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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file ValTimeStamp.cxx
2 #include "ValTimeStamp.h"
3 #include <climits>
4 #include <math.h>
5 #include <unistd.h>
6 #include <sys/time.h>
8 #include "TString.h"
12 const Int_t kNsPerSec = 1000000000;
14 //_____________________________________________________________________________
15 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ValTimeStamp& ts)
16 {
17  if (os.good()) {
18  if (os.tie()) { os.tie()->flush(); } // instead of opfx
19  os << ts.AsString("c");
20  }
21  // instead of os.osfx()
22  if (os.flags() & std::ios::unitbuf) { os.flush(); }
23  return os;
24 }
27 {
28  return ValTimeStamp((time_t)0,0);
29 }
32 {
33  return ValTimeStamp((time_t)INT_MAX,0);
34 }
37 {
38  return ValTimeStamp((time_t)INT_MIN,0);
39 }
42 //_____________________________________________________________________________
43 // don't put these in the header or using the include file w/ CINT
44 // become problematic
46 // default ctor sets it value to current time (as best possible)
47 ValTimeStamp::ValTimeStamp() : fSec(0), fNanoSec(0) { Set(); }
50 //_____________________________________________________________________________
51 ValTimeStamp::ValTimeStamp(UInt_t year, UInt_t month,
52  UInt_t day, UInt_t hour,
53  UInt_t min, UInt_t sec,
54  UInt_t nsec,
55  Bool_t isUTC, Int_t secOffset)
56  : fSec(0), fNanoSec(0)
57 {
58  // Create a ValTimeStamp and set it to the specified year, month,
59  // day, time, hour, minute, second and nanosec.
60  // If !isUTC then it is assumed to be the standard local time zone.
61  //
62  // If local time is PST then one can use
63  // ValTimeStamp(year,month,day,hour,min,sec,nsec,kFALSE,0);
64  // or
65  // Int_t secOffset = 8*60*60;
66  // ValTimeStamp(year,month,day,hour,min,sec,nsec,kTRUE,8*60*60);
68  Set(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, nsec, isUTC, secOffset);
69 }
71 //_____________________________________________________________________________
72 ValTimeStamp::ValTimeStamp(UInt_t date, UInt_t time, UInt_t nsec,
73  Bool_t isUTC, Int_t secOffset)
74  : fSec(0), fNanoSec(0)
75 {
76  // Create a ValTimeStamp and set it to the specified date, time, nanosec.
77  // If !isUTC then it is assumed to be the standard local time zone.
79  Set(date, time, nsec, isUTC, secOffset);
80 }
82 //_____________________________________________________________________________
83 const char* ValTimeStamp::AsString(Option_t* option) const
84 {
85  // Return the date & time as a string.
86  //
87  // Result is pointer to a statically allocated string.
88  // User should copy this into their own buffer before calling
89  // this method again. This is somewhat mitigated
90  // by use of a circular buffer of strings.
91  //
92  // Option "l" returns it in local zone format
93  // (can be applied to default or compact format).
94  //
95  // Default format is RFC822 compliant:
96  // "Mon, 02 Jan 2001 18:11:12 +0000 (GMT) +999999999 nsec"
97  // "Mon, 02 Jan 2001 10:11:12 -0800 (PST) +999999999 nsec"
98  //
99  // Option "c" compact is (almost) ISO 8601 compliant:
100  // "2001-01-02 18:11:12.9999999999Z"
101  // "2001-01-02 10:11:12.9999999999-0800" if PST
102  // * uses "-" as date separator as specified in ISO 8601
103  // * uses "." rather than preferred "," for decimal separator
104  // * -HHMM is the difference between local and UTC (if behind, + if ahead).
105  // The "-HHMM" is replaced with "Z" if given as UTC.
106  // To be strictly conforming it should use "T" instead of the
107  // blank separating the date and time.
108  //
109  // Option "2" returns as {sec,nsec} integers.
110  //
111  // Option "s" returns "2001-01-02 18:11:12" with an implied UTC,
112  // overrides "l" option.
114  // Internally uses a circular list of buffers to avoid problems
115  // using AsString multiple times in a single statement.
