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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file FairGeoInterface.cxx
1 //*-- AUTHOR : Ilse Koenig
2 //*-- Created : 10/11/03 by Ilse Koenig
5 // FairGeoInterface
6 //
7 // Manager class for geometry used by simulation
9 // *--15.12.04 M. Al-Turany
10 // 1-addInputFile(const char* name) is not used anymore
11 // 2-addGeoModule(FairGeoSet*pSet) is added
12 // 3-setMediaFile(const char *file) is added
13 // 3-findSet(const char* name) has been changed, no hard coding of name
14 // 4-nSets is now set by a method SetNoOfSets(Int_t) (see header file)
18 #include "FairGeoInterface.h"
20 #include "FairGeoIo.h"
21 #include "FairGeoAsciiIo.h"
22 #include "FairGeoMedia.h"
23 #include "FairGeoShapes.h"
24 #include "FairGeoSet.h"
25 #include "FairGeoBuilder.h"
26 //#include "FairGeoNode.h"
28 #include "TClass.h"
29 #include "TObjArray.h"
31 #include <iostream>
32 //#include <iomanip>
33 //#include <ctime>
35 using std::cout;
36 using std::endl;
41  :TObject(),
42  fileInput(NULL),
43  oraInput(NULL),
44  output(NULL),
45  nSets(0),
46  nActualSets(0),
47  sets(new TObjArray()),
48  media(new FairGeoMedia()),
49  shapes(new FairGeoShapes()),
50  masterNodes(new TList()),
51  setupFile(""),
52  geoBuilder(NULL)
53 {
54  // Constructor
55 }
58 {
59  // Destructor
60  if (fileInput) {
61  delete fileInput;
62  fileInput=0;
63  }
64  if (oraInput) {
65  delete oraInput;
66  oraInput=0;
67  }
68  if (output) {
69  delete output;
70  output=0;
71  }
72 // if (geoBuilder) {
73 // delete geoBuilder;
74 // geoBuilder=0;
75 // }
76  if (masterNodes) {
77  masterNodes->Delete();
78  delete masterNodes;
79  masterNodes=0;
80  }
81  if (sets) {
82  sets->Delete();
83  delete sets;
84  sets=0;
85  }
86  if (media) {
87  delete media;
88  media=0;
89  }
90  if (shapes) {
91  delete shapes;
92  shapes=0;
93  }
94 }
97 {
98  sets->AddLast(pSet);
99  pSet->setShapes(shapes);
101  nActualSets++;
103 }
105 {
106  media->setInputFile(file);
107 }
110 {
112  Error("This Methode is not used any more ","Use addGeoModule to add detectors: %s",file);
113  /*
114  // Adds the input file and creates the corresponding detector object
115  FairGeoSet* pSet=0;
116  TString setName(file);
117  setName.ToLower();
118  Int_t l=setName.Last('/')+1;
119  setName=setName(l,setName.Length()-l);
120  if (setName.Contains("media")) {
121  media->setInputFile(file);
122  } else {
123  if (setName.Contains("cave")) {
124  pSet=(FairGeoSet*)sets->At(kFairGeoCave);
125  if (!pSet) {
126  pSet=new FairGeoCave;
127  sets->AddAt(pSet,kFairGeoCave);
128  }
129  } else if (setName.Contains("pipe")) {
130  pSet=(FairGeoSet*)sets->At(kFairGeoPipe);
131  if (!pSet) {
132  pSet=new FairGeoPipe;
133  sets->AddAt(pSet,kFairGeoPipe);
134  }
135  } else if (setName.Contains("target")) {
136  pSet=(FairGeoSet*)sets->At(kFairGeoTarget);
137  if (!pSet) {
138  pSet=new FairGeoTarget;
139  sets->AddAt(pSet,kFairGeoTarget);
140  }
