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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file CbmRichHitProducer.cxx
7 #include "CbmRichHitProducer.h"
9 #include "CbmRichPoint.h"
10 #include "CbmRichHit.h"
11 #include "CbmGeoRichPar.h"
13 #include "FairRootManager.h"
14 #include "CbmMCTrack.h"
15 #include "FairRunAna.h"
16 #include "FairRuntimeDb.h"
17 #include "FairBaseParSet.h"
18 #include "FairGeoVolume.h"
19 #include "FairGeoTransform.h"
20 #include "FairGeoVector.h"
21 #include "FairGeoMedium.h"
22 #include "FairGeoNode.h"
24 #include "TVector3.h"
25 #include "TRandom.h"
26 #include "TFormula.h"
27 #include "TString.h"
28 #include "TClonesArray.h"
30 #include <iostream>
32 using std::cout;
33 using std::endl;
36  FairTask("CbmRichHitProducer"),
37  fRichPoints(NULL),
38  fRichHits(NULL),
39  //fMcTracks(NULL),
40  fNHits(0),
41  fNDoubleHits(0),
43  fNRefrac(0.),
44  fDetection(0),
45  fNEvents(0),
47  fDetX(0.),
48  fDetY(0.),
49  fDetZ(0.),
50  fDetZ_org(0.),
51  fDetWidthX(0.),
52  fDetWidthY(0.),
54  fSensNodes(NULL),
55  fPassNodes(NULL),
56  fPar(NULL),
58  fPhotomulRadius(0.0),
59  fPhotomulDist(0.),
60  fDetType(4),
61  fNofNoiseHits(220),
62  fCollectionEfficiency(1.),
63  fSigmaMirror(0.06),
65  fTheta(0.),
66  fPhi(0.),
68  fCrossTalkHitProb(0.02),
69  fNofCrossTalkHits(0)
70 {
72 }
75 {
77  manager->Write();
78 }
81 {
82  // Get Base Container
84  FairRuntimeDb* rtdb=ana->GetRuntimeDb();
85  fPar = (CbmGeoRichPar*)(rtdb->getContainer("CbmGeoRichPar"));
86  // fPar1=(FairBaseParSet*)(rtdb->getContainer("FairBaseParSet"));
87  // fPar->print();
88 // fPar->setStatic(); // setting the parameters on static mode: <explanation>
89 }
92 {
97  //fSensNodes->ls();
99  // get detector position:
100  FairGeoNode *det= dynamic_cast<FairGeoNode*> (fSensNodes->FindObject("rich1d#1"));
101  if (NULL == det) cout << " -I no RICH Geo Node found !!!!! " << endl;
102  //det->Dump();
103  //det->print();
104  FairGeoTransform* detTr=det->getLabTransform(); // detector position in labsystem
105  FairGeoVector detPosLab=detTr->getTranslation(); // ... in cm
106  FairGeoTransform detCen=det->getCenterPosition(); // center in Detector system
107  FairGeoVector detPosCen=detCen.getTranslation();
108  fDetZ = detPosLab.Z() + detPosCen.Z(); // z coordinate of photodetector (Labsystem, cm)
109  fDetY = detPosLab.Y() + detPosCen.Y(); // y coordinate of photodetector (Labsystem, cm)
110  fDetX = detPosLab.X() + detPosCen.X(); // x coordinate of photodetector (Labsystem, cm)
112  TArrayD *fdetA=det->getParameters(); // get other geometry parameters: width in x, width in y, thickness
113  fDetWidthX = fdetA->At(0);
114  fDetWidthY = fdetA->At(1);
115  for(Int_t i = 0; i < fdetA->GetSize(); i++) cout << "Array detector " << fdetA->At(i)<< endl;
116  FairGeoRotation fdetR=detTr->getRotMatrix();
117  // detector might be rotated by theta around x-axis:
118  if (fVerbose) {
119  cout << "Rotation matrix of photodetector " << endl;
120  for(Int_t i = 0; i < 9; i++) cout << "Rot(" << i << ") = " << fdetR(i) << endl;
121  }
123  // possible tilting around x-axis (theta) and y-axis (phi)
124  // fdetR(0) = cos(phi)
125  // fdetR(1) = 0
126  // fdetR(2) = -sin(phi)
127  // fdetR(3) = -sin(theta)sin(phi)
128  // fdetR(4) = cos(theta)
129  // fdetR(5) = -sin(theta)cos(phi)
130  // fdetR(6) = cos(theta)sin(phi)
131  // fdetR(7) = sin(theta)
132  // fdetR(8) = cos(theta)cos(phi)
135  fTheta = TMath::ASin(fdetR(7)); // tilting angle around x-axis
136  fPhi = -1.*TMath::ASin(fdetR(2)); // tilting angle around y-axis
138  if (fVerbose) cout << "Rich Photodetector was tilted around x by " << fTheta*180./TMath::Pi() << " degrees" << endl;
139  if (fVerbose) cout << "Rich Photodetector was tilted around y by " << fPhi*180./TMath::Pi() << " degrees" << endl;
141  // get refractive index of gas
142  FairGeoNode *gas= dynamic_cast<FairGeoNode*> (fPassNodes->FindObject("rich1gas1"));
143  if (NULL == gas) cout << " -I no RICH Geo Node found !!!!! " << endl;
144  FairGeoMedium* med = gas->getMedium();
145  // med->Dump();
147  Int_t npckov = med->getNpckov();
148  Double_t* cerpar;
149  cerpar=new Double_t[4];
150  if (fVerbose) cout << "Number of optical parameters for Cherenkov " << npckov << endl;
151  med->getCerenkovPar(0,cerpar);
153 // for(Int_t i=0;i<4;i++) {
154 // if (i==0) cout << " photon energy " << cerpar[0] << endl;
155 // if (i==1) cout << " absorption lenght" << cerpar[1] << endl;
156 // if (i==2) cout << " detection efficiency " << cerpar[2] << endl;
157 // if (i==3) cout << " refractive index (n-1)*10000 " << (cerpar[3]-1.)*10000. << endl;
