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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file PHG4InttDetector.cc
1 #include "PHG4InttDetector.h"
3 #include "PHG4InttDefs.h" // for SEGMENTATION_Z
11 #include <phparameter/PHParameters.h>
12 #include <phparameter/PHParametersContainer.h>
14 #include <g4main/PHG4Detector.h> // for PHG4Detector
15 #include <g4main/PHG4DisplayAction.h> // for PHG4DisplayAction
16 #include <g4main/PHG4Subsystem.h> // for PHG4Subsystem
18 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
19 #include <phool/PHIODataNode.h>
20 #include <phool/PHNode.h> // for PHNode
21 #include <phool/PHNodeIterator.h> // for PHNodeIterator
22 #include <phool/PHObject.h> // for PHObject
23 #include <phool/getClass.h>
24 #include <phool/phool.h> // for PHWHERE
25 #include <phool/recoConsts.h>
27 #include <TSystem.h>
29 #include <Geant4/G4Box.hh>
30 #include <Geant4/G4GenericTrap.hh>
31 #include <Geant4/G4LogicalVolume.hh>
32 #include <Geant4/G4PVParameterised.hh>
33 #include <Geant4/G4PVPlacement.hh>
34 #include <Geant4/G4RotationMatrix.hh> // for G4RotationMatrix
35 #include <Geant4/G4String.hh> // for G4String
36 #include <Geant4/G4SubtractionSolid.hh>
37 #include <Geant4/G4SystemOfUnits.hh>
38 #include <Geant4/G4ThreeVector.hh> // for G4ThreeVector
39 #include <Geant4/G4Transform3D.hh> // for G4Transform3D
40 #include <Geant4/G4Tubs.hh>
41 #include <Geant4/G4TwoVector.hh> // for G4TwoVector
42 #include <Geant4/G4VPhysicalVolume.hh> // for G4VPhysicalVolume
43 #include <Geant4/geomdefs.hh> // for kZAxis
45 #include <boost/format.hpp>
47 #include <algorithm> // for fill_n
48 #include <array>
49 #include <cassert> // for assert
50 #include <cmath>
51 #include <cstdlib> // for exit, NULL
52 #include <iostream> // for operator<<, basic...
54 class G4VPVParameterisation;
55 class G4VSolid;
57 using namespace std;
59 PHG4InttDetector::PHG4InttDetector(PHG4Subsystem *subsys, PHCompositeNode *Node, PHParametersContainer *parameters, const std::string &dnam, const pair<vector<pair<int, int>>::const_iterator, vector<pair<int, int>>::const_iterator> &layer_b_e)
60  : PHG4Detector(subsys, Node, dnam)
61  , m_DisplayAction(dynamic_cast<PHG4InttDisplayAction *>(subsys->GetDisplayAction()))
62  , m_ParamsContainer(parameters)
63  , m_IsSupportActive(0)
64  , m_IsEndcapActive(0)
65  , m_LayerBeginEndIteratorPair(layer_b_e)
66 {
67  for (auto layeriter = m_LayerBeginEndIteratorPair.first; layeriter != m_LayerBeginEndIteratorPair.second; ++layeriter)
68  {
69  int layer = layeriter->second;
70  const PHParameters *par = m_ParamsContainer->GetParameters(layer);
71  m_IsActiveMap.insert(make_pair(layer, par->get_int_param("active")));
72  m_IsAbsorberActiveMap.insert(make_pair(layer, par->get_int_param("absorberactive")));
73  }
75  m_IsSupportActive = par->get_int_param("supportactive");
76  m_IsEndcapActive = par->get_int_param("endcap_ring_enabled");
77  fill_n(&m_PosZ[0][0], sizeof(m_PosZ) / sizeof(double), NAN);
78  fill_n(m_SensorRadius, sizeof(m_SensorRadius) / sizeof(double), NAN);
79  fill_n(m_StripOffsetX, sizeof(m_StripOffsetX) / sizeof(double), NAN);
80 }
82 //_______________________________________________________________
83 int PHG4InttDetector::IsInIntt(G4VPhysicalVolume *volume) const
84 {
85  // Is this volume one of the sensor strips?
86  // just checking if the pointer to the logical volume is in the set
87  // of our active/active absorber ones makes sure we are in an active volume
88  // name parsing is a bad idea since this is called for all steps
89  // and we would have to trust that people give different names
90  // to their volumes
91  G4LogicalVolume *logvol = volume->GetLogicalVolume();
92  if (!m_PassiveVolumeTuple.empty() && m_PassiveVolumeTuple.find(logvol) != m_PassiveVolumeTuple.end())
93  {
94  return -1;
95  }
96  if (m_ActiveLogVols.find(logvol) != m_ActiveLogVols.end())
97  {
98  return 1;
99  }
101  return 0;
102 }
104 void PHG4InttDetector::ConstructMe(G4LogicalVolume *logicWorld)
105 {
106  if (Verbosity() > 0)
107  {
108  cout << "PHG4InttDetector::Construct called for layers " << endl;
109  for (auto layeriter = m_LayerBeginEndIteratorPair.first; layeriter != m_LayerBeginEndIteratorPair.second; ++layeriter)
110  {
111  cout << "layer " << layeriter->second << endl;
112  }
113  }
114  // the tracking layers are placed directly in the world volume, since some layers are (touching) double layers
115  ConstructIntt(logicWorld);
117  // This object provides the strip center locations when given the ladder segment and strip internal cordinates in the sensor
118  AddGeometryNode();
119  return;
120 }
122 int PHG4InttDetector::ConstructIntt(G4LogicalVolume *trackerenvelope)
123 {
124  recoConsts *rc = recoConsts::instance(); // use for worldmaterial in a few places
125  // We have an arbitray number of layers (nlayer_) up to 8
126  // We have 2 types of ladders (vertical strips and horizontal strips)
127  // We have 2 types of sensors (inner and outer)
128  array<array<double, 2>, 8> hdi_z_arr;
129  // we loop over layers. All layers have only one laddertype
130  for (auto layeriter = m_LayerBeginEndIteratorPair.first; layeriter != m_LayerBeginEndIteratorPair.second; ++layeriter)
131  {
132  int inttlayer = layeriter->second;
133  // get the parameters for this layer
134  const PHParameters *params1 = m_ParamsContainer->GetParameters(inttlayer);
135  const int laddertype = params1->get_int_param("laddertype");
136  const double offsetphi = (params1->get_double_param("offsetphi") * deg) / rad; // use rad internally
137  double offsetrot = (params1->get_double_param("offsetrot") * deg) / rad; // offsetrot is specified in deg, we convert to rad here
138  m_SensorRadius[inttlayer] = params1->get_double_param("sensor_radius") * cm;
139  const int nladders_layer = params1->get_int_param("nladder");
141  // Look up all remaining parameters by the laddertype for this layer
142  const PHParameters *params = m_ParamsContainer->GetParameters(laddertype);
143  const double strip_x = params->get_double_param("strip_x") * cm;
144  const double strip_y = params->get_double_param("strip_y") * cm;
145  const int nstrips_phi_sensor = params->get_int_param("nstrips_phi_sensor");
146  const double sensor_offset_y = params->get_double_param("sensor_offset_y") * cm;
147  const double hdi_y = params->get_double_param("hdi_y") * cm;
148  double hdi_kapton_x = params->get_double_param("hdi_kapton_x") * cm;
149  double hdi_copper_x = params->get_double_param("hdi_copper_x") * cm;
150  double fphx_x = params->get_double_param("fphx_x") * cm;
151  double fphx_y = params->get_double_param("fphx_y") * cm;
152  double fphx_z = params->get_double_param("fphx_z") * cm;
153  double fphx_offset_z = params->get_double_param("fphx_offset_z") * cm;
155  double si_glue_x = params->get_double_param("si_glue_x") * cm;
156  double fphx_glue_x = params->get_double_param("fphx_glue_x") * cm;
157  double halfladder_inside_z = params->get_double_param("halfladder_inside_z") * cm;
159  if (Verbosity() > 0)
160  {
161  cout << "Constructing Intt layer: " << endl;
162  cout << " layer " << inttlayer << " laddertype " << laddertype << " nladders_layer " << nladders_layer
163  << " sensor_radius " << m_SensorRadius[inttlayer] << " offsetphi " << offsetphi << " rad "
164  << " offsetphi " << offsetphi * rad / deg << " deg "
165  << endl;
166  }
167  // We loop over inner, then outer (wrt the beam-axis), sensors, where itype specifies the inner or outer sensor
168  // The rest of this loop will construct and put in place a section of a ladder corresponding to the Z range of this sensor only
169  for (int itype = 0; itype < 2; ++itype)
170  {
171  if (!(itype >= 0 && itype <= 1))
172  {
173  assert(!"Error: check ladder type.");
174  }
175  double strip_z;
176  int nstrips_z_sensor;
177  switch (itype)
178  {
179  case 0:
180  strip_z = params->get_double_param("strip_z_0") * cm;
181  nstrips_z_sensor = params->get_int_param("nstrips_z_sensor_0");
182  break;
183  case 1:
184  strip_z = params->get_double_param("strip_z_1") * cm;
185  nstrips_z_sensor = params->get_int_param("nstrips_z_sensor_1");
186  break;
187  default:
188  cout << "invalid itype " << itype << endl;
189  exit(1);
190  }
192  // ----- Step 1 ------------------------------------------------------
193  // We make the volumes for Si-sensor, FPHX, HDI, and stave components
194  // We add them to the ladder later
195  //====================================================================
197  // Create Si-sensor active volume
198  const double siactive_x = strip_x;
199  const double siactive_y = strip_y * nstrips_phi_sensor;
200  const double siactive_z = strip_z * nstrips_z_sensor;
201  G4VSolid *siactive_box = new G4Box((boost::format("siactive_box_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), siactive_x / 2, siactive_y / 2., siactive_z / 2.);
202  G4LogicalVolume *siactive_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(siactive_box, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Si"),
203  boost::str(boost::format("siactive_volume_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).c_str(), 0, 0, 0);
204  if ((m_IsActiveMap.find(inttlayer))->second > 0)
205  {
206  m_ActiveLogVols.insert(siactive_volume);
207  }
208  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(siactive_volume, "SiActive");
209  // We do not subdivide the sensor in G4. We will assign hits to strips in the stepping action, using the geometry object
211  // Si-sensor full (active+inactive) area
212  const double sifull_x = siactive_x;
213  const double sifull_y = siactive_y + 2.0 * params->get_double_param("sensor_edge_phi") * cm;
214  const double sifull_z = siactive_z + 2.0 * params->get_double_param("sensor_edge_z") * cm;
215  G4VSolid *sifull_box = new G4Box((boost::format("sifull_box_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), sifull_x / 2., sifull_y / 2.0, sifull_z / 2.0);
217  // Si-sensor inactive area
218  G4VSolid *siinactive_box = new G4SubtractionSolid((boost::format("siinactive_box_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(),
219  sifull_box, siactive_box, 0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, 0));
