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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file PHG4mRICHDetector.cc
1 /*===============================================================*
2  * March 2nd 2017 *
3  * mRICH Detector created by Cheuk-Ping Wong @GSU *
4  *===============================================================*
5  * Even mRICH is a tiny detector, it has nine logical volumes per*
6  * modules. To make the code easy to manage, material definition *
7  * and components dimensions are written in different functions *
8  * which are not supposed for frequent modification. *
9  * *
10  * While Construct() and Construct_a_mRIHC(), are two *
11  * handy and simple functions for user to control detector *
12  * construction. *
13  *---------------------------------------------------------------*
14  * to ignore a particular component of a single mRICH, comment *
15  * out the build_xxx() function correspond to the component. *
16  *---------------------------------------------------------------*
17  * Materials are defined in gmain/PHG4Reco::DefineMaterials *
18  *===============================================================*/
19 #include "PHG4mRICHDetector.h"
21 #include <phparameter/PHParameters.h>
23 #include <fun4all/Fun4AllBase.h>
25 #include <g4main/PHG4Detector.h> // for PHG4Detector
27 #include <Geant4/G4AssemblyVolume.hh>
28 #include <Geant4/G4Box.hh>
29 #include <Geant4/G4LogicalBorderSurface.hh>
30 #include <Geant4/G4LogicalVolume.hh>
31 #include <Geant4/G4Material.hh>
32 #include <Geant4/G4MaterialPropertiesTable.hh> // for G4MaterialProperties...
33 #include <Geant4/G4OpticalSurface.hh>
34 #include <Geant4/G4PVPlacement.hh>
35 #include <Geant4/G4PhysicalConstants.hh>
36 #include <Geant4/G4Polycone.hh>
37 #include <Geant4/G4Polyhedra.hh>
38 #include <Geant4/G4RotationMatrix.hh>
39 #include <Geant4/G4SurfaceProperty.hh> // for dielectric_dielectric
40 #include <Geant4/G4SystemOfUnits.hh>
41 #include <Geant4/G4ThreeVector.hh> // for G4ThreeVector
42 #include <Geant4/G4Types.hh> // for G4double, G4int
43 #include <Geant4/G4VPhysicalVolume.hh>
44 #include <Geant4/G4VisAttributes.hh>
45 #include <Geant4/G4ios.hh> // for G4cout, G4endl
47 #include <algorithm> // for fill, max
48 #include <cmath> // for floor, sqrt, acos, asin
49 #include <cstdio>
50 #include <iostream> // for operator<<, basic_os...
51 #include <iterator> // for begin, end
52 #include <string>
54 class PHCompositeNode;
56 using namespace CLHEP;
58 //_______________________________________________________________
59 PHG4mRICHDetector::PHG4mRICHDetector(PHG4Subsystem* subsys, PHCompositeNode* Node, PHParameters* parameters, const std::string& dnam, const int lyr)
60  : PHG4Detector(subsys, Node, dnam)
61  , params(parameters)
62  , layer(lyr)
63  , active(0)
64  , absorberactive(0)
65  , mRICH_PV(nullptr)
66  , sensor_PV{nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr}
67 {
68 }
70 //_______________________________________________________________
71 int PHG4mRICHDetector::IsInmRICH(G4VPhysicalVolume* volume) const
72 {
73  if (active && sensor_vol.find(volume) != sensor_vol.end())
74  {
75  return SENSOR;
76  }
78  if (active && aerogel_vol.find(volume) != aerogel_vol.end())
79  {
80  return AEROGEL;
81  }
83  return INACTIVE;
84 }
85 //______________________________________________________________
86 void PHG4mRICHDetector::ConstructMe(G4LogicalVolume* logicWorld)
87 {
88  int subsystemSetup = params->get_int_param("subsystemSetup");
89  // -1: single module
90  // 0: h-side sectors and e-side wall
91  // 1: h-side sectors
92  // 2: e-side wall
93  // 3: h-side wall
94  // 4: h-side wall and e-side wall
96  if (subsystemSetup == DetectorSetUp::kSingle_Modular) Construct_a_mRICH(logicWorld);
97  if (subsystemSetup == DetectorSetUp::kHSector_EWall)
98  {
99  build_mRICH_sector(logicWorld, 8);
100  build_mRICH_wall_eside(logicWorld);
101  }
102  if (subsystemSetup == DetectorSetUp::kHSector) build_mRICH_sector(logicWorld, 8);
103  if (subsystemSetup == DetectorSetUp::kEWall) build_mRICH_wall_eside(logicWorld);
104  if (subsystemSetup == DetectorSetUp::kEWall_proj) build_mRICH_wall_eside_proj(logicWorld);
105  if (subsystemSetup == DetectorSetUp::kHWall) build_mRICH_wall_hside(logicWorld);
106  if (subsystemSetup == DetectorSetUp::kHWall_EWall)
107  {
108  build_mRICH_wall_hside(logicWorld);
109  build_mRICH_wall_eside(logicWorld);
110  }
111  if (subsystemSetup == DetectorSetUp::kHWall_Barrel)
112  {
113  build_mRICH_sector2(logicWorld, 8);
114  }
115 }
116 //_______________________________________________________________
117 G4LogicalVolume* PHG4mRICHDetector::Construct_a_mRICH(G4LogicalVolume* logicWorld) //, int detectorSetup )
118 {
119  int detectorSetup = params->get_int_param("detectorSetup");
121  mRichParameter* parameters = new mRichParameter();
123  //--------------------------- skeleton setup ---------------------------//
124  /*holder box and hollow volume*/ G4VPhysicalVolume* hollowVol = build_holderBox(parameters, logicWorld);
125  /*aerogel */ build_aerogel(parameters, hollowVol);
126  if (Verbosity() >= Fun4AllBase::VERBOSITY_MORE) std::cout << __FILE__ << "::" << __func__ << ": build_aerogel" << std::endl;
128  /*sensor plane */ build_sensor(parameters, hollowVol->GetLogicalVolume());
130  //-------------------------- for full set up ---------------------------//
131  if (detectorSetup)
132  { //for full setup
133  /*foam holder for aerogel */ build_foamHolder(parameters, hollowVol->GetLogicalVolume());
134  /*lens */ build_lens(parameters->GetLensPar("fresnelLens"), hollowVol->GetLogicalVolume());
135  /*mirror */ build_mirror(parameters, hollowVol);
136  /*readout electronics */ G4VPhysicalVolume* pol = build_polyhedra(parameters->GetPolyPar("readout"), hollowVol->GetLogicalVolume());
137  if (!pol)
138  {
139  if (Verbosity() >= Fun4AllBase::VERBOSITY_MORE) std::cout << __FILE__ << "::" << __func__ << ": readout electronics not placed" << std::endl;
140  }
141  }
143  return hollowVol->GetMotherLogical(); //return detector holder box.
