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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file ConvertDD4hepDetector.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017-2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
28 #include <list>
29 #include <stdexcept>
31 #include "TGeoManager.h"
33 namespace Acts {
34 std::unique_ptr<const TrackingGeometry> convertDD4hepDetector(
35  dd4hep::DetElement worldDetElement, Logging::Level loggingLevel,
36  BinningType bTypePhi, BinningType bTypeR, BinningType bTypeZ,
37  double layerEnvelopeR, double layerEnvelopeZ, double defaultLayerThickness,
38  const std::function<void(std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement>& detectors)>&
39  sortSubDetectors,
41  std::shared_ptr<const IMaterialDecorator> matDecorator) {
42  // create local logger for conversion
43  ACTS_LOCAL_LOGGER(Acts::getDefaultLogger("DD4hepConversion", loggingLevel));
44  ACTS_INFO("Translating DD4hep geometry into Acts geometry");
45  // get the sub detectors of the world detector e.g. beampipe, pixel detector,
46  // strip detector
47  std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement> subDetectors;
48  // go through the detector hierarchies
49  collectSubDetectors_dd4hep(worldDetElement, subDetectors);
50  // sort to build detector from bottom to top
51  sortSubDetectors(subDetectors);
52  // the volume builders of the subdetectors
53  std::list<std::shared_ptr<const ITrackingVolumeBuilder>> volumeBuilders;
54  // the beam pipe volume builder needs special treatment and needs to be added
55  // in the end (beampipe exceeds length of all other subdetectors)
56  std::shared_ptr<const CylinderVolumeBuilder> beamPipeVolumeBuilder;
57  // loop over the sub detectors
58  for (auto& subDetector : subDetectors) {
59  ACTS_INFO("Translating DD4hep sub detector: " << subDetector.name());
60  // create volume builder
61  auto volBuilder = volumeBuilder_dd4hep(
62  subDetector, loggingLevel, bTypePhi, bTypeR, bTypeZ, layerEnvelopeR,
63  layerEnvelopeZ, defaultLayerThickness);
64  if (volBuilder) {
65  // distinguish beam pipe
66  if (volBuilder->getConfiguration().buildToRadiusZero) {
67  // check if beam pipe is already present
68  if (beamPipeVolumeBuilder) {
69  throw std::logic_error(
70  std::string("Beampipe has already been set! There can only "
71  "exist one beam pipe. Please check your "
72  "detector construction. Current volume name: ") +
73  volBuilder->getConfiguration().volumeName +
74  std::string(", name of volume, already set as beam pipe: ") +
75  beamPipeVolumeBuilder->getConfiguration().volumeName);
76  }
77  // set the beam pipe
78  beamPipeVolumeBuilder = volBuilder;
79  } else {
80  volumeBuilders.push_back(volBuilder);
81  }
82  }
83  }
84  // Finally add the beam pipe
85  if (beamPipeVolumeBuilder) {
86  volumeBuilders.push_back(beamPipeVolumeBuilder);
87  }
89  std::vector<std::function<std::shared_ptr<TrackingVolume>(
90  const GeometryContext&, const TrackingVolumePtr&,
91  const VolumeBoundsPtr&)>>
92  volumeFactories;
94  for (const auto& vb : volumeBuilders) {
95  volumeFactories.push_back(
96  [vb](const GeometryContext& vgctx,
97  const std::shared_ptr<const TrackingVolume>& inner,
98  const VolumeBoundsPtr&) {
99  return vb->trackingVolume(vgctx, inner);
100  });
101  }
103  // create cylinder volume helper
104  auto volumeHelper = cylinderVolumeHelper_dd4hep();
105  // hand over the collected volume builders
107  tgbConfig.trackingVolumeHelper = volumeHelper;
108  tgbConfig.materialDecorator = std::move(matDecorator);
109  tgbConfig.trackingVolumeBuilders = std::move(volumeFactories);
110  auto trackingGeometryBuilder =
111  std::make_shared<const Acts::TrackingGeometryBuilder>(tgbConfig);