220  G4LogicalVolume *siinactive_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(siinactive_box, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Si"),
221  (boost::format("siinactive_volume_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
223  if ((m_IsAbsorberActiveMap.find(inttlayer))->second > 0)
224  {
225  m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(siinactive_volume, make_tuple(inttlayer, PHG4InttDefs::SI_INACTIVE)));
226  }
227  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(siinactive_volume, "SiInActive");
229  // Glue for Si-sensor full area
230  G4VSolid *si_glue_box = new G4Box((boost::format("si_glue_box_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), si_glue_x/ 2., sifull_y / 2.0, sifull_z / 2.0);
232  G4LogicalVolume *si_glue_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(si_glue_box, GetDetectorMaterial("SilverEpoxyGlue_INTT"),
233  (boost::format("si_glue_volume_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
235  if ((m_IsAbsorberActiveMap.find(inttlayer))->second > 0)
236  {
237  m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(siinactive_volume, make_tuple(inttlayer, PHG4InttDefs::SI_GLUE)));
238  }
239  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(si_glue_volume, "SiGlue");
241  // Make the HDI Kapton and copper volumes
242  // This makes HDI volumes that matche this sensor in Z length
243  const double hdi_z = sifull_z + params->get_double_param("hdi_edge_z") * cm;
244  hdi_z_arr[inttlayer][itype] = hdi_z;
245  G4VSolid *hdi_kapton_box = new G4Box((boost::format("hdi_kapton_box_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), hdi_kapton_x / 2., hdi_y / 2., hdi_z / 2.0);
246  G4LogicalVolume *hdi_kapton_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(hdi_kapton_box, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_KAPTON"),
247  (boost::format("hdi_kapton_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
249  if ((m_IsAbsorberActiveMap.find(inttlayer))->second > 0)
250  {
251  m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(hdi_kapton_volume, make_tuple(inttlayer, PHG4InttDefs::HDI_KAPTON)));
252  }
253  G4VSolid *hdi_copper_box = new G4Box((boost::format("hdi_copper_box_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), hdi_copper_x / 2., hdi_y / 2., hdi_z / 2.0);
254  G4LogicalVolume *hdi_copper_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(hdi_copper_box, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Cu"),
255  (boost::format("hdi_copper_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
256  if ((m_IsAbsorberActiveMap.find(inttlayer))->second > 0)
257  {
258  m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(hdi_copper_volume, make_tuple(inttlayer, PHG4InttDefs::HDI_COPPER)));
259  }
260  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(hdi_kapton_volume, "HdiKapton");
261  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(hdi_copper_volume, "HdiCopper");
263  // This is the part of the HDI that extends beyond the sensor inside the endcap ring
264  const double hdiext_z = (itype == 0) ? 0.000001 : halfladder_inside_z - hdi_z_arr[inttlayer][0] - hdi_z; // need to assign nonzero value for itype=0
265  G4VSolid *hdiext_kapton_box = new G4Box((boost::format("hdiext_kapton_box_%d_%s") % inttlayer % itype).str(),
266  hdi_kapton_x / 2., hdi_y / 2., hdiext_z / 2.0);
267  G4LogicalVolume *hdiext_kapton_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(hdiext_kapton_box, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_KAPTON"), // was "FPC"
268  (boost::format("hdiext_kapton_%d_%s") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
269  if ((m_IsAbsorberActiveMap.find(inttlayer))->second > 0)
270  {
271  m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(hdiext_kapton_volume, make_tuple(inttlayer, PHG4InttDefs::HDIEXT_KAPTON)));
272  }
273  G4VSolid *hdiext_copper_box = new G4Box((boost::format("hdiext_copper_box_%d_%s") % inttlayer % itype).str(),
274  hdi_copper_x / 2., hdi_y / 2., hdiext_z / 2.0);
275  G4LogicalVolume *hdiext_copper_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(hdiext_copper_box, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Cu"),
276  (boost::format("hdiext_copper_%d_%s") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
277  if ((m_IsAbsorberActiveMap.find(inttlayer))->second > 0)
278  {
279  m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(hdiext_copper_volume, make_tuple(inttlayer, PHG4InttDefs::HDIEXT_COPPER)));
280  }
281  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(hdiext_kapton_volume, "HdiKapton");
282  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(hdiext_copper_volume, "HdiCopper");
284  // FPHX
285  G4VSolid *fphx_box = new G4Box((boost::format("fphx_box_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), fphx_x / 2., fphx_y / 2., fphx_z / 2.);
286  G4LogicalVolume *fphx_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(fphx_box, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Si"),
287  (boost::format("fphx_volume_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
288  if ((m_IsAbsorberActiveMap.find(inttlayer))->second > 0)
289  {
290  m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(fphx_volume, make_tuple(inttlayer, PHG4InttDefs::FPHX)));
291  }
292  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(fphx_volume, "FPHX");
294  const double gap_sensor_fphx = params->get_double_param("gap_sensor_fphx") * cm;
296  // FPHX Container
297  // make a container for the FPHX chips needed for this sensor, and then place them in the container
298  G4VSolid *fphxcontainer_box = new G4Box((boost::format("fphxcontainer_box_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(),
299  fphx_x / 2., fphx_y / 2., hdi_z / 2.);
300  G4LogicalVolume *fphxcontainer_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(fphxcontainer_box, GetDetectorMaterial(rc->get_StringFlag("WorldMaterial")),
301  (boost::format("fphxcontainer_volume_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
302  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(fphxcontainer_volume, "FPHXContainer");
304  // Install multiple FPHX volumes in the FPHX container volume
305  // one FPHX chip per cell - each cell is 128 channels
306  const double fphx_offsetx = 0.;
307  const double fphx_offsety = 0.;
308  int ncopy;
309  double offsetz, cell_length_z;
311  if (laddertype == PHG4InttDefs::SEGMENTATION_Z) // vertical strips
312  {
313  // For laddertype 0, we have 5 cells per sensor, but the strips are vertical, so we have to treat it specially
314  ncopy = nstrips_z_sensor / 128.0;
315  }
316  else if (laddertype == PHG4InttDefs::SEGMENTATION_PHI)
317  {
318  ncopy = nstrips_z_sensor;
319  }
320  else
321  {
322  cout << PHWHERE << "invalid laddertype " << laddertype << endl;
323  gSystem->Exit(1);
324  // this is just to make the optimizer happy which otherwise complains about possibly
325  // uninitialized variables. It doesn't know gSystem->Exit(1) quits,
326  // this exit here terminates the program for it
327  exit(1);
328  }
329  cell_length_z = strip_z * nstrips_z_sensor / ncopy;
330  offsetz = (ncopy % 2 == 0) ? -2. * cell_length_z / 2. * double(ncopy / 2) + cell_length_z / 2. + fphx_offset_z : -2. * cell_length_z / 2. * double(ncopy / 2) + fphx_offset_z;
332  G4VPVParameterisation *fphxparam = new PHG4InttFPHXParameterisation(fphx_offsetx, +fphx_offsety, offsetz, 2. * cell_length_z / 2., ncopy);
333  new G4PVParameterised((boost::format("fphxcontainer_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(),
334  fphx_volume, fphxcontainer_volume, kZAxis, ncopy, fphxparam, OverlapCheck());
336  // Glue for FPHX, silver powder epoxy, impletemented in the same way as FPHX
337  G4VSolid *fphx_glue_box = new G4Box((boost::format("fphx_glue_box_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), fphx_glue_x / 2., fphx_y / 2., fphx_z / 2.);
339  G4LogicalVolume *fphx_glue_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(fphx_glue_box, GetDetectorMaterial("SilverEpoxyGlue_INTT"),
340  (boost::format("fphx_glue_volume_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
341  if ((m_IsAbsorberActiveMap.find(inttlayer))->second > 0)
342  {
343  m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(fphx_glue_volume, make_tuple(inttlayer, PHG4InttDefs::FPHX_GLUE)));
344  }
345  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(fphx_glue_volume, "FPHXGlue");
347  // Glue of FPHX Container
348  // make a container for the glue of FPHX chips, and then place them in the container
349  G4VSolid *fphx_gluecontainer_box = new G4Box((boost::format("fphx_gluecontainer_box_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(),
350  fphx_glue_x / 2., fphx_y / 2., hdi_z / 2.);
351  G4LogicalVolume *fphx_gluecontainer_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(fphx_gluecontainer_box, GetDetectorMaterial(rc->get_StringFlag("WorldMaterial")),
352  (boost::format("fphx_gluecontainer_volume_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
354  // Parameters for FPHX glue for G4VPVParameterisation are the same as FPGX's, so reuse them!
355  G4VPVParameterisation *fphx_glueparam = new PHG4InttFPHXParameterisation(fphx_offsetx, +fphx_offsety, offsetz, 2. * cell_length_z / 2., ncopy);
357  new G4PVParameterised((boost::format("glue_fphxcontainer_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(),
358  fphx_glue_volume, fphx_gluecontainer_volume, kZAxis, ncopy, fphx_glueparam, OverlapCheck());
359  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(fphx_gluecontainer_volume, "FPHXGlueContainer");
361  double stave_x = 0.;
362  double stave_y = 0.;
363  G4LogicalVolume *stave_volume = NULL;
364  G4LogicalVolume *staveext_volume = NULL;
366  // Carbon stave. This consists of the formed sheet, cooling water, the water tube, glue for the tube,
367  // rohacell foam to fill space around the tube, and the flat CFRP sheet, which completes the outer shell surrounds
369  // Rohacel foam and cooling water pipe inside. Formed from straight sections and sections of a tube of
370  // radius 3.1905 mm. All have wall thickness of 0.1905 mm.