158 // }
160  fNRefrac = cerpar[3];
161  delete cerpar;
162  if (fVerbose) cout << " refractive index for lowest photon energies (n-1)*10000 " << (fNRefrac-1.0)*10000.0 << endl;
164  // transform nominal detector position (for tilted photodetector), x>0, y>0:
165  Double_t fDetY_org, fDetX_org;
166  fDetZ_org = fDetZ;
167  fDetY_org = fDetY;
168  fDetX_org = fDetX;
169  fDetX = fDetX_org*TMath::Cos(fPhi)+fDetZ_org*TMath::Sin(fPhi);
170  fDetY = -fDetX_org*TMath::Sin(fTheta)*TMath::Sin(fPhi) + fDetY_org*TMath::Cos(fTheta) + fDetZ_org*TMath::Sin(fTheta)*TMath::Cos(fPhi);
171  fDetZ = -fDetX_org*TMath::Cos(fTheta)*TMath::Sin(fPhi) - fDetY_org*TMath::Sin(fTheta) + fDetZ_org*TMath::Cos(fTheta)*TMath::Cos(fPhi);
173  if (fVerbose > 0) {
174  cout << "---------------------- RICH Hit Producer ---------------------------------------" << endl;
175  cout << " detector position in (x,y,z) [cm]: " << fDetX << " " << fDetY_org << " " << fDetZ_org << endl;
176  cout << " tilted detector position in (x,y,z) [cm]: " << fDetX << " " << fDetY << " " << fDetZ << endl;
177  cout << " detector size in x and y [cm]: " << fDetWidthX << " " << fDetWidthY << endl;
178  if (fDetType==0)
179  cout << " ideal detector " << endl;
180  if (fDetType==1)
181  cout << " detector type: Protvino PMT with PMT radius = " << fPhotomulRadius << " cm, distance between PMTs = " << fPhotomulDist << " cm" << endl;
182  if (fDetType==3)
183  cout << " detector type: CSI with pad size = " << fPhotomulRadius << " cm, distance between panels = " << fPhotomulDist << " cm" << endl;
184  if (fDetType==2 || fDetType == 4 || fDetType == 5 || fDetType == 6)
185  cout << " detector type: Hamamatsu H8500 with pad size = " << fPhotomulRadius << " cm, distance between elements = " << fPhotomulDist << " cm" << endl;
186  cout << " number of noise hits (to be reduced by geometrical efficiency) " << fNofNoiseHits << endl;
187  cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
188  }
190  //------------- example for getting more parameters from the data base: -------------------
191 /*
192  // 1) get and print medium
193  FairGeoMedium* med = det->getMedium();
194  med->Dump();
196  // 2) retrieve relevant parameter
197  // Shape
198  Int_t npoints = det->getNumPoints();
199  Double_t para[npoints][3];
200  TString shapeName = det->getShape();
201  for (Int_t i=0;i<npoints;i++) {
202  for (Int_t j=0;j<3; j++){
203  para[i][j] = det->getVolParameter(i,j);
204  cout << "i: " << i << "j: " << j << "par: " << para[i][j] << endl;
205  }
206  }
208  // 3) Lab Transform
209  FairGeoTransform* transf = det->getLabTransform();
210  FairGeoRotation rot = transf->getRotMatrix();
211  FairGeoVector trans = transf->getTransVector();
213  Double_t rotp[9];
214  cout << " Lab rotation : " << endl;
215  for (Int_t i=0; i<9; i++) {
216  rotp[i] = rot(i);
217  cout << " i: " << i << " val: " << rotp[i] ;
218  }
219  cout << endl;
220  cout << " Lab translation : " << endl;
221  cout << " tX: " << trans.X() << " tY: " << trans.Y() << " tZ: " << trans.Z() << endl;
222 */
224  fRichPoints = (TClonesArray*)fManager->GetObject("RichPoint");
225  if (NULL == fRichPoints) { Fatal("CbmRichHitProducer::Init","No RichPoint array!"); }
227  //fMcTracks = (TClonesArray *)fManager->GetObject("MCTrack");
228  //if (NULL == fMcTracks) { Fatal("CbmRichHitProducer::Init","No MCTrack array!"); }
230  fRichHits = new TClonesArray("CbmRichHit");
231  fManager->Register("RichHit","RICH", fRichHits, kTRUE);
233  // Set photodetector parameters according to its type
234  if (fDetType == 0){
235  fPhotomulRadius = 0.;
236  fPhotomulDist = 0.;
237  }
238  if (fDetType == 2 || fDetType == 4 || fDetType == 5 || fDetType == 6) {
239  fPhotomulRadius = 0.6125;
240  fPhotomulDist = 0.2;
241  // fCrossTalkHitProb = 0.02;
242  }
243  if (fDetType == 3) {
244  fPhotomulRadius = 0.8;
245  fPhotomulDist = 0.5;
246  }
248  return kSUCCESS;
249 }
252  Option_t* option)
253 {
254  Int_t RichDetID = 0;
256  fNEvents++;
257  cout << "-I- CbmRichHitProducer, event no " << fNEvents << endl;
259  // Set photodetector quantum efficiency
260  Double_t lambda_min,lambda_max,lambda_step;
261  Double_t efficiency[100];
262  SetPhotoDetPar(fDetType,lambda_min,lambda_max,lambda_step,efficiency);
264  fRichHits->Clear();
265  fNHits = 0;
266  fNDoubleHits = 0;
268  //printf("%d RICH point(s) & %d track(s)\n", fRichPoints->GetEntries(), fMcTracks->GetEntriesFast());
269  for(Int_t j = 0; j < fRichPoints->GetEntries(); j++){
270  CbmRichPoint* pt = (CbmRichPoint*) fRichPoints->At(j);
272  TVector3 posPoint;