144  //you have more than 1 daugthers,
145  //but you can only have one mother.
146 }
148 //________________________________________________________________________//
150 {
151  std::fill(std::begin(halfXYZ), std::end(halfXYZ), (G4double) 0 * mm);
152  pos = G4ThreeVector(0 * mm, 0 * mm, 0 * mm);
153  material = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_AIR");
154  sensitivity = 0;
156  color = G4Colour(0, 0, 0, 0);
157  visibility = false;
158  wireframe = false;
159  surface = false;
160 }
161 //________________________________________________________________________//
163 //________________________________________________________________________//
165  : name("")
166  , pos(G4ThreeVector(0 * mm, 0 * mm, 0 * mm))
167  , start(0.)
168  , theta(0.)
169  , numSide(0)
170  , num_zLayer(0)
171  , material(GetDetectorMaterial("G4_AIR"))
172  , sensitivity(0)
173  , color(G4Colour(0, 0, 0, 0))
174  , visibility(false)
175  , wireframe(false)
177 {
178  std::fill(std::begin(z), std::end(z), (G4double) 0 * mm);
179  std::fill(std::begin(rinner), std::end(rinner), (G4double) 0 * mm);
180  std::fill(std::begin(router), std::end(router), (G4double) 0 * mm);
181 }
182 //________________________________________________________________________//
184  : name("")
185  , n(0.)
186  , f(0.)
187  , diameter(0.)
188  , eff_diameter(0.)
189  , centerThickness(0.)
190  , grooveWidth(0.)
191  , pos(G4ThreeVector(0 * mm, 0 * mm, 0 * mm))
192  , material(GetDetectorMaterial("G4_AIR"))
193  , sensitivity(0.)
194  , color(G4Colour(0, 0, 0, 0))
195  , visibility(false)
196  , wireframe(false)
197  , surface(false)
199 {
200  std::fill(std::begin(halfXYZ), std::end(halfXYZ), (G4double) 0 * mm);
201 }
202 //________________________________________________________________________//
203 void PHG4mRICHDetector::LensPar::Set_halfXYZ(G4double halfX, G4double grooveDensity)
204 {
205  halfXYZ[0] = halfX;
206  halfXYZ[1] = halfXYZ[0];
208  G4double NumberOfGrooves = floor(grooveDensity * (eff_diameter / 2.0));
209  G4double Rmin1 = (NumberOfGrooves - 1) * (grooveWidth);
210  G4double Rmax1 = (NumberOfGrooves - 0) * (grooveWidth);
211  halfXYZ[2] = (GetSagita(Rmax1) - GetSagita(Rmin1) + centerThickness) / 2.0;
212 }
213 //________________________________________________________________________//
215 {
216  G4double Conic = -1.0; // original:
217  //G4int lens_type = 3;
218  G4int lens_type = 5;
219  G4double Curvature;
220  G4double Aspher[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
222  if (lens_type == 1)
223  {
224  Curvature = 0.00437636761488 / mm;
225  Aspher[0] = 4.206739256e-05 / (mm);
226  Aspher[1] = 9.6440152e-10 / (mm3);
227  Aspher[2] = -1.4884317e-15 / (mm2 * mm3);
228  }
229  else if (lens_type == 2)
230  {
231  Curvature = 0.0132 / mm; // r=77mm, f~14cm
232  Aspher[0] = 32.0e-05 / (mm);
233  Aspher[1] = -2.0e-7 / (mm3);
234  Aspher[2] = 1.2e-13 / (mm2 * mm3);
235  }
236  else if (lens_type == 3)
237  {
238  Curvature = 0.0150 / mm; // r=77mm, f~12.5cm
239  Aspher[0] = 42.0e-05 / (mm);
240  Aspher[1] = -3.0e-7 / (mm3);
241  Aspher[2] = 1.2e-13 / (mm2 * mm3);
242  }
243  else if (lens_type == 4)
244  {
245  Curvature = 0.0175 / mm; // r=77mm, f~10cm
246  Aspher[0] = 72.0e-05 / (mm);
247  Aspher[1] = -5.0e-7 / (mm3);
248  Aspher[2] = 1.2e-13 / (mm2 * mm3);
249  }
250  else if (lens_type == 5)
251  {
252  Curvature = 1 / (f * (n - 1));
253  }
255  G4double TotAspher = 0.0 * mm;
256  for (G4int k = 1; k < 9; k++)
257  {
258  TotAspher += Aspher[k - 1] * std::pow(r, 2 * k);
259  }
261  G4double ArgSqrt = 1.0 - (1.0 + Conic) * std::pow(Curvature, 2) * std::pow(r, 2); // note conic=-1, so ArgSqrt = 1.0
262  /*
263  if (ArgSqrt < 0.0)
264  {
265  if (Verbosity() >= Fun4AllBase::VERBOSITY_MORE) std::cout << __FILE__ << "::" << __func__ << "UltraFresnelLensParameterisation::Sagita: Square Root of <0 !" << std::endl;
266  }
267  */
268  G4double Sagita_value = Curvature * std::pow(r, 2) / (1.0 + std::sqrt(ArgSqrt)) + TotAspher;
269  return Sagita_value;
270 }
272 //________________________________________________________________________//
274 {
275  int i;
276  //----------
277  // Constant
278  //----------
279  //if (Verbosity() >= Fun4AllBase::VERBOSITY_A_LOT) std::cout << __FILE__ << "::" << __func__ << " Using the local code " << std::endl;
281  const double myPI = 4 * atan(1);
282  fresnelLens = new LensPar();
283  holderBox = new BoxPar();
284  hollowVolume = new BoxPar();
285  foamHolderBox = new BoxPar();
286  foamHolderPoly = new PolyPar();
287  aerogel = new BoxPar();
288  mirror = new PolyPar();
289  glassWindow = new BoxPar();
290  sensor = new BoxPar();
291  readout = new PolyPar();
293  //--------------------Holder box key parameters-----------------------------//
294  const G4double BoxDelz = 2.0 * mm; // extract space between components
295  const G4double box_thicknessXYZ[4] = {0.1 * cm, 0.1 * cm, 0.1 * cm, 0.1 * cm};
297  //------------------------- Aerogel gel key parameters---------------------//
298  const G4double foamHolderThicknessXYZ[3] = {0.2 * cm, 0.2 * cm, 0.2 * cm};
299  const G4double agel_halfXYZ[3] = {6.325 * cm, 6.325 * cm, 1.50 * cm};
301  //------------------------Fresnel lens key parameters----------------------//
302  const G4double lens_gap = (2.54 / 8.0) * cm; //gap between agel and lens, and between lens and mirror
304  const G4double lensHalfx = (5.25 / 2.0) * 2.54 * cm;
305  const G4double grooveDensity = 125.0 / (2.54 * cm);
307  fresnelLens->n = 1.49;
308  fresnelLens->f = 6.0 * 2.54 * cm;
309  fresnelLens->eff_diameter = 15.24 * cm;
310  fresnelLens->diameter = 2.0 * sqrt(2.0) * lensHalfx;
311  fresnelLens->centerThickness = 0.068 * 2.54 * cm;
312  fresnelLens->grooveWidth = (G4double) 1.0 / grooveDensity;
313  fresnelLens->Set_halfXYZ(lensHalfx, grooveDensity);
314  //rest of lens parameters are set below
316  //---------------------------Photodetector key parameters-------------------//
317  const G4double sensorGap = 0.2 * cm; //half width of the gap
318  const G4double glassWindow_halfXYZ[3] = {5.18 / 2.0 * cm, 5.18 / 2.0 * cm, 0.075 * cm};
319  const G4double phodet_halfXYZ[3] = {2.425 * cm, 2.425 * cm, 0.075 * cm};
321  //--------------------------- mirror key parameters ------------------------//
322  const G4double mirrorThickness = 0.2 * cm;
324  //-----------------------Readout Electronics key parameters-----------------//
325  const G4double readout_halfz = 0.4 * cm; //redendunt?