371  const double stave_thickness = params->get_double_param("stave_straight_cooler_x") * cm; // stave thickness
372  const double Rcmin = 0.30 * cm; // inner radius of curved section, same at both ends
373  const double Rcmax = Rcmin + stave_thickness; // outer radius of curved section, same at both ends
374  double Rcavge = (Rcmax + Rcmin) / 2.0;
375  double dphi_c = 23.19859051 * M_PI / 180.; // phi of the curved section
376  const double stave_z = hdi_z;;
378  // Make CFC structure
380  const double phic_begin[4] = {M_PI - dphi_c, -dphi_c, 0.0, M_PI};
381  const double dphic[4] = {dphi_c, dphi_c, dphi_c, dphi_c};
383  G4Tubs *stave_curve_cons[4];
384  G4Tubs *stave_curve_ext_cons[4];
385  G4LogicalVolume *stave_curve_volume[4];
386  G4LogicalVolume *stave_curve_ext_volume[4];
388  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
389  {
390  stave_curve_cons[i] = new G4Tubs((boost::format("stave_curve_cons_%d_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(),
391  Rcmin, Rcmax, stave_z / 2., phic_begin[i], dphic[i]);
392  stave_curve_volume[i] = new G4LogicalVolume(stave_curve_cons[i], GetDetectorMaterial("CFRP_INTT"),
393  (boost::format("stave_curve_volume_%d_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), 0, 0, 0);
394  if ((m_IsAbsorberActiveMap.find(inttlayer))->second > 0)
395  {
396  m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(stave_curve_volume[i], make_tuple(inttlayer, PHG4InttDefs::STAVE_CURVE)));
397  }
398  stave_curve_ext_cons[i] = new G4Tubs((boost::format("stave_curve_ext_cons_%d_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(),
399  Rcmin, Rcmax, hdiext_z / 2., phic_begin[i], dphic[i]);
400  stave_curve_ext_volume[i] = new G4LogicalVolume(stave_curve_ext_cons[i], GetDetectorMaterial("CFRP_INTT"),
401  (boost::format("stave_curve_ext_volume_%d_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), 0, 0, 0);
402  if ((m_IsAbsorberActiveMap.find(inttlayer))->second > 0)
403  {
404  m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(stave_curve_ext_volume[i], make_tuple(inttlayer, PHG4InttDefs::STAVEEXT_CURVE)));
405  }
406  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(stave_curve_volume[i], "StaveCurve");
407  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(stave_curve_ext_volume[i], "StaveCurve");
408  }
410  // we will need the length in y of the curved section as it is installed in the stave box
411  double curve_length_y = Rcavge * sin(dphi_c);
413  // Make several straight sections for use in making the stave
414  double stave_straight_outer_y = params->get_double_param("stave_straight_outer_y") * cm;
415  double stave_straight_cooler_y = params->get_double_param("stave_straight_cooler_y") * cm;
416  double rohacell_straight_y = params->get_double_param("stave_straight_rohacell_y") * cm;
418  // Outer straight sections of stave
419  G4VSolid *stave_straight_outer_box = new G4Box((boost::format("stave_straight_outer_box_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(),
420  stave_thickness / 2., stave_straight_outer_y / 2., stave_z / 2.);
421  G4LogicalVolume *stave_straight_outer_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(stave_straight_outer_box, GetDetectorMaterial("CFRP_INTT"),
422  (boost::format("stave_straight_outer_volume_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
423  if ((m_IsAbsorberActiveMap.find(inttlayer))->second > 0)
424  {
425  m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(stave_straight_outer_volume, make_tuple(inttlayer, PHG4InttDefs::STAVE_STRAIGHT_OUTER)));
426  }
427  G4VSolid *stave_straight_outer_ext_box = new G4Box((boost::format("stave_straight_outer_ext_box_%d_%s") % inttlayer % itype).str(),
428  stave_thickness / 2., stave_straight_outer_y / 2., hdiext_z / 2.);
429  G4LogicalVolume *stave_straight_outer_ext_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(stave_straight_outer_ext_box, GetDetectorMaterial("CFRP_INTT"),
430  (boost::format("stave_straight_outer_ext_volume_%d_%s") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
431  if ((m_IsAbsorberActiveMap.find(inttlayer))->second > 0)
432  {
433  m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(stave_straight_outer_ext_volume, make_tuple(inttlayer, PHG4InttDefs::STAVEEXT_STRAIGHT_OUTER)));
434  }
436  //Top surface of stave
437  G4VSolid *stave_straight_cooler_box = new G4Box((boost::format("stave_straight_cooler_box_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(),
438  stave_thickness / 2., stave_straight_cooler_y / 2., stave_z / 2.);
439  G4LogicalVolume *stave_straight_cooler_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(stave_straight_cooler_box, GetDetectorMaterial("CFRP_INTT"),
440  (boost::format("stave_straight_cooler_volume_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
441  if ((m_IsAbsorberActiveMap.find(inttlayer))->second > 0)
442  {
443  m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(stave_straight_cooler_volume, make_tuple(inttlayer, PHG4InttDefs::STAVE_STRAIGHT_COOLER)));
444  }
445  G4VSolid *stave_straight_cooler_ext_box = new G4Box((boost::format("stave_straight_cooler_ext_box_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(),
446  stave_thickness / 2., stave_straight_cooler_y / 2., hdiext_z / 2.);
447  G4LogicalVolume *stave_straight_cooler_ext_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(stave_straight_cooler_ext_box, GetDetectorMaterial("CFRP_INTT"),
448  (boost::format("stave_straight_cooler_ext_volume_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
449  if ((m_IsAbsorberActiveMap.find(inttlayer))->second > 0)
450  {
451  m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(stave_straight_cooler_ext_volume, make_tuple(inttlayer, PHG4InttDefs::STAVEEXT_STRAIGHT_COOLER)));
452  }
454  // Slant straight sections of stave
455  double stave_slant_cooler_y = params->get_double_param("stave_slant_cooler_y") * cm;
456  G4VSolid *stave_slant_cooler_box = new G4Box((boost::format("stave_slant_cooler_box_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(),
457  stave_thickness / 2., stave_slant_cooler_y / 2., stave_z / 2.);
458  G4LogicalVolume *stave_slant_cooler_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(stave_slant_cooler_box, GetDetectorMaterial("CFRP_INTT"),
459  (boost::format("stave_slant_cooler_volume_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
460  if ((m_IsAbsorberActiveMap.find(inttlayer))->second > 0)
461  {
462  m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(stave_slant_cooler_volume, make_tuple(inttlayer, PHG4InttDefs::STAVE_STRAIGHT_COOLER)));
463  }
464  G4VSolid *stave_slant_cooler_ext_box = new G4Box((boost::format("stave_lant_cooler_ext_box_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(),
465  stave_thickness / 2., stave_slant_cooler_y / 2., hdiext_z / 2.);
466  G4LogicalVolume *stave_slant_cooler_ext_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(stave_slant_cooler_ext_box, GetDetectorMaterial("CFRP_INTT"),
467  (boost::format("stave_slant_cooler_ext_volume_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
468  if ((m_IsAbsorberActiveMap.find(inttlayer))->second > 0)
469  {
470  m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(stave_slant_cooler_ext_volume, make_tuple(inttlayer, PHG4InttDefs::STAVEEXT_STRAIGHT_COOLER)));
471  }
474  // Flat CFRP sheet on the bottom of the stave structure. It was introduced instead of PGS
475  G4VSolid *stave_bottom_cooler_box
476  = new G4Box((boost::format("stave_bottom_cooler_box_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(),
477  stave_thickness / 2., hdi_y / 2., stave_z / 2.);
479  G4LogicalVolume *stave_bottom_cooler_volume
480  = new G4LogicalVolume(stave_bottom_cooler_box, GetDetectorMaterial("CFRP_INTT"),
481  (boost::format("stave_bottom_cooler_volume_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
482  if ((m_IsAbsorberActiveMap.find(inttlayer))->second > 0)
483  {
484  m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(stave_bottom_cooler_volume, make_tuple(inttlayer, PHG4InttDefs::STAVE_BOTTOM_COOLER))); // should be changed soon
485  }
487  G4VSolid *stave_bottom_cooler_ext_box = new G4Box((boost::format("stave_bottom_cooler_ext_box_%d_%s") % inttlayer % itype).str(), stave_thickness / 2., hdi_y / 2., hdiext_z / 2.);
488  G4LogicalVolume *stave_bottom_cooler_ext_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(stave_bottom_cooler_ext_box, GetDetectorMaterial("CFRP_INTT"),
489  (boost::format("stave_bottom_cooler_ext_volume_%d_%s") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
490  if ((m_IsAbsorberActiveMap.find(inttlayer))->second > 0)
491  {
492  m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(stave_bottom_cooler_ext_volume, make_tuple(inttlayer, PHG4InttDefs::STAVEEXT_BOTTOM_COOLER)));
493  }
495  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(stave_straight_cooler_volume , "StaveCooler");
496  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(stave_straight_cooler_ext_volume, "StaveCooler");
497  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(stave_straight_outer_volume , "StaveStraightOuter");
498  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(stave_straight_outer_ext_volume , "StaveStraightOuter");
499  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(stave_slant_cooler_volume , "StaveCooler");
500  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(stave_slant_cooler_ext_volume , "StaveCooler");
501  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(stave_bottom_cooler_volume , "StaveCooler");
502  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(stave_bottom_cooler_ext_volume , "StaveCooler");
504  // cooling pipe + water inside + glue outside
505  const double Rpmin = 0.10 * cm; // inner radius of cooling pipe section, same at both ends
506  const double Rpmax = 0.15 * cm; // outer radius of cooling pipe section, same at both ends
507  G4VSolid *stave_glue_box = new G4Box((boost::format("stave_glue_box_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 3. / 2, 3. / 2., stave_z / 2.);
508  G4LogicalVolume *stave_glue_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(stave_glue_box, GetDetectorMaterial("Epoxy"),
509  (boost::format("stave_glue_volume_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
510  G4VSolid *staveext_glue_box = new G4Box((boost::format("staveext_glue_box_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 3. / 2., 3. / 2., hdiext_z / 2.);
511  G4LogicalVolume *staveext_glue_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(staveext_glue_box, GetDetectorMaterial("Epoxy"),
512  (boost::format("staveext_glue_volume_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
514  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(stave_glue_volume, "StaveGlueBox");
515  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(staveext_glue_volume, "StaveGlueBox");
517  G4VSolid *stave_pipe_cons = new G4Tubs((boost::format("stave_pipe_cons_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(),
518  Rpmin, Rpmax, stave_z / 2., -M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI);
519  G4LogicalVolume *stave_pipe_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(stave_pipe_cons, GetDetectorMaterial("CFRP_INTT"),
520  (boost::format("stave_pipe_volume_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
522  G4VSolid *staveext_pipe_cons = new G4Tubs((boost::format("staveext_pipe_cons_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(),
523  Rpmin, Rpmax, hdiext_z / 2., -M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI);
524  G4LogicalVolume *staveext_pipe_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(staveext_pipe_cons, GetDetectorMaterial("CFRP_INTT"),
525  (boost::format("staveext_pipe_volume_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
527  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(stave_pipe_volume, "StavePipe");
528  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(staveext_pipe_volume, "StavePipe");
530  G4VSolid *stave_water_cons = new G4Tubs((boost::format("stave_water_cons_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(),
531  0., Rpmin, stave_z / 2., -M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI);
532  G4LogicalVolume *stave_water_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(stave_water_cons, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_WATER"),
533  (boost::format("stave_water_volume_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
535  G4VSolid *staveext_water_cons = new G4Tubs((boost::format("staveext_water_cons_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(),
536  0., Rpmin, hdiext_z / 2., -M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI);
537  G4LogicalVolume *staveext_water_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(staveext_water_cons, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_WATER"),
538  (boost::format("staveext_water_volume_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
540  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(stave_water_volume, "StaveWater");
541  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(staveext_water_volume, "StaveWater");
543  //rohacell foam
544  //straight boxes
545  G4VSolid *rohacell_straight_cons = new G4Box((boost::format("rohacell_straight_cons_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 3. / 2, rohacell_straight_y / 2., stave_z / 2.);
546  G4LogicalVolume *rohacell_straight_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(rohacell_straight_cons, GetDetectorMaterial("ROHACELL_FOAM_51"),
547  (boost::format("rohacell_straight_volume_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
549  G4VSolid *rohacellext_straight_cons = new G4Box((boost::format("rohacellext_straight_cons_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 3. / 2, rohacell_straight_y / 2., hdiext_z / 2.);
550  G4LogicalVolume *rohacellext_straight_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(rohacellext_straight_cons, GetDetectorMaterial("ROHACELL_FOAM_51"),
551  (boost::format("rohacellext_straight_volume_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
553  // make curved sections for rohacell foam
554  const double rh_phic_begin[2] = {-dphi_c, 0.0};
555  const double rh_dphic[2] = {dphi_c, dphi_c};
556  G4Tubs *rohacell_curve_cons[2];
557  G4LogicalVolume *rohacell_curve_volume[2];
558  G4Tubs *rohacellext_curve_cons[2];
559  G4LogicalVolume *rohacellext_curve_volume[2];
560  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
561  {
562  rohacell_curve_cons[i] = new G4Tubs((boost::format("rohacell_curve_cons_%d_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(),
563  0., Rcmin, stave_z / 2., rh_phic_begin[i], rh_dphic[i]);
564  rohacell_curve_volume[i] = new G4LogicalVolume(rohacell_curve_cons[i], GetDetectorMaterial("ROHACELL_FOAM_51"),
565  (boost::format("rohacell_curve_volume_%d_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), 0, 0, 0);
566  rohacellext_curve_cons[i] = new G4Tubs((boost::format("rohacellext_curve_cons_%d_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(),
567  0., Rcmin, hdiext_z / 2., rh_phic_begin[i], rh_dphic[i]);
568  rohacellext_curve_volume[i] = new G4LogicalVolume(rohacellext_curve_cons[i], GetDetectorMaterial("ROHACELL_FOAM_51"),
569  (boost::format("rohacellext_curve_volume_%d_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), 0, 0, 0);
570  }
572  // make trapezoidal sections for rohacell foam
573  G4GenericTrap *rohacell_trap_cons[2];
574  G4LogicalVolume *rohacell_trap_volume[2];
575  G4GenericTrap *rohacellext_trap_cons[2];
576  G4LogicalVolume *rohacellext_trap_volume[2];
577  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
578  {
579  double shift = 1.e-5; // To mitigate fm order level overlaps reported by GEANT4...
