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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file EicGeoParData.h
1 //
2 // AYK (ayk@bnl.gov), 2013/06/13
3 //
4 // EIC geometry mapping classes;
5 //
7 #include <stdlib.h>
8 #include <assert.h>
10 #include <set>
12 #include <TString.h>
13 #include <TObject.h>
14 #include <TFile.h>
15 #include <TGeoManager.h>
16 #include <TTimeStamp.h>
17 #include <TVector3.h>
19 #include <FairGeoLoader.h>
20 #include <FairGeoInterface.h>
21 #include <FairGeoMedia.h>
22 #include <FairGeoMedium.h>
23 #include <FairGeoBuilder.h>
25 #include <EicDetName.h>
26 #include <EicNamePatternHub.h>
27 #include <EicGeoMap.h>
29 #ifndef _EIC_GEO_PAR_DATA_
30 #define _EIC_GEO_PAR_DATA_
32 // Prefer to decouple from EicGeoMapLevel (even that in principle could
33 // allow inheritance);
35 {
36  // No sense to complicate access for the master class;
37  friend class EicGeoParData;
39  public:
41  LogicalVolumeGroupProjection(unsigned maxEntryNum):
42  mMaxEntryNum(maxEntryNum), mCircular(false) {
43  // NB: in fact maxEntryNum is guaranteed not to be 0 in the calling routine;
44  mBitMask = maxEntryNum ? new EicBitMask<ULogicalIndex_t>(maxEntryNum) : 0;
45  };
48  private:
49  ULogicalIndex_t mMaxEntryNum; // max number of volume copies on this level
51  EicBitMask<ULogicalIndex_t> *mBitMask; //-> bit mask parameters associated with this level
53  Bool_t mCircular; // "true" if respective dimension is of "barrel" type
56 };
58 // Well, do not need more that XYZ-projections in EicRoot logical volume groups;
59 // in fact may live with just XY, but who cares;
62 // No reason to make them bound to whatever class;
63 TVector3 LocalToMaster (const TGeoMatrix *mtx, const TVector3& local);
64 TVector3 LocalToMasterVect(const TGeoMatrix *mtx, const TVector3& local);
65 TVector3 MasterToLocal (const TGeoMatrix *mtx, const TVector3& master);
66 TVector3 MasterToLocalVect(const TGeoMatrix *mtx, const TVector3& master);
69 {
70  public:
74  // NB: this whole class is transient stuff -> does not bother ROOT streamer;
75  TGeoNode *mGeoNode;
76  TGeoHMatrix *mGeoMtx;
78  TString mVolumePath;
81 };
84 {
85  // No sense to complicate access for the master class;
86  friend class EicGeoParData;
88  public:
90  mLookup = 0;
92  mDim3D = 0;
93  for(unsigned iq=0; iq<_LOGICAL_VOLUME_GROUP_COORD_NUM_; iq++)
94  mRealDim[iq] = 0;
95  };
98  private:
99  std::vector<LogicalVolumeGroupProjection*> mProjections;
101  // These variables are initialized and used upon EicGeoParData import from
102  // a geometry file (so they are not present in the mapping file);
108 };
110 class SourceFile {
111  public:
112  SourceFile(const char *fileName = 0);
115  const TString &GetFileName() const { return mFileName; };
116  bool IsOk() const { return mOkFlag; };
118  void Print();
120  private:
121  Bool_t mOkFlag; // flag indicating whether file was imported or not
122  TString mFileName; // file name
123  UInt_t mFileSize; // file size (I guess 32 bits suffices? :-)
124  UChar_t *mFileContent; //[mFileSize] file content
126  ClassDef(SourceFile,3);
127 };
129 //
130 // In principle one may want to define certain type of ID for each level
131 // of every map (say declare who is sensitive and who is absorber in
132 // femcFiberCore->femcFiber->femcTower sequence); or perhaps declare whole
133 // maps as either sensitive or absorber ones; in practice this yields more
134 // confusion that help, because 1) one still can not always pack levels
135 // in a single map (say fiber core and cladding may be on the same level
136 // in geometry tree), 2) structure becomes much less intuitively clear;
137 // so the logic of presently implemented code looks like this:
138 //
139 // - detector may have as many logical maps as needed; actually if a given volume
