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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file AnalyticFieldModel.cc
2 #include "AnalyticFieldModel.h"
3 #include "TFormula.h"
4 #include "TVector3.h"
6 #include <cstdio>
8 AnalyticFieldModel::AnalyticFieldModel(float _ifc_radius, float _ofc_radius, float _z_max, float scalefactor)
9 {
10  double ifc_radius = _ifc_radius;
11  double ofc_radius = _ofc_radius;
12  double tpc_halfz = _z_max;
14  double sum = ifc_radius + ofc_radius; //338 in ALICE, [3] in args
15  double prod = ifc_radius * ofc_radius; //21250.75 in ALICE [4] in args
16  double diff = ofc_radius - ifc_radius;
18  double a = ofc_radius * ofc_radius;
19  a *= (diff);
20  a *= (diff);
21  //a = a/1000.0;
22  a = 1 / a;
23  a *= scalefactor;
24  double b = 0.5;
25  double c = 1.0 / (((tpc_halfz) / 2.0) * ((tpc_halfz) / 2.0));
26  double d = sum;
27  double e = prod;
29  vTestFunction1 = new TFormula("f1", "[0]*(x^4 - [3] *x^3 + [4] * x^2)*cos([1]* y)^2*exp(-1* [2] * z^2)");
30  rhoTestFunction1 = new TFormula("ff1", "[0]*(((16.0 * x^2 - 9.0 * [3] * x + 4.0*[4]) *cos([1] * y)^2 * exp(-1 *[2]*z^2)) - ((x^2 - [3] * x + [4]) * 2 * [1]^2 * cos(2 * [1] * y) * exp(-1 *[2]*z^2)) + ((x^4 - [3] * x^3 + [4] * x^2) * cos([1] * y)^2 * (4*[2]^2*z^2 - 2 * [2]) * exp(-1 *[2]*z^2)))");
32  erTestFunction1 = new TFormula("er", " [0]*(4*x^3 - 3 * [3] *x^2 + 2 * [4] * x)*cos([1]* y)^2*exp(-1* [2] * z^2)");
33  ePhiTestFunction1 = new TFormula("ePhi",
34  " [0]*(x^3 - [3] *x^2 + [4] * x)* -1 * [1] * sin(2 * [1]* y)*exp(-1* [2] * z^2)");
35  ezTestFunction1 = new TFormula("ez",
36  " [0]*(x^4 - [3] *x^3 + [4] * x^2)*cos([1]* y)^2*-1*2*[2]*z*exp(-1* [2] * z^2)");
38  intErDzTestFunction1 = new TFormula("intErDz",
39  " [0]*(4*x^3 - 3 * [3] *x^2 + 2 * [4] * x)*cos([1]* y)^2*((sqrt(pi)*TMath::Erf(sqrt([2]) * z))/(2 * sqrt([2]))) ");
40  intEPhiDzTestFunction1 = new TFormula("intEPhiDz",
41  "[0]* (x^3 - [3] *x^2 + [4] * x)* -1 * [1] * sin(2 * [1]* y)*((sqrt(pi)*TMath::Erf(sqrt([2]) * z))/(2 * sqrt([2])))");
42  intEzDzTestFunction1 = new TFormula("intEzDz",
43  "[0]* (x^4 - [3] *x^3 + [4] * x^2)*cos([1]* y)^2*exp(-1* [2] * z^2)");
45  printf("Setting Analytic Formula, variables:\n");
46  printf("ifc=%f\tofc=%f\tdelz=%f\ndiff=%f\tscale=%f\n", ifc_radius, ofc_radius, tpc_halfz, diff, scalefactor);
47  printf("a=%E\nb=%E\nc=%E\nd=%f\ne=%f\n", a, b, c, d, e);
49  vTestFunction1->SetParameters(a, b, c, d, e);
50  rhoTestFunction1->SetParameters(a, b, c, d, e);
51  //printf("rho value at (rmid,1,zmid)=%f\n",
53  erTestFunction1->SetParameters(-a, b, c, d, e);
54  ePhiTestFunction1->SetParameters(-a, b, c, d, e);
55  ezTestFunction1->SetParameters(-a, b, c, d, e);
56  intErDzTestFunction1->SetParameters(-a, b, c, d, e);
57  intEPhiDzTestFunction1->SetParameters(-a, b, c, d, e);
58  intEzDzTestFunction1->SetParameters(-a, b, c, d, e);
59  return;
60 }
62 TVector3 AnalyticFieldModel::E(TVector3 pos)
63 { //field as a function of position
64  //in rhat phihat zhat coordinates: (at phi=0, phi is the +Y position, Perp is the +X direction and Z is Z)
65  TVector3 ret(erTestFunction1->Eval(pos.Perp(), pos.Phi(), pos.Z()),
66  ePhiTestFunction1->Eval(pos.Perp(), pos.Phi(), pos.Z()),
67  ezTestFunction1->Eval(pos.Perp(), pos.Phi(), pos.Z()));
68  //now rotate this to the position we evaluated it at, to match the global coordinate system.
69  ret.RotateZ(pos.Phi());
70  return ret;
71 }
73 double AnalyticFieldModel::Rho(TVector3 pos)
74 { //charge density as a function of position
75  const double alice_chargescale = 8.85e-14; //their rho has charge density in units of C/cm^3 /eps0. This is eps0 in (V*cm)/C units so that I can multiple by the volume in cm^3 to get Q in C.
76  //at phi=0, phi is the +Y position, Perp is the +X direction and Z is Z.
77  return alice_chargescale * rhoTestFunction1->Eval(pos.Perp(), pos.Phi(), pos.Z());
78 }
80 TVector3 AnalyticFieldModel::Eint(float zfinal, TVector3 pos)
81 { //field integral from 'pos' to z-position zfinal.
82  //in rhat phihat zhat coordinates: (at phi=0, phi is the +Y position, Perp is the +X direction and Z is Z)
83  TVector3 eintI, eintF;
84  eintI.SetXYZ(intErDzTestFunction1->Eval(pos.Perp(), pos.Phi(), pos.Z()),
85  intEPhiDzTestFunction1->Eval(pos.Perp(), pos.Phi(), pos.Z()),
86  intEzDzTestFunction1->Eval(pos.Perp(), pos.Phi(), pos.Z()));
87  eintF.SetXYZ(intErDzTestFunction1->Eval(pos.Perp(), pos.Phi(), zfinal),
88  intEPhiDzTestFunction1->Eval(pos.Perp(), pos.Phi(), zfinal),
89  intEzDzTestFunction1->Eval(pos.Perp(), pos.Phi(), zfinal));
91  TVector3 ret = eintF - eintI;
92  // printf("Integrating z=%E to z=%E, delz=%E. Before rotation, field integrals: (xyz) (%E,%E,%E) to (%E,%E,%E), diff=(%E,%E,%E)\n",pos.Z(),zfinal,zfinal-pos.Z(),eintI.X(),eintI.Y(),eintI.Z(),eintF.X(),eintF.Y(),eintF.Z(),ret.X(),ret.Y(),ret.Z());
93  //now rotate this to the position we evaluated it at, to match the global coordinate system.
94  ret.RotateZ(pos.Phi());
95  return ret;
96 }