580  std::vector<G4TwoVector> rohatrap(8);
581  if (i == 0)
582  {
583  rohatrap[0] = G4TwoVector(0. * cm, 0. * cm);
584  rohatrap[1] = G4TwoVector(Rcmin * cos(dphi_c) - shift, -Rcmin * sin(dphi_c));
585  rohatrap[2] = G4TwoVector(Rcmin * (1. - cos(dphi_c)) - shift, -stave_slant_cooler_y * cos(dphi_c) - Rcmin * sin(dphi_c));
586  rohatrap[3] = G4TwoVector(0. * cm, -stave_slant_cooler_y * cos(dphi_c) - Rcmin * sin(dphi_c));
587  }
588  else
589  {
590  rohatrap[0] = G4TwoVector(0. * cm, +stave_slant_cooler_y * cos(dphi_c) + Rcmin * sin(dphi_c));
591  rohatrap[1] = G4TwoVector(Rcmax * (1. - cos(dphi_c)) - shift, +stave_slant_cooler_y * cos(dphi_c) + Rcmin * sin(dphi_c));
592  rohatrap[2] = G4TwoVector(Rcmin * cos(dphi_c) - shift, +Rcmin * sin(dphi_c));
593  rohatrap[3] = G4TwoVector(0. * cm, 0. * cm);
594  }
595  rohatrap[4] = rohatrap[0];
596  rohatrap[5] = rohatrap[1];
597  rohatrap[6] = rohatrap[2];
598  rohatrap[7] = rohatrap[3];
600  rohacell_trap_cons[i] = new G4GenericTrap((boost::format("rohacell_trap_cons_%d_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), stave_z / 2., rohatrap);
601  rohacell_trap_volume[i] = new G4LogicalVolume(rohacell_trap_cons[i], GetDetectorMaterial("ROHACELL_FOAM_51"),
602  (boost::format("rohacell_trap_volume_%d_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), 0, 0, 0);
604  rohacellext_trap_cons[i] = new G4GenericTrap((boost::format("rohacellext_trap_cons_%d_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), hdiext_z / 2., rohatrap);
605  rohacellext_trap_volume[i] = new G4LogicalVolume(rohacellext_trap_cons[i], GetDetectorMaterial("ROHACELL_FOAM_51"),
606  (boost::format("rohacellext_trap_volume_%d_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), 0, 0, 0);
607  }
609  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(rohacell_straight_volume, "RohaCell");
610  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(rohacellext_straight_volume, "RohaCell");
611  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
612  {
613  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(rohacell_curve_volume[i], "RohaCell");
614  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(rohacellext_curve_volume[i], "RohaCell");
615  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(rohacell_trap_volume[i], "RohaCell");
616  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(rohacellext_trap_volume[i], "RohaCell");
617  }
619  // Now we combine the elements of a stave defined above into a stave
620  // Create a stave volume to install the stave sections into. The volume has to be big enouigh to contain the cooling tube
621  double cooler_gap_x = 0.3 * cm; // id of cooling tube in cm
622  double cooler_wall = stave_thickness; // outer wall thickness of cooling tube
623  double cooler_x = cooler_gap_x + 2.0 * cooler_wall; // thickness of the formed sheet, the flat sheet, and the gap b/w the sheets
624  stave_x = cooler_x;
625  stave_y = hdi_y;
627  // Make stave volume. Drop two corners in positive x to prevent ladder_volume overlapping
628  // with neighbouring ladders because of small clearance in the latest configuration
629  G4RotationMatrix *stv_rot_pos = new G4RotationMatrix();
630  stv_rot_pos->rotateZ(-15. * M_PI / 180.);
631  G4ThreeVector stvTranspos(stave_x / 2., stave_y / 2., 0.);
633  G4RotationMatrix *stv_rot_neg = new G4RotationMatrix();
634  stv_rot_neg->rotateZ(+15. * M_PI / 180.);
635  G4ThreeVector stvTransneg(stave_x / 2., -stave_y / 2., 0.);
637  G4VSolid *stave_basebox = new G4Box((boost::format("stave_basebox_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), stave_x / 2., stave_y / 2., stave_z / 2.);
638  G4VSolid *stave_subtbox = new G4Box((boost::format("stave_subtbox_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), stave_x / 1.5, stave_y / 1.5, stave_z / 1.); // has to be longer in z to avoid coincident surface
640  G4VSolid *stave_box1 = new G4SubtractionSolid((boost::format("stave_box1_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), stave_basebox, stave_subtbox, stv_rot_pos, stvTranspos);
642  G4VSolid *stave_box = new G4SubtractionSolid((boost::format("stave_box_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), stave_box1, stave_subtbox, stv_rot_neg, stvTransneg);
644  stave_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(stave_box, GetDetectorMaterial(rc->get_StringFlag("WorldMaterial")),
645  (boost::format("stave_volume_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
647  G4VSolid *staveext_basebox = new G4Box((boost::format("staveext_basebox_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), stave_x / 2., stave_y / 2., hdiext_z / 2.);
648  G4VSolid *staveext_subtbox = new G4Box((boost::format("staveext_subtbox_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), stave_x / 1.5, stave_y / 1.5, hdiext_z / 1.); // has to be longer in z to avoid coincident surface
650  G4VSolid *staveext_box1 = new G4SubtractionSolid((boost::format("staveext_box1_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), staveext_basebox, staveext_subtbox, stv_rot_pos, stvTranspos);
652  G4VSolid *staveext_box = new G4SubtractionSolid((boost::format("staveext_box_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), staveext_box1, staveext_subtbox, stv_rot_neg, stvTransneg);
654  staveext_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(staveext_box, GetDetectorMaterial(rc->get_StringFlag("WorldMaterial")),
655  (boost::format("staveext_volume_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
656  // the rotation matrices are just used by G4VSolid, ownership is not taken over
657  delete stv_rot_pos;
658  delete stv_rot_neg;
660  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(stave_volume, "StaveBox");
661  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(staveext_volume, "StaveBox");
663  // Assemble the elements into the stave volume and the stave extension volume
664  // They are place relative to the center of the stave box. Thus the offset of the center of the segment is relative to the center of the satev box.
665  // But we want the segment to be located relative to the lowest x limit of the stave box.
666  if (laddertype == PHG4InttDefs::SEGMENTATION_Z) // Obsolete!!
667  {
668  // only one cooling tube in laddertype 0
669  // Place the straight sections. We add the middle, then above x axis, then below x axis
670  double x_off_str[3] =
671  {
672  Rcavge - stave_x / 2.,
673  (Rcmax - Rcmin) / 2. - stave_x / 2.,
674  (Rcmax - Rcmin) / 2. - stave_x / 2.};
675  double y_off_str[3] =
676  {
677  0.0,
678  +stave_straight_cooler_y / 2. + 2. * curve_length_y + stave_straight_outer_y / 2.,
679  -stave_straight_cooler_y / 2. - 2. * curve_length_y - stave_straight_outer_y / 2.};
681  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
682  {
683  if (i == 0)
684  {
685  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(x_off_str[i], y_off_str[i], 0.0), stave_straight_cooler_volume,
686  (boost::format("stave_straight_cooler_%d_%d_%d") % i % inttlayer % itype).str(), stave_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
687  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(x_off_str[i], y_off_str[i], 0.0), stave_straight_cooler_ext_volume,
688  (boost::format("stave_straight_cooler_ext_%d_%d_%d") % i % inttlayer % itype).str(), staveext_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
689  }
690  else
691  {
692  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(x_off_str[i], y_off_str[i], 0.0), stave_straight_outer_volume,
693  (boost::format("stave_straight_outer_%d_%d_%d") % i % inttlayer % itype).str(), stave_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
694  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(x_off_str[i], y_off_str[i], 0.0), stave_straight_outer_ext_volume,
695  (boost::format("stave_straight_outer_ext_%d_%d_%d") % i % inttlayer % itype).str(), staveext_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
696  }
697  }
698  // The cooler curved sections are made using 2 curved sections in a recurve on each side of the cooler straight section
699  // The tube sections used here have the origin of their volume at their center of rotation. Rcavge
700  // Each curve section is moved to the center of the stave volume by a translation of +/- Rcavge
701  // Then it is moved to the outside or the inside of the stave volume by a translation of +/- cooler_gap_x / 2.
702  // we start at lowest y and work up in y
704  double x_off_cooler[4] =
705  {
706  Rcavge - cooler_gap_x / 2.,
707  -Rcavge + cooler_gap_x / 2.,
708  -Rcavge + cooler_gap_x / 2.,
709  Rcavge - cooler_gap_x / 2.};
710  double y_off_cooler[4] =
711  {
712  -stave_straight_cooler_y / 2. - 2. * curve_length_y,
713  -stave_straight_cooler_y / 2.,
714  +stave_straight_cooler_y / 2.,
715  +stave_straight_cooler_y / 2. + 2. * curve_length_y};
717  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
718  {
719  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(x_off_cooler[i], y_off_cooler[i], 0.0), stave_curve_volume[i],
720  (boost::format("stave_curve_%d_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), stave_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
721  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(x_off_cooler[i], y_off_cooler[i], 0.0), stave_curve_ext_volume[i],
722  (boost::format("stave_curve_ext_%d_%d_%s") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), staveext_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
723  }
724  }
725  else if (laddertype == PHG4InttDefs::SEGMENTATION_PHI) // The type PHG4InttDefs::SEGMENTATION_PHI ladder
726  {
727  // First place the straight sections, do the extension at the same time
728  // we alternate positive and negative y values here
729  double x_off_str[6] =
730  {
731  (Rcmax + Rcmin) / 2. - stave_x / 2. + stave_thickness, // inner straight section
732  (Rcmax + Rcmax) / 4. - stave_x / 2. + stave_thickness, // slant section
733  (Rcmax + Rcmax) / 4. - stave_x / 2. + stave_thickness, // slant section
734  (Rcmax - Rcmin) / 2. - stave_x / 2. + stave_thickness, // outer straight section
735  (Rcmax - Rcmin) / 2. - stave_x / 2. + stave_thickness, // outer straight section
736  (Rcmax - Rcmin) / 2. - stave_x / 2. // bottom section
737  };
738  double y_off_str[6] =
739  {
740  0.0, // inner straight section
741  -stave_straight_cooler_y / 2. - 1. * curve_length_y - cos(dphi_c) * stave_slant_cooler_y / 2., // slant section
742  +stave_straight_cooler_y / 2. + 1. * curve_length_y + cos(dphi_c) * stave_slant_cooler_y / 2., // slant section
743  -stave_straight_cooler_y / 2. - 2. * curve_length_y - cos(dphi_c) * stave_slant_cooler_y - stave_straight_outer_y / 2., // outer straight section
744  +stave_straight_cooler_y / 2. + 2. * curve_length_y + cos(dphi_c) * stave_slant_cooler_y + stave_straight_outer_y / 2., // outer straight section
745  0.0
746  // bottom straight section
747  };
749  for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
750  {
751  if (i == 0) // inner straight section
752  {
753  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(x_off_str[i], y_off_str[i], 0.0), stave_straight_cooler_volume,
754  (boost::format("stave_straight_cooler_%d_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), stave_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
755  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(x_off_str[i], y_off_str[i], 0.0), stave_straight_cooler_ext_volume,
756  (boost::format("stave_straight_cooler_ext_%d_%d_%s") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), staveext_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
757  }
758  else if (i == 1 || i == 2) // slant section
759  {
760  G4RotationMatrix rotation;
761  if (i == 1)
762  rotation.rotateZ(-1. * dphi_c);
763  else if (i == 2)
764  rotation.rotateZ(dphi_c);
765  new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(rotation, G4ThreeVector(x_off_str[i], y_off_str[i], 0.0)), stave_slant_cooler_volume,
766  (boost::format("stave_slant_cooler_%d_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), stave_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
767  new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(rotation, G4ThreeVector(x_off_str[i], y_off_str[i], 0.0)), stave_slant_cooler_ext_volume,
768  (boost::format("stave_slant_cooler_ext_%d_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), staveext_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
769  }
770  else if( i == 3 || i == 4 )// outer straight section
771  {
772  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(x_off_str[i], y_off_str[i], 0.0), stave_straight_outer_volume,
773  (boost::format("stave_straight_outer_%d_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), stave_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
774  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(x_off_str[i], y_off_str[i], 0.0), stave_straight_outer_ext_volume,
775  (boost::format("stave_straight_outer_ext_%d_%d_%s") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), staveext_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
776  }
777  else // bottom
778  {
779  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(x_off_str[i], y_off_str[i], 0.0), stave_bottom_cooler_volume,
780  (boost::format("stave_bottom_cooler_%d_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), stave_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
781  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(x_off_str[i], y_off_str[i], 0.0), stave_bottom_cooler_ext_volume,
782  (boost::format("stave_bottom_cooler_ext_%d_%d_%s") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), staveext_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
784  }
785  }
790  double x_off_curve[4] =
791  {
792  // increasing in y
793  +Rcavge - cooler_gap_x / 2. + stave_thickness / 2.,
794  -Rcavge + cooler_gap_x / 2. + stave_thickness / 2.,
795  -Rcavge + cooler_gap_x / 2. + stave_thickness / 2.,
796  +Rcavge - cooler_gap_x / 2. + stave_thickness / 2.};
797  double y_off_curve[4] =
798  {
799  // increasing in y
800  -stave_straight_cooler_y / 2. - 2. * curve_length_y - cos(dphi_c) * stave_slant_cooler_y,
801  -stave_straight_cooler_y / 2.,
802  +stave_straight_cooler_y / 2.,
803  +stave_straight_cooler_y / 2. + 2. * curve_length_y + cos(dphi_c) * stave_slant_cooler_y};
805  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
806  {
807  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(x_off_curve[i], y_off_curve[i], 0.0), stave_curve_volume[i], (boost::format("stave_curve_%d_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), stave_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
