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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file Fun4AllDstInputManager.cc
3 #include "Fun4AllReturnCodes.h"
4 #include "Fun4AllServer.h"
6 #include <ffaobjects/RunHeader.h>
7 #include <ffaobjects/SyncDefs.h>
10 #include <frog/FROG.h>
12 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
13 #include <phool/PHNodeIOManager.h>
14 #include <phool/PHNodeIntegrate.h>
15 #include <phool/PHNodeIterator.h> // for PHNodeIterator
16 #include <phool/PHObject.h> // for PHObject
17 #include <phool/getClass.h>
18 #include <phool/phool.h> // for PHWHERE, PHReadOnly, PHRunTree
19 #include <phool/phooldefs.h>
21 #include <TSystem.h>
23 #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
25 #include <cassert>
26 #include <cstdlib>
27 #include <iostream> // for operator<<, basic_ostream, endl
28 #include <utility> // for pair
29 #include <vector> // for vector
31 class TBranch;
33 using namespace std;
35 Fun4AllDstInputManager::Fun4AllDstInputManager(const string &name, const string &nodename, const string &topnodename)
36  : Fun4AllInputManager(name, nodename, topnodename)
37 {
38  return;
39 }
42 {
43  delete IManager;
44  delete runNodeSum;
45  return;
46 }
48 int Fun4AllDstInputManager::fileopen(const string &filenam)
49 {
51  if (IsOpen())
52  {
53  cout << "Closing currently open file "
54  << FileName()
55  << " and opening " << filenam << endl;
56  fileclose();
57  }
58  FileName(filenam);
59  FROG frog;
60  fullfilename = frog.location(FileName());
61  if (Verbosity() > 0)
62  {
63  cout << Name() << ": opening file " << fullfilename << endl;
64  }
65  // sanity check - the IManager must be nullptr when this method is executed
66  // if not something is very very wrong and we must not continue
67  if (IManager)
68  {
69  cout << PHWHERE << " IManager pointer is not nullptr but " << IManager
70  << endl;
71  cout << "Send mail to off-l with this printout and the macro you used"
72  << endl;
73  cout << "Trying to execute IManager->print() to display more info"
74  << endl;
75  cout << "Code will probably segfault now" << endl;
76  IManager->print();
77  cout << "Have someone look into this problem - Exiting now" << endl;
78  exit(1);
79  }
80  // first read the runnode if not disabled
81  if (m_ReadRunTTree)
82  {
84  if (IManager->isFunctional())
85  {
88  // get the current run number
89  RunHeader *runheader = findNode::getClass<RunHeader>(runNode, "RunHeader");
90  if (runheader)
91  {
92  SetRunNumber(runheader->get_RunNumber());
93  }
94  // delete our internal copy of the runnode when opening subsequent files
95  if (runNodeCopy)
96  {
97  cout << PHWHERE
98  << " The impossible happened, we have a valid copy of the run node "
99  << runNodeCopy->getName() << " which should be a nullptr"
100  << endl;
101  gSystem->Exit(1);
102  }
103  runNodeCopy = new PHCompositeNode("RUNNODECOPY");
104  if (!runNodeSum)
105  {
106  runNodeSum = new PHCompositeNode("RUNNODESUM");
107  }
109  tmpIman->read(runNodeCopy);
110  delete tmpIman;
112  PHNodeIntegrate integrate;
113  integrate.RunNode(runNode);
114  integrate.RunSumNode(runNodeSum);
115  // run recursively over internal run node copy and integrate objects
116  PHNodeIterator mainIter(runNodeCopy);
117  mainIter.forEach(integrate);
118  // we do not need to keep the internal copy, keeping it would crate
119  // problems in case a subsequent file does not contain all the
120  // runwise objects from the previous file. Keeping this copy would then
121  // integrate the missing object again with the old copy
122  delete runNodeCopy;
123  runNodeCopy = nullptr;
124  }
