIndex( 0 );
407  break;
408  }
409  }
410  } // if ( beaglemode )
412  if ( legacymilou && inEvent->BeamLepton()->GetChild1Index()==0 ){
413  if ( !milouwarn ){
414  cout << "Warning: Trying to repair legay Milou's parentage issues." << endl;
415  cout << endl;
416  milouwarn=true;
417  }
419  // e
420  inEvent->GetTrack(1-1)->SetChild1Index(3);
421  inEvent->GetTrack(1-1)->SetChildNIndex(4);
423  // p
424  inEvent->GetTrack(2-1)->SetChild1Index(6);
425  inEvent->GetTrack(2-1)->SetChildNIndex(0);
427  // e'
428  inEvent->GetTrack(3-1)->SetParentIndex(1);
429  inEvent->GetTrack(3-1)->SetChild1Index(0);
430  inEvent->GetTrack(3-1)->SetChildNIndex(0);
432  // gamma*
433  inEvent->GetTrack(4-1)->SetParentIndex(1);
434  inEvent->GetTrack(4-1)->SetChild1Index(5);
435  inEvent->GetTrack(4-1)->SetChildNIndex(0);
437  // gamma
438  inEvent->GetTrack(5-1)->SetParentIndex(4);
439  inEvent->GetTrack(5-1)->SetChild1Index(0);
440  inEvent->GetTrack(5-1)->SetChildNIndex(0);
442  // p'
443  inEvent->GetTrack(6-1)->SetParentIndex(2);
444  inEvent->GetTrack(6-1)->SetChild1Index(0);
445  inEvent->GetTrack(6-1)->SetChildNIndex(0);
447  // ISR
448  if (inEvent->GetTrack(7-1) ){
449  inEvent->GetTrack(7-1)->SetParentIndex(0);
450  inEvent->GetTrack(7-1)->SetChild1Index(0);
451  inEvent->GetTrack(7-1)->SetChildNIndex(0);
452  }
453  }
455  // First, fix sloppily implemented mother-daughter relations
456  // Not done for BeAGLE, because of the special vertex
457  if ( !beaglemode ){
458  for( unsigned int t=0; t<inEvent->GetNTracks(); ++t) {
459  const Particle* inParticle = inEvent->GetTrack(t);
461  // Do my children know me?
462  auto myindex = inParticle->GetIndex();
463  // std::cout << "Processing track " << t << " with index " << myindex << std::endl;
464  auto c1 = inParticle->GetChild1Index();
465  auto cN = inParticle->GetChildNIndex();
466  if ( cN==0 ) cN =c1;
467  if ( c1>cN ) std::swap(c1,cN);
468  if ( c1>0 ) {
470  //In a small number of Djangoh events, the particle list will be incomplete.
471  //A particle will have a child which is not included in the particle list.
472  bool djangohproblem = false;
474  for ( UShort_t c = c1; c<=cN; ++c ){ // sigh. index starts at 1, tracks at 0;
475  Particle* child = inEvent->GetTrack(c-1);
476  if ( !child ) {
477  cerr << "Trying to access a non-existant child" << endl;
478  cerr << "Event is " << i << " Problem index is " << c << endl;
479  cerr << "If this is not a djangoh file, please contact the eic-smear developers"<<endl;
480  djangohproblem = true;
481  break;
482  }
484  // std::cout << " Processing child with index " << child->GetIndex() << std::endl;
485  auto p1 = child->GetParentIndex();
486  auto pN = child->GetParentIndex1();
487  if ( p1>pN ) std::swap(p1,pN);
488  if ( p1==0 && pN==0 ){ // child erroneously believes to be motherless
489  child->SetParentIndex( myindex );
490  } else if ( p1==0 ) { // We are the only parent, is it correctly assigned?
491  if ( pN != myindex ){
492  // Nothing we can do, e.g. pythia allows multiple parenthood but lacks a way to describe that, see:
493  // 12 12 2101 5 18 31
494  // ...
495  // 16 11 2 10 18 31
496  // ...
497  // 26 1 -211 12 0 0
498  // 27 1 211 16 0 0
499  // cerr << "My child thinks its mother is " << pN << ", but it should be " << myindex << endl;
500  // return -1;
501  }
502  } else {
503  // If multiple parents come from non-BeAGLE MC's revisit
504  cout << "Found more than one parent in a non-BeAGLE file. Please contact the authors." << endl;
505  return -1;
506  // We have more than one parent, are they correct?