808  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(x_off_curve[i], y_off_curve[i], 0.0), stave_curve_ext_volume[i], (boost::format("stave_curve_ext_%d_%d_%s") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), staveext_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
809  }
811  // Place the rohacell foam
812  // straight box section
813  double x_off_roha_str[2] =
814  {
815  // increasing in y
816  -cooler_wall / 2. + stave_thickness / 2.,
817  -cooler_wall / 2. + stave_thickness / 2.};
818  double y_off_roha_str[2] =
819  {
820  // increasing in y
821  -3. / 2. - rohacell_straight_y / 2.,
822  +3. / 2. + rohacell_straight_y / 2.};
824  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
825  {
826  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(x_off_roha_str[i], y_off_roha_str[i], 0.0), rohacell_straight_volume, (boost::format("rohacell_straight_%d_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), stave_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
827  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(x_off_roha_str[i], y_off_roha_str[i], 0.0), rohacellext_straight_volume, (boost::format("rohacell_straight_ext_%d_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), staveext_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
828  }
831  double x_off_roha_curve[2] =
832  {
833  // increasing in y
834  -Rcavge + cooler_gap_x / 2. + stave_thickness / 2.,
835  -Rcavge + cooler_gap_x / 2. + stave_thickness / 2.};
836  double y_off_roha_curve[2] =
837  {
838  // increasing in y
839  -3. / 2. - rohacell_straight_y,
840  +3. / 2. + rohacell_straight_y};
842  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
843  {
844  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(x_off_roha_curve[i], y_off_roha_curve[i], 0.0), rohacell_curve_volume[i], (boost::format("rohacell_curve_%d_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), stave_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
845  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(x_off_roha_curve[i], y_off_roha_curve[i], 0.0), rohacellext_curve_volume[i], (boost::format("rohacell_curve_ext_%d_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), staveext_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
846  }
848  // trapezoidal section
849  double x_off_roha_trap[2] =
850  {
851  // increasing in y
852  -Rcmin - cooler_wall / 2. + cooler_gap_x / 2. + stave_thickness / 2.,
853  -Rcmin - cooler_wall / 2. + cooler_gap_x / 2. + stave_thickness / 2.};
854  double y_off_roha_trap[2] =
855  {
856  // increasing in y
857  -3. / 2. - rohacell_straight_y,
858  +3. / 2. + rohacell_straight_y};
860  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
861  {
862  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(x_off_roha_trap[i], y_off_roha_trap[i], 0.0), rohacell_trap_volume[i], (boost::format("rohacell_trap_%d_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), stave_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
863  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(x_off_roha_trap[i], y_off_roha_trap[i], 0.0), rohacellext_trap_volume[i], (boost::format("rohacell_trap_ext_%d_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype % i).str(), staveext_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
864  }
866  // place glue box, cooling pipe and water inside
867  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), stave_pipe_volume, (boost::format("stave_pipe_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), stave_glue_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
868  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), staveext_pipe_volume, (boost::format("stave_pipe_ext_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), staveext_glue_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
869  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), stave_water_volume, (boost::format("stave_water_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), stave_glue_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
870  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), staveext_water_volume, (boost::format("stave_water_ext_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), staveext_glue_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
872  // place of stave_glue_volume -cooler_wall / 2. + stave_thickness / 2. is actually 0. But I don't put 0 directry to make the origin of the value clear
873  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector( -cooler_wall / 2. + stave_thickness / 2., 0.0, 0.0), stave_glue_volume, (boost::format("stave_glue_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), stave_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
874  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(-cooler_wall / 2. + stave_thickness / 2., 0.0, 0.0), staveext_glue_volume, (boost::format("stave_glue_ext_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), staveext_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
875  }
876  else
877  {
878  cout << PHWHERE << "invalid laddertype " << laddertype << endl;
879  gSystem->Exit(1);
880  }
883  // ----- Step 2 ---------------------------------------------------
884  // We place Si-sensor, FPHX, HDI, and stave in the ladder volume.
885  // ================================================================
887  // Make the ladder volume first
888  // We are still in the loop over inner or outer sensors. This is the ladder volume corresponding to this sensor.
889  // But the thickness of the glue for FPHX is used since it's taller than the sensor in x.
890  const double ladder_x = stave_x + hdi_kapton_x + hdi_copper_x + fphx_glue_x + fphx_x;
891  double ladder_y = hdi_y;
893  // Make ladder volume. Drop two corners in positive x as done for stave volume
894  G4RotationMatrix *lad_box_rotpos = new G4RotationMatrix();
895  lad_box_rotpos->rotateZ(-15. * M_PI / 180.);
896  G4ThreeVector ladTranspos(ladder_x / 2., ladder_y / 2., 0.);
898  G4RotationMatrix *lad_box_rotneg = new G4RotationMatrix();
899  lad_box_rotneg->rotateZ(+15. * M_PI / 180.);
900  G4ThreeVector ladTransneg(ladder_x / 2., -ladder_y / 2., 0.);
902  G4VSolid *ladder_basebox = new G4Box((boost::format("ladder_basebox_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), ladder_x / 2., ladder_y / 2., hdi_z / 2.);
903  G4VSolid *ladder_subtbox = new G4Box((boost::format("ladder_subtbox_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), stave_x / 1.5, ladder_y / 1.5, hdi_z / 1.); // has to be longer in z to avoid coincident surface
905  G4VSolid *ladder_box1 = new G4SubtractionSolid((boost::format("ladder_box1_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), ladder_basebox, ladder_subtbox, lad_box_rotpos, ladTranspos);
907  G4VSolid *ladder_box = new G4SubtractionSolid((boost::format("ladder_box_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), ladder_box1, ladder_subtbox, lad_box_rotneg, ladTransneg);
909  G4LogicalVolume *ladder_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(ladder_box, GetDetectorMaterial(rc->get_StringFlag("WorldMaterial")), (boost::format("ladder_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
911  G4VSolid *ladderext_basebox = new G4Box((boost::format("ladderext_basebox_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), ladder_x / 2., ladder_y / 2., hdiext_z / 2.);
912  G4VSolid *ladderext_subtbox = new G4Box((boost::format("ladderext_subtbox_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), stave_x / 1.5, ladder_y / 1.5, hdiext_z / 1.); // has to be longer in z to avoid coincident surface
914  G4VSolid *ladderext_box1 = new G4SubtractionSolid((boost::format("ladderext_box1_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), ladderext_basebox, ladderext_subtbox, lad_box_rotpos, ladTranspos);
916  G4VSolid *ladderext_box = new G4SubtractionSolid((boost::format("ladderext_box_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), ladderext_box1, ladderext_subtbox, lad_box_rotneg, ladTransneg);
918  G4LogicalVolume *ladderext_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(ladderext_box, GetDetectorMaterial(rc->get_StringFlag("WorldMaterial")), (boost::format("ladderext_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), 0, 0, 0);
919  // the rotation matrices are just used by G4VSolid, ownership is not taken over
920  delete lad_box_rotpos;
921  delete lad_box_rotneg;
922  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(ladder_volume, "Ladder");
923  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(ladderext_volume, "Ladder");
925  // Now add the components of the ladder to the ladder volume
926  // The sensor is closest to the beam pipe, the stave cooler is furthest away
927  // Note that the cooler has been assembled in the stave volume with the top at larger x, so the sensor will be at smaller x
928  // That will be the configuration when the ladder is at phi = 0 degrees, the positive x direction
930  // We start at the most positive x value and add the stave first
932  // Carbon stave
933  double TVstave_y = 0.0;
934  const double TVstave_x = ladder_x / 2. - stave_x / 2.;
935  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(TVstave_x, TVstave_y, 0.0), stave_volume, (boost::format("stave_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(),
936  ladder_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
937  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(TVstave_x, TVstave_y, 0.0), staveext_volume, (boost::format("staveext_%d_%s") % inttlayer % itype).str(),
938  ladderext_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
940  // HDI Kapton
941  const double TVhdi_kapton_x = TVstave_x - stave_x / 2. - hdi_kapton_x / 2.;
942  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(TVhdi_kapton_x, TVstave_y, 0.0), hdi_kapton_volume, (boost::format("hdikapton_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), ladder_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
943  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(TVhdi_kapton_x, TVstave_y, 0.0), hdiext_kapton_volume, (boost::format("hdiextkapton_%d_%s") % inttlayer % itype).str(), ladderext_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
945  // HDI copper
946  const double TVhdi_copper_x = TVhdi_kapton_x - hdi_kapton_x / 2. - hdi_copper_x / 2.;
947  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(TVhdi_copper_x, TVstave_y, 0.0), hdi_copper_volume, (boost::format("hdicopper_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), ladder_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
948  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(TVhdi_copper_x, TVstave_y, 0.0), hdiext_copper_volume, (boost::format("hdiextcopper_%d_%s") % inttlayer % itype).str(), ladderext_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
950  // Glue for Si-sensor
951  const double TVsi_glue_x = TVhdi_copper_x - hdi_copper_x / 2. - si_glue_x / 2.;
952  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(TVsi_glue_x, TVstave_y, 0.0), si_glue_volume, (boost::format("si_glue_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), ladder_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
954  // Si-sensor
955  double TVSi_y = 0.0;
956  // sensor is not centered in y in the ladder volume for the Z sensitive ladders
957  if (laddertype == PHG4InttDefs::SEGMENTATION_Z)
958  TVSi_y = +sensor_offset_y;
959  //const double TVSi_x = TVhdi_copper_x - hdi_copper_x / 2. - siactive_x / 2.;
960  const double TVSi_x = TVsi_glue_x - si_glue_x / 2. - siactive_x / 2.;
961  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(TVSi_x, TVSi_y, 0.0), siinactive_volume,
962  (boost::format("siinactive_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), ladder_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
963  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(TVSi_x, TVSi_y, 0.0), siactive_volume,
964  (boost::format("siactive_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), ladder_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
966  // FPHX glue
967  const double TVfphx_glue_x = TVhdi_copper_x - hdi_copper_x / 2. - fphx_glue_x / 2.;
968  double TVfphx_glue_y = sifull_y / 2. + gap_sensor_fphx + fphx_y / 2.;
969  if (laddertype == PHG4InttDefs::SEGMENTATION_Z)
970  TVfphx_glue_y -= sensor_offset_y;
972  // laddertype PHG4InttDefs::SEGMENTATION_Z has only one FPHX, laddertype PHG4InttDefs::SEGMENTATION_PHI has two
973  if (laddertype == PHG4InttDefs::SEGMENTATION_PHI)
974  {
975  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(TVfphx_glue_x, +TVfphx_glue_y, 0.0), fphx_gluecontainer_volume, (boost::format("fphx_gluecontainerp_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), ladder_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
976  }
977  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(TVfphx_glue_x, -TVfphx_glue_y, 0.0), fphx_gluecontainer_volume, (boost::format("fphx_gluecontainerm_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), ladder_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
979  // FPHX container
980  const double TVfphx_x = TVfphx_glue_x - fphx_glue_x / 2. - fphx_x / 2.;
981  double TVfphx_y = sifull_y / 2. + gap_sensor_fphx + fphx_y / 2.;
982  if (laddertype == PHG4InttDefs::SEGMENTATION_Z)
983  TVfphx_y -= sensor_offset_y;
985  // laddertype PHG4InttDefs::SEGMENTATION_Z has only one FPHX, laddertype PHG4InttDefs::SEGMENTATION_PHI has two
986  if (laddertype == PHG4InttDefs::SEGMENTATION_PHI)
987  {
988  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(TVfphx_x, +TVfphx_y, 0.0), fphxcontainer_volume, (boost::format("fphxcontainerp_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), ladder_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
989  }
990  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(TVfphx_x, -TVfphx_y, 0.0), fphxcontainer_volume, (boost::format("fphxcontainerm_%d_%d") % inttlayer % itype).str(), ladder_volume, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
992  // ----- Step 3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
993  // We install the section of ladder for this sensor at all requested phi values and at positive and negative Z
994  //=============================================================================================================
996  // Distribute Ladders in phi
997  // We are still in the loops over layer and sensor type, we will place copies of the ladder section for this sensor
998  // at all ladder phi values, and at both positive and negative Z values.