141  } else if (setName.Contains("magnet")) {
142  pSet=(FairGeoSet*)sets->At(kFairGeoMagnet);
143  if (!pSet) {
144  pSet=new FairGeoMagnet;
145  sets->AddAt(pSet,kFairGeoMagnet);
146  }
147  } else if (setName.Contains("rich")) {
148  pSet=(FairGeoSet*)sets->At(kFairGeoRich);
149  if (!pSet) {
150  pSet=new FairGeoRich;
151  sets->AddAt(pSet,kFairGeoRich);
152  }
153  } else if (setName.Contains("sts")) {
154  pSet=(FairGeoSet*)sets->At(kFairGeoSts);
155  if (!pSet) {
156  pSet=new FairGeoSts;
157  sets->AddAt(pSet,kFairGeoSts);
158  }
159  } else if (setName.Contains("trd")) {
160  pSet=(FairGeoSet*)sets->At(kFairGeoTrd);
161  if (!pSet) {
162  pSet=new FairGeoTrd;
163  sets->AddAt(pSet,kFairGeoTrd);
164  }
165  } else if (setName.Contains("tof")) {
166  pSet=(FairGeoSet*)sets->At(kFairGeoTof);
167  if (!pSet) {
168  pSet=new FairGeoTof;
169  sets->AddAt(pSet,kFairGeoTof);
170  }
171  } else Error("addInputFile","Unknown detector set: %s",file);
172  if (pSet) {
173  pSet->setShapes(shapes);
174  pSet->setMasterNodes(masterNodes);
175  pSet->setGeomFile(file);
176  nActualSets++;
177  }
178  }
179  */
180 }
183 {
184  // Find the detector set in the actual setup
185  FairGeoSet* pSet=0;
186  TString setName(name);
187  TString PSetName;
188  setName.ToLower();
189  Int_t l=setName.Last('/')+1;
190  setName=setName(l,setName.Length()-l);
191  /* if (setName.Contains("cave")) pSet=(FairGeoSet*)sets->At(kFairGeoCave);
192  else if (setName.Contains("pipe")) pSet=(FairGeoSet*)sets->At(kFairGeoPipe);
193  else if (setName.Contains("target")) pSet=(FairGeoSet*)sets->At(kFairGeoTarget);
194  else if (setName.Contains("magnet")) pSet=(FairGeoSet*)sets->At(kFairGeoMagnet);
195  else if (setName.Contains("rich")) pSet=(FairGeoSet*)sets->At(kFairGeoRich);
196  else if (setName.Contains("sts")) pSet=(FairGeoSet*)sets->At(kFairGeoSts);
197  else if (setName.Contains("trd")) pSet=(FairGeoSet*)sets->At(kFairGeoTrd);
198  else if (setName.Contains("tof")) pSet=(FairGeoSet*)sets->At(kFairGeoTof);
199  else if (setName.Contains("ecal")) pSet=(FairGeoSet*)sets->At(kFairGeoEcal);
200  return pSet;
201  */
202  for(Int_t i=0; i<nSets; i++) {
203  PSetName=sets->At(i)->GetName();
204  if (PSetName.Contains(setName.Data())) {
205  pSet=(FairGeoSet*)sets->At(i);
206  cout << "FairGeoInterface::findSet" <<pSet->GetName() <<endl;
207  break;
208  }
210  }
211  return pSet;
213 }
216 {
217  // Reads the geometry for the detector part
218  Bool_t rc=kFALSE;
219  FairGeoIo* input=0;
220  if (pSet) {
221  input=connectInput(pSet->getGeomFile());
222  if (input) { rc=input->read(pSet,media); }
223  }
224  return rc;
225 }
228 {
229  // Writes the geometry for the detector part to output
230  if (pSet&&connectOutput(pSet->GetName())) { return output->write(pSet); }
231  return kFALSE;
232 }
235 {
236  // Writes the geometry for the detector part to file
237  if (pSet&&output) {
238  output->open(filename,"out");
239  if (output->isOpen()) { return output->write(pSet); }
240  }
