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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file IterativeVertexFinderAlgorithm.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
20 #include "Acts/Utilities/Units.hpp"
35 #include "VertexingHelpers.hpp"
38  const Config& cfg, Acts::Logging::Level lvl)
39  : ActsExamples::BareAlgorithm("IterativeVertexFinder", lvl), m_cfg(cfg) {
40  if (m_cfg.inputTrackParameters.empty()) {
41  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing input track parameters collection");
42  }
43  if (m_cfg.outputProtoVertices.empty()) {
44  throw std::invalid_argument("Missing output proto vertices collection");
45  }
46 }
49  const ActsExamples::AlgorithmContext& ctx) const {
50  // retrieve input tracks and convert into the expected format
51  const auto& inputTrackParameters =
52  ctx.eventStore.get<TrackParametersContainer>(m_cfg.inputTrackParameters);
53  const auto& inputTrackPointers =
54  makeTrackParametersPointerContainer(inputTrackParameters);
56  using MagneticField = Acts::ConstantBField;
59  using PropagatorOptions = Acts::PropagatorOptions<>;
61  using VertexFitter =
63  using ImpactPointEstimator =
65  using VertexSeeder = Acts::ZScanVertexFinder<VertexFitter>;
67  using VertexFinderOptions =
70  // Set up the magnetic field
71  MagneticField bField(m_cfg.bField);
72  // Set up propagator with void navigator
73  auto propagator = std::make_shared<Propagator>(Stepper(bField));
74  PropagatorOptions propagatorOpts(ctx.geoContext, ctx.magFieldContext,
75  Acts::LoggerWrapper{logger()});
76  // Setup the vertex fitter
77  VertexFitter::Config vertexFitterCfg;
78  VertexFitter vertexFitter(std::move(vertexFitterCfg));
79  // Setup the track linearizer
80  Linearizer::Config linearizerCfg(bField, propagator);
81  Linearizer linearizer(std::move(linearizerCfg));
82  // Setup the seed finder
83  ImpactPointEstimator::Config ipEstCfg(bField, propagator);
84  ImpactPointEstimator ipEst(std::move(ipEstCfg));
85  VertexSeeder::Config seederCfg(ipEst);
86  VertexSeeder seeder(std::move(seederCfg));
87  // Set up the actual vertex finder
88  VertexFinder::Config finderCfg(std::move(vertexFitter), std::move(linearizer),
89  std::move(seeder), ipEst);
90  finderCfg.maxVertices = 200;
91  finderCfg.reassignTracksAfterFirstFit = true;
92  VertexFinder finder(finderCfg);
93  VertexFinder::State state(ctx.magFieldContext);
94  VertexFinderOptions finderOpts(ctx.geoContext, ctx.magFieldContext);
96  // find vertices
97  auto result = finder.find(inputTrackPointers, finderOpts, state);
98  if (not result.ok()) {
99  ACTS_ERROR("Error in vertex finder: " << result.error().message());
100  return ProcessCode::ABORT;
101  }
102  auto vertices = *result;
104  // show some debug output
105  ACTS_INFO("Found " << vertices.size() << " vertices in event");
106  for (const auto& vtx : vertices) {
107  ACTS_INFO("Found vertex at " << vtx.fullPosition().transpose() << " with "
108  << vtx.tracks().size() << " tracks.");
109  }
111  // store proto vertices extracted from the found vertices
112  ctx.eventStore.add(m_cfg.outputProtoVertices,
113  makeProtoVertices(inputTrackParameters, vertices));
116 }