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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file FairMCApplication.cxx
1 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // ----- FairDetector source file -----
3 // ----- Created 06/01/04 by M. Al-Turany -----
4 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 #include "FairMCApplication.h"
8 #include "FairGenericStack.h"
9 #include "FairField.h"
10 #include "FairModule.h"
11 #include "FairDetector.h"
12 #include "FairRunSim.h"
13 #include "FairIon.h"
14 #include "FairMCEventHeader.h"
15 #include "FairEventHeader.h"
16 #include "FairPrimaryGenerator.h"
17 #include "FairTrajFilter.h"
18 #include "FairRootManager.h"
19 #include "FairTask.h"
20 #include "FairVolume.h"
21 #include "FairGeoLoader.h"
22 #include "FairGeoInterface.h"
23 #include "FairGeoMedia.h"
24 #include "FairGeoMedium.h"
25 #include "FairRadLenManager.h"
26 #include "FairRadGridManager.h"
27 #include "FairRadMapManager.h"
28 #include "FairMesh.h"
29 #include "FairRuntimeDb.h"
30 #include "FairLogger.h"
31 #include "FairRunInfo.h"
33 #include "TObjArray.h"
34 #include "TGeoTrack.h"
35 #include "TGeoVolume.h"
36 #include "TParticle.h"
37 #include "TGeoManager.h"
38 #include "TRefArray.h"
39 #include "TROOT.h"
40 #include "TInterpreter.h"
41 #include "TVirtualMC.h"
42 #include "TDatabasePDG.h"
43 #include "TGeoTrack.h"
44 #include "TGeoVolume.h"
45 #include "TParticle.h"
46 #include "TGeoManager.h"
47 #include "TParticlePDG.h"
48 #include "TMCParticleType.h"
49 #include "THashList.h"
50 #include "TSystem.h"
52 #include <iostream>
54 using std::cout;
55 using std::endl;
56 using std::pair;
57 //_____________________________________________________________________________
59  TObjArray* ModList, const char* MatName)
60  :TVirtualMCApplication(name,title),
61  fActDetIter(NULL),
62  fActiveDetectors(NULL),
63  fFairTaskList(NULL),
64  fDetIter(NULL),
65  fDetectors(NULL),
66  fDetMap(NULL),
67  fLogger(FairLogger::GetLogger()),
68  fModIter(NULL),
69  fModules(NULL),
70  fNoSenVolumes(0),
71  fPythiaDecayer(kFALSE),
72  fPythiaDecayerConfig(""),
73  fStack(NULL),
74  fRootManager(NULL),
75  fSenVolumes(NULL),
76  fxField(NULL),
77  fEvGen(NULL),
78  fMcVersion(-1),
79  fTrajFilter(NULL),
80  fTrajAccepted(kFALSE),
81  fUserDecay(kFALSE),
82  fUserDecayConfig(""),
83  fDebug(kFALSE),
84  fDisVol(NULL),
85  fDisDet(NULL),
86  fVolMap(),
87  //fVolIter(NULL),
88  fModVolMap(),
89  //fModVolIter(NULL),
90  fTrkPos(TLorentzVector(0,0,0,0)),
91  fRadLength(kFALSE),
92  fRadLenMan(NULL),
93  fRadMap(kFALSE),
94  fRadMapMan(NULL),
95  fRadGridMan(NULL),
96  fEventHeader(NULL),
97  fMCEventHeader(NULL),
98  fRunInfo()
99 {
100 // Standard Simulation constructor
101 // Check if the Fair root manager exist!