507  // This would be the logic if p1 and pN _span_
508  // if ( myindex < p1 || myindex > pN ){
509  // std::cout << "Processing event " << i << std::endl;
510  // std::cout << "Processing track " << t << " with index " << myindex << std::endl;
511  // std::cout << " Processing child with index " << child->GetIndex() << std::endl;
512  // cerr << "My child thinks its mothers range between " << p1 << " and " << pN
513  // << ", but I am " << myindex << endl;
514  // // return -1;
515  // }
516  // Instead, it seems that BeAGLE (mostly?) assumes this to mean
517  // exactly two parents, usually far apart in index
518  // if ( myindex != p1 && myindex != pN ){
519  // // Problematic situation in BeAGLE:
520  // // I S PID P1 P2 D1 D2
521  // // ==========================================================
522  // // 17 18 2112 0 0 260 261
523  // // ...
524  // // 254 19 111 41 244 260 261
525  // // 255 2 2212 41 244 260 261
526  // // ...
527  // // 260 16 2112 17 254 0 0
528  // // 261 16 2212 17 254 0 0
529  // }
530  }
531  }
532  if(djangohproblem) continue;
533  }
534  // Do my parents acknowledge me?
535  auto p1 = inParticle->GetParentIndex();
536  auto pN = inParticle->GetParentIndex1();
537  if ( p1>pN ) std::swap(p1,pN);
538  if ( p1==0 ) p1 =pN;
539  // Do all my parents acknowledge me?
540  if (pN > 0){
541  for ( unsigned int p = p1; p<=pN ; ++p ){
542  Particle* parent = inEvent->GetTrack(p-1);
543  auto pc1 = parent->GetChild1Index();
544  auto pcN = parent->GetChildNIndex();
545  if ( pc1>pcN ) std::swap(pc1,pcN);
546  if ( pc1 > myindex ){
547  // cout << "hello1" << endl;
548  parent->SetChild1Index( myindex );
549  }
550  if ( pcN < myindex ){
551  // cout << "hello2" << endl;
552  parent->SetChildNIndex( myindex );
553  }
554  }
555  }
556  }
557  } // graph repair for !beaglemode
559  // Perform consistency checks and collect particles
560  std::vector<GenParticlePtr> hepevt_particles;
561  hepevt_particles.reserve( inEvent->GetNTracks() );
562  for( unsigned int t=0; t<inEvent->GetNTracks(); ++t) {
563  const Particle* inParticle = inEvent->GetTrack(t);
564  // Particles with status 1 cannot have children
565  auto status = inParticle->GetStatus();
566  if ( status==1 ){
567  if (inParticle->GetNChildren() != 0 ){
568  cout << "Status is 1 but we have children?" << endl;
569  inParticle->Print();
570  }
571  }
573  // // All child-less particles should have a "safe" status (like 21), best would be 1
574  // if (inParticle->GetNChildren() == 0 ){
575  // if ( status !=1 && status !=21 ){
576  // cerr << "Status is " << status << " but we have no children?" << endl;
577  // inParticle->Print();
578  // }
579  // }
581  // // Mother-less particles should be the beam only
582  // Alas, that's not the case :-/
583  // if ( t>1 && inParticle->GetParentIndex()==0 && inParticle->GetParentIndex1() ==0 ){
584  // cout << "Event: " << i << " -- We have no mother" << endl;
585  // inParticle->Print();
586  // }
588  FourVector pv = FourVector( inParticle->GetPx(), inParticle->GetPy(), inParticle->GetPz(),inParticle->GetE() );
589  int statusHepMC = inParticle->GetStatus();
590  // We should use only 1 (final), 2 (decayed hadron or lepton), 4 (beam), and >10, <=200 (anything else)
591  // This may need to be decided on a generator-by-generator basis
592  // We can assume final particles already have status 1, because that's
593  // what EventMC::FinalState uses (and it's not overridden in existing classes)
595  // Catch decayed leptons and hadrons
596  // doesn't work for BeAGLE
597  if ( ! beaglemode && t>3 ){ // Ignore the beam
598  if (inParticle->GetNChildren() != 0 ){ // ignore final particles
599  auto pdg = TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle( inParticle->Id() );
600  if ( pdg ){ // ignore unknown particles (e.g. pomerons, ions)
601  if ( TString(pdg->ParticleClass()).Contains("Lepton")
602  || TString(pdg->ParticleClass()).Contains("Baryon")
603  || TString(pdg->ParticleClass()).Contains("Meson")
604  ){
605  // Now our status should be 2!
606  // cout << statusHepMC << endl;
607  // inParticle->Print();
608  statusHepMC = 2;
609  }
610  }
611  }
612  }
614  // // catch DJANGOH trying to assign 4 to non beams
615  // if ( t>3 && (statusHepMC == 4 ) ){
616  // cout << "Naughty Djangoh" << endl;
617  // statusHepMC=14;
618  // }
620  // force everything else to be legal
621  if ( statusHepMC != 1 && statusHepMC != 2 && statusHepMC != 4 ){
622  while ( statusHepMC <=10 ) statusHepMC+=10;
623  while ( statusHepMC >200 ) statusHepMC-=10;
624  }
626  //In the Pythia 6 convention, status=4 indicates a particle which could
627  //have decayed but did not within the allowed volume around the vertex.