140 // type (name) is expected to act as GEANT sensitive one, this *requires*
141 // creation of a separate map in respective *.C script; even if two maps
142 // overlap in all levels but the top one(s);
143 //
144 // - maps are distinguished by the 0-th - top - level which 1) can be
145 // sensitive volume in GEANT terms, 2) can be either active or dead
146 // (absorber) volume in terms of digitization & reconstruction;
147 //
148 // - maps may have the same top-level volumes (say 2x2 and 1x2 towers
149 // may have the same crystals as building blocks);
150 //
151 // - one can de-activate part of the top-level volume types at a time
152 // when simulation starts (so that eg. hits are not produced in absorber
153 // material; saves greatly CPU time); all top-level volumes are declared
154 // GEANT-sensitive ones per default (check on that!);
155 //
156 // - during digitization one can *select* out of the whole set of GEANT-sensitive
157 // volumes which produced hits a subset of "digitization-sensitive" volume types;
158 // say it should be possible to digitize and find clusters assuming only fiber
159 // core volumes to be sensitive or core+cladding or core+cladding+absorber and just
160 // change light yield, threshold, etc accordingly; energy deposit for *all* types
161 // of volumes associated with a given cell will be recorded separately if needed,
162 // and besides this separately for each primary mother particle; only energy deposit
163 // in volumes declared as "digitization-sensitive" will be used for photon
164 // generation, clustering, etc; indeed a situation with transparent and scintillating
165 // fibers in one tower is not covered within this logic, since only a single
166 // reconstructed energy per cell is calculated; but at present we have no such detectors
167 // in EIC; logic can be expanded later at a price of yet another complication, so why
168 // bother now?;
169 //
171 class EicGeoParData: public TObject
172 {
173  public:
174  EicGeoParData(const char *detName = 0, int version = -1, int subVersion = 0);
177  void ResetVars();
181  //
182  // Mapping file creation part and matching access methods
183  //
185  void SetGeometryType(GeometryType gType) { mGeometryType = gType; };
188  // Default file name will look like 'vst-test.root' in this case;
189  void SetTestGeometryFlag(bool flag = true) { mTestGeometryFlag = flag; };
190  bool IsTestGeometry() const { return mTestGeometryFlag; };
192  int GetVersion() const { return mVersion; };
193  int GetSubVersion() const { return mSubVersion; };
195  // Default file name like 'vst-v00.0.root' will be composed using detector name,
196  // version and subversion; one may want to excplicitely overrid this behaviour
197  // either proving a fixed name via SetFileName() or a format string like
198  // 'bemc-v02%d-%d-pr.root' where version and subversion will be used; in the latter
199  // case user is responsible for sanity control;
200  void SetFileName(const char *fileName) { if (fileName) mFileName = fileName; };
201  void SetFileNameFormat(const char *fileNameFormat) {
202  if (fileNameFormat) mFileNameFormat = fileNameFormat;
203  };
205  void SetComment(const char *comment) { if (comment) mComment = comment; };
207  int AttachSourceFile(const char *fileName);
208  void PrintAttachedSourceFile(const char *fileName);
212  private:
213  int SetCircularCore(unsigned group, unsigned what);
214  public:
215  int SetCircularX( unsigned group = 0) { return SetCircularCore(group, IDX); };
216  int SetCircularY( unsigned group = 0) { return SetCircularCore(group, IDY); };
217  int SetCircularZ( unsigned group = 0) { return SetCircularCore(group, IDZ); };
219  private:
220  bool GetCircularCore(unsigned group, unsigned what) const;
221  public:
222  bool GetCircularX( unsigned group = 0) const { return GetCircularCore(group, IDX); };
223  bool GetCircularY( unsigned group = 0) const { return GetCircularCore(group, IDY); };
224  bool GetCircularZ( unsigned group = 0) const { return GetCircularCore(group, IDZ); };
225  bool GetCircular ( unsigned group, unsigned what) const { return GetCircularCore(group, what);};
227  int SetMappingTableEntry(EicGeoMap *map, const unsigned geant[], unsigned group, unsigned logical[]);
229  // GEANT hierarchy can be any and may have several levels; logical tables are less
230  // demanding; allow at most 256 groups of XYZ indices and avoid further complications;
231  int AddLogicalVolumeGroup(unsigned dimX = 0, unsigned dimY = 0, unsigned dimZ = 0);
233  // FIXME: no double-counting check, whetsoever?;
234  void AddBlackHoleVolume(const char *vName) {
235  if (vName) mBlackHoleVolumes.insert(TString(vName));
236  };
237  void AddStepEnforcedVolume(const char *vName) {
238  if (vName) mStepEnforcedVolumes.insert(TString(vName));
239  };
240  void AddStepEnforcedVolumeLookupEntry(int volumeID, double step) {
241  mStepEnforcedVolumesLookup.insert(std::pair<int, double>(volumeID, step));
242  };
244  // A wrapper to gGeoMan->GetMedium();
245  const TGeoMedium *GetMedium(const char *medium);
247  void SetTopVolumeTransformation(TGeoMatrix *transformation) {
248  mTopVolumeTransformation = transformation;
249  };
250  const TGeoMatrix* GetTopVolumeTransformation() const { return mTopVolumeTransformation; };
252  //private:
253  TString GetGeometryFileName(bool root = true) const;
255  public:
256  // NB: yes, these methods can not be protected, otherwise CINT complains like
257  // "Error: ConstructGeometry() declared but no dictionary for the base class";
258  // public here and public in derived classes works; what a *hit!;
259  virtual void Print(const char *option = 0) const;
261  // In fact every derived class is supposed to have its own ConstructGeometry() call
262  // unless everything happens in .C script up to the final FinalizeOutput() call;
263  virtual int ConstructGeometry(bool root = true, bool gdml = false, bool check = false) { return 0; };
265  // NB: this is not really the top volume in ROOT TGeo sense (see mRootGeoManager->SetTopVolume()
266  // call in EicGeoParData::EicGeoParData() -> there is another wrapper volume on top of it);
267  // but it is indeed a top meaning volume of the detector hierarchy;
268  TGeoVolume *GetTopVolume() const { return mTopVolume; };
269  TGeoManager *GetRootGeoManager() { return mRootGeoManager; };
271  // Yes, prefer to put all output operations in one user call;
272  void FinalizeOutput(bool root = true, bool gdml = false, bool check = false);// const;
274  //
275  // simulation/digitization/reconstruction code calls
276  //
278  enum IDXYZ {IDX=0, IDY, IDZ};
280  UInt_t GetMapNum() const { return mGeantVolumeMaps.size(); };
281  // (Perhaps write) access to map pointers;
282  EicGeoMap *GetMapPtrViaMapID(unsigned mapId) const {
283  return mapId < mGeantVolumeMaps.size() ? mGeantVolumeMaps[mapId] : 0;
284  };
285  const EicGeoMap *GetMapPtrViaHitMultiIndex(ULong64_t multi) const {
286  return GetMapPtrViaMapID(unsigned((multi >> _GEANT_INDEX_BIT_NUM_) & _SERVICE_BIT_MASK_));
287  };
291  unsigned GetMaxVolumeLevelNum() const { return mMaxVolumeLevelNum;};
293  ULogicalIndex_t GeantMultiToLogicalIndex(ULong64_t multi) const;
295  private:
296  unsigned GetDimCore(unsigned group, unsigned what) const;
297  public:
298  unsigned GetDimX (unsigned group = 0) const { return GetDimCore(group, IDX); };
299  unsigned GetDimY (unsigned group = 0) const { return GetDimCore(group, IDY); };
300  unsigned GetDimZ (unsigned group = 0) const { return GetDimCore(group, IDZ); };