117  const int nbuffers = 8; // # of buffers
119  static char formatted[nbuffers][64]; // strftime fields substituted
120  static char formatted2[nbuffers][64]; // nanosec field substituted
121  static int ibuffer = nbuffers;
122  ibuffer = (ibuffer+1)%nbuffers; // each call moves to next buffer
124  TString opt = option;
125  opt.ToLower();
127  if (opt.Contains("2")) {
128  // return string formatted as integer {sec,nsec}
129  sprintf(formatted[ibuffer], "{%d,%d}", fSec, fNanoSec);
130  return formatted[ibuffer];
131  }
133 #ifdef linux
134  // under linux %z is the hour offset and %Z is the timezone name
135  const char* RFC822 = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z (%Z) +#9ld nsec";
136  const char* ISO8601 = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.#9.9ld%z";
137  const char* ISO8601Z = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.#9.9ldZ";
138 #else
139  // otherwise only %Z is guarenteed to be defind
140  const char* RFC822 = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z +#9ld nsec";
141  const char* ISO8601 = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.#9.9ld%Z";
142  const char* ISO8601Z = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.#9.9ldZ";
143 #endif
144  const char* SQL = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S";
146  Bool_t asLocal = opt.Contains("l");
147  Bool_t asSQL = opt.Contains("s");
148  if (asSQL) { asLocal = kFALSE; }
150  const char* format = RFC822;
151  if (opt.Contains("c")) {
152  format = ISO8601;
153  if (!asLocal) { format = ISO8601Z; }
154  }
155  if (asSQL) { format = SQL; }
157  struct tm* ptm;
158  time_t seconds = (time_t) fSec; // deal with possible mismatch of types
159  // of fSec and the time_t required
160  // by functions
162  // get the components into a tm struct
163  ptm = (asLocal) ? localtime(&seconds) : gmtime(&seconds);
165  // format all but the nsec field
166  // size_t length =
167  strftime(formatted[ibuffer], sizeof(formatted[ibuffer]), format, ptm);
169  if (asSQL) { return formatted[ibuffer]; }
171  // hack in the nsec part
172  char* ptr = strrchr(formatted[ibuffer], '#');
173  if (ptr) { *ptr = '%'; } // substitute % for #
174  sprintf(formatted2[ibuffer], formatted[ibuffer], fNanoSec);
176  return formatted2[ibuffer];
177 }
179 //_____________________________________________________________________________
181 {
182  // Copy this to ts.
184  ts.fSec = fSec;
185  ts.fNanoSec = fNanoSec;
187 }
189 //_____________________________________________________________________________
190 Int_t ValTimeStamp::GetDate(Bool_t inUTC, Int_t secOffset,
191  UInt_t* year, UInt_t* month, UInt_t* day) const
192 {
193  // Return date in form of 19971224 (i.e. 24/12/1997),
194  // if non-zero pointers supplied for year, month, day fill those as well
196  time_t atime = fSec + secOffset;
197  struct tm* ptm = (inUTC) ? gmtime(&atime) : localtime(&atime);
199  if (year) { *year = ptm->tm_year + 1900; }
200  if (month) { *month = ptm->tm_mon + 1; }
201  if (day) { *day = ptm->tm_mday; }
203  return (1900+ptm->tm_year)*10000 + (1+ptm->tm_mon)*100 + ptm->tm_mday;
205 }
207 //_____________________________________________________________________________
208 Int_t ValTimeStamp::GetTime(Bool_t inUTC, Int_t secOffset,
209  UInt_t* hour, UInt_t* min, UInt_t* sec) const
210 {
211  // Return time in form of 123623 (i.e. 12:36:23),
212  // if non-zero pointers supplied for hour, min, sec fill those as well
214  time_t atime = fSec + secOffset;
215  struct tm* ptm = (inUTC) ? gmtime(&atime) : localtime(&atime);
217  if (hour) { *hour = ptm->tm_hour; }
218  if (min) { *min = ptm->tm_min; }
219  if (sec) { *sec = ptm->tm_sec; }
221  return ptm->tm_hour*10000 + ptm->tm_min*100 + ptm->tm_sec;
223 }
225 //_____________________________________________________________________________
227 {
228  // Static method returning local (current) time zone offset from UTC.