326  const G4double readoutThickness = 0.2 * cm;
328  //----------
329  // calculation
330  //----------
331  G4double sensor_total_halfx = 2 * glassWindow_halfXYZ[0] + sensorGap;
333  G4double foamHolder_halfXYZ[3];
334  foamHolder_halfXYZ[0] = agel_halfXYZ[0] + foamHolderThicknessXYZ[0];
335  foamHolder_halfXYZ[1] = foamHolder_halfXYZ[0];
336  foamHolder_halfXYZ[2] = foamHolderThicknessXYZ[2] / 2.0;
338  G4double acrylicBox_halfXYZ[3];
339  acrylicBox_halfXYZ[0] = std::max(std::max(foamHolder_halfXYZ[0], sensor_total_halfx + readoutThickness), fresnelLens->halfXYZ[0]) + 0.1 * cm + box_thicknessXYZ[0];
340  acrylicBox_halfXYZ[1] = acrylicBox_halfXYZ[0];
341  acrylicBox_halfXYZ[2] = (BoxDelz + 2 * foamHolder_halfXYZ[2] + 2 * agel_halfXYZ[2] +
342  lens_gap + 2 * fresnelLens->halfXYZ[2] + fresnelLens->f + 2 * glassWindow_halfXYZ[2] +
343  2 * phodet_halfXYZ[2] + (2 * readout_halfz + BoxDelz) + box_thicknessXYZ[2] + box_thicknessXYZ[3]) /
344  2.0;
346  G4double hollow_halfXYZ[3];
347  hollow_halfXYZ[0] = acrylicBox_halfXYZ[0] - box_thicknessXYZ[0];
348  hollow_halfXYZ[1] = hollow_halfXYZ[0];
349  hollow_halfXYZ[2] = (2 * acrylicBox_halfXYZ[2] - box_thicknessXYZ[2] - box_thicknessXYZ[3]) / 2.0;
351  G4ThreeVector hollow_pos = G4ThreeVector(0.0 * cm, 0.0 * cm, -acrylicBox_halfXYZ[2] + hollow_halfXYZ[2] + box_thicknessXYZ[2]);
353  G4double foamHolder_posz = -hollow_halfXYZ[2] + BoxDelz + foamHolder_halfXYZ[2];
354  G4double agel_posz = foamHolder_posz + foamHolder_halfXYZ[2] + agel_halfXYZ[2];
356  G4double lens_z = agel_posz + agel_halfXYZ[2] + fresnelLens->halfXYZ[2] + lens_gap;
358  G4double glassWindow_z = lens_z - fresnelLens->halfXYZ[2] + fresnelLens->f + glassWindow_halfXYZ[2] - 16.; //out of focus. 16 mm closer to the lens is the optimal position of the censor
359  G4double phodet_z = glassWindow_z + glassWindow_halfXYZ[2] + phodet_halfXYZ[2];
361  //redendunt:
362  G4double readout_z[2];
363  readout_z[0] = glassWindow_z - glassWindow_halfXYZ[2];
364  readout_z[1] = phodet_z + phodet_halfXYZ[2];
366  //----------
367  // set holderBox
368  //----------
369  // holderBox->name="HolderBox";
370  holderBox->name = "mRICH_module";
371  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) holderBox->halfXYZ[i] = acrylicBox_halfXYZ[i];
372  holderBox->pos = G4ThreeVector(0 * cm, 0 * cm, 0 * cm);
373  //holderBox->material=GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Al");
374  //holderBox->material=GetDetectorMaterial("CFRP_INTTxxxxx"); // carbon fiber
375  holderBox->material = GetDetectorMaterial("CFRP_INTT"); // carbon fiber
376  holderBox->sensitivity = 0;
378  holderBox->color = G4Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
379  holderBox->visibility = true;
380  holderBox->wireframe = true;
381  holderBox->surface = false;
383  //----------
384  // set HollowVolume
385  //----------
386  hollowVolume->name = "HollowVolume";
387  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) hollowVolume->halfXYZ[i] = hollow_halfXYZ[i];
388  hollowVolume->pos = hollow_pos;
389  hollowVolume->material = GetDetectorMaterial("mRICH_Air_Opt");
391  hollowVolume->sensitivity = 0;
393  hollowVolume->color = G4Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
394  hollowVolume->visibility = true;
395  hollowVolume->wireframe = true;
396  hollowVolume->surface = false;
398  //----------
399  // set FoamHolder_box
400  //----------
401  foamHolderBox->name = "FoamHolder";
402  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) foamHolderBox->halfXYZ[i] = foamHolder_halfXYZ[i];
403  foamHolderBox->pos = G4ThreeVector(0.0 * cm, 0.0 * cm, foamHolder_posz);
404  foamHolderBox->material = GetDetectorMaterial("mRICH_Air_Opt");
405  foamHolderBox->sensitivity = 0;
407  foamHolderBox->color = G4Colour(0.2, 0.498, 0.369);
408  foamHolderBox->visibility = true;
409  foamHolderBox->wireframe = true;
410  foamHolderBox->surface = false;
412  //----------
413  // set FoamHolder_polyhedra
414  //----------
415  foamHolderPoly->name = "FoamHolder";
416  foamHolderPoly->pos = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0);
417  foamHolderPoly->start = 45.0 * myPI / 180.0;
418  foamHolderPoly->theta = 2 * myPI;
419  foamHolderPoly->numSide = 4;
420  foamHolderPoly->num_zLayer = 2;
422  foamHolderPoly->z[0] = agel_posz - agel_halfXYZ[2]; //front of agel
423  foamHolderPoly->z[1] = agel_posz + agel_halfXYZ[2]; //back of sensor plane
425  foamHolderPoly->rinner[0] = agel_halfXYZ[0];
426  foamHolderPoly->rinner[1] = agel_halfXYZ[0];
428  foamHolderPoly->router[0] = foamHolderPoly->rinner[0] + foamHolderThicknessXYZ[0];
429  foamHolderPoly->router[1] = foamHolderPoly->rinner[1] + foamHolderThicknessXYZ[0];
431  foamHolderPoly->material = GetDetectorMaterial("mRICH_Air_Opt");
432  foamHolderPoly->sensitivity = 0;
434  foamHolderPoly->color = G4Colour(0.298, 0.6, 0.471);
435  foamHolderPoly->visibility = true;
436  foamHolderPoly->wireframe = true;
437  foamHolderPoly->surface = false;
439  // /*
440  //----------
441  // set aerogel
442  //----------
443  aerogel->name = "Aerogel";
444  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) aerogel->halfXYZ[i] = agel_halfXYZ[i];
445  aerogel->pos = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, agel_posz);
446  aerogel->material = GetDetectorMaterial("mRICH_Aerogel2");
447  aerogel->sensitivity = 0;
