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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file CreateSeedsForGroupSycl.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 // System include(s)
10 #include <algorithm>
11 #include <cstdint>
12 #include <cstring>
13 #include <exception>
14 #include <functional>
15 #include <vector>
17 // Acts include(s)
20 // SYCL plugin include(s)
25 // SYCL include
26 #include <CL/sycl.hpp>
28 namespace Acts::Sycl {
29 // Kernel classes in order of execution.
30 class duplet_search_bottom_kernel;
31 class duplet_search_top_kernel;
32 class ind_copy_bottom_kernel;
33 class ind_copy_top_kernel;
34 class transform_coord_bottom_kernel;
35 class transform_coord_top_kernel;
36 class triplet_search_kernel;
37 class filter_2sp_fixed_kernel;
40  const QueueWrapper& wrappedQueue,
41  const detail::DeviceSeedfinderConfig& seedfinderConfig,
42  const DeviceExperimentCuts& deviceCuts,
43  const std::vector<detail::DeviceSpacePoint>& bottomSPs,
44  const std::vector<detail::DeviceSpacePoint>& middleSPs,
45  const std::vector<detail::DeviceSpacePoint>& topSPs,
46  std::vector<std::vector<detail::SeedData>>& seeds) {
47  // Each vector stores data of space points in simplified
48  // structures of float variables
49  // M: number of middle space points
50  // B: number of bottom space points
51  // T: number of top space points
52  const uint32_t M = middleSPs.size();
53  const uint32_t B = bottomSPs.size();
54  const uint32_t T = topSPs.size();
56  // Up to the Nth space point, the sum of compatible bottom/top space points.
57  // We need these for indexing other vectors later in the algorithm.
58  // These are prefix sum arrays, with a leading zero.
59  std::vector<uint32_t> sumBotCompUptoMid(M + 1, 0);
60  std::vector<uint32_t> sumTopCompUptoMid(M + 1, 0);
61  std::vector<uint32_t> sumBotTopCombined(M + 1, 0);
63  // After completing the duplet search, we'll have successfully contructed
64  // two bipartite graphs for bottom-middle and top-middle space points.
65  // We store the indices of the middle space points of the corresponding
66  // edges.
67  std::vector<uint32_t> indMidBotComp;
68  std::vector<uint32_t> indMidTopComp;
70  // Number of edges for middle-bottom and middle-top duplet bipartite graphs.
71  uint64_t edgesBottom = 0;
72  uint64_t edgesTop = 0;
73  // Number of possible compatible triplets. This is the sum of the
74  // combination of the number of compatible bottom and compatible top duplets
75  // per middle space point. (nb0*nt0 + nb1*nt1 + ... where nbk is the number
76  // of comp. bot. SPs for the kth middle SP)
77  uint64_t edgesComb = 0;
79  try {
80  auto* q = wrappedQueue.getQueue();
81  uint64_t globalBufferSize =
82  q->get_device().get_info<cl::sycl::info::device::global_mem_size>();
83  uint64_t maxWorkGroupSize =
84  q->get_device().get_info<cl::sycl::info::device::max_work_group_size>();
86  // Device allocations
87  detail::DeviceSpacePoint* deviceBottomSPs =
88  cl::sycl::malloc_device<detail::DeviceSpacePoint>(B, *q);
89  detail::DeviceSpacePoint* deviceMiddleSPs =
90  cl::sycl::malloc_device<detail::DeviceSpacePoint>(M, *q);
91  detail::DeviceSpacePoint* deviceTopSPs =
92  cl::sycl::malloc_device<detail::DeviceSpacePoint>(T, *q);
94  // The limit of compatible bottom [top] space points per middle space
95  // point is B [T]. Temporarily we reserve buffers of this size (M*B and
96  // M*T). We store the indices of bottom [top] space points in bottomSPs
97  // [topSPs]. We move the indices to optimal size vectors for easier
98  // indexing.
99  uint32_t* deviceTmpIndBot = cl::sycl::malloc_device<uint32_t>(M * B, *q);
100  uint32_t* deviceTmpIndTop = cl::sycl::malloc_device<uint32_t>(M * T, *q);
102  q->memcpy(deviceBottomSPs, bottomSPs.data(),
103  sizeof(detail::DeviceSpacePoint) * (B));
104  q->memcpy(deviceMiddleSPs, middleSPs.data(),
105  sizeof(detail::DeviceSpacePoint) * (M));
106  q->memcpy(deviceTopSPs, topSPs.data(),
107  sizeof(detail::DeviceSpacePoint) * (T));
109  // Calculate 2 dimensional range of bottom-middle duplet search kernel
110  // We'll have a total of M*B threads globally, but we need to give the
111  // nd_range the global dimensions so that they are an exact multiple of
112  // the local dimensions. That's why we need this calculation.
114  cl::sycl::nd_range<2> bottomDupletNDRange =
115  calculate2DimNDRange(M, B, maxWorkGroupSize);
116  cl::sycl::nd_range<2> topDupletNDRange =
117  calculate2DimNDRange(M, T, maxWorkGroupSize);
119  // Count compatible bottom/top space points per middle space point.