229  // This is the difference in seconds between UTC and local standard time.
231  // ?? should tzset (_tzset) be called?
232 #ifndef R__WIN32
233  tzset();
234 #if !defined(R__MACOSX) && !defined(R__FBSD)
235  return timezone; /* unix has extern long int */
236 #else
237  time_t* tp = 0;
238  time(tp);
239  return localtime(tp)->tm_gmtoff;
240 #endif
241 #else
242  _tzset();
243  return _timezone; /* Win32 prepends "_" */
244 #endif
245 }
247 //_____________________________________________________________________________
249 {
250  // Add "offset" as a delta time.
252  fSec += offset.fSec;
253  fNanoSec += offset.fNanoSec;
256 }
258 void ValTimeStamp::Add(Double_t seconds)
259 {
260  // Add 'seconds' as a delta time
262  fSec += (Int_t) seconds;
263  fNanoSec += (Int_t) (fmod(seconds,1.0) * 1e9);
265  if(seconds > 1e6)
266  cout <<"-I- ValTimeStamp::Add(): "
267  << " ValTimeStamp moved by offset "
268  << seconds <<" which is too large to maintain ns accuracy."
269  << endl;
270 }
272 //_____________________________________________________________________________
273 void ValTimeStamp::Print(Option_t* option) const
274 {
275  // Print date and time.
277  printf("Date/Time = %s\n", AsString(option));
279 }
281 //_____________________________________________________________________________
283 {
284  // Set Date/Time to current time as reported by the system.
285  // no accounting for nanoseconds with std ANSI functions,
286  // ns part faked so that subsequent calls simply add 1 to it
287  // this ensures that calls within the same second come back
288  // distinct (and sortable).
290 #ifdef R__WIN32
292  GetSystemTimeAsFileTime((FILETIME*)&time);
293  // NT keeps time in FILETIME format which is 100ns ticks since
294  // Jan 1, 1601. TTimeStamps use time in 100ns ticks since Jan 1, 1970.
295  // The difference is 134774 days.
296  fNanoSec = Int_t((time.QuadPart * (unsigned __int64) 100) %
297  (unsigned __int64) 1000000000);
298  time.QuadPart -=
299  (unsigned __int64) (1000*1000*10) // seconds
300  * (unsigned __int64) (60 * 60 * 24) // days
301  * (unsigned __int64) (134774); // # of days
303  fSec = Int_t(time.QuadPart/(unsigned __int64) (1000*1000*10));
304 #else
305  // this should work on UNIX to get microsec precision
306  // we'll stick to a ns hack to make calls unique
307  struct timeval now;
308  if (!gettimeofday(&now,0)) {
309  fSec = now.tv_sec;
310  fNanoSec = now.tv_usec * 1000;
311  } else {
312  time_t nowtime;
313  time(&nowtime);
314  fSec = nowtime;
315  fNanoSec = 0;
316  }
317 #endif
318  static Int_t sec = 0, nsec = 0, fake_ns = 0;
320  if (fSec == sec && fNanoSec == nsec) {
321  fNanoSec += ++fake_ns;
322  } else {
323  fake_ns = 0;
324  sec = fSec;
325  nsec = fNanoSec;
326  }
328 }
330 //_____________________________________________________________________________
331 void ValTimeStamp::Set(Int_t year, Int_t month, Int_t day,
332  Int_t hour, Int_t min, Int_t sec,
333  Int_t nsec, Bool_t isUTC, Int_t secOffset)
334 {
335  // Set Date/Time from components.
336  //
337  // month & day both use normal 1..12 and 1..31 counting
338  // hours, min, sec run from 0 to 23, 59, 59 respectively;
339  // secOffset provides method for adjusting for alternative timezones
340  //
341  // "year" | 0 1 ... 37 | 38...69 | 70 .. 100 101 .. 137
342  // true | 2000 2001 2037 | undefined | 1970 2000 2001 .. 2037
343  //
344  // "year" | 138...1969 | 1970 .. 2037 | ...