125  // DLW: move the delete outside the if block to cover the case where isFunctional() fails
126  delete IManager;
127  }
128  // now open the dst node
129  dstNode = se->getNode(InputNode(), TopNodeName());
131  if (IManager->isFunctional())
132  {
133  IsOpen(1);
134  events_thisfile = 0;
135  setBranches(); // set branch selections
136  AddToFileOpened(FileName()); // add file to the list of files which were opened
137  // check if our input file has a sync object or not
138  if (IManager->NodeExist(syncdefs::SYNCNODENAME))
139  {
140  m_HaveSyncObject = 1;
141  }
142  else
143  {
144  m_HaveSyncObject = -1;
145  }
147  return 0;
148  }
149  else
150  {
151  cout << PHWHERE << ": " << Name() << " Could not open file "
152  << FileName() << endl;
153  delete IManager;
154  IManager = nullptr;
155  return -1;
156  }
157 }
160 {
161  if (!IsOpen())
162  {
163  if (FileListEmpty())
164  {
165  if (Verbosity() > 0)
166  {
167  cout << Name() << ": No Input file open" << endl;
168  }
169  return -1;
170  }
171  else
172  {
173  if (OpenNextFile())
174  {
175  cout << Name() << ": No Input file from filelist opened" << endl;
176  return -1;
177  }
178  }
179  }
180  if (Verbosity() > 3)
181  {
182  cout << "Getting Event from " << Name() << endl;
183  }
184 readagain:
185  PHCompositeNode *dummy;
186  int ncount = 0;
187  dummy = IManager->read(dstNode);
188  while (dummy)
189  {
190  ncount++;
191  if (nevents > 0 && ncount >= nevents)
192  {
193  break;
194  }
195  dummy = IManager->read(dstNode);
196  }
197  if (!dummy)
198  {
199  fileclose();
200  if (!OpenNextFile())
201  {
202  goto readagain;
203  }
204  return -1;
205  }
206  events_total += ncount;
207  events_thisfile += ncount;
208  // check if the local SubsysReco discards this event
210  {
211  goto readagain;
212  }
213  syncobject = findNode::getClass<SyncObject>(dstNode, syncdefs::SYNCNODENAME);
214  return 0;
215 }
218 {
219  if (!IsOpen())
220  {
221  cout << Name() << ": fileclose: No Input file open" << endl;
222  return -1;
223  }
224  delete IManager;
225  IManager = nullptr;
226  IsOpen(0);
227  UpdateFileList();
228  m_HaveSyncObject = 0;
229  return 0;
230 }
233 {
234  // here we copy the sync object from the current file to the
235  // location pointed to by mastersync. If mastersync is a 0 pointer
236  // the syncobject is cloned. If mastersync allready exists the content
237  // of syncobject is copied
238  if (!(*mastersync))
239  {
240  if (syncobject)
241  {
242  *mastersync = dynamic_cast<SyncObject *>(syncobject->CloneMe());
243  assert(*mastersync);
244  }
245  }
246  else
247  {
248  *(*mastersync) = *syncobject; // copy syncobject content
249  }
251 }
254 {
255  if (!mastersync)
256  {
257  cout << PHWHERE << Name() << " No MasterSync object, cannot perform synchronization" << endl;
258  cout << "Most likely your first file does not contain a SyncObject and the file" << endl;
259  cout << "opened by the Fun4AllDstInputManager with Name " << Name() << " has one" << endl;
260  cout << "Change your macro and use the file opened by this input manager as first input" << endl;
261  cout << "and you will be okay. Fun4All will not process the current configuration" << endl
262  << endl;
264  }
265  int iret = syncobject->Different(mastersync);
266  if (iret) // what to do if files are not in sync
267  {
268  if (mastersync->EventNumber() == -999999) // first file does not contain sync object
269  {
270  cout << PHWHERE << " Mastersync not filled, your first file does not contain a SyncObject" << endl;
271  cout << "This Event will not be processed further" << endl;
272  }
273  else // okay try to resync here
274  {
275  if (Verbosity() > 3)
276  {