448  aerogel->color = G4Colour(1.0, 0.65, 0.0);
449  aerogel->visibility = true;
450  aerogel->wireframe = true;
451  aerogel->surface = false;
453  //if (Verbosity() >= Fun4AllBase::VERBOSITY_A_LOT) std::cout << __FILE__ << "::" << __func__ << agel_posz<< "\t......55555.....\t" <<agel_halfXYZ[2] << std::endl;
455  //*/
456  //----------
457  // set Fresnel lens
458  //----------
459  fresnelLens->name = "FresnelLens";
460  fresnelLens->pos = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, lens_z);
461  fresnelLens->material = GetDetectorMaterial("mRICH_Acrylic");
462  fresnelLens->sensitivity = 0;
463  fresnelLens->color = G4Colour(0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
464  fresnelLens->visibility = true;
465  fresnelLens->wireframe = true;
466  fresnelLens->surface = false;
468  //----------
469  // set mirror
470  //----------
471  mirror->name = "mirror";
472  mirror->pos = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0);
473  mirror->start = 45.0 * myPI / 180.0;
474  mirror->theta = 2 * myPI;
475  mirror->numSide = 4;
476  mirror->num_zLayer = 2;
478  mirror->z[0] = lens_z + fresnelLens->halfXYZ[2] + lens_gap; //back of lens+air gap
479  mirror->z[1] = glassWindow_z - glassWindow_halfXYZ[2]; //front of sensor plane
481  mirror->rinner[0] = agel_halfXYZ[0];
482  mirror->rinner[1] = sensor_total_halfx;
484  mirror->router[0] = mirror->rinner[0] + mirrorThickness;
485  mirror->router[1] = mirror->rinner[1] + mirrorThickness;
487  mirror->material = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Al");
488  mirror->sensitivity = 0;
490  mirror->color = G4Colour(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
491  mirror->visibility = true;
492  mirror->wireframe = true;
494  //----------
495  // set glass window
496  //----------
497  glassWindow->name = "glassWindow";
498  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) glassWindow->halfXYZ[i] = glassWindow_halfXYZ[i];
499  glassWindow->pos = G4ThreeVector(glassWindow_halfXYZ[0] + sensorGap, //the position of the first sensor module.
500  glassWindow_halfXYZ[0] + sensorGap, //the position of other sensor module will
501  glassWindow_z); //be set glass window position in another func.
502  glassWindow->material = GetDetectorMaterial("mRICH_Borosilicate");
503  glassWindow->sensitivity = 0;
505  glassWindow->color = G4Colour(0.101, 0.737, 0.612);
506  glassWindow->visibility = true;
507  glassWindow->wireframe = true;
508  glassWindow->surface = false;
510  //----------
511  // set sensor
512  //----------
513  sensor->name = "sensor";
514  for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) sensor->halfXYZ[i] = phodet_halfXYZ[i];
515  sensor->pos = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, phodet_z); //temporary. will be set in another func.
516  sensor->material = GetDetectorMaterial("mRICH_Air_Opt");
517  sensor->sensitivity = 0;
519  sensor->color = G4Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.63);
520  sensor->visibility = true;
521  sensor->wireframe = true;
522  sensor->surface = true;
524  //----------
525  // set readout
526  //----------
527  readout->name = "readout";
528  readout->pos = G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0);
529  readout->start = 45.0 * myPI / 180.0;
530  readout->theta = 2 * myPI;
531  readout->numSide = 4;
532  readout->num_zLayer = 2;
534  readout->z[0] = readout_z[0];
535  readout->z[1] = readout_z[1];
537  readout->rinner[0] = sensor_total_halfx;
538  readout->rinner[1] = readout->rinner[0];
540  readout->router[0] = readout->rinner[0] + readoutThickness;
541  readout->router[1] = readout->router[0];
543  readout->material = GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Al");
544  readout->sensitivity = 0;
546  readout->color = G4Colour(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
547  readout->visibility = true;
548  readout->wireframe = true;
549  readout->surface = false;
550 }
551 //________________________________________________________________________//
553 //________________________________________________________________________//
555 {
556  glassWindow->name = "glassWindow" + std::to_string(i);
557  //sprintf(glassWindow->name,"glassWindow%d",i);
558  glassWindow->pos.setX(x);
559  glassWindow->pos.setY(y);
560 }
561 //________________________________________________________________________//
562 void PHG4mRICHDetector::mRichParameter::SetPar_sensor(int i, G4double x, G4double y)
563 {
564  sensor->name = "sensor_" + std::to_string(i);
565  //sprintf(sensor->name,"sensor%d",i);
566  sensor->pos.setX(x);
567  sensor->pos.setY(y);
568 }
569 //________________________________________________________________________//
571 {
572  if (componentName.compare("holderBox") == 0)
573  return holderBox;
574  else if (componentName.compare("hollowVolume") == 0)
575  return hollowVolume;
576  else if (componentName.compare("foamHolderBox") == 0)
577  return foamHolderBox;
578  else if (componentName.compare("aerogel") == 0)
579  return aerogel;
580  else if (componentName.compare("glassWindow") == 0)
581  return glassWindow;
582  else if (componentName.compare("sensor") == 0)
583  return sensor;
584  else
585  std::cout << __FILE__ << "::" << __func__ << ":: ERROR: cannot find parameter " << componentName << std::endl;
587  return 0;
588 }
589 //________________________________________________________________________//
