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1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 from array import array
4 import os
6 import ROOT
7 try:
8  ROOT.PyConfig.IgnoreCommandLineOptions = True
9 except AttributeError:
10  pass
11 ROOT.gSystem.Load('libeicsmear')
12 ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(True)
14 def parse():
15  """Parse command line arguments and return in an argparse.Namespace."""
16  from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
17  parser = ArgumentParser(formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
18  parser.add_argument('file', nargs='+', help='input ASCII file')
19  parser.add_argument('-o', '--outdir', default='.',
20  help='output directory')
21  parser.add_argument('-f', '--format', default='pdf', choices=['ps', 'pdf'],
22  help='output file format')
23  parser.add_argument('-n', '--nevents', default=-1, type=int,
24  help='number of events per file')
25  return parser.parse_args()
27 def build(filename, outdir='.', nevents=-1):
28  """Build a ROOT tree from the named text file.
30  Returns the name of the resultant ROOT file.
32  """
33  base, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
34  ROOT.BuildTree(filename, outdir, nevents)
35  return '.'.join([base, 'root'])
37 def histogram(typename, *args, **kwargs):
38  """Return a histogram of the requested type.
40  args -- normal histogram constructor arguments
41  kwargs -- additional attributes to attach to the histogram
43  e.g. to create a TH1D with a 'cut' attribute:
45  histogram(ROOT.TH1D, 'myhist', '', 10, 0, 10, cut='x>10')
47  """
48  h = typename(*args)
49  attributes = {'select': h.GetName(), 'cut': '', 'log': ''} # Defaults
50  attributes.update(kwargs)
51  for name, value in attributes.iteritems():
52  setattr(h, name, value)
53  h.SetOption(attributes.get('opt', ''))
54  return h
56 def th1d(*args, **kwargs):
57  """Return a TH1D"""
58  return histogram(ROOT.TH1D, *args, **kwargs)
60 def th2d(*args, **kwargs):
61  """Return a TH2D"""
62  return histogram(ROOT.TH2D, *args, **kwargs)
64 def fill_histogram_from_tree(self, tree):
65  """Fill a histogram from a tree.
67  Uses the histogram's 'select' and 'cut' attributes to determine
68  what is plotted.
70  """
71  try:
72  counts = tree.Project(self.GetName(), self.select, self.cut)
73  except:
74  print 'Error filling histogram', self.GetName(),\
75  'from tree, histogram will not be filled'
77 # Add as a new member function to TH1
78 ROOT.TH1.FillTree = fill_histogram_from_tree
80 class Histograms(object):
81  """A collection of basic histograms."""
83  def name(self, string):
84  """Return the string prepended by this object's file basename."""
85  return '_'.join([self.base, string])
87  def __init__(self, rootfile):
88  """Initialise histograms and associate them with a ROOT file."""
89  rootfile.cd()
90  self.file = rootfile
91  self.base, extension = os.path.splitext(file.GetName())
92  self.out = '.'.join([self.base, 'pdf'])
93  name = self.name
94  self.window = ROOT.TCanvas(name('canvas'), '', 1, 1, 800, 800)
95  self.page(open=True)
96  # erhic::EventDis variables
97  self.histograms = [
98  th1d(name('beamlepton'), 'Beam lepton ID', 300, -3000., 3000.,
99  select='BeamLepton().Id().Code()'),
100  th1d(name('beamhadron'), 'Beam hadron ID', 300, -3000., 3000.,
101  select='BeamHadron().Id().Code()'),
102  th1d(name('scattered'), 'Scattered lepton ID', 300, -3000., 3000.,
103  select='ScatteredLepton().Id().Code()'),
104  th1d(name('boson'), 'Exchange boson ID', 300, -3000., 3000.,
105  select='ExchangeBoson().Id().Code()'),
106  th1d(name('nu'), 'nu', 25, 1., 5., select='log10(nu)'),
107  th2d(name('Q2x'), '$Q^{2}$ vs. $x_{Bj}$', 25, -5., 0., 25, -1., 4.,
108  select='log10(QSquared):log10(x)', opt='colz'),
109  th1d(name('xf'), '$x_{F}$', 55, -1.1, 1.1, select='xFeynman',
110  cut='KS==1 && id!=ScatteredLepton().Id().Code()'),
111  th1d(name('z'), '$z$', 60, -0.1, 1.1, select='z',
112  cut='KS==1 && id!=ScatteredLepton().Id().Code()', log='y'),
113  th1d(name('pt'), '$p_{T}$ vs. virtual photon', 60, 0., 3.,
114  select='ptVsGamma', log='y'),
115  th1d(name('ptot'), 'Total final-state momentum', 100, 0., 300.,
116  select='FinalStateMomentum().P()'),
117  th1d(name('ctot'), 'Total final-state charge', 100, -2., 2.,
118  select='FinalStateCharge()'),
119  th2d(name('pthb'), 'Get4VectorInHadronBosonFrame().Pt():ptVsGamma',
120  50, 0., 10., 50, 0., 10.,
121  select='Get4VectorInHadronBosonFrame().Pt():ptVsGamma',
122  opt='colz'),
123  th2d(name('mass'), 'Photon mass$^{2}$ vs. $Q^{2}$',
124  25, -1., 4., 25, -1., 4.,
125  select='log10(-(ExchangeBoson().Get4Vector().M2())):'
126  'log10(QSquared)',
127  opt='colz')
128  ]
129  # x, Q2, W2 and y, for each calculation method
130  for method in ['', 'JB', 'DA']:
131  def var(string):
132  """Insert method into a string."""
