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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file EICG4LumiSteppingAction.cc
1 //____________________________________________________________________________..
2 //
3 // This is a working template for the Stepping Action which needs to be implemented
4 // for active detectors. Most of the code is error handling and access to the G4 objects
5 // and our data structures. It does not need any adjustment. The only thing you need to
6 // do is to add the properties of the G4Hits you want to save for later analysis
7 // This needs to be done in 2 places, G4Hits are generated when a G4 track enters a new
8 // volume (or is created). Here you give it an initial value. When the G4 track leaves
9 // the volume the final value needs to be set.
10 // The places to do this is marked by //implement your own here//
11 //
12 // As guidance you can look at the total (integrated over all steps in a volume) energy
13 // deposit which should always be saved.
14 // Additionally the total ionization energy is saved - this can be removed if you are not
15 // interested in this. Naturally you may want remove these comments in your version
16 //
17 //____________________________________________________________________________..
21 #include "EICG4LumiDetector.h"
22 #include "EICG4LumiSubsystem.h"
24 #include <phparameter/PHParameters.h>
28 #include <g4main/PHG4Hit.h>
30 #include <g4main/PHG4Hitv1.h>
31 #include <g4main/PHG4Shower.h>
35 #include <phool/getClass.h>
36 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
38 #include <TSystem.h>
40 #include <Geant4/G4NavigationHistory.hh>
41 #include <Geant4/G4ParticleDefinition.hh>
42 #include <Geant4/G4ReferenceCountedHandle.hh>
43 #include <Geant4/G4Step.hh>
44 #include <Geant4/G4StepPoint.hh>
45 #include <Geant4/G4StepStatus.hh>
46 #include <Geant4/G4String.hh>
47 #include <Geant4/G4SystemOfUnits.hh>
48 #include <Geant4/G4ThreeVector.hh>
49 #include <Geant4/G4TouchableHandle.hh>
50 #include <Geant4/G4Track.hh>
51 #include <Geant4/G4TrackStatus.hh>
52 #include <Geant4/G4Types.hh>
53 #include <Geant4/G4VPhysicalVolume.hh>
54 #include <Geant4/G4VTouchable.hh>
55 #include <Geant4/G4VUserTrackInformation.hh>
57 #include <cmath>
58 #include <iostream>
59 #include <string>
60 #include <cstdlib>
61 #include <iomanip>
63 class PHCompositeNode;
65 //____________________________________________________________________________..
67  : PHG4SteppingAction(detector->GetName())
68  , m_Subsystem(subsys)
69  , m_Detector(detector)
70  , m_Params(parameters)
71  , m_HitContainerCAL(nullptr)
72  , m_HitContainerTracking(nullptr)
73  , m_HitContainerVirt(nullptr)
74  , m_Hit(nullptr)
75  , m_SaveShower(nullptr)
76  , m_SaveVolPre(nullptr)
77  , m_SaveVolPost(nullptr)
78  , m_SaveLightYieldFlag(m_Params->get_int_param("lightyield"))
79  , m_SaveTrackId(-1)
80  , m_SavePreStepStatus(-1)
81  , m_SavePostStepStatus(-1)
82  , m_ActiveFlag(m_Params->get_int_param("active"))
83  , m_BlackHoleFlag(m_Params->get_int_param("blackhole"))
84  , m_UseG4StepsFlag(m_Params->get_int_param("use_g4steps"))
85  , m_Tmin(m_Params->get_double_param("tmin") * ns)
86  , m_Tmax(m_Params->get_double_param("tmax") * ns)
87  , m_EdepSum(0)
88  , m_EabsSum(0)
89  , m_EionSum(0)
90 {
91 // G4 seems to have issues in the um range
92  m_Zmin -= copysign(m_Zmin, 1. / 1e6 * cm);
93  m_Zmax += copysign(m_Zmax, 1. / 1e6 * cm);
94 }
96 //____________________________________________________________________________..
98 {
99  delete m_Hit;
100 }
102 //____________________________________________________________________________..
