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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file PHG4InttHitReco.cc
1 #include "PHG4InttHitReco.h"
5 #include <g4detectors/PHG4CylinderGeom.h> // for PHG4CylinderGeom
8 #include <trackbase/TrkrDefs.h>
9 #include <trackbase/TrkrHit.h> // for TrkrHit
10 #include <trackbase/TrkrHitv2.h> // for TrkrHit
11 #include <trackbase/TrkrHitSet.h>
17 #include <phparameter/PHParameterInterface.h> // for PHParameterInterface
19 #include <intt/InttDefs.h>
21 #include <g4main/PHG4Hit.h>
23 #include <g4main/PHG4Utils.h>
26 #include <fun4all/SubsysReco.h> // for SubsysReco
28 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
29 #include <phool/PHIODataNode.h>
30 #include <phool/PHNode.h> // for PHNode
31 #include <phool/PHNodeIterator.h>
32 #include <phool/PHObject.h> // for PHObject
33 #include <phool/getClass.h>
34 #include <phool/phool.h> // for PHWHERE
36 #include <TSystem.h>
38 #include <cmath>
39 #include <cstdlib>
40 #include <iostream>
41 #include <map> // for _Rb_tree_const_it...
42 #include <memory> // for allocator_traits<...
43 #include <utility> // for pair, swap, make_...
44 #include <vector> // for vector
46 using namespace std;
49  : SubsysReco(name)
50  , PHParameterInterface(name)
51  , m_Detector("INTT")
52  , m_Tmin(NAN)
53  , m_Tmax(NAN)
54 {
57  m_HitNodeName = "G4HIT_" + m_Detector;
58  m_CellNodeName = "G4CELL_" + m_Detector;
59  m_GeoNodeName = "CYLINDERGEOM_" + m_Detector;
60  m_LocalOutVec = gsl_vector_alloc(3);
61  m_PathVec = gsl_vector_alloc(3);
62  m_SegmentVec = gsl_vector_alloc(3);
63 }
66 {
67  gsl_vector_free(m_LocalOutVec);
68  gsl_vector_free(m_PathVec);
69  gsl_vector_free(m_SegmentVec);
70 }
73 {
74  PHNodeIterator iter(topNode);
76  // Looking for the DST node
77  PHCompositeNode *dstNode;
78  dstNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST"));
79  if (!dstNode)
80  {
81  std::cout << PHWHERE << "DST Node missing, exiting." << std::endl;
82  gSystem->Exit(1);
83  exit(1);
84  }
86  PHCompositeNode *runNode;
87  runNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "RUN"));
88  if (!runNode)
89  {
90  cout << Name() << "RUN Node missing, exiting." << endl;
91  gSystem->Exit(1);
92  exit(1);
93  }
94  PHCompositeNode *parNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "PAR"));
95  if (!parNode)
96  {
97  cout << Name() << "PAR Node missing, exiting." << endl;
98  gSystem->Exit(1);
99  exit(1);
100  }
101  string paramnodename = "G4CELLPARAM_" + m_Detector;
103  PHNodeIterator runiter(runNode);
104  PHCompositeNode *RunDetNode =
105  dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(runiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode",
106  m_Detector));
107  if (!RunDetNode)
108  {
109  RunDetNode = new PHCompositeNode(m_Detector);
110  runNode->addNode(RunDetNode);
111  }
113  PHG4HitContainer *g4hit = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, m_HitNodeName);
114  if (!g4hit)
115  {
116  std::cout << "Could not locate g4 hit node " << m_HitNodeName << std::endl;
117  exit(1);
118  }
120  auto hitsetcontainer = findNode::getClass<TrkrHitSetContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_HITSET");
121  if (!hitsetcontainer)
122  {
123  PHNodeIterator dstiter(dstNode);
124  PHCompositeNode *DetNode =
125  dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(dstiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "TRKR"));