628  //We adjust these particles to have status=1 in the HepMC file to avoid
629  //confusion with the beam particles.
630  if( statusHepMC == 4) statusHepMC = 1;
632  // Create GenParticle
633  hepevt_particles.push_back( std::make_shared<GenParticle>( pv, inParticle->Id(), statusHepMC ));
634  hepevt_particles.back()->set_generated_mass( inParticle->GetM() );
636  }
638  // Build the event
639  // beam particles
640  // --------------
641  // Default is 1 = e-, 2 = hadron, 3 = scattered e-, 4 = exchange boson
642  // But this can (and does) differ, especially for the scattered lepton
643  // As always, be aware of Fortran starting to count at 1
644  // Vertex: We don't keep track of time
645  auto lepton=inEvent->BeamLepton();
646  int index_lepton = lepton->GetIndex();
647  if ( index_lepton !=1 ) std::cout << "Warning: Found BeamLepton at " << index_lepton << endl;
648  auto hep_lepton = hepevt_particles.at( index_lepton-1);
649  hep_lepton->set_status(4);
651  auto boson=inEvent->ExchangeBoson();
652  int index_boson = boson->GetIndex();
653  // This happens in Sartre who puts the boson at 3
654  // if ( index_boson !=4 ) std::cout << "Warning: Found ExchangeBoson at " << index_boson << endl;
655  // if ( boson->GetParentIndex() != index_lepton && boson->GetParentIndex1() != index_lepton ){
656  // // This is common for Sartre, and any others that treat the boson like the beam
657  // std::cout << "Warning: ExchangeBoson doesn't recognize the beam as its mother " << endl;
658  // }
659  auto hep_boson = hepevt_particles.at( index_boson-1);
660  // if needed / desired, could force hep_boson->set_status(4);
662  GenVertexPtr v_lepton = std::make_shared<GenVertex>();
663  v_lepton->add_particle_in (hep_lepton);
664  v_lepton->add_particle_out (hep_boson);
665  hepmc3evt.add_vertex(v_lepton);
667  auto hadron=inEvent->BeamHadron();
668  int index_hadron = hadron->GetIndex();
669  if ( index_hadron !=2 ) std::cout << "Warning: Found BeamHadron at " << index_hadron << endl;
670  auto hep_hadron = hepevt_particles.at( index_hadron-1);
671  hep_hadron->set_status(4);
672  GenVertexPtr v_hadron = std::make_shared<GenVertex>();
674  v_hadron->add_particle_in (hep_hadron);
675  hepmc3evt.add_vertex(v_hadron);
677  // For Beagle, use
678  //
679  // e e'
680  // \v1__/ i1 f1
681  // \_gamma / \ /
682  // \ _v2_/__i2__ v3__f2
683  // / \ / \ (*)
684  // proton \iN / \fN
685  //
686  // where i1, .., iN are intermediate (!=1) and f1,..fN are final
687  // v2 == v_hadron, v3 == v_beagle_final
689  // Addendum: BeAGLE does support hadron/lepton decay. Attach the root to v3,
690  // and keep their children, e.g.:
691  //
692  // v2_/__i2__ v3__J/psi__e
693  // \ \ (*)
694  // \fN e
695  //
696  // (But also keep decay chains)
697  // (*) comment lines ending in "\" generate compiler warnings
699  // Dummy to act as a catchall for intermediary particles in beagle
700  GenVertexPtr v_beagle_final = std::make_shared<GenVertex>();
701  if ( beaglemode ){
702  v_hadron->add_particle_in(hep_boson);
703  hepmc3evt.add_vertex( v_beagle_final );
704  // We don't have a connection yet, so in the pathological case
705  // that there are no non-final particles at all, this vertex floats free.
706  // That's too unlikely to occur to build in a fail-safe now
707  }
709  // Now work our way through the remaining particles
710  // - Attach each particle that has a mother to their end vertex
711  // ---> Create / overwrite production vertex in the process.