103 // Create an ObjArray of Modules and its iterator
104  fModules=ModList;
105  fModIter = fModules->MakeIterator();
106 // Create and fill a list of active detectors
107  fDetectors=new TRefArray;
108  fActiveDetectors=new TRefArray();
109  fModIter->Reset();
110  FairDetector* detector;
111  TObject* obj;
112  while((obj=fModIter->Next())) {
113  if(obj->InheritsFrom("FairDetector")) {
114  detector=(FairDetector*)obj;
115  fDetectors->Add(detector);
116  if(detector->IsActive()) {
117  fActiveDetectors->Add(detector);
118  }
119  }
120  }
121  fDetIter=fDetectors->MakeIterator();
122  fActDetIter=fActiveDetectors->MakeIterator();
123 // Create a Task list
124  fFairTaskList= new FairTask("Task List", 1);
125  gROOT->GetListOfBrowsables()->Add(fFairTaskList);
126  fMcVersion=-1;
127  // Initialise fTrajFilter pointer
128  fTrajFilter = NULL;
129  fDetMap=new TRefArray(1000);
130  fDisVol=0;
131  fDisDet=0;
133 }
134 //_____________________________________________________________________________
136  :TVirtualMCApplication(),
137  fActDetIter(0),
138  fActiveDetectors(0),
139  fFairTaskList(0),
140  fDetIter(0),
141  fDetectors(0),
142  fDetMap(0),
143  fLogger(FairLogger::GetLogger()),
144  fModIter(0),
145  fModules(0),
146  fNoSenVolumes(0),
147  fPythiaDecayer(kFALSE),
148  fPythiaDecayerConfig(""),
149  fStack(0),
150  fRootManager(0),
151  fSenVolumes(0),
152  fxField(0),
153  fEvGen(0),
154  fMcVersion(-1),
155  fTrajFilter(NULL),
156  fTrajAccepted(kFALSE),
157  fUserDecay(kFALSE),
158  fUserDecayConfig(""),
159  fDebug(kFALSE),
160  fDisVol(0),
161  fDisDet(0),
162  fVolMap(),
163  //fVolIter(NULL),
164  fModVolMap(),
165  //fModVolIter(NULL),
166  fTrkPos(TLorentzVector(0,0,0,0)),
167  fRadLength(kFALSE),
168  fRadLenMan(NULL),
169  fRadMap(kFALSE),
170  fRadMapMan(NULL),
171  fRadGridMan(NULL),
172  fEventHeader(NULL),
173  fMCEventHeader(NULL),
174  fRunInfo()
175 {
176 // Default constructor
177 }
178 //_____________________________________________________________________________
180 {
181 // Destructor
182 // cout<<"Enter Destructor of FairMCApplication"<<endl;
183  delete fStack;
184  delete fActiveDetectors; // don't do fActiveDetectors->Delete() here
185  // the modules are already deleted in FairRunSim
186  delete fActDetIter;
187  delete fDetectors;
188  delete gMC;
189  //@W@gMC=0;
190  // cout<<"Leave Destructor of FairMCApplication"<<endl;
191 }
192 //_____________________________________________________________________________
194 {
195 // Registers stack in Root manager.
196 // cout << "FairMCApplication::RegisterStack() " << endl;
197  if(fEvGen) {
198  fStack->Register();
199  }
200 }
201 //_____________________________________________________________________________
202 void FairMCApplication::InitMC(const char* setup, const char* cuts)
203 {
204 // Initialize MC.
205 // ---
206  fStack = (FairGenericStack*) gMC->GetStack();
208  gMC->SetMagField(fxField);
210  gMC->Init();
211  gMC->BuildPhysics();
212  TString MCName=gMC->GetName();
213  if (MCName == "TGeant3" || MCName == "TGeant3TGeo") {
214  fMcVersion = 0 ;
215  } else if(MCName == "TGeant4") {
216  fMcVersion = 1;
217  } else if(MCName == "TFluka") {
218  fMcVersion = 2;
219  } else {
220  fMcVersion = 3; //Geane
221  }
224  fLogger->Info(MESSAGE_ORIGIN, "Monte carlo Engine Initialisation with : %s ", MCName.Data());
225 }
226 //_____________________________________________________________________________
227 void FairMCApplication::RunMC(Int_t nofEvents)
228 {
229  // Reset the time for FairRunInfo. Otherwise the time of the
230  // first event will include the time needed for initilization.
231  fRunInfo.Reset();
232  // MC run.
233  gMC->ProcessRun(nofEvents);
234  // finish run
235  FinishRun();
236  // Save histograms with memory and runtime information in the output file
237  if (FairRunSim::Instance()->GetWriteRunInfoFile()) {
239  }
240 }
241 //____________________________________________________________________________
243 {
244 // Finish MC run.