273  pt->Position(posPoint);
274  TVector3 detPoint;
275  TiltPoint(&posPoint, &detPoint, fPhi, fTheta, fDetZ_org);
277  if (fVerbose > 1) cout << " position in Labsystem " << posPoint.X() << " " << posPoint.Y() << " " << posPoint.Z() << endl;
278  if (fVerbose > 1) cout << " tilted position in Labsystem " << detPoint.X() << " " << detPoint.Y() << " " << detPoint.Z() << endl;
280  //Int_t trackID = pt->GetTrackID();
281  //CbmMCTrack* p = (CbmMCTrack*) fMcTracks->At(trackID);
282  //Int_t gcode = TMath::Abs(p->GetPdgCode());
283  Int_t gcode = pt->fPDG;
285  if ((fVerbose) && ((detPoint.Z() < (fDetZ-0.25)) || (detPoint.Z() > (fDetZ+0.25)))) {
286  cout << " z-position not at " << fDetZ << " but " << detPoint.Z() << endl;
287  }
289  // hit position as a center of PMT
290  Double_t xHit, yHit;
291  Int_t pmtID;
292  Double_t sigma0 = 0.;
293  Double_t sigma = 0.19; // sigma (cm) for additional smearing of HitPosition due to WLS film
295  // FindRichHitPosition
296  if (fDetType == 0) {
297  xHit = detPoint.X();
298  yHit = detPoint.Y();
299  pmtID = j;
300  }
301  if (fDetType == 1) FindRichHitPositionSinglePMT(detPoint.X(),detPoint.Y(),xHit,yHit,pmtID);
302  if (fDetType == 2 || fDetType == 4 || fDetType == 5 || fDetType == 6) FindRichHitPositionMAPMT(sigma0,detPoint.X(),detPoint.Y(),xHit,yHit,pmtID);
303  if (fDetType == 3) FindRichHitPositionCsI(detPoint.X(),detPoint.Y(),xHit,yHit,pmtID);
305  //Double_t zHit = detPoint.Z();
306  Double_t zHit = fDetZ; // fix z-position to nominal value: either tilted (fDetZ = zDet) or untilted (fDetZ_org)
307  //TVector3 posHit(xHit,yHit,zHit);
309  //error of hit position at the moment nothing better than +-tube_radius
310  TVector3 posHitErr(fPhotomulRadius,fPhotomulRadius,0.);
312  // add Hit: Hit assigned only if xHit and yHit != 0
313  if (xHit != 0.0 && yHit != 0.0) {
314  if (fDetType == 1) {
315  if (fVerbose)
316  if (TMath::Sqrt((detPoint.X()-xHit)*(detPoint.X()-xHit)+(detPoint.Y()-yHit)*(detPoint.Y()-yHit)) > (fPhotomulRadius+fPhotomulDist)*1.5)
317  cout << "-E- RichHitProducer: wrongly assigned Hits (distance point-hit too large)!" << endl;
318  }
319  if (fDetType == 2 || fDetType == 3 || fDetType == 4 || fDetType == 6) {
320  if (fVerbose)
321  if (TMath::Abs(detPoint.X()-xHit) > fPhotomulRadius || TMath::Abs(detPoint.Y()-yHit) > fPhotomulRadius*1.5)
322  cout << "-E- RichHitProducer: wrongly assigned Hits (distance point-hit too large)! " <<
323  detPoint.X() << " " << xHit << " " << detPoint.Y() << " " << yHit << endl;
324  }
325  if (fDetType == 5) { // fDetType 5: additional smearing with RMS=3mm due to WLS film
326  if (fVerbose)
327  if (TMath::Abs(detPoint.X()-xHit) > fPhotomulRadius+1.5 || TMath::Abs(detPoint.Y()-yHit) > fPhotomulRadius*1.5)
328  cout << "-E- RichHitProducer: wrongly assigned Hits ? (distance point-hit too large)! " <<
329  detPoint.X() << " " << xHit << " " << detPoint.Y() << " " << yHit << endl;
330  }
332  if (gcode == 50000050) {
333  // for photons weight with efficiency of PMT
334  TVector3 mom;
335  pt->Momentum(mom);
336  Double_t etot = sqrt(mom.Px()*mom.Px() + mom.Py()*mom.Py() + mom.Pz()*mom.Pz());
337  Double_t lambda=c/fNRefrac*h/e/etot;// wavelength in nm
338  fDetection=0;
339  if (lambda >= lambda_min && lambda < lambda_max) {
340  Int_t ilambda=(Int_t)((lambda-lambda_min)/lambda_step);
341  Double_t rand = gRandom->Rndm();
342  fDetection = 0;
343  if (fDetType == 5 && lambda < 300.) {// smear Hit position for lambda < 300 nm (WLS film!)
344  FindRichHitPositionMAPMT(sigma,detPoint.X(),detPoint.Y(),xHit,yHit,pmtID);
345  }
346  if (efficiency[ilambda]*fCollectionEfficiency > rand ) fDetection = 1;
347  } // min <= lambda < max
348  }// if photon
350  // detection efficiency for hadrons crossing the PMT-cathodes?
351  // else if (gcode == 211) detection = 1; //pi+-
352  // else if (gcode == 321) detection = 1; //K+-
353  // else if (gcode == 2212) detection = 1; //p+-
354  else { // if not photon
355  // worst case: assume that all charged particles crossing
356  // the PMTplane leave Cherenkov light in the PMTglass which will be detected
357  fDetection=1;
358  }
360  TVector3 posHit(xHit,yHit,zHit);
362  if (fDetection == 1){
363  Int_t address = pt->GetDetectorID();
364  if (RichDetID == 0) RichDetID = address;
365  if (RichDetID != address)
366  cout << "-E- RichDetID changed from " << RichDetID << " to " << address << endl;
367  Double_t ampl = GetAmplitude();
368  AddHit(posHit,posHitErr,address,pmtID,ampl,j);
370  AddCrossTalkHits(posHit.X(), posHit.Y(), j, RichDetID);
371  } // photon detected?
