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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file FROG.cc
1 #include "FROG.h"
3 #include <phool/phool.h>
5 #include <odbc++/connection.h>
6 #include <odbc++/drivermanager.h>
7 #include <odbc++/resultset.h>
8 #include <odbc++/statement.h> // for Statement
9 #include <odbc++/types.h> // for SQLException
11 #include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
13 #include <chrono>
14 #include <cstdlib>
15 #include <fstream>
16 #include <iostream>
17 #include <string>
18 #include <thread>
20 const char *
21 FROG::location(const std::string &logical_name)
22 {
23  pfn = logical_name;
24  if (logical_name.empty() || logical_name.find("/") != std::string::npos)
25  {
26  if (Verbosity() > 0)
27  {
28  if (logical_name.empty())
29  {
30  std::cout << "FROG: empty string as filename" << std::endl;
31  }
32  else if (logical_name.find("/") != std::string::npos)
33  {
34  std::cout << "FROG: found / in filename, assuming it contains a full path" << std::endl;
35  }
36  }
37  return pfn.c_str();
38  }
39  try
40  {
41  std::string gsearchpath(getenv("GSEARCHPATH"));
42  if (Verbosity() > 0)
43  {
44  std::cout << "FROG: GSEARCHPATH: " << gsearchpath << std::endl;
45  }
46  boost::char_separator<char> sep(":");
47  boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > tok(gsearchpath, sep);
48  for (auto &iter : tok)
49  {
50  if (iter == "PG")
51  {
52  if (Verbosity() > 1)
53  {
54  std::cout << "Searching FileCatalog for disk resident file "
55  << logical_name << std::endl;
56  }
57  if (PGSearch(logical_name))
58  {
59  if (Verbosity() > 1)
60  {
61  std::cout << "Found " << logical_name << " in FileCatalog, returning "
62  << pfn << std::endl;
63  }
64  break;
65  }
66  }
67  else if (iter == "DCACHE")
68  {
69  if (Verbosity() > 1)
70  {
71  std::cout << "Searching FileCatalog for dCache file "
72  << logical_name << std::endl;
73  }
74  if (dCacheSearch(logical_name))
75  {
76  if (Verbosity() > 1)
77  {
78  std::cout << "Found " << logical_name << " in dCache, returning "
79  << pfn << std::endl;
80  }
81  break;
82  }
83  }
84  else if (iter == "XROOTD")
85  {
86  if (Verbosity() > 1)
87  {
88  std::cout << "Searching FileCatalog for XRootD file "
89  << logical_name << std::endl;
90  }
91  if (XRootDSearch(logical_name))
92  {
93  if (Verbosity() > 1)
94  {
95  std::cout << "Found " << logical_name << " in XRootD, returning "
96  << pfn << std::endl;
97  }
98  break;
99  }
100  }
101  else if (iter == "LUSTRE")
102  {
103  if (Verbosity() > 1)
104  {
105  std::cout << "Searching FileCatalog for Lustre file "
106  << logical_name << std::endl;
107  }
108  if (LustreSearch(logical_name))
109  {
110  if (Verbosity() > 1)
111  {
112  std::cout << "Found " << logical_name << " in Lustre, returning "
113  << pfn << std::endl;
114  }
115  break;
116  }
117  }
118  else if (iter == "MINIO")
119  {
120  if (Verbosity() > 1)
121  {
122  std::cout << "Searching FileCatalog for Lustre file via MinIO"
123  << logical_name << std::endl;
124  }
125  if (MinIOSearch(logical_name))
126  {
127  if (Verbosity() > 1)
128  {
129  std::cout << "Found " << logical_name << " in Lustre, returning MinIO URL "
130  << pfn << std::endl;
131  }
132  break;
133  }
134  }
135  else // assuming this is a file path
136  {
137  if (Verbosity() > 0)
138  {
139  std::cout << "Trying path " << iter << std::endl;
140  }
141  std::string fullfile = iter + "/" + logical_name;
142  if (localSearch(fullfile))
143  {
144  break;
145  }
146  }
147  }
148  }
149  catch (...)