712  // If it's inconsistent, there's not much we can do
713  // - attach motherless particles to the exchange boson
714  // ---> In that case, leave the production vertex location in peace
715  // ---> Also note that ISR photons are motherless and thus
716  // get attached to the exchange boson as well
717  // Topological order should just translate to the fact that
718  // children always have a higher index than their parents
720  // Note: Multiple parents would wreak havoc here - have to handle BeAGLE differently
721  for( unsigned int t=0; t<inEvent->GetNTracks(); ++t) {
722  const Particle* inParticle = inEvent->GetTrack(t);
724  // Skip what we already have
725  int index = inParticle->GetIndex();
726  if ( index==index_lepton || index==index_boson || index==index_hadron) continue;
727  auto hep_in = hepevt_particles.at( index-1);
728  // auto hep_mom = hep_boson;
729  auto hep_mom = hep_hadron;
730  int momindex = inParticle->GetParentIndex();
731  auto statusHepMC = inParticle->GetStatus();
733  //For Djangoh events which fail to hadronize, shift the parent of the
734  //final-state parton from the incoming electron beam to th hadron beam
735  if (branchClass->InheritsFrom("erhic::EventDjangoh")){
736  if( statusHepMC==1 && momindex==1 &&
737  (abs(inParticle->Id())==1 || abs(inParticle->Id())==2 || abs(inParticle->Id())==3 ||
738  abs(inParticle->Id())==90 || inParticle->Id()==91 || inParticle->Id()==92) ){
739  momindex+=1;
740  }
741  }
743  // suppress all the intermediate nucleons
744  // this may be worth doing anyway just to reduce filesize
745  if ( beaglemode && statusHepMC==3 ) continue;
746  if ( beaglemode && statusHepMC==14 ) continue;
747  if ( beaglemode && statusHepMC==18 ) continue;
748  if ( beaglemode && statusHepMC==12 ) continue;
749  // This is purely for legibility, these particles should stay!
750  // note: 80000 are lighter ions, without specification
751  // if ( beaglemode && statusHepMC==1 && momindex == beagle_final_index
752  // && ( hep_in->pid() == 2112 || hep_in->pid() == 2212 || hep_in->pid() == 80000 ) ) continue;
754  // beagle finals
755  if ( momindex == beagle_final_index ){
756  v_beagle_final->add_particle_out(hep_in);
757  continue;
758  }
760  // beagle intermediates
761  // out will be handled, but need to attach as incoming
762  if ( beaglemode && statusHepMC!=1 && statusHepMC!=2 ){
763  v_beagle_final->add_particle_in(hep_in);
764  }
766  // Mother?
767  if ( momindex > 0 ){
768  hep_mom = hepevt_particles.at( momindex-1);
769  }
771  // Does mom have an end vertex yet?
772  auto momend = hep_mom->end_vertex();
773  if (!momend) {
774  momend = std::make_shared<GenVertex>();
775  momend->add_particle_in(hep_mom);
776  hepmc3evt.add_vertex(momend);
777  }
779  momend->add_particle_out(hep_in);
781  // update prod vertex?
782  if ( momindex > 1){
783  auto vnew = inParticle->GetVertex();
784  momend->set_position( FourVector( vnew.x(), vnew.y(), vnew.z(), 0));
785  }
786  // file->write_event(hepmc3evt);
787  }
789  // Done! Write the event.
790  file->write_event(hepmc3evt);
791  // There's a bunch of cleanup one should do now, with all the dynamical
792  // vertices and particles. BUT shared_ptr should take care of that. Revisit if there are memory leaks.
793  // break;
795  } // event loop
797  file->close();
799  Long64_t result = 0;
801  return result;
802 }
808 Long64_t TreeToHepMC(const std::string& inputFileName,
809  const std::string& outputDirName,
810  Long64_t maxEvent,
811  const bool createHepMC2){
812  if ( createHepMC2 ) {
813  cout << "Warning, this interface is deprecated, please use:" << endl;
814  cout << "TreeToHepMC(\""<< inputFileName<< "\",\""<< outputDirName
815  << "\","<< maxEvent << ","
816  << "erhic::HepMC_outtype::HepMC2)"
817  << endl;
818  return TreeToHepMC(inputFileName,outputDirName,maxEvent,erhic::HepMC_outtype::HepMC2);
819  } else {
820  cout << "Warning, this interface is deprecated, please use:" << endl;
821  cout << "TreeToHepMC(\""<< inputFileName<< "\",\""<< outputDirName
822  << "\","<< maxEvent << ","
823  << "erhic::HepMC_outtype::HepMC3)"
824  << endl;
825  return TreeToHepMC(inputFileName,outputDirName,maxEvent,erhic::HepMC_outtype::HepMC3);
826  }
829  // outtype == erhic::HepMC_outtype::HepMC3 ) {
830  // return TreeToHepMC(inputFileName, outputDirName,maxEvent,false);
831  // }
832  // if ( outtype == erhic::HepMC_outtype::HepMC2 ) {
833  // return TreeToHepMC(inputFileName, outputDirName,maxEvent,true);
834  // }
835  return -1;
836 }