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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file DiscSurface.ipp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 inline Vector2D DiscSurface::localPolarToCartesian(
10  const Vector2D& lpolar) const {
11  return Vector2D(lpolar[eBoundLoc0] * cos(lpolar[eBoundLoc1]),
12  lpolar[eBoundLoc0] * sin(lpolar[eBoundLoc1]));
13 }
15 inline Vector2D DiscSurface::localCartesianToPolar(
16  const Vector2D& lcart) const {
17  return Vector2D(sqrt(lcart[eBoundLoc0] * lcart[eBoundLoc0] +
18  lcart[eBoundLoc1] * lcart[eBoundLoc1]),
19  atan2(lcart[eBoundLoc1], lcart[eBoundLoc0]));
20 }
22 inline void DiscSurface::initJacobianToGlobal(const GeometryContext& gctx,
23  BoundToFreeMatrix& jacobian,
24  const Vector3D& position,
25  const Vector3D& direction,
26  const BoundVector& pars) const {
27  // The trigonometry required to convert the direction to spherical
28  // coordinates and then compute the sines and cosines again can be
29  // surprisingly expensive from a performance point of view.
30  //
31  // Here, we can avoid it because the direction is by definition a unit
32  // vector, with the following coordinate conversions...
33  const double x = direction(0); // == cos(phi) * sin(theta)
34  const double y = direction(1); // == sin(phi) * sin(theta)
35  const double z = direction(2); // == cos(theta)
37  // ...which we can invert to directly get the sines and cosines:
38  const double cos_theta = z;
39  const double sin_theta = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
40  const double inv_sin_theta = 1. / sin_theta;
41  const double cos_phi = x * inv_sin_theta;
42  const double sin_phi = y * inv_sin_theta;
43  // retrieve the reference frame
44  const auto rframe = referenceFrame(gctx, position, direction);
46  // special polar coordinates for the Disc
47  double lrad = pars[eBoundLoc0];
48  double lphi = pars[eBoundLoc1];
49  double lcos_phi = cos(lphi);
50  double lsin_phi = sin(lphi);
51  // the local error components - rotated from reference frame
52  jacobian.block<3, 1>(0, eBoundLoc0) =
53  lcos_phi * rframe.block<3, 1>(0, 0) + lsin_phi * rframe.block<3, 1>(0, 1);
54  jacobian.block<3, 1>(0, eBoundLoc1) =
55  lrad * (lcos_phi * rframe.block<3, 1>(0, 1) -
56  lsin_phi * rframe.block<3, 1>(0, 0));
57  // the time component
58  jacobian(3, eBoundTime) = 1;
59  // the momentum components
60  jacobian(4, eBoundPhi) = (-sin_theta) * sin_phi;
61  jacobian(4, eBoundTheta) = cos_theta * cos_phi;
62  jacobian(5, eBoundPhi) = sin_theta * cos_phi;
63  jacobian(5, eBoundTheta) = cos_theta * sin_phi;
64  jacobian(6, eBoundTheta) = (-sin_theta);
65  jacobian(7, eBoundQOverP) = 1;
66 }
68 inline RotationMatrix3D DiscSurface::initJacobianToLocal(
69  const GeometryContext& gctx, FreeToBoundMatrix& jacobian,
70  const Vector3D& position, const Vector3D& direction) const {
71  using VectorHelpers::perp;
72  using VectorHelpers::phi;
73  // Optimized trigonometry on the propagation direction
74  const double x = direction(0); // == cos(phi) * sin(theta)
75  const double y = direction(1); // == sin(phi) * sin(theta)
76  const double z = direction(2); // == cos(theta)
77  // can be turned into cosine/sine
78  const double cosTheta = z;
79  const double sinTheta = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
80  const double invSinTheta = 1. / sinTheta;
81  const double cosPhi = x * invSinTheta;
82  const double sinPhi = y * invSinTheta;
83  // The measurement frame of the surface
84  RotationMatrix3D rframeT =
85  referenceFrame(gctx, position, direction).transpose();
86  // calculate the transformation to local coorinates
87  const Vector3D pos_loc = transform(gctx).inverse() * position;
88  const double lr = perp(pos_loc);
89  const double lphi = phi(pos_loc);
90  const double lcphi = cos(lphi);
91  const double lsphi = sin(lphi);
92  // rotate into the polar coorindates
93  auto lx = rframeT.block<1, 3>(0, 0);