372  } // xHit and yHit != 0
374  if (fVerbose > 2) {
375  cout << " iHit, Point-x, Point-y, Hit-x, Hiy-y, detected, PMT? " << j << " "
376  << posPoint.X() << " " << posPoint.Y() << " " << xHit << " "
377  << yHit << " " << fDetection << " " << pmtID << endl;
378  }
379  } // loop over RICH points
381  // add noise hits
382  for(Int_t j = 0; j < fNofNoiseHits; j++) {
383  Double_t rand = gRandom->Rndm();
384  Double_t xRand = (fDetX-fDetZ_org*TMath::Sin(fPhi))-fDetWidthX + rand*2.*fDetWidthX;
385  rand = gRandom->Rndm();
386  if (rand < 0.5 ) xRand = -1.*xRand;
387  rand = gRandom->Rndm();
388  Double_t yRand = fDetY-fDetWidthY + rand*2.*fDetWidthY;
389  rand = gRandom->Rndm();
390  if (rand < 0.5 ) yRand = -1.*yRand;
392  Double_t xHit, yHit;
393  Int_t pmtID;
395  //FindRichHitPosition
396  if (fDetType == 0) {
397  xHit = xRand;
398  yHit = yRand;
399  pmtID = -j;
400  }
401  if (fDetType == 1) FindRichHitPositionSinglePMT(xRand,yRand,xHit,yHit,pmtID);
402  if (fDetType == 2 || fDetType == 4 || fDetType == 5 || fDetType == 6) FindRichHitPositionMAPMT(0,xRand,yRand,xHit,yHit,pmtID);
403  if (fDetType == 3) FindRichHitPositionCsI(xRand,yRand,xHit,yHit,pmtID);
405  // add Hit
406  if (xHit!=0.0 && yHit!=0.0) {
407  Double_t zHit = fDetZ;
408  TVector3 posHit(xHit,yHit,zHit);
409  Double_t ampl = GetAmplitude();
411  //error of hit position
412  //at the moment nothing better than +-tube_radius
413  TVector3 posHitErr(fPhotomulRadius,fPhotomulRadius,0.);
415  AddHit(posHit,posHitErr,RichDetID,pmtID,ampl,-1);
416  }
417  }
419  cout << "Nof hits: "<< fRichHits->GetEntries()<< endl;
420  cout << "Fraction of double hits: "<<(Double_t)(fNDoubleHits)/(Double_t)(fNHits) << endl;
421  cout << "Nof crosstalk hits: " << (Double_t) fNofCrossTalkHits / fNEvents << endl;
422 }
425  TVector3 *inPos,
426  TVector3 *outPos,
427  Double_t phi,
428  Double_t theta,
429  Double_t detZOrig,
430  Bool_t noTilting)
431 {
432  if (noTilting == false){
433  Double_t xDet,yDet,zDet;
435  if (inPos->X() > 0 && inPos->Y() > 0) {
436  xDet = inPos->X()*TMath::Cos(phi) + inPos->Z()*TMath::Sin(phi) - detZOrig*TMath::Sin(phi);
437  yDet = -inPos->X()*TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Sin(phi) + inPos->Y()*TMath::Cos(theta) + inPos->Z()*TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Cos(phi);
438  zDet = -inPos->X()*TMath::Cos(theta)*TMath::Sin(phi) - inPos->Y()*TMath::Sin(theta) + inPos->Z()*TMath::Cos(theta)*TMath::Cos(phi);
439  }
440  if (inPos->X() > 0 && inPos->Y() < 0) {
441  xDet = inPos->X()*TMath::Cos(phi) + inPos->Z()*TMath::Sin(phi) - detZOrig*TMath::Sin(phi);
442  yDet = inPos->X()*TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Sin(phi) + inPos->Y()*TMath::Cos(theta) - inPos->Z()*TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Cos(phi);
443  zDet = -inPos->X()*TMath::Cos(theta)*TMath::Sin(phi) + inPos->Y()*TMath::Sin(theta) + inPos->Z()*TMath::Cos(theta)*TMath::Cos(phi);
444  }
445  if (inPos->X() < 0 && inPos->Y() < 0) {
446  xDet = inPos->X()*TMath::Cos(phi) - inPos->Z()*TMath::Sin(phi) + detZOrig*TMath::Sin(phi);
447  yDet = -inPos->X()*TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Sin(phi) + inPos->Y()*TMath::Cos(theta) - inPos->Z()*TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Cos(phi);
448  zDet = inPos->X()*TMath::Cos(theta)*TMath::Sin(phi) + inPos->Y()*TMath::Sin(theta) + inPos->Z()*TMath::Cos(theta)*TMath::Cos(phi);
449  }
450  if (inPos->X() < 0 && inPos->Y() > 0) {
451  xDet = inPos->X()*TMath::Cos(phi) - inPos->Z()*TMath::Sin(phi) + detZOrig*TMath::Sin(phi);
452  yDet = inPos->X()*TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Sin(phi) + inPos->Y()*TMath::Cos(theta) + inPos->Z()*TMath::Sin(theta)*TMath::Cos(phi);
453  zDet = inPos->X()*TMath::Cos(theta)*TMath::Sin(phi) - inPos->Y()*TMath::Sin(theta) + inPos->Z()*TMath::Cos(theta)*TMath::Cos(phi);
454  }
455  outPos->SetXYZ(xDet,yDet,zDet);
456  } else {
457  outPos->SetXYZ(inPos->X(), inPos->Y(), inPos->Z());
458  }
459 }
463  TVector3 &posHit,
464  TVector3 &posHitErr,
465  Int_t address,
466  Int_t pmtID,
467  Double_t ampl,
468  Int_t index)
469 {
470  // Add this hit to existing one, if in the same PMT,
471  // otherwise create a new one.
472  Bool_t hitMerged = kFALSE;
473  CbmRichHit *hit;
474  // Check if there was any hit in the same PMT
475  for (Int_t iHit = 0; iHit < fNHits; iHit++) {
476  hit = (CbmRichHit*) fRichHits->At(iHit);
477  if (pmtID == hit->GetPmtId() && address==hit->GetAddress()) {
478  hit->SetNPhotons(hit->GetNPhotons()+1);
479  hit->SetAmplitude(GetAmplitude()+ampl);
480  hitMerged = kTRUE;
481  fNDoubleHits++;
482  break;
483  }
484  }
486  // If no hits found in this PMT, add a new one
487  if (!hitMerged) {
488  new((*fRichHits)[fNHits]) CbmRichHit();
489  hit = (CbmRichHit*)fRichHits->At(fNHits);
490  hit->SetPosition(posHit);
491  hit->SetPositionError(posHitErr);
492  hit->SetAddress(address);
493  hit->SetPmtId(pmtID);
494  hit->SetNPhotons(1);
495  hit->SetAmplitude(GetAmplitude());
496  hit->SetRefId(index);
497  fNHits++;
498  }
499 }
502  Double_t x,
503  Double_t y,