126  if (!DetNode)
127  {
128  DetNode = new PHCompositeNode("TRKR");
129  dstNode->addNode(DetNode);
130  }
132  hitsetcontainer = new TrkrHitSetContainerv1;
133  PHIODataNode<PHObject> *newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(hitsetcontainer, "TRKR_HITSET", "PHObject");
134  DetNode->addNode(newNode);
135  }
137  auto hittruthassoc = findNode::getClass<TrkrHitTruthAssoc>(topNode, "TRKR_HITTRUTHASSOC");
138  if (!hittruthassoc)
139  {
140  PHNodeIterator dstiter(dstNode);
141  PHCompositeNode *DetNode =
142  dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(dstiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "TRKR"));
143  if (!DetNode)
144  {
145  DetNode = new PHCompositeNode("TRKR");
146  dstNode->addNode(DetNode);
147  }
149  hittruthassoc = new TrkrHitTruthAssocv1;
150  PHIODataNode<PHObject> *newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(hittruthassoc, "TRKR_HITTRUTHASSOC", "PHObject");
151  DetNode->addNode(newNode);
152  }
154  PHG4CylinderGeomContainer *geo = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderGeomContainer>(topNode, m_GeoNodeName);
155  if (!geo)
156  {
157  std::cout << "Could not locate geometry node " << m_GeoNodeName << std::endl;
158  exit(1);
159  }
161  if (Verbosity() > 0)
162  {
163  geo->identify();
164  }
167  SaveToNodeTree(RunDetNode, paramnodename);
168  // save this to the parNode for use
169  PHNodeIterator parIter(parNode);
170  PHCompositeNode *ParDetNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(parIter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", m_Detector));
171  if (!ParDetNode)
172  {
173  ParDetNode = new PHCompositeNode(m_Detector);
174  parNode->addNode(ParDetNode);
175  }
176  PutOnParNode(ParDetNode, m_GeoNodeName);
177  m_Tmin = get_double_param("tmin");
178  m_Tmax = get_double_param("tmax");
181 }
184 {
185  PHG4HitContainer *g4hit = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, m_HitNodeName);
186  if (!g4hit)
187  {
188  std::cout << "Could not locate g4 hit node " << m_HitNodeName << std::endl;
189  exit(1);
190  }
192  // Get the TrkrHitSetContainer node
193  auto hitsetcontainer = findNode::getClass<TrkrHitSetContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_HITSET");
194  if (!hitsetcontainer)
195  {
196  cout << "Could not locate TRKR_HITSET node, quit! " << endl;
197  exit(1);
198  }
200  // Get the TrkrHitTruthAssoc node
201  auto hittruthassoc = findNode::getClass<TrkrHitTruthAssoc>(topNode, "TRKR_HITTRUTHASSOC");
202  if (!hittruthassoc)
203  {
204  cout << "Could not locate TRKR_HITTRUTHASSOC node, quit! " << endl;
205  exit(1);
206  }
208  PHG4CylinderGeomContainer *geo = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderGeomContainer>(topNode, m_GeoNodeName);
209  if (!geo)
210  {
211  std::cout << "Could not locate geometry node " << m_GeoNodeName << std::endl;
212  exit(1);
213  }
214  // loop over all of the layers in the hit container
215  // we need the geometry object for this layer
216  if (Verbosity() > 2) cout << " PHG4InttHitReco: Loop over hits" << endl;
217  PHG4HitContainer::ConstRange hit_begin_end = g4hit->getHits();
218  for (PHG4HitContainer::ConstIterator hiter = hit_begin_end.first; hiter != hit_begin_end.second; ++hiter)
219  {
220  const int sphxlayer = hiter->second->get_detid();
221  CylinderGeomIntt *layergeom = dynamic_cast<CylinderGeomIntt *>(geo->GetLayerGeom(sphxlayer));
