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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file KalmanFitterTests.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2016-2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
37 #include <algorithm>
38 #include <cmath>
39 #include <random>
40 #include <vector>
42 #include <boost/math/distributions/chi_squared.hpp>
44 using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
46 namespace Acts {
47 namespace Test {
49 // A few initialisations and definitionas
50 using SourceLink = MinimalSourceLink;
51 using Jacobian = BoundMatrix;
54 using Resolution = std::pair<BoundIndices, double>;
55 using ElementResolution = std::vector<Resolution>;
56 using VolumeResolution = std::map<GeometryIdentifier::Value, ElementResolution>;
57 using DetectorResolution =
58  std::map<GeometryIdentifier::Value, VolumeResolution>;
60 std::normal_distribution<double> gauss(0., 1.);
61 std::default_random_engine generator(42);
63 ActsSymMatrixD<1> cov1D;
66 // Create a test context
71 template <BoundIndices... params>
77 struct MeasurementCreator {
79  MeasurementCreator() = default;
82  DetectorResolution detectorResolution;
84  struct this_result {
85  // The measurements
86  std::vector<FittableMeasurement<SourceLink>> measurements;
88  // The outliers
89  std::vector<FittableMeasurement<SourceLink>> outliers;
90  };
101  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
102  void operator()(propagator_state_t& state, const stepper_t& stepper,
103  result_type& result) const {
104  // monitor the current surface
105  auto surface = state.navigation.currentSurface;
106  if (surface and surface->associatedDetectorElement()) {
107  auto geoID = surface->geometryId();
108  auto volumeID = geoID.volume();
109  auto layerID = geoID.layer();
110  // find volume and layer information for this
111  auto vResolution = detectorResolution.find(volumeID);
112  if (vResolution != detectorResolution.end()) {
113  // find layer resolutions
114  auto lResolution = vResolution->second.find(layerID);
115  if (lResolution != vResolution->second.end()) {
116  // Apply global to local
117  Acts::Vector2D lPos =
118  surface
119  ->globalToLocal(state.geoContext,
120  stepper.position(state.stepping),
121  stepper.direction(state.stepping))
122  .value();
124  if (lResolution->second.size() == 1) {
125  double sp = lResolution->second[0].second;
126  cov1D << sp * sp;
127  double dp = sp * gauss(generator);
128  if (lResolution->second[0].first == eBoundLoc0) {
129  // push back & move a LOC_0 measurement
130  MeasurementType<eBoundLoc0> m0(surface->getSharedPtr(), {}, cov1D,
131  lPos[eBoundLoc0] + dp);
132  result.measurements.push_back(std::move(m0));
133  // push back & move a LOC_0 outlier
134  MeasurementType<eBoundLoc0> o0(surface->getSharedPtr(), {}, cov1D,
135  lPos[eBoundLoc0] + sp * 10);
136  result.outliers.push_back(std::move(o0));
137  } else {
138  // push back & move a LOC_1 measurement
139  MeasurementType<eBoundLoc1> m1(surface->getSharedPtr(), {}, cov1D,
140  lPos[eBoundLoc1] + dp);
141  result.measurements.push_back(std::move(m1));
142  // push back & move a LOC_1 outlier
143  MeasurementType<eBoundLoc1> o1(surface->getSharedPtr(), {}, cov1D,
144  lPos[eBoundLoc1] + sp * 10);
145  result.outliers.push_back(std::move(o1));
146  }
147  } else if (lResolution->second.size() == 2) {
148  // Create the measurment and move it
149  double sx = lResolution->second[eBoundLoc0].second;
150  double sy = lResolution->second[eBoundLoc1].second;
151  cov2D << sx * sx, 0., 0., sy * sy;
152  double dx = sx * gauss(generator);
153  double dy = sy * gauss(generator);
154  // push back & move a LOC_0, LOC_1 measurement
156  surface->getSharedPtr(), {}, cov2D, lPos[eBoundLoc0] + dx,
157  lPos[eBoundLoc1] + dy);
158  result.measurements.push_back(std::move(m01));
159  // push back & move a LOC_0, LOC_1 outlier
161  surface->getSharedPtr(), {}, cov2D, lPos[eBoundLoc0] + sx * 10,
162  lPos[eBoundLoc1] + sy * 10);
163  result.outliers.push_back(std::move(o01));
164  }
165  }
166  }
167  }
168  }
169 };
171 double dX, dY;
172 Vector3D pos;
173 const Surface* sur;
181  MaterialScattering() = default;
191  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t>
192  void operator()(propagator_state_t& state, const stepper_t& stepper) const {
193  // Check if there is a surface with material and a covariance is existing
194  if (state.navigation.currentSurface &&
195  state.navigation.currentSurface->surfaceMaterial() &&
196  state.stepping.cov != Covariance::Zero()) {
197  // Sample angles
198  std::normal_distribution<double> scatterAngle(
199  0., 0.017); //< \approx 1 degree