504  Int_t pointInd,
505  Int_t RichDetID)
506 {
507  // only for MAMPT
508  if (fDetType != 2 && fDetType != 4 && fDetType != 5 && fDetType != 6) return;
510  Double_t xHit = 0.0, yHit = 0.0;
511  Int_t pmtID = -1;
513  Double_t r = fPhotomulRadius;
515  // closest neighbors
516  Double_t rand = gRandom->Rndm();
517  if (rand < fCrossTalkHitProb && xHit == 0.0 && yHit == 0.0 && pmtID == -1)
518  FindRichHitPositionMAPMT(0., x + r, y, xHit, yHit, pmtID);
520  rand = gRandom->Rndm();
521  if (rand < fCrossTalkHitProb && xHit == 0.0 && yHit == 0.0 && pmtID == -1)
522  FindRichHitPositionMAPMT(0., x - r, y, xHit, yHit, pmtID);
524  rand = gRandom->Rndm();
525  if (rand < fCrossTalkHitProb && xHit == 0.0 && yHit == 0.0 && pmtID == -1)
526  FindRichHitPositionMAPMT(0., x, y + r, xHit, yHit, pmtID);
528  rand = gRandom->Rndm();
529  if (rand < fCrossTalkHitProb && xHit == 0.0 && yHit == 0.0 && pmtID == -1)
530  FindRichHitPositionMAPMT(0., x, y - r, xHit, yHit, pmtID);
532  // diagonal neighbors
533  rand = gRandom->Rndm();
534  if (rand < fCrossTalkHitProb / 4. && xHit == 0.0 && yHit == 0.0 && pmtID == -1)
535  FindRichHitPositionMAPMT(0., x + r, y + r, xHit, yHit, pmtID);
537  rand = gRandom->Rndm();
538  if (rand < fCrossTalkHitProb / 4. && xHit == 0.0 && yHit == 0.0 && pmtID == -1)
539  FindRichHitPositionMAPMT(0., x - r, y - r, xHit, yHit, pmtID);
541  rand = gRandom->Rndm();
542  if (rand < fCrossTalkHitProb / 4. && xHit == 0.0 && yHit == 0.0 && pmtID == -1)
543  FindRichHitPositionMAPMT(0., x - r, y + r, xHit, yHit, pmtID);
545  rand = gRandom->Rndm();
546  if (rand < fCrossTalkHitProb / 4.&& xHit == 0.0 && yHit == 0.0 && pmtID == -1)
547  FindRichHitPositionMAPMT(0., x + r, y - r, xHit, yHit, pmtID);
550  if (xHit != 0.0 && yHit != 0.0) {
551  Double_t zHit = fDetZ;
552  TVector3 posHit(xHit,yHit,zHit);
553  Double_t ampl = GetAmplitude();
554  TVector3 posHitErr(fPhotomulRadius,fPhotomulRadius,0.);
556  AddHit(posHit, posHitErr, RichDetID, pmtID, ampl, pointInd);
558  }
559 }
562 {
563  fRichHits->Clear();
564 }
567  Int_t det_type,
568  Double_t& fLambdaMin,
569  Double_t& fLambdaMax,
570  Double_t& fLambdaStep,
571  Double_t fEfficiency[])
572 {
573  // gives parameters for a chosen photodetector type
574  if (fVerbose > 0) cout << "SetPhotoDetPar routine called for PMT type " << fDetType << endl;
576  if (det_type == 1){
577  // PMT efficiencies for Protvino-type PMT
578  // corresponding range in lambda: (100nm)120nm - 700nm in steps of 20nm
580  fLambdaMin = 120.;
581  fLambdaMax = 700.;
582  fLambdaStep = 20.;
584  fEfficiency[0] = 0.216;
585  fEfficiency[1] = 0.216;
586  fEfficiency[2] = 0.216;
587  fEfficiency[3] = 0.216;
588  fEfficiency[4] = 0.216;
589  fEfficiency[5] = 0.216;
590  fEfficiency[6] = 0.216;
591  fEfficiency[7] = 0.216;
592  fEfficiency[8] = 0.216;
593  fEfficiency[9] = 0.216;
594  fEfficiency[10] = 0.216;
595  fEfficiency[11] = 0.227;
596  fEfficiency[12] = 0.23;
597  fEfficiency[13] = 0.227;
598  fEfficiency[14] = 0.216;
599  fEfficiency[15] = 0.2;
600  fEfficiency[16] = 0.176;
601  fEfficiency[17] = 0.15;
602  fEfficiency[18] = 0.138;
603  fEfficiency[19] = 0.1;
604  fEfficiency[20] = 0.082;
605  fEfficiency[21] = 0.06;
606  fEfficiency[22] = 0.044;
607  fEfficiency[23] = 0.032;
608  fEfficiency[24] = 0.022;
609  fEfficiency[25] = 0.015;
610  fEfficiency[26] = 0.01;
611  fEfficiency[27] = 0.006;
612  fEfficiency[28] = 0.004;
614  fLambdaMin = 100.;
615  fLambdaMax = 700.;
616  fLambdaStep = 20.;
618 // fEfficiency[0] = 0.216;
619 // fEfficiency[1] = 0.216;
620 // fEfficiency[2] = 0.216;
621 // fEfficiency[3] = 0.216;
622 // fEfficiency[4] = 0.216;
623 // fEfficiency[5] = 0.216;
624 // fEfficiency[6] = 0.216;
625 // fEfficiency[7] = 0.216;
626 // fEfficiency[8] = 0.216;
627 // fEfficiency[9] = 0.216;
628 // fEfficiency[10] = 0.216;
629 // fEfficiency[11] = 0.216;
630 // fEfficiency[12] = 0.227;
631 // fEfficiency[13] = 0.23;
632 // fEfficiency[14] = 0.227;
633 // fEfficiency[15] = 0.216;
634 // fEfficiency[16] = 0.2;
635 // fEfficiency[17] = 0.176;
636 // fEfficiency[18] = 0.15;
637 // fEfficiency[19] = 0.138;
638 // fEfficiency[20] = 0.1;
639 // fEfficiency[21] = 0.082;
640 // fEfficiency[22] = 0.06;
641 // fEfficiency[23] = 0.044;
642 // fEfficiency[24] = 0.032;
643 // fEfficiency[25] = 0.022;
644 // fEfficiency[26] = 0.015;
645 // fEfficiency[27] = 0.01;
646 // fEfficiency[28] = 0.006;
647 // fEfficiency[29] = 0.004;
648  } else if (det_type == 3){
649  // quantum efficiency for CsI photocathode
650  // approximately read off from fig.3 in NIM A 433 (1999) 201 (HADES)
652  fLambdaMin = 130.;
653  fLambdaMax = 210.;
654  fLambdaStep = 10.;
656  fEfficiency[0] = 0.45;
657  fEfficiency[1] = 0.4;
658  fEfficiency[2] = 0.35;
659  fEfficiency[3] = 0.32;
660  fEfficiency[4] = 0.25;
661  fEfficiency[5] = 0.2;
662  fEfficiency[6] = 0.1;
663  fEfficiency[7] = 0.03;
665  } else if (det_type == 2){
666  // PMT efficiencies for Hamamatsu H8500
667  // (Flat type Multianode Photomultiplier)
668  // corresponding range in lambda: 260nm - 740nm in steps of 20nm
670  fLambdaMin = 260.;
671  fLambdaMax = 740.;