120  std::vector<uint32_t> countBotDuplets(M, 0);
121  std::vector<uint32_t> countTopDuplets(M, 0);
123  //*********************************************//
124  // ********** DUPLET SEARCH - BEGIN ********** //
125  //*********************************************//
127  {
128  sycl::buffer<uint32_t> countBotBuf(countBotDuplets.data(), M);
129  sycl::buffer<uint32_t> countTopBuf(countTopDuplets.data(), M);
130  q->submit([&](cl::sycl::handler& h) {
131  auto countBotDupletsAcc =
132  sycl::ONEAPI::atomic_accessor<uint32_t, 1,
133  sycl::ONEAPI::memory_order::relaxed,
134  sycl::ONEAPI::memory_scope::device>(
135  countBotBuf, h);
136  h.parallel_for<duplet_search_bottom_kernel>(
137  bottomDupletNDRange, [=](cl::sycl::nd_item<2> item) {
138  const auto mid = item.get_global_id(0);
139  const auto bot = item.get_global_id(1);
140  // We check whether this thread actually makes sense (within
141  // bounds).
142  // The number of threads is usually a factor of 2, or 3*2^k (k
143  // \in N), etc. Without this check we may index out of arrays.
144  if (mid < M && bot < B) {
145  const auto midSP = deviceMiddleSPs[mid];
146  const auto botSP = deviceBottomSPs[bot];
148  const auto deltaR = midSP.r - botSP.r;
149  const auto cotTheta = (midSP.z - botSP.z) / deltaR;
150  const auto zOrigin = midSP.z - midSP.r * cotTheta;
152  if (!(deltaR < seedfinderConfig.deltaRMin) &&
153  !(deltaR > seedfinderConfig.deltaRMax) &&
154  !(cl::sycl::abs(cotTheta) > seedfinderConfig.cotThetaMax) &&
155  !(zOrigin < seedfinderConfig.collisionRegionMin) &&
156  !(zOrigin > seedfinderConfig.collisionRegionMax)) {
157  // We keep counting duplets with atomic access.
158  const auto ind = countBotDupletsAcc[mid].fetch_add(1);
159  deviceTmpIndBot[mid * B + ind] = bot;
160  }
161  }
162  });
163  });
165  q->submit([&](cl::sycl::handler& h) {
166  auto countTopDupletsAcc =
167  sycl::ONEAPI::atomic_accessor<uint32_t, 1,
168  sycl::ONEAPI::memory_order::relaxed,
169  sycl::ONEAPI::memory_scope::device>(
170  countTopBuf, h);
171  h.parallel_for<duplet_search_top_kernel>(
172  topDupletNDRange, [=](cl::sycl::nd_item<2> item) {
173  const auto mid = item.get_global_id(0);
174  const auto top = item.get_global_id(1);
175  // We check whether this thread actually makes sense (within
176  // bounds).
177  if (mid < M && top < T) {
178  const auto midSP = deviceMiddleSPs[mid];
179  const auto topSP = deviceTopSPs[top];
181  const auto deltaR = topSP.r - midSP.r;
182  const auto cotTheta = (topSP.z - midSP.z) / deltaR;
183  const auto zOrigin = midSP.z - midSP.r * cotTheta;
185  if (!(deltaR < seedfinderConfig.deltaRMin) &&
186  !(deltaR > seedfinderConfig.deltaRMax) &&
187  !(cl::sycl::abs(cotTheta) > seedfinderConfig.cotThetaMax) &&
188  !(zOrigin < seedfinderConfig.collisionRegionMin) &&
189  !(zOrigin > seedfinderConfig.collisionRegionMax)) {
190  // We keep counting duplets with atomic access.
191  const auto ind = countTopDupletsAcc[mid].fetch_add(1);
192  deviceTmpIndTop[mid * T + ind] = top;
193  }
194  }
195  });
196  });
197  } // sync (buffers get destroyed and duplet counts are copied back to
198  // countBotDuplets and countTopDuplets)
200  //*********************************************//
201  // *********** DUPLET SEARCH - END *********** //
202  //*********************************************//
204  // retrieve results from counting duplets
205  {
206  // Construct prefix sum arrays of duplet counts.
207  // These will later be used to index other arrays based on middle SP
208  // indices.
209  for (uint32_t i = 1; i < M + 1; ++i) {
210  sumBotCompUptoMid[i] +=
211  sumBotCompUptoMid[i - 1] + countBotDuplets[i - 1];
212  sumTopCompUptoMid[i] +=
213  sumTopCompUptoMid[i - 1] + countTopDuplets[i - 1];
214  sumBotTopCombined[i] += sumBotTopCombined[i - 1] +
215  countTopDuplets[i - 1] * countBotDuplets[i - 1];
216  }
218  edgesBottom = sumBotCompUptoMid[M];
219  edgesTop = sumTopCompUptoMid[M];
220  edgesComb = sumBotTopCombined[M];
222  indMidBotComp.reserve(edgesBottom);
223  indMidTopComp.reserve(edgesTop);
225  // Fill arrays of middle SP indices of found duplets (bottom and top).