245 // ---
246  if(fActDetIter) {
247  fActDetIter->Reset();
248  FairDetector* detector=NULL;
249  TObject* obj=0;
250  while((obj=fActDetIter->Next())) {
251  detector = dynamic_cast<FairDetector*>(obj);
252  if (detector) {
253  detector->FinishRun();
254  }
255  }
256  }
258  //fRootManager->Fill();
261  //FairMCEventHeader* header = gen->GetEvent();
262  Int_t nprimary = gen->GetTotPrimary();
263  TObjArray* meshlist = NULL;
265  if (fRadGridMan ) {
266  // cout << "-I FairMCApplication::FinishRun scaling ... " << endl;
267  meshlist = fRadGridMan->GetMeshList();
268  // cout << " entries " << meshlist->GetEntriesFast() << endl;
269  for(Int_t i=0; i<meshlist->GetEntriesFast(); i++ ) {
270  FairMesh* aMesh = (FairMesh*) meshlist->At(i);
271  aMesh->Scale(1./nprimary);
272  }
273  }
274  if (fRadGridMan) {
275  TH2D* tid = NULL;
276  TH2D* flu = NULL;
277  TH2D* seu = NULL;
278  // cout << "-I FairMCApplication::FinishRun saving ... " << endl;
279  // cout << " entries " << meshlist->GetEntriesFast() << endl;
281  cout << endl << endl;
282  cout << "======================================================="
283  << endl;
284  cout << " Dosimetry histos saving " << endl << endl;
285  cout << "======================================================="
286  << endl;
287  cout << endl << endl;
289  gDirectory->mkdir("Dosimetry");
290  gDirectory->cd("Dosimetry");
291  gDirectory->cd("");
294  for(Int_t i=0; i<meshlist->GetEntriesFast(); i++ ) {
295  FairMesh* aMesh = (FairMesh*) meshlist->At(i);
296  tid = aMesh->GetMeshTid();
297  flu = aMesh->GetMeshFlu();
298  seu = aMesh->GetMeshSEU();
299  //
300  // tid->Dump();
301  tid->Write();
302  flu->Write();
303  seu->Write();
304  }
305  }
306  gDirectory->cd("..");
307  if (!fRadGridMan) {
308  fRootManager->Write();
309  }
311  // fRootManager->Write();
313 }
314 //_____________________________________________________________________________
316 {
317 // User actions at beginning of event
318 // ---
319  if(fActDetIter) {
320  fActDetIter->Reset();
321  FairDetector* detector;
322  TObject* obj=0;
323  while((obj=fActDetIter->Next())) {
324  detector = dynamic_cast<FairDetector*>(obj);
325  if (detector) {
326  detector->BeginEvent();
327  }
328  }
329  }
331 }
333 //_____________________________________________________________________________
335 {
336 // User actions at beginning of a primary track
337 // ---
338  if(fActDetIter) {
339  fActDetIter->Reset();
340  FairDetector* detector=NULL;
341  TObject* obj=0;
342  while((obj=fActDetIter->Next())) {
343  detector = dynamic_cast<FairDetector*>(obj);
344  if( detector ) {
345  detector->BeginPrimary();
346  }
347  }
348  }
349 }
350 //_____________________________________________________________________________
352 {
354 // User actions at beginning of each track
355 // ---
357  if(fActDetIter) {
358  fActDetIter->Reset();
359  FairDetector* detector=NULL;
360  TObject* obj=0;
361  while((obj=fActDetIter->Next())) {
362  detector = dynamic_cast<FairDetector*>(obj);
363  if (detector) {
364  detector->PreTrack();
365  }
366  }
367  }
368  fTrajAccepted=kFALSE;
369  if(NULL != fTrajFilter) {
370  // Get the pointer to current track
371  TParticle* particle = fStack->GetCurrentTrack();
372 // cout << " FairMCApplication::PreTrack()" << particle << endl;
373  // Apply cuts
374  fTrajAccepted = fTrajFilter->IsAccepted(particle);
375  if(fTrajAccepted) {
376  // Add trajectory to geo manager
377  // Int_t trackId = fStack->GetCurrentTrackNumber();
378  TGeoTrack* fTrack=fTrajFilter->AddTrack(particle);
379  // TLorentzVector pos;
380  gMC->TrackPosition(fTrkPos);
381  fTrack->AddPoint(fTrkPos.X(), fTrkPos.Y(), fTrkPos.Z(), fTrkPos.T());
382  }
383  }
384 }
385 //_____________________________________________________________________________
387 {
388 // User actions at each step
389 // ---
390  // Work around for Fluka VMC, which does not call
391  // MCApplication::PreTrack()
392  static Int_t TrackId = 0;
393  if ( fMcVersion ==2 && gMC->GetStack()->GetCurrentTrackNumber() != TrackId ) {
394  PreTrack();
395  TrackId = gMC->GetStack()->GetCurrentTrackNumber();