277  cout << "Need to Resync, mastersync evt no: " << mastersync->EventNumber()
278  << ", this Event no: " << syncobject->EventNumber() << endl;
279  cout << "mastersync evt counter: " << mastersync->EventCounter()
280  << ", this Event counter: " << syncobject->EventCounter() << endl;
281  cout << "mastersync run number: " << mastersync->RunNumber()
282  << ", this run number: " << syncobject->RunNumber() << endl;
283  }
284  while (syncobject->RunNumber() < mastersync->RunNumber())
286  {
288  if (Verbosity() > 2)
289  {
290  cout << Name() << " Run Number: " << syncobject->RunNumber()
291  << ", master: " << mastersync->RunNumber()
292  << endl;
293  }
294  int iret = ReadNextEventSyncObject();
295  if (iret)
296  {
297  return iret;
298  }
299  }
300  int igood = 0;
301  if (syncobject->RunNumber() == mastersync->RunNumber())
302  {
303  igood = 1;
304  }
305  // only run up the Segment Number if run numbers are identical
306  while (syncobject->SegmentNumber() < mastersync->SegmentNumber() && igood)
307  {
309  if (Verbosity() > 2)
310  {
311  cout << Name() << " Segment Number: " << syncobject->SegmentNumber()
312  << ", master: " << mastersync->SegmentNumber()
313  << endl;
314  }
315  int iret = ReadNextEventSyncObject();
316  if (iret)
317  {
318  return iret;
319  }
320  }
321  // only run up the Event Counter if run number and segment number are identical
322  if (syncobject->SegmentNumber() == mastersync->SegmentNumber() && syncobject->RunNumber() == mastersync->RunNumber())
323  {
324  igood = 1;
325  }
326  else
327  {
328  igood = 0;
329  }
330  while (syncobject->EventCounter() < mastersync->EventCounter() && igood)
331  {
333  if (Verbosity() > 2)
334  {
335  cout << Name()
336  << ", EventCounter: " << syncobject->EventCounter()
337  << ", master: " << mastersync->EventCounter()
338  << endl;
339  }
340  int iret = ReadNextEventSyncObject();
341  if (iret)
342  {
343  return iret;
344  }
345  }
346  // Since up to here we only read the sync object we need to push
347  // the current event back inot the root file (subtract one from the
348  // local root file event counter) so we can read the full event
349  // if it syncs, if it does not sync we also read one event too many
350  // (otherwise we cannot determine that we are "too far")
351  // and also have to push this one back
352  PushBackEvents(1);
353  if (syncobject->RunNumber() > mastersync->RunNumber() || // check if run number too large
354  syncobject->EventCounter() > mastersync->EventCounter() || // check if event counter too large
355  syncobject->SegmentNumber() > mastersync->SegmentNumber()) // check segment number too large
356  {
357  // the event from first file which determines the mastersync
358  // and which we are trying to find on this file does not exist on this file
359  // so: return failure. This will cause the input managers to read
360  // the next event from the input files file
362  }
363  // Here the event counter and segment number and run number do agree - we found the right match
364  // now read the full event (previously we only read the sync object)
365  PHCompositeNode *dummy;
366  dummy = IManager->read(dstNode);
367  if (!dummy)
368  {
369  cout << PHWHERE << " " << Name() << " Could not read full Event" << endl;
370  cout << "PLEASE NOTIFY PHENIX-OFF-L and post the macro you used" << endl;
371  fileclose();
373  }
374  int iret = syncobject->Different(mastersync); // final check if they really agree
375  if (iret) // if not things are severely wrong
376  {
377  cout << PHWHERE << " MasterSync and SyncObject of " << Name() << " are different" << endl;
378  cout << "This Event will not be processed further, here is some debugging info:" << endl;
