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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file nBodyPhaseSpaceGen.cpp
2 //
3 // Copyright 2010
4 //
5 // This file is part of starlight.
6 //
7 // starlight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 // (at your option) any later version.
11 //
12 // starlight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 // GNU General Public License for more details.
16 //
17 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 // along with starlight. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 //
21 //
22 // File and Version Information:
23 // $Rev:: 211 $: revision of last commit
24 // $Author:: butter $: author of last commit
25 // $Date:: 2015-08-10 03:05:09 +0100 #$: date of last commit
26 //
27 // Description:
28 // see nBodyPhaseSpaceGen.h
29 //
30 //
34 #include <algorithm>
36 #include "nBodyPhaseSpaceGen.h"
39 using namespace std;
40 using namespace starlightConstants;
44  : _n (0),
45  _norm (0),
46  _weight (0),
47  _maxWeightObserved(0),
48  _maxWeight (0),
49  _randy (randy)
50 { }
54 { }
57 // sets decay constants and prepares internal variables
58 bool
59 nBodyPhaseSpaceGen::setDecay(const vector<double>& daughterMasses) // array of daughter particle masses
60 {
61  _n = daughterMasses.size();
62  if (_n < 2) {
63  printWarn << "number of daughters = " << _n << " does not make sense." << endl;
64  return false;
65  }
66  // copy daughter masses
67  _m.clear();
68  _m = daughterMasses;
69  // prepare effective mass vector
70  _M.clear();
71  _M.resize(_n, 0);
72  _M[0] = _m[0];
73  // prepare angle vectors
74  _cosTheta.clear();
75  _cosTheta.resize(_n, 0);
76  _phi.clear();
77  _phi.resize(_n, 0);
78  // calculate daughter mass sums
79  _mSum.clear();
80  _mSum.resize(_n, 0);
81  _mSum[0] = _m[0];
82  for (unsigned int i = 1; i < _n; ++i)
83  _mSum[i] = _mSum[i - 1] + _m[i];
84  // prepare breakup momentum vector
85  _breakupMom.clear();
86  _breakupMom.resize(_n, 0);
87  // prepare vector for daughter Lorentz vectors
88  _daughters.clear();
89  _daughters.resize(_n, lorentzVector(0, 0, 0, 0));
90  // calculate normalization
91  _norm = 1 / (2 * pow(twoPi, 2 * (int)_n - 3) * factorial(_n - 2));
93  return true;
94 }
97 // set decay constants and prepare internal variables
98 bool
99 nBodyPhaseSpaceGen::setDecay(const unsigned int nmbOfDaughters, // number of daughter particles
100  const double* daughterMasses) // array of daughter particle masses
101 {
102  vector <double> m;
103  m.resize(nmbOfDaughters, 0);
104  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nmbOfDaughters; ++i)
105  m[i] = daughterMasses[i];
106  return setDecay(m);
107 }
110 // generates event with certain n-body mass and momentum and returns event weigth
111 // general purpose function
112 double
113 nBodyPhaseSpaceGen::generateDecay(const lorentzVector& nBody) // Lorentz vector of n-body system in lab frame
114 {
115  const double nBodyMass = nBody.M();
116  if (_n < 2) {
117  printWarn << "number of daughter particles = " << _n << " is smaller than 2. "
118  << "weight is set to 0." << endl;
119  _weight = 0;
120  } else if (nBodyMass < _mSum[_n - 1]) {
121  printWarn << "n-body mass = " << nBodyMass << " is smaller than sum of daughter masses = "
122  << _mSum[_n - 1] << ". weight is set to 0." << endl;
123  _weight = 0;
124  } else {
125  pickMasses(nBodyMass);
126  calcWeight();
127  pickAngles();
128  calcEventKinematics(nBody);
129  }
130  return _weight;
131 }
134 // generates full event with certain n-body mass and momentum only, when event is accepted (return value = true)
135 // this function is more efficient, if only weighted evens are needed
136 bool
137 nBodyPhaseSpaceGen::generateDecayAccepted(const lorentzVector& nBody, // Lorentz vector of n-body system in lab frame
138  const double maxWeight) // if positive, given value is used as maximum weight, otherwise _maxWeight
139 {
140  const double nBodyMass = nBody.M();
141  if (_n < 2) {
142  printWarn << "number of daughter particles = " << _n << " is smaller than 2. "
143  << "no event generated." << endl;
144  return false;
145  } else if (nBodyMass < _mSum[_n - 1]) {
146  printWarn << "n-body mass = " << nBodyMass << " is smaller than sum of daughter masses = "
147  << _mSum[_n - 1] << ". no event generated." << endl;
148  return false;
149  }
150  pickMasses(nBodyMass);
151  calcWeight();
152  if (!eventAccepted(maxWeight))
153  return false;
154  pickAngles();
155  calcEventKinematics(nBody);