301  unsigned GetDim (unsigned group, unsigned what) const { return GetDimCore(group, what);};
303  unsigned GetGroup(ULogicalIndex_t logicalID) const {
304  return ((logicalID >> _LOGICAL_XYZ_BIT_NUM_) & _LOGICAL_GROUP_MASK_);
305  };
307  private:
308  unsigned GetLogicalCoordCore(unsigned what, ULogicalIndex_t logicalID) const;
309  public:
310  unsigned GetX ( ULogicalIndex_t logicalID) const {
311  return GetLogicalCoordCore( IDX, logicalID);
312  };
313  unsigned GetY ( ULogicalIndex_t logicalID) const {
314  return GetLogicalCoordCore( IDY, logicalID);
315  };
316  unsigned GetZ ( ULogicalIndex_t logicalID) const {
317  return GetLogicalCoordCore( IDZ, logicalID);
318  };
319  unsigned GetCoord(unsigned what, ULogicalIndex_t logicalID) const {
320  return GetLogicalCoordCore(what, logicalID);
321  };
323  bool IsBlackHoleVolume(const char *vName) const {
324  // In this case no need to do further steps like char* -> TString conversion;
325  if (!mBlackHoleVolumes.size()) return false;
327  return (mBlackHoleVolumes.find(TString(vName)) != mBlackHoleVolumes.end());
328  };
329  const std::set<TString> &GetBlackHoleVolumes() const { return mBlackHoleVolumes; };
331  // Not exactly the most efficient call I guess;
332  double GetEnforcedStep(int volumeID) {
333  if (mStepEnforcedVolumesLookup.find(volumeID) == mStepEnforcedVolumesLookup.end())
334  return 0.0;
336  return mStepEnforcedVolumesLookup[volumeID];
337  };
338  const std::set<TString> &GetStepEnforcedVolumes() const { return mStepEnforcedVolumes; };
340  // Need an extra routine to initialize lookup tables since in the constructor call
341  // during ROOT streamer import eg mLogicalVolumeGroups.size() is = 0 (in other words
342  // nothing is imported yet);
343  void InitializeLookupTables();
346  LogicalVolumeLookupTableEntry *GetLookupTableNode(const TGeoNode *node) const;
348  // Yes, prefer to allow direct access to this (and below) pointer rather than
349  // creating 4 different access routines (prefix, ..., pattern);
353  return mColorRequests;
354  };
358  return mTransparencyRequests;
359  };
361  // Provide a reasonable default routine; also may want to apply different distance limits
362  // for different dimensions; default distance limits are "natural" ones (3x3 square in 2D
363  // case and 3x3x3 cube in 3D case); maxChebyshevDist=0 explicitely indicates this limit is
364  // of no use per default;
365  virtual bool AreNeighbours(ULogicalIndex_t l1, ULogicalIndex_t l2, unsigned maxLinearDist = 1,
366  unsigned maxChebyshevDist = 0) const;
368  const EicDetName *GetDetName() const { return mDetName; };
370  void AddWantedParticle(const char *vName, int pdg) {
371  mWantedParticles.insert(std::pair<TString, Int_t>(TString(vName), pdg));
372  };
373  bool IsWantedParticle(const char *vName, int pdg) const {
374  return (mWantedParticles.find(std::pair<TString, Int_t>(TString(vName), pdg)) !=
375  mWantedParticles.end());
376  };
378  protected:
379  GeometryType mGeometryType; // geometry type (no structure / simple / full)
380  Bool_t mTestGeometryFlag; // "test type" geometry (no "fs/ss/ns" suffix will be used)
382  private:
383  Int_t mVersion; // optional version ID
384  Int_t mSubVersion; // optional subversion ID
386  TString mFileName;
387  TString mFileNameFormat;
389  TString mAuthor; // author in a way user@hostname
390  TString mComment; // optional comment
392  std::vector<SourceFile*> mSourceFiles; // attached source (or whatever other) files
394  TTimeStamp mTimeStamp; // creation time stamp
396  // FIXME: there should be a way to modify this from simulation.C if needed;
397  TGeoMatrix *mTopVolumeTransformation; //
399  // Collection of maps for this detector;
400  std::vector<EicGeoMap*> mGeantVolumeMaps; // vector with detector maps
