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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file FairGeoSet.cxx
1 //*-- AUTHOR : Ilse Koenig
2 //*-- Created : 10/11/2003
5 // FairGeoSet
6 //
7 // Base class for geometry of detector parts
8 //
11 #include "FairGeoSet.h"
13 #include "FairGeoNode.h"
14 #include "FairGeoShapes.h"
15 #include "FairGeoBasicShape.h"
16 #include "FairGeoMedium.h"
17 #include "FairGeoBuilder.h"
18 #include "FairGeoMedia.h"
20 #include "TString.h"
21 #include "TArrayI.h"
23 //#include "ctype.h"
24 using std::cout;
25 using std::endl;
26 using std::ios;
29 class FairGeoTransform;
34  : TNamed(),
35  hadesGeo(0),
36  volumes(new TList()),
37  masterNodes(NULL),
38  maxSectors(0),
39  maxKeepinVolumes(0),
40  maxModules(0),
41  modules(NULL),
42  pShapes(NULL),
43  geoFile(""),
44  author(""),
45  description("")
46 {
47  // Constructor
48 }
51 {
52  // Destructor
53  if (volumes) {
54 // volumes->Delete("slow");
55  delete volumes;
56  volumes=0;
57  }
58  if (modules) {
59  delete modules;
60  modules=0;
61  }
62 }
64 void FairGeoSet::setModules(Int_t s,Int_t* m)
65 {
66  // Stores the modules given in 'm' as active modules in sector 's'
67  // May be called with s=-1 for detectors not belonging to a sector
68  if (!modules) {
69  if (maxSectors==0&&maxModules>0) { modules=new TArrayI(maxModules); }
70  if (maxSectors>0&&maxModules>0) { modules=new TArrayI(maxSectors*maxModules); }
71  }
72  Int_t sec=0;
73  if (s>0) { sec=s; }
74  for(Int_t i=0; i<maxModules; i++) {
75  if (modules) { modules->AddAt(m[i],(sec*maxModules+i)); }
76  }
77 }
80 {
81  // Returns a linear array of all modules
82  if (modules) { return modules->GetArray(); }
83  return 0;
84 }
86 Int_t FairGeoSet::getModule(Int_t s,Int_t m)
87 {
88  // Returns 1, if the module is not explicitly set inactive
89  // (in this case it returns 0)
90  // May be called with s=-1 for detectors not belonging to a sector
91  if (!modules) { return 1; }
92  if (m<maxModules&&s<0) { return (*modules)[m]; }
93  if (m<maxModules&&s<maxSectors) { return (*modules)[(s*maxModules+m)]; }
94  return 0;
95 }
97 Bool_t FairGeoSet::read(std::fstream& fin,FairGeoMedia* media)
98 {
99  // Reads the geometry from file
100  Int_t s1=-1,s2=0;
101  if (maxSectors>0) {
102  s1=0;
103  s2=maxSectors;
104  }
105  Bool_t rc=kTRUE;
106  for (Int_t s=s1; s<s2&&rc; s++) {
107  for (Int_t k=0; k<maxKeepinVolumes&&rc; k++) {
108  TString keepinName=getKeepinName(s,k);
109  rc=readKeepIn(fin,media,keepinName);
110  }
111  }
112  for (Int_t m=0; m<maxModules&&rc; m++) {
113  Bool_t containsActiveModule=kFALSE;
114  for (Int_t s=s1; s<s2; s++) {
115  if (getModule(s,m)) { containsActiveModule=kTRUE; }
116  }
117  TString modName=getModuleName(m);
118  TString eleName=getEleName(m);
119  rc=readModule(fin,media,modName,eleName,containsActiveModule);
120  }
121  return rc;
122 }
124 void FairGeoSet::readInout(std::fstream& fin)
125 {
126  // Reads the inout flag (in old files)
127  char c=' ';
128  do {
129  c=fin.get();
130  } while (c==' ' || c=='\n');
131  if (c!='0'&&c!='1') { fin.putback(c); }
132  else do {
133  c=fin.get();
134  } while (c!='\n');
135  return;
136 }
138 void FairGeoSet::readTransform(std::fstream& fin,FairGeoTransform& tf)
139 {
140  // Reads the transformation from file
141  Double_t r[9], t[3];
142  fin>>t[0]>>t[1]>>t[2];
143  for(Int_t i=0; i<9; i++) { fin>>r[i]; }
144  tf.setRotMatrix(r);
145  tf.setTransVector(t);
146 }
148 Bool_t FairGeoSet::readVolumeParams(std::fstream& fin,FairGeoMedia* media,
149  FairGeoNode* volu,TList* refVolumes)
150 {
151  // Reads the volume definition from file
152 // Int_t hadgeo = 1;
153  if (volu==0||media==0||refVolumes==0) { return kFALSE; }
154  const Int_t maxbuf=256;
155  char buf[maxbuf];
156  TString name(volu->GetName());
157  Int_t nameLength=name.Length();
158  Bool_t isCopy=kFALSE;
159  fin>>buf;