223  // checking ADC timing integration window cut
224  // uses default values for now
225  // these should depend on layer radius
226  if (hiter->second->get_t(0) > m_Tmax)
227  continue;
228  if (hiter->second->get_t(1) < m_Tmin)
229  continue;
231  // I made this (small) diffusion up for now, we will get actual values for the Intt later
232  double diffusion_width = 5.0e-04; // diffusion radius 5 microns, in cm
234  const int ladder_z_index = hiter->second->get_ladder_z_index();
235  const int ladder_phi_index = hiter->second->get_ladder_phi_index();
237  // What we have is a hit in the sensor. We have not yet assigned the strip(s) that were hit, we do that here
238  //========================================================================
240  int strip_y_index_in, strip_z_index_in, strip_y_index_out, strip_z_index_out;
241  layergeom->find_strip_index_values(ladder_z_index, hiter->second->get_local_y(0), hiter->second->get_local_z(0), strip_y_index_in, strip_z_index_in);
242  layergeom->find_strip_index_values(ladder_z_index, hiter->second->get_local_y(1), hiter->second->get_local_z(1), strip_y_index_out, strip_z_index_out);
244  if (Verbosity() > 5)
245  {
246  // check to see if we get back the positions from these strip index values
247  double check_location[3] = {-1, -1, -1};
248  layergeom->find_strip_center_localcoords(ladder_z_index, strip_y_index_in, strip_z_index_in, check_location);
249  cout << " G4 entry location = " << hiter->second->get_local_x(0) << " " << hiter->second->get_local_y(0) << " " << hiter->second->get_local_z(0) << endl;
250  cout << " Check entry location = " << check_location[0] << " " << check_location[1] << " " << check_location[2] << endl;
251  layergeom->find_strip_center_localcoords(ladder_z_index, strip_y_index_out, strip_z_index_out, check_location);
252  cout << " G4 exit location = " << hiter->second->get_local_x(1) << " " << hiter->second->get_local_y(1) << " " << hiter->second->get_local_z(1) << endl;
253  cout << " Check exit location = " << check_location[0] << " " << check_location[1] << " " << check_location[2] << endl;
254  }
256  // Now we find how many strips were crossed by this track, and divide the energy between them
257  int minstrip_z = strip_z_index_in;
258  int maxstrip_z = strip_z_index_out;
259  if (minstrip_z > maxstrip_z) swap(minstrip_z, maxstrip_z);
261  int minstrip_y = strip_y_index_in;
262  int maxstrip_y = strip_y_index_out;
263  if (minstrip_y > maxstrip_y) swap(minstrip_y, maxstrip_y);
265  // Use an algorithm similar to the one for the MVTX pixels, since it facilitates adding charge diffusion
266  // for now we assume small charge diffusion
267  vector<int> vybin;
268  vector<int> vzbin;
269  //vector<double> vlen;
270  vector<pair<double, double> > venergy;
272  //====================================================
273  // Beginning of charge sharing implementation
274  // Find tracklet line inside sensor
275  // Divide tracklet line into n segments (vary n until answer stabilizes)
276  // Find centroid of each segment
277  // Diffuse charge at each centroid
278  // Apportion charge between neighboring pixels
279  // Add the pixel energy contributions from different track segments together
280  //====================================================
282  // skip this hit if it involves an unreasonable number of pixels
283  // this skips it if either the xbin or ybin range traversed is greater than 8 (for 8 adding two pixels at each end makes the range 12)