396  }
399  Int_t copyNo;
400  Int_t id = gMC->CurrentVolID(copyNo);
401  //printf("Here %d!\n", id);
402  Bool_t InMap =kFALSE;
403  fDisVol=0;
404  fDisDet=0;
405  Int_t fCopyNo=0;
406  fVolIter =fVolMap.find(id);
407  if (fVolIter!=fVolMap.end()) {
408  do {
409  fDisVol=fVolIter->second;
410  //printf(" -->%\n", fDisVol->GetName());
411  fCopyNo=fDisVol->getCopyNo();
412  if(copyNo==fCopyNo) {
413  fDisDet=dynamic_cast<FairDetector*> (fDisVol->GetModule());
414  if (fDisDet) {
416  }
417  InMap=kTRUE;
418  break;
419  }
420  fVolIter++;
421  } while(fVolIter!=fVolMap.upper_bound(id));
422  if(fDisVol && !InMap) {
423  FairVolume* fNewV=new FairVolume( gMC->CurrentVolName(), id);
424  fNewV->setMCid(id);
425  fNewV->setModId(fDisVol->getModId());
426  fNewV->SetModule(fDisVol->GetModule());
427  fNewV->setCopyNo(copyNo);
428  fVolMap.insert(pair<Int_t, FairVolume* >(id, fNewV));
429  fDisDet=dynamic_cast<FairDetector*> (fDisVol->GetModule());
430  if ( fDisDet) {
431  fDisDet->ProcessHits(fNewV);
432  }
433  }
434  }
435  if(fTrajAccepted) {
436  if(gMC->TrackStep() > fTrajFilter->GetStepSizeCut()) {
437  gMC->TrackPosition(fTrkPos);
438  fTrajFilter->GetCurrentTrk()->AddPoint(fTrkPos.X(), fTrkPos.Y(), fTrkPos.Z(), fTrkPos.T());
439  }
440  }
441  if(fRadLenMan) {
442  id = gMC->CurrentVolID(copyNo);
443  fModVolIter =fModVolMap.find(id);
444  fRadLenMan->AddPoint(fModVolIter->second);
445  }
446  if(fRadMapMan) {
447  id = gMC->CurrentVolID(copyNo);
448  fModVolIter =fModVolMap.find(id);
449  fRadMapMan->AddPoint(fModVolIter->second);
450  }
451  if(fRadGridMan) {
453  }
455 }
456 //_____________________________________________________________________________
458 {
459 // User actions after finishing of each track
460 // ---
461  fActDetIter->Reset();
462  FairDetector* detector=NULL;
463  TObject* obj=0;
464  while((obj=fActDetIter->Next())) {
465  detector = dynamic_cast<FairDetector*>(obj);
466  if (detector ) {
467  detector->PostTrack();
468  }
469  }
470 }
472 //_____________________________________________________________________________
474 {
475 // User actions after finishing of a primary track
476 // ---
477  if(fActDetIter) {
478  fActDetIter->Reset();
479  FairDetector* detector=NULL;
480  TObject* obj=0;
481  while((obj=fActDetIter->Next())) {
482  detector = dynamic_cast<FairDetector*>(obj);
483  if (detector) {
484  detector->FinishPrimary();
485  }
486  }
487  }
488 }
490 //_____________________________________________________________________________
493 {
494  FinishEvent();
495  FinishRun();
496  // Save histograms with memory and runtime information in the output file
497  if (FairRunSim::Instance()->GetWriteRunInfoFile()) {
499  }
500  fRootManager->Write();
502  fLogger->Warning(MESSAGE_ORIGIN, "StopRun() exiting not safetly oopps !!!@@@!!!" );
505  rtdb->closeOutput();
506  exit(0) ;
507 }
508 //_____________________________________________________________________________
510 {
511 // User actions after finishing of an event
512 // ---
513  // --> Fill the stack output array
515  // --> Update track indizes in MCTracks and MCPoints
517  // --> Screen output of stack
518  fFairTaskList->ExecuteTask("");
520  TObject* obj=NULL;
521  FairDetector* detector=NULL;
522  fActDetIter->Reset();
524  while((obj=fActDetIter->Next())) {
525  detector = dynamic_cast<FairDetector*>(obj);
526  if (detector) {
527  detector->FinishEvent();
528  }
529  }
531  fRootManager->Fill();
532  fActDetIter->Reset();
533  detector=NULL;
534  obj=NULL;
535  while((obj=fActDetIter->Next())) {
536  detector = dynamic_cast<FairDetector*>(obj);
537  if (detector) {
538  detector->EndOfEvent();
539  }
540  }
541  fStack->Reset();
542  if(NULL != fTrajFilter) {
543  fTrajFilter->Reset();
544  TObjArray* fListOfTracks=gGeoManager->GetListOfTracks();
545  fListOfTracks->Delete();
546  }
547  if(NULL !=fRadLenMan) {
548  fRadLenMan->Reset();
549  }
550  if(NULL !=fRadMapMan) {
551  fRadMapMan->Reset();
552  }
554  // Store information about runtime for one event and memory consuption
555  // for later usage.