1000  // given radius values are for the center of the sensor, we need the x offset from center of ladder to center of sensor so we can place the ladder
1001  double sensor_offset_x_ladder = 0.0 - TVSi_x; // ladder center is at x = 0.0 by construction. Sensor is at lower x, so TVSi_x is negative
1003  const double dphi = 2 * M_PI / nladders_layer;
1005  m_PosZ[inttlayer][itype] = (itype == 0) ? hdi_z / 2. : hdi_z_arr[inttlayer][0] + hdi_z / 2.; // location of center of ladder in Z
1006  m_StripOffsetX[inttlayer] = sensor_offset_x_ladder;
1008  // The sensors have no tilt in the new design
1009  // The type 1 ladders have the sensor at the center of the ladder in phi, so that is easy
1010  // The type 0 ladders are more complicated because the sensor center is perpendicular to the radial vector and the sensor is not at the ladder center
1011  // We made the stave box symmetric in y around the sensor center to simplify things
1013  for (int icopy = 0; icopy < nladders_layer; icopy++)
1014  {
1015  // sensor center
1016  const double phi = offsetphi + dphi * icopy; // if offsetphi is zero we start at zero
1018  double radius;
1019  // Make each layer at a single radius - i.e. what was formerly a sub-layer is now considered a layer
1020  radius = m_SensorRadius[inttlayer];
1021  radius += sensor_offset_x_ladder;
1023  double p = 0.0;
1024  if (laddertype == PHG4InttDefs::SEGMENTATION_Z)
1025  {
1026  // The Z sensitive ladders have the sensors offset in y relative to the ladder center
1027  // We have to slightly rotate the ladder in its own frame to make the radial vector to the sensor center normal to the sensor face
1028  p = atan(sensor_offset_y / radius);
1029  // then we adjust the distance to the center of the ladder to put the sensor at the requested distance from the center of the barrel
1030  radius /= cos(p);
1031  }
1033  // these describe the center of the ladder volume, placing it so that the center of the sensor is at phi = dphi * icopy, and at the correct radius
1034  const double posx = radius * cos(phi - p);
1035  const double posy = radius * sin(phi - p);
1036  const double fRotate = p + (phi - p) + offsetrot; // rotate in its own frame to make sensor perp to radial vector (p), then additionally rotate to account for ladder phi
1037  G4RotationMatrix ladderrotation;
1038  ladderrotation.rotateZ(fRotate);
1040  // this placement version rotates the ladder in its own frame by fRotate, then translates the center to posx, posy, +/- m_PosZ
1041  auto pointer_negz = new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(ladderrotation, G4ThreeVector(posx, posy, -m_PosZ[inttlayer][itype])), ladder_volume,
1042  (boost::format("ladder_%d_%d_%d_negz") % inttlayer % itype % icopy).str(), trackerenvelope, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
1043  auto pointer_posz = new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(ladderrotation, G4ThreeVector(posx, posy, +m_PosZ[inttlayer][itype])), ladder_volume,
1044  (boost::format("ladder_%d_%d_%d_posz") % inttlayer % itype % icopy).str(), trackerenvelope, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
1045  if (m_IsActiveMap.find(inttlayer) != m_IsActiveMap.end())
1046  {
1047  m_ActiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(pointer_negz, make_tuple(inttlayer, itype, icopy, -1)));
1048  m_ActiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(pointer_posz, make_tuple(inttlayer, itype, icopy, 1)));
1049  }
1051  // The net effect of the above manipulations for the Z sensitive ladders is that the center of the sensor is at dphi * icopy and at the requested radius
1052  // That us all that the geometry object needs to know, so no changes to that are necessary
1054  if (itype != 0)
1055  {
1056  // We have added the outer sensor above, now we add the HDI extension tab to the end of the outer sensor HDI
1057  const double posz_ext = (hdi_z_arr[inttlayer][0] + hdi_z) + hdiext_z / 2.;
1059  new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(ladderrotation, G4ThreeVector(posx, posy, -posz_ext)), ladderext_volume,
1060  (boost::format("ladderext_%d_%d_%d_negz") % inttlayer % itype % icopy).str(), trackerenvelope, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
1061  new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D(ladderrotation, G4ThreeVector(posx, posy, +posz_ext)), ladderext_volume,
1062  (boost::format("ladderext_%d_%d_%d_posz") % inttlayer % itype % icopy).str(), trackerenvelope, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
1063  }
1065  if (Verbosity() > 100)
1066  cout << " Ladder copy " << icopy << " radius " << radius << " phi " << phi << " itype " << itype << " posz " << m_PosZ[inttlayer][itype]
1067  << " fRotate " << fRotate << " posx " << posx << " posy " << posy
1068  << endl;
1070  } // end loop over ladder copy placement in phi and positive and negative Z
1071  } // end loop over inner or outer sensor
1072  } // end loop over layers
1074  // Finally, we add some support material for the silicon detectors
1076  //
1077  /*
1078  4 rails, which are 12mm OD and 9mm ID tubes at a radius of 168.5 mm. They are spaced equidistantly in phi.
1079  The rails run along the entire length of the TPC and even stick out of the TPC, but I think for the moment you don't have to put the parts that stick out in the simulation.
1080  An inner skin with a ID at 62.416 mm and a thickness of 0.250 mm.
1081  An outer skin with a ID at 120.444 mm and a sandwich of 0.25 mm cfc, 1.5 mm foam and 0.25 mm cfc.
1083  All of the above are carbon fiber.
1084  */
1087  // rails
1088  G4Tubs *rail_tube = new G4Tubs((boost::format("si_support_rail")).str(),
1089  supportparams->get_double_param("rail_inner_radius") * cm,
1090  supportparams->get_double_param("rail_outer_radius") * cm,
1091  supportparams->get_double_param("rail_length") * cm / 2.0,
1092  -M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI);
1093  G4LogicalVolume *rail_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(rail_tube, GetDetectorMaterial("CFRP_INTT"),
1094  "rail_volume", 0, 0, 0);
1095  if (m_IsSupportActive > 0)
1096  {
1097  m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(rail_volume, make_tuple(PHG4InttDefs::SUPPORT_DETID, PHG4InttDefs::SUPPORT_RAIL)));
1098  }
1099  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(rail_volume, "Rail");
1101  double rail_dphi = supportparams->get_double_param("rail_dphi") * deg / rad;
1102  double rail_phi_start = supportparams->get_double_param("rail_phi_start") * deg / rad;
1103  double rail_radius = supportparams->get_double_param("rail_radius") * cm;
1104  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
1105  {
1106  double phi = rail_phi_start + i * rail_dphi;
1108  // place a copy at each rail phi value
1109  const double posx = rail_radius * cos(phi);
1110  const double posy = rail_radius * sin(phi);
1112  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(posx, posy, 0.0), rail_volume,
1113  (boost::format("si_support_rail_%d") % i).str(), trackerenvelope, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
1114  }
1116  // Outer skin
1117  // G4Tubs *outer_skin_cfcin_tube = new G4Tubs("si_outer_skin_cfcin",
1118  // supportparams->get_double_param("outer_skin_cfcin_inner_radius") * cm,
1119  // supportparams->get_double_param("outer_skin_cfcin_outer_radius") * cm,
1120  // supportparams->get_double_param("outer_skin_cfcin_length") * cm / 2.,
1121  // -M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI);
1122  // G4LogicalVolume *outer_skin_cfcin_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(outer_skin_cfcin_tube, GetDetectorMaterial("CFRP_INTT"),
1123  // "outer_skin_cfcin_volume", 0, 0, 0);
1125  // G4Tubs *outer_skin_foam_tube = new G4Tubs("si_outer_skin_foam",
1126  // supportparams->get_double_param("outer_skin_foam_inner_radius") * cm,
1127  // supportparams->get_double_param("outer_skin_foam_outer_radius") * cm,
1128  // supportparams->get_double_param("outer_skin_foam_length") * cm / 2.,
1129  // -M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI);
1130  // G4LogicalVolume *outer_skin_foam_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(outer_skin_foam_tube, GetDetectorMaterial("ROHACELL_FOAM_110"),
1131  // "outer_skin_foam_volume", 0, 0, 0);
1133  // G4Tubs *outer_skin_cfcout_tube = new G4Tubs("si_outer_skin_cfcout",
1134  // supportparams->get_double_param("outer_skin_cfcout_inner_radius") * cm,
1135  // supportparams->get_double_param("outer_skin_cfcout_outer_radius") * cm,
1136  // supportparams->get_double_param("outer_skin_cfcout_length") * cm / 2.,
1137  // -M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI);
1138  // G4LogicalVolume *outer_skin_cfcout_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(outer_skin_cfcout_tube, GetDetectorMaterial("CFRP_INTT"),
1139  // "outer_skin_cfcout_volume", 0, 0, 0);
1141  G4Tubs *outer_skin_tube = new G4Tubs("si_outer_skin",
1142  supportparams->get_double_param("outer_skin_inner_radius") * cm,
1143  supportparams->get_double_param("outer_skin_outer_radius") * cm,
1144  supportparams->get_double_param("outer_skin_length") * cm / 2.,
1145  -M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI);
1146  G4LogicalVolume *outer_skin_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(outer_skin_tube, GetDetectorMaterial("CFRP_INTT"),
1147  "outer_skin_volume", 0, 0, 0);
1149  if (m_IsSupportActive > 0)
1150  {
1151  // m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(outer_skin_cfcin_volume, make_tuple(PHG4InttDefs::SUPPORT_DETID, PHG4InttDefs::INTT_OUTER_SKIN)));
1152  // m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(outer_skin_foam_volume, make_tuple(PHG4InttDefs::SUPPORT_DETID, PHG4InttDefs::INTT_OUTER_SKIN)));
1153  // m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(outer_skin_cfcout_volume, make_tuple(PHG4InttDefs::SUPPORT_DETID, PHG4InttDefs::INTT_OUTER_SKIN)));
1154  m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(outer_skin_volume, make_tuple(PHG4InttDefs::SUPPORT_DETID, PHG4InttDefs::INTT_OUTER_SKIN)));
1155  }
1156  // m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(outer_skin_cfcin_volume, "Skin");
1157  // m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(outer_skin_foam_volume, "Skin");
1158  // m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(outer_skin_cfcout_volume, "Skin");
1159  // new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0.0, 0), outer_skin_cfcin_volume,
1160  // "si_support_outer_skin_cfcin", trackerenvelope, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
1161  // new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0.0), outer_skin_foam_volume,
1162  // "si_support_outer_skin_foam", trackerenvelope, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
1163  // new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0.0), outer_skin_cfcout_volume,
1164  // "si_support_outer_skin_cfcout", trackerenvelope, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
1165  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(outer_skin_volume, "Skin");
1166  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0.0, 0), outer_skin_volume,
1167  "si_support_outer_skin_cfcin", trackerenvelope, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
1169  // Inner skin
1170  G4Tubs *inner_skin_tube = new G4Tubs("si_inner_skin",
1171  supportparams->get_double_param("inner_skin_inner_radius") * cm,
1172  supportparams->get_double_param("inner_skin_outer_radius") * cm,
1173  supportparams->get_double_param("inner_skin_length") * cm / 2.,
1174  -M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI);
1175  G4LogicalVolume *inner_skin_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(inner_skin_tube, GetDetectorMaterial("CFRP_INTT"),
1176  "inner_skin_volume", 0, 0, 0);
1177  if (m_IsSupportActive > 0)
1178  {
1179  m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(inner_skin_volume, make_tuple(PHG4InttDefs::SUPPORT_DETID, PHG4InttDefs::INTT_INNER_SKIN)));