379  cout << "PLEASE NOTIFY PHENIX-OFF-L and post the macro you used" << endl;
380  cout << "MasterSync->identify:" << endl;
381  mastersync->identify();
382  cout << Name() << ": SyncObject->identify:" << endl;
383  syncobject->identify();
385  }
386  else if (Verbosity() > 3)
387  {
388  cout << PHWHERE << " Resynchronization successfull for " << Name() << endl;
389  cout << "MasterSync->identify:" << endl;
390  mastersync->identify();
391  cout << Name() << ": SyncObject->identify:" << endl;
392  syncobject->identify();
393  }
394  }
395  }
396  // else
397  // {
398  // cout << "No Need to Resync" << endl;
399  // }
401 }
404 {
405 readnextsync:
406  static int readfull = 0; // for some reason all the input managers need to see the same (I think, should look at this at some point)
407  if (!IManager) // in case the old file was exhausted and there is no new file opened
408  {
410  }
411  if (syncbranchname.empty())
412  {
413  readfull = 1; // we need to read a full event to set the root branches to phool nodes right when a new file has been opened
414  map<string, TBranch *>::const_iterator bIter;
415  for (bIter = IManager->GetBranchMap()->begin(); bIter != IManager->GetBranchMap()->end(); ++bIter)
416  {
417  if (Verbosity() > 2)
418  {
419  cout << Name() << ": branch: " << bIter->first << endl;
420  }
421  string delimeters = phooldefs::branchpathdelim; // + phooldefs::legacypathdelims;
422  vector<string> splitvec;
423  boost::split(splitvec, bIter->first, boost::is_any_of(delimeters));
424  for (size_t ia = 0; ia < splitvec.size(); ia++) // -1 so we skip the node name
425  {
426  if (splitvec[ia] == syncdefs::SYNCNODENAME)
427  {
428  syncbranchname = bIter->first;
429  break;
430  }
431  }
432  if (!syncbranchname.empty())
433  {
434  break;
435  }
436  }
437  if (syncbranchname.empty())
438  {
439  cout << PHWHERE << "Could not locate Sync Branch" << endl;
440  cout << "Please check for it in the following list of branch names and" << endl;
441  cout << "PLEASE NOTIFY PHENIX-OFF-L and post the macro you used" << endl;
442  for (bIter = IManager->GetBranchMap()->begin(); bIter != IManager->GetBranchMap()->end(); ++bIter)
443  {
444  cout << bIter->first << endl;
445  }
447  }
448  }
449  size_t EventOnDst = 0;
450  int itest = 0;
451  if (!readfull)
452  {
453  // if all files are exhausted, the IManager is deleted and set to nullptr
454  // so check if IManager is valid before getting a new event
455  if (IManager)
456  {
457  EventOnDst = IManager->getEventNumber(); // this returns the next number of the event
458  itest = IManager->readSpecific(EventOnDst, syncbranchname.c_str());
459  }
460  else
461  {
462  if (Verbosity() > 2)
463  {
464  cout << Name() << ": File exhausted while resyncing" << endl;
465  }
467  }
468  }
469  else
470  {
471  if (IManager->read(dstNode))
472  {
473  itest = 1;
474  }
475  else
476  {
477  itest = 0;
478  }
479  }
480  if (!itest)
481  {
482  if (Verbosity() > 2)
483  {
484  cout << Name() << ": File exhausted while resyncing" << endl;
485  }
486  fileclose();
487  if (OpenNextFile())
488  {
490  }
491  syncbranchname.clear(); // clear the sync branch name, who knows - it might be different on new file
492  goto readnextsync;
493  }
494  if (!readfull)
495  {
496  EventOnDst++;
497  IManager->setEventNumber(EventOnDst); // update event number in phool io manager
498  }
499  else
500  {
501  readfull = 0;
502  }
503  return 0;
504 }
506 int Fun4AllDstInputManager::BranchSelect(const string &branch, const int iflag)
507 {
508  if (IsOpen())
509  {
510  cout << "BranchSelect(\"" << branch << "\", " << iflag