402  // Well, can not make these variables persistent, because 'mMaxVolumeLevelNum'
403  // is not really defined in C-scripts without an extra call at the end;
406  // Well, nothing is wrong to add some extra functionality right in this class,
407  // without creating an extra layer; if multi-index has a meaning of encrypted set of
408  // NXYZ-indices (or perhaps just 1- or 2-dimensional ones), one can consider to implement
409  // neighbour check routines; they should not necessarily be the most efficient
410  // ones, but rather generic enough to be useable by various EicRoot detectors;
411  std::vector <LogicalVolumeGroup*> mLogicalVolumeGroups;// table describing GEANT->Logical conversion
413  // Well, eg for ideal calorimeter clustering algorithm I want to collect separately
414  // hits from all "mother" particles; just in order to simplify things before the actual
415  // cluster finding algorithm is operational; the question is how to define who is "mother particle";
416  // the convention is: as soon as a particle enters one of such "black hole volumes" its
417  // daughters can NOT be mother particles for shower energy deposit hits; a typical scenario is:
418  //
419  // - "FemcTowerShell" is defined as one of such *experiment-wide* (so global) volumes;
420  // - primary electron produces a bremsstrahlung photon in the TPC inner field cage;
421  // - this photon eventually reaches FEMC calorimeter and produces a shower; NB: it enters
422  // "FemcTowerShell" volume first;
423  //
424  // --> hits from all shower particles in FEMC will be assigned bremsstrahlung photon
425  // as a mother particle even that it is neither a primary particle nor it differs
426  // essentially from all other photons in e/m shower inside the calorimeter;
427  //
428  // This way one can get two separate e/m clusters in the calorimeter (one from electron
429  // and the other one from photon); besides this, the logic is arranged such, that list of
430  // "black hole" volumes is NOT detector-specific (so it is a *global* one); eg if one of the
431  // shower electrons escapes FEMC and produces a cluster in FHAC, mother particle for this
432  // FHAC cluster will NOT be escaped electron, but the original bremsstrahlung photon, even
433  // that FHAC may define say "FhacTower" as it's own "black hole volume";
434  //
435  // The limitation: there should not be any overlap between black hole and sensitive volume names!;
436  //
437  std::set<TString> mBlackHoleVolumes; // after entering such a volume particle becomes "secondary mother"
439  std::set<std::pair<TString, Int_t> > mWantedParticles;
441  // Well, for whatever reason I can not make use of max step limit as given in media.geo
442  // file; this is however essential for TPC tracking; just enforce this setting
443  // in EicDetector::ProcessHits() via explicit call to gMC->SetMaxStep(); yes, it is
444  // inefficient I guess;
445  std::set<TString> mStepEnforcedVolumes; // max step will be set explicitely in G4 mode in these volumes
446  std::map<int, double> mStepEnforcedVolumesLookup;
448  protected:
449  // Detector name class;
452  private:
453  // This stuff is specifically put here (see implementation as well) to hide most
454  // of the FairRoot geometry- and media-related calls in scripts like femc.C;
455  TGeoManager* mRootGeoManager;
456  TGeoVolume *mWrapperVolume;
457  TGeoVolume *mTopVolume;
465  // Just need to store the names in order to make sure, that geobuild->createMedium()
466  // was performed for all the media requested by GetMedium() calls;
467  std::set<const char *> mMediaCache;
469  std::map<const TGeoNode*, LogicalVolumeLookupTableEntry*> mGeantToLogicalLookupTable;
471  // I think there is no need to propagate this information further?;
476 };
478 #endif