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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file ConvertStarlightAsciiToTree.C
1 // This macro reads a starlight output file (default name slight.out) and creates a root file
2 // with TLorentzVectors for the parent and a TClonesArray of TLorentzVectors for the daughter
3 // particles. The output is stored in a root file (default name starlight.root) with one branch
4 // labeled "parent" and the other labeled "daughters". Any number of daughter tracks can be
5 // accomodated. Daughter species currently accomodated are: electrons, muons, charged or neutral
6 // pions, charged or neutral kaons, and protons.
7 //
8 // To use this macro, open root and then
9 // type .x convertStarlightAsciiToTree.C("inputfilename", "outputfilename")
10 //
11 // The root file produced can be examined in a root TBrowser.
12 //
13 // A macro to read this root file and make some standard plots is also provided. This macro is
14 // called AnalyzeTree.cxx; it can be compiled and run with the anaTree.C macro by opening root
15 // and typing .x anaTree.C()
17 #include <iostream>
18 #include <fstream>
19 #include <sstream>
20 #include <string>
22 #include "TLorentzVector.h"
23 #include "TClonesArray.h"
24 #include "TTree.h"
25 #include "TFile.h"
29 using namespace std;
30 double IDtoMass(int particleCode);
33 {
34  TLorentzVector* p;
35  float gamma_mass;
36  void set(float px, float py, float pz, float E, float Q2){
37  p = new TLorentzVector(px,py,pz,E);
38  gamma_mass = Q2;
39  };
40 };
41 TLorentzVector* make_beam_particle(double lorentz, int Z, int A,int dir){
42  double mass;
43  if( std::abs(A) == 0 )
44  {cout << "Considering the electron mass." <<endl;
45  mass = 0.000510998928; //Electron GeV/c^2
46  }
47  else{
48  mass = A*0.938272046; //A*proton GeV/c^2
49  cout << "Considering the proton mass."<<endl; }
50  double E = lorentz*mass;
51  double pz = std::sqrt(E*E-mass*mass);
52  cout<<"Mass = "<<mass<<endl;
53  TLorentzVector* to_ret = new TLorentzVector(0,0,dir*pz, E);
54  return to_ret;
56 }
59 void ConvertStarlightAsciiToTree(const char* inFileName = "slight.out",
60  const char* outFileName = "starlight.root")
61 {
63  // create output tree
64  TFile* outFile = new TFile(outFileName, "RECREATE");
65  if (!outFile) {
66  cerr << " error: could not create output file '" << outFileName << "'" << endl;
67  return;
68  }
69  TTree* outTree = new TTree("starlightTree", "starlightTree");
70  TLorentzVector* parentParticle = new TLorentzVector();
71  TClonesArray* daughterParticles = new TClonesArray("TLorentzVector");
72  TLorentzVector* source = new TLorentzVector();
73  TLorentzVector* target = new TLorentzVector();
74  //
75  TLorentzVector* beam1 = new TLorentzVector();
76  TLorentzVector* beam2 = new TLorentzVector();
77  std::map<string, int> set_up;
78  double photon_setup[5];
79  //
80  Float_t q2, W, Egamma, vertex_t;
81  outTree->Branch("beam1","TLorentzVector", &beam1, 32000, -1);
82  outTree->Branch("beam2","TLorentzVector", &beam2, 32000, -1);
83  //
84  outTree->Branch("Egamma", &Egamma, "Egamma/F");
85  outTree->Branch("Q2", &q2, "q2/F");
86  outTree->Branch("W", &W, "W/F");
87  outTree->Branch("t", &vertex_t, "vertex_t/F");
88  outTree->Branch("Target","TLorentzVector", &target, 32000, -1);
89  outTree->Branch("source", "TLorentzVector", &source, 32000, -1);
90  outTree->Branch("parent", "TLorentzVector", &parentParticle, 32000, -1);
91  outTree->Branch("daughters", "TClonesArray", &daughterParticles, 32000, -1);
92  //
93  ifstream inFile;
94  inFile.open(inFileName);
95  unsigned int countLines = 0;
96  int tot_events=0;
97  bool loaded_head = false;
98  while (inFile.good()) {
99  string line;
100  string label;
101  stringstream lineStream;
102  // event simulation header
103  if( loaded_head == false){
104  if( !getline(inFile, line))
105  break;
106  ++countLines;
107  lineStream.str(line);
108  cout<<lineStream.str()<<endl;
109  R__ASSERT( lineStream >> label >> set_up["prod_id"] >> set_up["part_id"] >> set_up["nevents"]
110  >> set_up["qc"] >> set_up["impulse"] >> set_up["rnd_seed"] );
111  R__ASSERT(label == "CONFIG_OPT:");
112  // - Cout the set up for user
113  cout << " -------------------- Simulation set up -------------------- "<<endl;
114  cout << "prod_id: " << set_up["prod_id"] << "\t part_id: " << set_up["part_id"] << "\t nevents: " << set_up["nevents"] << endl;
115  cout << "q_glauber: "<< set_up["qc"] << "\t impulse: "<< set_up["impulse"] << "\t rnd_seed: "<< set_up["rnd_seed"] << endl;
116  cout << " ___________________________________________________________ "<<endl;
117  //
118  lineStream.clear();
119  // beam 1 and 2
120  int Z,A;
121  double lorentz;
122  if( !getline(inFile, line))
123  break;
124  ++countLines;
125  lineStream.str(line);
126  R__ASSERT( lineStream >> label >> lorentz );
127  R__ASSERT(label == "ELECTRON_BEAM:" );