94  auto ly = rframeT.block<1, 3>(1, 0);
95  jacobian.block<1, 3>(0, 0) = lcphi * lx + lsphi * ly;
96  jacobian.block<1, 3>(1, 0) = (lcphi * ly - lsphi * lx) / lr;
97  // Time element
98  jacobian(eBoundTime, 3) = 1;
99  // Directional and momentum elements for reference frame surface
100  jacobian(eBoundPhi, 4) = -sinPhi * invSinTheta;
101  jacobian(eBoundPhi, 5) = cosPhi * invSinTheta;
102  jacobian(eBoundTheta, 4) = cosPhi * cosTheta;
103  jacobian(eBoundTheta, 5) = sinPhi * cosTheta;
104  jacobian(eBoundTheta, 6) = -sinTheta;
105  jacobian(eBoundQOverP, 7) = 1;
106  // return the transposed reference frame
107  return rframeT;
108 }
111  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Vector3D& position,
112  const Vector3D& direction, const BoundaryCheck& bcheck) const {
113  // Get the contextual transform
114  auto gctxTransform = transform(gctx);
115  // Use the intersection helper for planar surfaces
116  auto intersection =
117  PlanarHelper::intersect(gctxTransform, position, direction);
118  // Evaluate boundary check if requested (and reachable)
119  if (intersection.status != Intersection3D::Status::unreachable and bcheck and
120  m_bounds != nullptr) {
121  // Built-in local to global for speed reasons
122  const auto& tMatrix = gctxTransform.matrix();
123  const Vector3D vecLocal(intersection.position - tMatrix.block<3, 1>(0, 3));
124  const Vector2D lcartesian =
125  tMatrix.block<3, 2>(0, 0).transpose() * vecLocal;
126  if (bcheck.type() == BoundaryCheck::Type::eAbsolute and
127  m_bounds->coversFullAzimuth()) {
128  double tolerance = s_onSurfaceTolerance + bcheck.tolerance()[eBoundLoc0];
129  if (not m_bounds->insideRadialBounds(VectorHelpers::perp(lcartesian),
130  tolerance)) {
131  intersection.status = Intersection3D::Status::missed;
132  }
133  } else if (not insideBounds(localCartesianToPolar(lcartesian), bcheck)) {
134  intersection.status = Intersection3D::Status::missed;
135  }
136  }
137  return {intersection, this};
138 }
141 DiscSurface::localCartesianToBoundLocalDerivative(
142  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Vector3D& position) const {
143  using VectorHelpers::perp;
144  using VectorHelpers::phi;
145  // The local frame transform
146  const auto& sTransform = transform(gctx);
147  // calculate the transformation to local coorinates
148  const Vector3D localPos = sTransform.inverse() * position;
149  const double lr = perp(localPos);
150  const double lphi = phi(localPos);
151  const double lcphi = std::cos(lphi);
152  const double lsphi = std::sin(lphi);
153  LocalCartesianToBoundLocalMatrix loc3DToLocBound =
154  LocalCartesianToBoundLocalMatrix::Zero();
155  loc3DToLocBound << lcphi, lsphi, 0, -lsphi / lr, lcphi / lr, 0;
157  return loc3DToLocBound;
158 }
160 inline Vector3D DiscSurface::normal(const GeometryContext& gctx,
161  const Vector2D& /*unused*/) const {
162  // fast access via tranform matrix (and not rotation())
163  const auto& tMatrix = transform(gctx).matrix();
164  return Vector3D(tMatrix(0, 2), tMatrix(1, 2), tMatrix(2, 2));
165 }
167 inline Vector3D DiscSurface::binningPosition(const GeometryContext& gctx,
168  BinningValue bValue) const {
169  if (bValue == binR) {
170  double r = m_bounds->binningValueR();
171  double phi = m_bounds->binningValuePhi();
172  return Vector3D(r * cos(phi), r * sin(phi), center(gctx).z());
173  }
174  return center(gctx);
175 }
177 inline double DiscSurface::binningPositionValue(const GeometryContext& gctx,
178  BinningValue bValue) const {
179  // only modify binR
180  if (bValue == binR) {
181  return VectorHelpers::perp(center(gctx)) + m_bounds->binningValueR();
182  }
183  return GeometryObject::binningPositionValue(gctx, bValue);
184 }
186 inline double DiscSurface::pathCorrection(const GeometryContext& gctx,
187  const Vector3D& position,
188  const Vector3D& direction) const {
190  return 1. / std::abs(Surface::normal(gctx, position).dot(direction));
191 }