284  if (maxstrip_y - minstrip_y > 12 || maxstrip_z - minstrip_z > 12)
285  {
286  continue;
287  }
288  // this hit is skipped above if this dimensioning would be exceeded
289  double stripenergy[13][13] = {}; // init to 0
290  double stripeion[13][13] = {}; // init to 0
292  int nsegments = 10;
293  // Loop over track segments and diffuse charge at each segment location, collect energy in pixels
294  // Get the entry point of the hit in sensor local coordinates
295  gsl_vector_set(m_PathVec, 0, hiter->second->get_local_x(0));
296  gsl_vector_set(m_PathVec, 1, hiter->second->get_local_y(0));
297  gsl_vector_set(m_PathVec, 2, hiter->second->get_local_z(0));
298  gsl_vector_set(m_LocalOutVec, 0, hiter->second->get_local_x(1));
299  gsl_vector_set(m_LocalOutVec, 1, hiter->second->get_local_y(1));
300  gsl_vector_set(m_LocalOutVec, 2, hiter->second->get_local_z(1));
301  gsl_vector_sub(m_PathVec, m_LocalOutVec);
302  for (int i = 0; i < nsegments; i++)
303  {
304  // Find the tracklet segment location
305  // If there are n segments of equal length, we want 2*n intervals
306  // The 1st segment is centered at interval 1, the 2nd at interval 3, the nth at interval 2n -1
307  double interval = 2 * (double) i + 1;
308  double frac = interval / (double) (2 * nsegments);
309  gsl_vector_memcpy(m_SegmentVec, m_PathVec);
310  gsl_vector_scale(m_SegmentVec, frac);
311  gsl_vector_add(m_SegmentVec, m_LocalOutVec);
312  // Caculate the charge diffusion over this drift distance
313  // increases from diffusion width_min to diffusion_width_max
314  double diffusion_radius = diffusion_width;
316  if (Verbosity() > 5)
317  cout << " segment " << i
318  << " interval " << interval
319  << " frac " << frac
320  << " local_in.X " << hiter->second->get_local_x(0)
321  << " local_in.Z " << hiter->second->get_local_z(0)
322  << " local_in.Y " << hiter->second->get_local_y(0)
323  << " pathvec.X " << gsl_vector_get(m_PathVec, 0)
324  << " pathvec.Z " << gsl_vector_get(m_PathVec, 2)
325  << " pathvec.Y " << gsl_vector_get(m_PathVec, 1)
326  << " segvec.X " << gsl_vector_get(m_SegmentVec, 0)
327  << " segvec.Z " << gsl_vector_get(m_SegmentVec, 2)
328  << " segvec.Y " << gsl_vector_get(m_SegmentVec, 1) << endl
329  << " diffusion_radius " << diffusion_radius
330  << endl;
332  // Now find the area of overlap of the diffusion circle with each pixel and apportion the energy
333  for (int iz = minstrip_z; iz <= maxstrip_z; iz++)
334  {
335  for (int iy = minstrip_y; iy <= maxstrip_y; iy++)
336  {
337  // Find the pixel corners for this pixel number
338  double location[3] = {-1, -1, -1};
339  layergeom->find_strip_center_localcoords(ladder_z_index, iy, iz, location);
340  // note that (y1,z1) is the top left corner, (y2,z2) is the bottom right corner of the pixel - circle_rectangle_intersection expects this ordering
341  double y1 = location[1] - layergeom->get_strip_y_spacing() / 2.0;
342  double y2 = location[1] + layergeom->get_strip_y_spacing() / 2.0;
343  double z1 = location[2] + layergeom->get_strip_z_spacing() / 2.0;
344  double z2 = location[2] - layergeom->get_strip_z_spacing() / 2.0;
346  // here m_SegmentVec.1 (Y) and m_SegmentVec.2 (Z) are the center of the circle, and diffusion_radius is the circle radius
347  // circle_rectangle_intersection returns the overlap area of the circle and the pixel. It is very fast if there is no overlap.