156  return true;
157 }
160 // randomly choses the (n - 2) effective masses of the respective (i + 1)-body systems
161 void
162 nBodyPhaseSpaceGen::pickMasses(const double nBodyMass) // total energy of the system in its RF
163 {
164  _M[_n - 1] = nBodyMass;
165  // create vector of sorted random values
166  vector<double> r(_n - 2, 0); // (n - 2) values needed for 2- through (n - 1)-body systems
167  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (_n - 2); ++i)
168  r[i] = random();
169  sort(r.begin(), r.end());
170  // set effective masses of (intermediate) two-body decays
171  const double massInterval = nBodyMass - _mSum[_n - 1]; // kinematically allowed mass interval
172  for (unsigned int i = 1; i < (_n - 1); ++i) // loop over intermediate 2- to (n - 1)-bodies
173  _M[i] = _mSum[i] + r[i - 1] * massInterval; // _mSum[i] is minimum effective mass
174 }
177 // computes event weight (= integrand value) and breakup momenta
178 // uses vector of intermediate two-body masses prepared by pickMasses()
179 double
181 {
182  for (unsigned int i = 1; i < _n; ++i) // loop over 2- to n-bodies
183  _breakupMom[i] = breakupMomentum(_M[i], _M[i - 1], _m[i]);
184  double momProd = 1; // product of breakup momenta
185  for (unsigned int i = 1; i < _n; ++i) // loop over 2- to n-bodies
186  momProd *= _breakupMom[i];
187  const double massInterval = _M[_n - 1] - _mSum[_n - 1]; // kinematically allowed mass interval
188  _weight = _norm * pow(massInterval, (int)_n - 2) * momProd / _M[_n - 1];
191  if (std::isnan(_weight))
192  printWarn << "weight = " << _weight << endl;
193  return _weight;
194 }
197 // calculates complete event from the effective masses of the (i + 1)-body
198 // systems, the Lorentz vector of the decaying system, and the decay angles
199 // uses the break-up momenta calculated by calcWeight()
200 void
201 nBodyPhaseSpaceGen::calcEventKinematics(const lorentzVector& nBody) // Lorentz vector of n-body system in lab frame
202 {
203  // build event starting in n-body RF going down to 2-body RF
204  // is more efficicient than Raubold-Lynch method, since it requitres only one rotation and boost per daughter
205  lorentzVector P = nBody; // Lorentz of (i + 1)-body system in lab frame
206  for (unsigned int i = _n - 1; i >= 1; --i) { // loop from n-body down to 2-body
207  // construct Lorentz vector of daughter _m[i] in (i + 1)-body RF
208  const double sinTheta = sqrt(1 - _cosTheta[i] * _cosTheta[i]);
209  const double pT = _breakupMom[i] * sinTheta;
211  daughter.SetPxPyPzE(pT * cos(_phi[i]),
212  pT * sin(_phi[i]),
213  _breakupMom[i] * _cosTheta[i],
214  sqrt(_m[i] * _m[i] + _breakupMom[i] * _breakupMom[i]));
215  // boost daughter into lab frame
216  daughter.Boost(P.BoostVector());
217  // calculate Lorentz vector of i-body system in lab frame
218  P -= daughter;
219  }
220  // set last daughter
221  _daughters[0] = P;
222 }
225 // calculates maximum weight for given n-body mass
226 double
227 nBodyPhaseSpaceGen::estimateMaxWeight(const double nBodyMass, // sic!
228  const unsigned int nmbOfIterations) // number of generated events
229 {
230  double maxWeight = 0;
231  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nmbOfIterations; ++i) {
232  pickMasses(nBodyMass);
233  calcWeight();
234  maxWeight = max(_weight, maxWeight);
235  }
236  return maxWeight;
237 }
240 ostream&
241 nBodyPhaseSpaceGen::print(ostream& out) const
242 {
243  out << "nBodyPhaseSpaceGen parameters:" << endl
244  << " number of daughter particles ............... " << _n << endl
245  << " masses of the daughter particles ........... " << _m << endl
246  << " sums of daughter particle masses ........... " << _mSum << endl
247  << " effective masses of (i + 1)-body systems ... " << _M << endl
248  << " cos(polar angle) in (i + 1)-body systems ... " << _cosTheta << endl
249  << " azimuth in (i + 1)-body systems ............ " << _phi << endl
250  << " breakup momenta in (i + 1)-body systems .... " << _breakupMom << endl
251  << " normalization value ........................ " << _norm << endl
252  << " weight of generated event .................. " << _weight << endl
253  << " maximum weight used in hit-miss MC ......... " << _maxWeight << endl
254  << " maximum weight since instantiation ......... " << _maxWeightObserved << endl
255  << " daughter four-momenta:" << endl;
256  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _n; ++i)
257  out << " daughter " << i << ": " << _daughters[i] << endl;
258  return out;
259 }