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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file compareAssignedRealPos.C
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 /*
10  * compareAssignedRealPos.C
11  *
12  * Created on: 16 Dec 2016
13  * Author: jhrdinka
14  */
16 #include <tuple>
17 #include "TFile.h"
18 #include "TH2F.h"
19 #include "TIterator.h"
20 #include "TROOT.h"
21 #include "TTree.h"
23 // This root script prints global real position of layers in darker
24 // color and the assigned positions in corresponding lighter color.
25 // All the layers which should be printed into one canvas need to be in the same
26 // file. Every layer has its own directory with the contained material
27 // histograms.
28 // This script is foreseen to use the input of scripts/layerMaterial.C
30 void
31 compareAssignedRealPos(std::string inFile,
32  std::string infile_geoRZ = "",
33  std::string histName_geoRZ = "",
34  std::string infile_geoXY = "",
35  std::string histName_geoXY = "")
36 {
37  std::cout << "Opening file: " << inFile << std::endl;
38  TFile inputFile(inFile.c_str());
39  TList* layers = inputFile.GetListOfKeys();
40  std::cout << "Layers to print: " << std::endl;
41  layers->Print();
42  TIter next(layers);
43  TObject* obj = 0;
45  int entry = 2;
46  TCanvas* canvas1 = new TCanvas();
47  TCanvas* canvas2 = new TCanvas();
49  while ((obj = next())) {
50  inputFile.cd();
51  TDirectory* dir = inputFile.GetDirectory(obj->GetName());
52  TH2F* r_z = (TH2F*)dir->Get("r_z");
53  TH2F* r_z_assigned = (TH2F*)dir->Get("r_z_assigned");
54  TH2F* x_y = (TH2F*)dir->Get("x_y");
55  TH2F* x_y_assigned = (TH2F*)dir->Get("x_y_assigned");
56  if (entry == 17) entry = 20;
57  if (entry == 10 || entry == 50) entry++;
58  if (r_z && r_z_assigned) {
59  canvas1->cd();
60  r_z->SetStats(0);
61  r_z->SetMarkerColor(TColor::GetColorDark(entry));
62  r_z->SetMarkerStyle(6);
63  r_z->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("z");
64  r_z->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("r");
65  r_z->Draw("same");
67  r_z_assigned->SetStats(0);
68  r_z_assigned->SetMarkerColor(TColor::GetColorBright(entry));
69  r_z_assigned->SetMarkerStyle(6);
70  r_z_assigned->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("z");
71  r_z_assigned->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("r");
72  r_z_assigned->Draw("same");
74  r_z->SetDirectory(0);
75  r_z_assigned->SetDirectory(0);
76  }
77  if (x_y && x_y_assigned) {
78  canvas2->cd();
79  x_y->SetStats(0);
80  x_y->SetMarkerColor(TColor::GetColorDark(entry));
81  x_y->SetMarkerStyle(6);
82  x_y->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("x");
83  x_y->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("y");
84  x_y->Draw("same");
86  x_y_assigned->SetStats(0);
87  x_y_assigned->SetMarkerColor(TColor::GetColorBright(entry));
88  x_y_assigned->SetMarkerStyle(6);
89  x_y_assigned->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("x");
90  x_y_assigned->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("y");
91  x_y_assigned->Draw("same");
93  x_y->SetDirectory(0);
94  x_y_assigned->SetDirectory(0);
95  }
96  entry++;
97  }
99  inputFile.Close();
101  std::cout << "Opening file: " << infile_geoRZ << std::endl;
102  TFile inputFileRZ(infile_geoRZ.c_str());
104  TH2F* geo_rz = (TH2F*)inputFileRZ.Get(histName_geoRZ.c_str());
105  canvas1->cd();
106  if (geo_rz)
107  geo_rz->Draw("same");
108  else
109  std::cout << "Can not access histogram with name: " << histName_geoRZ
110  << std::endl;
111  geo_rz->SetDirectory(0);
113  inputFileRZ.Close();
115  std::cout << "Opening file: " << infile_geoXY << std::endl;
116  TFile inputFileXY(infile_geoXY.c_str());
118  TH2F* geo_xy = (TH2F*)inputFileXY.Get(histName_geoXY.c_str());
119  canvas2->cd();
120  if (geo_xy)
121  geo_xy->Draw("same");
122  else
123  std::cout << "Can not access histogram with name: " << histName_geoXY
124  << std::endl;
125  geo_xy->SetDirectory(0);
127  inputFileXY.Close();
128 }