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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file MgridInterpolation.h
1 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2 /* MgridInterpolation.h */
3 /* */
4 /* A.Kisselev, PNPI, St.Petersburg, Russia. */
5 /* e-mail: kisselev@hermes.desy.de */
6 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
8 #include <ThreeDeePolySpace.h>
13 typedef double (*interfun)(double xx, double coord[], double value[]);
15 // No interpolation at all (take nearest node value);
16 #define _NO_INTERPOLATION_ 0
17 // Sequential interpolation in XYZ direction in some order;
18 // dimensions are 2..4; '2' is linear interpolation,
19 // '3' - quadratic, '4' - weighted quadratic (the latter
20 // two are after WWC);
22 // The same, but at any dimension, orthogonal polynomials used;
23 // moderately CPU intensive;
25 // Well, this mode is mathematically incorrect, because it does not
26 // take into account possible spread of fitting errors after first 1-2
27 // directions; on the other hand taking them into account may lead
28 // to a complete screw up, because one either have to rely on the
29 // 'weight' field, or renormalize by sqrt(chi^2/ndf) and it is not
30 // clear would not it be better to ignore errors all together;
31 // besides this CPU usage will blow up since basis needs to be redone
32 // for every new xx[];
33 // for practical reasons this mode is left in (it is indeed more
34 // reasonable that interpolation with big adim[] since it gives
35 // more smooth fit); if one wants fit instead of interpolation
36 // and cares about mathematical correctness, _MGRID_MULTI_DIM_FITTING_
37 // is the way to go;
39 // A global 3dim polynomial interpolation (very CPU intensive);
41 // The same, but number of cells may be more than overall
42 // degree of polynomial; NB: basis is built only ONCE, assuming
43 // that weight=1. in all points; attempt to change weights for
44 // individual xx[] points afterwards will result in wrong fitting;
45 // in principle one can of course introduce a 'professional' mode
46 // when basis is calculated every time new (and it is in fact very
47 // easy to do), but for now assume that all points have always
48 // equal errors;
49 #define _MULTI_DIM_FITTING_ 5
52 // For now do not see need for more than 6 doubles (3 field
53 // components + 3 estimated errors); do not want 'double *B'
54 // because the beginning of this structure will go directly
55 // into a data file; NB: the code will be backward compatible
56 // with older versions even if one day this DIM will be
57 // increased, because the actual length is written in file
58 // header upon creation;
59 #define _CELL_DATA_DIM_MAX_ 10
61 // This format header lines (property&B[]) should never change!;
62 struct MgridCell {
63  // N field components; perhaps anything else dazu;
66  //
67  // !!! Do not touch fields above this line (apart from changing
68  // _CELL_DATA_DIM_MAX_); well, in fact B[] to be the first element
69  // in this structure is the only requirement;
70  //
72  // The rest will not be stored in data files, but it is
73  // convenient to have this stuff in right here;
74  void *ptr;
77 } ;
79 // Possible bits in mgrid->object_contents_bits;
80 // cell->B[] stuff (field + errors + ...);
81 #define _CELL_DATA_ 0x01
82 // Cell properties (since they are of char type it is
83 // more economic to keep them in a separate array);
84 #define _CELL_PROPERTIES_ 0x02
86 // Possible bits of mgrid->cell_contents_bits; do not forget to
87 // change max known bit #define below;
88 #define _FIELD_COMPONENT_VALUES_ 0x01
89 #define _FIELD_COMPONENT_ERRORS_ 0x02
90 #define _FIT_CHI_SQUARE_ 0x04
91 #define _CELL_COORDINATES_ 0x08
92 #define _FIELD_GRADIENTS_ 0x10
93 #define _1D_FIELD_ERRORS_ 0x20
94 #define _3D_FIELD_ERRORS_ 0x40
95 // Some sanity; does not help much; ok;
99 //
100 // Possible cell status; should fit in 4 bits; the more the number
101 // the worse this cell was;
102 //
104 // After the ASCII input all cells will be SAFE; after regriding cell
105 // remains SAFE if 1) self-cell was SAFE, 2) ideal cube was used
106 // for interpolation/fitting without repositioning, 3) all neighbour
107 // cells used were SAFE;
108 #define _SAFE_CELL_ 0x01
109 // Basically means that regriding procedure for this cell either had
110 // to reposition the cube, or to use EDGE self/neighbour cells;
111 // in other words this cell is on the edge of the grid;
112 #define _EDGE_CELL_ 0x02
113 // This cell was either extrapolated from the other (known) cells
114 // or during it's creation EXTRA cells were used (means they were at
115 // least allowed to be used - see self/neighbour allowed masks);
116 // creation of such cells is in principle straighforward, but not
117 // implemented yet;
118 #define _EXTRA_CELL_ 0x04
119 // No info for this cell available;
120 #define _DEAD_CELL_ 0x08
122 // When creating a grid out of cell list either to put all components
123 // into separate grids and arrange mgrid heap (ON) or create a (2-3)-dim