160  FairGeoNode* mother=0;
161  FairGeoCopyNode* refNode=0;
162  TString refName;
164  if (volu->isKeepin()) { mother=getMasterNode(buf); }
165  else if (volu->isModule()) {
166  mother=getMasterNode(buf);
167  if (!mother) { mother=getVolume(buf); }
168  if (volu->isActive()&&mother) { mother->setActive(); }
169  } else {
170  mother=getVolume(buf);
171  if (!mother) { mother=getMasterNode(buf); }
172  }
174  volu->setMother(mother);
175  if (!mother) { Warning("readVolumeParams","Mother volume %s not found!",buf); }
177  if ( hadesGeo == 1 ) {
178  // cout << " read copies in Hades format " << endl;
180  if (nameLength>4) {
181  char c;
182  do {
183  c=fin.get();
184  } while (c==' ' || c=='\n');
185  Int_t i=(Int_t)c ;
186  fin.putback(c);
188  if (!isalpha(i)) { isCopy=kTRUE; }
189  refName=name(0,4);
190  refNode=(FairGeoCopyNode*)refVolumes->FindObject(refName);
191  if (!refNode) {
192  if (isCopy) { return kFALSE; }
193  refVolumes->Add(new FairGeoCopyNode(refName.Data(),volu));
194  } else {
195  FairGeoNode* cn=refNode->pNode;
196  volu->setCopyNode(cn);
197  volu->setMedium(cn->getMedium());
198  volu->setShape(cn->getShapePointer());
199  Int_t n=cn->getNumPoints();
200  volu->createPoints(n);
201  for (Int_t k=0; k<n; k++) { volu->setPoint(k,*(cn->getPoint(k))); }
202  }
203  }
205  } else {
206  // cbm format
207  Ssiz_t l=name.Last('#');
208  if (l>0) {
209  char c;
210  do {
211  c=fin.get();
212  } while (c==' ' || c=='\n');
213  Int_t i=(Int_t)c;
214  fin.putback(c);
215  if (!isalpha(i)) { isCopy=kTRUE; }
216  refName=name(0,l);
217  refNode=(FairGeoCopyNode*)refVolumes->FindObject(refName);
218  if (!refNode) {
219  if (isCopy) { return kFALSE; }
220  refVolumes->Add(new FairGeoCopyNode(refName.Data(),volu));
221  } else {
222  FairGeoNode* cn=refNode->pNode;
223  volu->setCopyNode(cn);
224  volu->setMedium(cn->getMedium());
225  volu->setShape(cn->getShapePointer());
226  Int_t n=cn->getNumPoints();
227  volu->createPoints(n);
228  for (Int_t k=0; k<n; k++) { volu->setPoint(k,*(cn->getPoint(k))); }
229  }
230  }
232  }
234  if (!isCopy) {
235  fin>>buf;
237  if (sh) { volu->setShape(sh); }
238  else { return kFALSE; }
239  fin>>buf;
240  FairGeoMedium* medium=media->getMedium(buf);
241  if (!medium) {
242  Error("readVolumeParams","Medium %s not found in list of media",buf);
243  return kFALSE;
244  }
245  volu->setMedium(medium);
246  Int_t n=0;
247  fin.getline(buf,maxbuf); // to read the end of line
248  if (sh) { n=sh->readPoints(&fin,volu); }
249  if (n<=0) { return kFALSE; }
250  }
251  readTransform(fin,volu->getTransform());
252  return kTRUE;
253 }
255 Bool_t FairGeoSet::readKeepIn(std::fstream& fin,FairGeoMedia* media,TString& name)
256 {
257  // Reads the keepin volume from file
258  fin.clear();
259  fin.seekg(0, ios::beg);
260  FairGeoNode* volu=0;
261  Bool_t rc=kTRUE;
262  TList refVolumes;
263  const Int_t maxbuf=256;
264  char buf[maxbuf];
265  while(rc && !volu && !fin.eof()) {
266  fin>>buf;
267  if (buf[0]=='/') { fin.getline(buf,maxbuf); }
268  else if (!fin.eof()) {
269  if (strcmp(buf,name)==0) {
270  volu=new FairGeoNode;
271  volu->SetName(buf);
273  readInout(fin);
274  rc=readVolumeParams(fin,media,volu,&refVolumes);
275  } else {
276  do {
277  fin.getline(buf,maxbuf);
278  } while(!fin.eof()&&buf[0]!='/');
279  }
280  }
281  }
282  if (rc) { volumes->Add(volu); }
283  else {
284  delete volu;
285  volu=0;
286  }
287  refVolumes.Delete();
288  return rc;
289 }
291 Bool_t FairGeoSet::readModule(std::fstream& fin,FairGeoMedia* media,TString& modName,
292  TString& eleName,Bool_t containsActiveMod)
293 {
294  // Reads the whole geometry of a module from file
295  const Int_t maxbuf=256;
296  Text_t buf[maxbuf];
297  fin.clear();
298  fin.seekg(0,ios::beg);
299  FairGeoNode* volu=0;
300  Bool_t rc=kTRUE;
301  TList refVolumes;
302  TString name;
303  while(rc && !fin.eof()) {