103 // This is the implementation of the G4 UserSteppingAction
104 bool EICG4LumiSteppingAction::UserSteppingAction(const G4Step *aStep,bool was_used)
105 {
106  G4TouchableHandle touch = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle();
107  G4TouchableHandle touchpost = aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle();
108  G4double light_yield = GetVisibleEnergyDeposition(aStep);
110  // get volume of the current step
111  G4VPhysicalVolume *volume = touch->GetVolume();
112  G4LogicalVolume *volumeLogical = volume->GetLogicalVolume();
113  G4Material *mat = volumeLogical->GetMaterial();
115  int activeMaterial = m_Detector->IsInDetector(volume);
116  int virtualMaterial = m_Detector->IsInVirtualDetector(volume);
117  int trackingMaterial = (mat->GetName().compareTo("G4_Si")==0) ? 1 : 0;
119  if ( !activeMaterial && !virtualMaterial )
120  {
121  return false;
122  }
123  // collect energy and track length step by step
124  G4double edep = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit() / GeV;
125  G4double eion = (aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit() - aStep->GetNonIonizingEnergyDeposit()) / GeV;
126  const G4Track *aTrack = aStep->GetTrack();
127  // if this detector stops everything, just put all kinetic energy into edep
129  //G4ParticleDefinition *Pdef = aTrack->GetDefinition();
130  //double charge = Pdef->GetPDGCharge();
131  //if( abs(charge) != 1 ) { return false; }
133  //G4cout<<"Name: "<<Pdef->GetParticleName()<<" Charge: "<<charge<<" P = "<<aTrack->GetMomentum()<<G4endl;
135  if (m_BlackHoleFlag)
136  {
137  if ((!std::isfinite(m_Tmin) && !std::isfinite(m_Tmax)) ||
138  aTrack->GetGlobalTime() < m_Tmin ||
139  aTrack->GetGlobalTime() > m_Tmax)
140  {
141  edep = aTrack->GetKineticEnergy() / GeV;
142  G4Track *killtrack = const_cast<G4Track *>(aTrack);
143  killtrack->SetTrackStatus(fStopAndKill);
144  }
146  }
148  // int layer_id = m_Detector->get_Layer();
149  int layer_id = volume->GetCopyNo();
150  // To decompose into tower cells
151  //int idx_j = icopy >> 16;
152  //int idx_k = icopy & 0xFFFF;
154  int layer_type = 1;
155  if (!m_ActiveFlag)
156  {
157  return false;
158  }
159  bool geantino = false;
161  if (aTrack->GetParticleDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding() == 0 &&
162  aTrack->GetParticleDefinition()->GetParticleName().find("geantino") !=
163  std::string::npos) // this also accounts for "chargedgeantino"
164  {
165  geantino = true;
166  }
167  G4StepPoint *prePoint = aStep->GetPreStepPoint();
168  G4StepPoint *postPoint = aStep->GetPostStepPoint();
170  switch (prePoint->GetStepStatus())
171  {
172  case fPostStepDoItProc:
173  if (m_SavePostStepStatus != fGeomBoundary)
174  {
175  // this is the okay case, fPostStepDoItProc called in a volume, not first thing inside
176  // a new volume, just proceed here
177  break;
178  }
179  else
180  {
181  // this is an impossible G4 Step print out diagnostic to help debug, not sure if
182  // this is still with us
183  std::cout << GetName() << ": New Hit for " << std::endl;
184  std::cout << "prestep status: "
185  << PHG4StepStatusDecode::GetStepStatus(prePoint->GetStepStatus())
186  << ", poststep status: "
187  << PHG4StepStatusDecode::GetStepStatus(postPoint->GetStepStatus())
188  << ", last pre step status: "
190  << ", last post step status: "
192  std::cout << "last track: " << m_SaveTrackId
193  << ", current trackid: " << aTrack->GetTrackID() << std::endl;
194  std::cout << "phys pre vol: " << volume->GetName()
195  << " post vol : " << touchpost->GetVolume()->GetName() << std::endl;
196  std::cout << " previous phys pre vol: " << m_SaveVolPre->GetName()
197  << " previous phys post vol: " << m_SaveVolPost->GetName() << std::endl;