124 // mgrid right away (OFF); the former may be of interest if component
125 // grids are not guaranteed to be perfectly sitting on top of each other
126 // for instance there are relative shifts which need to be found - it is
127 // much easier to do moving around daughter grids inside a heap;
128 #define _SPLIT_OFF_ 0
129 #define _SPLIT_ON_ 1
131 class Mgrid;
134  unsigned char property;
136 } ;
139  friend class Mgrid;
141  private:
142  // Yes, convert old allocate_interpolation_frame() to a constructor;
143  MgridInterpolation(Mgrid *mgrid);
145  // There are few different types (see definitions below); they
146  // all give different accuracy and have a very different CPU consumption;
147  unsigned char mode;
149  // For safety (cross-check) purposes store address of a grid
150  // for which this interpolation was cooked;
153  // Algorithm is expected to be fast and straightforward;
154  // therefore KxMxN cube with adim[] sizes is chosen really as a
155  // cube around xx[] point in a local grid coordinate sequence,
156  // without any attempt to move it in order to have all
157  // cells defined; if 'big' cubes wanted, it is advisable
158  // to add *extrapolated* 'galo' cells outside of the measured area
159  // when producing mfile; NB: this may change in the future;
160  // natural XYZ (RFZ) sequence;
161  int adim[3];
163  // Interpoaltion sequence -> XYZ (RFZ) coordinates mapping;
164  // sequence[0]=_Y_ means that interpolation is first done along
165  // Y (F) direction of XYZ (RFZ) coordinate system; used
166  // in case of SEQUENTIAL modes only;
167  int sequence[3], reversed[3];
170  // -------------- The rest are working variables; ---------------
173  // Bitwise mask of which types of cells may be considered
174  // _EDGE_/_EXTRA_/_DEAD_; _DEAD_ for 'self_cell' may make
175  // sense during extrapolation of original grig for exapmple;
177  // Whether or not cube finder may shift cube with respect to 'best'
178  // position; is allowed per default; no need to change?;
181  // KxMxN cell area; allocated linearly for simplicity;
184  // This is needed for the 'FAST' mode; NB: interpolation index sequence!;
187  // This is a polynomial degree used for fitting (may differ from adim[]);
188  // natural XYZ (RFZ) sequence, of course;
189  int pdim[3];
190  // If cubic area fails, few of the dimensions may be prohibited
191  // for non-cubic extension; say may want to have a true 1-dim
192  // fitting for double entries in recoil detector magnet map;
195  // If cell points have different weights regular cube case makes not too
196  // much sense since polynomial basis has to be rebuilt every time anyway;
197  // since point weights can be changed by user any time (protect later, please!)
198  // it is also expected that user is responsible for setting this flag;
201  // Gradient calculation takes CPU time => disabled per default;
202  // in fact this works in 3D XYZ case only --> need to check;
205  // KxMxN cell area; allocated linearly for simplicity;
209  // N-dim position of the leftmost cell in case of a cubic positioning;
210  // natural XYZ (RFZ) sequence;
211  int left[3];
213  // This is needed for the 'FAST' mode; NB: interpolation index sequence!;
214  double *v[3];
216  // This is needed for the '1DIM POLY' mode; interpolation sequence!;
220  // This is needed for the 'GLOBAL' mode; in fact it would probably make
221  // sense to equip polynomial structures with local thread buffers?;
223  // grad[] is the gradient;
225  // Gradient value in the last xx[] point where field value
226  // was calculated; do it better later;
227  double gvalue[3], ferr;
229  // Cell, cube, etc handling routines;
230  int setAllowedCells(unsigned char _allowed_self_cells_mask,
231  unsigned char _allowed_neighbour_cells_mask);
232  int prepairIrregularCase(int cmp);
234  int checkNeighbouringCubicArea(TVector3 &xx, int cmp);
235  void fillOutputCubeArray(int gdim[3], MgridCombiCell *ok_arr, int shift[3]);
236  int checkSmallCube(int gdim[3], MgridCombiCell *ok_arr, int shift[3]);
237  int fillOkArray(int left[3], int adim[3], int cmp, MgridCombiCell *ok_arr);
239  // Interpolation creation routines;
242  int assignBestSequence();
243  int assignSuggestedSequence(char _sequence[]);
244  int precookSequentialHighCommon(int _adim[], char _sequence[]);
246  int preCookMultiDimCommon(int _adim[]);
248 } ;
250 // Possible bits in 'status' word; can not use 8 lower bits;
251 #define _BAD_MGRID_POINTER_ 0x00000100
252 #define _ZERO_INTERPOLATION_POINTER_ 0x00000200
253 #define _CELL_OUT_OF_GRID_ 0x00000400
254 // This type of self cells is not allowed;
255 #define _ILLEGAL_SELF_CELL_ 0x00000800
256 // Cube may not be positioned properly;
257 #define _CUBE_SHIFT_ 0x00001000
258 // Was not able to position cube of requested size at all;
259 #define _CUBE_FAILURE_ 0x00002000
260 // Cube movement was off and not allowed neighbour cell encountered;
261 #define _ILLEGAL_NEIGHBOUR_CELL_ 0x00004000
263 #define _FAILURE_(mgrid, bit) {(mgrid)->last_field_status |= (bit); return -1; }
265 #endif