226  for (uint32_t mid = 0; mid < M; ++mid) {
227  std::fill_n(std::back_inserter(indMidBotComp), countBotDuplets[mid],
228  mid);
229  std::fill_n(std::back_inserter(indMidTopComp), countTopDuplets[mid],
230  mid);
231  }
232  }
234  if (edgesBottom > 0 && edgesTop > 0) {
235  // Calcualte global and local range of execution for edgesBottom number of
236  // threads. Local range is the same as block size in CUDA.
237  cl::sycl::nd_range<1> edgesBotNdRange =
238  calculate1DimNDRange(edgesBottom, maxWorkGroupSize);
240  // Global and local range of execution for edgesTop number of threads.
241  cl::sycl::nd_range<1> edgesTopNdRange =
242  calculate1DimNDRange(edgesTop, maxWorkGroupSize);
244  // EXPLANATION OF INDEXING (fisrt part)
245  /*
246  (for bottom-middle duplets, but it is the same for middle-tops)
248  In case we have 4 middle SP and 5 bottom SP, our temporary array of
249  the compatible bottom duplet indices would look like this:
250  ---------------------
251  mid0 | 0 | 3 | 4 | 1 | - | Indices in the columns correspond to
252  mid1 | 3 | 2 | - | - | - | bottom SP indices in the bottomSPs
253  mid2 | - | - | - | - | - | array. Threads are executed concurrently,
254  mid3 | 4 | 2 | 1 | - | - | so the order of indices is random.
255  ---------------------
256  We will refer to this structure as a bipartite graph, as it can be
257  described by a graph of nodes for middle and bottom SPs, and edges
258  between one middle and one bottom SP, but never two middle or two
259  bottom SPs.
261  We will flatten this matrix out, and store the indices the
262  following way (this is deviceIndBot):
263  -------------------------------------
264  | 0 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 1 |
265  -------------------------------------
267  Also the length of this array is equal to edgesBottom, which is 9 in
268  this example. It is the number of the edges of the bottom-middle
269  bipartite graph.
271  To find out where the indices of bottom SPs start for a particular
272  middle SP, we use prefix sum arrays.
273  We know how many duplets were found for each middle SP (this is
274  deviceCountBotDuplets).
275  -----------------
276  | 4 | 2 | 0 | 3 |
277  -----------------
279  We will make a prefix sum array of these counts, with a leading zero:
280  (this is deviceSumBot)
281  ---------------------
282  | 0 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 9 |
283  ---------------------
285  If we have the middle SP with index 1, then we know that the indices
286  of the compatible bottom SPs are in the range (left closed, right
287  open) [deviceSumBot[1] , deviceSumBot[2] ) of deviceIndBot. In this
288  case, these indices are 3 and 2, so we'd use these to index
289  deviceBottomSPs to gather data about the bottom SP.
291  To be able to get the indices of middle SPs in constant time inside
292  kernels, we will also prepare arrays that store the indices of the
293  middleSPs of the edges (deviceMidIndPerBot).
294  -------------------------------------
295  | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
296  -------------------------------------
298  (For the same purpose, we could also do a binary search on the
299  deviceSumBot array, and we will do exactly that later, in the triplet
300  search kernel.)
302  We will execute the coordinate transformation on edgesBottom threads,
303  or 9 in our example.
305  The size of the array storing our transformed coordinates
306  (deviceLinBot) is also edgesBottom, the sum of bottom duplets we
307  found so far.
308  */
310  sycl::buffer<uint32_t> numTopDupletsBuf(countTopDuplets.data(), M);
312  // We store the indices of the BOTTOM/TOP space points of the edges of
313  // the bottom-middle and top-middle bipartite duplet graphs. They index
314  // the bottomSPs and topSPs vectors.
315  uint32_t* deviceIndBot =
316  cl::sycl::malloc_device<uint32_t>(edgesBottom, *q);
317  uint32_t* deviceIndTop = cl::sycl::malloc_device<uint32_t>(edgesTop, *q);
319  // We store the indices of the MIDDLE space points of the edges of the
320  // bottom-middle and top-middle bipartite duplet graphs.
321  // They index the middleSP vector.
322  uint32_t* deviceMidIndPerBot =
323  cl::sycl::malloc_device<uint32_t>(edgesBottom, *q);
324  uint32_t* deviceMidIndPerTop =
325  cl::sycl::malloc_device<uint32_t>(edgesTop, *q);
327  // Partial sum arrays of deviceNumBot and deviceNum
328  uint32_t* deviceSumBot = cl::sycl::malloc_device<uint32_t>(M + 1, *q);
329  uint32_t* deviceSumTop = cl::sycl::malloc_device<uint32_t>(M + 1, *q);
331  // Partial sum array of the combinations of compatible bottom and top
332  // space points per middle space point.
333  uint32_t* deviceSumComb = cl::sycl::malloc_device<uint32_t>(M + 1, *q);
335  // Allocations for coordinate transformation.