348  double striparea_frac = PHG4Utils::circle_rectangle_intersection(y1, z1, y2, z2, gsl_vector_get(m_SegmentVec, 1), gsl_vector_get(m_SegmentVec, 2), diffusion_radius) / (M_PI * (diffusion_radius * diffusion_radius));
349  // assume that the energy is deposited uniformly along the tracklet length, so that this segment gets the fraction 1/nsegments of the energy
350  stripenergy[iy - minstrip_y][iz - minstrip_z] += striparea_frac * hiter->second->get_edep() / (float) nsegments;
351  if (hiter->second->has_property(PHG4Hit::prop_eion))
352  {
353  stripeion[iy - minstrip_y][iz - minstrip_z] += striparea_frac * hiter->second->get_eion() / (float) nsegments;
354  }
355  if (Verbosity() > 5)
356  {
357  cout << " strip y index " << iy << " strip z index " << iz
358  << " strip area fraction of circle " << striparea_frac << " accumulated pixel energy " << stripenergy[iy - minstrip_y][iz - minstrip_z]
359  << endl;
360  }
361  }
362  }
363  } // end loop over segments
364  // now we have the energy deposited in each pixel, summed over all tracklet segments. We make a vector of all pixels with non-zero energy deposited
366  for (int iz = minstrip_z; iz <= maxstrip_z; iz++)
367  {
368  for (int iy = minstrip_y; iy <= maxstrip_y; iy++)
369  {
370  if (stripenergy[iy - minstrip_y][iz - minstrip_z] > 0.0)
371  {
372  vybin.push_back(iy);
373  vzbin.push_back(iz);
374  pair<double, double> tmppair = make_pair(stripenergy[iy - minstrip_y][iz - minstrip_z], stripeion[iy - minstrip_y][iz - minstrip_z]);
375  venergy.push_back(tmppair);
376  if (Verbosity() > 1)
377  cout << " Added ybin " << iy << " zbin " << iz << " to vectors with energy " << stripenergy[iy - minstrip_y][iz - minstrip_z] << endl;
378  }
379  }
380  }
382  //===================================
383  // End of charge sharing implementation
384  //===================================
386  for (unsigned int i1 = 0; i1 < vybin.size(); i1++) // loop over all fired cells
387  {
388  // We add the Intt TrkrHitsets directly to the node using hitsetcontainer
390  // We need to create the TrkrHitSet if not already made - each TrkrHitSet should correspond to a sensor for the Intt ?
391  // The hitset key includes the layer, the ladder_z_index (sensors numbered 0-3) and ladder_phi_index (azimuthal location of ladder) for this hit
392  TrkrDefs::hitsetkey hitsetkey = InttDefs::genHitSetKey(sphxlayer, ladder_z_index, ladder_phi_index);
393  // Use existing hitset or add new one if needed
394  TrkrHitSetContainer::Iterator hitsetit = hitsetcontainer->findOrAddHitSet(hitsetkey);
396  // generate the key for this hit
397  TrkrDefs::hitkey hitkey = InttDefs::genHitKey(vzbin[i1], vybin[i1]);
398  // See if this hit already exists
399  TrkrHit *hit = hitsetit->second->getHit(hitkey);
400  if (!hit)
401  {
402  // Otherwise, create a new one
403  //hit = new InttHit();
404  hit = new TrkrHitv2();
405  hitsetit->second->addHitSpecificKey(hitkey, hit);
406  }
408  // Either way, add the energy to it
409  if (Verbosity() > 2)
410  cout << "add energy " << venergy[i1].first << " to intthit " << endl;
411  hit->addEnergy(venergy[i1].first * TrkrDefs::InttEnergyScaleup);
413  // Add this hit to the association map
414  hittruthassoc->addAssoc(hitsetkey, hitkey, hiter->first);
416  if (Verbosity() > 2)
417  cout << "PHG4InttHitReco: added hit wirh hitsetkey " << hitsetkey << " hitkey " << hitkey << " g4hitkey " << hiter->first << " energy " << hit->getEnergy() << endl;
418  }
420  } // end loop over g4hits
422  // print the list of entries in the association table
423  if (Verbosity() > 0)
424  {
425  cout << "From PHG4InttHitReco: " << endl;
426  hitsetcontainer->identify();
427  hittruthassoc->identify();
428  }
430 }
433 {
434  // if we ever need separate timing windows, don't patch around here!
435  // use PHParameterContainerInterface which
436  // provides for multiple layers/detector types
437  set_default_double_param("tmax", 80.0); // FVTX NIM paper Fig 32
438  set_default_double_param("tmin", -20.0); // FVTX NIM paper Fig 32, collision has a timing spread around the triggered event. Accepting negative time too.
439  return;
440 }