591 {
592  if (componentName.compare("fresnelLens") == 0)
593  return fresnelLens;
594  else
595  std::cout << __FILE__ << "::" << __func__ << "::ERROR: cannot find parameter " << componentName << std::endl;
596  return 0;
597 }
598 //________________________________________________________________________//
600 {
601  if (componentName.compare("foamHolderPoly") == 0)
602  return foamHolderPoly;
603  else if (componentName.compare("mirror") == 0)
604  return mirror;
605  else if (componentName.compare("readout") == 0)
606  return readout;
607  else
608  std::cout << __FILE__ << "::" << __func__ << "::ERROR: cannot find parameter " << componentName << std::endl;
610  return 0;
611 }
612 //________________________________________________________________________//
613 G4VPhysicalVolume* PHG4mRICHDetector::build_box(BoxPar* par, G4LogicalVolume* motherLV)
614 {
615  G4Box* box = new G4Box(par->name.c_str(), par->halfXYZ[0], par->halfXYZ[1], par->halfXYZ[2]);
616  G4LogicalVolume* log = new G4LogicalVolume(box, par->material, par->name.c_str(), 0, 0, 0);
617  G4VPhysicalVolume* phy = new G4PVPlacement(0, par->pos, log, par->name.c_str(), motherLV, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
619  G4VisAttributes* visAtt = new G4VisAttributes(par->color);
620  visAtt->SetVisibility(par->visibility);
621  visAtt->SetForceWireframe(par->wireframe);
622  visAtt->SetForceSolid(par->surface);
623  log->SetVisAttributes(visAtt);
625  return phy;
626 }
627 //________________________________________________________________________//
628 G4VPhysicalVolume* PHG4mRICHDetector::build_polyhedra(PolyPar* par, G4LogicalVolume* motherLV)
629 {
630  G4Polyhedra* polyhedra = new G4Polyhedra(par->name.c_str(), par->start, par->theta, par->numSide,
631  par->num_zLayer, par->z, par->rinner, par->router);
632  G4LogicalVolume* log = new G4LogicalVolume(polyhedra, par->material, par->name.c_str(), 0, 0, 0);
633  G4VPhysicalVolume* phy = new G4PVPlacement(0, par->pos, log, par->name.c_str(), motherLV, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
635  G4VisAttributes* visAtt = new G4VisAttributes(par->color);
636  visAtt->SetVisibility(par->visibility);
637  visAtt->SetForceWireframe(par->wireframe);
638  visAtt->SetForceSolid(par->surface);
639  log->SetVisAttributes(visAtt);
641  return phy;
642 }
643 //________________________________________________________________________//
644 G4VPhysicalVolume* PHG4mRICHDetector::build_holderBox(mRichParameter* detectorParameter, G4LogicalVolume* motherLV)
645 {
646  mRICH_PV = build_box(detectorParameter->GetBoxPar("holderBox"), motherLV);
647  return build_box(detectorParameter->GetBoxPar("hollowVolume"), mRICH_PV->GetLogicalVolume());
648 }
649 //________________________________________________________________________//
650 void PHG4mRICHDetector::build_foamHolder(mRichParameter* detectorParameter, G4LogicalVolume* motherLV)
651 {
652  G4VPhysicalVolume* box = build_box(detectorParameter->GetBoxPar("foamHolderBox"), motherLV);
653  if (!box)
654  {
655  if (Verbosity() >= Fun4AllBase::VERBOSITY_MORE) std::cout << __FILE__ << "::" << __func__ << ": placement of foamholderbox failed" << std::endl;
656  }
657  box = build_polyhedra(detectorParameter->GetPolyPar("foamHolderPoly"), motherLV);
658  if (!box)
659  {
660  if (Verbosity() >= Fun4AllBase::VERBOSITY_MORE) std::cout << __FILE__ << "::" << __func__ << ": placement of foamholderpoly failed" << std::endl;
661  }
662 }
663 //________________________________________________________________________//
664 void PHG4mRICHDetector::build_aerogel(mRichParameter* detectorParameter, G4VPhysicalVolume* motherPV)
665 {
666  G4VPhysicalVolume* aerogel = build_box(detectorParameter->GetBoxPar("aerogel"), motherPV->GetLogicalVolume());
667  aerogel_vol[aerogel] = 0;
669  G4OpticalSurface* OpWaterSurface = new G4OpticalSurface("WaterSurface");
670  OpWaterSurface->SetType(dielectric_dielectric);
671  OpWaterSurface->SetFinish(ground);
672  OpWaterSurface->SetModel(unified);
673  new G4LogicalBorderSurface("WaterSurface", aerogel, motherPV, OpWaterSurface);
675  const G4int num = 2;
676  G4double Ephoton[num] = {2.034 * eV, 4.136 * eV};
677  G4double RefractiveIndex[num] = {1.03, 1.03};
678  G4double SpecularLobe[num] = {0.3, 0.3};
679  G4double SpecularSpike[num] = {0.2, 0.2};
680  G4double Backscatter[num] = {0.2, 0.2};
682  G4MaterialPropertiesTable* myST1 = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable();
683  myST1->AddProperty("RINDEX", Ephoton, RefractiveIndex, num);
684  myST1->AddProperty("SPECULARLOBECONSTANT", Ephoton, SpecularLobe, num);
685  myST1->AddProperty("SPECULARSPIKECONSTANT", Ephoton, SpecularSpike, num);
686  myST1->AddProperty("BACKSCATTERCONSTANT", Ephoton, Backscatter, num);
688  OpWaterSurface->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(myST1);
689 }
690 //________________________________________________________________________//
691 void PHG4mRICHDetector::build_mirror(mRichParameter* detectorParameter, G4VPhysicalVolume* motherPV)
692 {
693  G4VPhysicalVolume* mirror = build_polyhedra(detectorParameter->GetPolyPar("mirror"), motherPV->GetLogicalVolume());
695  //-----------
696  // Optical properties of the interface between the Air and Reflective Surface
697  // For Mirror, reflectivity is set at 95% and specular reflection is assumed.