336  detail::DeviceLinEqCircle* deviceLinBot =
337  cl::sycl::malloc_device<detail::DeviceLinEqCircle>(edgesBottom, *q);
338  detail::DeviceLinEqCircle* deviceLinTop =
339  cl::sycl::malloc_device<detail::DeviceLinEqCircle>(edgesTop, *q);
341  q->memcpy(deviceMidIndPerBot, indMidBotComp.data(),
342  sizeof(uint32_t) * edgesBottom);
343  q->memcpy(deviceMidIndPerTop, indMidTopComp.data(),
344  sizeof(uint32_t) * edgesTop);
345  q->memcpy(deviceSumBot, sumBotCompUptoMid.data(),
346  sizeof(uint32_t) * (M + 1));
347  q->memcpy(deviceSumTop, sumTopCompUptoMid.data(),
348  sizeof(uint32_t) * (M + 1));
349  q->memcpy(deviceSumComb, sumBotTopCombined.data(),
350  sizeof(uint32_t) * (M + 1));
351  q->wait();
353  // Copy indices from temporary matrices to final, optimal size vectors.
354  // We will use these for easier indexing.
355  {
356  q->submit([&](cl::sycl::handler& h) {
357  h.parallel_for<ind_copy_bottom_kernel>(
358  edgesBotNdRange, [=](cl::sycl::nd_item<1> item) {
359  auto idx = item.get_global_linear_id();
360  if (idx < edgesBottom) {
361  auto mid = deviceMidIndPerBot[idx];
362  auto ind = deviceTmpIndBot[mid * B + idx - deviceSumBot[mid]];
363  deviceIndBot[idx] = ind;
364  }
365  });
366  });
368  q->submit([&](cl::sycl::handler& h) {
369  h.parallel_for<ind_copy_top_kernel>(
370  edgesTopNdRange, [=](cl::sycl::nd_item<1> item) {
371  auto idx = item.get_global_linear_id();
372  if (idx < edgesTop) {
373  auto mid = deviceMidIndPerTop[idx];
374  auto ind = deviceTmpIndTop[mid * T + idx - deviceSumTop[mid]];
375  deviceIndTop[idx] = ind;
376  }
377  });
378  });
379  } // sync
381  //************************************************//
383  //************************************************//
385  // transformation of circle equation (x,y) into linear equation (u,v)
386  // x^2 + y^2 - 2x_0*x - 2y_0*y = 0
387  // is transformed into
388  // 1 - 2x_0*u - 2y_0*v = 0
390  // coordinate transformation middle-bottom pairs
391  auto linB = q->submit([&](cl::sycl::handler& h) {
392  h.parallel_for<transform_coord_bottom_kernel>(
393  edgesBotNdRange, [=](cl::sycl::nd_item<1> item) {
394  auto idx = item.get_global_linear_id();
395  if (idx < edgesBottom) {
396  const auto midSP = deviceMiddleSPs[deviceMidIndPerBot[idx]];
397  const auto botSP = deviceBottomSPs[deviceIndBot[idx]];
399  const auto xM = midSP.x;
400  const auto yM = midSP.y;
401  const auto zM = midSP.z;
402  const auto rM = midSP.r;
403  const auto varianceZM = midSP.varZ;
404  const auto varianceRM = midSP.varR;
405  const auto cosPhiM = xM / rM;
406  const auto sinPhiM = yM / rM;
408  const auto deltaX = botSP.x - xM;
409  const auto deltaY = botSP.y - yM;
410  const auto deltaZ = botSP.z - zM;
412  const auto x = deltaX * cosPhiM + deltaY * sinPhiM;
413  const auto y = deltaY * cosPhiM - deltaX * sinPhiM;
414  const auto iDeltaR2 = 1.f / (deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY);
415  const auto iDeltaR = cl::sycl::sqrt(iDeltaR2);
416  const auto cot_theta = -(deltaZ * iDeltaR);
419  L.cotTheta = cot_theta;
420  L.zo = zM - rM * cot_theta;
421  L.iDeltaR = iDeltaR;
422  L.u = x * iDeltaR2;
423  L.v = y * iDeltaR2;
424  L.er = ((varianceZM + botSP.varZ) +
425  (cot_theta * cot_theta) * (varianceRM + botSP.varR)) *
426  iDeltaR2;
428  deviceLinBot[idx] = L;
429  }
430  });
431  });
433  // coordinate transformation middle-top pairs
434  auto linT = q->submit([&](cl::sycl::handler& h) {
435  h.parallel_for<transform_coord_top_kernel>(
436  edgesTopNdRange, [=](cl::sycl::nd_item<1> item) {
437  auto idx = item.get_global_linear_id();
438  if (idx < edgesTop) {
439  const auto midSP = deviceMiddleSPs[deviceMidIndPerTop[idx]];
440  const auto topSP = deviceTopSPs[deviceIndTop[idx]];
442  const auto xM = midSP.x;
443  const auto yM = midSP.y;
444  const auto zM = midSP.z;
445  const auto rM = midSP.r;
446  const auto varianceZM = midSP.varZ;
447  const auto varianceRM = midSP.varR;
448  const auto cosPhiM = xM / rM;
449  const auto sinPhiM = yM / rM;
451  const auto deltaX = topSP.x - xM;
452  const auto deltaY = topSP.y - yM;
453  const auto deltaZ = topSP.z - zM;
455  const auto x = deltaX * cosPhiM + deltaY * sinPhiM;
456  const auto y = deltaY * cosPhiM - deltaX * sinPhiM;
457  const auto iDeltaR2 = 1.f / (deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY);
458  const auto iDeltaR = cl::sycl::sqrt(iDeltaR2);
459  const auto cot_theta = deltaZ * iDeltaR;
462  L.cotTheta = cot_theta;
463  L.zo = zM - rM * cot_theta;
464  L.iDeltaR = iDeltaR;
465  L.u = x * iDeltaR2;
466  L.v = y * iDeltaR2;
467  L.er = ((varianceZM + topSP.varZ) +
468  (cot_theta * cot_theta) * (varianceRM + topSP.varR)) *
469  iDeltaR2;
471  deviceLinTop[idx] = L;
472  }
473  });
474  });
476  //************************************************//
478  //************************************************//
480  //************************************************//
481  // *********** TRIPLET SEARCH - BEGIN *********** //
482  //************************************************//
484  // EXPLANATION OF INDEXING (second part)
485  /*
486  For the triplet search, we calculate the upper limit of constructible
487  triplets.