112  return (trackingGeometryBuilder->trackingGeometry(gctx));
113 }
115 std::shared_ptr<const CylinderVolumeBuilder> volumeBuilder_dd4hep(
116  dd4hep::DetElement subDetector, Logging::Level loggingLevel,
117  BinningType bTypePhi, BinningType bTypeR, BinningType bTypeZ,
118  double layerEnvelopeR, double layerEnvelopeZ,
119  double defaultLayerThickness) {
120  // create cylinder volume helper
121  auto volumeHelper = cylinderVolumeHelper_dd4hep(loggingLevel);
122  // create local logger for conversion
123  ACTS_LOCAL_LOGGER(Acts::getDefaultLogger("D2A_Logger", loggingLevel));
124  ACTS_VERBOSE("Processing detector element: " << subDetector.name());
126  Acts::ActsExtension* subDetExtension = nullptr;
127  // at this stage not every DetElement needs to have an Extension attached
128  try {
129  subDetExtension = subDetector.extension<Acts::ActsExtension>();
130  } catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
131  }
132  if (subDetector.type() == "compound") {
133  ACTS_VERBOSE("Subdetector : '"
134  << subDetector.name()
135  << "' has no ActsExtension and has type compound ");
137  "handling as a compound volume (a hierachy of a "
138  "barrel-endcap structure) and resolving the "
139  "subvolumes...");
140  // Now create the Layerbuilders and Volumebuilder
141  // the layers
143  std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement> negativeLayers;
145  std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement> centralLayers;
147  std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement> positiveLayers;
149  // the configuration object of the volume builder
152  // go through sub volumes
153  std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement> compounds;
154  collectCompounds_dd4hep(subDetector, compounds);
156  // get z position to distinguish positive & negative endcap
157  double zPos = 0.;
158  // flags to catch if sub volumes have been set already
159  bool nEndCap = false;
160  bool pEndCap = false;
161  bool barrel = false;
162  for (auto& volumeDetElement : compounds) {
163  ACTS_VERBOSE("Volume : '"
164  << subDetector.name()
165  << "'is a compound volume -> resolve now the sub volumes");
167  // get the dimensions of the volume
168  TGeoShape* geoShape =
169  volumeDetElement.placement().ptr()->GetVolume()->GetShape();
170  // check if it has a shape (the other case should not happen)
171  if (geoShape != nullptr) {
172  zPos = volumeDetElement.placement()
173  .ptr()
174  ->GetMatrix()
175  ->GetTranslation()[2] *
177  } else {
178  throw std::logic_error(std::string("Volume of DetElement: ") +
179  volumeDetElement.name() +
180  std::string(" has no shape!"));
181  }
182  // check if it has a volume extension telling if it is a barrel or an
183  // endcap
184  ActsExtension* volumeExtension = nullptr;
185  try {
186  volumeExtension = volumeDetElement.extension<ActsExtension>();
187  } catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
188  throw std::logic_error(
189  std::string("Current DetElement: ") + volumeDetElement.name() +
190  std::string(" has no ActsExtension! At this stage it should be a "
191  "detector volume declared as Barrel or Endcap. Please"
192  "check your detector construction."));
193  }
195  if (volumeExtension->hasType("endcap", "detector")) {
197  std::string("Subvolume : '") + volumeDetElement.name() +
198  std::string("' is a disc volume -> handling as an endcap"));
199  if (zPos < 0.) {
200  if (nEndCap) {
201  throw std::logic_error(
202  "Negative Endcap was already given for this "
203  "hierachy! Please create a new "
204  "DD4hep_SubDetectorAssembly for the next "
205  "hierarchy.");
206  }
207  nEndCap = true;
208  ACTS_VERBOSE(" ->is negative endcap");
209  collectLayers_dd4hep(volumeDetElement, negativeLayers);
