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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file BoundTrackParametersTests.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017-2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 #include <boost/test/data/test_case.hpp>
10 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
23 #include "Acts/Utilities/Units.hpp"
28 namespace {
30 namespace bdata = boost::unit_test::data;
31 using namespace Acts;
32 using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
33 using AnyBoundTrackParameters = SingleBoundTrackParameters<AnyCharge>;
35 constexpr auto eps = 8 * std::numeric_limits<BoundScalar>::epsilon();
37 const BoundSymMatrix cov = BoundSymMatrix::Identity();
39 template <typename charge_t>
40 void checkParameters(const SingleBoundTrackParameters<charge_t>& params,
41  double l0, double l1, double time, double phi,
42  double theta, double p, double q, const Vector3D& pos,
43  const Vector3D& unitDir) {
44  const auto qOverP = (q != 0) ? (q / p) : (1 / p);
45  const auto pos4 = VectorHelpers::makeVector4(pos, time);
47  // native values
48  CHECK_CLOSE_OR_SMALL(params.template get<eBoundLoc0>(), l0, eps, eps);
49  CHECK_CLOSE_OR_SMALL(params.template get<eBoundLoc1>(), l1, eps, eps);
50  CHECK_CLOSE_OR_SMALL(params.template get<eBoundTime>(), time, eps, eps);
51  CHECK_CLOSE_OR_SMALL(detail::radian_sym(params.template get<eBoundPhi>()),
52  detail::radian_sym(phi), eps, eps);
53  CHECK_CLOSE_OR_SMALL(params.template get<eBoundTheta>(), theta, eps, eps);
54  CHECK_CLOSE_OR_SMALL(params.template get<eBoundQOverP>(), qOverP, eps, eps);
55  // convenience accessors
58  CHECK_CLOSE_OR_SMALL(params.time(), time, eps, eps);
61  CHECK_CLOSE_OR_SMALL(params.transverseMomentum(), p * std::sin(theta), eps,
62  eps);
63  CHECK_CLOSE_OR_SMALL(params.momentum(), p * unitDir, eps, eps);
64  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(params.charge(), q);
65 }
67 void runTest(std::shared_ptr<const Surface> surface, double l0, double l1,
68  double time, double phi, double theta, double p) {
69  // phi is ill-defined in forward/backward tracks
70  phi = ((0 < theta) and (theta < M_PI)) ? phi : 0.0;
72  // global direction for reference
73  const Vector3D dir = makeDirectionUnitFromPhiTheta(phi, theta);
74  // convert local-to-global for reference
75  const Vector2D loc(l0, l1);
76  const Vector3D pos = surface->localToGlobal(geoCtx, loc, dir);
77  // global four-position as input
78  Vector4D pos4;
79  pos4.segment<3>(ePos0) = pos;
80  pos4[eTime] = time;
82  // neutral parameters from local vector
83  {
84  BoundVector vector = BoundVector::Zero();
85  vector[eBoundLoc0] = l0;
86  vector[eBoundLoc1] = l1;
87  vector[eBoundTime] = time;
88  vector[eBoundPhi] = phi;
89  vector[eBoundTheta] = theta;
90  vector[eBoundQOverP] = 1 / p;
91  NeutralBoundTrackParameters params(surface, vector);
92  checkParameters(params, l0, l1, time, phi, theta, p, 0_e, pos, dir);
93  BOOST_CHECK(not params.covariance());
95  // reassign w/ covariance
96  params = NeutralBoundTrackParameters(surface, vector, cov);
97  checkParameters(params, l0, l1, time, phi, theta, p, 0_e, pos, dir);
98  BOOST_CHECK(params.covariance());
99  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(params.covariance().value(), cov);
100  }
101  // negative charged parameters from local vector
102  {
103  BoundVector vector = BoundVector::Zero();
104  vector[eBoundLoc0] = l0;
105  vector[eBoundLoc1] = l1;
106  vector[eBoundTime] = time;
107  vector[eBoundPhi] = phi;
108  vector[eBoundTheta] = theta;
109  vector[eBoundQOverP] = -1_e / p;
110  BoundTrackParameters params(surface, vector);
111  checkParameters(params, l0, l1, time, phi, theta, p, -1_e, pos, dir);
112  BOOST_CHECK(not params.covariance());
114  // reassign w/ covariance
115  params = BoundTrackParameters(surface, vector, cov);
116  checkParameters(params, l0, l1, time, phi, theta, p, -1_e, pos, dir);
117  BOOST_CHECK(params.covariance());
118  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(params.covariance().value(), cov);
119  }
120  // positive charged parameters from local vector
121  {
122  BoundVector vector = BoundVector::Zero();
123  vector[eBoundLoc0] = l0;
124  vector[eBoundLoc1] = l1;
125  vector[eBoundTime] = time;
126  vector[eBoundPhi] = phi;
127  vector[eBoundTheta] = theta;
128  vector[eBoundQOverP] = 1_e / p;
129  BoundTrackParameters params(surface, vector);
130  checkParameters(params, l0, l1, time, phi, theta, p, 1_e, pos, dir);
131  BOOST_CHECK(not params.covariance());
133  // reassign w/ covariance
134  params = BoundTrackParameters(surface, vector, cov);
135  checkParameters(params, l0, l1, time, phi, theta, p, 1_e, pos, dir);
136  BOOST_CHECK(params.covariance());
137  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(params.covariance().value(), cov);
138  }
139  // double-negative charged any parameters from local vector
140  {
141  BoundVector vector = BoundVector::Zero();
142  vector[eBoundLoc0] = l0;
143  vector[eBoundLoc1] = l1;
144  vector[eBoundTime] = time;
145  vector[eBoundPhi] = phi;