489  For this, we multiply the number of compatible bottom and compatible
490  top SPs for each middle SP, and add these together.
491  (nb0*nt0 + nb1*nt1 + ... where nbk is the number of compatible bottom
492  SPs for the kth middle SP, similarly ntb is for tops)
494  sumBotTopCombined is a prefix sum array (of length M+1) of the
495  calculated combinations.
497  sumBotTopCombined:
498  ________________________________________________________
499  | | | | | M | M = number
500  | 0 | nb0*nt0 | nb0*nt0 + nb1*nt1 | ... | ∑ nbi+nti | of middle
501  |_____|_________|___________________|_____|_i=0________| space points
503  We will start kernels and reserve memory for these combinations but
504  only so much we can fit into memory at once.
506  We limit our memory usage to globalBufferSize/2, this is currently
507  hard-coded, but it could be configured. Actually, it would be better
508  to use a separate object that manages memory allocations and
509  deallocations and we could ask it to lend us as much memory as it is
510  happy to give.
512  For later, let maxMemoryAllocation be maximum allocatable memory for
513  triplet search.
515  We start by adding up summing the combinations, until we arrive at a
516  k which for:
518  k+1
519  ∑ nbi+nti > maxMemoryAllocation
520  i=0
521  (or k == M).
523  So we know, that we need to start our first kernel for the first k
524  middle SPs.
526  Inside the triplet search kernel we start with a binary search, to
527  find out which middle SP the thread corresponds to. Note, that
528  sumBotTopCombined is a monotone increasing series of values which
529  allows us to do a binary search on it.
531  Inside the triplet search kernel we count the triplets for fixed
532  bottom and middle SP. This is deviceCountTriplets.
534  The triplet filter kernel is calculated on threads equal to all possible
535  bottom-middle combinations for the first k middle SPs, which are
536  the sum of bottom-middle duplets. (For the next kernel it would be the
537  bottom-middle combinations from the (k+1)th middle SP to another jth
538  middle SP j<=M.)
540  This will be numTripletFilterThreads =
541  sumBotCompUptoMid[lastMiddle] - sumBotCompUptoMid[firstMiddle]
543  If the triplet search and triplet filter kernel finished, we continue
544  summing up possible triplet combinations from the (k+1)th middle SP.
546  Inside the kernels we need to use offset because of this, to be able to
547  map threads to space point indices.
549  This offset is sumCombUptoFirstMiddle.
550  */
552  const auto maxMemoryAllocation =
553  std::min(edgesComb,
554  globalBufferSize / uint64_t((sizeof(detail::DeviceTriplet) +
555  sizeof(detail::SeedData)) *
556  2));
558  detail::DeviceTriplet* deviceCurvImpact =
559  cl::sycl::malloc_device<detail::DeviceTriplet>(maxMemoryAllocation,
560  (*q));
562  // Reserve memory in advance for seed indices and weight
563  // Other way around would allocating it inside the loop
564  // -> less memory usage, but more frequent allocation and deallocation
565  detail::SeedData* deviceSeedArray =
566  cl::sycl::malloc_device<detail::SeedData>(maxMemoryAllocation, *q);
568  // Counting the seeds in the second kernel allows us to copy back the
569  // right number of seeds, and no more.
571  seeds.resize(M);
572  uint32_t sumSeeds = 0;
573  std::vector<uint32_t> deviceCountTriplets(edgesBottom, 0);
575  // Do the triplet search and triplet filter for 2 sp fixed for middle
576  // space points in the interval [firstMiddle, lastMiddle).