672  fLambdaStep = 20.;
674  fEfficiency[0] = 0.06;
675  fEfficiency[1] = 0.12;
676  fEfficiency[2] = 0.2;
677  fEfficiency[3] = 0.22;
678  fEfficiency[4] = 0.22;
679  fEfficiency[5] = 0.22;
680  fEfficiency[6] = 0.21;
681  fEfficiency[7] = 0.2;
682  fEfficiency[8] = 0.18;
683  fEfficiency[9] = 0.16;
684  fEfficiency[10] = 0.14;
685  fEfficiency[11] = 0.11;
686  fEfficiency[12] = 0.1;
687  fEfficiency[13] = 0.06;
688  fEfficiency[14] = 0.047;
689  fEfficiency[15] = 0.03;
690  fEfficiency[16] = 0.021;
691  fEfficiency[17] = 0.012;
692  fEfficiency[18] = 0.006;
693  fEfficiency[19] = 0.0023;
694  fEfficiency[20] = 0.0008;
695  fEfficiency[21] = 0.00022;
696  fEfficiency[22] = 0.00007;
697  fEfficiency[23] = 0.00002;
699  } else if (det_type == 4){
700  // PMT efficiencies for Hamamatsu H8500-03
701  // (Flat type Multianode Photomultiplier with UV window)
702  // corresponding range in lambda: 200nm - 640nm in steps of 20nm
704  fLambdaMin = 200.;
705  fLambdaMax = 640.;
706  fLambdaStep = 20.;
708  fEfficiency[0] = 0.095;
709  fEfficiency[1] = 0.13;
710  fEfficiency[2] = 0.16;
711  fEfficiency[3] = 0.2;
712  fEfficiency[4] = 0.23;
713  fEfficiency[5] = 0.24;
714  fEfficiency[6] = 0.25;
715  fEfficiency[7] = 0.25;
716  fEfficiency[8] = 0.24;
717  fEfficiency[9] = 0.24;
718  fEfficiency[10] = 0.23;
719  fEfficiency[11] = 0.22;
720  fEfficiency[12] = 0.2;
721  fEfficiency[13] = 0.16;
722  fEfficiency[14] = 0.14;
723  fEfficiency[15] = 0.1;
724  fEfficiency[16] = 0.065;
725  fEfficiency[17] = 0.045;
726  fEfficiency[18] = 0.02;
727  fEfficiency[19] = 0.017;
728  fEfficiency[20] = 0.007;
729  fEfficiency[21] = 0.0033;
730  } else if (det_type == 5){
731  // PMT efficiencies for Hamamatsu H8500 + WLS film
732  // (Flat type Multianode Photomultiplier with UV window)
733  // corresponding range in lambda: 150nm - 650nm in steps of 20nm
735  fLambdaMin = 160.;
736  fLambdaMax = 640.;
737  fLambdaStep = 20.;
739  fEfficiency[0] = 0.1;
740  fEfficiency[1] = 0.2;
741  fEfficiency[2] = 0.2;
742  fEfficiency[3] = 0.2;
743  fEfficiency[4] = 0.2;
744  fEfficiency[5] = 0.2;
745  fEfficiency[6] = 0.23;
746  fEfficiency[7] = 0.24;
747  fEfficiency[8] = 0.25;
748  fEfficiency[9] = 0.25;
749  fEfficiency[10] = 0.24;
750  fEfficiency[11] = 0.24;
751  fEfficiency[12] = 0.23;
752  fEfficiency[13] = 0.22;
753  fEfficiency[14] = 0.2;
754  fEfficiency[15] = 0.16;
755  fEfficiency[16] = 0.14;
756  fEfficiency[17] = 0.1;
757  fEfficiency[18] = 0.065;
758  fEfficiency[19] = 0.045;
759  fEfficiency[20] = 0.02;
760  fEfficiency[21] = 0.017;
761  fEfficiency[22] = 0.007;
762  fEfficiency[23] = 0.0033;
763  } else if (det_type == 6) {
764  //QE measured at Wuppertal University (BUW), spring 2011
765  // H8500C-03 (BA + UV glass)
770  fLambdaMin = 160.;
771  fLambdaMax = 700.;
772  fLambdaStep = 10.;
774  fEfficiency[0] = 0.0272;
775  fEfficiency[1] = 0.0443;
776  fEfficiency[2] = 0.06;
777  fEfficiency[3] = 0.08;
778  fEfficiency[4] = 0.0945;
779  fEfficiency[5] = 0.1061;
780  fEfficiency[6] = 0.1265;
781  fEfficiency[7] = 0.1482;
782  fEfficiency[8] = 0.1668;
783  fEfficiency[9] = 0.1887;
784  fEfficiency[10] = 0.2093;
785  fEfficiency[11] = 0.2134;
786  fEfficiency[12] = 0.2303;
787  fEfficiency[13] = 0.2482;
788  fEfficiency[14] = 0.2601;
789  fEfficiency[15] = 0.2659;
790  fEfficiency[16] = 0.2702;
791  fEfficiency[17] = 0.283;
792  fEfficiency[18] = 0.2863;
793  fEfficiency[19] = 0.2863;
794  fEfficiency[20] = 0.2884;
795  fEfficiency[21] = 0.286;
796  fEfficiency[22] = 0.2811;
797  fEfficiency[23] = 0.2802;
798  fEfficiency[24] = 0.272;
799  fEfficiency[25] = 0.2638;
800  fEfficiency[26] = 0.2562;
801  fEfficiency[27] = 0.2472;
802  fEfficiency[28] = 0.2368;
803  fEfficiency[29] = 0.2218;
804  fEfficiency[30] = 0.2032;
805  fEfficiency[31] = 0.186;
806  fEfficiency[32] = 0.1735;
807  fEfficiency[33] = 0.1661;
808  fEfficiency[34] = 0.1483;
809  fEfficiency[35] = 0.121;
810  fEfficiency[36] = 0.0959;
811  fEfficiency[37] = 0.0782;
812  fEfficiency[38] = 0.0647;
813  fEfficiency[39] = 0.0538;
814  fEfficiency[40] = 0.0372;
815  fEfficiency[41] = 0.0296;
816  fEfficiency[42] = 0.0237;
817  fEfficiency[43] = 0.0176;
818  fEfficiency[44] = 0.0123;
819  fEfficiency[45] = 0.0083;
820  fEfficiency[46] = 0.005;
821  fEfficiency[47] = 0.003;
822  fEfficiency[48] = 0.0017;
823  fEfficiency[49] = 0.0008;
824  fEfficiency[50] = 0.0006;
825  fEfficiency[51] = 0.0003;
826  fEfficiency[52] = 0.0003;
827  fEfficiency[53] = 0.0002;
828  fEfficiency[54] = 0.0001;
831  } else if (det_type == 0){
833  // ideal detector
835  fLambdaMin = 100.;
836  fLambdaMax = 700.;
837  fLambdaStep = 600.;
839  fEfficiency[0] = 1.;
840  } else {
841  cout << "ERROR: photodetector type not specified" << endl;
843  fLambdaMin = 100.;
844  fLambdaMax = 100.;
845  fLambdaStep = 100.;
847  fEfficiency[0] = 0.;
848  }
849 }
852  Double_t xPoint,
853  Double_t yPoint,
854  Double_t& xHit,
855  Double_t& yHit,
856  Int_t & pmtID)
857 {
858  // calculate Hits for Protvino type of PMT (single PMTs with circle surface, hexagonal packing):
859  // hexagonal packing of round phototubes with radius fPhotomulRadius,