557 }
558 //_____________________________________________________________________________
560 {
561 // No limit
562 // ---
563  return DBL_MAX;
564 }
565 //_____________________________________________________________________________
567 {
568 // No limit
569 // ---
570  return DBL_MAX;
571 }
572 //_____________________________________________________________________________
573 void FairMCApplication::SetField(FairField* field)
574 {
575  fxField=field;
576 }
577 //_____________________________________________________________________________
579 {
581  FairGeoInterface* GeoInterface =loader->getGeoInterface();
582  FairGeoMedia* media= GeoInterface->getMedia();
583  TList* MediaList= media->getListOfMedia();
584  TListIter iter(MediaList);
585  FairGeoMedium* medium;
586  Int_t NK=0;
587  Double_t p[4];
588  while((medium=(FairGeoMedium*)iter.Next())) {
589  NK=medium->getNpckov();
590  if(NK>0) {
591  Int_t Mid=0;
592  TGeoMedium* Med = 0;
593  if ( gGeoManager && (Med = gGeoManager->GetMedium(medium->GetName())) ) {
594  Mid=Med->GetId();
595  } else {
596  Mid=medium->getMediumIndex();
597  if(Mid<=0) {
598  continue;
599  }
600  }
601  Double_t ppckov[NK], absco[NK], effic[NK],rindex[NK];
602  for (Int_t i=0; i<NK; i++) {
603  medium->getCerenkovPar(i, p);
604  ppckov[i]=p[0]*1E-9;
605  absco[i]=p[1];
606  effic[i]=p[2];
607  rindex[i]=p[3];
608  }
609  gMC->SetCerenkov(Mid, NK, ppckov,absco, effic, rindex);
610  }
611  }
612  fModIter->Reset();
613  FairModule* Mod=NULL;
614  while((Mod = dynamic_cast<FairModule*>(fModIter->Next()))) {
615  Mod->ConstructOpGeometry();
616  }
617 }
619 //_____________________________________________________________________________
621 {
623  fModIter->Reset();
624  FairModule* Mod=NULL;
625  Int_t NoOfVolumes=0;
626  Int_t NoOfVolumesBefore=0;
627  Int_t ModId=0;
628  while((Mod = dynamic_cast<FairModule*>(fModIter->Next()))) {
629  NoOfVolumesBefore=gGeoManager->GetListOfVolumes()->GetEntriesFast();
630  Mod->ConstructGeometry();
631  ModId=Mod->GetModId();
632  NoOfVolumes=gGeoManager->GetListOfVolumes()->GetEntriesFast();
633  for (Int_t n=NoOfVolumesBefore; n <= NoOfVolumes; n++) {
634  fModVolMap.insert(pair<Int_t, Int_t >(n,ModId));
635  }
636  }
638  if(fSenVolumes) {
639  fNoSenVolumes=fSenVolumes->GetEntries();
640  }
641  if (gGeoManager) {
642  // cout << "FairMCApplication::ConstructGeometry() : Now closing the geometry"<<endl;
643  gGeoManager->CloseGeometry(); // close geometry
644  gMC->SetRootGeometry(); // notify VMC about Root geometry
645  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(22, "gamma");
646  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(211, "pi+");
647  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(321, "K+");
648  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(2212, "proton");
649  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(-211, "pi-");
650  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(-321, "K-");
651  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(111, "pi0");
652  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(310, "K0");
653  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(130, "K0");
654  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(2112, "neutron");
655  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(11, "e-");
656  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(13, "mu-");
657  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(-11, "e+");
658  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(-13, "mu+");
659  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(3312, "Xsi");
660  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(3334, "Omega");
661  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(50000050, "Ckov");
662  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(-421, "D0bar");
663  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(421, "D0");
664  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(-411, "D-");
665  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(411, "D+");
666  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(-213, "rho-");
667  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(213, "rho+");
