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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file Fun4AllDstPileupMerger.cc
8 #include "PHG4Hit.h" // for PHG4Hit
9 #include "PHG4HitContainer.h"
10 #include "PHG4Hitv1.h"
11 #include "PHG4Particle.h" // for PHG4Particle
12 #include "PHG4Particlev3.h"
13 #include "PHG4TruthInfoContainer.h"
14 #include "PHG4VtxPoint.h" // for PHG4VtxPoint
15 #include "PHG4VtxPointv1.h"
17 #include <phhepmc/PHHepMCGenEvent.h> // for PHHepMCGenEvent
20 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
21 #include <phool/PHIODataNode.h> // for PHIODataNode
22 #include <phool/PHNode.h> // for PHNode
23 #include <phool/PHNodeIterator.h> // for PHNodeIterator
24 #include <phool/PHNodeOperation.h>
25 #include <phool/PHObject.h> // for PHObject
26 #include <phool/getClass.h>
28 #include <TObject.h>
30 #include <HepMC/GenEvent.h>
32 #include <climits>
33 #include <iostream>
34 #include <iterator>
35 #include <utility>
37 // convenient aliases for deep copying nodes
38 namespace
39 {
40  using PHG4Particle_t = PHG4Particlev3;
41  using PHG4VtxPoint_t = PHG4VtxPointv1;
42  using PHG4Hit_t = PHG4Hitv1;
45  class FindG4HitContainer : public PHNodeOperation
46  {
47  public:
49  using ContainerMap = std::map<std::string, PHG4HitContainer *>;
52  const ContainerMap &containers() const
53  {
54  return m_containers;
55  }
57  protected:
59  void perform(PHNode *node) override
60  {
61  // check type name. Only load PHIODataNode
62  if (node->getType() != "PHIODataNode") return;
64  // cast to IODataNode and check data
65  auto ionode = static_cast<PHIODataNode<TObject> *>(node);
66  auto data = dynamic_cast<PHG4HitContainer *>(ionode->getData());
67  if (data)
68  {
69  m_containers.insert(std::make_pair(node->getName(), data));
70  }
71  }
73  private:
75  ContainerMap m_containers;
76  };
78 } // namespace
80 //_____________________________________________________________________________
82 {
83  // hep mc
84  m_geneventmap = findNode::getClass<PHHepMCGenEventMap>(dstNode, "PHHepMCGenEventMap");
85  if (!m_geneventmap)
86  {
87  std::cout << "Fun4AllDstPileupMerger::load_nodes - creating PHHepMCGenEventMap" << std::endl;
89  dstNode->addNode(new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(m_geneventmap, "PHHepMCGenEventMap", "PHObject"));
90  }
92  // find all G4Hit containers under dstNode
93  FindG4HitContainer nodeFinder;
94  PHNodeIterator(dstNode).forEach(nodeFinder);
95  m_g4hitscontainers = nodeFinder.containers();
97  // g4 truth info
98  m_g4truthinfo = findNode::getClass<PHG4TruthInfoContainer>(dstNode, "G4TruthInfo");
99  if (!m_g4truthinfo)
100  {
101  std::cout << "Fun4AllDstPileupMerger::load_nodes - creating node G4TruthInfo" << std::endl;
103  dstNode->addNode(new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(m_g4truthinfo, "G4TruthInfo", "PHObject"));
104  }
105 }
107 //_____________________________________________________________________________
109 {
110  // copy PHHepMCGenEventMap
111  const auto map = findNode::getClass<PHHepMCGenEventMap>(dstNode, "PHHepMCGenEventMap");
113  // keep track of new embed id, after insertion as background event
114  int new_embed_id = -1;
116  if (map && m_geneventmap)
117  {
118  if (map->size() != 1)
119  {
120  std::cout << "Fun4AllDstPileupMerger::copy_background_event - cannot merge events that contain more than one PHHepMCGenEventMap" << std::endl;
121  return;
122  }
124  // get event and insert in new map
125  auto genevent = map->get_map().begin()->second;
128  /*
129  * this hack prevents a crash when writting out
130  * it boils down to root trying to write deleted items from the HepMC::GenEvent copy if the source has been deleted