210  // Fill the volume material for barrel case
211  if (volumeExtension->hasType("boundary_material")) {
212  if (volumeExtension->hasValue("boundary_material_negative")) {
214  *volumeExtension, "boundary_material_negative",
215  {{"binPhi", Acts::closed}, {"binR", Acts::open}});
216  }
217  if (volumeExtension->hasValue("boundary_material_positive")) {
219  *volumeExtension, "boundary_material_positive",
220  {{"binPhi", Acts::closed}, {"binR", Acts::open}});
221  }
222  }
223  } else {
224  if (pEndCap) {
225  throw std::logic_error(
226  "Positive Endcap was already given for this "
227  "hierachy! Please create a new "
228  "DD4hep_SubDetectorAssembly for the next "
229  "hierarchy.");
230  }
231  pEndCap = true;
232  ACTS_VERBOSE(" ->is positive endcap");
233  collectLayers_dd4hep(volumeDetElement, positiveLayers);
234  // Fill the volume material for barrel case
235  if (volumeExtension->hasType("boundary_material")) {
236  if (volumeExtension->hasValue("boundary_material_negative")) {
238  *volumeExtension, "boundary_material_negative",
239  {{"binPhi", Acts::closed}, {"binR", Acts::open}});
240  }
241  if (volumeExtension->hasValue("boundary_material_positive")) {
243  *volumeExtension, "boundary_material_positive",
244  {{"binPhi", Acts::closed}, {"binR", Acts::open}});
245  }
246  }
247  }
248  } else if (volumeExtension->hasType("barrel", "detector")) {
249  if (barrel) {
250  throw std::logic_error(
251  "Barrel was already given for this "
252  "hierachy! Please create a new "
253  "DD4hep_SubDetectorAssembly for the next "
254  "hierarchy.");
255  }
256  barrel = true;
257  ACTS_VERBOSE("Subvolume : "
258  << volumeDetElement.name()
259  << " is a cylinder volume -> handling as a barrel");
260  collectLayers_dd4hep(volumeDetElement, centralLayers);
261  // Fill the volume material for barrel case
262  if (volumeExtension->hasType("boundary_material")) {
263  if (volumeExtension->hasValue("boundary_material_negative")) {
265  *volumeExtension, "boundary_material_negative",
266  {{"binPhi", Acts::closed}, {"binR", Acts::open}});
267  }
268  if (volumeExtension->hasValue("boundary_material_positive")) {
270  *volumeExtension, "boundary_material_positive",
271  {{"binPhi", Acts::closed}, {"binR", Acts::open}});
272  }
273  }
274  } else {
275  throw std::logic_error(
276  std::string("Current DetElement: ") + volumeDetElement.name() +
277  std::string(
278  " has wrong ActsExtension! At this stage it should be a "
279  "detector volume declared as Barrel or Endcap. Please "
280  "check your detector construction."));
281  }
283  // Fill the volume material for the inner / outer cover
284  if (volumeExtension->hasType("boundary_material")) {
285  if (volumeExtension->hasValue("boundary_material_inner")) {
287  *volumeExtension, "boundary_material_inner",
288  {{"binPhi", Acts::closed}, {"binZ", Acts::open}});
289  }
290  if (volumeExtension->hasValue("boundary_material_outer")) {
292  *volumeExtension, "boundary_material_outer",
293  {{"binPhi", Acts::closed}, {"binZ", Acts::open}});
294  }
295  }
296  }
298  if ((pEndCap && !nEndCap) || (!pEndCap && nEndCap)) {
299  throw std::logic_error(
300  "Only one Endcap is given for the current "
301  "hierarchy! Endcaps should always occur in "
302  "pairs. Please check your detector "
303  "construction.");
304  }
306  // configure SurfaceArrayCreator
307  auto surfaceArrayCreator =
308  std::make_shared<const Acts::SurfaceArrayCreator>(
309  Acts::getDefaultLogger("D2A_SAC", loggingLevel));
310  // configure LayerCreator
312  lcConfig.surfaceArrayCreator = surfaceArrayCreator;
313  auto layerCreator = std::make_shared<const Acts::LayerCreator>(
314  lcConfig, Acts::getDefaultLogger("D2A_LAC", loggingLevel));
315  // configure DD4hepLayerBuilder