668  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(113, "rho0");
669  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(1000010020, "Deuteron");
670  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(1000010030, "Triton");
671  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(1000020030, "HE3");
672  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(1000020040, "Alpha");
673  }
674 }
675 //_____________________________________________________________________________
678 {
681  FairVolume* fv=0;
682  Int_t id=0;
683  fModIter->Reset();
684  FairDetector* detector=NULL;
685  if(fEvGen!=0 && fStack!=0) {
686  fStack->Register();
687  } else {
688  fLogger->Warning(MESSAGE_ORIGIN, "Stack is not registerd ");
689  }
691  // if(fEvGen)fEvGen->Init();
693  fActDetIter->Reset();
694  while((detector = dynamic_cast<FairDetector*>(fActDetIter->Next()))) {
695  detector->Initialize(); // initialize the detectors
696  detector->SetSpecialPhysicsCuts(); // set the detector specific detector cuts
697  detector->Register(); // add branches to tree
698  }
702  if (fFairTaskList) {
703  InitTasks();
704  }
706  // store the EventHeader Info
707  // Get and register EventHeader
708  UInt_t runId = FairRunSim::Instance()->GetRunId();
710  fLogger->Info(MESSAGE_ORIGIN, "Simulation RunID: %i ", runId);
712  // Get and register the MCEventHeader
714  fMCEventHeader->SetRunID(runId);
717  if(NULL !=fRadGridMan) {
718  fRadGridMan->Init();
719  }
721  if(fEvGen) {
723  }
725  if(NULL != fTrajFilter ) {
726  fTrajFilter->Init();
727  }
728  if(NULL !=fRadLenMan) {
729  fRadLenMan->Init();
730  }
731  if(NULL !=fRadMapMan) {
732  fRadMapMan->Init();
733  }
734  if(NULL !=fRadGridMan) {
735  fRadGridMan->Init();
736  }
741  TTree* outTree =new TTree("cbmsim", "/cbmroot", 99);
742  fRootManager->TruncateBranchNames(outTree, "cbmroot");
743  fRootManager->SetOutTree(outTree);
745  for ( Int_t i = 0 ; i < fNoSenVolumes ; i++ ) {
746  fv= (FairVolume*)fSenVolumes->At(i);
747  id=fv->getMCid();
748  if(fv->getGeoNode()==0) { //handel sensetive volumes created directly by user
749  TGeoNode* fN=0;
750  TGeoVolume* v=gGeoManager->GetVolume(fv->GetName());
751  TObjArray* fNs=0;
752  if(v) {
753  fNs=v->GetNodes();
754  }
755  if(fNs) {
756  for(Int_t k=0; k<fNs->GetEntriesFast(); k++) {
757  fN=(TGeoNode*)fNs->At(k);
758  FairVolume* fNewV=new FairVolume( fv->GetName(), id);
759  fNewV->setModId(fv->getModId());
760  fNewV->SetModule(fv->GetModule());
761  fNewV->setCopyNo(fN->GetNumber());
762  fNewV->setMCid(id);
763  fVolMap.insert(pair<Int_t, FairVolume* >(id, fNewV));
764  }
765  } else {
766  FairVolume* fNewV=new FairVolume( fv->GetName(), id);
767  fNewV->setModId(fv->getModId());
768  fNewV->SetModule(fv->GetModule());
769  fNewV->setCopyNo(1);
770  fNewV->setMCid(id);
771  fVolMap.insert(pair<Int_t, FairVolume* >(id, fNewV));
772  }
773  } else {
774  fVolMap.insert(pair<Int_t, FairVolume* >(id, fv));
775  }
776  }
779 }
781 //_____________________________________________________________________________
783 {
784 // Fill the user stack (derived from TVirtualMCStack) with primary particles.
785 // ---
786  if(fEvGen) {
787 // cout << "FairMCApplication::GeneratePrimaries()" << endl;
788  if (!fEvGen->GenerateEvent( fStack) ) {
789  StopRun();
790  }
791  }
792 }
793 //_____________________________________________________________________________
795 {
796  return (FairDetector*)fModules->FindObject(DetName);
797 }
798 //_____________________________________________________________________________
800 {
801  TDatabasePDG* pdgDatabase = TDatabasePDG::Instance();
803  TObjArray* NewIons=fRun->GetUserDefIons();
804  TIterator* Iter=NewIons->MakeIterator();
805  Iter->Reset();
806  TObject* obj=0;
807  FairIon* ion=0;
808  while((obj=Iter->Next())) {
809  ion=dynamic_cast <FairIon*> (obj);
810  if(ion) {
811  // Check if an ion with the calculated pdg code already exists in the
812  // TDatabasePDG.
813  // If the ion already exist don't create a new one because this fails for
814  // Geant4. Instead modify the FairIon to use the already existing ion
815  // from the TDatabasePDG.
816  // The problem occured for example for Alphas which exist already.