345  // true | undefined | 1970 .. 2037 | undefined
346  //
349  // deal with special formats of year
350  if (year <= 37) { year += 2000; }
351  if (year >= 70 && year <= 137) { year += 1900; }
352  // tm.tm_year is years since 1900
353  if (year >= 1900) { year -= 1900; }
355  struct tm tmstruct;
356  tmstruct.tm_year = year; // years since 1900
357  tmstruct.tm_mon = month-1; // months since Jan [0,11]
358  tmstruct.tm_mday = day; // day of the month [1,31]
359  tmstruct.tm_hour = hour; // hours since midnight [0,23]
360  tmstruct.tm_min = min; // minutes after the hour [0,59]
361  tmstruct.tm_sec = sec + secOffset; // seconds after the minute [0,59]
362  tmstruct.tm_isdst = -1; // let "mktime" determine DST setting
364  const time_t bad_time_t = (time_t) -1;
365  // convert tm struct to time_t, if values are given in UTC then
366  // no standard routine exists and we'll have to use our homegrown routine,
367  // if values are given in local time then use "mktime"
368  // which also normalizes the tm struct as a byproduct
369  time_t utc_sec = (isUTC) ? MktimeFromUTC(&tmstruct) : mktime(&tmstruct);
371  // ValTimeStamp::Dump_tm_struct(tmstruct);
373  if (utc_sec == bad_time_t)
375  {
376  cout << "-I- ValTimeStamp::Set mktime returned -1" << endl;
377  }
379  fSec = utc_sec;
380  fNanoSec = nsec;
383 }
385 //_____________________________________________________________________________
386 void ValTimeStamp::Set(Int_t date, Int_t time, Int_t nsec,
387  Bool_t isUTC, Int_t secOffset)
388 {
389  // Set date/time from integers of the form [yy]YYMMDD and HHMMSS,
390  // assume UTC (UTC) components:
391  //
392  // MM: 01=January .. 12=December
393  // DD: 01 .. 31
394  //
395  // HH: 00=midnight .. 23
396  // MM: 00 .. 59
397  // SS: 00 .. 69
398  //
399  // Date must be in format 980418 or 19980418
400  // 1001127 or 20001127 (i.e. year 100 = 2000).
401  // Time must be in format 224512 (second precision).
402  // Date must be >= 700101.
404  Int_t year = date/10000;
405  Int_t month = (date-year*10000)/100;
406  Int_t day = date%100;
408  // protect against odd attempts at time offsets
409  const Int_t oneday = 240000;
410  while (time < 0) {
411  time += oneday;
412  day -= 1;
413  }
414  while (time > oneday) {
415  time -= oneday;
416  day += 1;
417  }
418  Int_t hour = time/10000;
419  Int_t min = (time-hour*10000)/100;
420  Int_t sec = time%100;
422  Set(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, nsec, isUTC, secOffset);
424 }
426 //_____________________________________________________________________________
428 {
429  // Ensure that the fNanoSec field is in range [0,99999999].
431  // deal with negative values
432  while (fNanoSec < 0) {
433  fNanoSec += kNsPerSec;
434  fSec -= 1;
435  }
436  // deal with values inf fNanoSec greater than one sec
437  while (fNanoSec >= kNsPerSec) {
438  fNanoSec -= kNsPerSec;
439  fSec += 1;
440  }
441 }
442 //_____________________________________________________________________________
443 time_t ValTimeStamp::MktimeFromUTC(tm_t* tmstruct)
444 {
445  // Equivalent of standard routine "mktime" but
446  // using the assumption that tm struct is filled with UTC, not local, time.
448  // This version *ISN'T* configured to handle every possible
449  // weirdness of out-of-range values in the case of normalizing
450  // the tm struct.
452  // This version *DOESN'T* correctly handle values that can't be
453  // fit into a time_t (i.e. beyond year 2038-01-18 19:14:07, or
454  // before the start of Epoch).