1180  }
1181  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(inner_skin_volume, "Skin");
1183  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0.0), inner_skin_volume,
1184  "si_support_inner_skin", trackerenvelope, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
1186  // Service barrel outer ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1187  G4Tubs *service_barrel_outer_tube = new G4Tubs("si_service_barrel_outer",
1188  supportparams->get_double_param("service_barrel_outer_inner_radius") * cm,
1189  supportparams->get_double_param("service_barrel_outer_outer_radius") * cm,
1190  supportparams->get_double_param("service_barrel_outer_length") * cm / 2.,
1191  -M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI);
1192  G4LogicalVolume *service_barrel_outer_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(service_barrel_outer_tube, GetDetectorMaterial("CFRP_INTT"),
1193  "service_barrel_outer_volume", 0, 0, 0);
1194  if (m_IsSupportActive > 0)
1195  {
1196  m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(service_barrel_outer_volume, make_tuple(PHG4InttDefs::SUPPORT_DETID, PHG4InttDefs::SERVICE_BARREL_OUTER)));
1197  }
1198  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(service_barrel_outer_volume, "Skin");
1200  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0.0), service_barrel_outer_volume,
1201  "si_support_service_barrel_outer", trackerenvelope, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
1203  // Support Tube ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1204  G4Tubs *support_tube_tube = new G4Tubs("si_support_tube",
1205  supportparams->get_double_param("support_tube_inner_radius") * cm,
1206  supportparams->get_double_param("support_tube_outer_radius") * cm,
1207  supportparams->get_double_param("support_tube_length") * cm / 2.,
1208  -M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI);
1209  G4LogicalVolume *support_tube_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(support_tube_tube, GetDetectorMaterial("CFRP_INTT"),
1210  "support_tube_volume", 0, 0, 0);
1211  if (m_IsSupportActive > 0)
1212  {
1213  m_PassiveVolumeTuple.insert(make_pair(support_tube_volume, make_tuple(PHG4InttDefs::SUPPORT_DETID, PHG4InttDefs::SUPPORT_TUBE)));
1214  }
1215  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(support_tube_volume, "Skin");
1217  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0.0), support_tube_volume,
1218  "si_support_support_tube", trackerenvelope, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
1220  // Endcap ring in simulations = Endcap rings + endcap staves
1221  int inttlayer = (m_LayerBeginEndIteratorPair.first)->second;
1222  const PHParameters *params1 = m_ParamsContainer->GetParameters(inttlayer);
1223  const int laddertype = params1->get_int_param("laddertype");
1224  const PHParameters *params = m_ParamsContainer->GetParameters(laddertype);
1226  // Carbon PEEK ring ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1227  G4Tubs *endcap_CP_ring = new G4Tubs("endcap_CP_ring",
1228  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_CPring_inner_radius") * cm,
1229  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_CPring_outer_radius") * cm,
1230  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_CPring_length") * cm / 2.,
1231  -M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI);
1233  G4LogicalVolume *endcap_CP_ring_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(endcap_CP_ring, GetDetectorMaterial("CF30_PEEK70"),
1234  "endcap_CP_ring_volume", 0, 0, 0);
1235  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(endcap_CP_ring_volume, "EndcapCPRing");
1237  // new Al-PEEK ring from Jan/2021 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1238  // outermost part (Al)
1239  G4Tubs *endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_1 = new G4Tubs("endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_1",
1240  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_AlPEEK_Cring_1_outer_radius") * cm,
1241  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_1_outer_radius") * cm,
1242  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_length") * cm / 2.,
1243  -M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI);
1245  G4LogicalVolume *endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_1_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_1, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Al"),
1246  "endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_1_volume", 0, 0, 0);
1247  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_1_volume, "EndcapAlPEEK_Al1");
1249  // 2nd outermost part (Carbon PEEK)
1250  G4Tubs *endcap_AlPEEK_Cring_1 = new G4Tubs("endcap_AlPEEK_Cring_1",
1251  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_2_outer_radius") * cm,
1252  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_AlPEEK_Cring_1_outer_radius") * cm,
1253  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_AlPEEK_Cring_length") * cm / 2.,
1254  -M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI);
1256  G4LogicalVolume *endcap_AlPEEK_Cring_1_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(endcap_AlPEEK_Cring_1, GetDetectorMaterial("CF30_PEEK70"),
1257  "endcap_AlPEEK_Cring_1_volume", 0, 0, 0);
1258  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(endcap_AlPEEK_Cring_1_volume, "EndcapAlPEEK_C1");
1260  // 3rd outermost part (Al)
1261  G4Tubs *endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_2 = new G4Tubs("endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_2",
1262  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_AlPEEK_Cring_2_outer_radius") * cm,
1263  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_2_outer_radius") * cm,
1264  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_length") * cm / 2.,
1265  -M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI);
1267  G4LogicalVolume *endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_2_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_2, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Al"),
1268  "endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_2_volume", 0, 0, 0);
1269  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_2_volume, "EndcapAlPEEK_Al2");
1271  // 4th outermost part (Carbon PEEK)
1272  G4Tubs *endcap_AlPEEK_Cring_2 = new G4Tubs("endcap_AlPEEK_Cring_2",
1273  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_3_outer_radius") * cm,
1274  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_AlPEEK_Cring_2_outer_radius") * cm,
1275  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_AlPEEK_Cring_length") * cm / 2.,
1276  -M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI);
1278  G4LogicalVolume *endcap_AlPEEK_Cring_2_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(endcap_AlPEEK_Cring_2, GetDetectorMaterial("CF30_PEEK70"),
1279  "endcap_AlPEEK_Cring_2_volume", 0, 0, 0);
1280  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(endcap_AlPEEK_Cring_2_volume, "EndcapAlPEEK_C2");
1282  // 5th outermost part (innermost) (Al)
1283  G4Tubs *endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_3 = new G4Tubs("endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_3",
1284  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_3_inner_radius") * cm,
1285  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_3_outer_radius") * cm,
1286  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_length") * cm / 2.,
1287  -M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI);
1289  G4LogicalVolume *endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_3_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_3, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Al"),
1290  "endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_3_volume", 0, 0, 0);
1291  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_3_volume, "EndcapAlPEEK_Al3");
1294  if (m_IsEndcapActive)
1295  {
1296  double endcap_outer_edge_z = 0.0; // absolute z-coordinate of outer edge (furthest side from the origin) of the endcap, used for bus extender
1297  if (supportparams->get_int_param("endcap_ring_type") == 0) // Place Al endcap rings
1298  {
1299  // Aluminum ring
1300  G4Tubs *endcap_Al_ring = new G4Tubs("endcap_Al_ring",
1301  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_Alring_inner_radius") * cm,
1302  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_Alring_outer_radius") * cm,
1303  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_Alring_length") * cm / 2.,
1304  -M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI);
1306  G4LogicalVolume *endcap_Al_ring_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(endcap_Al_ring, GetDetectorMaterial("Al6061T6"),
1307  "endcap_Al_ring_volume", 0, 0, 0);
1309  // Stainlees steal ring
1310  G4Tubs *endcap_SS_ring = new G4Tubs("endcap_SS_ring",
1311  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_SSring_inner_radius") * cm,
1312  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_SSring_outer_radius") * cm,
1313  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_SSring_length") * cm / 2.,
1314  -M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI);
1316  G4LogicalVolume *endcap_SS_ring_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(endcap_SS_ring, GetDetectorMaterial("SS316"),
1317  "endcap_SS_ring_volume", 0, 0, 0);
1319  // Water Glycol ring
1320  G4Tubs *endcap_WG_ring = new G4Tubs("endcap_WG_ring",
1321  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_WGring_inner_radius") * cm,
1322  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_WGring_outer_radius") * cm,
1323  supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_WGring_length") * cm / 2.,
1324  -M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI);
1326  G4LogicalVolume *endcap_WG_ring_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(endcap_WG_ring, GetDetectorMaterial("WaterGlycol_INTT"),
1327  "endcap_WG_ring_volume", 0, 0, 0);
1329  double endcap_ring_z = supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_ring_z") * cm;
1330  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) // i=0 : positive z, i=1 negative z
1331  {
1332  endcap_ring_z = (i == 0) ? endcap_ring_z : -1.0 * endcap_ring_z;
1334  double width_WGring_z = supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_WGring_length") * cm;
1335  double width_SSring_z = supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_SSring_length") * cm;
1336  double width_Alring_z = supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_Alring_length") * cm;
1338  for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) // j=0 : positive side z, j=1 negative side z
1339  {
1340  width_WGring_z = (j == 0) ? width_WGring_z : -1.0 * width_WGring_z;
1341  width_SSring_z = (j == 0) ? width_SSring_z : -1.0 * width_SSring_z;
1342  width_Alring_z = (j == 0) ? width_Alring_z : -1.0 * width_Alring_z;
1344  double cent_WGring_z = endcap_ring_z + width_WGring_z / 2.;
1345  double cent_SSring_z = endcap_ring_z + width_WGring_z + width_SSring_z / 2.;
1346  double cent_Alring_z = endcap_ring_z + width_WGring_z + width_SSring_z + width_Alring_z / 2.;
1347  endcap_outer_edge_z = fabs(endcap_ring_z) + fabs(width_WGring_z + width_SSring_z + width_Alring_z / 2.); // absolute distance from origin
1349  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, cent_WGring_z),
1350  endcap_WG_ring_volume,
1351  (boost::format("endcap_WG_ring_pv_%d_%d") % i % j).str(),
1352  trackerenvelope, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
1354  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, cent_SSring_z),
1355  endcap_SS_ring_volume,
1356  (boost::format("endcap_SS_ring_pv_%d_%d") % i % j).str(),
1357  trackerenvelope, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
1359  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, cent_Alring_z),
1360  endcap_Al_ring_volume,
1361  (boost::format("endcap_Al_ring_pv_%d_%d") % i % j).str(),