200  double dPhi = scatterAngle(generator), dTheta = scatterAngle(generator);
202  // Update the covariance
203  state.stepping.cov(eBoundPhi, eBoundPhi) += dPhi * dPhi;
204  state.stepping.cov(eBoundTheta, eBoundTheta) += dTheta * dTheta;
206  // Update the angles
207  auto direction = stepper.direction(state.stepping);
208  double theta = std::acos(direction.z());
209  double phi = std::atan2(direction.y(), direction.x());
211  state.stepping.update(
212  stepper.position(state.stepping),
213  {std::sin(theta + dTheta) * std::cos(phi + dPhi),
214  std::sin(theta + dTheta) * std::sin(phi + dPhi),
215  std::cos(theta + dTheta)},
216  std::max(stepper.momentum(state.stepping) -
218  0.));
219  }
220  }
221 };
225  double measurementSignificanceCutoff = 0;
227  double chi2Tolerance = 10e-5;
236  template <typename track_state_t>
237  bool operator()(const track_state_t& state) const {
238  // Can't determine if it's an outlier if no calibrated measurement or no
239  // predicted parameters
240  if (not state.hasCalibrated() or not state.hasPredicted()) {
241  return false;
242  }
244  // The predicted parameters coefficients
245  const auto& predicted = state.predicted();
246  // The predicted parameters covariance
247  const auto& predicted_covariance = state.predictedCovariance();
249  // Calculate the chi2 using predicted parameters and calibrated measurement
250  double chi2 = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
252  state.calibrated(), state.calibratedCovariance(),
253  state.calibratedSize(),
254  [&](const auto calibrated, const auto calibrated_covariance) {
255  constexpr size_t measdim = decltype(calibrated)::RowsAtCompileTime;
256  using par_t = ActsVectorD<measdim>;
258  // Take the projector (measurement mapping function)
260  state.projector().template topLeftCorner<measdim, eBoundSize>();
262  // Calculate the residual
263  const par_t residual = calibrated - H * predicted;
265  // Calculate the chi2
266  chi2 = (residual.transpose() *
267  ((calibrated_covariance +
268  H * predicted_covariance * H.transpose()))
269  .inverse() *
270  residual)
271  .eval()(0, 0);
272  });
274  // In case the chi2 is too small
275  if (std::abs(chi2) < chi2Tolerance) {
276  return false;
277  }
278  // The chisq distribution
279  boost::math::chi_squared chiDist(state.calibratedSize());
280  // The p-Value
281  double pValue = 1 - boost::math::cdf(chiDist, chi2);
282  // If pValue is NOT significant enough => outlier
283  return pValue > measurementSignificanceCutoff ? false : true;
284  }
285 };
290 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(kalman_fitter_zero_field) {
291  // Build detector
293  auto detector = cGeometry();
295  // Build navigator for the measurement creatoin
296  Navigator mNavigator(detector);
297  mNavigator.resolvePassive = false;
298  mNavigator.resolveMaterial = true;
299  mNavigator.resolveSensitive = true;
301  // Use straingt line stepper to create the measurements
302  StraightLineStepper mStepper;
304  // Define the measurement propagator
305  using MeasurementPropagator = Propagator<StraightLineStepper, Navigator>;
307  // Build propagator for the measurement creation
308  MeasurementPropagator mPropagator(mStepper, mNavigator);
309  Vector4D mPos4(-3_m, 0., 0., 42_ns);
310  Vector3D mDir(1, 0., 0);
311  NeutralCurvilinearTrackParameters mStart(mPos4, mDir, 1 / 1_GeV);
313  // Create action list for the measurement creation
314  using MeasurementActions = ActionList<MeasurementCreator>;
315  using MeasurementAborters = AbortList<EndOfWorldReached>;
317  auto pixelResX = Resolution(eBoundLoc0, 25_um);
318  auto pixelResY = Resolution(eBoundLoc1, 50_um);
319  auto stripResX = Resolution(eBoundLoc0, 100_um);
320  auto stripResY = Resolution(eBoundLoc1, 150_um);
322  ElementResolution pixelElementRes = {pixelResX, pixelResY};
323  ElementResolution stripElementResI = {stripResX};
324  ElementResolution stripElementResO = {stripResY};
326  VolumeResolution pixelVolumeRes;
327  pixelVolumeRes[2] = pixelElementRes;
328  pixelVolumeRes[4] = pixelElementRes;
330  VolumeResolution stripVolumeRes;
331  stripVolumeRes[2] = stripElementResI;
332  stripVolumeRes[4] = stripElementResO;
333  stripVolumeRes[6] = stripElementResI;
334  stripVolumeRes[8] = stripElementResO;
336  DetectorResolution detRes;
337  detRes[2] = pixelVolumeRes;
338  detRes[3] = stripVolumeRes;
340  // Set options for propagator
343  auto& mCreator = mOptions.actionList.get<MeasurementCreator>();
344  mCreator.detectorResolution = detRes;
346  // Launch and collect - the measurements
347  auto mResult = mPropagator.propagate(mStart, mOptions).value();
349  // Extract measurements from result of propagation.