133  if '{' in string:
134  return string.format(method)
135  else:
136  return ''.join([string, method])
137  self.histograms += [
138  th1d(name(var('x')), var('$x_{{Bj}}{}$'), 25, -5., 0.,
139  select=var('log10(x{})')),
140  th1d(name(var('Q2')), var('$Q^{{2}}{}$'), 25, -1., 4.,
141  select=var('log10(QSquared)'), log='y'),
142  th1d(name(var('y')), var('$y{}$'), 25, -0.1, 1.1,
143  select=var('y')),
144  th1d(name(var('W2')), var('$W^{{2}}{}$'), 25, 1., 6.,
145  select=var('log10(WSquared)'))
146  ]
147  # erhic::EventMC variables:
148  self.histograms += [
149  th1d(name('number'), 'Event number', 100, 0.,
150  file.EICTree.GetEntries(), select='number'),
151  th1d(name('process'), 'Process', 200, 0., 200., select='process'),
152  th1d(name('nTracks'), 'Number of tracks', 200, 0., 200.,
153  select='nTracks'),
154  th2d(name('tracks'), 'particles.GetEntries() vs. nTracks',
155  200, 0., 200., 200, 0., 200.,
156  select='@particles.GetEntries():nTracks', opt='colz'),
157  th1d(name('Ein'), 'ELeptonInNucl', 25, 0., 12000.,
158  select='ELeptonInNucl'),
159  th1d(name('Eout'), 'ELeptonOutNucl', 25, 0., 12000.,
160  select='ELeptonOutNucl'),
161  th2d(name('hadronic'),
162  'HadronicFinalStateMomentum().M2():WSquared',
163  25, 1., 6., 25, 1., 6.,
164  select='log10(HadronicFinalStateMomentum().M2()):'
165  'log10(WSquared)', opt='colz')
166  ]
168  def page(self, open=False, close=False, log=''):
169  """Print the current contents of the window."""
170  if open:
171  self.window.Print(self.out + '[')
172  elif close:
173  self.window.Print(self.out + ']')
174  else:
175  self.window.SetLogx('x' in log)
176  self.window.SetLogy('y' in log)
177  self.window.SetLogz('z' in log)
178  self.window.Print(self.out)
180  def make(self):
181  """Fill and print all histograms."""
182  self.file.cd()
183  for histogram in self.histograms:
184  histogram.FillTree(self.file.EICTree)
185  self.window.cd()
186  histogram.Draw()
187  self.page(log=histogram.log)
189  def close(self):
190  """Cloes the ROOT file and image file."""
191  self.file.Write()
192  self.page(close=True)
196  """PYHTIA-specific histograms"""
198  def __init__(self, file):
199  super(PythiaHistograms, self).__init__(file)
200  name = self.name
201  self.histograms += [
202  th2d(name('trueX'), '$x_{Bj}$', 25, -5., 0., 25, -5., 0.,
203  select='log10(x):log10(trueX)', opt='colz'),
204  th2d(name('trueQ2'), '$Q^{2}$', 25, -1., 4., 25, -1., 4.,
205  select='log10(QSquared):log10(trueQ2)', opt='colz'),
206  th2d(name('trueY'), '$y$', 25, -0.1, 1.1, 25, -0.1, 1.1,
207  select='y:trueY', opt='colz'),
208  th2d(name('trueW2'), '$W^{2}$', 25, 1., 6., 25, 1., 6.,
209  select='log10(WSquared):log10(trueW2)', opt='colz')
210  ]
214  """DJANGOH-specific histograms"""
216  def __init__(self, file):
217  super(DjangohHistograms, self).__init__(file)
218  name = self.name
219  self.histograms += [
220  th2d(name('dtrueX'), '$x_{Bj}$', 25, -5., 0., 25, -5., 0.,
221  select='log10(x):log10(dtrueX)', opt='colz'),
222  th2d(name('dtrueQ2'), '$Q^{2}$', 25, -1., 4., 25, -1., 4.,
223  select='log10(QSquared):log10(dtrueQ2)', opt='colz'),
224  th2d(name('dtrueY'), '$y$', 25, -0.1, 1.1, 25, -0.1, 1.1,
225  select='y:dtrueY', opt='colz'),
226  th2d(name('dtrueW2'), '$W^{2}$', 25, 1., 6., 25, 1., 6.,
227  select='log10(WSquared):log10(dtrueW2)', opt='colz')
228  ]
231 # Define Histograms to make for each generator
232 HISTOGRAMS = {'pythia': PythiaHistograms,
233  'lepto': Histograms,
234  'milou': Histograms,
235  'djangoh': DjangohHistograms,
236  'pepsi': Histograms,
237  'gmc_trans': Histograms}
239 def event_type(file):
240  """Return the event type for a ROOT file.
242  e.g. 'pythia', 'lepto'.
244  """
245  file.EICTree.GetEntry(0)
246  return file.EICTree.event.ClassName().lstrip('erhic::Event').lower()
248 if __name__ == '__main__':
249  options = parse()
250  # Build ROOT files
251  names = [build(name, options.outdir, options.nevents)
252  for name in options.file]
253  # Open ROOT files for updating with histograms
254  root_files = [ROOT.TFile(name, 'update') for name in names]
255  # Initialise histograms
256  histograms = [HISTOGRAMS[event_type(file)](file) for file in root_files]
257  # Fill, draw and write histograms
258  for histogram in histograms:
259  histogram.make()
260  histogram.close()