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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file tofBarrel.C
1 #include "tofBarrel.h"
3 using namespace std;
6 tofBarrel::tofBarrel(double r, double eL, double eH, double sT)
7 {
8  radius = r;
9  etaLow = eL;
10  etaHigh = eH;
11  sigmaT = sT;
13  char nameit[500];
14  sprintf(nameit,"TOF barrel R=%d dT=%d",int(radius),int(sigmaT));
15  myName = nameit;
17  // Initialize a few constants: Wikipedia...should be redone in a better manner...
18  c = 0.0299792458; // cm/picosecond
19  mPion = 0.13957018; //GeV/c^2
20  mKaon = 0.493677; //GeV/c^2
21  mProton = 0.93827208816; //GeV/c^2
22 }
24 double tofBarrel::numSigma(double eta, double p, PID::type PID)
25 {
26  if (valid(eta,p))
27  {
28  double theta = 2.0*atan( exp(-eta) );
29  double L = radius/sin(theta);
30  if (PID == pi_k)
31  {
32  return (tof(L,p,mKaon)-tof(L,p,mPion))/sigmaT;
33  }
34  if (PID == k_p)
35  {
36  return (tof(L,p,mProton)-tof(L,p,mKaon))/sigmaT;
37  }
38  cout << "tofBarrel.C: Unrecognized PID type requested." <<endl;
39  return 0.0;
40  }
41  else
42  {
43  cout << "tofBarrel.C: Invalid (eta,p) for this detector." <<endl;
44  return 0.0;
45  }
46 }
48 double tofBarrel::maxP(double eta, double numSigma, PID::type PID)
49 {
50  //
51  // Justification of formula:
52  // Tof1 = L/c *1/sqrt( p^2 / (m1^2 + p^2) ) = L/c * 1/p * sqrt(m1^2 + p^2)
53  // Tof2 = L/c *1/sqrt( p^2 / (m2^2 + p^2) ) = L/c * 1/p * sqrt(m2^2 + p^2)
54  // Require: numSigma*sigmaT = Tof1 - Tof2
55  // Therefore: (c/L) * numSigma *sigmaT = 1/p * [ sqrt(m1^2 + p^2) - sqrt(m1^2 + p^2) ]
56  // Let:
57  // a = c/L * numSigma * sigmaT
58  // b = m1
59  // c = m2
60  // Wolfram Alpha:
61  // https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=solve+1%2Fx*%28sqrt%28x%5E2%2Bb%5E2%29+-+sqrt%28x%5E2%2Bc%5E2%29%29%3Da+for+x
63  if (valid(eta,1.0))
64  {
65  double theta = 2.0*atan( exp(-eta) );
66  double L = radius/sin(theta);
68  double a = c/L * numSigma * sigmaT;
69  double b=mKaon;
70  double c=mPion;
71  if (PID == k_p)
72  {
73  b=mProton;
74  c=mKaon;
75  }
77  double num1 = a*a*b*b;
78  double num2 = 2*sqrt(a*a*(a*a*b*b*c*c + b*b*b*b -2*b*b*c*c + c*c*c*c));
79  double num3 = a*a*c*c;
80  double denom = a*a*a*a - 4*a*a;
82  return ( sqrt( (num1-num2+num3)/denom ) );
84  }
85  else
86  {
87  cout << "tofBarrel.C: Invalid (eta) for this detector." <<endl;
88  return 0.0;
89  }
91 }
93 double tofBarrel::tof(double L, double p, double m)
94 {
95  double p2_m2 = p*p/(m*m);
96  double beta = sqrt(p2_m2/(1+p2_m2));
97  return (L/(c*beta));
98 }
101 {
102  // Here one should describe what this detector is and what assumptions are
103  // made in calculating the performance specifications.
105  cout << "My name is \"" << myName << "\" and I am described as follows:" <<endl;
106  cout << " I am a Time-of-Flight barrel." <<endl;
107  cout << " I extend from eta = " << etaLow << " until eta = " << etaHigh << " ." <<endl;
108  cout << " I am located at radius R= " << radius << " cm." <<endl;
109  cout << " I have a time resolution of " << sigmaT << " picoseconds." <<endl;
110  cout << " My calculations have assumed perfect momentum resolution and pointing." <<endl;
111  cout << " My calculations have assumed purely Gaussian time response." <<endl;
112  cout << endl;
114 }