131  * it does not happen if the source gets written while the copy is deleted
132  */
133  newevent->getEvent()->swap(*genevent->getEvent());
135  // shift vertex time and store new embed id
136  newevent->moveVertex(0, 0, 0, delta_t);
137  new_embed_id = newevent->get_embedding_id();
138  }
140  // copy truth container
141  // keep track of the correspondance between source index and destination index for vertices, tracks and showers
142  using ConversionMap = std::map<int, int>;
143  ConversionMap vtxid_map;
144  ConversionMap trkid_map;
146  const auto container_truth = findNode::getClass<PHG4TruthInfoContainer>(dstNode, "G4TruthInfo");
147  if (container_truth && m_g4truthinfo)
148  {
149  {
150  // primary vertices
151  auto key = m_g4truthinfo->maxvtxindex();
152  const auto range = container_truth->GetPrimaryVtxRange();
153  for (auto iter = range.first; iter != range.second; ++iter)
154  {
155  // clone vertex, insert in map, and add index conversion
156  const auto &sourceVertex = iter->second;
157  auto newVertex = new PHG4VtxPoint_t(sourceVertex);
158  newVertex->set_t(sourceVertex->get_t() + delta_t);
159  m_g4truthinfo->AddVertex(++key, newVertex);
160  vtxid_map.insert(std::make_pair(sourceVertex->get_id(), key));
161  }
162  }
164  {
165  // secondary vertices
166  auto key = m_g4truthinfo->minvtxindex();
167  const auto range = container_truth->GetSecondaryVtxRange();
169  // loop from last to first to preserve order with respect to the original event
170  for (
171  auto iter = std::reverse_iterator<PHG4TruthInfoContainer::ConstVtxIterator>(range.second);
172  iter != std::reverse_iterator<PHG4TruthInfoContainer::ConstVtxIterator>(range.first);
173  ++iter)
174  {
175  // clone vertex, shift time, insert in map, and add index conversion
176  const auto &sourceVertex = iter->second;
177  auto newVertex = new PHG4VtxPoint_t(sourceVertex);
178  newVertex->set_t(sourceVertex->get_t() + delta_t);
179  m_g4truthinfo->AddVertex(--key, newVertex);
180  vtxid_map.insert(std::make_pair(sourceVertex->get_id(), key));
181  }
182  }
184  {
185  // primary particles
186  auto key = m_g4truthinfo->maxtrkindex();
187  const auto range = container_truth->GetPrimaryParticleRange();
188  for (auto iter = range.first; iter != range.second; ++iter)
189  {
190  const auto &source = iter->second;
191  auto dest = new PHG4Particle_t(source);
192  m_g4truthinfo->AddParticle(++key, dest);
193  dest->set_track_id(key);
195  // set parent to zero
196  dest->set_parent_id(0);
198  // set primary to itself
199  dest->set_primary_id(dest->get_track_id());
201  // update vertex
202  const auto keyiter = vtxid_map.find(source->get_vtx_id());
203  if (keyiter != vtxid_map.end())
204  dest->set_vtx_id(keyiter->second);
205  else
206  std::cout << "Fun4AllDstPileupMerger::copy_background_event - vertex id " << source->get_vtx_id() << " not found in map" << std::endl;
208  // insert in map
209  trkid_map.insert(std::make_pair(source->get_track_id(), dest->get_track_id()));
210  }
211  }
213  {
214  // secondary particles
215  auto key = m_g4truthinfo->mintrkindex();
216  const auto range = container_truth->GetSecondaryParticleRange();
218  /*
219  * loop from last to first to preserve order with respect to the original event
220  * also this ensures that for a given particle its parent has already been converted and thus found in the map
221  */
222  for (
223  auto iter = std::reverse_iterator<PHG4TruthInfoContainer::ConstIterator>(range.second);
224  iter != std::reverse_iterator<PHG4TruthInfoContainer::ConstIterator>(range.first);
225  ++iter)
226  {
227  const auto &source = iter->second;