456  const Int_t days[] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
457  const Int_t daysLeap[] = {31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
459  Int_t year = tmstruct->tm_year + 1900;
460  Bool_t isleap = ValTimeStamp::IsLeapYear(year);
462  const Int_t* daysInMonth = days;
463  if (isleap) { daysInMonth = daysLeap; }
465  // fill in tmstruct->tm_yday
467  int& ref_tm_mon = tmstruct->tm_mon;
468  int& ref_tm_mday = tmstruct->tm_mday;
469  // count days in months past
470  tmstruct->tm_yday = 0;
471  for (Int_t imonth = 0; imonth < ref_tm_mon; imonth++) {
472  tmstruct->tm_yday += daysInMonth[imonth];
473  }
474  tmstruct->tm_yday += ref_tm_mday - 1; // day [1-31] but yday [0-365]
476  // adjust if day in this month is more than the month has
477  while (ref_tm_mday > daysInMonth[ref_tm_mon]) {
478  ref_tm_mday -= daysInMonth[ref_tm_mon];
479  ref_tm_mon++;
480  }
482  // *should* calculate tm_wday (0-6) here ...
484  // UTC is never DST
485  tmstruct->tm_isdst = 0;
487  // Calculate seconds since the Epoch based on formula in
488  // POSIX IEEEE Std 1003.1b-1993 pg 22
490  Int_t utc_sec = tmstruct->tm_sec +
491  tmstruct->tm_min*60 +
492  tmstruct->tm_hour*3600 +
493  tmstruct->tm_yday*86400 +
494  (tmstruct->tm_year-70)*31536000 +
495  ((tmstruct->tm_year-69)/4)*86400;
497  return utc_sec;
498 }
500 //_____________________________________________________________________________
501 Bool_t ValTimeStamp::IsLeapYear(Int_t year)
502 {
503  // Is the given year a leap year.
506  // The calendar year is 365 days long, unless the year is exactly divisible
507  // by 4, in which case an extra day is added to February to make the year
508  // 366 days long. If the year is the last year of a century, eg. 1700, 1800,
509  // 1900, 2000, then it is only a leap year if it is exactly divisible by
510  // 400. Therefore, 1900 wasn't a leap year but 2000 was. The reason for
511  // these rules is to bring the average length of the calendar year into
512  // line with the length of the Earth's orbit around the Sun, so that the
513  // seasons always occur during the same months each year.
515  if (year%4 != 0) {
516  return false;
517  } else {
518  if (year%400 == 0) {
519  return true;
520  } else {
521  if (year%100 == 0) {
522  return false;
523  } else {
524  return true;
525  }
526  }
527  }
529 }
531 //_____________________________________________________________________________
532 void ValTimeStamp::DumpTMStruct(const tm_t& tmstruct)
533 {
534  // Print out the "tm" structure:
535  // tmstruct.tm_year = year; // years since 1900
536  // tmstruct.tm_mon = month-1; // months since Jan [0,11]
537  // tmstruct.tm_mday = day; // day of the month [1,31]
538  // tmstruct.tm_hour = hour; // hours since midnight [0,23]
539  // tmstruct.tm_min = min; // minutes after the hour [0,59]
540  // tmstruct.tm_sec = sec; // seconds after the minute [0,59]
541  // tmstruct.tm_wday // day of week [0,6]
542  // tmstruct.tm_yday // days in year [0,365]
543  // tmstruct.tm_isdst // DST [-1/0/1] (unknown,false,true)
545  printf(" tm { year %4d, mon %2d, day %2d,\n",
546  tmstruct.tm_year,
547  tmstruct.tm_mon,
548  tmstruct.tm_mday);
549  printf(" hour %2d, min %2d, sec %2d,\n",
550  tmstruct.tm_hour,
551  tmstruct.tm_min,
552  tmstruct.tm_sec);
553  printf(" wday %2d, yday %3d, isdst %2d",
554  tmstruct.tm_wday,
555  tmstruct.tm_yday,
556  tmstruct.tm_isdst);
557 #ifdef linux
558 //#ifdef __GNUC__
559 // special GCC extras
560  printf(",\n tm_gmtoff %7ld, tm_zone \"%s\"",
561 #ifdef __USE_BSD
562  tmstruct.tm_gmtoff,tmstruct.tm_zone);
563 #else
564  tmstruct.__tm_gmtoff,tmstruct.__tm_zone);
565 #endif
566 #endif
567  printf("}\n");
568 }
569 //_____________________________________________________________________________