860  // distance between phototubes 2*fPhotomulDist -> effective radius is
861  // (fPhotomulRadius+fPhotomulDist) assuming that the gap is covered by Al funnels
863  xHit = 0.;
864  yHit = 0.;
866  // Transformation of global (x,y) coordinates to local coordinates in photodetector plane (u,v)
867  // the center of (u,v) CS is in the lower left corner of each photodetector
868  // u is parrallel to x, v tilted by 30degree (alpha = 30 degree)
870  Double_t uPoint, vPoint;
871  Double_t uPMT, vPMT;
872  Double_t alpha = TMath::Pi()/6.;
873  Double_t distance;
875  // smear points due to light scattering in mirror
876  xPoint = xPoint + gRandom->Gaus(0,fSigmaMirror);
877  yPoint = yPoint + gRandom->Gaus(0,fSigmaMirror);
879  uPoint = 2.*fDetWidthX - (fPhotomulRadius+fPhotomulDist) + xPoint;
880  if (yPoint > 0)
881  vPoint = (- fDetY + fDetWidthY - (fPhotomulRadius+fPhotomulDist) + yPoint)/ TMath::Cos(alpha);
882  if (yPoint < 0)
883  vPoint = (fDetY + fDetWidthY - (fPhotomulRadius+fPhotomulDist) + yPoint)/ TMath::Cos(alpha);
885  // Calculate Position of nearest PMT
886  uPMT = (fPhotomulRadius+fPhotomulDist)*((Int_t)(uPoint/(fPhotomulRadius+fPhotomulDist)+0.999));
887  vPMT = (fPhotomulRadius+fPhotomulDist)*((Int_t)(vPoint/(fPhotomulRadius+fPhotomulDist)+0.999));
889  // Calculate distance between PMT and Point
890  distance = TMath::Sqrt((uPMT-uPoint)*(uPMT-uPoint)+(vPMT-vPoint)*(vPMT-vPoint)*TMath::Cos(alpha)*TMath::Cos(alpha));
892  // if distance < (fPhotomulRadius+fPhotomulDist)
893  // ==> retransform to global (x,y) and store Hit (center of PMT)
894  if (distance <= (fPhotomulRadius+fPhotomulDist)){
895  xHit = uPMT - 2.*fDetWidthX + (fPhotomulRadius+fPhotomulDist);
896  if (yPoint > 0)
897  yHit = vPMT*TMath::Cos(alpha) + fDetY - fDetWidthY + (fPhotomulRadius+fPhotomulDist);
898  if (yPoint < 0)
899  yHit = vPMT*TMath::Cos(alpha) - fDetY - fDetWidthY + (fPhotomulRadius+fPhotomulDist);
901  pmtID = (Int_t)(uPMT/(fPhotomulRadius+fPhotomulDist))*100000+(Int_t)(vPMT/(fPhotomulRadius+fPhotomulDist));
902  if (yPoint<0.) pmtID = -1*pmtID;
903  }// if hit
904 }
907  Double_t sigma,
908  Double_t xPoint,
909  Double_t yPoint,
910  Double_t& xHit,
911  Double_t& yHit,
912  Int_t & pmtID)
913 {
914  // calculate Hits for MAPMT (Hamamatsu H8500, 8x8 MAPMT):
915  // dimensions:
916  // length = 52mm x 52mm, active area = 49mm x 49mm
917  // pixel (mean size) = 6.125mm x 6.125mm
918  // assume some spacing between single units of s=1mm
919  // ==> use as effective values fPhotomulRadius = 6.125mm = 0.6125cm
920  // fPhotomulDist = 0.5mm + 1.5mm = 2mm = 0.2cm
921  //
922  // sigma (cm) : add WLS film --> hits smeared with sigma
924  xHit = 0.;
925  yHit = 0.;
927  Int_t nPixel = 8;
928  Double_t length = (Double_t)(nPixel)*fPhotomulRadius + 2 * fPhotomulDist;//effective size
930  // Transformation of global (x,y) coordinates to local coordinates in photodetector plane (u,v)
931  // the center of (u,v) CS is in the lower left corner of each photodetector
932  Double_t uPoint, vPoint;
933  Double_t uPMT, vPMT, uPMTs, vPMTs;
935  // smear points due to light scattering in mirror
936  xPoint = xPoint + gRandom->Gaus(0, fSigmaMirror);
937  yPoint = yPoint + gRandom->Gaus(0, fSigmaMirror);
939  // smear Point if photon is converted via WLS film:
940  if (sigma > 0.) {
941  xPoint = xPoint + gRandom->Gaus(0,sigma);
942  yPoint = yPoint + gRandom->Gaus(0,sigma);
943  }
945  uPoint = 2.*fDetWidthX + xPoint;
946  if (yPoint > 0)
947  vPoint = - fDetY + fDetWidthY + yPoint;
948  if (yPoint < 0)
949  vPoint = fDetY + fDetWidthY + yPoint;
951  // calculate lower left corner of effective area of MAPMT unit which has been hit
952  uPMT = length*(Int_t)(uPoint/length)+fPhotomulDist;
953  vPMT = length*(Int_t)(vPoint/length)+fPhotomulDist;
955  // reject points not lying in the effective area of the MAPMT units:
956  if ((TMath::Abs((uPMT+(Double_t)(nPixel)/2.*fPhotomulRadius)-uPoint) < ((Double_t)(nPixel)/2.*fPhotomulRadius)) &&
957  (TMath::Abs((vPMT+(Double_t)(nPixel)/2.*fPhotomulRadius)-vPoint) < ((Double_t)(nPixel)/2.*fPhotomulRadius))) {
959  // check that uPoint > uPMT and vPoint > vPMT
960  if (uPoint < uPMT) cout << " -E- HitProducer: calculation of MAPMT unit (u) " << uPoint << " " << uPMT << endl;
961  if (vPoint < vPMT) cout << " -E- HitProducer: calculation of MAPMT unit (v) " << vPoint << " " << vPMT << endl;
963  // calculate center of PMT cell hit in this MAPMT unit -> Hit
964  uPMTs = fPhotomulRadius*(Int_t)((uPoint-uPMT)/fPhotomulRadius)+fPhotomulRadius/2. + uPMT;
965  vPMTs = fPhotomulRadius*(Int_t)((vPoint-vPMT)/fPhotomulRadius)+fPhotomulRadius/2. + vPMT;
967  // ==> retransform to global (x,y) and store Hit
968  xHit = uPMTs - 2.*fDetWidthX;
969  if (yPoint > 0) yHit = vPMTs + fDetY - fDetWidthY;
970  if (yPoint < 0) yHit = vPMTs - fDetY - fDetWidthY;
972  pmtID = ((Int_t)(uPoint/length)*100 + (Int_t)((uPoint-uPMT)/fPhotomulRadius))*100000
973  + ((Int_t)(vPoint/length)*100 + (Int_t)((vPoint-vPMT)/fPhotomulRadius));
975  if (yPoint<0.) pmtID = -1*pmtID;
977  }// point in effective area ?