698  //-----------
699  G4OpticalSurface* OpticalAirMirror = new G4OpticalSurface("AirMirrorSurface");
700  OpticalAirMirror->SetModel(unified);
701  OpticalAirMirror->SetType(dielectric_dielectric);
702  OpticalAirMirror->SetFinish(polishedfrontpainted);
704  const G4int NUM = 2;
705  G4double lambda_min = 200 * nm;
706  G4double lambda_max = 700 * nm;
708  G4double XX[NUM] = {h_Planck * c_light / lambda_max, h_Planck * c_light / lambda_min};
709  G4double ICEREFLECTIVITY[NUM] = {0.95, 0.95};
711  G4MaterialPropertiesTable* AirMirrorMPT = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable();
713  OpticalAirMirror->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(AirMirrorMPT);
715  new G4LogicalBorderSurface("Air/Mirror Surface", motherPV, mirror, OpticalAirMirror);
716 }
717 //________________________________________________________________________//
718 void PHG4mRICHDetector::build_sensor(mRichParameter* detectorParameter, G4LogicalVolume* motherLV)
719 {
720  //position of the first sensor module
721  G4double last_x = detectorParameter->GetBoxPar("glassWindow")->pos.getX();
722  G4double last_y = last_x;
724  G4double x, y;
726  int i;
727  for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
728  {
729  if (i == 0)
730  {
731  x = last_x;
732  y = last_y;
733  }
734  else
735  {
736  x = -last_y;
737  y = last_x;
738  }
740  detectorParameter->SetPar_glassWindow(i + 1, x, y);
742  detectorParameter->SetPar_sensor(i + 1, x, y);
743  sensor_PV[i] = build_box(detectorParameter->GetBoxPar("sensor"), motherLV);
745  sensor_vol[sensor_PV[i]] = i;
746  //cout << "in build_sensor: sensor_vol = " << sensor_vol[sensor_PV[i]] << endl;
748  last_x = x;
749  last_y = y;
750  } //end of for(i)
751 }
752 //________________________________________________________________________//
753 void PHG4mRICHDetector::build_lens(LensPar* par, G4LogicalVolume* motherLV)
754 {
755  const G4int NumberOfGrooves = floor((par->eff_diameter / 2.0) / par->grooveWidth);
756  G4Polycone* Groove_poly[NumberOfGrooves];
757  G4LogicalVolume* Groove_log[NumberOfGrooves];
759  G4VisAttributes* SurfaceVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0, 1.0, 1.0));
760  SurfaceVisAtt->SetVisibility(true);
761  SurfaceVisAtt->SetForceWireframe(true);
762  SurfaceVisAtt->SetForceSolid(true);
764  int igroove;
765  for (igroove = 0; igroove < 1000; igroove++)
766  { //just put a arbitrary large number
767  //--------------------------------
768  //Grooves' inner and outer radius
769  //--------------------------------
770  G4double iRmin1 = (igroove + 0) * par->grooveWidth;
771  G4double iRmax1 = (igroove + 1) * par->grooveWidth;
772  G4double iRmin2 = iRmin1;
773  G4double iRmax2 = iRmin2 + 0.0001;
775  G4double lens_poly_rmin[3] = {iRmin1, iRmin1, iRmin2};
776  G4double lens_poly_rmax[3] = {iRmax1, iRmax1, iRmax2};
778  if (iRmax1 > par->diameter / 2.0) break; //if iRmax1>Lens radius (outside the lens), break
780  //--------------------------------
781  //phi angle
782  //--------------------------------
783  G4double phi1;
784  G4double phi2;
785  G4double deltaPhi;
787  if (iRmax1 < par->halfXYZ[0])
788  { //draw a full circle
789  phi1 = 0; //in rad
790  deltaPhi = twopi; //in rad. two pi
791  }
792  else
793  {
794  phi1 = acos(par->halfXYZ[0] / iRmax1); //in rad
795  phi2 = asin(par->halfXYZ[0] / iRmax1); //in rad, assume lens is square -> halfy=halfx
796  deltaPhi = phi2 - phi1;
797  }
798  //--------------------------------
799  //grooves profile
800  //--------------------------------
801  G4double lens_poly_z[3];
802  int numOfLayer;
804  if (iRmin1 < par->eff_diameter / 2.0)
805  { //if iRmin>=effective radius, dZ=0, i.e. flat
806  numOfLayer = 3;
807  G4double dZ = par->GetSagita(iRmax1) - par->GetSagita(iRmin1);
808  lens_poly_z[0] = par->halfXYZ[2];
809  lens_poly_z[1] = -par->halfXYZ[2] + dZ;
810  lens_poly_z[2] = -par->halfXYZ[2];
811  }
812  else
813  {
814  numOfLayer = 2;
815  lens_poly_z[0] = par->halfXYZ[2];
816  lens_poly_z[1] = par->halfXYZ[2] - par->centerThickness;
817  lens_poly_z[2] = 0;
818  }
820  //--------------------------------
821  //build grooves
822  //--------------------------------
823  int repeat = 1;
824  if (iRmax1 >= par->halfXYZ[0])
825  {
826  repeat = 4;
827  } //4 edges
828  for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++)
829  {
830  Groove_poly[i] = new G4Polycone(par->name.c_str(), phi1, deltaPhi, numOfLayer, lens_poly_z, lens_poly_rmin, lens_poly_rmax);
831  Groove_log[i] = new G4LogicalVolume(Groove_poly[i], par->material, par->name.c_str(), 0, 0, 0);
832  new G4PVPlacement(0, par->pos, Groove_log[i], par->name.c_str(), motherLV, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
834  Groove_log[i]->SetVisAttributes(SurfaceVisAtt);
835  phi1 = phi1 + halfpi; //g4 pre-defined: halfpi=pi/2
836  }
837  }
838 }
839 //________________________________________________________________________//
840 void PHG4mRICHDetector::build_mRICH_wall_hside(G4LogicalVolume* logicWorld)
841 {
842  G4AssemblyVolume* mRICHwall = new G4AssemblyVolume(); //"mother volume"
844  G4LogicalVolume* a_mRICH = Construct_a_mRICH(0); // build a single mRICH
846  int NumOfModule = params->get_int_param("NumOfModule_wall_hside");
848  for (int i_mRICH = 0; i_mRICH < NumOfModule; ++i_mRICH)
849  {
850  // get moduleID
851  // std::stringstream key_moduleID;
852  // key_moduleID << "mRICH_wall_hside_" << i_mRICH << "_moduleID";
853  // int module_id = params->get_int_param(key_moduleID.str());
855  // get position
856  std::stringstream key_position_x;
857  key_position_x << "mRICH_wall_hside_" << i_mRICH << "_position_x";