146  vector[eBoundTheta] = theta;
147  vector[eBoundQOverP] = -2_e / p;
148  AnyBoundTrackParameters params(surface, vector, -2_e);
149  checkParameters(params, l0, l1, time, phi, theta, p, -2_e, pos, dir);
150  BOOST_CHECK(not params.covariance());
152  // reassign w/ covariance
153  params = AnyBoundTrackParameters(surface, vector, -2_e, cov);
154  checkParameters(params, l0, l1, time, phi, theta, p, -2_e, pos, dir);
155  BOOST_CHECK(params.covariance());
156  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(params.covariance().value(), cov);
157  }
158  // neutral parameters from global information
159  {
160  NeutralBoundTrackParameters params(surface, geoCtx, pos4, dir, 1 / p);
161  checkParameters(params, l0, l1, time, phi, theta, p, 0_e, pos, dir);
162  BOOST_CHECK(not params.covariance());
163  }
164  // negative charged parameters from global information
165  {
166  BoundTrackParameters params(surface, geoCtx, pos4, dir, -1_e / p);
167  checkParameters(params, l0, l1, time, phi, theta, p, -1_e, pos, dir);
168  BOOST_CHECK(not params.covariance());
169  }
170  // positive charged parameters from global information
171  {
172  BoundTrackParameters params(surface, geoCtx, pos4, dir, 1_e / p);
173  checkParameters(params, l0, l1, time, phi, theta, p, 1_e, pos, dir);
174  BOOST_CHECK(not params.covariance());
175  }
176  // neutral any parameters from global information
177  {
178  AnyBoundTrackParameters params(surface, geoCtx, pos4, dir, p, 0_e);
179  checkParameters(params, l0, l1, time, phi, theta, p, 0_e, pos, dir);
180  BOOST_CHECK(not params.covariance());
181  }
182  // double-negative any parameters from global information
183  {
184  AnyBoundTrackParameters params(surface, geoCtx, pos4, dir, p, -2_e);
185  checkParameters(params, l0, l1, time, phi, theta, p, -2_e, pos, dir);
186  BOOST_CHECK(not params.covariance());
187  }
188  // triple-positive any parameters from global information
189  {
190  AnyBoundTrackParameters params(surface, geoCtx, pos4, dir, p, 3_e);
191  checkParameters(params, l0, l1, time, phi, theta, p, 3_e, pos, dir);
192  BOOST_CHECK(not params.covariance());
193  }
194 }
196 // different surfaces
197 // parameters must be chosen such that all possible local positions (as defined
198 // in the datasets header) represent valid points on the surface.
199 const auto cones = bdata::make({
200  Surface::makeShared<ConeSurface>(Transform3D::Identity(),
201  0.5 /* opening angle */),
202 });
203 const auto cylinders = bdata::make({
204  Surface::makeShared<CylinderSurface>(Transform3D::Identity(),
205  10.0 /* radius */, 100 /* half z */),
206 });
207 const auto discs = bdata::make({
208  Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(Transform3D::Identity(),
209  0 /* radius min */, 100 /* radius max */),
210 });
211 const auto perigees = bdata::make({
212  Surface::makeShared<PerigeeSurface>(Vector3D(0, 0, -1.5)),
213 });
214 const auto planes = bdata::make({
215  Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(Vector3D(1, 2, 3), Vector3D::UnitX()),
216  Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(Vector3D(-2, -3, -4), Vector3D::UnitY()),
217  Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(Vector3D(3, -4, 5), Vector3D::UnitZ()),
218 });
219 const auto straws = bdata::make({
220  Surface::makeShared<StrawSurface>(Transform3D::Identity(), 2.0 /* radius */,
221  200.0 /* half z */),
222 });
224 } // namespace
226 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE(EventDataBoundTrackParameters)
229  cones* posAngle* posPositiveNonzero* ts* phis* thetas* ps,
230  surface, lphi, lz, time, phi, theta, p) {
231  // TODO extend lz to zero after fixing the transform implementation
232  // local parameter r*phi has limits that depend on the z position
233  const auto r = lz * surface->bounds().tanAlpha();
234  // local coordinates are singular at z = 0 -> normalize local r*phi
235  runTest(surface, (0 < lz) ? (r * lphi) : 0.0, lz, time, phi, theta, p);
236 }
240  cylinders* posSymmetric* posSymmetric* ts* phis* thetas* ps, surface, lrphi,
241  lz, time, phi, theta, p) {
242  runTest(surface, lrphi, lz, time, phi, theta, p);
243 }
246  discs* posPositive* posAngle* ts* phis* thetas* ps,
247  surface, lr, lphi, time, phi, theta, p) {
248  // local coordinates are singular at r = 0 -> normalize local phi
249  runTest(surface, lr, (0 < lr) ? lphi : 0.0, time, phi, theta, p);
250 }
254  perigees* posSymmetric* posSymmetric* ts* phis* thetasNoForwardBackward* ps,
255  surface, d0, z0, time, phi, theta, p) {
256  // TODO extend theta to forward/back extreme cases fixing the transform
257  runTest(surface, d0, z0, time, phi, theta, p);
258 }
261  planes* posSymmetric* posSymmetric* ts* phis* thetas* ps,
262  surface, l0, l1, time, phi, theta, p) {
263  runTest(surface, l0, l1, time, phi, theta, p);
264 }
267  StrawSurface,
268  straws* posPositive* posSymmetric* ts* phis* thetasNoForwardBackward* ps,
269  surface, lr, lz, time, phi, theta, p) {
270  // TODO extend theta to forward/back extreme cases fixing the transform
271  runTest(surface, lr, lz, time, phi, theta, p);
272 }