198  }
199  // These are the normal cases
201  case fGeomBoundary:
202  case fUndefined:
203  if (!m_Hit)
204  {
205  m_Hit = new PHG4Hitv1();
206  }
207  m_Hit->set_layer((unsigned int) layer_id);
208  // here we set the entrance values in cm
209  //FindTowerIndexFromPosition(prePoint, idx_j, idx_k);
210  m_Hit->set_x(0, prePoint->GetPosition().x() / cm);
211  m_Hit->set_y(0, prePoint->GetPosition().y() / cm);
212  m_Hit->set_z(0, prePoint->GetPosition().z() / cm);
214  m_Hit->set_px(0, prePoint->GetMomentum().x() / GeV);
215  m_Hit->set_py(0, prePoint->GetMomentum().y() / GeV);
216  m_Hit->set_pz(0, prePoint->GetMomentum().z() / GeV);
218  // time in ns
219  m_Hit->set_t(0, prePoint->GetGlobalTime() / nanosecond);
221  // set the tower index
222  //m_Hit->set_index_j(idx_j);
223  //m_Hit->set_index_k(idx_k);
225  // set the track ID
226  m_Hit->set_trkid(aTrack->GetTrackID());
227  m_SaveTrackId = aTrack->GetTrackID();
228  // set the initial energy deposit
229  m_EdepSum = 0;
230  m_EabsSum = 0;
232  m_Hit->set_edep(0);
233  if (!geantino && !m_BlackHoleFlag)
234  {
235  m_Hit->set_eion(0);
236  }
239  {
241  }
243  if (G4VUserTrackInformation *p = aTrack->GetUserInformation())
244  {
245  if (PHG4TrackUserInfoV1 *pp = dynamic_cast<PHG4TrackUserInfoV1 *>(p))
246  {
247  m_Hit->set_trkid(pp->GetUserTrackId());
248  m_Hit->set_shower_id(pp->GetShower()->get_id());
249  m_SaveShower = pp->GetShower();
250  }
251  }
252  if (!hasMotherSubsystem() && (m_Hit->get_z(0) * cm > m_Zmax || m_Hit->get_z(0) * cm < m_Zmin))
253  {
254  std::cout << m_Detector->SuperDetector() << std::setprecision(9)
255  << " PHG4CylinderSteppingAction: Entry hit z " << m_Hit->get_z(0) * cm
256  << " outside acceptance, zmin " << m_Zmin
257  << ", zmax " << m_Zmax << ", layer: " << layer_id << std::endl;
258  }
259  break;
260  default:
261  break;
262  }
264  if (!m_Hit || !std::isfinite(m_Hit->get_x(0)))
265  {
266  std::cout << GetName() << ": hit was not created" << std::endl;
267  std::cout << "prestep status: "
268  << PHG4StepStatusDecode::GetStepStatus(prePoint->GetStepStatus())
269  << ", poststep status: "
270  << PHG4StepStatusDecode::GetStepStatus(postPoint->GetStepStatus())
271  << ", last pre step status: "
273  << ", last post step status: "
275  std::cout << "last track: " << m_SaveTrackId
276  << ", current trackid: " << aTrack->GetTrackID() << std::endl;
277  std::cout << "phys pre vol: " << volume->GetName()
278  << " post vol : " << touchpost->GetVolume()->GetName() << std::endl;
279  std::cout << " previous phys pre vol: " << m_SaveVolPre->GetName()
280  << " previous phys post vol: " << m_SaveVolPost->GetName() << std::endl;
281  // This is fatal - a hit from nowhere. This needs to be looked at and fixed
282  gSystem->Exit(1);
283  }
284  m_SavePostStepStatus = postPoint->GetStepStatus();
285  // check if track id matches the initial one when the hit was created
286  if (aTrack->GetTrackID() != m_SaveTrackId)
287  {
288  std::cout << GetName() << ": hits do not belong to the same track" << std::endl;
289  std::cout << "saved track: " << m_SaveTrackId
290  << ", current trackid: " << aTrack->GetTrackID()
291  << ", prestep status: " << prePoint->GetStepStatus()
292  << ", previous post step status: " << m_SavePostStepStatus << std::endl;
293  gSystem->Exit(1);
294  }
296  // We need to cache a few things from one step to the next
297  // to identify impossible hits and subsequent debugging printout
298  m_SavePreStepStatus = prePoint->GetStepStatus();
299  m_SavePostStepStatus = postPoint->GetStepStatus();
301  m_SaveVolPost = touchpost->GetVolume();
303  m_Hit->set_x(1, postPoint->GetPosition().x() / cm);