150  {
151  if (Verbosity() > 0)
152  {
153  std::cout << "FROG: GSEARCHPATH not set " << std::endl;
154  }
155  }
156  Disconnect();
157  return pfn.c_str();
158 }
160 bool FROG::localSearch(const std::string &logical_name)
161 {
162  if (std::ifstream(logical_name))
163  {
164  pfn = logical_name;
165  return true;
166  }
167  return false;
168 }
171 {
172  if (m_OdbcConnection)
173  {
174  return true;
175  }
176  int icount = 0;
177  do
178  {
179  try
180  {
181  m_OdbcConnection = odbc::DriverManager::getConnection("FileCatalog", "argouser", "Brass_Ring");
182  return true;
183  }
184  catch (odbc::SQLException &e)
185  {
186  std::cout << PHWHERE
187  << " Exception caught during DriverManager::getConnection" << std::endl;
188  std::cout << "Message: " << e.getMessage() << std::endl;
189  }
190  icount++;
191  std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(30)); // sleep 30 seconds before retry
192  } while (icount < 5);
193  return false;
194 }
197 {
198  delete m_OdbcConnection;
199  m_OdbcConnection = nullptr;
200 }
202 bool FROG::PGSearch(const std::string &lname)
203 {
204  bool bret = false;
205  if (!GetConnection())
206  {
207  return bret;
208  }
209  std::string sqlquery = "SELECT full_file_path from files where lfn='" + lname + "' and full_host_name <> 'hpss' and full_host_name <> 'dcache' and full_host_name <> 'lustre'";
211  odbc::Statement *stmt = m_OdbcConnection->createStatement();
212  odbc::ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery(sqlquery);
214  if (rs->next())
215  {
216  pfn = rs->getString(1);
217  bret = true;
218  }
219  delete rs;
220  delete stmt;
221  return bret;
222 }
224 bool FROG::dCacheSearch(const std::string &lname)
225 {
226  bool bret = false;
227  if (!GetConnection())
228  {
229  return bret;
230  }
231  std::string sqlquery = "SELECT full_file_path from files where lfn='" + lname + "' and full_host_name = 'dcache'";
233  odbc::Statement *stmt = m_OdbcConnection->createStatement();
234  odbc::ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery(sqlquery);
236  if (rs->next())
237  {
238  std::string dcachefile = rs->getString(1);
239  if (std::ifstream(dcachefile))
240  {
241  pfn = "dcache:" + dcachefile;
242  bret = true;
243  }
244  }
245  delete rs;
246  delete stmt;
247  return bret;
248 }
250 bool FROG::XRootDSearch(const std::string &lname)
251 {
252  bool bret = false;
253  if (!GetConnection())
254  {
255  return bret;
256  }
257  std::string sqlquery = "SELECT full_file_path from files where lfn='" + lname + "' and full_host_name = 'dcache'";
259  odbc::Statement *stmt = m_OdbcConnection->createStatement();
260  odbc::ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery(sqlquery);
262  if (rs->next())
263  {
264  std::string xrootdfile = rs->getString(1);
265  if (std::ifstream(xrootdfile))
266  {
267  pfn = "root://dcsphdoor02.rcf.bnl.gov:1095" + xrootdfile;
268  bret = true;
269  }
270  }
271  delete rs;
272  delete stmt;
273  return bret;
274 }
276 bool FROG::LustreSearch(const std::string &lname)
277 {
278  bool bret = false;
279  if (!GetConnection())
280  {
281  return bret;
282  }
283  std::string sqlquery = "SELECT full_file_path from files where lfn='" + lname + "' and full_host_name = 'lustre'";
285  odbc::Statement *stmt = m_OdbcConnection->createStatement();
286  odbc::ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery(sqlquery);
288  if (rs->next())
289  {
290  pfn = rs->getString(1);
291  bret = true;
292  }
293  delete rs;
294  delete stmt;
295  return bret;
296 }
298 bool FROG::MinIOSearch(const std::string &lname)
299 {
300  bool bret = false;
301  if (!GetConnection())
302  {
303  return bret;
304  }
305  std::string sqlquery = "SELECT full_file_path from files where lfn='" + lname + "' and full_host_name = 'lustre'";
307  odbc::Statement *stmt = m_OdbcConnection->createStatement();
308  odbc::ResultSet *rs = stmt->executeQuery(sqlquery);
310  if (rs->next())
311  {
312  pfn = rs->getString(1);
313  std::string toreplace("/sphenix/lustre01/sphnxpro");
314  size_t strpos = pfn.find(toreplace);
315  if (strpos == std::string::npos)
316  {
317  std::cout << " could not locate " << toreplace
318  << " in full file path " << pfn << std::endl;
319  exit(1);
320  }
321  else if (strpos > 0)
322  {
323  std::cout << "full file path " << pfn
324  << "does not start with " << toreplace << std::endl;
325  exit(1);
327  }
328  pfn.replace(pfn.begin(),pfn.begin()+toreplace.size(),"s3://dcsphst004.rcf.bnl.gov:9000");
329  bret = true;
330  }
331  delete rs;
332  delete stmt;
333  return bret;
334 }