817  Int_t ionPdg = GetIonPdg( ion->GetZ(), ion->GetA() );
818  if ( !pdgDatabase->GetParticle( ionPdg ) ) {
819  gMC->DefineIon(ion->GetName(), ion->GetZ(), ion->GetA(), ion->GetQ(),
820  ion->GetExcEnergy(),ion->GetMass());
822  } else {
823  ion->SetName(pdgDatabase->GetParticle(ionPdg)->GetName());
824  }
825  //Add Ion to gGeoManager visualization
826  if(gGeoManager) {
827  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(pdgDatabase->GetParticle(ion->GetName())->PdgCode(),ion->GetName() );
828  }
829  fLogger->Info(MESSAGE_ORIGIN, "Add Ion: %s with PDG %i ", ion->GetName(), pdgDatabase->GetParticle(ion->GetName())->PdgCode());
830  }
831  }
832  delete Iter;
834  if(fEvGen) {
835  fEvGen->Init();
836  }
837 }
838 //_____________________________________________________________________________
840 {
843  TObjArray* NewIons=fRun->GetUserDefIons();
844  TIterator* Iter=NewIons->MakeIterator();
845  Iter->Reset();
846  TObject* obj=0;
847  TObjArray* NewPart=fRun->GetUserDefParticles();
848  TIterator* parIter=NewPart->MakeIterator();
849  parIter->Reset();
850  obj=0;
852  while((obj=parIter->Next())) {
853  particle=dynamic_cast <FairParticle*> (obj);
854  if(particle) { // (Int_t pdg, const char* name, TMCParticleType type,
855  //Double_t mass, Double_t charge, Double_t lifetime);
856  cout << "Add Particle: " << particle->GetName() << " with PDG " << particle->GetPDG() << "\n"<<
857  particle->GetName() << " // const TString& name \n" <<
858  particle->GetMCType()<<" // TMCParticleType mcType \n" <<
859  particle->GetMass()<<" // Double_t mass \n" <<
860  particle->GetCharge()<<" // Double_t charge \n" <<
861  particle->GetDecayTime()<<" // Double_t lifetime \n" <<
862  particle->GetPType()<< " // const TString& pType, \n" <<
863  particle->GetWidth()<< " // Double_t width \n" <<
864  particle->GetSpin()<< " // Int_t iSpin \n" <<
865  particle->GetiParity()<< " // Int_t iParity \n" <<
866  particle->GetConjugation()<<" // Int_t iConjugation \n" <<
867  particle->GetIsospin()<< " // Int_t iIsospin \n" <<
868  particle->GetIsospinZ()<< " // Int_t iIsospinZ \n" <<
869  particle->GetgParity()<< " // Int_t gParity \n" <<
870  particle->GetLepton()<< " // Int_t lepton \n" <<
871  particle->GetBaryon()<< " // Int_t baryon \n" <<
872  particle->IsStable() << " // Bool_t stable \n" << endl;
873  gMC->DefineParticle(particle->GetPDG(), // Int_t pdg
874  particle->GetName(), // const TString& name
875  particle->GetMCType(), // TMCParticleType mcType
876  particle->GetMass(), // Double_t mass
877  particle->GetCharge(), // Double_t charge
878  particle->GetDecayTime(), // Double_t lifetime
879  particle->GetPType(), // const TString& pType,
880  particle->GetWidth(), // Double_t width
881  particle->GetSpin(), // Int_t iSpin
882  particle->GetiParity(), // Int_t iParity
883  particle->GetConjugation(), // Int_t iConjugation
884  particle->GetIsospin(), // Int_t iIsospin
885  particle->GetIsospinZ(), // Int_t iIsospinZ
886  particle->GetgParity(), // Int_t gParity
887  particle->GetLepton(), // Int_t lepton
888  particle->GetBaryon(), // Int_t baryon
889  particle->IsStable() // Bool_t stable
890  );
891  //Add Ion to gGeoManager visualization
892  if(gGeoManager) {
893  gGeoManager->SetPdgName(particle->GetPDG(),particle->GetName() );
894  }
895  }
896  }
897  delete parIter;
898  AddDecayModes();
899  delete Iter;
900 }
902 //_____________________________________________________________________________
904 {
905  TString work = getenv("VMCWORKDIR");
906  TString work_config=work+"/gconfig/";
907  TString config_dir= getenv("CONFIG_DIR");
908  Bool_t AbsPath=kFALSE;
910  if (!config_dir.EndsWith("/")) {
911  config_dir+="/";
912  }
913  // set Pythia as external decayer
915  if(fPythiaDecayer) {
916  TString decayConfig;
917  if(fPythiaDecayerConfig.IsNull()) {
918  decayConfig="DecayConfig.C";
919  fPythiaDecayerConfig= decayConfig;
920  } else {
921  if (fPythiaDecayerConfig.Contains("/")) {
922  AbsPath=kTRUE;
923  }
924  decayConfig=fPythiaDecayerConfig;
925  }