304  m_Hit->set_y(1, postPoint->GetPosition().y() / cm);
305  m_Hit->set_z(1, postPoint->GetPosition().z() / cm);
306  m_Hit->set_px(1, postPoint->GetMomentum().x() / GeV);
307  m_Hit->set_py(1, postPoint->GetMomentum().y() / GeV);
308  m_Hit->set_pz(1, postPoint->GetMomentum().z() / GeV);
310  m_Hit->set_t(1, postPoint->GetGlobalTime() / nanosecond);
311  //sum up the energy to get total deposited
312  m_Hit->set_edep(m_Hit->get_edep() + edep);
313  m_EdepSum += edep;
314  if (!hasMotherSubsystem() && (m_Hit->get_z(1) * cm > m_Zmax || m_Hit->get_z(1) * cm < m_Zmin))
315  {
316  std::cout << m_Detector->SuperDetector() << std::setprecision(9)
317  << " PHG4CylinderSteppingAction: Exit hit z " << m_Hit->get_z(1) * cm
318  << " outside acceptance zmin " << m_Zmin
319  << ", zmax " << m_Zmax << ", layer: " << layer_id << std::endl;
320  }
321  if (geantino)
322  {
323  m_Hit->set_edep(-1); // only energy=0 g4hits get dropped, this way geantinos survive the g4hit compression
324  m_Hit->set_eion(-1);
325  m_Hit->set_light_yield(-1);
327  }
328  else
329  {
330  if (!m_BlackHoleFlag)
331  {
332  m_Hit->set_eion(m_Hit->get_eion() + eion);
334  m_Hit->set_light_yield(m_Hit->get_light_yield()+light_yield);
335  }
336  }
338  if (edep > 0 || m_SaveAllHitsFlag)
339  {
340  if (G4VUserTrackInformation* p = aTrack->GetUserInformation())
341  {
342  if (PHG4TrackUserInfoV1* pp = dynamic_cast<PHG4TrackUserInfoV1*>(p))
343  {
344  pp->SetKeep(1); // we want to keep the track
345  }
346  }
347  }
349  if (postPoint->GetStepStatus() == fGeomBoundary ||
350  postPoint->GetStepStatus() == fWorldBoundary ||
351  postPoint->GetStepStatus() == fAtRestDoItProc ||
352  aTrack->GetTrackStatus() == fStopAndKill ||
353  m_UseG4StepsFlag > 0)
354  {
355  // save only hits with energy deposit (or geantino)
356  if (m_Hit->get_edep() || m_SaveAllHitsFlag)
357  {
358  m_Hit->set_layer(layer_id);
359  m_Hit->set_hit_type(layer_type);
360  if( activeMaterial )
361  {
362  if( trackingMaterial ) {
363  m_HitContainerTracking->AddHit(layer_id, m_Hit);
364  }
365  else {
366  m_HitContainerCAL->AddHit(layer_id, m_Hit);
367  }
368  }
369  if( virtualMaterial )
370  {
371  m_HitContainerVirt->AddHit(layer_id, m_Hit);
372  }
374  if (m_SaveShower)
375  {
377  }
378  m_Hit = nullptr;
379  }
380  else
381  {
382  m_Hit->Reset();
383  }
384  }
386  // return true to indicate the hit was used
387  return true;
388 }
390 //____________________________________________________________________________..
392 {
393  //std::string hitnodename = "G4HIT_" + m_Detector->GetName();
395  // now look for the map and grab a pointer to it.
396  m_HitContainerCAL = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, m_HitNodeNameCAL);
397  m_HitContainerTracking = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, m_HitNodeNameTracking);
398  m_HitContainerVirt = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, m_HitNodeNameVirt);
400  // if we do not find the node we need to make it.
401  if (!m_HitContainerCAL)
402  {
403  std::cout << PHWHERE << " EICG4LumiSteppingAction::SetTopNode - unable to find "
404  << m_HitNodeNameCAL << std::endl;
406  gSystem->Exit(1);
407  }
408  if (!m_HitContainerTracking)
409  {
410  std::cout << PHWHERE << " EICG4LumiSteppingAction::SetTopNode - unable to find "
411  << m_HitNodeNameTracking << std::endl;
413  gSystem->Exit(1);
414  }
415  if (!m_HitContainerVirt)
416  {
417  std::cout << PHWHERE << " EICG4LumiSteppingAction::SetTopNode - unable to find "
418  << m_HitNodeNameVirt << std::endl;
420  gSystem->Exit(1);
421  }
422 }
424 //__________________________________________________________________________..
426 {
428  {
429  return true;
430  }
431  return false;
432 }