578  uint32_t lastMiddle = 0;
579  for (uint32_t firstMiddle = 0; firstMiddle < M;
580  firstMiddle = lastMiddle) {
581  // Determine the interval [firstMiddle, lastMiddle) right end based
582  // on memory requirements.
583  while (lastMiddle + 1 <= M && (sumBotTopCombined[lastMiddle + 1] -
584  sumBotTopCombined[firstMiddle] <
585  maxMemoryAllocation)) {
586  ++lastMiddle;
587  }
589  const auto numTripletSearchThreads =
590  sumBotTopCombined[lastMiddle] - sumBotTopCombined[firstMiddle];
592  if (numTripletSearchThreads == 0)
593  continue;
595  sumSeeds = 0;
596  deviceCountTriplets.resize(edgesBottom, 0);
598  const auto numTripletFilterThreads =
599  sumBotCompUptoMid[lastMiddle] - sumBotCompUptoMid[firstMiddle];
601  const auto sumCombUptoFirstMiddle = sumBotTopCombined[firstMiddle];
603  // Nd_range with maximum block size for triplet search and filter.
604  // (global and local range is already given)
605  cl::sycl::nd_range<1> tripletSearchNDRange =
606  calculate1DimNDRange(numTripletSearchThreads, maxWorkGroupSize);
608  cl::sycl::nd_range<1> tripletFilterNDRange =
609  calculate1DimNDRange(numTripletFilterThreads, maxWorkGroupSize);
611  sycl::buffer<uint32_t> countTripletsBuf(deviceCountTriplets.data(),
612  edgesBottom);
614  auto tripletKernel = q->submit([&](cl::sycl::handler& h) {
615  h.depends_on({linB, linT});
616  auto countTripletsAcc =
617  sycl::ONEAPI::atomic_accessor<uint32_t, 1,
618  sycl::ONEAPI::memory_order::relaxed,
619  sycl::ONEAPI::memory_scope::device>(
620  countTripletsBuf, h);
621  auto numTopDupletsAcc = numTopDupletsBuf.get_access<
622  sycl::access::mode::read, sycl::access::target::global_buffer>(h);
623  h.parallel_for<triplet_search_kernel>(
624  tripletSearchNDRange, [=](cl::sycl::nd_item<1> item) {
625  const uint32_t idx = item.get_global_linear_id();
626  if (idx < numTripletSearchThreads) {
627  // Retrieve the index of the corresponding middle
628  // space point by binary search
629  auto L = firstMiddle;
630  auto R = lastMiddle;
631  auto mid = L;
632  while (L < R - 1) {
633  mid = (L + R) / 2;
634  // To be able to search in deviceSumComb, we need
635  // to use an offset (sumCombUptoFirstMiddle).
636  if (idx + sumCombUptoFirstMiddle < deviceSumComb[mid]) {
637  R = mid;
638  } else {
639  L = mid;
640  }
641  }
642  mid = L;
644  const auto numT = numTopDupletsAcc[mid];
645  const auto threadIdxForMiddleSP =
646  (idx - deviceSumComb[mid] + sumCombUptoFirstMiddle);
649  /*
650  We need to map bottom and top SP indices to this
651  thread.
653  So we are mapping one bottom and one top SP to this thread
654  (we already have a middle SP) which gives us a tiplet.
656  This is done in the following way: We
657  calculated the number of possible triplet
658  combinations for this middle SP (let it be
659  num_comp_bot*num_comp_top). Let num_comp_bot = 2
660  and num_comp_top=3 in this example. So we have 2
661  compatible bottom and 3 compatible top SP for this
662  middle SP.
664  That gives us 6 threads altogether:
665  ===========================================
666  thread: | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
667  bottom id: | bot0 | bot0 | bot0 | bot1 | bot1 | bot1 |
668  top id: | top0 | top1 | top2 | top0 | top1 | top2 |
669  ===========================================
671  If we divide 6 by the number of compatible top SP
672  for this middle SP, or deviceNumTopDuplets[mid]
673  which is 3 now, we get the id for the bottom SP.
674  Similarly, if we take modulo
675  deviceNumTopDuplets[mid], we get the id for the
676  top SP.
678  So if threadIdxForMiddleSP = 3, then ib = 1 and it = 0.
680  We can use these ids together with
681  deviceSumBot[mid] and deviceSumTop[mid] to be able
682  to index our other arrays.
684  These other arrays are deviceIndBot and deviceIndTop.
686  So to retrieve the bottom SP index for this thread, we'd
687  have to index the deviceIndBot array at
688  deviceSumBot[mid] + ib
689  which is the id for the bottom SP that we just calculated
690  (ib = 1 in the example).