228  auto dest = new PHG4Particle_t(source);
229  m_g4truthinfo->AddParticle(--key, dest);
230  dest->set_track_id(key);
232  // update parent id
233  auto keyiter = trkid_map.find(source->get_parent_id());
234  if (keyiter != trkid_map.end())
235  dest->set_parent_id(keyiter->second);
236  else
237  std::cout << "Fun4AllDstPileupMerger::copy_background_event - track id " << source->get_parent_id() << " not found in map" << std::endl;
239  // update primary id
240  keyiter = trkid_map.find(source->get_primary_id());
241  if (keyiter != trkid_map.end())
242  dest->set_primary_id(keyiter->second);
243  else
244  std::cout << "Fun4AllDstPileupMerger::copy_background_event - track id " << source->get_primary_id() << " not found in map" << std::endl;
246  // update vertex
247  keyiter = vtxid_map.find(source->get_vtx_id());
248  if (keyiter != vtxid_map.end())
249  dest->set_vtx_id(keyiter->second);
250  else
251  std::cout << "Fun4AllDstPileupMerger::copy_background_event - vertex id " << source->get_vtx_id() << " not found in map" << std::endl;
253  // insert in map
254  trkid_map.insert(std::make_pair(source->get_track_id(), dest->get_track_id()));
255  }
256  }
258  // vertex embed flags
259  /* embed flag is stored only for primary vertices, consistently with PHG4TruthEventAction */
260  for (const auto &pair : vtxid_map)
261  {
262  if (pair.first > 0) m_g4truthinfo->AddEmbededVtxId(pair.second, new_embed_id);
263  }
265  // track embed flags
266  /* embed flag is stored only for primary tracks, consistently with PHG4TruthEventAction */
267  for (const auto &pair : trkid_map)
268  {
269  if (pair.first > 0) m_g4truthinfo->AddEmbededTrkId(pair.second, new_embed_id);
270  }
271  }
273  // copy g4hits
274  // loop over registered maps
275  for (const auto &pair : m_g4hitscontainers)
276  {
277  // check destination node
278  if (!pair.second)
279  {
280  std::cout << "Fun4AllDstPileupMerger::copy_background_event - invalid destination container " << pair.first << std::endl;
281  continue;
282  }
284  // find source node
285  auto container_hit = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(dstNode, pair.first);
286  if (!container_hit)
287  {
288  std::cout << "Fun4AllDstPileupMerger::copy_background_event - invalid source container " << pair.first << std::endl;
289  continue;
290  }
292  {
293  // hits
294  const auto range = container_hit->getHits();
295  for (auto iter = range.first; iter != range.second; ++iter)
296  {
297  // clone hit
298  const auto &sourceHit = iter->second;
299  auto newHit = new PHG4Hit_t(sourceHit);
301  // shift time
302  newHit->set_t(0, sourceHit->get_t(0) + delta_t);
303  newHit->set_t(1, sourceHit->get_t(1) + delta_t);
305  // update track id
306  const auto keyiter = trkid_map.find(sourceHit->get_trkid());
307  if (keyiter != trkid_map.end())
308  newHit->set_trkid(keyiter->second);
309  else
310  std::cout << "Fun4AllDstPileupMerger::copy_background_event - track id " << sourceHit->get_trkid() << " not found in map" << std::endl;
312  /*
313  * reset shower ids
314  * it was decided that showers from the background events will not be copied to the merged event
315  * as such we just reset the hits shower id
316  */
317  newHit->set_shower_id(INT_MIN);
319  /*
320  * this will generate a new key for the hit and assign it to the hit
321  * this ensures that there is no conflict with the hits from the 'main' event
322  */
323  pair.second->AddHit(newHit->get_detid(), newHit);
324  }
325  }
327  {
328  // layers
329  const auto range = container_hit->getLayers();
330  for (auto iter = range.first; iter != range.second; ++iter)
331  {
332  pair.second->AddLayer(*iter);
333  }
334  }
335  }
336 }