317  lbConfig.configurationName = subDetector.name();
318  lbConfig.layerCreator = layerCreator;
319  lbConfig.negativeLayers = negativeLayers;
320  lbConfig.centralLayers = centralLayers;
321  lbConfig.positiveLayers = positiveLayers;
322  lbConfig.bTypePhi = bTypePhi;
323  lbConfig.bTypeR = bTypeR;
324  lbConfig.bTypeZ = bTypeZ;
325  lbConfig.defaultThickness = defaultLayerThickness;
326  auto dd4hepLayerBuilder = std::make_shared<const Acts::DD4hepLayerBuilder>(
327  lbConfig,
328  Acts::getDefaultLogger(std::string("D2A_L:") + subDetector.name(),
329  loggingLevel));
331  // Create the sub volume
332  // Dimensions are created automatically by adding a tolerance to the
333  // layer setup
334  cvbConfig.layerEnvelopeR = std::make_pair(layerEnvelopeR, layerEnvelopeR);
335  cvbConfig.layerEnvelopeZ = layerEnvelopeZ;
336  cvbConfig.trackingVolumeHelper = volumeHelper;
337  cvbConfig.volumeSignature = 0;
338  cvbConfig.volumeName = subDetector.name();
339  cvbConfig.layerBuilder = dd4hepLayerBuilder;
340  auto cylinderVolumeBuilder =
341  std::make_shared<const Acts::CylinderVolumeBuilder>(
342  cvbConfig,
343  Acts::getDefaultLogger(std::string("D2A_V:") + subDetector.name(),
344  loggingLevel));
345  return cylinderVolumeBuilder;
347  } else if ((subDetExtension != nullptr) &&
348  (subDetExtension->hasType("passive cylinder", "layer") ||
349  subDetExtension->hasType("beampipe", "layer"))) {
350  ACTS_VERBOSE("Subdetector : " << subDetector.name()
351  << " - building a passive cylinder.");
352  if (subDetExtension->hasType("beampipe", "layer")) {
353  ACTS_VERBOSE("This is the beam pipe - will be built to r -> 0.");
354  }
356  // get the dimensions of the volume
357  TGeoShape* geoShape =
358  subDetector.placement().ptr()->GetVolume()->GetShape();
359  TGeoTubeSeg* tube = dynamic_cast<TGeoTubeSeg*>(geoShape);
360  if (tube == nullptr) {
361  throw std::logic_error(
362  "Cylinder has wrong shape - needs to be TGeoTubeSeg!");
363  }
364  // get the dimension of TGeo and convert lengths
365  double rMin = tube->GetRmin() * UnitConstants::cm - layerEnvelopeR;
366  double rMax = tube->GetRmax() * UnitConstants::cm + layerEnvelopeR;
367  double halfZ = tube->GetDz() * UnitConstants::cm + layerEnvelopeZ;
369  "Extracting cylindrical volume bounds ( rmin / rmax / "
370  "halfZ )= ( "
371  << rMin << " / " << rMax << " / " << halfZ << " )");
373  std::shared_ptr<Acts::ISurfaceMaterial> plMaterial = nullptr;
374  if (subDetExtension->hasType("layer_material")) {
375  // get the possible material of the surounding volume
376  plMaterial = Acts::createProtoMaterial(
377  *subDetExtension, "layer_material_representing",
378  {{"binPhi", Acts::closed}, {"binZ", Acts::open}});
379  }
381  // configure the passive layer builder
383  plbConfig.layerIdentification = subDetector.name();
384  plbConfig.centralLayerRadii = std::vector<double>(1, 0.5 * (rMax + rMin));
385  plbConfig.centralLayerHalflengthZ = std::vector<double>(1, halfZ);
386  plbConfig.centralLayerThickness = std::vector<double>(1, fabs(rMax - rMin));
387  plbConfig.centralLayerMaterial = {plMaterial};
388  auto pcLayerBuilder = std::make_shared<const Acts::PassiveLayerBuilder>(
389  plbConfig,
390  Acts::getDefaultLogger(std::string("D2A_PL:") + subDetector.name(),
391  loggingLevel));
393  // the configuration object of the volume builder
395  cvbConfig.trackingVolumeHelper = volumeHelper;
396  cvbConfig.volumeSignature = 0;
397  cvbConfig.volumeName = subDetector.name();
398  cvbConfig.layerBuilder = pcLayerBuilder;
399  cvbConfig.layerEnvelopeR = {layerEnvelopeR, layerEnvelopeR};
400  cvbConfig.layerEnvelopeZ = layerEnvelopeZ;
401  cvbConfig.buildToRadiusZero = subDetExtension->hasType("beampipe", "layer");
403  // beam pipe / passive cylinder volume builder