350  // This vector owns the measurements
351  std::vector<FittableMeasurement<SourceLink>> measurements = std::move(
352  mResult.template get<MeasurementCreator::result_type>().measurements);
353  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(measurements.size(), 6u);
355  // Make a vector of source links as input to the KF
356  std::vector<SourceLink> sourcelinks;
357  std::transform(measurements.begin(), measurements.end(),
358  std::back_inserter(sourcelinks),
359  [](const auto& m) { return SourceLink{&m}; });
361  // The KalmanFitter - we use the eigen stepper for covariance transport
362  // Build navigator for the measurement creatoin
363  Navigator rNavigator(detector);
364  rNavigator.resolvePassive = false;
365  rNavigator.resolveMaterial = true;
366  rNavigator.resolveSensitive = true;
368  // Configure propagation with deactivated B-field
369  ConstantBField bField(Vector3D(0., 0., 0.));
370  using RecoStepper = EigenStepper<ConstantBField>;
371  RecoStepper rStepper(bField);
372  using RecoPropagator = Propagator<RecoStepper, Navigator>;
373  RecoPropagator rPropagator(rStepper, rNavigator);
375  // Set initial parameters for the particle track
376  Covariance cov;
377  cov << 1000_um, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1000_um, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.05,
378  0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.05, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.01, 0., 0., 0.,
379  0., 0., 0., 1.;
381  Vector4D rPos4(-3_m, 10_um * gauss(generator), 100_um * gauss(generator),
382  42_ns);
383  Vector3D rDir(1_GeV, 0.025 * gauss(generator), 0.025 * gauss(generator));
384  CurvilinearTrackParameters rStart(rPos4, rDir, 1_e / 1_GeV, cov);
386  const Surface* rSurface = &rStart.referenceSurface();
388  using Updater = GainMatrixUpdater;
389  using Smoother = GainMatrixSmoother;
390  using KalmanFitter =
393  MinimalOutlierFinder outlierFinder;
394  outlierFinder.measurementSignificanceCutoff = 0.05;
395  auto kfLogger = getDefaultLogger("KalmanFilter", Logging::VERBOSE);
398  tgContext, mfContext, calContext, outlierFinder, LoggerWrapper{*kfLogger},
399  PropagatorPlainOptions(), rSurface);
401  KalmanFitter kFitter(rPropagator);
403  // Fit the track
404  auto fitRes = kFitter.fit(sourcelinks, rStart, kfOptions);
405  BOOST_CHECK(fitRes.ok());
406  auto& fittedTrack = *fitRes;
407  auto fittedParameters = fittedTrack.fittedParameters.value();
409  // Calculate global track parameters covariance matrix
410  const auto& [trackParamsCov, stateRowIndices] =
411  detail::globalTrackParametersCovariance(fittedTrack.fittedStates,
412  fittedTrack.trackTip);
414  // Check the size of the global track parameters size
415  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stateRowIndices.size(), 6);
416  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(stateRowIndices.at(fittedTrack.trackTip), 30);
417  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(trackParamsCov.rows(), 6 * eBoundSize);
419  // Make sure it is deterministic
420  fitRes = kFitter.fit(sourcelinks, rStart, kfOptions);
421  BOOST_CHECK(fitRes.ok());
422  auto& fittedAgainTrack = *fitRes;
423  auto fittedAgainParameters = fittedAgainTrack.fittedParameters.value();
425  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(fittedParameters.parameters().template head<5>(),
426  fittedAgainParameters.parameters().template head<5>(), 1e-5);
427  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(fittedParameters.parameters().template tail<1>(),
428  fittedAgainParameters.parameters().template tail<1>(), 1e-5);
430  // Fit without target surface
431  kfOptions.referenceSurface = nullptr;
432  fitRes = kFitter.fit(sourcelinks, rStart, kfOptions);
433  BOOST_CHECK(fitRes.ok());
434  auto fittedWithoutTargetSurface = *fitRes;
435  // Check if there is no fitted parameters
436  BOOST_CHECK(fittedWithoutTargetSurface.fittedParameters == std::nullopt);
438  // Reset the target surface
439  kfOptions.referenceSurface = rSurface;
441  // Change the order of the sourcelinks
442  std::vector<SourceLink> shuffledMeasurements = {
443  sourcelinks[3], sourcelinks[2], sourcelinks[1],