241  return kFALSE;
242 }
245 {
246  // Deletes the set
247  if (pSet) {
248  sets->Remove(pSet);
249  delete pSet;
250  pSet=0;
251  }
252 }
255 {
256  // Reads the media
257  Bool_t rc=kFALSE;
259  if (input) {
260  rc=input->read(media);
261  }
262  return rc;
263 }
266 {
267  // Writes the media to output
268  if (connectOutput("media")) { return output->write(media); }
269  return kFALSE;
270 }
273 {
274  // Writes the media to file
275  if (output) {
276  output->open(filename,"out");
277  if (output->isOpen()) { return output->write(media); }
278  }
279  return kFALSE;
280 }
283 {
284  // Reads the media and the whole geometry
285  Bool_t rc=kTRUE;
286  if (nActualSets==0&&oraInput) {
287  rc=oraInput->readGeomConfig(this);
288 // if (rc) addInputFile("media_gdb");
289  if (rc) { addInputFile("media_gdb"); }
290  }
291  if(rc) { rc=readSetupFile(); }
292  if(rc) { rc=readMedia(); }
293  FairGeoSet* pSet=0;
294  for(Int_t i=0; i<nSets&&rc; i++) {
295  pSet=(FairGeoSet*)sets->At(i);
296  if (pSet) {
297  cout<<"Read "<<pSet->GetName()<<endl;
298  rc=readSet(pSet);
299  }
300  }
301  return rc;
302 }
305 {
306  // Reads the media and the whole geometry to output
307  Bool_t rc=kTRUE;
308  FairGeoSet* pSet=0;
309  rc=writeMedia();
310  for(Int_t i=0; i<nSets&&rc; i++) {
311  pSet=(FairGeoSet*)sets->At(i);
312  if (pSet) { rc=writeSet(pSet); }
313  }
314  return rc;
315 }
317 Bool_t FairGeoInterface::createAll(Bool_t withCleanup)
318 {
319  // Creates the whole geometry
320  // (if withCleanup==kTRUE, the geometry input is deleted afterwards)
321  Bool_t rc=kTRUE;
322  Int_t n=0;
323  if (geoBuilder) {
324  FairGeoSet* pSet=0;
325  for(Int_t i=0; i<nSets&&rc; i++) {
326  pSet=(FairGeoSet*)sets->At(i);
327  if (pSet) {
328  cout<<"Create "<<pSet->GetName()<<endl;
329  rc=pSet->create(geoBuilder);
330  n++;
331  if (withCleanup) {
332  sets->RemoveAt(i);
333  delete pSet;
334  }
335  }
336  }
337  if (rc&&n>0) { geoBuilder->finalize(); }
338  } else { Error("createAll()","No Builder"); }
339  return rc;
340 }
342 Bool_t FairGeoInterface::createGeometry(Bool_t withCleanup)
343 {
344  // Reads and creates the whole geometry
345  // (if withCleanup==kTRUE, the geometry input is deleted after creation)
346  Bool_t rc=kTRUE;
347  Int_t n=0;
348  if (geoBuilder) {
349  if (nActualSets==0&&oraInput) {
350  rc=oraInput->readGeomConfig(this);
351  if (rc) { addInputFile("media_gdb"); }
352  }
353  if (rc) { rc=readSetupFile(); }
354  if (rc) { rc=readMedia(); }
355  FairGeoSet* pSet=0;
356  for(Int_t i=0; i<nSets&&rc; i++) {
357  pSet=(FairGeoSet*)sets->At(i);
358  if (pSet) {
359  cout<<"Read and create "<<pSet->GetName()<<endl;
360  rc=readSet(pSet);
361  if (rc) {
362  rc=pSet->create(geoBuilder);
363  n++;
364  }
365  if (withCleanup) {
366  sets->RemoveAt(i);
367  delete pSet;
368  }
369  }
370  }
371  if (rc&&n>0) { geoBuilder->finalize(); }
372  } else { Error("createAll()","No Builder"); }
373  return rc;
374 }
377 {
378  // Connects the input (ASCII or Oracle)