404  auto pcVolumeBuilder = std::make_shared<const Acts::CylinderVolumeBuilder>(
405  cvbConfig,
406  Acts::getDefaultLogger(std::string("D2A_V:") + subDetector.name(),
407  loggingLevel));
408  return pcVolumeBuilder;
410  } else if ((subDetExtension != nullptr) &&
411  subDetExtension->hasType("barrel", "detector")) {
412  ACTS_VERBOSE("Subdetector: "
413  << subDetector.name()
414  << " is a (sensitive) Barrel volume - building barrel.");
416  std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement> centralLayers, centralVolumes;
417  collectLayers_dd4hep(subDetector, centralLayers);
418  collectVolumes_dd4hep(subDetector, centralVolumes);
420  // configure SurfaceArrayCreator
421  auto surfaceArrayCreator =
422  std::make_shared<const Acts::SurfaceArrayCreator>(
423  Acts::getDefaultLogger("D2A_SAC", loggingLevel));
424  // configure LayerCreator
426  lcConfig.surfaceArrayCreator = surfaceArrayCreator;
427  auto layerCreator = std::make_shared<const Acts::LayerCreator>(
428  lcConfig, Acts::getDefaultLogger("D2A_LAC", loggingLevel));
429  // configure DD4hepLayerBuilder
431  lbConfig.configurationName = subDetector.name();
432  lbConfig.layerCreator = layerCreator;
433  lbConfig.centralLayers = centralLayers;
434  lbConfig.bTypePhi = bTypePhi;
435  lbConfig.bTypeZ = bTypeZ;
436  lbConfig.defaultThickness = defaultLayerThickness;
437  auto dd4hepLayerBuilder = std::make_shared<const Acts::DD4hepLayerBuilder>(
438  lbConfig,
439  Acts::getDefaultLogger(std::string("D2A_LB_") + subDetector.name(),
440  loggingLevel));
442  // Configure DD4hepVolumeBuilder
444  vbConfig.configurationName = subDetector.name();
445  vbConfig.centralVolumes = centralVolumes;
446  auto dd4hepVolumeBuilder =
447  std::make_shared<const Acts::DD4hepVolumeBuilder>(
448  vbConfig,
449  Acts::getDefaultLogger(std::string("D2A_VB_") + subDetector.name(),
450  loggingLevel));
452  // the configuration object of the volume builder
454  // get the dimensions of the volume
455  TGeoShape* geoShape =
456  subDetector.placement().ptr()->GetVolume()->GetShape();
457  // this should not happen
458  if (geoShape == nullptr) {
459  throw std::logic_error(std::string("Volume of DetElement: ") +
460  subDetector.name() +
461  std::string(" has no a shape!"));
462  }
464  cvbConfig.layerEnvelopeR = std::make_pair(layerEnvelopeR, layerEnvelopeR);
465  cvbConfig.layerEnvelopeZ = layerEnvelopeZ;
466  cvbConfig.trackingVolumeHelper = volumeHelper;
467  cvbConfig.volumeSignature = 0;
468  cvbConfig.volumeName = subDetector.name();
469  cvbConfig.layerBuilder = dd4hepLayerBuilder;
470  cvbConfig.ctVolumeBuilder = dd4hepVolumeBuilder;
471  auto cylinderVolumeBuilder =
472  std::make_shared<const Acts::CylinderVolumeBuilder>(
473  cvbConfig,
474  Acts::getDefaultLogger(std::string("D2A_V:") + subDetector.name(),
475  loggingLevel));
476  return cylinderVolumeBuilder;
478  } else {
480  "Subdetector with name : '"
481  << subDetector.name()
482  << "' has wrong ActsExtension for translation and is not of type "
483  "'compound'. If you want to have this DetElement be translated "
484  "into the tracking geometry you need add the right "
485  "ActsExtension (at this stage the subvolume needs to be "
486  "declared as beampipe or barrel) or if it is a compound "
487  "DetElement (containing a barrel-endcap hierarchy), the type "
488  "needs to be set to 'compound'.");
489  return nullptr;
490  }
491 }
493 std::shared_ptr<const Acts::CylinderVolumeHelper> cylinderVolumeHelper_dd4hep(
494  Logging::Level loggingLevel) {
495  // create cylindervolumehelper which can be used by all instances
496  // hand over LayerArrayCreator
498  auto layerArrayCreator = std::make_shared<const Acts::LayerArrayCreator>(
499  lacConfig, Acts::getDefaultLogger(std::string("D2A_LAC"), loggingLevel));