444  sourcelinks[4], sourcelinks[5], sourcelinks[0]};
446  // Make sure it works for shuffled measurements as well
447  fitRes = kFitter.fit(shuffledMeasurements, rStart, kfOptions);
448  BOOST_CHECK(fitRes.ok());
449  auto& fittedShuffledTrack = *fitRes;
450  auto fittedShuffledParameters = fittedShuffledTrack.fittedParameters.value();
452  CHECK_CLOSE_REL(fittedParameters.parameters().template head<5>(),
453  fittedShuffledParameters.parameters().template head<5>(),
454  1e-5);
455  CHECK_CLOSE_ABS(fittedParameters.parameters().template tail<1>(),
456  fittedShuffledParameters.parameters().template tail<1>(),
457  1e-5);
459  // Remove one measurement and find a hole
460  std::vector<SourceLink> measurementsWithHole = {
461  sourcelinks[0], sourcelinks[1], sourcelinks[2], sourcelinks[4],
462  sourcelinks[5]};
464  // Make sure it works for shuffled measurements as well
465  fitRes = kFitter.fit(measurementsWithHole, rStart, kfOptions);
466  BOOST_CHECK(fitRes.ok());
467  auto& fittedWithHoleTrack = *fitRes;
468  auto fittedWithHoleParameters = fittedWithHoleTrack.fittedParameters.value();
470  // Calculate global track parameters covariance matrix
471  const auto& [holeTrackTrackParamsCov, holeTrackStateRowIndices] =
472  detail::globalTrackParametersCovariance(fittedWithHoleTrack.fittedStates,
473  fittedWithHoleTrack.trackTip);
475  // Check the size of the global track parameters size
476  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(holeTrackStateRowIndices.size(), 6);
477  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(holeTrackStateRowIndices.at(fittedWithHoleTrack.trackTip),
478  30);
479  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(holeTrackTrackParamsCov.rows(), 6 * eBoundSize);
481  // Count one hole
482  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(fittedWithHoleTrack.missedActiveSurfaces.size(), 1u);
483  // And the parameters should be different
484  //~
485  // BOOST_CHECK(!Acts::Test::checkCloseRel(fittedParameters.parameters().template
486  // head<5>(), ~ fittedWithHoleParameters.parameters().template head<5>(), ~
487  // 1e-6));
488  BOOST_CHECK(!Acts::Test::checkCloseRel(fittedParameters.parameters(),
489  fittedWithHoleParameters.parameters(),
490  1e-6));
492  // Run KF fit in backward filtering mode
493  kfOptions.backwardFiltering = true;
494  // Fit the track
495  fitRes = kFitter.fit(sourcelinks, rStart, kfOptions);
496  BOOST_CHECK(fitRes.ok());
497  auto fittedWithBwdFiltering = *fitRes;
498  // Check the filtering and smoothing status flag
499  BOOST_CHECK(fittedWithBwdFiltering.forwardFiltered);
500  BOOST_CHECK(not fittedWithBwdFiltering.smoothed);
502  // Count the number of 'smoothed' states
503  auto trackTip = fittedWithBwdFiltering.trackTip;
504  auto mj = fittedWithBwdFiltering.fittedStates;
505  size_t nSmoothed = 0;
506  mj.visitBackwards(trackTip, [&](const auto& state) {
507  if (state.hasSmoothed())
508  nSmoothed++;
509  });
510  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nSmoothed, 6u);
512  // Reset to use smoothing formalism
513  kfOptions.backwardFiltering = false;
515  // Extract outliers from result of propagation.
516  // This vector owns the outliers
517  std::vector<FittableMeasurement<SourceLink>> outliers = std::move(
518  mResult.template get<MeasurementCreator::result_type>().outliers);
520  // Replace one measurement with outlier
521  std::vector<SourceLink> measurementsWithOneOutlier = {
522  sourcelinks[0], sourcelinks[1], sourcelinks[2],
523  SourceLink{&outliers[3]}, sourcelinks[4], sourcelinks[5]};
525  // Make sure it works with one outlier
526  fitRes = kFitter.fit(measurementsWithOneOutlier, rStart, kfOptions);
527  BOOST_CHECK(fitRes.ok());
528  auto& fittedWithOneOutlier = *fitRes;
530  // Count the number of outliers
531  trackTip = fittedWithOneOutlier.trackTip;
532  mj = fittedWithOneOutlier.fittedStates;
533  size_t nOutliers = 0;
534  mj.visitBackwards(trackTip, [&](const auto& state) {
535  auto typeFlags = state.typeFlags();
536  if (typeFlags.test(TrackStateFlag::OutlierFlag)) {
537  nOutliers++;
538  }
539  });
540  BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(nOutliers, 1u);
541 }
543 } // namespace Test
544 } // namespace Acts