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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file ConvertDD4hepMaterial.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
14 #include "Acts/Geometry/Layer.hpp"
20 #include <boost/foreach.hpp>
21 #include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
23 #include "XML/XMLElements.h"
25 std::shared_ptr<Acts::ProtoSurfaceMaterial> Acts::createProtoMaterial(
26  const ActsExtension& actsExtension, const std::string& valueTag,
27  const std::vector<std::pair<const std::string, Acts::BinningOption> >&
28  binning) {
29  // Create the bin utility
31  // Loop over the bins
32  for (auto& bin : binning) {
33  // finding the iterator position to determine the binning value
34  auto bit = std::find(Acts::binningValueNames.begin(),
35  Acts::binningValueNames.end(), bin.first);
36  size_t indx = std::distance(Acts::binningValueNames.begin(), bit);
38  Acts::BinningOption bopt = bin.second;
39  double min = 0.;
40  double max = 0.;
41  if (bopt == Acts::closed) {
42  min = -M_PI;
43  max = M_PI;
44  }
45  int bins = actsExtension.getValue(bin.first, valueTag);
46  if (bins >= 1) {
47  bu += Acts::BinUtility(bins, min, max, bopt, bval);
48  }
49  }
50  return std::make_shared<Acts::ProtoSurfaceMaterial>(bu);
51 }
54  const ActsExtension& actsExtension, Layer& layer,
55  const std::vector<std::pair<const std::string, Acts::BinningOption> >&
56  binning) {
57  // Start with the representing surface
58  std::vector<std::string> materialOptions = {"layer_material_representing"};
59  std::vector<const Surface*> materialSurfaces = {
60  &(layer.surfaceRepresentation())};
61  // Now fill (optionally) with the approach surfaces
62  auto aDescriptor = layer.approachDescriptor();
63  if (aDescriptor != nullptr and aDescriptor->containedSurfaces().size() >= 2) {
64  // Add the inner and outer approach surface
65  const std::vector<const Surface*>& aSurfaces =
66  aDescriptor->containedSurfaces();
67  materialOptions.push_back("layer_material_inner");
68  materialSurfaces.push_back(aSurfaces[0]);
69  materialOptions.push_back("layer_material_outer");
70  materialSurfaces.push_back(aSurfaces[1]);
71  }
73  // Now loop over it and create the ProtoMaterial
74  for (unsigned int is = 0; is < materialOptions.size(); ++is) {
75  if (actsExtension.hasValue(materialOptions[is])) {
76  // Create the material and assign it
77  auto psMaterial =
78  createProtoMaterial(actsExtension, materialOptions[is], binning);
79  // const_cast (ugly - to be changed after internal geometry stored
80  // non-const)
81  Surface* surface = const_cast<Surface*>(materialSurfaces[is]);
82  surface->assignSurfaceMaterial(psMaterial);
83  }
84  }
85 }
87 void Acts::addCylinderLayerProtoMaterial(dd4hep::DetElement detElement,
88  Layer& cylinderLayer,
89  Logging::Level loggingLevel) {
90  ACTS_LOCAL_LOGGER(Acts::getDefaultLogger("DD4hepConversion", loggingLevel));
92  "Translating DD4hep material into Acts material for CylinderLayer : "
93  << detElement.name());
94  // Get the Acts extension in order to prepare the ProtoMaterial
95  auto actsExtension = detElement.extension<ActsExtension>();
96  if (actsExtension != nullptr and actsExtension->hasType("layer_material")) {
97  addLayerProtoMaterial(*actsExtension, cylinderLayer,
98  {{"binPhi", Acts::closed}, {"binZ", Acts::open}});
99  }
100 }
102 void Acts::xmlToProtoSurfaceMaterial(const xml_comp_t& x_material,
103  ActsExtension& actsExtension,
104  const std::string& baseTag) {
105  // Add the layer material flag
106  actsExtension.addType(baseTag);
107  // prepare everything here
108  std::string mSurface = x_material.attr<std::string>("surface");
109  std::string mBinning = x_material.attr<std::string>("binning");
110  boost::char_separator<char> sep(",");
111  boost::tokenizer binTokens(mBinning, sep);
112  const auto n = std::distance(binTokens.begin(), binTokens.end());
113  if (n == 2) {
114  // Fill the bins
115  auto bin = binTokens.begin();
116  std::string bin0 = *(bin);
117  std::string bin1 = *(++bin);
118  size_t nBins0 = x_material.attr<int>("bins0");
119  size_t nBins1 = x_material.attr<int>("bins1");
120  // Add the material tags
121  std::string btmSurface = baseTag + std::string("_") + mSurface;
122  actsExtension.addValue(nBins0, bin0, btmSurface);
123  actsExtension.addValue(nBins1, bin1, btmSurface);
124  }
125 }
127 void Acts::addDiscLayerProtoMaterial(dd4hep::DetElement detElement,
128  Layer& discLayer,
129  Logging::Level loggingLevel) {
130  ACTS_LOCAL_LOGGER(Acts::getDefaultLogger("DD4hepConversion", loggingLevel));
131  ACTS_VERBOSE("Translating DD4hep material into Acts material for DiscLayer : "
132  << detElement.name());
134  // Get the Acts extension
135  auto actsExtension = detElement.extension<ActsExtension>();
136  if (actsExtension != nullptr and actsExtension->hasType("layer_material")) {
137  addLayerProtoMaterial(*actsExtension, discLayer,
138  {{"binPhi", Acts::closed}, {"binR", Acts::open}});
139  }
140 }