500  // tracking volume array creator
502  auto trackingVolumeArrayCreator =
503  std::make_shared<const Acts::TrackingVolumeArrayCreator>(
504  tvacConfig,
505  Acts::getDefaultLogger(std::string("D2A_TVAC"), loggingLevel));
506  // configure the cylinder volume helper
508  cvhConfig.layerArrayCreator = layerArrayCreator;
509  cvhConfig.trackingVolumeArrayCreator = trackingVolumeArrayCreator;
510  auto cylinderVolumeHelper =
511  std::make_shared<const Acts::CylinderVolumeHelper>(
512  cvhConfig,
513  Acts::getDefaultLogger(std::string("D2A_CVH"), loggingLevel));
515  return cylinderVolumeHelper;
516 }
518 void collectCompounds_dd4hep(dd4hep::DetElement& detElement,
519  std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement>& compounds) {
520  const dd4hep::DetElement::Children& children = detElement.children();
521  for (auto& child : children) {
522  dd4hep::DetElement childDetElement = child.second;
523  Acts::ActsExtension* detExtension = nullptr;
524  try {
525  detExtension = childDetElement.extension<Acts::ActsExtension>();
526  } catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
527  }
528  if ((detExtension != nullptr) &&
529  (detExtension->hasType("barrel", "detector") ||
530  detExtension->hasType("endcap", "detector"))) {
531  compounds.push_back(childDetElement);
532  continue;
533  }
534  collectCompounds_dd4hep(childDetElement, compounds);
535  }
536 }
538 void collectSubDetectors_dd4hep(dd4hep::DetElement& detElement,
539  std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement>& subdetectors) {
540  const dd4hep::DetElement::Children& children = detElement.children();
541  for (auto& child : children) {
542  dd4hep::DetElement childDetElement = child.second;
543  Acts::ActsExtension* detExtension = nullptr;
544  try {
545  detExtension = childDetElement.extension<Acts::ActsExtension>();
546  } catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
547  if (childDetElement.type() == "compound") {
548  subdetectors.push_back(childDetElement);
549  continue;
550  }
551  }
552  if ((detExtension != nullptr) &&
553  (detExtension->hasType("barrel", "detector") ||
554  detExtension->hasType("beampipe", "layer"))) {
555  subdetectors.push_back(childDetElement);
556  continue;
557  }
558  collectSubDetectors_dd4hep(childDetElement, subdetectors);
559  }
560 }
562 void collectLayers_dd4hep(dd4hep::DetElement& detElement,
563  std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement>& layers) {
564  const dd4hep::DetElement::Children& children = detElement.children();
565  for (auto& child : children) {
566  dd4hep::DetElement childDetElement = child.second;
567  Acts::ActsExtension* detExtension = nullptr;
568  try {
569  detExtension = childDetElement.extension<Acts::ActsExtension>();
570  } catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
571  }
572  if ((detExtension != nullptr) && detExtension->hasType("layer")) {
573  layers.push_back(childDetElement);
574  continue;
575  }
576  collectLayers_dd4hep(childDetElement, layers);
577  }
578 }
580 void collectVolumes_dd4hep(dd4hep::DetElement& detElement,
581  std::vector<dd4hep::DetElement>& volumes) {
582  const dd4hep::DetElement::Children& children = detElement.children();
583  for (auto& child : children) {
584  dd4hep::DetElement childDetElement = child.second;
585  Acts::ActsExtension* detExtension = nullptr;
586  try {
587  detExtension = childDetElement.extension<Acts::ActsExtension>();
588  } catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
589  }
590  if ((detExtension != nullptr) && detExtension->hasType("volume")) {
591  volumes.push_back(childDetElement);
592  continue;
593  }
594  collectVolumes_dd4hep(childDetElement, volumes);
595  }
596 }
597 } // End of namespace Acts