128  beam1 = make_beam_particle(lorentz, Z, A, 1);
130  lineStream.clear();
131  //
132  if( !getline(inFile, line))
133  break;
134  ++countLines;
135  lineStream.str(line);
136  R__ASSERT( lineStream >> label >> Z >> A >> lorentz );
137  R__ASSERT(label == "TARGET_BEAM:" );
138  beam2 = make_beam_particle(lorentz, Z, A, -1);
140  lineStream.clear();
141  // Photon set-up
142  if( !getline(inFile, line))
143  break;
144  ++countLines;
145  lineStream.str(line);
146  int g_bins, q_bins, fixed_q;
147  double q2_min, q2_max;
148  R__ASSERT( lineStream >> label >> g_bins >> fixed_q>> q_bins
149  >> q2_min>> q2_max);
150  R__ASSERT(label == "PHOTON:");
151  loaded_head = true;
152  }
153  lineStream.clear();
154  // read EVENT
155  int eventNmb, nmbTracks;
156  if (!getline(inFile, line))
157  break;
158  ++countLines;
159  ++tot_events;
160  lineStream.str(line);
161  R__ASSERT(lineStream >> label >> eventNmb >> nmbTracks);
162  if (!(label == "EVENT:"))
163  continue;
165  lineStream.clear();
167  // read vertex
168  if (!getline(inFile, line))
169  break;
170  ++countLines;
171  lineStream.str(line);
172  R__ASSERT(lineStream >> label);
173  R__ASSERT(label == "VERTEX:");
175  *parentParticle = TLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0);
177  lineStream.clear();
179  //read gamma
180  if( !getline(inFile,line))
181  break;
182  lineStream.str(line);
183  //cout<<line.c_str()<<endl;
184  R__ASSERT(lineStream >> label >> Egamma >> q2 );
185  R__ASSERT(label == "GAMMA:");
186  lineStream.clear();
187  // read t
188  if( !getline(inFile,line))
189  break;
190  lineStream.str(line);
191  //cout<<line.c_str()<<endl;
192  R__ASSERT(lineStream >> label >> vertex_t );
193  R__ASSERT(label == "t:");
194  lineStream.clear();
195  // read target
196  if(!getline(inFile, line))
197  break;
198  ++countLines;
199  lineStream.str(line);
200  //cout<<line.c_str()<<endl;
201  float tpx=0., tpy=0., tpz=0., tE=0.;
202  R__ASSERT(lineStream >> label >> tpx >> tpy >> tpz >> tE) ;
203  R__ASSERT(label == "TARGET:");
204  *target = TLorentzVector(tpx, tpy, tpz, tE);
206  lineStream.clear();
207  // read source
208  if(!getline(inFile, line))
209  break;
210  ++countLines;
211  lineStream.str(line);
212  //cout<<line.c_str()<<endl;
213  float px=0., py=0., pz=0., E=0.;
214  R__ASSERT(lineStream >> label >> px >> py >> pz >> E) ;
215  R__ASSERT(label == "SOURCE:");
216  *source = TLorentzVector(px, py, pz, E);
218  lineStream.clear();
219  // Four-momentum of the gamma-ion system started as four-momentum of the target.
220  double pxtot = tpx;
221  double pytot = tpy;
222  double pztot = tpz;
223  double Etot = tE;
224  for (int i = 0; i < nmbTracks; ++i) {
225  // read tracks
226  int particleCode;
227  double momentum[3];
228  if (!getline(inFile, line))
229  break;
230  ++countLines;
231  lineStream.str(line);
232  R__ASSERT(lineStream >> label >> particleCode >> momentum[0] >> momentum[1] >> momentum[2]);
233  R__ASSERT(label == "TRACK:");
234  Double_t daughterMass = IDtoMass(particleCode);
235  if (daughterMass < 0) {break;}
236  /*Adding up the momenta and energies of every daughter particle produced to get the total four-momentum.*/
237  const double E = sqrt( momentum[0] * momentum[0] + momentum[1] * momentum[1]
238  + momentum[2] * momentum[2] + daughterMass * daughterMass);
239  new ( (*daughterParticles)[i] ) TLorentzVector(momentum[0], momentum[1], momentum[2], E);
240  *parentParticle += *(static_cast<TLorentzVector*>(daughterParticles->At(i)));
241  // Distributing the components of the four-momentum of the system to 3d momentum vector and Energy.
242  pxtot += momentum[0];
243  pytot += momentum[1];
244  pztot += momentum[2];
245  Etot += E;
246  lineStream.clear();
247  }
248  W = sqrt(Etot * Etot - pxtot * pxtot - pytot * pytot - pztot * pztot); //Lorentz invariant.
250  daughterParticles->Compress();
251  outTree->Fill();
252  }
253  outTree->Write();
254  if (outFile) {
255  outFile->Close();
256  delete outFile;
257  }
258  cout<<"Processed "<<tot_events<<" events"<<endl;
259 }
261  double IDtoMass(int particleCode){
262  double mass;
263  if (particleCode == 2 || particleCode==3) {mass = 0.00051099907;} // electron
264  else if (particleCode == 5 || particleCode==6) {mass = 0.105658389;} // muon
265  else if (particleCode == 8 || particleCode==9) {mass = 0.13956995;} // charged pion
266  else if (particleCode == 7) {mass = 0.1345766;} // neutral pion
267  else if (particleCode == 11|| particleCode==12) {mass = 0.493677;} // charged kaon
268  else if (particleCode == 10 || particleCode == 16) {mass = 0.497614;} // neutral kaon
269  else if (particleCode == 14) {mass = 0.93827231;} // proton
270  else if (particleCode == 1) {mass = 0;} //photon
271  else {
272  cout << "unknown daughter particle (ID = " << particleCode << "), please modify code to accomodate" << endl;
273  mass = -1.0;
274 // exit(0);
275  }
277  return mass;
278  }