858  G4double x = params->get_double_param(key_position_x.str());
860  std::stringstream key_position_y;
861  key_position_y << "mRICH_wall_hside_" << i_mRICH << "_position_y";
862  G4double y = params->get_double_param(key_position_y.str());
864  std::stringstream key_position_z;
865  key_position_z << "mRICH_wall_hside_" << i_mRICH << "_position_z";
866  G4double z = params->get_double_param(key_position_z.str());
868  // get rotation
869  std::stringstream key_rotation_theta;
870  key_rotation_theta << "mRICH_wall_hside_" << i_mRICH << "_rotation_theta";
871  G4double theta = params->get_double_param(key_rotation_theta.str());
873  std::stringstream key_rotation_phi;
874  key_rotation_phi << "mRICH_wall_hside_" << i_mRICH << "_rotation_phi";
875  G4double phi = params->get_double_param(key_rotation_phi.str());
877  //cout << "module_id = " << module_id << ", x = " << x << ", y = " << y << ", z = " << z << ", theta = " << theta << ", phi = " << phi << endl;
879  G4ThreeVector pos(x, y, z);
880  G4RotationMatrix* rot = new G4RotationMatrix();
882  if (x != 0 || y != 0)
883  {
884  rot->rotateX(theta * (-1) * sin(phi) * 180 * deg / pi);
885  rot->rotateY(theta * cos(phi) * 180 * deg / pi);
886  }
887  mRICHwall->AddPlacedVolume(a_mRICH, pos, rot);
888  }
890  G4ThreeVector pos(0, 0, 0);
891  mRICHwall->MakeImprint(logicWorld, pos, nullptr, 0, OverlapCheck());
892 }
893 //________________________________________________________________________//
895 //________________________________________________________________________//
896 void PHG4mRICHDetector::build_mRICH_wall_eside(G4LogicalVolume* logicWorld)
897 {
898  G4AssemblyVolume* mRICHwall = new G4AssemblyVolume(); //"mother volume"
900  G4LogicalVolume* a_mRICH = Construct_a_mRICH(0); // build a single mRICH
902  G4double shift = params->get_double_param("mRICH_wall_eside_shift");
904  int NumOfModule = params->get_int_param("NumOfModule_wall_eside");
906  if (Verbosity() >= Fun4AllBase::VERBOSITY_MORE) std::cout << __FILE__ << "::" << __func__ << "::NumOfModule: " << NumOfModule << std::endl;
908  for (int i_mRICH = 0; i_mRICH < NumOfModule; ++i_mRICH)
909  {
910  // get moduleID
911  // std::stringstream key_moduleID;
912  // key_moduleID << "mRICH_wall_eside_" << i_mRICH << "_moduleID";
913  // int module_id = params->get_int_param(key_moduleID.str());
915  // get position
916  std::stringstream key_position_x;
917  key_position_x << "mRICH_wall_eside_" << i_mRICH << "_position_x";
918  G4double x = params->get_double_param(key_position_x.str());
920  std::stringstream key_position_y;
921  key_position_y << "mRICH_wall_eside_" << i_mRICH << "_position_y";
922  G4double y = params->get_double_param(key_position_y.str());
924  std::stringstream key_position_z;
925  key_position_z << "mRICH_wall_eside_" << i_mRICH << "_position_z";
926  G4double z = params->get_double_param(key_position_z.str());
928  //cout << "module_id = " << i_mRICH << ", x = " << x << ", y = " << y << ", z = " << z << endl;
930  G4ThreeVector pos(x, y, z);
931  G4RotationMatrix* rot = new G4RotationMatrix();
932  mRICHwall->AddPlacedVolume(a_mRICH, pos, rot);
933  }
935  G4ThreeVector pos(0, 0, shift);
936  G4RotationMatrix* rot = new G4RotationMatrix();
937  rot->rotateX(180 * deg);
938  mRICHwall->MakeImprint(logicWorld, pos, rot, 0, OverlapCheck());
939 }
940 //________________________________________________________________________//
941 void PHG4mRICHDetector::build_mRICH_sector(G4LogicalVolume* logicWorld, int numSector)
942 {
943  G4AssemblyVolume* sector = new G4AssemblyVolume(); //"mother volume"
945  G4LogicalVolume* a_mRICH = Construct_a_mRICH(0); // build a single mRICH
947  G4double theta = params->get_double_param("mRICH_sector_hside_rotation_theta");
949  G4double shift = params->get_double_param("mRICH_sector_hside_shift");
951  int NumOfModule = params->get_int_param("NumOfModule_sector_hside");
953  for (int i_mRICH = 0; i_mRICH < NumOfModule; ++i_mRICH)
954  {
955  // get moduleID
956  // std::stringstream key_moduleID;
957  // key_moduleID << "mRICH_sector_hside_" << i_mRICH << "_moduleID";
958  // int module_id = params->get_int_param(key_moduleID.str());
960  // get position
961  std::stringstream key_position_x;
962  key_position_x << "mRICH_sector_hside_" << i_mRICH << "_position_x";
963  G4double x = params->get_double_param(key_position_x.str());
965  std::stringstream key_position_y;
966  key_position_y << "mRICH_sector_hside_" << i_mRICH << "_position_y";
967  G4double y = params->get_double_param(key_position_y.str());
969  std::stringstream key_position_z;
970  key_position_z << "mRICH_sector_hside_" << i_mRICH << "_position_z";
971  G4double z = params->get_double_param(key_position_z.str());
972  if (i_mRICH == 10) z -= 10.;
974  //cout << "module_id = " << module_id << ", x = " << x << ", y = " << y << ", z = " << z << ", theta = " << theta << endl;
976  G4ThreeVector pos(x, y, z);
977  G4RotationMatrix* rot = new G4RotationMatrix();
979  sector->AddPlacedVolume(a_mRICH, pos, rot);
980  }
982  for (int i = 0; i < numSector; i++)
983  {
984  // G4ThreeVector pos(0, 0, 3.0*m);
985  G4ThreeVector pos(0, 0, shift);
986  // G4ThreeVector pos(0, 0, 2.8085*m);
987  G4RotationMatrix* rot = new G4RotationMatrix();
988  rot->rotateX(-theta * 180 * deg / pi);
989  rot->rotateZ(i * 45 * deg);
990  sector->MakeImprint(logicWorld, pos, rot, 0, OverlapCheck());
991  }
992 }
994 //________________________________________________________________________//
995 //________________________________________________________________________//