691  */
693  const auto ib =
694  deviceSumBot[mid] + (threadIdxForMiddleSP / numT);
695  const auto it =
696  deviceSumTop[mid] + (threadIdxForMiddleSP % numT);
698  const auto linBotEq = deviceLinBot[ib];
699  const auto linTopEq = deviceLinTop[it];
700  const auto midSP = deviceMiddleSPs[mid];
702  const auto Vb = linBotEq.v;
703  const auto Ub = linBotEq.u;
704  const auto Erb = linBotEq.er;
705  const auto cotThetab = linBotEq.cotTheta;
706  const auto iDeltaRb = linBotEq.iDeltaR;
708  const auto Vt = linTopEq.v;
709  const auto Ut = linTopEq.u;
710  const auto Ert = linTopEq.er;
711  const auto cotThetat = linTopEq.cotTheta;
712  const auto iDeltaRt = linTopEq.iDeltaR;
714  const auto rM = midSP.r;
715  const auto varianceRM = midSP.varR;
716  const auto varianceZM = midSP.varZ;
718  auto iSinTheta2 = (1.f + cotThetab * cotThetab);
719  auto scatteringInRegion2 =
720  seedfinderConfig.maxScatteringAngle2 * iSinTheta2;
721  scatteringInRegion2 *= seedfinderConfig.sigmaScattering *
722  seedfinderConfig.sigmaScattering;
723  auto error2 =
724  Ert + Erb +
725  2.f * (cotThetab * cotThetat * varianceRM + varianceZM) *
726  iDeltaRb * iDeltaRt;
727  auto deltaCotTheta = cotThetab - cotThetat;
728  auto deltaCotTheta2 = deltaCotTheta * deltaCotTheta;
730  deltaCotTheta = cl::sycl::abs(deltaCotTheta);
731  auto error = cl::sycl::sqrt(error2);
732  auto dCotThetaMinusError2 =
733  deltaCotTheta2 + error2 - 2.f * deltaCotTheta * error;
734  auto dU = Ut - Ub;
736  if ((!(deltaCotTheta2 - error2 > 0.f) ||
737  !(dCotThetaMinusError2 > scatteringInRegion2)) &&
738  !(dU == 0.f)) {
739  auto A = (Vt - Vb) / dU;
740  auto S2 = 1.f + A * A;
741  auto B = Vb - A * Ub;
742  auto B2 = B * B;
744  auto iHelixDiameter2 = B2 / S2;
745  auto pT2scatter =
746  4.f * iHelixDiameter2 * seedfinderConfig.pT2perRadius;
747  auto p2scatter = pT2scatter * iSinTheta2;
748  auto Im = cl::sycl::abs((A - B * rM) * rM);
750  if (!(S2 < B2 * seedfinderConfig.minHelixDiameter2) &&
751  !((deltaCotTheta2 - error2 > 0.f) &&
752  (dCotThetaMinusError2 >
753  p2scatter * seedfinderConfig.sigmaScattering *
754  seedfinderConfig.sigmaScattering)) &&
755  !(Im > seedfinderConfig.impactMax)) {
756  const auto top = deviceIndTop[it];
757  // this will be the t-th top space point for
758  // fixed middle and bottom SP
759  auto t = countTripletsAcc[ib].fetch_add(1);
760  /*
761  deviceSumComb[mid] - sumCombUptoFirstMiddle:
762  gives the memory location reserved for this
763  middle SP
765  (idx-deviceSumComb[mid]+sumCombUptoFirstMiddle:
766  this is the nth thread for this middle SP
768  (idx-deviceSumComb[mid]+sumCombUptoFirstMiddle)/numT:
769  this is the mth bottom SP for this middle SP
771  multiplying this by numT gives the memory
772  location for this middle and bottom SP
774  and by adding t to it, we will end up storing
775  compatible triplet candidates for this middle
776  and bottom SP right next to each other
777  starting from the given memory location
778  */
779  const auto tripletIdx = deviceSumComb[mid] -
780  sumCombUptoFirstMiddle +
781  (((idx - deviceSumComb[mid] +
782  sumCombUptoFirstMiddle) /
783  numT) *
784  numT) +
785  t;
788  T.curvature = B / cl::sycl::sqrt(S2);
789  T.impact = Im;
790  T.topSPIndex = top;
791  deviceCurvImpact[tripletIdx] = T;
792  }
793  }
794  }
795  });
796  });
798  {
799  sycl::buffer<uint32_t> countSeedsBuf(&sumSeeds, 1);
800  q->submit([&](cl::sycl::handler& h) {
801  h.depends_on(tripletKernel);
802  auto countSeedsAcc = sycl::ONEAPI::atomic_accessor<
803  uint32_t, 1, sycl::ONEAPI::memory_order::relaxed,
804  sycl::ONEAPI::memory_scope::device>(countSeedsBuf, h);
805  auto countTripletsAcc = countTripletsBuf.get_access<
806  sycl::access::mode::read, sycl::access::target::global_buffer>(
807  h);
808  auto numTopDupletsAcc = numTopDupletsBuf.get_access<
809  sycl::access::mode::read, sycl::access::target::global_buffer>(
810  h);
811  h.parallel_for<filter_2sp_fixed_kernel>(
812  tripletFilterNDRange, [=](cl::sycl::nd_item<1> item) {
813  if (item.get_global_linear_id() < numTripletFilterThreads) {
814  const auto idx =
815  deviceSumBot[firstMiddle] + item.get_global_linear_id();
816  const auto mid = deviceMidIndPerBot[idx];
817  const auto bot = deviceIndBot[idx];
819  const auto tripletBegin =
820  deviceSumComb[mid] - sumCombUptoFirstMiddle +
821  (idx - deviceSumBot[mid]) * numTopDupletsAcc[mid];
822  const auto tripletEnd =
823  tripletBegin + countTripletsAcc[idx];
825  for (auto i1 = tripletBegin; i1 < tripletEnd; ++i1) {
826  const auto current = deviceCurvImpact[i1];
827  const auto top = current.topSPIndex;
829  const auto invHelixDiameter = current.curvature;
830  const auto lowerLimitCurv =
831  invHelixDiameter -
832  seedfinderConfig.deltaInvHelixDiameter;
833  const auto upperLimitCurv =
834  invHelixDiameter +
835  seedfinderConfig.deltaInvHelixDiameter;
836  const auto currentTop_r = deviceTopSPs[top].r;
837  auto weight = -(current.impact *
838  seedfinderConfig.impactWeightFactor);
840  uint32_t compatCounter = 0;
842  // By default compatSeedLimit is 2 -> 2 is
843  // currently hard coded, because variable length
844  // arrays are not supported in SYCL kernels.