511  << ") : Input branches can only selected for reading before fileopen is called proceeding without input branch selection" << endl;
512  return -1;
513  }
514  // if iflag > 0 the branch is set to read
515  // if iflag = 0, the branch is set to NOT read
516  // if iflag < 0 the branchname is erased from our internal branch read map
517  // this does not have any effect on phool yet
518  if (iflag < 0)
519  {
520  map<const string, int>::iterator branchiter;
521  branchiter = branchread.find(branch);
522  if (branchiter != branchread.end())
523  {
524  branchread.erase(branchiter);
525  }
526  return 0;
527  }
528  int readit = 0;
529  if (iflag > 0)
530  {
531  if (Verbosity() > 1)
532  {
533  cout << "Setting Root Tree Branch: " << branch << " to read" << endl;
534  }
535  readit = 1;
536  }
537  else
538  {
539  if (Verbosity() > 1)
540  {
541  cout << "Setting Root Tree Branch: " << branch << " to NOT read" << endl;
542  }
543  }
544  branchread[branch] = readit;
545  return 0;
546 }
549 {
550  if (IManager)
551  {
552  if (!branchread.empty())
553  {
554  map<const string, int>::const_iterator branchiter;
555  for (branchiter = branchread.begin(); branchiter != branchread.end(); ++branchiter)
556  {
557  IManager->selectObjectToRead(branchiter->first.c_str(), branchiter->second);
558  if (Verbosity() > 0)
559  {
560  cout << branchiter->first << " set to " << branchiter->second << endl;
561  }
562  }
563  // protection against switching off the sync variables
564  // only implemented in the Sync Manager
566  }
567  }
568  else
569  {
570  cout << PHWHERE << " " << Name() << ": You can only call this function after a file has been opened" << endl;
571  cout << "Do not worry, the branches will be set as soon as you open a file" << endl;
572  return -1;
573  }
574  return 0;
575 }
578 {
579  // protection against switching off the sync variables
580  for (int i = 0; i < syncdefs::NUM_SYNC_VARS; i++)
581  {
582  IManager->selectObjectToRead(syncdefs::SYNCVARS[i], 1);
583  }
584  return 0;
585 }
587 void Fun4AllDstInputManager::Print(const string &what) const
588 {
589  if (what == "ALL" || what == "BRANCH")
590  {
591  // loop over the map and print out the content (name and location in memory)
592  cout << "--------------------------------------" << endl
593  << endl;
594  cout << "List of selected branches in Fun4AllDstInputManager " << Name() << ":" << endl;
596  map<const string, int>::const_iterator iter;
597  for (iter = branchread.begin(); iter != branchread.end(); ++iter)
598  {
599  cout << iter->first << " is switched ";
600  if (iter->second)
601  {
602  cout << "ON";
603  }
604  else
605  {
606  cout << "OFF";
607  }
608  cout << endl;
609  }
610  }
611  if ((what == "ALL" || what == "PHOOL") && IManager)
612  {
613  // loop over the map and print out the content (name and location in memory)
614  cout << "--------------------------------------" << endl
615  << endl;
616  cout << "PHNodeIOManager print in Fun4AllDstInputManager " << Name() << ":" << endl;
617  IManager->print();
618  }
620  return;
621 }
624 {
625  if (IManager)
626  {
627  unsigned EventOnDst = IManager->getEventNumber();
628  EventOnDst -= static_cast<unsigned>(i);
629  IManager->setEventNumber(EventOnDst);
630  return 0;
631  }
632  cout << PHWHERE << Name() << ": could not push back events, Imanager is NULL"
633  << " probably the dst is not open yet (you need to call fileopen or run 1 event for lists)" << endl;
634  return -1;
635 }
638 {
639  if (m_HaveSyncObject)
640  {
641  return m_HaveSyncObject;
642  }
643  if (IsOpen())
644  {
645  cout << PHWHERE << "HasSyncObject() not initialized check the calling order" << endl;
646  gSystem->Exit(1);
647  exit(1);
648  }
649  return 0;
650 }