996 void PHG4mRICHDetector::build_mRICH_sector2(G4LogicalVolume* logicWorld, int numSector)
997 {
998  G4AssemblyVolume* sector = new G4AssemblyVolume(); //"mother volume"
1000  G4LogicalVolume* a_mRICH = Construct_a_mRICH(0); // build a single mRICH
1002  //-m/s-G4double theta = params->get_double_param("mRICH_sector_bside_rotation_theta");
1004  //G4double shift = 70;//params->get_double_param("mRICH_sector_bside_shift");
1006  int NumOfModule = params->get_int_param("NumOfModule_sector_bside");
1008  //--G4double delta = 2.15833;
1009  G4double yy[8] = {61.92, 61.92, 63.09, 63.09, 63.34, 63.34, 63.00, 63.00};
1010  G4double zz[8] = {8.94, -8.94, 27.78, -27.78, 48.26, -48.26, 71.41, -71.41};
1011  G4double rotAng[8] = {-81.78, -98.22, -66.23, -113.77, -52.69, -127.31, -41.42, -138.58};
1013  //for (int i_mRICH = 0; i_mRICH < NumOfModule; ++i_mRICH)
1014  //for (int i_mRICH = 0; i_mRICH < 10; ++i_mRICH)
1015  for (int i_mRICH = 0; i_mRICH < 8; ++i_mRICH)
1016  {
1017  // get moduleID
1018  //std::stringstream key_moduleID;
1019  // key_moduleID << "mRICH_sector_bside_" << i_mRICH << "_moduleID";
1020  //int module_id = params->get_int_param(key_moduleID.str());
1022  // get position
1023  std::stringstream key_position_x;
1024  key_position_x << "mRICH_sector_bside_" << i_mRICH << "_position_x";
1025  G4double x = 0.; //params->get_double_param(key_position_x.str());
1027  std::stringstream key_position_y;
1028  key_position_y << "mRICH_sector_bside_" << i_mRICH << "_position_y";
1029  G4double y = yy[i_mRICH] * 10.; //params->get_double_param(key_position_y.str()); //500
1031  std::stringstream key_position_z;
1032  key_position_z << "mRICH_sector_bside_" << i_mRICH << "_position_z";
1033  G4double z = zz[i_mRICH] * 10.; //params->get_double_param(key_position_z.str());
1035  //cout << "222: module_id = " <<i_mRICH << ", x = " << x << ", y = " << y << ", z = " << z << endl;
1037  //G4double rotAng = -90 + pow(-1,i_mRICH)*(rotAng0*2*i_mRICH+rotAng0);
1039  G4ThreeVector pos(x, y, z);
1040  G4RotationMatrix* rot = new G4RotationMatrix();
1041  rot->rotateX(rotAng[i_mRICH] * deg);
1042  //rot->rotateX(-91 * deg);
1043  //rot->rotateX(-90 * deg);
1045  sector->AddPlacedVolume(a_mRICH, pos, rot);
1046  }
1048  if (Verbosity() >= Fun4AllBase::VERBOSITY_A_LOT) std::cout << __FILE__ << "::" << __func__ << "::222x1x222" << NumOfModule << "\t" << numSector << std::endl;
1050  G4double nSecs = 21;
1051  G4double Ang = 360. / nSecs;
1053  //for (int i = 0; i < numSector; i++)
1054  for (int i = 0; i < nSecs; i++)
1055  //for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
1056  {
1057  //G4ThreeVector pos(0, 0, shift);
1058  G4ThreeVector pos(0, 0, 0);
1059  G4RotationMatrix* rot = new G4RotationMatrix();
1060  //rot->rotateX(-theta * 180 * deg / pi);
1061  rot->rotateZ(i * Ang * deg);
1062  sector->MakeImprint(logicWorld, pos, rot, 0, OverlapCheck());
1063  }
1064 }
1066 //________________________________________________________________________//
1068 //________________________________________________________________________//
1069 void PHG4mRICHDetector::build_mRICH_wall_eside_proj(G4LogicalVolume* logicWorld)
1070 {
1071  G4AssemblyVolume* mRICHwall = new G4AssemblyVolume(); //"mother volume"
1073  G4LogicalVolume* a_mRICH = Construct_a_mRICH(0); // build a single mRICH
1075  G4double shift = params->get_double_param("mRICH_wall_eside_proj_shift");
1077  int NumOfModule = params->get_int_param("NumOfModule_wall_eside_proj");
1079  if (Verbosity() >= Fun4AllBase::VERBOSITY_MORE) std::cout << __FILE__ << "::" << __func__ << "::NumOfModule: " << NumOfModule << std::endl;
1081  G4double scale = 1.0;
1082  for (int i_mRICH = 0; i_mRICH < NumOfModule; ++i_mRICH)
1083  {
1084  // get moduleID
1085  // std::stringstream key_moduleID;
1086  // key_moduleID << "mRICH_wall_eside_" << i_mRICH << "_moduleID";
1087  // int module_id = params->get_int_param(key_moduleID.str());
1089  /*
1090  if(i_mRICH<12) scale = 1.067;
1091  else if(i_mRICH>=12 && i_mRICH<24) scale = 1.070;
1092  else if(i_mRICH>=24 && i_mRICH<44) scale = 1.074;
1093  else if(i_mRICH>=44 && i_mRICH<48) scale = 1.077;
1094  else scale = 1.078;
1095  */
1096  if (i_mRICH < 8)
1097  scale = 1.08;
1098  else if (i_mRICH >= 8 && i_mRICH < 20)
1099  scale = 1.085;
1100  else if (i_mRICH >= 20 && i_mRICH < 44)
1101  scale = 1.11;
1102  else
1103  scale = 1.15;
1105  // get position
1106  std::stringstream key_position_x;
1107  key_position_x << "mRICH_wall_eside_proj_" << i_mRICH << "_position_x";
1108  G4double x = params->get_double_param(key_position_x.str()) * scale;
1110  std::stringstream key_position_y;
1111  key_position_y << "mRICH_wall_eside_proj_" << i_mRICH << "_position_y";
1112  G4double y = params->get_double_param(key_position_y.str()) * scale;
1114  std::stringstream key_position_z;
1115  key_position_z << "mRICH_wall_eside_proj_" << i_mRICH << "_position_z";
1116  G4double z = params->get_double_param(key_position_z.str());
1118  //cout << "module_id = " << i_mRICH << ", x = " << x << ", y = " << y << ", z = " << z << endl;
1119  G4double rotAngX = atan(y / shift);
1120  G4double rotAngY = atan(x / std::abs(shift));
1121  G4ThreeVector pos(x, y, z);
1122  G4RotationMatrix* rot = new G4RotationMatrix();
1123  rot->rotateX(rotAngX * rad);
1124  rot->rotateY(rotAngY * rad);
1126  mRICHwall->AddPlacedVolume(a_mRICH, pos, rot);
1127  }
1129  G4ThreeVector pos(0, 0, shift);
1130  G4RotationMatrix* rot = new G4RotationMatrix();
1131  rot->rotateX(180 * deg);
1132  mRICHwall->MakeImprint(logicWorld, pos, rot, 1000, OverlapCheck());
1133 }