1362  trackerenvelope, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
1363  } // end of the loop over positive/negative sides with j
1364  } // end of the loop over positive/negative sides with i
1365  } // end of endcap_ring_type == 0
1366  else if (supportparams->get_int_param("endcap_ring_type") == 1) // Place CP endcap rings
1367  {
1368  double endcap_ring_z = supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_CPring_z") * cm;
1370  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) // i=0 : positive z, i=1 negative z
1371  {
1372  endcap_ring_z = (i == 0) ? endcap_ring_z : -1.0 * endcap_ring_z;
1373  endcap_outer_edge_z = fabs(endcap_ring_z);
1375  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, endcap_ring_z),
1376  endcap_CP_ring_volume,
1377  (boost::format("endcap_CP_ring_pv_%d") % i).str(),
1378  trackerenvelope, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
1380  } // end of the loop over positive/negative sides
1381  } // end of endcap_ring_type == 1
1382  else if (supportparams->get_int_param("endcap_ring_type") == 2 ) // the new endcap introduced in Jan/2021
1383  {
1385  double si_0_width = params->get_double_param("strip_z_0") * params->get_int_param("nstrips_z_sensor_0") * cm
1386  + 2 * params->get_double_param("sensor_edge_z") * cm; // length of the smaller cells
1387  double si_1_width = params->get_double_param("strip_z_1") * params->get_int_param("nstrips_z_sensor_1") * cm
1388  + 2 * params->get_double_param("sensor_edge_z") * cm; // length of the larger cells
1389  double sifull_width = si_0_width + si_1_width; // length of the Si module
1390  double hdi_width = sifull_width + params->get_double_param("hdi_edge_z") * cm;
1391  double hdiext_width = params->get_double_param("halfladder_inside_z") * cm - sifull_width;
1392  double hdifull_width = hdi_width + hdiext_width; // length of a half lader
1393  double endcap_ring_z = hdifull_width + supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_AlPEEK_Cring_length") / 2.0 * cm;
1395  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) // i=0 : positive z, i=1 negative z
1396  {
1397  endcap_ring_z = (i == 0) ? endcap_ring_z : -1.0 * endcap_ring_z;
1398  endcap_outer_edge_z = fabs(endcap_ring_z) + supportparams->get_double_param("endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_length") * cm / 2.0;
1400  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, endcap_ring_z),
1401  endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_1_volume,
1402  (boost::format("endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_1_pv_%d") % i).str(),
1403  trackerenvelope, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
1405  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, endcap_ring_z),
1406  endcap_AlPEEK_Cring_1_volume,
1407  (boost::format("endcap_AlPEEK_Cring_1_pv_%d") % i).str(),
1408  trackerenvelope, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
1410  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, endcap_ring_z),
1411  endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_2_volume,
1412  (boost::format("endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_2_pv_%d") % i).str(),
1413  trackerenvelope, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
1415  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, endcap_ring_z),
1416  endcap_AlPEEK_Cring_2_volume,
1417  (boost::format("endcap_AlPEEK_Cring_2_pv_%d") % i).str(),
1418  trackerenvelope, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
1420  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, endcap_ring_z),
1421  endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_3_volume,
1422  (boost::format("endcap_AlPEEK_Alring_3_pv_%d") % i).str(),
1423  trackerenvelope, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
1425  }
1426  }
1430  // Mimic cylinders for the bus extender (very simplified for the moment)
1431  double bus_extender_radius_innermost = supportparams->get_double_param("bus_extender_radius") * cm;
1432  double bus_extender_length = supportparams->get_double_param("bus_extender_length") * cm;
1433  double bus_extender_copper_x = supportparams->get_double_param("bus_extender_copper_x") * cm;
1434  double bus_extender_kapton_x = supportparams->get_double_param("bus_extender_kapton_x") * cm;
1436  // copper layer of the bus extender for the inner barrel
1437  double inner_radius = bus_extender_radius_innermost;
1438  G4Tubs *bus_extender_copper_inner = new G4Tubs("bus_extender_coppe_innerr",
1439  inner_radius, inner_radius + bus_extender_copper_x,
1440  bus_extender_length / 2.0, -M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI);
1442  G4LogicalVolume *bus_extender_copper_inner_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(bus_extender_copper_inner, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Cu"),
1443  "bus_extender_copper_inner_volume", 0, 0, 0);
1444  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(bus_extender_copper_inner_volume, "BusExtenderCopperInner");
1446  // kapton layer of the bus extender for the inner barrel
1447  inner_radius += bus_extender_copper_x;
1448  G4Tubs *bus_extender_kapton_inner = new G4Tubs("bus_extender_kapton_inner",
1449  inner_radius, inner_radius + bus_extender_kapton_x,
1450  bus_extender_length / 2.0, -M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI);
1452  G4LogicalVolume *bus_extender_kapton_inner_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(bus_extender_kapton_inner, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_KAPTON"),
1453  "bus_extender_kapton_inner_volume", 0, 0, 0);
1454  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(bus_extender_kapton_inner_volume, "BusExtenderKaptonInner");
1456  // copper layer of the bus extender for the outer outerbarrel
1457  inner_radius += bus_extender_kapton_x;
1458  G4Tubs *bus_extender_copper_outer = new G4Tubs("bus_extender_copper_outer",
1459  inner_radius, inner_radius + bus_extender_copper_x,
1460  bus_extender_length / 2.0, -M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI);
1462  G4LogicalVolume *bus_extender_copper_outer_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(bus_extender_copper_outer, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_Cu"),
1463  "bus_extender_copper_outer_volume", 0, 0, 0);
1464  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(bus_extender_copper_outer_volume, "BusExtenderCopperOuter");
1466  // kapton layer of the bus extender for the outer barrel
1467  inner_radius += bus_extender_copper_x;
1468  G4Tubs *bus_extender_kapton_outer = new G4Tubs("bus_extender_kapton_outer",
1469  inner_radius, inner_radius + bus_extender_kapton_x,
1470  bus_extender_length / 2.0, -M_PI, 2.0 * M_PI);
1472  G4LogicalVolume *bus_extender_kapton_outer_volume = new G4LogicalVolume(bus_extender_kapton_outer, GetDetectorMaterial("G4_KAPTON"),
1473  "bus_extender_kapton_outer_volume", 0, 0, 0);
1474  m_DisplayAction->AddVolume(bus_extender_kapton_outer_volume, "BusExtenderKaptonOuter");
1476  double bus_extender_z = endcap_outer_edge_z;
1477  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) // loop over both positive and negative sides to put the cylinders, i=0 : positive z, i=1 negative z
1478  {
1479  // copper layer of bus extender for the inner barrel
1480  double cent_bus_extender_z = bus_extender_z + bus_extender_length / 2.0;
1481  cent_bus_extender_z *= (i == 0) ? 1.0 : -1.0;
1482  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, cent_bus_extender_z ),
1483  bus_extender_copper_inner_volume,
1484  (boost::format("bus_extender_copper_inner_layer_pv_%d") % i ).str(),
1485  trackerenvelope, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
1487  // kapton layer of bus extender for the inner barrel
1488  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, cent_bus_extender_z ),
1489  bus_extender_kapton_inner_volume,
1490  (boost::format("bus_extender_kapton_inner_layer_pv_%d") % i ).str(),
1491  trackerenvelope, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
1493  // copper layer of bus extender for the outer barrel
1494  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, cent_bus_extender_z ),
1495  bus_extender_copper_outer_volume,
1496  (boost::format("bus_extender_copper_outer_layer_pv_%d") % i ).str(),
1497  trackerenvelope, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
1499  // kapton layer of bus extender for the outer barrel
1500  new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(0, 0, cent_bus_extender_z ),
1501  bus_extender_kapton_outer_volume,
1502  (boost::format("bus_extender_kapton_outer_layer_pv_%d") % i ).str(),
1503  trackerenvelope, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
1504  }
1505  }
1507  return 0;
1508 }
1511 {
1512  int active = 0;
1513  // map<int, int>::const_iterator iter;
1514  for (auto iter = m_IsActiveMap.begin(); iter != m_IsActiveMap.end(); ++iter)
1515  {
1516  if (iter->second > 0)
1517  {
1518  active = 1;
1519  break;
1520  }
1521  }
1522  if (active)
1523  {
1524  std::string geonode = (m_SuperDetector != "NONE") ? (boost::format("CYLINDERGEOM_%s") % m_SuperDetector).str() : (boost::format("CYLINDERGEOM_%s") % m_DetectorType).str();
1526  PHG4CylinderGeomContainer *geo = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderGeomContainer>(topNode(), geonode);
1527  if (!geo)
1528  {
1529  geo = new PHG4CylinderGeomContainer();
1530  PHNodeIterator iter(topNode());
1531  PHCompositeNode *runNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "RUN"));
1532  PHIODataNode<PHObject> *newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(geo, geonode, "PHObject");
1533  runNode->addNode(newNode);
1534  }
1536  for (auto layeriter = m_LayerBeginEndIteratorPair.first; layeriter != m_LayerBeginEndIteratorPair.second; ++layeriter)
1537  {
1538  const int sphxlayer = layeriter->first;
1539  const int inttlayer = layeriter->second;
1540  int ilayer = inttlayer;
1541  const PHParameters *params_layer = m_ParamsContainer->GetParameters(inttlayer);
1542  const int laddertype = params_layer->get_int_param("laddertype");
1543  // parameters are stored in cm per our convention
1544  const PHParameters *params = m_ParamsContainer->GetParameters(laddertype);
1545  CylinderGeomIntt *mygeom = new CylinderGeomIntt(
1546  sphxlayer,
1547  params->get_double_param("strip_x"),
1548  params->get_double_param("strip_y"),
1549  params->get_double_param("strip_z_0"),
1550  params->get_double_param("strip_z_1"),
1551  params->get_int_param("nstrips_z_sensor_0"),
1552  params->get_int_param("nstrips_z_sensor_1"),
1553  params->get_int_param("nstrips_phi_sensor"),
1554  params_layer->get_int_param("nladder"),
1555  m_PosZ[ilayer][0] / cm, // m_PosZ uses G4 internal units, needs to be converted to cm
1556  m_PosZ[ilayer][1] / cm,
1557  m_SensorRadius[ilayer] / cm,
1558  0.0,
1559  params_layer->get_double_param("offsetphi") * deg / rad, // expects radians
1560  params_layer->get_double_param("offsetrot") * deg / rad);
1561  geo->AddLayerGeom(sphxlayer, mygeom);
1562  if (Verbosity() > 0)
1563  {
1564  geo->identify();
1565  }
1566  }
1567  }
1568 }
1570 map<G4VPhysicalVolume *, std::tuple<int, int, int, int>>::const_iterator
1571 PHG4InttDetector::get_ActiveVolumeTuple(G4VPhysicalVolume *physvol) const
1572 {
1573  auto iter = m_ActiveVolumeTuple.find(physvol);
1574  if (iter == m_ActiveVolumeTuple.end())
1575  {
1576  cout << PHWHERE << " Volume " << physvol->GetName() << " not in active volume tuple" << endl;
1577  gSystem->Exit(1);
1578  }
1579  return iter;
1580 }
1582 map<G4LogicalVolume *, std::tuple<int, int>>::const_iterator
1583 PHG4InttDetector::get_PassiveVolumeTuple(G4LogicalVolume *logvol) const
1584 {
1585  auto iter = m_PassiveVolumeTuple.find(logvol);
1586  if (iter == m_PassiveVolumeTuple.end())
1587  {
1588  cout << PHWHERE << " Volume " << logvol->GetName() << " not in passive volume tuple" << endl;
1589  gSystem->Exit(1);
1590  }
1591  return iter;
1592 }