845  float compatibleSeedR[2];
846  for (auto i2 = tripletBegin;
847  i2 < tripletEnd &&
848  compatCounter < seedfinderConfig.compatSeedLimit;
849  ++i2) {
850  const auto other = deviceCurvImpact[i2];
852  const auto otherCurv = other.curvature;
853  const auto otherTop_r =
854  deviceTopSPs[other.topSPIndex].r;
855  const float deltaR =
856  cl::sycl::abs(currentTop_r - otherTop_r);
857  if (deltaR >= seedfinderConfig.filterDeltaRMin &&
858  otherCurv >= lowerLimitCurv &&
859  otherCurv <= upperLimitCurv) {
860  uint32_t c = 0;
861  for (;
862  c < compatCounter &&
863  cl::sycl::abs(compatibleSeedR[c] - otherTop_r) >=
864  seedfinderConfig.filterDeltaRMin;
865  ++c) {
866  }
867  if (c == compatCounter) {
868  compatibleSeedR[c] = otherTop_r;
869  ++compatCounter;
870  }
871  }
872  }
874  weight +=
875  compatCounter * seedfinderConfig.compatSeedWeight;
877  const auto bottomSP = deviceBottomSPs[bot];
878  const auto middleSP = deviceMiddleSPs[mid];
879  const auto topSP = deviceTopSPs[top];
881  weight +=
882  deviceCuts.seedWeight(bottomSP, middleSP, topSP);
884  if (deviceCuts.singleSeedCut(weight, bottomSP, middleSP,
885  topSP)) {
886  const auto i = countSeedsAcc[0].fetch_add(1);
888  D.bottom = bot;
889  D.top = top;
890  D.middle = mid;
891  D.weight = weight;
892  deviceSeedArray[i] = D;
893  }
894  }
895  }
896  });
897  });
898  } // sync, countSeedsBuf gets destroyed and its value is copied back to
899  // sumSeeds
901  if (sumSeeds != 0) {
902  std::vector<detail::SeedData> hostSeedArray(sumSeeds);
903  auto e0 = q->memcpy(&hostSeedArray[0], deviceSeedArray,
904  sumSeeds * sizeof(detail::SeedData));
905  e0.wait();
907  for (uint32_t t = 0; t < sumSeeds; ++t) {
908  auto m = hostSeedArray[t].middle;
909  seeds[m].push_back(hostSeedArray[t]);
910  }
911  }
912  }
914  //************************************************//
915  // ************ TRIPLET SEARCH - END ************ //
916  //************************************************//
919  /*
920  Note that memory management is very naive, but this should only be a
921  temporary solution. A better idea is to use a separate memory
922  manager, see the CUDA (2) implementation.
923  */
925  cl::sycl::free(deviceLinBot, *q);
926  cl::sycl::free(deviceLinTop, *q);
928  cl::sycl::free(deviceIndBot, *q);
929  cl::sycl::free(deviceIndTop, *q);
930  cl::sycl::free(deviceMidIndPerBot, *q);
931  cl::sycl::free(deviceMidIndPerTop, *q);
932  cl::sycl::free(deviceSumBot, *q);
933  cl::sycl::free(deviceSumTop, *q);
934  cl::sycl::free(deviceSumComb, *q);
936  cl::sycl::free(deviceCurvImpact, *q);
937  cl::sycl::free(deviceSeedArray, *q);
938  }
940  cl::sycl::free(deviceTmpIndBot, *q);
941  cl::sycl::free(deviceTmpIndTop, *q);
942  cl::sycl::free(deviceBottomSPs, *q);
943  cl::sycl::free(deviceMiddleSPs, *q);
944  cl::sycl::free(deviceTopSPs, *q);
945  } catch (cl::sycl::exception const& e) {
948  ACTS_FATAL("Caught synchronous SYCL exception:\n" << e.what())
949  exit(0);
950  }
951 };
952 } // namespace Acts::Sycl