979  if (fVerbose > 3) cout << "FindHitPos_MAPMT: " << xPoint << " " << yPoint << " " << xHit << " " << yHit << endl;
980 }
983  Double_t xPoint,
984  Double_t yPoint,
985  Double_t& xHit,
986  Double_t& yHit,
987  Int_t & pmtID)
988 {
989  // calculate Hits for CsI
990  // dimensions (assume 3 panels of 1.4m x 1.067 m) per plane):
991  // height = (fDetWidthY - 2* fPhotomulDist) * 2
992  // length = (2.*fDetWidthX - 2* fPhotomulDist) * 2 / 3
993  // pixels (mean size) = 8mm x 8mm (similar to ALICE)
994  // integrate spacing between single panels into fPhotomulDist (= eff. distance between active areas)
995  // fPhotomulDist = 0.5cm
996  // fPhotomulRadius = 0.8cm
998  xHit = 0.;
999  yHit = 0.;
1000  Double_t xlength = 2.*fDetWidthX * 2. / 3.;
1001  Double_t ylength = fDetWidthY * 2.;
1003  // Transformation of global (x,y) coordinates to local coordinates in photodetector plane (u,v)
1004  // the center of (u,v) CS is in the lower left corner of each photodetector
1006  Double_t uPoint, vPoint;
1007  Double_t uPMT, vPMT, uPMTs, vPMTs;
1009  // smear points due to light scattering in mirror
1010  xPoint = xPoint + gRandom->Gaus(0,fSigmaMirror);
1011  yPoint = yPoint + gRandom->Gaus(0,fSigmaMirror);
1013  uPoint = 2.*fDetWidthX + xPoint;
1014  if (yPoint > 0) vPoint = - fDetY + fDetWidthY + yPoint;
1015  if (yPoint < 0) vPoint = fDetY + fDetWidthY + yPoint;
1017  // calculate lower left corner of effective area of panel which has been hit
1018  uPMT = xlength*(Int_t)(uPoint/xlength)+fPhotomulDist;
1019  vPMT = ylength*(Int_t)(vPoint/ylength)+fPhotomulDist;
1021  // reject points not lying in the effective area of the panels:
1022  if ((TMath::Abs(uPMT+(xlength/2.-fPhotomulDist)-uPoint) < (xlength/2.-fPhotomulDist)) &&
1023  (TMath::Abs(vPMT+(ylength/2.-fPhotomulDist)-vPoint) < (ylength/2.-fPhotomulDist))) {
1025  // check that uPoint > uPMT and vPoint > vPMT
1026  if (uPoint < uPMT) cout << " -E- HitProducer: calculation of CsI unit (u) " << uPoint << " " << uPMT << endl;
1027  if (vPoint < vPMT) cout << " -E- HitProducer: calculation of CsI unit (v) " << vPoint << " " << vPMT << endl;
1029  // calculate center of PMT cell hit in this MAPMT unit -> Hit
1030  uPMTs = fPhotomulRadius*(Int_t)((uPoint-uPMT)/fPhotomulRadius)+fPhotomulRadius/2. + uPMT;
1031  vPMTs = fPhotomulRadius*(Int_t)((vPoint-vPMT)/fPhotomulRadius)+fPhotomulRadius/2. + vPMT;
1033  // ==> retransform to global (x,y) and store Hit
1034  xHit = uPMTs - 2.*fDetWidthX;
1035  if (yPoint > 0) yHit = vPMTs + fDetY - fDetWidthY;
1036  if (yPoint < 0) yHit = vPMTs - fDetY - fDetWidthY;
1038  pmtID = ((Int_t)(uPoint/xlength)*1000 + (Int_t)((uPoint-uPMT)/fPhotomulRadius))*100000
1039  + ((Int_t)(vPoint/ylength)*1000 + (Int_t)((vPoint-vPMT)/fPhotomulRadius));
1041  if (yPoint<0.) pmtID = -1*pmtID;
1042  } // point in effective area?
1043 }
1046  Double_t x)
1047 {
1048  // Spectrum of the PMT response to one photo-electron
1049  // after S.Sadovsky, 9 Sep 2004
1050  const Float_t kn=1.85;
1051  const Float_t kb=1.75;
1052  return TMath::Power(x*kb/kn,kn) * TMath::Exp(-(kb*x-kn));
1053 }
1056 {
1057  // Generate randomly PMT amplitude according to probability density
1058  // provided by OnePhotonAmplitude(x)
1060  const Double_t xMin=0;
1061  const Double_t xMax=6;
1062  Double_t ampl;
1063  while (kTRUE)
1064  if (gRandom->Rndm() < OnePhotonAmplitude(ampl = gRandom->Uniform(xMin,xMax))) break;
1066  return ampl;
1067 }