304  fin>>buf;
305  if (buf[0]=='/') { fin.getline(buf,maxbuf); }
306  else if (!fin.eof()) {
307  //TString name(buf);
308  name=buf;
309  if (name.BeginsWith(modName)) {
310  volu=new FairGeoNode;
311  volu->SetName(buf);
313  Int_t a=getModule(getSecNumInMod(buf),getModNumInMod(buf));
314  if (a>0) { volu->setActive(kTRUE); }
315  else { volu->setActive(kFALSE); }
316  readInout(fin);
317  rc=readVolumeParams(fin,media,volu,&refVolumes);
318  if (rc) { volumes->Add(volu); }
319  else {
320  Error("readModule","Failed for module %s\n",volu->GetName());
321  delete volu;
322  volu=0;
323  }
324  } else if (!eleName.IsNull()&&name.BeginsWith(eleName)) {
325  volu=new FairGeoNode;
326  volu->SetName(buf);
328  volu->setActive(containsActiveMod);
329  rc=readVolumeParams(fin,media,volu,&refVolumes);
330  if (rc) { volumes->Add(volu); }
331  else {
332  Error("readModule","Failed for %s\n",volu->GetName());
333  delete volu;
334  volu=0;
335  }
336  } else {
337  do {
338  fin.getline(buf,maxbuf);
339  } while(!fin.eof()&&buf[0]!='/');
340  }
341  }
342  }
343  refVolumes.Delete();
344  return rc;
345 }
348 {
349  // Prints the geometry
350  if (!author.IsNull()) { cout<<"//Author: "<<author<<'\n'; }
351  if (!description.IsNull()) { cout<<"//Description: "<<description<<'\n'; }
352  if (!description.IsNull()) {
353  cout<<"//----------------------------------------------------------\n";
354  }
355  cout.setf(ios::fixed,ios::floatfield);
356  TListIter iter(volumes);
357  FairGeoNode* volu;
358  while((volu=(FairGeoNode*)iter.Next())) {
359  volu->print();
360  }
361 }
363 void FairGeoSet::write(std::fstream& fout)
364 {
365  // Writes the volumes to file
366  if (!author.IsNull()) { fout<<"//Author: "<<author<<'\n'; }
367  if (!description.IsNull()) { fout<<"//Description: "<<description<<'\n'; }
368  fout<<"//----------------------------------------------------------\n";
369  fout.setf(ios::fixed,ios::floatfield);
370  TListIter iter(volumes);
371  FairGeoNode* volu;
372  Bool_t rc=kTRUE;
373  while((volu=(FairGeoNode*)iter.Next())&&rc) {
374  rc=volu->write(fout);
375  }
376 }
379 {
380  // Creates the geometry
381  if (!builder) { return kFALSE; }
382  TListIter iter(volumes);
383  FairGeoNode* volu;
384  Bool_t rc=kTRUE;
385  while((volu=(FairGeoNode*)iter.Next())&&rc) {
386  if (volu->isActive()) {
388  if (hadesGeo == 1) { rc=builder->createNode(volu, hadesGeo); }
389  else { rc=builder->createNode(volu) ; }
390  if (rc) {
391  if (volu->isTopNode()||volu->isRefNode()) {
392  FairGeoNode* n=getMasterNode(volu->GetName());
393  if (n) {
395  n->setRootVolume(volu->getRootVolume());
396  }
397  }
398  } else { Error("create","Creation of %s failed!",volu->GetName()); }
399  }
400  }
401  return rc;
402 }
405 {
406  // Compares the geometry parameters and print a diagnose
407  if (fName.CompareTo(rset.GetName())!=0) {
408  Error("compare","Sets have different type");
409  return;
410  }
411  TListIter iter(volumes);
412  FairGeoNode* volu;
413  Int_t n=0, nnf=0, nDiff=0;
414  cout<<"name\t mother medium shape points pos rot\n";
415  cout<<"------------------------------------------------\n";
416  while((volu=(FairGeoNode*)iter.Next())) {
417  n++;
418  FairGeoNode* rNode=rset.getVolume(volu->GetName());
419  if (!rNode) { nnf++; }
420  else if (volu->compare(*rNode)>0) { nDiff++; }
421  }
422  cout<<"Number of volumes in first list: "<<n<<'\n';
423  cout<<"Number of different volumes: "<<nDiff<<endl;
424  cout<<"Number of volumes not found in second list: "<<nnf<<'\n';
425  TList* rlist=rset.getListOfVolumes();
426  if (rlist->GetSize()!=(n-nnf)) {
427  nnf=0;
428  TListIter riter(rlist);
429  while((volu=(FairGeoNode*)riter.Next())) {
430  FairGeoNode* rNode=getVolume(volu->GetName());
431  if (!rNode) { nnf++; }
432  }
433  } else { nnf=0; }
434  cout<<"Number of additional volumes in second list: "<<nnf<<'\n';
435 }