927  if (!AbsPath && TString(gSystem->FindFile(config_dir.Data(), decayConfig)) != TString("")) {
928  cout << "---User path for Configuration (DecayConfig.C) is used : " << config_dir.Data() << endl;
929  } else {
930  if(AbsPath) {
931  decayConfig= fPythiaDecayerConfig;
932  } else {
933  decayConfig=work_config+ fPythiaDecayerConfig ;
934  }
935  }
936  // Add decay modes using an external configuration script
937  cout << "External Decay Modes with script \n "<< decayConfig.Data() << endl;
938  // Load configuration script and execute it
939  Int_t pyt= gROOT->LoadMacro(decayConfig.Data());
940  if(pyt==0) {
941  gInterpreter->ProcessLine("DecayConfig()");
942  }
943  }
944  // set user defined phase space decay for particles (ions)
945  AbsPath=kFALSE;
946  if(fUserDecay) {
947  TString Userdecay;
948  if(fUserDecayConfig.IsNull()) {
949  Userdecay="UserDecay.C";
950  fUserDecayConfig =Userdecay;
951  } else {
952  if(fUserDecayConfig.Contains("/")) {
953  AbsPath=kTRUE;
954  }
955  Userdecay= fUserDecayConfig;
956  }
959  if (!AbsPath && TString(gSystem->FindFile(config_dir.Data(), Userdecay)) != TString("")) {
960  cout << "---User path for Configuration (UserDecay.C) is used : " << config_dir.Data() << endl;
961  } else {
962  if(AbsPath) {
963  Userdecay=fUserDecayConfig;
964  } else {
965  Userdecay=work_config+fUserDecayConfig;
966  }
967  }
968  cout << "User Decay Modes with script \n "<< Userdecay.Data() << endl;
969  Int_t dec= gROOT->LoadMacro(Userdecay.Data());
970  if(dec==0) {
971  gInterpreter->ProcessLine("UserDecayConfig()");
972  }
973  }
974 }
975 //_____________________________________________________________________________
977 {
978  return fEvGen;
979 }
980 //_____________________________________________________________________________
982 {
983  fEvGen=pGen;
984 }
985 //_____________________________________________________________________________
986 void FairMCApplication::AddTask(TTask* fTask)
987 {
988  if (! fFairTaskList ) {
989  fFairTaskList= new FairTask("Task List", 1);
990  gROOT->GetListOfBrowsables()->Add(fFairTaskList);
991  }
992  fFairTaskList->Add(fTask);
993  SetParTask();
994 }
995 //_____________________________________________________________________________
997 {
998  return fStack;
999 }
1000 //_____________________________________________________________________________
1002 {
1003  return fFairTaskList;
1004 }
1006 //_____________________________________________________________________________
1008 {
1009  // Only RTDB init when more than Main Task list
1010  if(FairRun::Instance()->GetNTasks() >= 1 ) {
1012  }
1013  fModIter->Reset();
1014  FairModule* Mod=NULL;
1015  while((Mod = dynamic_cast<FairModule*>(fModIter->Next()))) {
1016  Mod->SetParContainers();
1017  }
1019  fRTdb->initContainers(FairRunSim::Instance()->GetRunId());
1021 }
1022 //_____________________________________________________________________________
1024 {
1026  // Only RTDB init when more than Main Task list
1027  if(FairRun::Instance()->GetNTasks() >= 1 ) {
1028  fLogger->Info(MESSAGE_ORIGIN, "Initialize Tasks--------------------------");
1031  }
1034 }
1035 //_____________________________________________________________________________
1037 {
1038  return fRootManager->GetInChain();
1039 }
1040 //_____________________________________________________________________________
1043 {
1044  fRadLength=RadLen;
1045  if(fRadLength) {
1047  }
1048 }
1049 //_____________________________________________________________________________
1053 {
1054  fRadMap=RadMap;
1055  if(fRadMap) {
1057  }
1058 }
1059 //_____________________________________________________________________________
1062 void FairMCApplication::AddMeshList(TObjArray* meshList)
1063 {
1064  if (!fRadGridMan) {
1066  }
1067  fRadGridMan->AddMeshList (meshList);
1068 }
1069 //_____________________________________________________________________________
1071 Int_t FairMCApplication::GetIonPdg(Int_t z, Int_t a) const
1072 {
1073  // Acording to
1074  // http://pdg.lbl.gov/2012/reviews/rpp2012-rev-monte-carlo-numbering.pdf
1076  return 1000000000 + 10*1000*z + 10*a;
1077 }