379  FairGeoIo* currentIo=0;
380  if (filename) {
381  TString s(filename);
382  s=s.Strip();
383  if (s.EndsWith(".dat")||s.EndsWith(".geo")||s.EndsWith(".setup")) {
384  if (!fileInput) { fileInput=new FairGeoAsciiIo(); }
385  fileInput->open(filename);
386  currentIo=fileInput;
387  } else if (s.EndsWith("_gdb")) { currentIo=oraInput; }
388  }
389  if (currentIo && currentIo->isOpen()) { return currentIo; }
390  return 0;
391 }
394 {
395  // Connects the output (ASCII or Oracle)
396  if (output) {
397  if (strcmp(output->IsA()->GetName(),"FairGeoAsciiIo")==0) {
398  TString fName(name);
399  char buf[80];
400  struct tm* newtime;
401  time_t t;
402  time(&t);
403  newtime=localtime(&t);
404  if (newtime->tm_mday<10) { sprintf(buf,"_0%i",newtime->tm_mday); }
405  else { sprintf(buf,"_%i",newtime->tm_mday); }
406  fName=fName+buf;
407  if (newtime->tm_mon<9) { sprintf(buf,"0%i",newtime->tm_mon+1); }
408  else { sprintf(buf,"%i",newtime->tm_mon+1); }
409  fName=fName+buf;
410  Int_t y=newtime->tm_year-100;
411  if (y<10) { sprintf(buf,"0%i",y); }
412  else { sprintf(buf,"%i",y); }
413  fName=fName+buf;
414  if (newtime->tm_hour<10) { sprintf(buf,"0%i",newtime->tm_hour); }
415  else { sprintf(buf,"%i",newtime->tm_hour); }
416  fName=fName+buf;
417  if (newtime->tm_min<10) { sprintf(buf,"0%i",newtime->tm_min); }
418  else { sprintf(buf,"%i",newtime->tm_min); }
419  fName=fName+buf;
420  if (newtime->tm_sec<10) { sprintf(buf,"0%i",newtime->tm_sec); }
421  else { sprintf(buf,"%i",newtime->tm_sec); }
422  fName=fName+buf+".geo";
423  output->open(fName,"out");
424  cout<<"Output file for "<<name<<": "
425  <<((FairGeoAsciiIo*)output)->getFilename()<<endl;
426  }
427  if (output->isOpen()&&output->isWritable()) { return kTRUE; }
428  } else { Error("connectOutput","No output open"); }
429  return kFALSE;
430 }
433 {
434  // Creates the geometry of detector part
435  if (!geoBuilder) { return kFALSE; }
436  return pSet->create(geoBuilder);
437 }
440 {
441  // Prints the media and the list of detector parts
442  media->list();
443  cout<<"********************************************************************\n";
444  cout<<"List of detector parts:\n";
445  FairGeoSet* pSet=0;
446  for(Int_t i=0; i<nSets; i++) {
447  pSet=(FairGeoSet*)sets->At(i);
448  if (pSet) { cout<<" "<<pSet->GetName()<<":\t"<<pSet->getGeomFile()<<'\n'; }
449  }
450  cout<<"********************************************************************\n";
451 }
453 Bool_t FairGeoInterface::readGeomConfig(const char* configFile)
454 {
455  // Reads the GEANT configuration file
456  Bool_t rc=kFALSE;
457  FairGeoIo* input=0;
458  if (configFile) {
459  input=connectInput(configFile);
460  if (input) { rc=input->readGeomConfig(this); }
461  }
462  return rc;
463 }
466 {
467  // Reads the detector setups, needed for create only subsets
468  Bool_t rc=kTRUE;
469  if (setupFile.Length()>0) {
471  if (input) { rc=input->readDetectorSetup(this); }
472  }
473  return rc;
474 }